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04x19 - And Then There Were Four

Posted: 04/23/24 09:15
by bunniefuu

Good news, guys.

I am totally free this weekend.

No meetings, no conferences.

Just two fun-filled days
with me.

So no conferences at all?

You know, if we looked
really hard,

I bet we could find you one.

Are you saying you don't
want to hang out with me?

Well, if she's not, I am.

All right.
What about you, Leo?

Uh, Big D.,
I'd love to,

but I just really don't want to.

Don't worry,
Mr. Davenport.

I'll hang out with you.

You know what?
I got a lot of work.

Hey, Douglas.

What's wrong with you?

I just got
a phone call from Daniel.

Who's Daniel?

Your brother.

The world's first
bionic superhumans.

They're stronger than us.


The next generation
of the human race is...

living on a bionic island.

We have another brother?

I never told anyone, but...

I actually created
four bionic superheroes.

Adam, Bree, Chase and Daniel.

What is with you naming
your kids in alphabetical order?

It's better than
their original names.

Big Boy, Little Boy,
and Not A Boy.

Another brother.

Well, would it k*ll you
to throw some lip gloss

and long hair into
one of your test tubes?

I can't believe
you never told me.

Of all the rotten things
you've done,

this has gotta be the worst.

I had to keep it a secret
so Daniel would be safe.

He was just a baby the day
you stole these guys from me.

- Rescued.
- Stole.

- Rescued.
- Stole! - Rescued!

Okay, we get it.
You're both terrible people

Get to the point.

After Donny ratted me out,

I knew I'd be living on the run,

so I found Daniel a nice family

that was looking to adopt.

That way, he could have
a safe, normal life

away from all my chaos.

How old is he?


He found some old records
that listed me

as his biological father,

and he found my phone number,

and here we are.

Well, when do we
get to meet him?

Whoa, whoa.

I just talked to him
for the first time.

I don't think either one
of us is ready for that.

- What did he say?
- That he's ready to meet me.

Okay, look,

I just don't know if
I'm ready to be a dad.

Said the father to
his three teenage kids.

Oh, come on.
Have a visit.

It'll be fun to have
a little brother around.

Yeah, because Leo's just
some meaningless dude

who's been living in
your house for years.

Thanks, Leo.

Took the words
right out of my mouth.

So can we meet him?

All right.

- Fine.
- ALL: Yes!

- Dude, it all makes sense now.
- What does?

Why you had to make a fourth.

You couldn't finish with Chase.

You can't end on that.

Heads up, guys.

Daniel should be here
any minute.

All right. Since having
all these new dads

and brothers is
getting confusing,

I made a family tree;
here's what I got.

Chase, you are my wife.

I wonder what Daniel's
gonna be like.

You think he'll have
super strength like Adam?

Ooh, or super speed like Bree?

Or be a total disappointment
like you.

No offense, honey.

Oh, speaking of Daniel,

there is one other little thing.

He doesn't know he's bionic.

Wh... what?!

He has a chip like you three,

but since he doesn't
have a capsule,

his bionics have
never been activated.

You didn't tell him he's bionic?

Every time you say
no more secrets,

another one pops up.

Just when we were
starting to trust you again.

I don't trust him.

Half those bracelets
he's wearing are Tasha's.

You can trust me.

Oh, before I forget,

since everyone thinks
Donny's your dad,

let's just go with that and
tell Daniel you're his cousins.

See? More lies.

No, he's telling
the truth on this one,

Uncle Mr. Davenport.

You know, I'm not the only
person in this family who lies.

You never told Leo
you ran over his iguana,

and replaced it with a robot.

Iggy was a robot?

Well, yeah.

But... I mean, the fact
that you didn't notice,

you gotta respect the design.

Guys, he's here.


Sweet digs.

Hi, buddy.

I'm your daddy, Douglas.

I know these pants are baggy,

but does it look like
I'm wearing a diaper?


This is Adam,

Bree, Chase, and Leo.

This might sound weird
because we just met,

but I'm gonna call you Danielle.

All right, time to drop the whole
father-son reunion charade

and admit the real
reason why you're here...

to meet your Uncle Donald.

Wow. So I get
a brand-new dad,

an uncle,
and all these cousins, too.

Yep, we're your cousins.

That's how we're related,
right, Adam?

I don't know.

According to this,
I died 35 years ago.

Will you stop that?!

- Why are you wrapping presents anyway?
- They're for Daniel.

I have to make up for 13 years of
never giving him a birthday present.

A baby rattle?

That's not for him.

That's for you when you turn 13.

Good news. Looks like
Daniel and Douglas

are already starting to bond.

Bond, huh?

Kinda like how you forced
Iggy to bond with the driveway?

It wasn't the driveway.
It was the curb.

You rode your bike over him
for, like, a month.

I cannot believe
you lied to him all these years.

You are just as bad as Douglas.

Oh, you're one to talk.

What about the time
you threw away that coat

Adam made out of beef jerky?

You told me
Tasha threw that away.

No, not only did she
throw it away.

She ate a sleeve.

[ Shrieks ]

You monster!

Mr. Davenport,
how could you?

I had to.
It was the only way

I could get people to stop
talking about Leo's dead pets.


With an "S"?

Gotta go.

Oh, hi, Donny.

We were just about
to have some pie.

You care to join us?

Well, my hips say no,
but my lips say yes.

Daniel wanted to do
something techy,

so we magnetized the table.

[ Forced laughter ]


Now could I please
have a piece of pie?

I think I deserve it.
I spent the entire morning

doing cardio jazz.

Trust me, Uncle Donald.

I'm doing your hips a favor.

Ah, Donny, this is going
better than I thought it would.

He's a really good kid,
and he likes me.

Believe me, I'm as shocked
as you are.

It's just that,
now that I've met him,

and gotten to know him a bit,

I feel bad about lying to him.

Mm-hmm. Yeah.

Was that the only pie,
or is there more in the fridge?

The longer I keep
his bionics a secret,

the harder it's gonna be
for him down the road.

I have to tell him.

You're right.

Keeping secrets from your kids
is a terrible thing to do.

You lied to Adam, Bree
and Chase their whole lives.

Yeah, but technically, they're
your kids, so I get a free pass.

- Hey, Adam...
- Sorry. Can't talk right now.

I have to go put on
my Swiss cheese shorts

before you throw
those away, too.

Hey, don't forget to put on
your pepperoni pants.

Leo, don't be silly.

Everyone knows you don't
wear pepperoni after Labor Day.

Look, Adam, I know you're mad,

but can you please
just let it go?

No. I would never do
anything that cruel.

How about that time

we snuck out to
the amusement park?

What amusement park?

Oh, you mean that time
we lied to Chase and said

we went on an eight-hour
training run.


Why wouldn't you invite me...

to either of those things?

You see that tone right there?

That's why.

Man, I guess I've done
two cruel things.

No, three. There's also
the time I melted Bree's bike.

Excuse me.

You used your heat vision
on my bike?

Blow torch.

Hey, guys.

- Hey.
- Hi.

Would it be cool
if I take some pictures?

Sure. Head sh*ts
are right there.

Five bucks if you
want me to sign it,

ten if you want me to write
"Your friend, Adam."

Okay. How about we get
one of you

inside a capsule?

Sweet. Sounds good to me.

All right.


Can I get a shot
with you guys, too?

- Of course.
- No.

Hey, I offered him a head shot.

He had his chance.

We'd be happy to, Daniel.

Whoa. What was that?

Definitely didn't come from
the bionic chip he doesn't have.

I feel weird.

I'm gonna go find my dad.

What just happened?

Oh, no, I think we just
activated his bionics.

Well, he sure didn't
get the smart chip.

He just ran into a wall.

What happened?

I don't know.

I was taking a picture
in the capsule,

and the next thing I know,
I was speeding into a wall.

The capsule.

It must have activated
his bionic chip.

I have a bionic chip?



Wait, so Daniel has
super speed, too?

Not exactly.

I gave you an ability
called power replication.

You can absorb the abilities of
any bionic person you touch.

But if you touch another person,

their powers
replace the first one.

Are you serious?

I'm bionic?

You told me you never
figured out power replication.

Uh... surprise.

Well, what do you know?
He lied to you,

just like you did
about Iggy, and others.

You're a walking pet cemetery.

Well, it's not as bad
as Bree eating my jerky jacket.

Have you seen your coat lately?

You may notice a sleeve missing.

You ate my winter jacket?

And your leather skirt.

It was a wardrobe buffet.

Well, at least you all
had fun at the amusement park.

Not as much fun as we had at
your 16th birthday party.

I never had
a 16th birthday party.

Yeah, you did.
You just weren't invited.


- I blew out your candles.
- He blew 'em out.

[ All talking at once ]

Excuse me!

I'm pretty sure the biggest lie

is my dad not telling me
I'm bionic.

Really? I think
the biggest lie

is we're not your cousins, we're
your brothers and sister.

Lied to me about that, too.

I swear, I was coming in here

to tell you
the truth about everything.

Sure you were.

See? This is why
I didn't want him coming here.

I never should have let
you all push me into it.

You don't even want me here?

Of course I...

I just meant...

You know what?

Forget it.

You said we made a good team.

Guess you lied about that, too.

This never would've
happened with a sister.

Just sayin'.

Hey, what are you
doing out here?

Skipping rocks
and blowing kisses

to those girls on that yacht.

Uh, that's not a yacht.

That's a shrimp boat,

and those girls are not girls.


Look, I know you're upset.

But Douglas is a good guy.

It's not that he didn't
want you here.

He just didn't want
to mess up your normal life.

The dude stuck
a computer chip in my neck.

I think we're way past normal.

Here. Let me show you how
to really skip something.


I wish I could do that.

Well, you can if you use
your new ability.


Yeah. Here.
Touch my arm.

Just don't get overwhelmed
by all the muscle.

- What muscle?
- Just touch it.

Okay, now hold up your hand.



Hot. Hot!

- Hot!
- Throw it!

Not bad.

Yeah. Mine went
further than yours.

It's not a competition, Daniel.

Here. Check it out.
Curve ball.

- Oh, I bet I can do that, too.
- Daniel, no.

What did I do?

Your laser sphere
cracked the fuel t*nk.

That's the hydrogen
that fuels the hydra loop.

Without it, we'll
be stuck on the island.

We need to get help.

- What are you doing?
- Waving down that shrimp boat.

I'm trying to get a ride home
before my dad finds out.

It's getting worse.

Another crack opened up.

Adam, Bree and Chase
are on their way.

Can't you just stick
your bionic fingers in there

to stop the gas from coming out?

My fingers aren't bionic.
It's just my arm.

Oh, really?
That's just kinda sad.

Leo, what happened?

Daniel accidentally
fired a laser sphere

into the hydra loop fuel t*nk.

All right, Daniel,
over the knee.

It's time for your first
bionic spanking.

The first crack must've let
oxygen into the t*nk,

which means that
the pressure has intensified.

If we don't stop those leaks,

that thing is gonna blow
and take out the whole island.

Stop being so dramatic.

It's just a few little cracks.

[ Loud cracking ]

[ high-pitched shriek ]
What are we gonna do?!

Maybe I can use my heat
vision to seal the cracks.

No, Adam, that gas is flammable.

How else are we
supposed to stop the leaks?

Wait a second.

What if we do the opposite?

Adam, use your
enhanced lung capacity

- to freeze the outside of the t*nk.
- On it.

Hurry. It's
gonna explode.

It's not working.


Guys, can't I replicate his lung
capacity, and double the force?

Uh, yes.
Yes, you can.

Daniel, touch Adam.

- Okay, now what?
- ALL: Blow!

Hey, it's working.

Oh, man, I want
power replication.


Great job, Daniel.

You just completed
your first bionic mission.

That was awesome.
I gotta go tell my dad.

Hey, keep making bionic kids,

eventually you're
gonna get a dumb one.

So did you tell your dad about
how you froze the fuel t*nk?

Yep, but I might not
have told him

I was the one who cracked it.

He's gonna be really mad, huh?


Unless he doesn't
find out about it.

- So we're gonna lie?
- Sounds good.

- Works for me.
- It's kinda what we do.

Besides, it's not so much a lie

as a bionic secret.

I'm likin' my new family.

Guys, uh...

can you give me
a sec with Daniel?

Absolutely. We don't wanna
watch this train wreck.


I'm sorry I didn't
tell you about your bionics.

I just didn't wanna
ruin your life.

Ruin my life?

Do you know how many girls
I would've gotten

if I'd known I had bionics?

You should talk to Chase.

It's not a sure thing.

But I get what you're saying.

I guess I just always
thought you'd freak out.

That's 'cause
you didn't know me,

which is why I came here
in the first place.

Then give me another chance?

I guess I could...

depending on what
other bionics you can give me.

[ Chuckles ]

Why don't we just start
with a simple monthly allowance?

Actually, I'm
a little short right now.

How about some heat vision?

Guys, I think it's time
we clear the air

about all the lying.

Yeah. Sorry for not inviting
you to the amusement park,

or your birthday party.

Oh, it's okay, Adam.

I would've ruined
the fun anyway.

Hey, Adam,
sorry about your jacket.

I felt so bad, I made you
some beef jerky glasses.

Oh, I already got a pair,
but thank you.

Hey, everybody,
Daniel's taking off.

Hey, bye, Daniel.

It was great
hangin' out with you.

Yeah, man, you're the best
surprise brother we've ever had.

No offense, Leo.

Yeah, we still like you.

You're just old news.

I know you gotta get
back to the mainland,

but, uh, maybe you can
come back and visit

in a couple of weeks.

Or sooner, if I need
some extra cash.

Are you blackmailing me?

- Yep.
- That's my boy.

Oh, hey, if you ever
wanna hang out

with just your Uncle Donald,

say the word.

You know what?
I gotta go.