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05x10 - Magda and Jeff

Posted: 04/23/24 12:41
by bunniefuu
Previously on Nip / Tuck...

That's her.

Wow, she's like
a little lion cub.

We're dealing with a severe
arterial hemorrhage, Doctor.

He's going into shock.

That is the way you
play a leading man.

He has the courage of his
convictions, yet he is classy.

He is always classy.

We've been to an internist, a
neurologist, a gastroenterologist.

Nobody thinks you're sick!

You're hiding behind these
symptoms, because you're scared of us.

You finally get what you
want, and you can't handle it.

You guys are
screwing each other.

We love each other, Sean.

Sean called. He offered
me the job of receptionist.

I thought Gina was
a stroke of genius.

Not only is she not screwable,
but you've got built-in childcare.

You and my ex-wife can
have more alone time.

Tell me what you
don't like about yourself.

I don't like that he's so old.

Believe me, neither do I.

And he looks like a woman.

- Your mother's quite hard on you.
- Ha!

Magda and I have been
married for 21 years this May.


For what?

I wanted a real man.
Omar Sharif, Burt Reynolds.

Hell, even a roll of Brawny
paper towels would have been fine.

But all I got was
this hairless freak.

Back in the '80s, hair
removal was all the rage.

I partook, you know,
to say the least.

Magda made me suffer through
months of excruciating electrolysis.

I followed the trends.

Well, now Magda demands it back.

She read in Newsweek that
being hirsute is in vogue again.

Chest hair, long sideburns... I
think they call it "retro-sexual."

Yeah, hair transplants to the face and
the chest are becoming quite popular.

I want a moustache on him.

And I want some fur on his ass.

His is pink, like a girl's.

Well, you seem to have a healthy
amount of follicles on your head.

I don't think we'll have any problem
harvesting 2,500 to 3,000 grafts.

I agreed to it only if I could get a
face freshening while I'm in here.

God knows I don't want all
my good years to be behind me.

Sure, we could do a
tightening along the jaw line

and get rid of the crow's
feet around your eyes.

What... What do you think,
Magda? That sound good to you?

Oh, Jesus. She didn't just...

She was up till 1:30, eating nachos
and watching Last Call with Carson Daly.

I've sold my soul to the devil,
gentlemen. And this devil just won't die.

When we met, I
was in my early 20s.

Struggling actor, Magda's
health was deteriorating fast.

I decided to marry her.

Figured I'd put in a couple years,
at most, get a pretty nice payday.

Her first husband
made millions in tobacco.

No money in the world is
worth giving up your life for.

If I leave Beelzebubbie now, her
first phone call will be to the lawyers.

I'll wind up with practically bupkis,
and then she'll keel over the next day.

It's your life.

I haven't even told you the worst
part. Magda screws like Bugs Bunny.

She demands it six,
eight times a day.

How do you do it?

I close my eyes!

I think of the villa I'll buy in
Portofino when she finally kicks.

How long was I out?

Damn, you're still here?

I dreamt I was screwing
a flugelhorn player.

Yes, we heard the flugelhorn.

I'm hungry. Go
make me some soup.

Make me beautiful

Make me

A perfect soul

A perfect mind

A perfect face

A perfect lie

Okay, people. Let's get it done.


Oh, my God. What happened?

- Who's that? Who's that?
- It's Ashley.

So where have you been?

This woman was crushed by an elephant
at the circus, isn't that right, Peter?

I am performing a mandibular
reconstruction with the 13th rib.

Just three
centimeters to the left...

No, Doctor. Not the
patient. You. Your eyes.

Oh, it's nothing. Nothing.
Just a little bit of river blindness.

I caught it fixing cleft palates in
the Amazonian river this weekend.

Oh, the Yanomami children.

To see their faces, it was all worth it.
Peter, if you could have been there...

Doctor, should you be operating?

Yes, I should be
operating. Peter's my eyes!

Bone saw.

Here we go.

Oh. Oh, we got a bleeder!

Cut! Cut!

Aidan Stone, you
are a boy genius.

- Oh, my God!
- Marcus. Freddy, Freddy, Freddy.

- That's enough. Thank you. Thank you.
- Jesus.

It was a nice scene.

Yeah, thanks. You too.

Dating a black guy now.

That's great.

Good for you.

Who's Josť Feliciano over there?

Oh, that's Marcus, Aidan's
blindness consultant.

I don't know how you guys
do it. And it's all the time, right?

- It's like 24/7.
- Well, pretty much, yeah.

Did it seem... Did it
seem authentic, though?

I mean I was doing some
really cool shit with my eyes.

- Were you?
- Yeah, like, back and forth, and then...

Well, it sounded life-like.

- It did?
- Yeah.

No, but what did it
look like? Did it look...

I actually couldn't see.

Mr. McNamara? Excuse me.

I'm Colleen Rose of the
Colleen Rose Agency.

I was on the lot
visiting another client

and I thought I'd swing
by and watch your work.

What I just saw you do was
sensational. Just sensational, really.

Such pathos. Strasberg,
right? Doesn't matter.

You are a scene-stealer.

And I heard through the grapevine
you're looking for representation.

I'm flattered, but I'm a
medical consultant, not an actor.

I don't think I'm very good.

I totally disagree. You have
a very naturalistic process.

And I know I can get you work.

Movies, commercials, it'd be a crime
to hide that massive talent of yours.

Seany! I've just gotten off
the phone with Aidy's agent,

who's very, very upset
about yesterday's dailies.

Apparently there's a
massive zit on his client's nose.

I need you tomorrow
morning, 6:00 a.m. reshoot.

Oh, wait. Freddy, I have two
surgeries scheduled for that time.

- Excuse me.
- No, excuse me.

I'm Freddy Prune, executive
producer and creator

of Hearts 'N Scalpels.
How can I help you?

And I'm Sean's agent. Colleen
Rose, of the Colleen Rose Agency.

Seany, I didn't know
you had an agent...

Sean is not going to be rescheduling any
surgeries because of some zit. All right?

Sean is a medical
consultant and a producer.

He's not one of your cattle.
He saves lives at his day job.

So listen, do what you have to. If
you have to sh**t around him, fine.

Get close-ups, fix it in post.

I don't care, really, what you do, but
my client will not be here tomorrow.

You get me a strawberry Fribble right
now, before I kick you square in the nuts.

- Thank you.
- You're welcome.

In this next bit, I
think I'm gonna cry.

You know? I just...

I really wanna show that blind
people can cry like normal people.

Now that's pretty
brilliant, right?

You know, Aidan. Blind people
really do cry like everyone else.

I know. But I'm... But I'm saying
that when I cry, I could see again.

Yeah. Oh! But I can only see again
when I'm crying. I have to get, like...

I just gotta get
really emotional.

I don't know that river blindness
was ever cured that way.

But well, from
what I've learned...

I mean, blind people do get their
sight back. You know, they take...

Eden, right?

- Yes, we met at your hill party.
- Yeah.

Oh, that was a
pretty crazy night.

Yeah, are you looking for Sean?

I think he's hanging out
with the extras somewhere.

No, actually, I took the
studio tour and snuck away.

Thought it'd be more
fun to find things myself.

Or maybe you could
show me around.

Where would you wanna start?

Oh, well. I've always wondered if
the big stars have beds in their trailers.

I am big, darling. I'm very big.

I have your results.

The tests don't rule out everything,
but your TSH is in the range.

We just can't find out
what's wrong with you, Julia.

Well... What
don't they rule out?

Certain rare cancers,
but I really don't think...

You don't have cancer.

Sometimes I think that you
believe I'm faking this whole thing.

But I know that there is
something very wrong with me.

And if Dr. Hughes can't find out what it
is, then I will go to see someone who can.

There is something
else we could test for.

Your symptoms could be
caused by an autoimmune disease.

When was the last time
you were tested for HIV?

Slow down. There are other
autoimmune diseases besides HIV.

Six months ago.

And how many partners have
you had since then. Maybe 50?

I'm not HIV positive.

I was fine until we
started sleeping together.

Test me for HIV.

And I would like you
to get a test today too.

Here's your
afternoon pick-me-up.

Double espresso with non-fat
soy, just the way you like it.

I left out the sambuca since you
do have surgery in 10 minutes.

Thank you. Oh. Oh, thanks.

- Did you pick up my dry-cleaning?
- Mmm-hmm.

I got it on my lunch break.
I hung it up in your car.


What is this crap?

You get my coffee, you get my messages,
you haven't called me "assh*le" in days.

It's like Gina slut-bitch died, and
Miss Moneypenny's here in her place.

- What do you want?
- Nothing.

- Mmm-hmm.
- No, Christian, really.

I admit it, I'm not the same
girl that you knew back in Miami.

I guess I just... I finally
realized how lucky I am.

My viral load is so low, it
actually rivals Magic Johnson's.

I actually like my job.
I get to see Wilbur.

And I have you to thank for it.

And I know you're kind of
having a tough time with Julia,

and I don't wanna
add to your problems.

So... Huh. What'd you hear?

That she rides you
pretty hard. That's all.

Well, you know
she's sick, and she...

She's in bed all day. She's
got nobody to talk to, so...

Yeah. No, I get it.

No, you don't get
it. Jesus Christ.

It's like we're married
already, I mean, I need a break.

No, what you need is a
release from all the stress

that this hag is putting on you.

I know exactly
how to give it to you.

Oh, no. I am not going anywhere
near that saber-toothed snatch of yours.

Oh, God no. I am done with
that K-hole of irresponsibility.

I have a better idea.

The devil

Take me now

Before I'm ushered out

'Cause you are like me

I was thinking
about letting Gina go.

You were right. She's a
distraction for both of us.

And today she asked for a raise.

Well, I think we
should give her a raise.

Well, I hate to admit it, but I think she
is the best receptionist we've ever had.

Okay? You know what
happened the other day?

I didn't know what to eat for lunch,
so she ordered the entire menu.

When they delivered it, she screamed
at them for screwing things up,

so we got everything for free.

Sean, your agent's on the phone.

Agent? I thought you
weren't moving out?

She's not a real estate
agent. She's a talent agent.

Talent agent?

I thought you needed
talent for a talent agent.

No panties. I
like it. I like it!

Do we have enough time?

They'll wait. I run this show.

A s a matter of fact, I run
the whole g*dd*mn network.

Oh, I thought Barbara
Shapiro ran the network.

That deaf bitch?

The only reason why they let her in the
Jewish mafia is to fill a disability quota.

Grab my ass.

What happened?

I'm not a premature ejaculator.
There's like... There's like...

There's like three hours
cut out of that video.

What... Who edited this?

That's it?

This is bad. Really bad.

Listen, kids. Two million downloads
on YouTube in eight hours?

There's gotta be a way we can spin
this to our advantage. Don't you think?

Barbara. You know I was just kidding
about the whole Jewish mafia thing.

- Sure he was.
- I love the Jews.

You're an offensive
piece of shit.

What... I'm sorry,
what did she just say?

You're an offensive
piece of shit.

Am... Am I... Am I fired?

Absolutely not.

- Is he?
- Not yet.

You are gonna go
straight to rehab.

And we will tell the press that
you're a cokehead and a sexaholic.

And then... Hey! Three months, you
will do an interview with Larry King.

And maybe, we will bring you
back for sweeps. Do you understand?

It's too bad you're not black.
We could have kept you around

- until the end of the season.
- Is this some sort of joke?

Wait. Okay, first of all,
Barbara, I... I am the show.

There is no show without me.

I mean, Freddy is
not really that talented.

- How dare you?
- How... No. How dare you?

How dare you? What are
you gonna do without me?

I just don't understand
why I'm here.

Are you gonna write for
that fat pig, Kate Tinsley?

Maybe you should
have thought of this

before you stuck your little
penis in and out of Mrs. YouTube!

And betrayed not only me,

but the tens of thousands of people
that have made you a huge television star.

Sean McNamara! Do
you know why you're here?

You are here because you are
the new star of Hearts 'N Scalpels!

That's why you're here!

- What?
- What?

Just for three months, until...

I just need to keep the show
going. It's okay. It's... We need to...

You did good,
Colleen. Saved our ass.

Wait, what... Man, this was...
You... You're behind this, aren't you?

I'm just as surprised
as you are, okay?

You set... You... You...

You put that little bitch
up to it to set me up,

so you would take my job.

Here, I thought we
were friends, Judas!

We're friends? What are
you doing with her, anyway?

I'll tell you one thing, buddy!
You wanna dance with the devil?

You're the one who couldn't
keep his d*ck in his pants!

Two can play at this game, guy!

This is not over. This
is not over, Freddy.

Do we have a deal?

Let's talk about the numbers.

I remember you.

You're the one who
had so much promise.

So much hope.

Thank you, Dr. Troy.

This man's ready
to have a do-over.

A new face, new life,
now's the time to start.

There you go, Jeff. No need to let a
wife get in the way of having a good time.

As soon as I get out of
here, I'm gonna leave her.


No, no, no, no. You don't
need to get divorced to have fun.

You can have your
cake and eat it too.

Oh, no, no, no, no. Magda's no
idiot. She'll hire a private investigator.

No, if I don't just leave her,
and throw the last 21 years away,

I'll never have any
room to breathe.

Have you ever been
someone's caretaker, Dr. Troy?

It's suffocating. Could
drive you to madness.

Wait, where's Nurse Billy?

You shouldn't be walking
around by yourself.

He said he'd puke
if he saw any blood.

I might just puke
when I see your face.

Take a hike, Doc. Time
to try out the new hair.

He's, uh, not ready for
any, uh, physical activity yet.

He's just gonna lay there. I don't
care. I'm gonna sit on his face.

Whoa! The... The... Yeah,
the... The follicles... The...

- Yeah.
- They're very...

They're very sensitive right now,
and so you're gonna have to...

You'll have to wait
a couple of days.

Yeah, okay. We'll watch a
movie. Where's your tape machine?

I got Weekend at Bernie's.

Not again, Magda.

Yes, again, G.I. Joe.
Now, move your hairy ass.

Make room for Mama.

Oh, God, Mama.

Mid-30s Latino softball player

with an external appendage
protruding from his sacral region.

A human tail?

Why don't you
want it removed, sir?

I'm possessed by Satan.

Your mother sucks cocks in hell!

Well, I don't disagree with you, but
Mr. Aureilles, you have got to calm down.

Jesus! That's fantastic.

Claude, could you see if there's
any of that split-pea soup left at crafty?


Listen to me. You are not possessed.
This is a treatable, medical condition.

I Can't... Yes, you can.

This is Los Angeles, people!
It's called a rolling blackout!

Sorry! Accidentally
stepped on the riser pedal.

Okay, now listen.
Everything is going to be fine.

I'm gonna remove
your devilish appendage,

and you'll be sliding into
home plate by next week.

Cut! And, cut!

Bravo, people. Great,
courageous work.

And a star is born, Freddy.

You know, Colleen,
sometimes I forget that

I gave birth to the supernova
that was Aidan Stone.

But I tell you what. I think
that Sean McNamara is sexy,

and vulnerable, and
so very, very modern.

And by the way, so do the blogs,

so you're gonna be seeing
a lot more scenes like this

on Hearts 'N Scalpels,
I'll tell you that.

Oh, my God. That's
really good. Thank you.

That was impressive work, Sean.

Thanks, Kate. You too.

Though I really don't feel
like I know what I'm doing.


Hey, assh*le.

No, it's more like,
"Hey, assh*le."

You know, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
What... Why are you here again?

It's post-modern sex, Christian.

This way we both get what we
want without any consequences.

She's HIV negative, so
you get to ride her bareback,

and I get to experience sex
without exchanging any fluids.

Plus, it's kind of
like watching myself.

- Christian, you have to look at me.
- I can't!

Well, we have to
have a connection.

I can't, all right?
It hurts my neck!

All right? This is not Puppetry of the
Penis. You want an acrobat? Blow a chimp.



No, this isn't working for me.
Just put her where I can see you.

That's all.

- Kiss me.
- No.

- Kiss me.
- No!

No, there's no danger of transmitting
the virus unless I've had dental surgery,

and I haven't.

Leave, Gina. You're
ruining everything.

I'm not paying you to use
your mouth, you little whore.

Now you shut up, or
you won't get a penny.

Please? Kiss me.


Fine. Keep going.

Kiss me. Please.

I will see you at
work in the morning.

Conor finally fell asleep.

Are you throwing up again?


I swear, even tea
makes me vomit.

Have you had anything to eat?

How do we tell the
kids that I have AIDS?

Julia, you don't have AIDS.

All the symptoms.

Well, along with a hundred
other possible things.

It's extremely difficult to
spread between women,

and Christian has been
very careful ever since Gina.

Yeah, so careful
that he's ignoring me.

I feel like I'm going
through this alone.

Well, you're not.

I'll stay with you.

I'm sure you have plans. And... No.
Christian should be here any minute.

I'll stay till
Christian gets here.

What is this,
post-coitus cuddling?

Don't be an assh*le, she's sick.
She can barely hold her head up.

Fell asleep waiting for you.

Where have you been?

There were some complications
with a patient recovery.

The transplant didn't
take so I had to redo it.

- You could have called.
- Well, I didn't. But I'm here now.

And you don't have a ring on your
finger anymore, so time for you to go.

Rest and fluids, hmm?

He took the kids
for an early dinner.

When you didn't show up,
he offered to stay until you did.

You could've called
me too, you know?

I guess I had all
the help I needed.

You're leaving me?

I have to, Magda.

It's time I found
my own identity.

What'll that be, Jeff?
Who are you without me?

I found you on Santa Monica
Boulevard without a pot to piss in.

Everything you are is
because of what I did.

I made you a man.

Yeah, well, maybe I don't
like the man I've become.

Could have fooled me.

You seemed to love having
gifts showered down on you.

Trips to Europe, cars, a
new wardrobe every season.

Don't you want that new
Bentley that's parked outside?

It was going to be
your welcome home gift.

You know, I know I'm slowing
down, and I can't keep up all the time.

So I figured it would be great for you
to have a new car to drive around in,

and show off your
new face to your friends.

And I was gonna throw
in $500 more a week,

walking-around money.

You know, Jeffey, you're
what keeps me alive.

But I'm not gonna live forever.

You... You promise?

To us.

Again, I'm sorry I was so late.

Forget about it.
Forget about it!

While I was waiting I made
friends with this bottle here.

Yeah, I see that.

Maybe you two should
take some time apart.

I'm fine, cookie. Perfect.

Well, I've got some good news,
and I've got some bad news.

The bad news is, next week you
have a nude scene with two-ton Tinsley.

What? Colleen, I can't do that.

I'm not even an actor. I
mean it's undignified...

The good news is, I
told that Freddy forget it.

My client won't do it. No nudey.

He agreed. You're
getting more surgeries.

Which means you get
to keep what I am sure

is that scrumptious wienie
of yours under wraps.

- What's the matter?
- Nothing.

My steak's a
little rare, but it...

- Excuse me!
- No, Colleen. It's fine.

Let me do my job,
Sean. Waitress!

Oh, God. Magda, slow down. Slow
down, you're gonna hurt yourself.

Zip it. You're ruining
my Tom Selleck fantasy.

Oh, Magnum!

Somebody's gonna see us.

Good, we'll charge admission.


Super orgasm!


Where'd you go?
Wake up. Wake up!

Are you gonna be okay?

Let me ask you something.

- What are you doing?
- What do you think of these?

Colleen, this is inappropriate.
This is crossing the line.

Go ahead, squeeze them.

These aren't the tits of a
50-ish-year-old woman, am I right?

You're drunk, okay?

Just go to bed, and get some
rest, and I'll talk to you tomorrow.

They look fake,
they're so perky.

Colleen, get out of the car.


Sorry, cookie.
Oh, shit, am I sorry.

- It's fine, just...
- No, it isn't fine.

It's ever since my husband
left me two years ago

for this young, g*dd*mn extra
on The Young and the Restless.

And then I had
these fibroid tumors

the size of grapefruits
that they cut out of me.

Anyway, sorry. It won't
happen again, cookie.

Oh, shit.

I gotta go back to AA tomorrow.

Agents Anonymous.

Get it?

Just drink some water
and go to bed. Please.

Do you have a breath mint?



Oh, Jesus. God.

You have a nice day, thank you.

McNamara/Troy, thank you
for holding. How can I help you?

Oh, hi, Julia.

How are you feeling?

Listen, I'd love to talk, I
just... I need Christian.

I haven't seen him
yet. Did you try his cell?

He's not picking up.


You just tell him that I called.

Any message?

Can you ask him if he's
heard from Dr. Hughes?

I was just hoping he could rush
through some test results of mine.

I will definitely make sure
that he gets that message.

You feel better, okay? Bye.

- Hi.
- Any messages?


Julia call?

No, but there's a fresh pot
of Sumatra in the kitchen.

Hi, Julia.

When I spoke to you on the
phone I was so worried about you.


I just... Thanks. God, can
you just leave them there.

Smells right now
are making me...

Oh, I remember that feeling
when I was first on the cocktail.

Even the slightest odor
would make me yak.

Has Dr. Hughes put you
on the cocktail already?

I don't know what
you're talking about.

It's not HIV tests that
you're waiting to hear about?

Julia, one of the advantages
of me answering the phones

is that I am the gatekeeper
for the entire office.

Nothing gets past me.

Now, what I can't figure out is how
you managed to put yourself at risk.

Christian uses condoms, right?

Is Christian positive?

I'm sure everything's gonna
be fine. I'm just a cynic.

Even if the worst were to occur,
you could get through this. I'm...

I can help you.
Christian will help you.

When I found out that I was
positive, he was so wonderful.

He was a fount of support.

Not for me. I've
hardly seen him lately.


That makes sense.

What's that supposed to mean?

I hate to be the one
to bring you bad news.

But I think that we're friends.

Even if your shitty managerial skills
did single-handedly destroy the spa

that I sacrificed my
entire nest egg for.

Just say what you
have to say, Gina.

Christian's having an affair.
I literally walked in on them.

It was degrading.

No, no. That's not true.

Oh, don't be such a Pollyanna,
Julia. It makes me sick.

Gina, I want you to
leave please. Right now.



You know, I guess
all that I'm trying to say

is I think you need to
keep that d*ke close.

Christian is not capable of
keeping his sword sheathed.

He's not capable of
staying committed.

That's not news to you, right?

I mean, surely, you figured
that out, after all these years.

What are you doing here, Gina?

Just a little girl talk.

Oh, Julia, what I
neglected to tell you

is the woman Christian's
having the affair with is me.

She's a dirty, whoring liar.

And she's been in
love with me for years.

But are you sleeping
with her, Christian?

No. She's got the gate
to hell between her legs.

Why don't you tell your precious
Julia where you were last night?

Okay, fine. I will.

At home. With my
tongue in his ass.

I want you to leave, Gina.

- And by the way, you're fired.
- Oh, yeah. I expected that.

I guess it's a conflict of interest,
our working together now.

You feel better, Julia.

I should have known
you'd never change.

You're such a damn hypocrite.

Accusing me of sleeping around

when the only evidence
you have is that wingnut.

Despite the fact that
you're cheating on Olivia.

I can't talk about this
now. I'm not feeling well.

There's always
something wrong with you.

At least Gina doesn't
live in denial, like you do.

You want me to just face facts

and admit that this relationship
isn't working, is that it?

That you're never here for me, that you
don't support me? That I'm not even sick?

You're not sick, Julia.

Or should I say, you didn't
catch anything from me.

I'm gonna go heat up some
soup for you or something.

Tell me what you don't
like about yourself now.

Me? I'm perfect. It's
Dudley Do-Right, here.

You got to do
something about his chin.

Every time I'm riding him, it's
like I'm sitting on a butt plug.

And you really want this?

Not just her making
this decision for you.

Sure, I mean, she
just gave me a Bentley.

Magda, don't you
think it's a little soon

to be getting back in
the saddle, so to speak?

Hell, no. It's now
or never, guys.

I mean, I'm pretty much
knocking at death's door,

and I don't see anyone
waiting on the other side for me.

Then out of respect
for Mr. Morris.

He's had a grand mal seizure.

He's a vegetable. He'll
never live a normal life again.

And it's a damn shame.

Jeff was really
great in the sack.

This one just lays
there like a bag of rocks.

But I'm teaching him.

You know, Jeff made
his own choices in life,

and I got to do the same thing.

It's time to move on.

You get nothing from the past.

And who knows
what the future is?

It's the present, boys.

You got to take a bite out of that
apple and have fun while you can.

Nobody's keeping score.

Hey, cookie! Got us
some Jamba Juices.

I've got banana-berry or
razzmatazz. Which one do you want?

After that scene I made last
night, I need to replenish my fluids.

That's an apology, by the way.

Apology accepted.

I'll call you if I need you.

I was thinking I'd stick
around and watch the scene.

Do you see any other
agents here, Colleen?

Every day, you have
some excuse to come visit,

and hover around me
like some irritating fly.

Why don't you go back to your
office, and just let me do my work?

Now you just stop with the
attitude, Mr. Fancy Pants.

- We need to stick together here.
- No, we don't.

I'm tired of you crossing boundaries.
I'm your client, not your friend.

And we need to keep
things professional.

I don't want to see you
here unless I invite you.

Am I clear?

Thanks for the Jamba Juice.

Oh. Hey, how much more time
do they need to light the set?

About 25 minutes.

Could you throw this
away for me? Thank you.

Have we met?

- No, but you're Sean McNamara, right?
- Yeah.

I've never really
met a TV star before.

- And what is your name?
- I'm Jenny. I'm just an extra here.

Well, there are no
small parts, Jenny.

- Can I show you around?
- Sure.

What is this?

Well, I figured that
you called to apologize,

and I wanted to make
it as easy as possible.

I didn't come to apologize.

I came to serve you
with a restraining order.

I don't want you near me, Wilbur,
Julia, or my work ever again.

That's bullshit.

I didn't do anything.

I took a page out of
your book, Satan. I lied.

I told the judge that
you were harassing me

and my family, and that
you were stalking Julia.

With your history, he
didn't have to think twice.


If this is it
between us, then...

Well, I think we should
end it the way we began.

I made us a meal.

I think your mouth's gonna water
when you see the first course.

Just look at it.

Very cute.

- But you are kidding yourself, Gina.
- I know you want it, Christian.

I know you want it
'cause you're just like me.

I'm nothing like you.
You're g*dd*mn Medusa.

What, you're a frigging saint?

You're always
gonna cheat on Julia.

You're always gonna
come back to me,

because I am the filthiest
piece of ass you've ever had.

I came so hard, watching
you bang that girl.

And so did you.

I don't judge you.

This is the last time
we'll ever see each other.

You love me, assh*le,
in your own way.

Just like I love you.
Like I always have.

There's a difference
between love and sex.

No, there isn't.

Sex is the only way that we can
feel we're not alone in the world.

You're always gonna
feel alone with Julia,

'cause she's never gonna
give her whole self to you.

- I'm leaving.
- Come on, just one last bang. Huh?

Just for old times' sake?


Just stick it in.

Just the tip. Just a little bit.

You can take all your rage out
on me. Just like you always have.

Give me the condom.

This is love.

This is love.