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05x04 - Dawn Budge II

Posted: 04/23/24 12:26
by bunniefuu
Previously on Nip/Tuck...

I had gastric bypass,

and after I lost a hundred pounds,
this is the result.

Did she lose 100 pounds
in a week or something?

I happen to like her, and I don't
give a shit if she was once fat.

How do you know that girl?
Eden? She's Olivia's daughter.

If Julia's my new mommy,

that practically makes you my daddy.
Don't you wanna be my daddy?

What I want is for you
to stay away from my daughter.

Annie wants to go to Preston,
the school where Eden goes.

Campbell, isn't it?
I think that's what Helen said.

Although she said you'd be sitting
at the other end of the bar.

I'm afraid I've never paid
for someone before.

It's been a long dry season.

Well, I hope you brought an umbrella,
because I'm predicting thunderstorms.

What happened to you, Dawn?
Did you have a face-off with your ex on

Jerry Springer?

I was att*cked by a
giant wedge-tailed eagle in Calgary.

She thought I was poaching
her man-eagle.

OK. So you've been doing
peyote for how long?

I was hang gliding.

We're a long way from Calgary, Dawn.

Money shortens the distance, Doc.

They medevaced me to a private jet.

There was a doctor onboard waiting

with an I.V. full of antibiotics
and painkillers,

and here I am several hours later

with the only 2 surgeons
in the world I would trust

with my gorgeous mug.

You are charming, by the way,

on Hearts 'n Scalpels.

Who knew?

That Aidan Stone,

Oh, you have to introduce me to him
when I'm more presentable.

OK, so you're up in the sky
just sailing along, singing a song.

I was at 8,200 feet, actually.

I had just caught this
delightful updraft, you know.

I was thinkin', "hey, life does not
get any better than this."

Suddenly I heard this horrible
screeching sound.

What the hell?! Jesus christ!

After she bit my face off,

she went after my canopy lines.

I was in free fall for 1,600 feet
before she freed herself.

- You must have been terrified.
- Terrifi-- try scared shitless.

And I'd do it again in a heartbeat.

I never felt so alive in my life

It was like time stood still.

Everything was more real
and less real at the same time.

Colors were brighter.

And for that moment, I forgot

just how lonely and depressing
life truly is.

So I've upped the ante, boys.

You are looking at the second
female civilian lady ever

to go off in space.

Takeoff's in 2 1/2 weeks from Russia,

so you gotta get me
sewn up and lookin' good

before all the photographers,
the TV appearances, all that.

the main concern is your lower lip.

I Imagine we'd do an abbe flap.

- What the hell's an abbe flap?
- We cut a flap from your upper lip

and sew it onto your lower lip defect.

In other words, Dawn, we're gonna
have to sew your mouth shut

for 2 weeks.

Listen, whatever it takes, boys.
Whatever you need to do.


You are the reason, both of you,
that I traveled all this way.

Well, you and possibly the chance
to maybe meet Aidan Stone.

And, hey, what's the deal with that
female surgeon on that show?

She's goin' up, like, a size a week.

Somebody's gotta tell her
lay off the mallomars.

God, they're gonna start oinkin' at her.

It ain't easy to get a swimsuit.
Tell her that.

_/Yellow Sub\_

Metalmarco ::ITA-SA::

Season 5 Episode 04
Dawn Budge II

I love you, Sean.

It's OK. You don't have
to say it just because I did.


we're definitely kinda
headin' in that direction.

Is this a peanut M&M?

Why are you eating peanut M&M's in bed?

- 'Cause I don't like the plain ones.
- Well, I'm serious, Kate.

I was starving.

We got home from work
at 3:00 in the morning.

I didn't have dinner. I ate
a stupid bag of M&M's. So what?

5 bags of M&M's?

I mean, that's-- for someone
who's had a gastric bypass

and all the surgery we just did,
and now you're gaining weight?

I'm your boyfriend. I care about you.
I worry about your health.

And who wants
a girlfriend with a fat ass,

especially a thin, handsome
plastic surgeon, right?


I'm not proud of it,
but there's some truth there.

Do you know how many hours in the day
I am basically sleepwalking,

alienated from everyone? people around
me are talking, but I can't hear them,

because my mind's back on the
krispy kremes I passed on the set.

I know how screwed up I am.
I'm not an idiot.

You've got a problem, Kate.

Oh, no shit, Sherlock.

Nobody's perfect.

Just takes commitment
and faith in yourself.


Maybe I can help.

Where's your secret stash?

Marshmallow fluff?

it's easily digestible.

- Jesus, sweetie. This could k*ll you.
- Yeah.

All right. We'll get rid of that,
and we move on. Phase 2.

First we take a shower.

Then we get in the car,
and we drive to whole foods,

and we buy you some easily
digestible health food, OK?

You must love me.

- Count back from 10 for me.
- Hold it, sister.

I am not going under until the doctor
promises me a visit to the set.

Dawn, we've been over this. I make
a point of not mixing the 2 worlds.

Are you ashamed of me, Dr. Mcnamara?

Frankly, yes.

Okey-dokey. We ready to rock 'n' roll?

We've been ready for 20 minutes.

Oh, yeah. Sorry about that.

Wilber and I were out on the balcon
this morning just mesmerized

by these 3 whales that were spouting
right in front of the house. It was a...

Is this the life or what, huh?

Who is this new and improved Christian?

Are you datin' the little mermaid?

I like it. I like it.

So how's our little eagle temptress
doing this morning?

- Pissed off.
- Pissed?

Your partner over here
just gave me a line of bull

about how I can't go
to the set of Heart 'n Scalpels.

Oh, well, he's just grumpy
because the only whale

he saw this morning
was between the sheets.

15 blade.

And for several days,
as Dawn Budge heals,

the world is a peaceful place.

Sorry to interrupt, Sean.

Your daughter's here.

Honey, the simple answer is no,
I can't do liposuction on you.

First of all, you don't need it.

- Secondly--
- If you love me, you'll do it.

Oh, it's got nothing
to do with love, sweetheart.

There's not an ounce
of extra fat on you,

and even if there was,
you're still growing.

- I'll go to someone else, then.
- OK. All right. Come back. Sit down.

Tell me, miss Mcnamara,

what you don't like about yourself.



where did this idea come from?

You're a beautiful girl.

Have you talked about this
with your mother? Is she here?

Eden dropped me off
while she's getting waxed.

Is Eden the one putting
this negativity in your head?

She told me you'd blame her.

She's my sister,

and she's the only one in this family
who really cares about me.

Give me the surgery.

oh, sweetie.

You must be Campbell.

I'm Marcia's friend, Gwen.

Hi, Gwen.

You're a very attractive lady.

Marcia tells me that you're

open to unusual scenarios.

Tell me what you had in mind.

It's a fantasy that I've had
for a long time,

but I need a partner,

someone who's cool,

calm, and trustworthy.

You have to be like a surgeon almost.

I think I could do that.

I've researched it down to
the very second,

and it'll take about
an hour and a half.

I've already booked a room upstairs.

We'll start

by calling room service.

While you're emptying
the buckets of ice

into the bathtub,

I'll be injecting myself with ketamine
in order to dull the senses

of my physical body.

It will take 20 minutes.

After that, you'll have to help me
into the bathtub.

The next part's going to
be difficult for you,

I'd imagine more difficult
for you than it is for me.

We'll have to wait for
my body temperature to drop.

I'll start to shiver when
my body tries to keep warm.

That means that I'll be
in moderate hypothermia.

Once my body temperature drops,

i'll stop shivering,

and you'll have a very limited
amount of time before

I lose consciousness.

At this point, do not give

in to your desire to wrap me up.

That's very important.

My trust is completely
in you at that point.

The warmth of your body,

the intensity of your thrusting

Will bring me back to life.

I'll need double my fee.

That's not a problem.

You're one kinky bitch, aren't you?

My mother committed su1c1de
when my little sister died.

My shrink seems to think
that my fantasy

is to become my sister

so I can bring her back to life

in order to save my mother.

And what do you think?

I think

for $8,000,

you'll bring me back to life.

To life.

Eden needs therapy, serious therapy

and not the touchy-feely kind of
new age bullshit Olivia favors.

I don't doubt that
all our kids have issues, Sean,

but let's not get carried away
with the finger-pointing.

Your daughter is suffering
from body dysmorphic disorder

brought on by a sociopath
she considers her only real ally.

I don't call that issues, Julia.

I call it a serious g*dd*mn crisis.

I can't just sit quietly
in the other room

and listen to a character assassination
of my daughter.

Honey, let's not escalate things.

- Sean is just worried about Annie--
- But how is it that

My daughter is being blamed
for Annie's low self-esteem.

Eden's self-esteem is her most
extraordinary quality.

Why would she teach Annie
to hate herself?

These girls are my thinspiration.

Ok, get on the scale.

6 pounds overweight.

And I can see it right
there on your ass.

Your dad needs glasses.

Who are Ana and Mia?

Anorexia and Bulimia.
Did you learn anything in Miami?

What am I gonna do?
Chris'll never like me.

He always bags
on Evan 'cause she's fat.

Well, I couldn't live
with myself if I let you do coke,

My own personal savior.

I guess we're looking at Mia
if your selfish father won't help.

Look, the point is

is that annie needs help.

Now, we're all agreed on that.

Ok, well, to me, it's like there's
a giant elephant in the room.

It's obvious that Annie's problems
were inevitable.

What does that mean?

The whole plastic surgery ethos
is undermining to women.

You undermine her just by going
to work every day, Sean.

You've aligned yourself with
the cultural misogyny

that is poisoning your daughter.

Are you trying to create
a rift between me and my daughter?

Sean, you can't pretend
this is a new idea.

You know, you and I have talked
about this many, many times.

You never really had a problem
with it before,

with my poisonous,
underming misogyny.

After all, it financed all
your spiritual-slash-identity crises

You couldn't get enough of.

This is not between you and me, Sean.

Keep your voices down. The girls are
studying in the other room.

Use your stomach muscles to help.

You don't stop when you gag.

You have to keep
your fingers there, Annie.

Jesus, you're hopeless.

Can't do it. It feels horrible.

What am I gonna do?

I have to make him like me.

You're a real challenge,
you know that?

We have to move to plan "C".

Wipe your mouth.

Good afternoon, ms. Budge.

I'm Dr. George.

Who do I need to screw to get
a g*dd*mn smoothie???

I'm not here for sex and treats.

I'm here to collect a sample.


It's a stool sample.

Since you had a run-in with
a wild bird, the docs are

concerned about avian flu.

Bird flu?

Listen, this'll just take
a few seconds.

Roll over for me.

Knees up for me.

That's it.

And breathe.

Tell me what you don't like
about yourself, Sister.

My oversized breasts.

I'm here for a reduction mammaplasty.

You experiencing back problems?

Be a whole lot easier if
I could just say yes, but

lying's not an option anymore.

I mean, since taking my vows,
I've become aware that

my breasts are a source
of confusion for people,

just like they were for you just now.

I wanna remove that confusion

so that I can be seen as
a vessel for god's light

I wanna inspire people with my faith,
not my bust line.

Reduction mammaplasty is
definitely a modern way

of deepening your spiritual life.

Well, I'm a modern girl,
so I'm a modern nun.

Then why the antiquated look?

I thought modern nuns
didn't have to dress like

Sally Field in The Flying Nun anymore.

Well, it's actually a trend now.

I mean, many of the younger women
going into the church

feel the need for something more...

I mean, if I'm gonna give up
sex, freedom, and money,

I'm not gonna pretend it's no big deal.

And I wanna wear my wedding dress

every single day.

Feel like I need to ask for higher
permission to examine your breasts.

I think we can get you down to

a small "C" or a large "B."

We make a small incision
in the nipple,

cut straight down through the middle
of the breast, along the bottom.

And I'm curious. Why woul
a beautiful women like yourself

give up all the pleasures in life?

I mean, that is what you're doing,
no matter how you spin it.

Well, it's hard to describe
to someone who hasn't felt it.

Felt what?

Well, when you're called.

It's like a real falling in love.

Loneliness disappears,

And you have an overwhelming
desire to be with God,

and that makes everything else pale.

Have you given everything else a chance?

Has anybody ever held these and
told you how exquisite they are?

Is that what it takes to make
you feel alive, doctor,

Bagging a nun?

You think God saw what I just saw
in your eyes right now?

If it's God you want, then go for it.

We're all just trying to get
through the night, sister.

I was a heroin addict.

I lived on the street for 2 years.

I'm sure your imagination can tell you
what got me through the night

until god found me, saved me.

When you...

have a minute, there's some kind
of misunderstanding with ms. Budge.

Dawn, nobody ordered a stool sample.

It doesn't make sense. You can't get
the bird flu from an eagle in Calgary.

I already told her that stool samples
are not used in a diagnosis

and certainly not retrieved
with a rubber glove.

This whole episode was most likely

a hallucination triggered
by the anesthesia.

- Exactly.
- Excuse me.

Guys, may I see you
in the break room, please?

Give us a sec.

- An actual ass bandit?
- How did you find out about this?

I just had a conversation
with a sergeant Montgomery

over at the Beverly Hills P.D.

He told me that there have been
3 identical ass bandit episodes

at the Rodeo Drive Cosmetic Institute.

An unknown intruder enters
during off hours,

politely says
he's there for a stool sample,

at which point, he digitally diddles
the patient, and then he leaves.

Why would someone do that?

For the thrill of getting
away with it or maybe because

brown is the new black.
How the hell am I supposed to know?

- So this pervert is still at large.
- Yseah, and get this.

The owners of the Rodeo Drive Chop Shop
made huge payouts to the victims

so that their already astronomical
malpractice insurance

doesn't go sky-high.

Looks like everybody's gettin' r*ped
thanks to this fudge-finder.

Dawn could sue us because
we don't have enough security.

Our carrier could drop us.
No insurance, no practice.

You think she's litigious?

You guys need to make nice, and fast.

She's hitler in uggs, and she's smelly,

and I need you to protect me
from her, ok? That's all I'm asking.

That's Freddy Prune, the show's creator.
And this is the set.

This is where Mr. Stone and, uh--
Oh, look who it is.

Please, nothing about her weight.
She's very sensitive.

Hi, Dawn. Kate. Nice to meet you.

Sean has told me
so many nice things about you.

- Hey, you.
- Hey. Hi.

You look so handsome.

Oh, thank you.
Dawn, that's really sweet.

I hear that you are hoping to meet
my handsome costar.

I happen to know where he hangs out, so,

You know, I'll take her over
to Aidan's Trailer.

Yeah. Let's go. I know.
He's so cute and nice.


Annie's been expelled, Sean,
and we've gotta drive up there.

- She what?
- Even prettier than me.

- Hey, hey, hey! Heads up!
- Dawn!

Hey! Heads up!

- Come on.
- What happened? Oh, my God.

g*dd*mn it-- are we insured for this?
Somebody check the insurance right now.

How the heck did-- we just had
a safety meeting. g*dd*mn it.


I'm Freddy.

Are you ok?

The world we're passing along
to this generation creates a challenge.

There's so much darkness and corruption,
and as we see here today,

they're responding in disturbing ways.

Clearly many of them are desperate
to breathe life into their bleak

vision of the future.

Let me ask you this, Mr. Blunt.

What if a student's problems aren't
about this dark world, but rather

were instigated by a disturbed
psychopath right here at Preston

- who set her sights on my daughter?
- Sean,

now Annie has got problems
that we cannot blame on someone

who she's only known for a few months.

A few months ago, Annie
was a very sane and innocent girl.

It's always difficult to face
the shortcomings of our children.

Your daughter was caught
in a highly inappropriate liaison.

It's a zero-tolerance offence.

Both Annie and Chris Solomon,
the young man

with whom she was found
in the north stable,

are being asked to pack up
and vacate immediately.

This is all your fault.

- Why are you trying to destroy us?
- I don't wanna destroy you, Sean.

I just wanna have a little bit of fun.

Put your clothes on.

We're going to the headmaster's office,
and you're gonna explain

that you're the one who's been teaching
my daughter about oral sex.

You know what Blunt likes?

Blunt likes when I suck his balls.

He wouldn't wanna hear
anything bad about me.

- He likes me.
- What happened to you?

I don't understand. You're attractive.
You're smart.

Your mother tries to be
a responsible parent.

You've got it all backwards, Sean.

I'm the fairy godmother.

Annie needs to learn how to attract
the boy she's been fantasizing about.

I know you fantasize about me

while you're pumping away
on little Miss Jenny Craig.

- Jesus Christ.
- Does fatty dumpster swallow?

Bet she's too worried
about the calories.

- You leave Kate out of this.
- All that anger.

It's 'cause you're fighting
what you want, Sean.

I love to swallow.

I taught myself to deep-throat
using a numbing spray.

You listen to me.

The people who take advantage
of you are predators.

They're pathetic predators.
I do not lust after you.

In fact, the harder you try,
the more you turn me off.

- Just stay away from me.
- Stay away from you

or from annie?

What's your real fear, Sean,

that I'll corrupt Annie

or that I'll corrupt you?

Saying a few last-minute
Hail Marys, Sister?

It's a waste of time.
You're gonna be fine

thanks to good, old-fashioned
surgical expertise.

You'll need to take
that off before surgery.

- Will you help me, doctor?
- Of course.

There you go.

I want you to take it.

Pray with it every now and then.

I gave up praying
when I was 10 years old.

Prayer is very powerful, Dr. Troy.

- Did you read about what happened
in Australia? - No, I didn't.

Well, they're having a terrible drought,

and the prime minister asked everyone
to pray for rain, and the next day,

it rained all across
northwestern Victoria,

the very next day.

Well, that's good to know that
the solution to global warming

is just a rosary bead away.

Well, even a man of science
can respect empirical evidence.

Here's a piece of empirical evidence
for you.

Every night when I was a kid, I used to
kneel in front of my bed and pray to God

that my foster father wouldn't
come back into my room,

and every night, he came back in anyway.

So God listens to the australian
farmers, but he doesn't listen

to an innocent boy who's being
sodomized by an evil psychopath.

I'm so sorry.

There's no way I can know
what God's plan was,

but I know he had one,

and sometimes we have to focus our
prayers on having that revealed to us.

That's how I was saved.

The truth is I don't wanna
be saved, Sister.

Maybe you should've found yourself
a more pious surgeon.

Nope. I'm glad it's you.

There's a glimmer of true light
in those eyes,

and I can see it fighting
for a place at the table.

Just take it.

For me.

Whatever makes
the patient more comfortable.

How are you feeling, Dawn?

Tthey say I'm lucky I didn't die,
but you know what?

I'm lucky I got hit
by that 300-pound light.

Had I been anywhere else in the world,

I never would have found
my raison d'etre.

It's my bliss.

- Frederic Christopher Prune.
- She saw stars, gentlemen,

and so did i.

Tell you the truth,
I'd given up on love.

I made up my mind that romance
was gonna have to break down my door

and drag me kicking
from my Pratesi sheets.

I certainly was not gonna waste
any more time on the caliber of woman

you normally meet in this town
And then...

I met my Dawn,

a real woman with a real soul
and a heart of gold.

And Jesus Christ, take one look at her.
You know what you do to me, darling?

Tell me.

You look like a buttercup,
and you turn my freaking crank around

and around and around and around.

Well, that crazy Cupid
is just full of surprises, isn't he?

What, are you 90?! Jesus.
It's a text message.

I guess I should read the manual. Sorry.

Uh, family stuff.
Anyway, congratulations.

Yeah, we're thrilled for you,
envious, in fact.

- Boy, Freddy.
- You know, doctors, I'm very intuitive,

extremely intuitive, and I do happen
to know what you're thinking.

Well, Freddy, you have to admit,
you do have a certain...

What? Sense of style?
Way with a bon mot?

Passion for the genius
of Stephen Sondheim? Come on.

Give me a break.
Let's get in the 2007s, will ya?

I mean, frankly I'm disappointed in you,
especially you. Don't know why.

From you, I expect this.
I mean, what do I have to do,

show you my fantasy football roster?

Terrell Owens is stinkin' up the joint.
You want him? Take him off my hands.

Maybe I can jump over
that faggy table of yours

and beat the living shit out of you.
How about that? I'm sorry.

- It's just a little ignorant--
- Listen,

let me cut to the chase, ok, fellas?

Freddy Prune is packin'.
Freddy Prune gives wicked head.

Freddy prune rides me like he is
the king of the freakin' rodeo.

Any questions?

Ok. Now that we've cleared
that up, Freddy,

why don't you tell us
what you don't like about yourself.

He needs as ass-lift.

I call him Mr. Waffle butt.
Flat as a pancake, cute little craters.

Show him, sweetheart.

Christ, what is this,
homeroom at Hollywood high?

Answer it, already.

Look, uh, my partner'll have to finish
the consult. I got nanny problems.

911. What's your emergency?

I wanna report a woman in severe
hypothermia. Her body's been in ice.

- Does the patient have a pulse?
- No.

You need me to talk you through C.P.R.?

No. I'm a doctor. She needs warming
fluids. How soon will they be here?

5 to 10 minutes.

Please, God.
Please, God, don't let her die.

Christ, I'll never--
I'll never play with people--

people's lives again. I promise. I'll...

Look at that gorgeous bumper.

Freddy is tasty and delicious
as a cinnabon, but half the calories.

- Cinna-bun. You get it?
- Oh, Jesus, believe me, I got it.

Yeah, no sitting for a week, and I want
you sleeping on your side, ok?

- Tell me about it.
- What, so no humpy-humpy?

Princess, for God sake,

my ass feels like it just got att*cked
by a swarm of k*ller bees. No joke.

Oh, baby. Baby.

Dawn, could I, um, talk to you
in my office? Just to go over some,

- uh, billing details.
- Billing?

You said this surgery was on the house
because of my ass bandit trauma.

I'm still having flashbacks,
aren't I? Aren't I, Freddy?

Look at me. It's all in the past.

Look in my eyes and say,
"it's all in the past".

- It's all in the past.
- Just some minor details while

- Freddy rests.
- You get 5 minutes, ok, honey?

Close your eyes. Count to 10.

- Ok. Come back quick. Come back quick.
- It's all in the past.

I don't actually need
to talk to you about payment.

I wanna talk about you and Freddy.

Stop right there.

I'm way ahead of you, doc.
I know he's out of my league.

He's too good for me. He's too smart.

He's too famous. He's too sexy.

You know, he could be bangin'
Jennifer Aniston right now,

but he's not.

He chose me for the moment.

I don't think it's Jennifer Aniston
you should be worried about.

Could be right. He's always
had a thing for busty blondes.

You know, he still cries
over Anna Nicole.

Dawn, please, listen to me.
Just listen to me.

Ok, you're a very lovable person,

and I just wanna make sure
you're with a man who

loves you for the right reasons.

I'm fine, Dr. Troy.

I'm walkin' on air.
It's a rush you can't imagine,

truly, giving yourself over
to another person,

scheming to make
all their dreams come true.

It's called unconditional love.

You should try it.

Good evening, Mr. Prune.

Are you the night nursey?

I'm Dr. George.

I'm here to collect a stool sample.

If you'll raise your knees for me.

And breathe.

Tell me what you don't like
about yourself.

First let me tell you
what I like about her.

Her p*ssy.

It's soft and tight and pink.

I don't wanna hear this.

Nothing good will come
from this kind of talk.

- Now, what can I do for you?
- It's too late, doc.

The damage is done. I slept with her.

I was weak. I couldn't--
I couldn't resist.

I thought I could trust her.

I thought she'd keep the secret,
but she told everyone.

She told everyone.

I'm not even a doctor anymore.

She lied. She told 'em that I r*ped her,
and they took everything away from me,

my license to practice. My...

Family, they despise me now
for what I did.

And my partner's done with me, too.
He called me a rank piece of shit.

Can you help me?

There's no cure
for your kind of weakness.

- I'm a surgeon, not a witch doctor.
- Please,

- cut them off.
- I'm sorry?

My balls, you idiot.

Just cut 'em off.

I mean, have some g*dd*mn pity
and cut 'em off before they k*ll me.

Listen to me. Get ahold of yourself.
I'm not cutting anything off.

It's my only hope.

I have no will, no strength.

If you don't cut 'em off,
I'm a dead man.

Fine. You won't do it,

I will.

Hey, sexy, I was over
at the farmers market.

I thought I'd surprise you.
Are you ok?

The tomatoes were so gorgeous,
and they had some really fresh basil, so

I thought I would surprise you
and make us a caprese salad for lunch.

Oh, and I also got
the most amazing organic peaches.

They're the last ones of the season.
Aren't they amazing?

you look pretty today.

- Thanks.
- It was a weird day.

I do love you, Kate.

41/2 pounds down, and I'm lovable again.

You're always lovable.

You're a wonderful girl.


I think we should get married.

- Dr. Troy.
- Hey, Sister.

I, uh, brought your St. Christopher.

Well, actually, the one you gave me,
I forgot about

and left it in a pair of pants
that went to the cleaners,

and somebody there must have need
some kind of salvation, because, uh,

it didn't come back.

So I got you this one. It's, uh,

22-karet gold.

I got it from an estate jeweler.

That wasn't necessary, but thank you.

How are you feeling?

Itchy, but, uh, signs of healing.
You mentioned that.

Yeah. Yeah, it can definitely
be uncomfortable.

So look, I owe you an apology.
I, uh-- I treated you disrespectfully.

Apology accepted,

and again, it's not necessary,

but appreciated.

So I guess I'll see you
for the stitches removal.

Yeah. Yep. That you will.

Would you consider praying with me?

I'm always interested in praying.

What are we praying for?

I don't know.