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02x04 - Get Down, Study-udy-udy

Posted: 04/23/24 11:02
by bunniefuu
♪ Nobody's perfect! ♪

♪ I gotta work it! ♪

♪ Again and again ♪

♪ till I get it right ♪

♪ nobody's perfect! ♪

♪ You live and you learn it! ♪

♪ Because everybody
makes mistakes ♪

♪ nobody's perfect ♪

♪ nobody's ♪

♪ perfect! ♪

♪ No, no ♪

♪ nobody's perfect ♪

Thank you! You guys rock!

Keep on listenin'
and I'll see you guys

when I get back from my
very first European tour!

I know! I can't wait.

Swiss chocolate, Italian
shoes, and French boys!

Ooh, la la!

Ooh, la la?


The closest she's comin'
to Paris is Paris, Texas.

Thank you, guys!
I'll see y'all next time.


Nailed it.

And now-ow-ow...

For the main

The big-ig-ig... Toe-ho-ho.


Dang it, Jackson,
I hate toenail day!

Hey, I put a note
on the refrigerator!

If you choose not to wear
your protective goggles,

I can't be held responsible.

Well, here's somethin' you
can be held responsible for.

Looks like this letter's
from your school.

Oh, man!

Oh, boy.

Did I tell you how
great your hair looks?

It's like a field of wheat!

How do you keep it so lush?

It's about Miley.

And I use a volumizin' mousse,

but just a little dab
right here in the palm.

Sorry, dad!

Only care if I'm in trouble.

♪ London, england,
Paris, France! ♪

♪ Watch me do
the Europe dance! ♪

♪ Europe, Europe, Europe! ♪

♪ We're all goin' to Europe! ♪

Yeah, about that...

I just got this
letter from school...

And somebody's
grades are slipping again.

Jackson, Jackson, Jackson!

What are we gonna
do with you, boy?

Uh, miles... You...

No, son, uh... Let her go on.

How would you
handle this, Miley?

Well, as much as it pains me...

I'd have to say, no
grades, no Europe.

I'm gonna miss you, buddy.

Then again, what do
I know? I'm just a kid.

Have I told you your
hair looks great today?

Already tried field of wheat.

Good luck!

So lush.

Come on.

♪ You get the limo out front ♪

♪ ooh-ooh-ooh ♪

♪ hot styles, every
shoe, every color ♪

♪ yeah, when you're famous ♪

♪ it can be kind of fun ♪

♪ it's really you ♪

♪ but no one ever discovers ♪

♪ who would have
thought that a girl like me ♪

♪ would double as a superstar? ♪

♪ You get the best
of both worlds ♪

♪ chill it out, take it slow ♪

♪ then you rock out the show ♪

♪ you get the best
of both worlds ♪

♪ mix it all together ♪

♪ and you know that it's
the best of both worlds ♪

♪ ooh, yeah ♪

How could your dad
cancel the European tour?

Just because of one bad grade?

Well, I'm guessin' it
went somethin' like,

"bud, you're not goin'."

And then somethin' about
your uncle Earl's feet.

That's so weird. It's
like you were there.

Look at this!

English muffins!

Italian sausages!

Swiss cheese!

Why are you all taunting me?!

Sorry. Little cranky
skipped breakfast,

most important meal of the day.

Carry on!

Man, your dad's being so unfair!

I already bought
this beret, see?

So cute!

Listen, guys, it's
not my dad's fault.

We had a deal.

School always comes first,

and if I can't get at
least a "b" in biology,

the closest we're
gonna get to Paris is

French toast!

Hold up, people.

If you need a "b,"

all you have to do is ace
the midterm tomorrow.

How did she miss that?

No wonder she's
flunking biology.


If I could ace the midterm,

I wouldn't have a
problem, now would I?

And if I stay friends with you

I'll never have
chest hair, will I?

So, just come on over
to my house after school.

I'd be more than happy to
help you with your Spanish.

Mi casa

es su casa.

What does that mean?

It means we have
a lot of work to do.

Thanks so much, Jackson.

I really appreciate it.

I really, really appreciate it.

No problemo.

Oh, problemo!

Wait! I know this one.

Ok, we'll just go over it later.

I can't wait.

Aye carumba.

Hey, Thor. What's up?

Aw, Jackson. It's old snowball.

The landlord says
we gotta get rid of him.

And how can I do
that? I love him so much!

I mean old snowball,
not the landlord.

Although he seems very nice.

I need a hug!

Whoa, whoa, whoa! Dude!

In California, when a
guy says "what's up?"

The other guys says "not much"

and then we move on.

Ah, Thor, you dumb bunny!

Ok. Let's try it again.

Ok. Good.

Hey, Thor. What's up?

Ah, Jackson, the landlord...

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

Dude! We also don't hug!

We occasionally slap butts,

but only on the football field!

Oh... I owe the
janitor an apology!

Look, man, if you need a
place to park the old guy,

he can stay at my house.

Snowball, you hear that?

We found you a home!

Come on, boy!

You brought your dog to school?

Ah, snowball's not a dog.

Or a cow. Stop showin' off.

You're not foolin' anyone.

Miley, we got the plan!

But if you don't like
it, it was all her idea.

Way to sell it, Oliver.

Sorry. I only have
one chest hair,

and I need it for gym class.

Just ask the smartest
kid in class to tutor you!

Are you kidding?

The smartest kid in class is...

How could you not get this?

I'm sorry.

It's just, your data suggests

vary in the number of copies
of specific DNA segments.


This isn't brain surgery!

Are you serious? You
want me to ask rico?

Come on, you guys, it's not like

he's the only kid with
a brain in this class.

Ok. Fine.

Oh, rico?

Hey, bubble brain!
How's it going?

Aw, smart, funny, and...

Dead on about that bubble brain.

But just in biology!

Other than that,
you're sharp as a tick!

That's tack.

You see?

Good thing you two are pretty.


I'm just gonna come
right out and ask you.

You need help in biology.

How'd you know that?

Please, put together the
grades from your last 4 quizzes

and they spell duh-duh-duh- "f."

One of those was
a duh-duh-duh plus!

Whatever. I'll help you.

If you help me in another class.

How about them apples?

The genius needs my help.

So, what can I do for you?



No, no. Sorry, lower.

Yeah. Ah, that's good!

Rico, that's where I started.

I've been standing
like this for 2 hours.


My neck is cramping.

And this wig is really heavy!

Don't worry about it.

My masterpiece is complete.


Now... What's this?!

An "a" plus.

What was I here for?

I needed someone
to hold the globe.

What about this stupid outfit?

That was just a little
something for... Rico.

I'm gonna give
rico a little somethin'

if you don't teach
me some biology.

Ok. Ok. Fine.

I'll give you the
secret to my success.

But share this with no one.

Yeah, sure. Whatever.

Teach me.


Open the book.


Look at the page.


Close the book.


That's it!

Good luck on the test!

You didn't teach me anything.

Don't you have a
photographic memory like me?


Then you're on your own, toots!

Wait a minute!

Come back here!



Oh! Oh!

Not again!

At bedtime, he loves it when

you read good night moon.

But don't show him
where the mouse is.

Just let him find it.

Dude, I got it.

Now, if you don't mind,

I've got myself a little
study date with Becky so...

Oh, you mean Becky
with the bad breath?

No, not her.

Oh, you mean buck-tooth Becky,

the human bottle opener.

She scares me.

Although she did come
in handy on that field trip.

No, no, no.

Becky from Spanish class.


You mean brainless Becky.

Yeah. Brainless bodacious Becky!

Uno momento, señorita.


I'll be right there!

Use the back door. Ok.



Bye-bye. Bye-bye.

Dude, just get out
of here already!

Oh, if he gets too cold,

here is his little parka.

But don't zip it up.

He likes to do it himself.

Likes to zip it himself.


Louisa tiene catarro.


You're such a good teacher.

I just have one question.

How do you say...
"Kiss me" in Spanish?

Oh, that's easy! That's... Oh!

Buck-tooth Becky. What?!

Uh, just ignore him. Ok.

Becky with the bad breath.

Why is he saying that?

He's a bird. He just
repeats what he hears.

Shut up!

Well, so where did he hear it?

Brainless Becky.
Brainless Becky.

What? No, I-I-I didn't say that!

I said brainless,
bodacious Becky!

Excuse me?


"Bye-bye" is right.

You blew it, jerk.

No, wait! You don't understand!

Uh, bodacious is
Spanish for smart!

Uh, from the Latin
root braindacious!

♪ I want my money back ♪

♪ a messy cage and my 8-track ♪

♪ my swingin' perch
and my water bowl ♪

♪ now Rob and snowball
gonna rock-n-roll ♪

Dad, could you
keep it down in there?

I'm tryin' to study.

I'm sorry, honey.

All right, snowball.

We're gonna take 5,
but when I get back,

I'm teachin' you
wanna be your Joe.

Robbie rocks!

And don't you forget it!

I love that bird!

Ribs attached to sacrum.

No, no, no, no, no.

Sternum which attaches
to a bone that ends in "ila"

or... or "una"...Or Oprah!

Yeah, that's it. It's my Oprah!

And I'm a doprah who's
never going to europa!

Now hang in there,
honey. You'll get it.

No, I won't.

The biology midterm's tomorrow.

There's 206 bones
in the human body.

It's not like I can
learn them like...

Some new Hannah dance!

Yeah, you do pick
up on those pretty fast.

Yeah, that's 'cause it's fun.

Trust me, biology ain't. Isn't.

I'm getting a "b"
in English, dad.

That's not the problem.

The problem is, is
my biology teacher

doesn't stand in
front of the class goin'

♪ tibia, fibula, clavicle, rib ♪

♪ we call this the humerus ♪

♪ and that's no fib ♪

Why can't it be that easy?

That's a good question.

I thought of it first!

No, you didn't!

Yes, I did. Didn't!

Did. Didn't!

Yes, he did. Yes, he did.

Like I said, I love that bird.

♪ And now I take it home ♪

♪ with the parietal bone ♪

♪ it might be crazy ♪

♪ but I learn that way ♪

♪ temporal and frontal, too ♪

♪ and now I'm finally through ♪

♪ that makes 206 ♪

♪ I found a way that clicks ♪

♪ we're goin' to england ♪

♪ we're goin' to France ♪

♪ we're goin' to Europe ♪

♪ 'cause she learned how to ♪

♪ memorize all the stuff ♪

♪ now word! ♪

Bodacious Becky.

Bodacious Becky.

Bodacious Becky.

This is exactly why
you're goin' back to Thor's!

You stupid bird brain!

Morning, Stewart.
Stupid bird brain.

Detention, Stewart.

It wasn't even me! It was...

You know what? Why
don't you just drop dead.


Oh, no!

What did I do?!

Oh, come on, buddy.

Speak to me.

Say somethin'! Anything!

Uh, uh, uh, Becky
has bad breath!

I was gonna give you
another chance, you jerk!

No, no. Wake up!
Come back to me now!

Don't fly into the light!

Aw, hey, buddy!

What's, uh, what's
snowball's cage doin' here?

Oh, uh.

I brought him to school.

'Cause... I've just
grown so fond of him.

You got him in there?


He was cold.

Oh! How you doin'
in there, buddy?

Great, bye!


I was gonna bring
him back to you,

'cause he... he ruined my date,

and then he got me detention,

but then I yelled at him, and
the next thing I knew, it was...

Bye-bye birdie.

You're playin' dead
again, aren't you?

Aren't you, you
silly little bird?


Sweet nibblets. I've
been punked by a parrot!

Who does daddy love?

Snowball! Yes, I do.

All right, class.

Eyes on your own paper.

No talking!

Oken? Yes, ma'am.

I said no talking! Right!

You have 45 minutes.
Good luck, everyone.


Here you go, teach.

Sorry I took so long.

I just wanted to double
check my answers.

Don't worry, lollipop.

You can always marry money.


Ok. Here we go.

Question number one. "Name
the 3 bones that make up the arm."

All right, that's the humerus,
the radius, and the...

Um... hey! No problem,
Miley. Just dance it out.

♪ When I milk the cows ♪

♪ on uncle Earl's farm ♪

♪ I use the ulna bone ♪

♪ that is in my arm ♪


Ms. Stewart! Are
you sending signals?

I won't have
cheating in my class.

I'm not cheating. Really,
I'm just taking the test.

Well, then, take
it without all this!

But... I... will be
glad to, Ms. Kunkle.

Took the words right out
of your mouth, didn't I?

Yes, ma'am.

Yanked them out like a hungry
raccoon in a donut shop dumpster.

A lot of people must find
those country sayings charming.

I'm from Detroit. We don't
find anything charming.

Now, sit still.

I'm dead.

There, see what
you can do about that.

Oh! The karvkosky entrapment!

Clever, rico! But
not clever enough

when you're dealing with rico!

Ms. Kunkle.

Could you please ask
the rico twins to be quiet?

Some of us are still
trying to finish our test.

Actually, Stewart,
it's only you.

You have 2 minutes left.

No pressure!

Tick-tock. Tick... thank you!

She can't do it without dancing.

We have to distract kunkle.

Way ahead of you.

You want a paper cut, bit
my tongue, or a nose bleed?

Oh, nose bleed is my favorite.

Well, lean back, 'cause
you're in the splashin' zone.

Oh, man, oh. It's a nose bleed.

Oh, it's a gusher!

It's a gusher,
that's what it is.

Look, everyone. It's a gusher.

Oken, oken. Honestly!

Paper cuts, bitten tongues,
and now nose bleeds.

We should put you in a helmet.

♪ With the parietal bone ♪

♪ it might be crazy ♪


Leg cramp!

I just need to, you know,
shake it off with some...

Dance steps. That's it!

I warned you about cheating.

Your test is over.

But I'm not cheating!
I know the answers.

And I can prove
it if I can move it.

I suggest you move it
down to the principal's office.

Just go down the hall,
make a left then a right.

When you see your
brother, you're there.

♪ Everybody knows the bones ♪

♪ just had to find a way ♪

♪ everybody knows
what I'm talkin' about ♪

♪ that's how I'll get an "a" ♪

Stewart! I thought I told you...

Just give her a chance! Please.

♪ My body has many parts ♪

♪ and this is where it starts ♪

♪ phalanges, I have 10 ♪

♪ and metatarsals, then ♪

♪ I got some tarsals, too ♪

♪ I'll put them in my shoe ♪

♪ she's telling the truth ♪

♪ the fibula is next ♪

♪ according to my text ♪

♪ then comes the tibia ♪

♪ that ain't no fibia ♪

♪ and now I'm up to my knee ♪

♪ yeah, yeah, yeah ♪

♪ that's the patella to me ♪

♪ we're doin' the bone dance ♪

♪ you study the answers ♪

♪ again and again ♪

♪ till I get it right ♪

♪ we're doin' the bone dance ♪

♪ you dance and you learn it ♪

♪ and we won't
mess up this test ♪

♪ we'll get it perfect ♪

Come on, everybody!

Move those fe-femurs.

Yeah, by the
look of these tests,

you losers need all
the help you can get.

♪ We're doin' the bone dance ♪

♪ you dance and you learn it ♪

♪ and now I take it home ♪

♪ with the parietal bone ♪

♪ it might be crazy ♪

♪ but we learn that way ♪

♪ temporal and frontal, too ♪

♪ and now we're
finally through ♪

♪ that makes 206 ♪

♪ I found a way that clicks ♪

♪ bone thugs in the house ♪

♪ we're doin' the bone dance ♪

♪ you study the answers ♪

♪ again and again
till I get it right ♪

♪ we're doin' the bone dance ♪

♪ you dance and you learn it ♪

♪ and we won't
mess up this test ♪

♪ we'll get it perfect ♪


That's it! Stewart!

I'm going to get the principal.


I want you to show
him that dance.

It's the best study
technique I've ever seen!

♪ By the way ♪

♪ you got an "a"! ♪


We're goin' to Europe!

Give me some metacarpal love.

♪ We're doin' the bone dance ♪

♪ study the answers ♪


That song.

Those moves.

Your voice.

It all reminds me of
some famous singer.

Kelly clarkson?

Hilary duff?


I got it!

Hannah Montana!

How about that?
You little joker.

Yeah, right. What
was I thinking?

This bubble brain
could never pull off

something like that.

Yeah, what were you thinking?

We're talking nothing upstairs.

If you know what I mean.

Yeah, like, Oliver!

Hey! I can see you!

Oh, I can see you, too!

Hey! Hey.