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03x07 - You Gotta Lose This Job

Posted: 04/23/24 11:26
by bunniefuu
I thought I meant
something to you Eddie!

But if you give up now you're not
just giving up on yourself...

you're giving up on us!

You think I don't know that.

You think this isn't
tearing me apart inside.


Then hang on Eddie! Hang on to the
life that we could have together!

But the water is so cold Joannie...

I can't feel my legs.

I'm sorry. I just... I just need a
second to get back into character.

You know, so I can give back
everything you're giving me.

I did sense you were holding back.

That's why you're the best
casting director in town!

He's k*lling me.

Just calm down honey.

Calm down?

How am I supposed to convince Rob Reiner
one of the top directors in Hollywood that
I'm right for the part

if I'm auditioning with a cross
between Shia LaBoring and Tom Snooze.

Or, Leonardo Decarmitoz and
Snorlando Bloom! Hahaha!

I laughed at yours!

I got an idea, darling.

Excuse me, Howard. Would it be alright
if I read the lines with Hannah one time?

You know, it might just
make her more comfortable.

But can you deliver the lines
with the same passion I do?

That's a risk I'm willing to take.

OK then. Action.

Then hang on Eddie. Hang on to the
life that we could have together.

But the water is so cold Joannie.

I can't feel my legs.


Ar, I'm sorry, who's Shivers?

Is that my cutsie name for you,
or something,

cause it feels like such a weird time that
I'd be saying it knowing that my leg would

Hey daddy!

You're supposed to be shiver there.

Oh, OK. Give me one
more try please.

And... action

Then hang on Eddie! Hang on to
the life we could have together.

Oh. But the water
is so cold Joannie.

I can't feel my legs.


Lola! Maybe you
should read with me.

It was the shivers, wasn't it?

This stupid red light
made me nervous!

Are you sure you want me to...

Lola, just read the line and for the love
of pig give me something to work with!

OK, Let's make some magic.

Then hang on Eddie. Hang on to the
life that we could have together.

But the water! It's sooo...
. cold! J-j-j-joannie!

I can't feel my legs!

What about you and me from the top,
one more time, what do you say?

♪Hannah Montana 3-07♪

♪by rickie,Spike Dai♪

♪you get the limo out front♪

♪hottest styles every
shoe every color♪

♪ya when you famous
it can be kinda fun♪

♪it's really you but
no one ever discovers♪

♪who would've thought
that a girl like me...♪

♪would double as a superstar~~~~~~♪

♪you get the best of both worlds♪

♪chill it out take it slow
then you rock out the show♪

♪you get the best of both worlds♪

♪mix it all together and you'll know
that it's the best of both worlds♪

- Come on, come on, come on, come, on!
- Mile, you just auditioned an hour ago!

Yeah, but it's Rob Reiner!

Princess Bride,
When Harry met Sally

and now his directing
the next raiders!

Can't you just see it?

Hannah Montana is
'Indiana Joannie'!

Hey, I am hooting for you too darling,
but you gotta relax.

He probably hasn't even
seen your audition tape yet.

Yeah, you're right.

I probably won't hear till Monday.

And besides - I'm Hannah Montana.

Life is good. I've got an amazing career.
If I get it, then I get it.

And If I don't then...

Out of my way old man!


Listen, I really need
to keep this line open,

I promise I'll save the
dolphins tomorrow. Buh-bye.

Come on, come on, come on, come on!

Come on, come on, come on, come on!

Hahaha! Even in my sleep
I'm smarter than you.


Two bars... one bar,
one bar! Oh no, one bar!

Will you put that away!
We're here for Oliver.

Sure, it's just an audition
to play at the school dance,

but this means as much to him
as the movie does to you.

Yeah, you're right, I'm totally
here for him... Four bars! Yes!!

What? Can't support him
from behind this trash can?

One bar!! Nooo!

Hi Oliver!

What's up guys? You know thank you so much
for being here. I can't believe how nervous
I am.

Oh don't worry you gonna do great!

Yeah! And you know what,
here's a... here's an idea.

Let's make sure the sound travels well, so
you know what, I'm gonna, I'm gonna go
stand in the hall, you know - Maybe just by
that trash can, right underneath it...

- Oken. Are you ready?
- Yes sir.

- Go get them!
- You're gonna do great!

Two bars! One bar! Oh mud crunkies!

♪I need a kick drum♪

♪a guitar now♪

♪and a bass line♪

♪and I'm gonna show you how♪

♪how to rock how to
dance how to get down♪

♪and all I need is a
piano in my track now♪

♪throw your hands throw your
hands throw your hands up♪


♪Cause you can't, cause you can't,
cause you can't, cause you can't stop!♪


- Wow, he is really good!
- Yeah. Great.

♪cause we're here and we're
now and we all together

so let's make this last forever#

Hey, Mr. Meadows is liking it too!



♪throw your hands throw your
hands throw your hands up♪


♪Cause you can't, cause you can't,
cause you can't, cause you can't stop!♪


♪oh can you hear me!
do you feel it!♪

♪if you with me go 1 2 3 4♪

♪cause we're here and we're
now and we all together

so let's make this last forever#

Yow, Jackson. Where is that dummy?

I prefer the term,
"Wooden American"

And I prefer the term,
"you're fired".

What you doing with
that thing anyway?

Earning three hundred bucks. I'm the
entertainment at Douggie Sorbone's birthday

You're the entertainment? I'm the
entertainment! Without me you're just a

Oh! yeah, could
just a hand do this?

She'll be coming round the mountain when
she comes! She'll be coming round the
mountain when she comes.

They're paying you three
hundred dollars for this?

Wow, Douggie Sorbone's gonna learn about
disappointment at a very early age.

I wasn't finished yet.

- Franklin, say 'argh'.
- argh


Come on, come on, come on, come on!

Come on, come on, come on, come on!

Come on, come on, come on!

Are we going to spend the entire weekend
waiting to see if you got the part or - you
got the gig?

Wake up! Move! Do something!

- There!
- Happy?

It is times like these I thank
my lucky stars I have no talent.

I didn't get the part.
That's why Howard hasn't called me.

He doesn't have the guts.

Or - he's having problems with his
guts and he's in the bathroom.

Poor Howard. Call!

You know, I sing great. Mr.
Meadows is just jealous.

He's jealous that he
doesn't have my talent

I mean you know what they say,
"those he can't sing, teach".

Hey, maybe I should be a teacher.

Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!

Answer the phone!

Hey! I'd be a good teacher.

Supportive, fun. But no talking back!
That is unacceptable. Unacceptable I say!

Yeah, I totally understand.
Thanks for the call.

- Ohh..
- I got a callback! I'm meeting Rob Reiner!

Yes sir. I completely understand.
Thanks for the call.

Why aren't you jumping?

Why aren't you yaying?

Why aren't you jumping and yaying?

I didn't get it.

I'm sorry Oliver.

It's OK, there'll be other dances.

I know, it's just, I wanted this so
bad and I really thought I had it.

I know how you feel.

No you don't Miley.

I mean, seriously, when was the last time
Hannah Montana wanted something that she
didn't get?

Oh well there's that one time
that .. oh no I got that.

Oh, oh, I remember this one time... no,
I broke the house record there.

Oh, I was so devastated when...
that turned out great.

You're not really helping.

Yeah Miley, I mean, lets face it.

You get everything you go after

Hold on... when,
when did this become about me?

I don't know, I mean,it's just...

you know sometimes being around all
your success kinda makes me feel...

- Like a failure?
- I was going to say bad.

I'm sorry Oliver,
I would never do that on purpose.

I know, I'm not saying
it's your fault.

I'm just saying...

Miley, it used to be a lot easier hanging
out with you when I didn't know your secret.

Did I mention I want
to be a teacher?

Oliver, you're acting like you don't even
want to be my friend anymore, thats crazy.

I dunno. I gotta go.

Do you believe him?

He's acting like I get
everything I want.

Yeh Doggies! Mile! Your album just went
double platinum! Yay, yay, yay, yay!

Come on Oliver, pick up!


Mile! That's the tenth
time you've called him.

Just give the boy some space,
he'll come around.


Well, we can only hope. I mean,

the truth is, there are
no guarantees in life.

Some friends come in your life for a
reason... others only for a season.

Hey, that's good! I think I got
the beginnings of your next hit!

Daddy, I don't need another hit,
I need Oliver.

But if you just want to tinker around
a little bit, I won't stop you!

Daddy, it's him!

That's great, that's great. If he says
anything heartfelt or painful, let me know.

And if it rhymes, all the better!

- Oliver! Hey, I'm so glad that you called.
- It's me, hold on.

Oliver, stop this and talk to her!

Hi, I can't talk right now.

There, I talked to her.

What's it going to take to make you
feel better? Miley not getting the part?

Yeah Lily, like that
would ever happen.

Oliver, I swear if you
don't talk to her --

This is going down your shirt.

Well then I guess it's going down my
shirt because I'm not talking to her.

Oh oh oh ahh!

Are you sure you want to do this?

No. But Oliver's so miserable
what choice do I have?

Now get ready for the best
acting performance of my life.

Lola. The door...

Rob! Darling!

Hannah, I've been looking
forward to meeting you.

Why isn't he standing?
I entered, didn't I?

Is she serious?

Please! Just do it!
She has my mother.

You want me stand, I'll stand.
Nice to meet you.

Sanitize me!

Good, another well
adjusted hollywood actress.

Can we, can we, sit?

Pillow me!

Pillow ma'am!

Maybe we should just read.

Oh that would be great. First I
just have a few notes on the script.

Note number one --

You didn't like it?

"Fade In"?

How many times has
that been done before?

I thought it was pretty good.

Haha! Well. That would
explain your shirt.

Haha ha...laugh Please Laugh.

I'm not gonna laugh!

She trashes my script,
she insults my shirt,

and... and what is
with that stuffed dog!

Oh!Stuffed! Captain
Cuddles is a real dog!

Real I tell you!

- Listen, Hannah
- No, you listen, meathead!

- You insult Fluffy ...
- Captain Cuddles!

AKA Captain Cuddles...

You insult me!

Now apologize. He's waiting.

I've never talked to a
stuffed animal in my life!

Except my Aunt Esther
at Thanksgiving dinner.

Talk about a rodent
of unusual size!

You don't want to work with me?
That is your loss sir.

Lola, the door!

Come on, Sparky!

AKA Fluffy, AKA Captain Cuddles.

Zip it! I have your mother.

You got the part!

Hot shot Hollywood honcho say what!

You really had me going
there for a while.

But that commitment you made
to that whole diva thing...

that is exactly what
I'm looking for!

Welcome aboard... Indiana Joannie!

No, no, no, no.
See I... really am wacky.

One minute I'm perfectly fine and... and
the next, I'm pouring iced water down your

Oh come on, like you would do that.


Oh oh ah

Hey Franklin. What did one
wall say to the other?

Meet you at the corner!

Hello! Doing homework here.

Hello! Rehearsing here.

Hey Franklin, tell the
kids how you make time fly.

If x + seven = 6 x y...

You throw the clock out
the window! hahaha!

Hey Franklin, do you want to
know how to make a dummy fly?


Yeah! Well your little 'woops'
just cost me three hundred bucks.

Cough it up.

Oh, about that. My accounts are
kinda frozen at the moment.


I didn't eat my vegetables.

- What?
- I didn't eat my vegetables, OK!

I'll make it up to you,
don't worry.

Yeah. You will.
And I know exactly how.

And now, the amazing Jackson Stewart
and his little friend Franklin!

Hey kids! I heard it's somebody's
birthday. Where's Douggie?

- Alright! Say, Happy Birthday Franklin!
- Happy Birthday Franklin!

Oh Franklin, you big silly.
Which reminds me.

You ever wonder why
elephants are so wrinkled?

No. Why are elephants so wrinkled?

You ever tried to iron one! Whoa!

You're dying here.

Ha! Everybody's a critic.

And, speaking of critics,
what did one wall say to the other?

Meet you at the corner!

And he calls me the dummy!

OK Franklin... um.
How do you make time fly?

Not by listening to you. You stink!

What are you doing?

Getting laughs. Which is more
than you're doing, loser!

Stop it! You.... you little rascal.

Doing the water bit.


We're doing the water bit!

Hey kids Franklin is going to sing happy
birthday while I drink some water.

Or I can just do this.

Oh you are so going
to get it later.

And you're going to get it now!

- What a hit, Keep going!
- My pleasure!

I can't believe I'm going
to meet Taylor Swift!

When can I take off the blind fold?

Um not till we're inside. You know she
doesn't want anybody to know where she

This is Miley's house!

Miley! I've never seen you so down.
What's wrong.

I... I just can't talk about it.

I'm outta here

Wait. Something terrible must've
happened. Let's go find out.

Miley. Talk to us please!

- I didn't get the part.
- Ohhh!

- Which would mean that I falied ...
- Ohhh!

Looks like somebody needs
a big hug right now.

OK You know what! Look

Miley I'm sorry you
didn't get the part.

I mean let's face it. You'll get the
next one. And the next one after that.

And I'm not sure I can
be around that anymore.


I poured ice water down
Rob Reiner's shirt for you

and you don't know if you can
"be around that" anymore?

You what?

She the audition Oliver.

You what!

I gave up Indiana Joannie
so you would stay my friend.

You what!

But if you say 'you what' again.
Ice water's going down your pants.

Well thanks a lot!

OK I'm lost.
What's the problem now?

Miley I'll tell you
what the problem is.

I mean how am I supposed to walk away from
someone who would do something like that
for me?

I guess you're not?


So you promise you won't get upset the next
time that I get something and you don't?

Sure I will.

And it'll be hard... but you know not as
nearly as hard as loosing a friend like you.

Double ohh.

You gave up the part
of a lifetime for me?

I know.

Miley this could've
made you a movie star.

I know.

And you know what I just heard
that cast Chace Crawford as Eddie.

I... huh?

Nothing! Friends. Hug?

- Get Rob Reiner on the phone now!
- Already on it.

Rico... Rico!

Why did you do this to me?

Very funny Jackson.

Jackson's not here.

Yeah right. Jackson...

Oh boy!

Who's the dummy now?

Rico! What are you doing?

He att*cked me!

Wow. Somebody's got
a guilty conscious.

Later dude.

Round two?

You're going down Chucky!