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02x16 - Me and Mr. Jonas and Mr. Jonas and Mr. Jonas

Posted: 04/23/24 11:12
by bunniefuu
Sixth president of
the United States.


That would work if his name was

John Quincy "aargh".

Dad, I need to record
now. What is taking so long?

Hannah is in the zone.

So, what time's that big shoe
sale you're meeting Lily at?

all the 6s go first.

No, honey. I'm proud
to say I don't know that.

Now, what you need
to do is just relax.

Whoever's in there's
just running a little late.

They'll be done any minute.

They'll be done
sooner than a minute.


Ok, who do you
think you are, the...

Sweet mama! It's
the Jonas brothers!

Daddy! I told you
somebody was in here.

I am so sorry, guys.

He gets so impatient.

Sorry, fellas.

Got a big shoe
sale I need to get to.

Dudes, it's Hannah Montana.

We're such big fans.

We love your music.

You're pretty.

Uh, pretty good with the singing

and the dancing that you do.

Wow, you're pretty.

Nice save. I'm Kevin.

The cute romantic
one. And you're Joe,

the cute funny one.

You're Nick, the
cute sensitive one.

And I'm her daddy,
the cute protective one.

You're robby ray.

He writes all the songs!

I know! Nobody's
is genius.

I like the cute romantic one.

I love how it starts off soft,

and then, bam!
"Everybody makes mistakes,

everybody has those days."

"Everybody knows what...
What I'm talking about

everybody gets that way!"

I was wrong. I like them all.

Step aside, cowboy.
I saw them first.

So, is it true that you guys got
discovered at a barber shop?

Yeah, yeah. Funny story.

I can't believe how
many hits you've written.

Yep. Robby ray writes them,

and Hannah sings them.

Uh-huh. Sure.

You're, like, a legend, dude.

Uh, sir. Sir dude.

Yep. He's the best.

And he's all mine.

Yeah, uh-huh.

Well, you know what
would be a great idea,

if you wrote a song for us.

Yeah, that would be so...

I hate to disappoint you, boys,

but he only writes
songs... I'd love to!

Song-writing-daddy say what?



Come on.

♪ You get the limo out front ♪

♪ ooh-ooh-ooh ♪

♪ hot styles, every
shoe, every color ♪

♪ yeah, when you're famous ♪

♪ it can be kind of fun ♪

♪ it's really you ♪

♪ but no one ever discovers ♪

♪ who would have
thought that a girl like me ♪

♪ would double as a superstar? ♪

♪ You get the best
of both worlds ♪

♪ chill it out, take it slow ♪

♪ then you rock out the show ♪

♪ you get the best
of both worlds ♪

♪ mix it all together ♪

♪ and you know that it's
the best of both worlds ♪

where is dad? He was
supposed to be home


Stupid cute Jonas brothers.

Ow! You're braiding hair,
not starting a chainsaw.

I'm sorry. But they're
guys and he's a guy,

and what if he figures out
that he likes writing for guys

more than he likes
writing for Hannah?

Well, then you'll be out
of work and I'll be bald!

Lily, this isn't funny.

You should've seen the
way they glommed on to him.

"You are awesome!

Will you write a song for us?"

"Yee-doggies! I'd love to."

He was putty in their hands.

Putty, I tell you!

Relax. I'm sure
your dad's just late

because the Jonas brothers
are arguing about his music,

or changing his lyrics
and making him miserable.

Whoo! I love the Jonas brothers.

Wow, I was way off.

Where have you been?

You were supposed
to be home 2 hours ago.

Start talking, mister.

Aw, I'm sorry, honey, but
the time just got away from us.

One minute we're
spit-balling song ideas,

next thing I know, we're
having a spit-ball fight!

Then we started playing
air hockey and video games.

It was a regular
p-a-r-t-y, par-tay!

You said you were working.

Well, it turns out I was.

Listen at this.

♪ Anywhere we go,
anywhere we are ♪

♪ everybody knows ♪

♪ you got to party with us ♪

♪ ah, ah, ah, ah ♪

♪ ah, ah... ♪

Well, it's a lot cooler
when the Jo bros do it.

The Jo bros? Even
got a pet name for them.

Oh, come on. I'm sure he has

a pet name for you, too.

Yeah. Miley.

You know, I know it's not
the way that I usually work,

but goofing around with those
boys is pulling a great song out of me.

And look at this.

Fish on a hook.
Joe taught it to me.

You're right. He
is the funny one.

Yeah. Hilarious.

I gotta go get on the
webcam and show uncle Earl.

He's gonna love this! Whoo!

Ok, I don't care
how cute they are.

I hate those backstabbing,

daddy-nabbing Jonas brothers.

Hey, this is funny.

If you're a stupid boy.

Pshh! Fssh! Pshh! Tsch!

Stretch all you want.

You're not getting any taller.

Trust me, I've tried.

I may not be getting any taller,

but I'm about to be
a whole lot richer.

How? You're gonna open a "take
your picture with an idiot" booth?

"You're gonna open
a take your picture

with an idiot"!

Nackamore sporting
goods is offering $5,000

to anyone who
breaks the world record

on the new nackamore extreme.


A bike?

Please! The nackamore
extreme is a precision instrument

that requires a special
blend of endurance, skill,

and natural-born talent.

Now let's do this.

In 20 hours and 42 minutes,

I'm gonna be bouncing
all the way to the bank.

Now, if you'll excuse me...

Helmet cam is a go.

This is Jackson rod Stewart

recording my hop to destiny.


Starting now.

Once again, this is
Jackson rod Stewart,

hopping my way to history!

I'm gonna be rich!
I'm gonna be rich!

♪ Yeah, yeah, ooh ♪

♪ it's Friday and
there's nowhere to be ♪

♪ we're kicking it together ♪

♪ it's so good to be free ♪

Aw, those boys
are gonna love this.

Hey! What the...

What are you doing?

Just goofing off.

Getting those
creative juices flowing.

Try it with me, daddy.

You know, spit-balling could
pull a great song out of you.

Are you ok?

Never better. Just hanging
out with my old man.

Come on.


Hey, daddy.

Why don't we have
an arm-tooting contest?

I'll go first.

Beat that!

Honey, I don't
have time for this.

I'm trying to finish this song.

But, dad...

Excuse me.


No, there's no one here
by the name of gunner.

Sorry, this ain't
the tinkle residence.

I don't care what you say.

I'm not gunner tinkle...

Gonna tinkle...
Joe, is that you?

We so own you!

Busted! That was sick!

Oh, you boys. L.O.L.!

You know I.O.L.?

Yeah, Nick taught it to me.

Hey! You guys want to hear
the chorus of your new song?

Yeah! Go for it. Yeah.

Ok, hold on.

It's a little rough.

Beat that!

Oh, sorry. Hold on,
I'm getting another call.

Hello? What?

You're looking for who?


Amanda hugginkiss?

A man to hug and kiss...

Miley, I don't have
time for this foolishness!

I'm trying to work here!

So am I!

I'm inspiring you with my humor.

Dad, listen to this one.

So, why was 6 afraid of 7?

'Cause 7 ate 9! Ha! Whoo!

That is hysterical.

Hang up and we
could write a hit.

Sorry, guys. It was just
my daughter being silly.

Yeah. Well, sure. Of course.

I'll be right there.

Hey, darlin', I'm
gonna go meet the boys

and finish this song.

But daddy, what about
we just hang out today?

Hey, here's Lilly to
keep you company.

You guys have a good night, now.

He looks happy.

Of course he's happy.

He's hanging out with... Them.

Oh, my gosh. Your
dad's having a bro-mance.


He's having a Jo bro-mance.

I used to be the one
that he loved to write for.

Now they're all he thinks about.

Why aren't I enough anymore?

Give me one good reason!

Well, they're new,
there's 3 of them,

and they're so cute!

I said one.

Right. Ahem.

And to think, you gave him

the best 14
years of your life...

Years you will never get back!


I am not about to
get thrown away

like yesterday's mu shu pork.

You had mu shu pork yesterday?

Is there any left? Lilly, focus!

I am not about to let
Larry, curly, and moe-bro

waltz in and steal him away.

My daddy writes for
me and nobody else!

So, what are you gonna
do? I have no idea!

♪ Oh ♪

pardon me...
Breakin' a record. Heh.

Gettin' hungry.


Thank you.


I figured out how to
get my daddy back.

How? Ok...

The Jo bros aren't going
to want to record dad's song

if they know he stole it
from another guy band.

What guy band?

Oh, no.

Oh, yeah.

♪ Ooh, yeah, yeah ♪

I can't believe I'm gonna
meet the Jonas brothers!

Guy voice.

Can't believe I'm gonna
meet the Jonas brothers.

Yeah. Yeah.

Rico... I gotta
use the bathroom.

That ought to be interesting.

Just open the door!

Sure... For half your winnings.

I am not gonna
split $5,000... oops.


Look at that...
Drip... drip... drip.

Ok! Deal!


Open the door. Ohh.

Mission accomplished.

Ooh! He sh**t, he scores!

And nothin' but bowl.

Eat marshmallow, fro bro!

Chew on this, sucker!

Put this in your cocoa!


Let's blast Robbie
ray! Great idea!

Guys, guys, but
it's 3 against one.

I like it!

Unh! Whoo-hoo! Yeah!

Yo, guys, we're working here!

Yeah, dudes! Be
cool... Dudes. Yo!

Uh, sorry, guys.

We got a text from the
guy we're working with...

Told us to be here
early. Our bad.

No big. We're just working
on our guy-band stuff.

So, you guys want to
hang until we guys are done,

that's cool, 'cause
we're all, you know...


Ok. Sure.

This is Joe and
Kevin, and I'm Nick.

We know who you
are. Your music rocks!

You're so hot.

On the charts...
Burnin' 'em up! Yeah!

That's what I meant... Dudes.


So, who are you guys?

I'm mi... Lo.


And I'm Otis.

Right. We're Milo and... Otis!

So, what are you
guys working on?

New song we just wrote.

Ourselves. We wrote it...

Milo and Otis... 2 guys.


They get it. Let's
play it for 'em.


Monster trucks!

♪ Anywhere we are ♪

♪ anywhere we go! ♪

♪ Everybody knows ♪
♪ knows ♪

♪ we got the party with us ♪
♪ we got the party with us! ♪

♪ Oh, o-o-oh ♪
♪ oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ uhh ♪
♪ whoo! ♪

♪ Yeah! ♪
♪ Yeah! ♪

♪ Whoo! ♪
♪ Whoo! ♪

Uhh! Ooh, yeah!

That's... that's our song.

Isn't it?

I can't hear you.

My ears are full
of melted brain.

I kind of liked it.

So, do we, like, rock or what?

What did you think?

I think that's our song.

What? What?

Robbie ray wrote
that song for us.

Oh, man. Robbie ray...

That lying, cheating,
stinking, stealin'...

easy, Otto. Ottis. Otis.


What are you talking about?

Robbie ray didn't
write that song.

He stole it from us.

He came in while we were
rehearsing and said he was

"just listening."


He ripped you off? Totally.

Robbie ray hurt
us... Hurt us deep.

Way deep, man... In the gut!

And then he lies to
us. How bogus is that!

I feel so used.


I shared my
nachos with that guy!

I don't even want
to see this guy again.

I'm out.

Sorry, guys. It's your song.

Are we cool?

We cool.



No hard feelings?

Nothing a hug couldn't fix.

Otis... Otis!

That dude smells really good.

And that is what happens

when you try to steal
Miley Stewart's daddy.

Funny you should mention him.

Oh, sweet niblets.

What are we gonna do? Ok.

We still have a chance.

Maybe they'll be so angry,

they won't even talk to him.


Ok. They're talking.

But that doesn't
necessarily mean

they're telling him about us.

Ok. All right.


♪ Ooh, yeah ♪

how... much... longer?

Just a few more minutes, champ.

You're almost there.

Hop, kangaroo boy! Hop!

Hop! Hop! Hop! Ha ha ha!

Can't... hop... Must... stop!



I was hops away from history!

And I couldn't do it.

Oh, you hopped into
history 4 hours ago.


You broke the
record 4 hours ago.

I just wanted to see
how long you could go.

Because of you, I've been
bouncing for 4 hours with a wedgie

I'll probably need
surgery to remove?!

Yep. Ain't I a little stinker?

Come here.


I'm gonna get you.

Doubt it. Ohh.


♪ Hey ♪

♪ oh ♪

♪ oh ♪

hey, mile.

Guess you know

we're gonna have to talk
about this sooner or later.

Don't worry, daddy.

Hannah already called
the Jonas brothers

and told them that she hired Milo
and Otis, and it was all a prank.

So, you can run off
and go play air hockey

with your new best friends.

I'm sure it's a lot more fun

than hanging out
with boring old me.

Ok. See you.


Honey, you can't
seriously be jealous of me

spending time with
the Jonas brothers.

You're having so much
fun writing for them.

And that song you
wrote is really good.

They're just gonna
keep wanting more, dad.

And then, other people will.

And then...

And I won't have time
for Hannah Montana?

Or Miley.

Oh, darlin', let me
tell you something.

You know, I could write

But there's one
thing I can't do.

That's put my arm
around 'em and say

they're my little girl.

Well, I could,

but it would be extremely weird.

So, you're not bored with me?

Bored with you?

I love writing songs
for Hannah Montana...

Almost as much as I
love being Miley's daddy.

You know, it is a shame

you didn't like
those boys, though.

'Cause I had this vision
about getting them in han...

Hold on, pops.

I said I didn't like them

spending so much time with you,

not with me.

That would be off the hook!

Get it?

Off the hook?

♪ Come on, guys, tell
me what we're doing ♪

♪ we're hanging around
when we could be ♪

♪ all over the pla-a-ace ♪

♪ the sun is shining
just the way we like it ♪

♪ let's get out
of this hallway ♪

♪ show the world our fa-a-ace ♪

♪ it's Friday, but
there's nowhere to go ♪

♪ anywhere is cool, 'cause
we're not going ho-ome ♪

♪ but we can do
anything we want to do ♪

♪ it's all up to me and you ♪

♪ turn this park into a club ♪

♪ the stars are lights, and
the moon is a vibe from above ♪

♪ skateboards here's our ride ♪

♪ so pull on up ♪

♪ everyone is waiting for us ♪

♪ anywhere we are,
anywhere we go ♪

♪ everybody knows,
we got the party with us ♪

♪ anywhere we are,
anywhere we go ♪

♪ everybody knows,
we got the party with us ♪

♪ anywhere we are, yeah ♪
♪ anywhere we are ♪

♪ anywhere we go ♪
♪ we got the party ♪

♪ everybody knows ♪
♪ we got the party ♪

♪ we got the party with us ♪
♪ oh-oh oh-oh oh-oh oh ♪

♪ we got the party with us ♪


Ready, darling?

Oh, yeah.

All right, daddy.

You take Joe and
Kevin. Nick is all mine.

♪ Oh, when the saints ♪
♪ oh, when the saints ♪

Eat this, suckers!


Wrong studio. Ha ha ha.

Our bad.

Keep on marchin' in!

Where are they?

I don't know.

They promised they
were gonna be here.

And we always keep our promises.

Duck and cover, daddy.

It's the return of the Jon-i.