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06x07 - Alexis Stone II

Posted: 04/23/24 12:57
by bunniefuu
Previously on Nip/Tuck:

There must be an awful lot
you don't like about yourself...

for you to attempt su1c1de.

I was gonna swim
until my arms fell off.

Father is willing to leave
his children fatherless?

I'm petitioning for
custody of the children.

Mother, you're in your 60s.

- Who is this man?
- Renaldo is my husband.

We always wanted children.

What I want is to be a good
father to Annie and Conor.

Let's get this clear.
I... I'm not into men.

I'm not a woman. I'm a gay man.

If I become Alex,
you become a f*g?

In my mind, if you were Alex,
you'd have a bloody nose right now.

Turn around, walk with
your back towards us.

You say you know the
way things are in here.

You have neither the muscle mass
nor the g*ng affiliations to be a predator.

You want me to become
somebody's bitch?

It's a small price
to pay for your life.

I'm Christian Troy, here to
see my son, Matt McNamara.

Sign in.

Down the hall to the
left. He's in Number 6.

I'm Kessler. Your son's doing
just fine. He sends his love.

- Where's Matt? I want to see Matt.
- Don't worry. I'm taking care of him.

Things were a little rough at first,
but he's doing better since the transfer.

- What transfer?
- To my cell.

You'll only get him into
trouble if you do that.

If I find out that
you've hurt him...

Relax. He's much safer
now than he was before.

As long as he takes care of me,
and you decide to help, he'll be fine.

- You're a plastic surgeon, right?
- Yes.

Great. Now, I may
sound a bit old-fashioned...

but I think it's the woman's
job to maintain her appearance.

Matt's a good-looking
kid. Nice features.

But the one thing he needs,
what you can give him...

is a nice set of tits.

Now, if you're worried the
board won't approve the surgery...

I've already got Matt
speaking to the shrink in here...

claiming he wants to be a woman.

Papers got filed. There's
a precedent for this.

You know, I don't believe that
Matt would agree to any of this.

Oh, you wouldn't believe what he's
agreed to since he's been in here.

Now look, I'm doing life.

I haven't even touched
a woman in 16 years.

Do you know what that does to
a man? How you learn to adapt?


I can't go back to being the man
I was any more than Matt can.

Well, I...

If I could help you, you know,
in some other kind of way...

I can give you
money for an appeal...

or I don't know, organize
a hooker or something.

You got 48 hours.

Your son's a good kid, but he ain't
gonna be worth much to either one of us...

unless you do what I say.

Trust me on that.

When did Annie begin
showing signs of depression?

I guess it was after we
returned to New York. Yeah.

It was a stressful
time for all of us.

- Why?
- Because of Olivia's death.

She was an important
part of our family.

That makes sense.

Death, divorce, moving, three of
the most stressful events in life...

and Conor and Annie
experienced all three...

- in a very short time, didn't they?
- Yes.

Isn't that exactly what
happened, Miss McNamara?

You and their father divorced.

You moved them from their home
to New York and then to Los Angeles.

You subjected your children to
a seemingly unending barrage...

of unsettling horrific events.

I'm surprised your
daughter didn't k*ll herself...

after she reached out
by eating her own hair.

Give her a break, Frank.

She's falling apart.

Think Erica's lawyers are
gonna give her a break?

Annie would never commit
su1c1de, Julia. She knows we love her.

They say it runs in the family.

I'm not the one pulling up roots
and taking them across country.

Cool it, you two.

You're suing for joint
custody, remember?

If you are gonna have any
chance of getting your kids back...

you're gonna have to bury
the hatchet and do it together.


it's obvious you're
stressed out.

You look like you've aged
10 years in the last month.

Appearances matter, you guys.

We need to look strong and vibrant
to combat Erica's age and experience.

20456, McNamara.

- Armed robbery. Arrested...
- My son is being threatened.

Well, Dr. Troy, I can assure you
we have zero tolerance for coercion.

Well, you better tell Kessler
because he didn't get the memo.

Well, there's nothing
about it in his file.

You know often new prisoners
feel the need to prove themselves...

by getting into scuffles.

I think you know that there is a
law against deliberate indifference...

to potential prison r*pe.

Dr. Troy, I am anything but
indifferent to your son's welfare.

Then you need to move
him to a different cellblock.

A... A safer one.

- You want him in a safer cell?
- Yes.


Find me a half million
dollars for some staff...

so there's not one guard to
every 60 of Kessler's posse.

And another 300 for see-through doors
on closets and monitors in the showers...

so that Kessler's wolves
don't attack without being seen.

I can manage $10,000.

A bribe?

A contribution...

to prison reform.

I will see that
he's moved today.

I hate this. I don't
like causing you pain.

But you heard what the lawyer said.
We have to look youthful and stress-free.

Whatever it takes.
That's my mantra.

Joint custody is gonna
be a very tough fight.

Yeah, but it doesn't mean
that we're gonna give up.

You're their father. I'm their
mother. Sean, I need you.

The more united we
are, the better our odds.

What if we became
a real united front?

I mean, I gotta get
out of that Malibu place.

It's become a
middle-aged frat house.

What if I rented a
house and you moved in?

Sean, don't go there, please.
It's too late for you and me.

But we do know how
to be friends, right?

And we have a serious
common goal here.

The lawyer said it.
Appearances are everything.

And you and I could
just take it as it comes...

but in the meantime...

we get our kids back.

What did you say your mantra
was? "Whatever it takes"?

Whatever it takes.

I didn't think any girl could be
more beautiful than your mother.

I was wrong.

Thank you, Erica.

Renaldo picked this out.
Italians rule the world of fashion.

Beauty is their second language.

Followed by food. And sex.

- I'm gonna go try on the others.
- Oh, marvelous.

We'll have a fashion show.

Hello? Where are the
kids? We have a surprise.

Oh, you're early. Annie's
trying on her new clothes.

We've been buying
out Rodeo Drive...

and Conor's at his
first French-horn lesson.

French horn? Well, he's
a little young, isn't he?

No. The horn will develop
his digital dexterity.

And his self-esteem.

Well, give me the
address, we'll pick him up.

We are going house-hunting.

We're thinking of renting a house
big enough for the whole family.

How many times will you
repeat the same mistake...

without ever learning
anything from it?

- Where's my daughter?
- Sean, if you really love her...

don't lure Annie into a fairy tale that
has no real hope of a happy ending.

SINGER: Hoo, hoo, hoo

Hoo, hoo, hoo

Hoo, hoo, hoo

You told me I've seen your eyes

But it always... Hi.

- Is it Thursday already?
- Yeah, till midnight.

Sweetheart, we have the
whole afternoon together.


So since we have all that time together,
maybe come back in a couple of hours.

No. Now.

Cara mia, it's okay. Go
with Mama and Papa.

I'll be here when you come back.

Annie, don't do this. Don't
make us beg for time with you.


Annie, that dress is gorgeous.

- Brings out the eyes, did you notice?
- No.

They never do.

Sweetie, we noticed.
You do, you look beautiful.

Whatever. Look, just two hours.
We're in the middle of a photo sh**t.

The camera, it love her face.

Okay. Yeah, two
hours. We'll come back.

- Have fun.
- Thanks.

- This is a closed sh**t.
- Miss McNamara says no press.


So, Sean...

I'll send you copies?

I can't believe I'm gonna
lose Conor and Annie.

There's no way a
judge is gonna rule

against the mother
and father of those kids.

When we went to pick them
up, Annie said she'd rather stay.

She doesn't mean that, Sean.
I mean, she's a teenager, right?

Erica probably bribed her with
a Mini Cooper or something.

That's not gonna last
long-term. Trust me.

Have you talked with
Matt? How's he holding up?

He's fine. He's doing fine.

He's not the one I'm worried
about. I'm worried about you.

You can't give up
on yourself again.

You need to fight
back, be aggressive.


Get your personals.
You're going on vacation.

- I'm what?
- You're being transferred.

Oswald will take you to
your new cell. Get it moving.

Somebody must love you.

There you go.


- Is it just me in here now?
- Yup.

Your own bachelorette pad.


What, didn't you think I'd
come to the housewarming?

After all I did for you.

You gotta help me.

Please. You gotta help me.

Please! KESSLER: Come here.



Help me, please!

He ain't gonna help you now.

Hey, stranger.

Alex, wow, look at you.

How's the healing going?

Well, the swelling's gone down more
than I wanted, if you know what I mean.


give it some time.

I don't know.

I go into bars...

and everyone automatically
sees the postop transsexual.

Everybody knows that
I used to be a woman.

And it's pretty hard to explain
to them that I was a man first.

But the only guys I seem to
attract are the limp-wristed type.

Well, as Alexis, you
were into straight guys...

and switching teams
and going for the gays...

could be problematic, I guess.

My situation's a little
more complicated than that.

Hey, I'm looking for someone
I was told worked this shift.

You're looking at him,
pal. It's just me tonight.

Okay... Well, maybe you can
tell me when she'll be around.

Her name's Alexis.

That hot boy made
me realize something.

I'm definitely gay, but I
only like straight guys.

Or at least the guys that want
everyone to think they're straight.

You like guys on the down low.
What do you want me to do about that?

Meet me halfway.

Give me breast implants.

I'll grow out my hair, I'll start
dressing as a woman again.

A chick with a d*ck? Can't
you just make up your mind?

That's a very offensive
phrase, Dr. Troy.

In the trans world, that's the equivalent
of calling an African-American the N word.

I'm sorry, I didn't know.

Maybe I changed my body
as an attempt to be accepted.

But I finally realized that I've always
been the same person on the inside...

and I'm very proud of that.

Giving me boobs again
isn't gonna change who I am.

It's just gonna give me a chance to
be with the people that I need to be with.

- How'd you get in here?
- They...

They wouldn't let me sign
in as a visiting physician.

You break anything?
Any internal injuries?

Can you do me a favor
and get me a sip of water?

- They got me kind of shackled here.
- Sure, yeah.

I got four fractured ribs...

a mild concussion.

Other than that, I don't know.


Maybe I should talk to the warden
again and get this guy transferred.

- You wanna really help me out?
- Of course.

Then do the operation.


I'm serious.

I know you're scared.

- I understand that.
- No, you can't.

You can't possibly understand
what I'm going through.

I'm not gonna be
safe anywhere now.

I mean, at least
before, I had protection.

But without Denny, I'll be like
fresh meat thrown to a bunch of lions.

Can't you press charges against him?
At least then you get protection, right?

There's no protection in here.

If I press charges...

and if Denny finds out...

it's not just gonna be a
beating next time, Christian.

You put pec implants in guys.

That is not the same
thing and you know it.

Yeah, well, I don't
wanna die, either.

Operation or not, Denny's
gonna have his way with me, okay?

I know that and you know that.

So unless you wanna visit me
in the morgue next time, you do it.

Wow, look at this one.

It's just three blocks
from the beach.

Look at those views.

See that? Could be Conor's room.

That could be Annie's.

And this could be ours.

Isn't it a little pricey?
Especially if it's only temporary.

Oh, come on. Sit down.

We need to stay positive.

Now, Santa Monica has
a great school district.

This place is already furnished.

You always said you wanted a
yard with a pool, now you can get it.

Well, that was when
the kids were young.

Oh, what, you've lost your
fetish for skinny-dipping?

I'm not gonna be doing that now.

Why not? Those days are over?

Oh, so is that your plan?

I just think this would be
a great place for all of us.

The family.

And we agreed...

if we're gonna make this work, we
have to commit ourselves 100 percent.

Financially and emotionally.

Whatever it takes?

We needed to get that out of
the way sooner or later, huh?


you're not gonna get all
weird on me now, are you?

I'm just nervous about
losing the kids, that's all.

I don't wanna make
any wrong moves.

We're not gonna lose the
kids because we had sex.

I just don't wanna
take any more chances.

That's why we
need to play dirty.

Just like Erica.

- What?
- Come here, I wanna show you something.

- What is this?
- Open it.

- Cocaine?
- Christian got it for me.

He knows a dealer
at some strip club.

You get busted with that,
they book you for distribution.

Carries a mandatory
10-year sentence.

- What the hell are you doing with this?
- It's not mine, it's Renaldo's.

It will be after I plant it
on him and call the police.

Are you insane?

You forgetting what that assh*le
did with the camera, the whole setup?

We can't play by the rules anymore,
Julia. There's too much at stake.

- Sean, you're risking everything.
- Hold on a second.

Just give this to me. Jesus.

That cost me 2 grand.

Fine. We'll have to
rent a smaller house.



- are you hiding something?
- Oh, no, no. No.

Well, I think I'd like
my surprise now.


Show me.

What have you
got in your pocket?

We weren't doing anything.

I mean, you know, he would
pose me to make me look hot.

How hot? Uh...

Did he ever touch you
in an inappropriate way?

I never touched her.
You think I'm a monster?

Get out.

Erica, are you mad at me because
he spends more time with me than you?

Don't be ridiculous.

It's just...

if anything ever happened
between you that felt uncomfortable...

you'd tell me, wouldn't you?

You have to tell me, Annie.

Didn't you hear me?

I never touched her.

- You're the only one I love.
- I'm the only one?

You were thinking of me...

while you were masturbating
into my granddaughter's panties?

I want you out of this
house, out of my life...

and if you don't get out right
now, I am calling the police.

My fantasy, it's
still in my head.

Yours? Standing before you.

Who's the sick one... I ask you.

Absolutely. No,
I agree it could...

I asked Annie to take Conor
to the beach so we could talk.

I've been to court.

They're ours. Annie and Conor.

She gave up custody.

Why, Erica? Why would you do
a kind and decent thing like that?

I've left Renaldo.

You catch him with
someone from his generation?

We never appear as old to
ourselves as we do to others.

As we age, we hover
between fool and sage.

Oh, come on,
Mother. That's not true.

You were never a sage.

I love my grandchildren.

If I thought I was
endangering them in any way...

- Endangering them how?
- I didn't mean endangering.

We live in a
hyper-sexualized culture.

Naturally, the adolescent
delights in her...

newly discovered ability to
control through her sexuality...

- You talking about Annie?
- Did something happen?

No. I'm positive.

- Did Renaldo touch her?
- Did he?

I found him with her
underpants, ejaculating.


Get out of here.

You better buy Renaldo a one-way ticket
back to whatever hole he crawled out of.

You sure about this?

You're not gonna change
your mind a month from now?

I'm still me...

even if my sexual identity is...

well, fluid.

Those, I mean...

they're just silicon bags.

- I can take them out again, right?
- Right.


Okay, count backwards for me.

Ten, nine...

Ten blade.

Let's raise up our lady boy
and see if her boobies are even.

How long will it be before I
can take off the bandages?



How long will it be before I
can take off the bandages?


Four to five days.

After the swelling and
soreness goes down...

you can come back in and
I'll take off the bandages.

The last time, I was showing
off my new titties within a week.

Then again, I was on
estrogen and progestin.

Progestin would stop me
from having an erection, right?

Warren wouldn't like
it if I k*lled my libido.

- I appreciate it.
- Yeah. I'm sorry...

- What did she say?
- I told her I wasn't doing the surgery.

Do you have any idea
what you're doing to me?

Yes. Offering you
a better solution.

Uh... I put all your meds
in your makeup bag.


Mother, it's a
12-hour flight to Milan.

What if your arthritis acts up and
you need a Darvocet or something?

Oh, of course.

I'm just not thinking.

I seem to have been doing
a lot of that these days.

No one tells you
how to grow old.

One day you discover you
can't be who you are anymore.

Inside you still see yourself
as brilliant, dazzling, beautiful.

The mirror makes a fool of you.

No one is ever over
40 in their dreams.

That's your cab.

Julia, I can't undo
what I've already done.

But I can face up to it...

and tell the truth...

and ask you to forgive me.

I am not here to forgive you,
Mother. I'm here to get rid of you.

To pack you up and tell
you never to contact me...

or any member
of my family again.

Think about what you're saying.

- Can you live with that decision?
- I can't possibly live without it.

You're dead to me, Mother.

When I close that cab
door, I'm shutting your coffin.

Let's go.

We don't want you
to miss your plane.

Honey, I'm home.

Lockdown, 11-C.

I got you a little something.

Try it on.

It's not really gonna fit.

Put it on and hurry up.

Ooh. I like it.

Looks so good.

Turn around.

Damn it.

I don't know what
the hell is wrong.

- It's okay, it happens to a lot of guys.
- Ah!

You keep your mouth shut. If
you'd got the titties when I told you...

there wouldn't have
been any problem.

My dad said it's gonna take a little
time. The warden still has to approve it.

And she will, you
can count on it.

Do you want a Ho Ho? That
always makes you feel better.

Yeah, okay.

A little chocolatey goodness
would go down right now.

It's okay, I got
it all right here.

You're sweet.


What the hell are these?

What were you doing with these?


They give this shit to rapists.
It's chemical castration.

Jesus, how long have you
been giving me this stuff?

You think just because
I can't get hard...

that I won't bang that tight,
little succulent ass of yours?

Take off your g*dd*mn pants!

I'll teach you to mess with me.


Bag check.

- Is this your bag?
- Yeah.

May I ask what it
is you're looking for?



What's this?

I have no idea.

It gives me great peace of mind
to see how thorough you are...

but my plane is due to board.

You have the right
to remain silent.

Anything you say can be used
against you. Do you understand?

What is this pertaining to?

The half-kilo of cocaine
we found in your purse, miss.

I put all your meds
in your makeup bag.

It's a 12 hour flight to Milan.

What if your arthritis acts up and
you need a Darvocet or something?

You have the right to consult
an attorney before speaking...

and to have an attorney
during questioning...

now and in the future.
Do you understand?