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05x02 - Parental Approval

Posted: 04/23/24 19:58
by bunniefuu
Evelyn: previously on
"90 day fiancé"...

I've known luis for 2 months.

Now, he's my fiancé.

Are you ready?


My oldest daughter

Is having
a bit of a difficult time.

He's not gonna take me
away from you.

Are you kidding? Yeah.
He's really not.

It just doesn't
make sense to me.

[ Sniffles ]


Nicole: I met azan in person
on my trip to morocco.

Even with everything
that happened,

We're still engaged.

And I asked my dad

To sponsor azan
for the k-1 visa.

We'll sponsor him.

But that doesn't mean
you have to marry him.

We're gonna take a plane.

Robbalee: isn't there
something we can do

To get to you leave mae here?

Everything will be okay.


Annie makes me feel like
I already hit the lottery.

Annie's parents
require a dowry.

Evelyn: and coming up...

the second that I met david,

It was love at first sight,

And it felt like a fairy tale.

[ Both chuckle ]

Mikayla: it just doesn't
make sense to me...

Why you had to do it so young
and so fast.

Evelyn: we're in love.

That's all that matters.

Robbalee: if you get over there
and things don't go well,

You get back on the plane,
and you come home.

Bye-bye, grandma.
Come on.

[ Crying ] I feel like a big
chunk of my heart just left.


David: gold is a significant
part of the engagement.

I have to sort out
the finances of it.

A lot of those guys
from the dominican republic

Used this particular situation
to get citizenship.

He might be a bigot
in sheep's clothing.

I need you to tell me
everything's gonna be okay.


[ Rhythmic clapping ]


May, may.


Nicole: it's the morning
of my trip to morocco,

And we're about to head
to the airport

So I can see azan.

[ Cellphone chiming ]

It's been about six months
since I've seen azan in person.

[ Chiming continues ]

I'm trying to call him
for like two days now.

It's been, like,
harder this time around

On the phone and texting.

Like, it feels like maybe
he's a little more withdrawn

And maybe not as lovey-dovey
as he used to be.

And it's made the long-distance
relationship a lot harder.

[ Knock on door ]



I'm tired.

This trip is for me and for may
to see how azan is.

Can he watch her by himself?

Can he take care of her?

And I want to see

If he could be
a good father to her

Before he comes to america
and we get married.

[ Sighs ]

Robbalee: may, you about ready
to go bye-bye?

did you bring the diapers?

I forgot everything.

You should have been awake

And sending me
a text message.

[ Sighs ]

I think the longest trip

That I've actually
taken may on

Wasn't even very long.

It was just to a different city
in florida.

So, part of this trip
is showing my parents

That I can
take care of me and may,

You know, even when
we're out of the country.

Oh, my god.

I almost forgot
the passports.

That would be bad.

Why am I
so unorganized today?!


That's you.

Yes. Come on.

It's a really big
financial risk

For my dad to sponsor azan.

If I screw up this trip,

Then it could make problems
for them.


Oh, my gosh.

This time is so different.

Packing with may
is so much harder.

You know... If you think
packing with may is hard,

Spend two months with may.

Mom, I'm her mom.

All by yourself.

My whole family
isn't happy

That I'm taking may
with me to morocco,

Especially my mom.

She's so worried
that, you know,

Something's gonna happen
to us or to may...

Just a lot of
overdramatic mom stuff.

So, if this trip
is as bad as the last trip

And you guys fight and he
doesn't take you anywhere,

He doesn't take you out,

Are you gonna be happy
with that,

Or are you finally gonna say,
you know, "enough's enough"?

If azan doesn't treat me

The way that
I should be treated

While I'm there,

Then that could be
a deal-breaker.

This time around,

I'm really trying to avoid
us fighting.

You know,
even if you're mad at someone,

You shouldn't say
the things that you said to me.

if I say stuff like this,

It doesn't mean that
I don't love you, okay?

I just want to...
But I'm not your perfect woman.

But you...

he was hoping you had...

Were gonna drop
a few pounds.

[ Scoffs ]

I don't know that you've been
trying very hard.

Have you?

I don't know if azan
will say anything about,

You know,
my healthy lifestyle or not.

Nicole: [ panting ]

I don't exercise.

This is
not a thing for me.


Nicole: I told azan

That I would be more healthy
when I'm at home

And try to exercise.


Didn't work out too much.

[ Chuckles ]

[ May speaking
indistinctly ]


Don't forget...

If you get over there
and things don't go well,

You get back on the plane,
and you come home.


You have more than yourself
to consider, right?

That's why I'm going back

To make sure
everything is okay

Before the visa is done.

That's probably
the smartest thing

I think
I've ever heard you say.

It would have been smarter
if you'd left may.

Oh, my gosh.

Robbalee: I just wish
she would have been

More concerned
about may's welfare.

[ Sighs ]

Look! Look, plane!

In her mind, she has
the right ideas put there

For what she's looking for,

What she's looking
to accomplish,

But I don't think she's really
put a full understanding

On what could be
the consequences

Of taking may over there.

You ready
to go on a plane?

[ Breathing quickly ]

There was, like, a moment
when I didn't want to take may,

'Cause, like, a lot of my family
were offering to watch her.

But two months is just so long
to be away from her,

And I think, once my mom sees
that azan is a good father

And to see how he is with her,

I think she will feel better.

[ Babbling ]

[ Sighs ] gate "e."

[ Cellphone ringing ]

Nicole: I haven't spoke to azan
for like two days.

And, you know, even though
I know that he loves me,

You know, from everything
that happened,

I think maybe there's still
a little bit

That doubts a little.

I just hope that he'll be
at the airport in morocco.

I'm leaving.

[ Sighs ]
don't cry.

[ May babbling ]

I couldn't help it.

I love you.
I love you, too.

Hug grandma.

Hug, hug, hug, hug!

I love you.

Say, "I'll miss you."

I'll miss you.

[ Voice breaking ]
I'll miss you, too.

Oh, mama, don't cry.

I still got to make it

The stomach's
already turning.

[ May babbling ]

My mom is a big part
of may's life.

She really helps out a lot.

She says that may
is like her best friend

'Cause she's there so much.

Bye-bye, grandma.

Bye-bye, grandma.

Come on.


[ Beeps ]

Say bye-bye.

Bye, mom!
Love you!

Come on.

[ Smooches ]

Kisses. Blow a kiss.


Robbalee: [ crying ] I just got
a... A bad feeling about this.

I'm a little bit scared.

Just waiting
for our plane now.

It's hard watching her
get on the plane and...

...leave with my grandbaby


Nicole: may,
we getting on the plane?

You ready?


I feel like a big chunk
of my heart just...

Just left.

[ Sniffles ]


[ Airplane engine roars ]

* Ba-ba, ba-da-da-da *

* Da-ba, ba-da-da-da *

* Da-ba, ba-da-da-da *

* Da-ba, ba-da-da *

Jacalyn: hey, honey, you want to help me?
Making some dinner.

What did you want
in the salad?

Tomato, cucumber,

And I have some
shredded carrots there.

My name's evelyn,
I'm 18 years old,

And I live in
claremont, new hampshire.


Right now, I'm living
with my mom, my dad...

Smells good.

...and my younger brother,

I would definitely say

That I'm closer to my family
than most 18-year-olds.

- Want to say grace?
- Sure.

Father in heaven,
thank you for this food.

My family and I
are devout christians,

And we do everything

And we're just inseparable.

- Amen.
- Amen.

all right, dig in.

So, I was thinking
about evelyn's new song,

During the bridge...

Maybe that you did something
that kind of just builds.

- Right.
- Yeah, definitely.

we could get creative.

I'm a singer/songwriter.

I actually sing in a band
with my family.

We first started
playing together

When I was like 10 or 11.


And then, after that,
I started gigging out...

Being hired
at local restaurants.

[ "Carte postal" plays ]

* Will you remember my name? *

I recently released
my first e.p.

And so, from that,

I've been building
my followers on social media

And my own website.

[ Music ends ]

I get guys reach out to me
pretty often over social media.


Most of the messages that I get
are really creepy.


I usually ignore them,
or I click the "block" button.


But, then,
a guy sent me a message

And just kind of said,

"Hey, you're really cute,

And your music's really nice.

My name's david."

There was just something
different about it,

And I answered him back.

And it changed
my life forever.

[ Woman singing
in native language ]

David is about

And to be honest,

I totally disregarded him
as even an option,

Just because I thought,

"Why would this older guy

Want to start something with me
across an ocean?"

[ Singing continues ]

But it developed into
more than just an attraction.

I knew right away that
it was different with david.

My family and friends thought
my relationship with david

Was moving
a little bit too fast,

And they were
really surprised

When I got my ticket
to go see david in spain.

[ Airplane engine roaring ]

I was so nervous.

I was like..."This is crazy.

This is crazy.

I am a crazy person."


From the second
that I met david,

It was like...
It sounds so stupid...

Love at first sight.

I didn't even know that was real
until I saw david.

[ Chuckles ]

[ Indistinct conversations ]

In granada,
there is a castle.

We had been walking
up the pathway to the castle.

And at this beautiful
stone arch,

He got down on one knee
and told me, "I love you.

I want to spend
the rest of my life with you."


And it felt like a fairy tale,

And it was beautiful
and wonderful and magical.


[ Ringing ]

After we got engaged,

David and I applied
for the k-1 visa.

Evelyn: [ gasps ]


The whole visa process has just
been so stressful and crazy.

David's interview's this week,

And if it's approved,
he'll be coming really soon.

Are you nervous?




What are we gonna do
if you don't get the visa?


I've been talking
to pastor tim,

And they've agreed
to let you live there

For, like, the 90 days.

[ Chuckles ]

David and I
share the same convictions,

And so we won't be sleeping
under the same roof

Until our wedding night.

We're both virgins,

So we believe, you know,

You wait till marriage
to have sex,

And it is difficult at times.

[ Both laugh ]


David and I
love each other so much,

But I do worry if he's even
going to be happy here.

My family's been
a really big supporter

Of my relationship with david,

But it's gonna be a huge
adjustment for everybody.

i love you.

I love you, too.


[ Insects chirping ]
[ guitar strums ]

- Okay.
- Okay.

- Ready?
- Yeah.

* Break me down for the scars
I've got on my soul *

* Oh, I can't change for you *

If we can just
nail those transitions.


Does david have
any musical talent or...?

Um... No.

Even though
he's not musical,

He's still,
you know, excited.

I am actually
very optimistic

About david's addition
to our family.

Jacalyn: we've always been
praying for evelyn's spouse,

And we really feel like david
is the one for her.

when david gets here,

How are we gonna find time
for you guys to practice?

Or, you know, are you gonna be
booking more gigs?

I prefer to stay

Pretty available
for wedding planning,

And I don't really need
more stress.

So I'll finish out my gigs
for the next couple months,

But after that,
I think I'll take a break.

Solomon: when david comes,

I'm a little worried
that music

Will kind of fall off
the deep end, you know?

If my sister were
to leave the band,

You know, that would be a...
A big part of my life,

A piece of me,
if you will, gone.

He says that he'll do
whatever it is

That my music takes me,

Go wherever it involves.


I think that my family

Is concerned about
david breaking up the band.

They're a little bit worried,

That we won't spend
as much time together

And that... I don't know.

We've been a family
my whole life,

And now
I'm getting married at 18.

But david and I
love each other so much,

And we're ready
to start our lives together.

What about your dad?

Molly: in his mind,

People need to stay
where they're from.

He might be a bigot
in sheep's clothing.


David: this has been
overwhelming for me.

Can I give a deposit
and come back tomorrow?

If you want somebody

That already has
a million dollars in the bank,

I'm sorry... I don't.


The love of my life.

Luis is 26.

He's from
the dominican republic.

And he's coming here
in, like, a couple days.

[ Chimes ]

And then, I have 90 days
to marry this man.

I am so excited,

But not everybody in my family
is on board with it.

I was doing makeup
with my oldest daughter,

And she just really
lost it.

He loves me,
and he wants to love you, too.

And he's not going to take me,
like, away from you.

What are
you talking about?


Hey, honey.

Hey, mom.

Hey. How you doing?
How are you?

I called my mom
to meet me for lunch

Because she really is
my very best friend.

And I just need her support

Because olivia
is really not about it.

I needed time with my girl

Because it's just been,
like, crazy.

Luis is coming and...

I know.
[ Chuckles ]

You nervous?


I'm kind of nervous, too.

Becky: when she told me
she was getting married,

To be honest, at first,
I was a little, you know,

"Oh, this is just gonna be
a little fling."

And when I realized
it was a serious thing,

Then I got serious
about her happiness.


So, what's the plans
for the wedding?

Has luis talked about
any of their traditions?

I mean,
I don't know what they do.

I don't think
they jump the broom.

And I don't think
they, like, "mazel tov!"

And break glasses.

I have no idea
what they do in the dominican,

But whatever it is,
we're gonna do it.

[ Laughing ]

I mean, when you look at it,
it is kind of crazy.

[ Laughs ]

Well, my baby girl's
about to be settled,

And I'm happy for you.

But I feel strange.

I feel like maybe a part of
your need for me

Might be... Less.


I do need you.

I need you to be there
to tell me

[Crying] that everything's
gonna be okay, you know?

I might not need you...

You know, it's heavy.

And livvy feels the same way,
you know?

And I don't want her to think
somebody's taking her place,

'Cause they're not.

I love her,

But I have to love me,

And this is important
for me.

I have too much love
to give.

I need someone
to share my life with

Besides my kids.

I think olivia feels like

She's had her mom to herself

Without a male being around

For quite some time.

And they're so close,

If... She sees her mother happy,

She's gonna be good with it.

But she's gonna hold back
on her judgment

Until she sees
how he's gonna treat her mother.

What about your dad?

What are
your dad's feelings?

[ Normal voice ]
dad's like...

He truly believes
that luis is coming here

So that he can be
a citizen of the united states.


Molly: my parents got divorced
when I was 5 years old,

Probably for obvious reasons.

My mom travels.
She loves the world.

And my dad's okay
to live right where he's living

For the rest of his life.

In his mind,

People need to stay
where they're from.


Can I say that

He might be a bigot
in sheep's clothing?


I [sniffles] wish
that he could see

How wonderful
his daughter is

And believe
that somebody could love her

For who she is and not what
they can get from her.

Molly's tried so hard
her entire life

To get acceptance of who she is
from her father.

And he's just not a fan

Of her marrying someone
from another country...

Or of a different skin tone,
for that matter.

You gonna have your daddy
give you away?

I have no idea.


Molly: I hope that my dad
wants to be a part

And wants to be
at the wedding,

But I'm scared that

He already has his mind made up
about what he thinks

And he's not gonna change it.



Before annie and I
come to america,

We will do a traditional
thai engagement party

In her village.


I'm extremely stressed
and worried

Because the mounting costs
of marrying a thai woman

Is beyond my expectations,

And I'm running short.

I need to know
how much for the dowry...

Not what they're wanting,
but what they're okay with now.

Today, I'm gonna take annie
on a long-tail boat ride

Around the chao phraya river,

And then we're gonna go shopping
for some gold.

[ Rhythmic clapping ]


I know.

It's so beautiful.

Annie is taking me
to a gold store

Because gold is a significant
part of the engagement

Because you can show people

That your husband
can provide for you.


[ All speaking thai ]

We are looking for
a ring for me, ring for her,

Bracelet for her,
and necklace for her.

I'll let you talk from there
in thai.

[ Chuckling ]
there's always some...

[ Speaking thai ]

The amount of gold
that is required is 11 baht.

Baht is not just
the currency of thailand,

But they actually
talk about gold as a weight.

So a baht of gold
is about 600 usd.

So, can you explain to me
the 11 baht?


This has been overwhelming
for me...

Such a cultural difference.

for sure different.

So, how much is


That's a lot.

How do you feel if we start
a little bit smaller now,

Maybe a couple baht,

And then we build
more and more

Till we get to 11 baht?

Are you okay with that?


You sure?

You promise?

Me too.

Me too.



That's a relief for me.

The problem is,
even that amount,

I have, but I don't have.

Especially after the divorce
and the loss of my job,

I had hit absolute rock bottom.

So, it's robbing peter
to pay paul,

Who's robbing peter again.

What I can do, um...

[ Clicking tongue ]

Can I give a deposit

And come back tomorrow
to pay the rest?

'Cause I have to sort out
the finances of it.


Let's do that.


I mean,
I wish I could give her

A million dollars'
worth of gold.

I would be honored
and happy to be able to do it,

if I could afford it.

if we hit the lottery.

[ Chuckles ] I hope so.

[ Chuckles ]


You seem upset.

I had a big home,
and I had cars and all that.

That's what can happen
in a divorce.



But you asked me,
"why don't you have?"

Well, I'm explaining to you
why I don't have.

You think most americans
have money.

That's not true.

If you want somebody

That already has
a million dollars in the bank,

I'm sorry... I don't.

Of course.

I'm sure as hell gonna try.

That I'm sure of.

To make this thing perfect.

I know.

That's right.



Growing up you have to do.

We're in love.

That's all that matters.
I'm sorry.

But you...
You can't live on love.

You need money.

Have you been in love


I'm in casablanca now,

Just traveling
with my 2-year-old,

Which was exhausting.


I can't get in touch
with azan.

I'm worried and scared about

Him not being here
at the airport.



Evelyn: david's visa interview
is tomorrow,

And I'm just a nervous wreck.

So my best friend and bridesmaid
mikayla texted me,

And she wants to meet me
for coffee.

Mikayla: hey.

What's up?

[ Chuckling ]
how's it going?

Good. How are you?

I have known mikayla
since high school.

Mikayla and I met

Probably like four years ago
in french class.

She has met
a bunch of my ex-boyfriends,

And she's never liked
any of them.

She wants me
to be really happy,

And she cares about me a lot,

So she's...

She's a little bit nervous
about david.

So, what's been going on
with you?

David's been
really stressed out.

I've been
really stressed out.

He has his visa interview

So, basically,
it'll define

Whether or not he can come
to america tomorrow.

I'm just worried
that, like,

Maybe he'll forget
a paper or something

And they'll be like,
"come back in two months."

Oh, that wouldn't be good.

What's david gonna do
when he gets here?

He can't work, right?

No. I mean,
he can't legally work

Until after we've upgraded
our visa status.

You know?

I don't care.
We're in love.

That's all that matters.

I'm sorry.

But you...
You can't live on love.

You need money
for food and an apartment.

David and I fully trust

That god's gonna provide us
a roof over our heads

And food to eat.

Mikayla: the longest time

David and evelyn
have ever spent together

Is two weeks.

Two weeks is not long enough
to get to know someone,

And I think
that this could be

One of evelyn's biggest mistakes
in her life.


When... When's your actual
one-year anniversary?

If we're gonna be technical,
in december.

So, you're gonna be married

Before your one-year anniversary
even comes up?

Yes. Actually, yes.

That is crazy, evelyn.

Maybe to you.

I think
evelyn and david's relationship

Is a bit rushed.

Evelyn's only 18.

She should be
seeing more of the world,

Figuring out who she is,
exploring more

Before she jumps
right into a marriage.

There's still a lot of
growing up you have to do.

Well, since we are
getting married young,

We have the opportunity
to grow together.

I'm sorry.

you're getting married young.

David is getting married
at a normal age.

If you're so in love now,

What does it matter

If you waited
two or three more years?

Are you afraid you wouldn't
be in love anymore?


We just want to get married
and start our lives now.

I'm just...
What if things change, though?

What if you end up
being miserable

Married to david,

All because
you rushed into it?

I am not rushing into it.

If my parents said,

"Hey, evelyn, we don't really
approve of this marriage

And we think you're crazy,"

Then I'd be like,

"Okay, maybe there's
some validity to this.

Maybe I should listen."

So, if your parents
had a problem with it,

It would be a big deal.

But because I have
a problem with it,

It doesn't matter?
Yes, because...

Do my opinions
not matter to you?

They do,

But when it comes
to my marriage,

Not as much.


My dad was 19
when he got married to my mom,

And they've been married
for over 21 years.

And there's nothing
that you could say

That would make me
cancel the wedding.

I'm not trying to get you
to cancel the wedding.

Then, what are you
trying to do?

I'm just trying
to get you...

To think a little more.

I don't want you
to cancel the wedding.

my parents are fine with it,

And nobody else is against it.

So the fact that mikayla is
bothers me.

I... [ Sighs ]

It just doesn't
make sense to me

Why you had to do it
so young and so fast.

It doesn't have
to make sense to you.

Well, a little.

I'm in your life,
so I want to understand it,

But, for the life of me,
I can't.


Mikayla and I's viewpoints
on love and marriage

Obviously are very different.

She thinks
I'm making a mistake,

And I'm really hoping

That mikayla will be able
to come around

And see that
what we're doing is right.

You know when you know.

You just know.

Have you been in love

No, I have not.

If we're meant to be

And god's been
orchestrating everything

That's been working out
perfectly for us,

Then I don't see
why it'd be a problem.


[ Brakes squeal ]

[ Horns honk ]

[ Camel grunting ]

[ Conversations
in native language ]


I'm in casablanca now.

Just traveled
with my 2-year-old,

Which was exhausting.

May, get down.

Get down.

The first day
that I met azan at the airport

Was our first time meeting ever,

And it was so amazing.

It's something I wish I could,
like, live over again

'Cause it felt like one of
the best moments of my life.

Oh, my god.

Nicole: I can't believe
I'm finally here.

It feels awesome.


I'm a little nervous.

I can't get in touch with azan.

I'm worried and scared
about him not being here.


I finally get past
all the checking and stuff,

And I walk through the doors.

And there he is.

Azan: hello.


Hey. How are you?
I missed you.

I missed you, too.

How are you?
I'm good.

[ Sniffles ]


Here I am
in morocco again.

[ Laughs ]

That would be nice.

[ Laughs ]

[ Laughs ]

Azan: may.

So, come, come, come.
Oh, my.

Hi, how are you?

Yeah. [ Chuckles ]

May, who's that?

Ah, I love you, may.

she recognized who he was.

She said,
"oh, that's daddy."

[ Chuckles ]

May's biological dad
isn't really in her life,

So I just want someone
who will be there for her,

Who really will
take care of her.

I think I picked well
[chuckles] to be may's dad.

[ Chuckles ]

- It's here?
- Okay, yeah, so let's go.


Nicole: it's probably
a little, you know, strange

To, after one month,

Have your daughter
call your boyfriend "daddy."

I agree... I probably should
have waited a little bit,

You know, before, maybe till,
at least, they met,

But I think I was just
a little excited

'Cause, you know,

I thought you would be
a great daddy.

[ Chuckles ]


[ Chuckling ] yeah.

That's okay.


[ Chuckles ]

- Nope, nope.
- [ Laughs ]

Nicole: when azan is, like,
hugging and kissing may,

You know, I might even get
just like a little jealous.

[ Laughs ]

I love you.

[ May speaking
indistinctly ]

She's cute.

[ Chuckles ]

Your mama. Your mama.

Are you ready to learn
how to put in a car seat?

Right now?
Yeah, right now.

[ Chuckles ]

[ Chuckles ]

We got to strap it in

This is your place.


Okay. Oh-pla.

Nicole: after the last trip,
I really want to show my family

That this is different...

That, you know,
we really have changed

And grew stronger
as a couple.

The k-1 visa
is a huge decision.

So, if azan isn't the man
that I think he is

To be a father to may,

Then this is the time
to find out.

Hi, may, may.

- Oh!
- [ Chuckles ]

Nicole: careful. Okay.


So, when do you expect
to hear from him?

I don't really know
how long it's gonna take.

Evelyn: if david doesn't
get this visa today,

We don't really know
what direction we'll be taking.

[ Cellphone vibrates ]
david's texting me.

Okay, hold on.

All right, all right,
all right.

[ Cellphone beeps ]

Said "baee."

What does that mean?


Why is he not calling?



[ Faucet running ]

[ Faucet stops ]

Jacalyn: hey.

Good morning.



Evelyn: right after david and I
got engaged,

We started
the k-1 visa application,

And today is the day

Of david's visa interview
in madrid,

And I feel, like,
super sick this morning.

The k-1 visa process...
It's definitely difficult.

There's a lot of different rules
and things

That make it tricky
for david to be here.

Let me make you something.

I could try to eat an egg.


If david doesn't
get this visa today,

We don't really know
what direction we'll be taking,

But I'm definitely excited

To finally
at least have an answer.

So, when do you expect
to hear from him?

I don't really know
how long it's gonna take,

And I keep, like... I'm like,
"where are you at, david?"

[ Sighs ]

I keep thinking,
"what if he forgot a paper?

Come back in two months'?"

And I don't really want
to move to spain, so...

I do not want evelyn in spain,

So we are praying
that david gets his visa.

I mean, do you even know,
like, statistically,

Like, how many people
going through this process

Actually end up
getting their visa

Or how many are denied?


Are committing fraud.

So...[ Chuckles ]

So, yeah, they definitely
are probably vetting people.

And so that's why
it's such an extensive process.


But it definitely
makes it hard

For people
who are actually in love.

Whatever happens today
is basically our future,

And either way,
we have tons to plan.

I've never seen evelyn
this anxious in my life.

It's been a long process,

And we've come to know david
over this time,

And we're really excited
about him joining our family.

If david
does not get the visa,

I'm really worried about
how evelyn's gonna handle it.

[ Sizzling ]


Thank you.
You're welcome.

When he comes,
we'll have a party.

I definitely
want to invite mikayla.


How did your talk
with her go?

She just had a lot of, like,
different opinions

About what I should be doing

Instead of marrying david
at this age.

Does it bother you
that she feels that way?

A little bit.

Well, I mean,
she does care about you,

So she's just kind of
looking out for you.

I know.

[ Cellphone vibrates ]
[ gasping ]

David's texting me.
Okay. Hold on.

[ Chuckles ]

All right, all right,
all right.


[ Beeps ]


Heavy breathing.

Why is he not calling?


Just, like, waiting.


He said, "baee."

I'm like, "great.
What does that mean?"


[ Cellphone ringing ]

All right, he's calling.
He's calling.

[ Static crackles ]


[ Gasps ]

[ Laughs ]


Oh, my word!


We're gonna get to see you
so soon!

I... Wow.

I mean,
I can't believe it.

I can't believe it,
but I can't.

[ Laughs ]

[ Laughs ]

I wondered how nervous
you were.

I'm really... Wow.

I mean,
it doesn't even feel real.

Until you're here?

[ Laughs ]

I'm really excited.
David:i love you, too.

I love you, too.


[ Breathes deeply ]

Ahhh. Okay.

I can't breathe.

[ Chuckles ]
[ chuckles ]

I mean, I'm excited,

And he's gonna be here
in like two weeks.

This is the positive news
that you waited for.

He's coming.

I feel, like, just a mix

Of, like,
all these crazy emotions.

And I don't even know
if it's really hit me yet

That david's gonna be here
in 14 days forever.

[ Chuckles ]

It's all good now.

Let's... [ Chuckles ]

Wow. [ Sighs ]

Other than you,
why does he want to come here?

Is there than me?

Molly: I am nervous about
talking to my dad about luis,

Because he's
an older southern man,

And he's very set
in his ways.

If you follow politics
at all,

The border's
pretty much been closed,

And those guys use this
to get citizenship.



[ Horn honks in distance ]

Jess: let's go meet dad.

And I'm glad
you're going with me.

I'm here for you.

I am having dinner with my dad

To talk about luis,

And I'm bringing
my brother, jess.

Rock 'n' roll.
Let's go meet dad.

I just hope dad shows up,

Because I just
don't really know

Where his head
is these days.

He may or may not show.


My brother jess and I
are really close.

And he needed a place to live,
so he moved in.

And he really has my back.

I hope he's gonna be
like the mediator

Between dad and i.


Let's do this.


What do you think
he's gonna say?

I have no idea.

I just hope
that he's not gonna be mean,

Because I really
don't want to cry.

Jess: where's he at?

Hey, guys.
Hey, dad.

- Hey.
- Old man, are you drunk yet?

No, not yet.

You guys are running
a little late.

You must have got caught
in atlanta traffic.


Molly: I am nervous about
talking to my dad about luis,

Because he's
an older southern man,

And he's very set
in his ways.


So, luis is coming in
in a couple of days, right?


So, we're gonna have to have
a family gathering

And let him meet you

And just do some things.
Hey, he's gonna be as nervous

As a whore in church,

[ Chuckles ]

I hope I can convince my dad

That it's gonna be okay

And that he just needs
to get on board.

What's the sleeping arrangements
gonna be over there?

Well, what are they
at your house?

A man and a woman...

They go together
in the room.

Do you think, really,

That's setting a good example
for these girls?

Well, I've not always made
the best choices,

But this is one choice
I fully believe in, so...


I know molly fully intends
to marry this guy.

So not only am I concerned
as a father,

I'm concerned
as a grandfather.

You know what?

He's the first person
that I've ever been with

That would go in anther room
if I ask him to.

My next question is this...

Other than you,
why does he want to come here?

What better, other reason
is there than me?

[ Chuckles ]

Well, we've got a situation
right now,

If you follow politics
at all,

That the border's
pretty much been closed,

And the only way to come in now
is legally.

And I saw it on tv...

It was from the very place
that he's from,

The dominican republic,

That a lot of those guys
use this particular situation

As their passport
to get to america

To get citizenship.

you bet you I have concerns,

Especially in today's world,

'Cause I know a lot of people
will use any trick in the book

To get into
the united states of america.

Jess: I don't think

That he's doing it
out of desperation.

My dad's skeptical
of the situation

Because it is so fresh.

It's hard
to break through to him.

I'll let you know this...

Based on all the steps
we have to go to

To get the visa approved,

It's not that easy.

Well, let's say
he comes over here

And everything's rosy

And you guys get married.

After you get married,
it's not so rosy anymore.

what are his options?

I have no idea.


Hey, I'm not drying
to be debbie downer,

But I want you
to think it through.


Phillip: a lot of times,

Molly is too loving
and too giving,

And she ends up...
It ends up biting her.


Do I want my dad to support
and respect me

As a grown woman
and as his first daughter?

Absolutely, I do.

But I know that my dad's

Not have
an instant change of heart,

So I've got 90 days
to try to change his mind.

I know I'm giving you
a hard time,

But if he comes over here
and treats you bad,

Treats the girls bad,

I'll do everything
in my power

To get him back over there
where he come from

As fast as I can.


[ Gasps ]

Molly: next time
on "90 day fiancé"...

Josh: I feel like
I'm in high school,

And I landed the hottest
cheerleader on the squad.

There is something called,
like, "romance scams."

She has got any option
she wants

To go anywhere in the world
with anybody she wants,

And she picked me.

She picked
the united states.

Andrei and I come from two
completely different cultures.

Where he's from,

He expects a woman
to be submissive.

Molly: today is the day.

Luis is arriving.

I hope she's on the way.

She's got to drive us
to the airport.

She's late.

It's her fault she's late.

Maybe she's deliberately
doing it.

I don't know,
but I don't like it.


I want to see if azan can be
a good father figure to may,

But I just don't know
how it's gonna go.



Azan, wait.

[ Crying ]