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05x20 - Budi Sabri

Posted: 04/23/24 12:50
by bunniefuu
Previously on Nip/Tuck:

- Well, Dr. Rowe...
- Call me Teddy.

Stop worrying about how
people are gonna react to you...

and do what you wanna do.

You want the honest truth? You'll
never get her a national campaign.

Not with those
thin, villainous lips.

Dr. Troy, plastic surgeon,
and breast-cancer patient.

I know what it's like to look in the
mirror and see my mutilated body.

But damned if I'm
gonna accept it.

Liz thought you would change for
her. She's moving back to Miami.

Thank you.

Is it really completely pitch black? How
are we gonna know what we're eating?

You have to have a
little blind faith, Sean.

This whole experience is about opening
up your other senses and letting go.

- Good evening. Your name, please?
- McNamara.


Please, put your hand on the shoulder of
the person in front of you and follow me.


- Jesus, I can't see a thing.
- That's the idea, jackass.

We didn't come to Pasadena
to eat at El Pollo Loco.

MAîTRE D': Don't worry,
Mr. McNamara, I've done this a few times.

Just keep your
hand on my shoulder.

Your waiter will be along shortly
to present the amuse-bouche...

and tell you about the
menu. Enjoy your evening.

- Is he gone?
- Give me your hand.


Your amuse-bouche, Mr. McNamara.

Well, somebody's not
wearing any panties.

Don't answer that.

It's Julia. One of the
kids might be sick.


Yeah, what's going on?

Of course. My accountant
sent it directly to the school.

Hang up the phone, Sean.
You can deal with this tomorrow.

Just tell him if it doesn't post
until Monday, I'll call Stan.

No, I sent Annie's
sweater last week.

Yeah, the blue cardigan. - Sean.

It was the only one
in her top drawer.

Fine. I'll check again, okay?

I'll call you tomorrow.

Aah. Sorry.

Phone's off. Ha, ha.
No more interruptions.



Come on. It could have
been an emergency.

But it wasn't, was it?

Okay. I apologize,
but it's over now.

- Let's go back inside.
- No, Sean.

Until you stop taking responsibility
for every little moment...

of everyone else's
lives, I'm not interested.

Well, I can't just ignore
my responsibilities.

A rolling stone gathers no moss.
And, baby, you got a lot of moss.

Sorry I'm late.

Jesus, Sean, you could have
scheduled Mr. Tree-Man a couple hours...

- after I've finished digesting my sushi.
- He speaks perfect English, Christian.

- Oh.
- I'm used to such reactions, doctor.

When the doctors at UCLA...

flew me from Bali to Los Angeles
to study my unique condition...

I caused a student nurse to
faint and switch her career.

I've been looking like this
since on my 18th birthday.

That's when I first
scraped my foot.

I was swimming with
a girl I have a crush on.

The first wart appeared shortly afterwards
and began to spread uncontrollably.

Doctors at UCLA gave him
massive doses of vitamin A...

- to ret*rd the spread of the virus.
- I'm guessing that didn't work.

Mr. Sabri's condition was complicated
by a rare immune-system deficiency...

which enabled the virus to cause
a massive proliferation of his cells...

forming these cutaneous horns.

Well, it's just a guess...

but, uh, UCLA is not paying for
our buddy Budi's little mani-pedi.

Uh, Mr. Sabri, my partner
and I don't want to mislead you.

It could take half a
dozen procedures.

And even then, we can't be
certain how successful we'll be.

Or what specifically
we can accomplish.

You're saying that I should, uh,
forget my dream as a fashion model?

When I was younger,
the people in my village...

would gather their children
inside when they saw me coming.

I was quite bitter about it.


If I could just
walk on my own...

lie down without pain.

To think that I can
just find joy in my life.

Or maybe one day
feel human again.

So how did you
get home last night?

You call your mom?

I hitched a ride with
our maître d', actually.

Don't you wanna get a shot with
Mr. Sabri for your photo album?

There is a big difference between
Mr. Skerritt and this poor man.

He's a victim. All he's known
for years is pain and isolation.

Ha, ha. Whatever.

There'll be plenty of photo ops tomorrow
at the, uh, press conference I called.

And Mr. Sappy here should be well enough
to smile at the camera and say cheese.

I know, I feel just as bad for
this guy as you guys do, all right?

But, uh, I mean, come on.

Think about it. He's gonna
clock up at least 60 billable hours.

- How are we gonna get that back, huh?
- If you want attention...

co-author the paper I'm gonna write for
The New England Journal of Medicine.

Oh. Ha, ha.

I thought being sick yourself
might open your eyes a little...

to what people like
Mr. Sabri go through.

Do me a favor, Sean, don't lecture me
on how I should deal with my cancer, okay?

I dealt with it my own way.

As far as I'm concerned, I
think I did a pretty good job.

I'm a much better
person because of it.

Anyway, I have my 12-week
checkup tomorrow with Dr. Moss...

so I'm looking to put this
whole thing behind me.

Oh, Jesus.

- Can you, uh, finish up for me?
- Yeah.


Come on.

- Give me another chance.
- I'm not big on second chances.

If I wanted to be with a
p*ssy, I'd be a lesbian.

Well, I can loosen up.

I can be wild.

I had sex with a doll once.

I'll tell you all
about it over lunch.


Pick me up, my
place, 1:00 sharp.


So you swear she's had no fever,
no rashes, no swelling of any kind?

Oh, my God, Christian.

She's fine. She's
never been better.

Except you can see the
collagen's been absorbed...

and we're back to our
thin, villainous lip problem.

- You're gonna have to do it again.
- When pigs fly, sweetie pie.

I'm still having nightmares
about what I did.

Yeah, but you see,
the Steves called...

and she's short-listed for
this new vintage-inspired...

- baby clothing line for Target.
- Read my thin, villainous lips, Mama Rose.

- It ain't ever gonna happen.
- Okay.

We'll just go down the block to
Dr. Postander's office. He'll do it.

And I think we're gonna go to
Hermès to get a new little baby treat.

So we'll talk to you later.

- You're not taking her anywhere.
- Oh, let go of me.

- You're not taking her.
- Stop it.

Hey. Easy, you two. No
fighting in front of the baby.

How's my girl? Let
me see those lips.

I was just telling Christian that the
collagen he gave her has been absorbed...

so if he wants her career to stay on
the fast track, she needs more of it.

First of all, Mother of the Year,
I happen to know you did it.

Sean, you are such an easy
lay in every possible way.

He did it.

I just told him I'd take the
blame to save his pretty face.

Poor Grandpa's just too
embarrassed to admit...

that he wants his granddaughter to
be a big star because he'll never be one.

If I find out you've injected
anything into Jenna again...

I'll have you arrested
for child endangerment.

- Damn straight.
- Am I clear?

I walked in, that crazy bitch
is injecting Jenna herself.

I only stepped in so there
wouldn't be complications.

I love her. I'm trying
to do the best I can.

Bullshit. You did this for you.

You wanted your granddaughter
to get a modeling contract.

Stop rationalizing and think about
the reality of what you've done.

But you of all people...

someone who was the victim of
abuse, would have known better.

How much further
can you fall, Christian?

Wow, look at you. Ha, ha.

How do you like my house?

I love it. It's amazing.

Here's to a great day.

Come on. I want to show
you the bedroom first.

Heh, heh. This place is huge.

Family money.

Who's this?

My brother, his sister,
and their daughter, Wren.

I'm adopted.

Well, I guess we
can just order in.

Or eat out.

Strange, I didn't think I
left the air conditioning on.

The, uh, house
is listed at 4.5...

but I think I can
get them down to 3.

It's been on the market
almost a month already.

- Did you hear that?
- No.

All the fixtures are original,
painstakingly restored by the owner.

Carrara marble,
Brazilian rosewood drop.

Someone's breaking
into your house.

I have a secret to tell you.

When was the restoration done?

Um, 2005, I think.

I don't really have a Korean
brother and this isn't really my house.

What do you mean,
it's not your house?

I thought it would be fun to break
into an open house and have sex.

Aren't you having fun?

You're gonna love the
view from the bedroom.

- You can see all of Los Angeles.
- You can do one of two things.

You can lose your shit and make a
scene or you can keep having fun.

It's up to you, but
you'd better act fast.

Oh! Oh, my God.

Who are you?


Are these sheets included
in the asking price?

- Ahem.
- No.

They are not. And they're
800-thread-count Egyptian...

so the Kims better not
find any jism stains...

when they return from Big Sur.

Are you two interested
in buying the house?

To be honest, it's a little
above our price range.

Well, we love it.
We, uh... We'll take it.


What are you gonna do,
write us a check from jail?

Would you take 20 percent down?

We're both doctors. I'm
sure we can arrange it.

- Doctors?
- Mm-hm.

You know, um, there's a
nice house in Hancock Park...

I know you'll love.

This one just went off the market.
- Mm-mm-mm.

Come on.

Dr. Troy. This is
just a consultation.

Never hurts to advertise.

Would you look at that, huh?
Courtesy of McNamara/Troy.


I'll be sure to
recommend your practice.

Good. Good, good, good.

I'm just glad to have the whole
g*dd*mn ordeal over with.

I can tell you one thing I know, and that
is that chemo ain't for pussies. Ha, ha.

I'd actually like to try you
on a few courses of Aromasin.

It's known to be effective in
some of the more resistant cancers.

The tumor has spread to the
supraclavicular lymph nodes.

The side effects are less
dramatic with Aromasin.

Hot flashes, joint
pain, headache, fatigue.

And the results?


Our recent trials indicate
that it slows the progression.

It can also reduce the
bone-mineral density,

so there is greater
likelihood of fractures.

In other words, I'll become so
weak that, uh, my bones will break?


In the final stages
of the disease.

So, um...

- give me a ballpark.
- Six months.


We might be able to
get you a few more.

You know what? I think I'll...

I appreciate everything
you've done for me,

but I think I'll pass
on another out date.

I'm all for my limit.

- Ahem.
- You have kids?

Yeah. Yeah, I do. Ha, ha.


You won't have to
go through this alone.

Wait, we get to
do it in a teepee?

Hey, Sean, can I talk
to you for a second?

You know what? I
don't wanna get into it.

You're a moral vacuum.
Nothing I say, do...

nothing I wish for is
gonna change that.

So where you
guys off to, anyway?

The desert.

Don't wait up.

- Did you see me?
- I did. I saw you.

But you shouldn't be doing that.
Your muscles are too atrophied.

Oh, hey, Dr. Troy. I've been
exercising them every day...

in preparation for the day
when I can walk to the TV...

and pick up the remote control.

Uh-huh. Ha, ha.

The best part is...

Let me take a look.

Give me your hand.

Let me ask you something.

With everything you've been
through, all the pain and the suffering...

and just everything, I mean,
you ever consider giving up?

I don't have
anything to give up.

No, I mean su1c1de.

Taking your own life. Ha, ha.


Not possible.

Since I believe as a Hindu...

that even I, in this
inhuman body...

am a true expression of God.

- You understand?
- I understand...

but I am a firm
believer that, uh...

I'm very much on
my own in this life.

Do you pray, Dr. Troy?

Heh, heh. Well...

not anymore.

You should.

It works.

You see, my prayers
brought me to you.

And in turn, it brings me closer
to my real dream in my life.

And what's that?

To find a woman.

She doesn't have to
be a beautiful woman...

just a woman...

who would consider to hold me.

Perhaps enjoy my jokes.

A soul that would accept me...

warts and all. Ha, ha.

I am a shaman. Welcome.

We fasted like you asked.


Have you ever experienced
Hiawaska before?

I dropped acid a
few times in college.

Hiawaska is much stronger.

You're both about to go much
deeper than you ever have before.

What do you mean, "deeper"?

It is possible, under
the power of the tea...

to cleanse yourself of all
anxieties and depressions.

You can even find
a greater spirituality.

But there is a price.

The Incas call it the Vine
of the Dead for a reason.

Nausea will be extreme.
You will want to die.

But you must have strong
courage and discipline.

And if you are lucky...

you may experience what is
called "the murdering of the ego."

Actually, I think
I'd like to try that.


You are petrified, Dr. McNamara.

Untouchable, like me.

Not human.

- I can't move.
- That is your curse.

This is fantastic.

Are you happy now?

- This is fantastic.
- Are you happy now?

Are you happy now?

Are you happy now?

Are you happy now?

Are you happy now?


No history of heart disease,
no diabetes, hypertension.

Last week, his wife fell off a
ladder in her garden and died.

Two days later, he
has a massive infarction.

A broken heart. Romantic.

So how's Miami treating you?
- It's good to be back.

I haven't found a place yet.

I'm thinking I wanna
get a condo by the beach.

I sleep better when I hear
the sound of the ocean.

I hope it's not out of line, Liz. I
have this really terrific friend...

just moved in from out of town.

Any, uh, interest
in being set up?

Man or woman?

Uh, sorry, I just
assumed... Aren't you gay?

Um, she is.

With everybody
else except for me.

I am sorry. You
cannot be in here.

I'm a doctor, sweetheart.
I know the sterile zone.

Okay, I am so
sorry. I'm so sorry.

This is, um, Dr. Christian
Troy. He's my old boss.

- And what are you doing here?
- Uh, you know, I've been on a plane...

or in an airport for eight hours. I
need to talk to you face-to-face.

Aah. I'm not coming
back, Christian.

I'm a bad person,
Lizzy, I know that.

- That is not what I am saying.
- No, it's what I'm saying.

I know I don't have
much of a conscience...

either I was born without
it or it just rotted away...

like some gangrenous appendage
or something, I don't know.

And I know I get down on you about
all your speeches and stuff, I just...

I want you to be the voice in my
head that tells me right from wrong, I...

I want you to come
home with me, Lizzy.


I need you.

We have been down
this road before, Christian.

What's in it for me?

I want you to marry me.

Lose the rock. It's getting in
the way of the laryngoscope.

Come on, wish me luck. It's a
whole new journey for me now.

Good luck.

Like throwing confetti
at the Hindenburg.

- I'm not gonna hurt her, Sean.
- Right.

She finally pulls herself together in
Miami and you lure her back to what?

Re-break her heart? Nice.

What about Teddy? What do
we do with her? Toss her out?

Well, if her dedication to
her job is any indication, yeah.

- I mean, where the hell is she?
- Teddy's sick. We ate something bad.

It was probably the oysters.
I was up all night myself.

Yeah, you look a little green
around the gills there, buddy, what...?

Can't you just be happy for me?

Liz is the only woman I've ever been
with who forces me to stop being a d*ck.

She doesn't do it by judging
me, she does it by loving me.

I don't wanna go to my grave knowing
that everybody thinks I'm some kind of...

soulless, inhumane assh*le.

Look, I'm not some kind
of moral paragon, okay?

And you're not about to
die, you're getting married.

Don't confuse the
two like the rest of us.

Linda is gonna be
the maid of honor.

I guess that means we'll be
getting married in a golf course.

Congratulations, Liz.
I'm very happy for you.

I can tell.

Fifteen blade.

Uh, Sean.

Uh, ahem.

Excuse me.

I'm not feeling very well.

Christian, listen,
we have to talk.

I'll do anything, just don't
make me get married in a church.

I think that Teddy is
stealing dr*gs from the office.

A ton of inventory is missing, and I
don't know who else could have done it.

Teddy is not a druggie, trust me.
I can smell a druggie a mile away.

Take a look at these pictures from Bali.
This resort is fantastic for our honeymoon.

Christian, we are legally obligated
to report this to the authorities.

I don't know Teddy, but we
have to bring Sean into this.

- This is serious. Come on...
- Can you give it a rest, Lizzy? Please.

- I stole the dr*gs.
- What?

I stole them.

And may I ask you why?

I was contemplating su1c1de,
then I changed my mind...

and, uh, asked you
to marry me instead.

You are not a suicidal person.


Your cancer came back.


How bad?

Um... Six months to a year.

Is that why you proposed to me?

I thought about taking
charge of my death...

by using those pills, but I realized
that I wanted to take charge of my life.

And I wanna spend the
rest of my life with you.

You and Wilber.

When were you gonna tell me...

what my first year of
marriage was gonna be like?

Oh! Maybe you weren't. Maybe you were
just gonna act like you were devastated...

and surprised when
you started to go to shit.

I guess I just wanted to enjoy
the sweetness of getting married.

- You know, at least for a little while.
- You wanted to marry me...

so that I would help you die.

You know what?
You can just go to hell.

Yeah, I got your message.

I'm at the office right now.

Where are you?

What's this?

I haven't seen
you for three days.

Where have you been?

I heard your old
anesthesiologist came back.

I figured you didn't
need me here anymore.

You ever done it
on a surgical table?

Oh, I don't think this
is the time, Teddy.

You know my motto, Sean,
"No time like the present."

You ever screwed on nitrous?

- That's dangerous.
- Ha, ha. Not when done in moderation.

And you will have the most intense
orgasm you have ever experienced.

You can trust me. I'm
an anesthesiologist.


You want this place
to go up in flames?

And there he is.

Our Sean. So careful.

And methodical and safe.

And boring?

Look, I spent my morning...

having a flashback that
interfered with a surgery.

I spent my afternoon on the
phone with a very pissed-off realtor...

who only calmed down after I
made a very large contribution...

to his favorite charity.


you're going too far.

You are such a buzz k*ll.


I'm a surgeon.

It's in my DNA to be careful
and methodical and safe.

And the very nature that you detest is
what keeps people alive on my table.

I tried, but I can't
change who I am.

And frankly, I don't wanna
have to apologize for it anymore.

I am so sorry.

For what?

Because this isn't
gonna work out.

You ain't gonna find
it out there, buddy boy.

Find what?

Aah. Something to
say. Come on, sit down.

My best friend just
told me that he's...

Dying? You gotta say it.

Actually, I have to say the
word. It's very important.

It just gets a lot worse
if you don't. Trust me.

Look, I'm the one who's got a
$150,000 wedding ring, Jesus.

- You'll get your money back.
- Oh, I don't care about the money.

It's Lizzy. You're
right, what you said.

I dragged her all the way here
from Miami and broke her heart.

- Again.
- She'll understand.

I mean, given...

I didn't mean all
those things I said.

- I didn't know what you're going through.
- Oh.

You think you should
be smoking a cigar...

given what your body is
trying to fight right now?

This is not a cigar, my friend.

This is pre-embargo,
hand-rolled Cuban tobacco.

This is an artifact.

It's been sitting in a humidor
in Miami for over 40 years.

I bought two of them
for a special occasion...

like my wedding, but, uh,
under the circumstances...

I think, uh, now's a good
time as any, don't you?


Look, there are plenty of experimental
treatments and clinical trials...

we can get you signed up for.
There's the angiostatic approach.

They use anaerobic
bacteria to attack the tumor.

Cancer treatment's not what
it was when we were in school.

Have a drink, buddy
boy, you need one.

- Were you listening to me?
- Mm-hm.

You can beat this thing. You
can get married again someday.

- You don't know.
- You don't think I thought about all that?

I mean, seriously.

I don't wanna spend the last
few months of my life in hospitals.

I just wanna...

I wanna celebrate every day.

I wanna get all my shit
together and I wanna...

I wanna enjoy myself.

Will you sit with me?

You gotta try one of
these. They're incredible.


Come on.

You didn't need to get married to
make sure you wouldn't be alone.


Why did you wanna
bring me back here, Sean?

Mm. So we can
finish what we started.

So even though it's dark...

you can see I'm willing
to meet you halfway.

You aren't wearing underpants.
- Mm.

You dirty boy. - Ha-ha-ha.

Good evening, my name is
Jacqueline. I'll be your waitress.

The amuse-bouche this evening is...
- You know what, Jacqueline?

We're gonna pass on the
amuse-bouche, and actually...

we wanna be left alone for a
while and get used to the darkness.

There's 200 bucks in it for you if
we don't hear you for 30 minutes.

As you wish, Mr. McNamara.

Get used to the darkness?

I like that.

And you'll like this too.

I'm glad to see you
taking it easy, Mr. Sabri.

No more long-distance
treks across the room?

Let's take a look.


A little thickening of the
skin, but so good so far.

You know, once we're
finished with these skin grafts...

we'll have to talk
about dancing lessons.

They do a lot of dancing
where you're from?

When I woke up this morning...

I noticed them.

Multiplies as the day went on.

I had such hope.

Me too.

Have you seen my
nonfat blueberry?

I'm eating it.

We're gonna have
to start labeling things.

Does that mean you're staying?

I'm not gonna have a
long-distance marriage.

So why the change of heart?

Well, I figure I'm gonna have to
take care of your sorry ass anyway...

so I might as well get a big,
honking diamond ring out of it, right?

I mean, there's not one lesbian I
know who could afford one that big.

- You don't have to do this.
- I know.

But, you know, like they
say, for better or for worse.

I know you better than
you know yourself, Christian.

And I am not gonna
let you die alone.

Look at it this way, I'll be dead
before we can get divorced.

We have a meeting with a
wedding planner tomorrow at 9.

Don't you be late.

Nice ass.

And it's all yours.