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04x17 - Lab Rats: On the Edge

Posted: 04/23/24 09:14
by bunniefuu

Well, guys, it took a while,

but we finally came up with
S1's new name.

We went through hundreds before
we came up with the perfect one.

- What is it?
- Charlotte. - Taylor.

Right. Taylor.
My... second choice.

I like it.

Yeah, great name.

Eh, doesn't really matter to me.

I didn't remember
your other name,

and I'm not gonna
remember this one, either.

Hey, guys.

I have some very exciting news.

You're finally eligible
for senior citizen discounts?

No. Maybe.

I don't wanna talk about it.

The president called,
and he's honoring you guys

with a prestigious award for
completing mission number 1,000.

That's awesome.
Congratulations, guys.

Thanks, but technically,

if you count all the missions where
our bionics were still a secret,

then our number
is actually 2,604.

But who's counting?

You are.
That's all you do is count.

I do not.

Just for the record, that's the

This is gonna be great.

It's about time I got
honored for something.

So when is this little shindig?

Uh, in a couple of weeks.

There's gonna be a big, fancy
ceremony on the mainland.

But the president's
only honoring the original team,

Adam, Bree and Chase.

What? How can
he do that?

I go on missions with
them all the time.

I'm sure when they hand out awards
for completing 32 1/2 missions,

you'll get yours.

It's actually 31 1/2,
but who's counting?

The world's first
bionic superhumans.

They're stronger than us.


The next generation
of the human race is...

living on a bionic island.

Hey, Adam, how's the fire
prevention training going?

You said fire prevention?

- [ Alarm blaring ]
- Ooh, well,

it's too late
to prevent that one.

Could you guys go
put that fire out

and prevent the other 15 we set?

Guys, you have to come see this.

Leo just did something
super amazing.

Aww. Leo's holding
hands with a girl.

That is amazing.

It's not a girl, it's Taylor.

A girl with very sharp

I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

Uh, the point is,
we found a new ability.

Check this out.


ADAM: Oh, man, now I can't
see what the new ability is.

LEO: That was
the new ability.

Well, do you have another that
turns you into a night light?

CHASE: Hold on. I'll bring
the back-up system online.

We accidentally found it when we
locked hands during combat training.

Technically, I was
helping him off the floor

after I body slammed him.

Body slammed. It was more
like a somersault.

You want me to show 'em?

No, no, we're good.

So? Isn't our
new ability cool?

When we join hands,
our laser spheres combine

to create one large sphere
that's so powerful,

it sends out
an electromagnetic pulse.

EMP's disable any piece of
electrical technology they touch.

Dude, that was incredible.

One day, I'm gonna
be just like you.

Thank you, son.
Now move along.

Uh, no offense, Logan, but
when did Leo become your hero?

Are you kidding?
Talk about an underdog.

He was just a regular guy.

All of a sudden,
he got bionics and became

an inspiration to
the whole world.

That is my story.

And I love how he didn't
let his scrawny body

- and inferior skill set stop him.
- We got it, Logan.

I'm a little worried
about this new ability.

EMP's are very, very dangerous.

But if we had this
when Krane was around,

we could've shut down
his triton app in a second.

It doesn't matter.
It's still dangerous.

Don't use it again until we've had time
to study it in a controlled environment.

- Come on, Chase.
- No.

- If we just...
- You heard me.

No more EMP's.


All right, guys,
let's get back to work.

Next up, CPR training.

Uh, no, wait.
CPR prevention.

I hate this.

I've worked so hard
to prove myself,

but it doesn't matter.

They're always gonna see me
as their little brother

- who's barely bionic.
- If it makes you feel better,

I think our new ability
is super cool.

Yeah. They're just jealous
'cause they were born perfect,

and you were born a teeny,
tiny, weakling...

Shut it.

I'm so sick of them
not taking me seriously.

It's time prove I'm as much
a bionic hero as they are.

I hear you, Leo.
And we got your back.

Thanks, guys.

Means a lot.

Yeah, we gotta stop doing that.

- Hey, Donnie.
- Hey, Douglas.

You know, there's nothing like
getting under the hood of a car

and working with your hands
to make you feel like

a real man.

You got some oil on your face.

Oh, that's not oil.

That's an organic sea
kelp facial cream.

Gives me the pores of
a 14-year-old Taiwanese girl.


How bad is her life?

What's with the fancy car?

Oh, I'm up for the contract to
redesign the president's limo,

so I thought I'd surprise
him at the awards ceremony,

and get a jump on
the competition.

Great idea.
Presidents love surprises.

Just give me the heads up
so I can film

the secret service
taking you down.

He's gonna love it.

I adapted my self-driving car,

and made the most
indestructible limo ever.

It'll be the safest
form of transportation

any president has ever used.

Take that, Air Force One.

You should definitely say that
to the secret service.

Why don't I test it for you?

I know a thing or two
about destruction.

Nothing is indestructible
in my hands.

[ Car alarm chirps ]

Please. You cannot destroy
this car.

You can't even
get into this car.

- This car is as Douglas-proof...
- [ horn honks ]

You were saying.

We've really been on

It felt more like six.

Nope. It was
way more than that,

and I remember all of them.

Literally. They're backed up
on my hard drive.

Maybe you should
clear a few out.

You know, free up some space
to add some personality,

or a sense of humor.
You know, a likeable trait.

- Hey, Leo.
- Don't talk to me like I'm a child.

All I said was
"Hey, Leo."

Well, I detected a tone.

What's up with you?

I'll tell you what's up with me.

I am tired of everyone
treating me like

some kind of non-existent
bionic hero.

Just because it's true doesn't mean
you have to take it personally.

Oh, really?
Well, guess what.

We're starting our own team.

That's right. You're looking at
the next generation

of bionic superhumans.

It's the other way
like we rehearsed.

Oh, right.

And, uh, who might be the leader

of this new bionic team?

You're looking at him.

[ laughs ]
You kidding me? Leo?

See, right there.
There's that tone.

Look, you don't just become a leader
by saying that you're a leader.

It takes years of
mission experience.

You named yourself mission
leader when you were 14.

Eh, wrong.
I was 12.

Good thing someone
around here counts.

You're not ready.

Oh, yes, I am, and I'm going
to prove to you that I'm ready.


You were already on board.

And yet he sold me again.

He's that good.

Is Mr. Davenport
okay with this?

Douglas thinks he's gonna
beat me at my own game.

I don't think so.

Hey, Big D., is it cool
if I start my own team?

Yeah, Leo, whatever.
"It's indestructible."

Ha! Victory pose.

Other way, sir.

Okay, Douglas,
you may have found

a way to break into my limo,

but you will never
break my limo.

Adam, I need you to show him
that it is indestructible.

Fire your heat vision.

[ Shrieks ]

Not at me, at the car.

Okay, you can't just tell me
to fire.

You have to be more explicit.

You know the word explicit,

but you don't know
the word indestructible.

Yep. It's a conundrum.

Fire your heat vision
at the car.

See? Indestructible.

Not so fast, Donnie.

You might wanna
back up for this one.

[ expl*si*n ]

My limo!

Ah, relax.

We can help you.

Together, Adam and I
can pretty much

break into or destroy anything.

We can make this limo

Yeah. I'm not really
interested in helping.

I just wanna blow stuff up.

Faster, faster.
Mush! Mush!

And stop.

How is carrying you
down an imaginary mountain

part of our training?

Because a good team should
be prepared for anything,

and this could happen.

You never know when your leader's
gonna get taken out of battle,

or break a bone, or get a case of
the dizzies from a light lunch.

- I don't mind carrying you, Leo.
- Thank you.

I mean, you're, like,
the lightest human being ever.

Hey! I am not light.

With a full bladder,
I am pushing triple digits.

Can we take a break?

Yeah. You guys have
been working hard.

I guess you do
deserve a breather.

Hey, Leo.

Break's over.
Everybody up.

How's your new team doing?

You see this right here?

This is a little something
we like to call

leading and training.

Really? Looks to me like
standing and talking.

We carried him all the way
down an imaginary mountain.


Because the guy
weighs 60 pounds.

Give him a break.

We've been working hard.

We found a way to include Logan

and make our new ability
even better.

Check this out.

Leo, I specifically
told you not to do that again.

It's too dangerous.

Too dangerous, or too awesome?

Now I'm gonna use
my energy manipulation

to guide their EMP
toward a target.

Not yet, junior. These
kids came for a show.

Amp it up, Tay-tay.

Okay, now I'm gonna...

Not yet.

Leo, it's too much for her.

Oh, please, you're just
jealous that your team

isn't as powerful as mine.

Leo, stop!

Back off.
This is my team.


She's barely breathing.
Go get help.

Mr. Davenport,
how's Taylor?

The good news is,
I flew in the best doctors

money could buy,
so she's in good hands.

How seriously is she hurt?

She's in critical condition.

We'll know more
when she wakes up.

I'm sorry, Big D.
I feel terrible.

You should.

What were you thinking, making
her max out her abilities?

I didn't think she'd get hurt.

I just wanted to show everyone

what my new team could do.

New team? Who said
you could have a new team?

You did.

Earlier today when
you walked through here.

Well, you should know better
than to bother me

when I'm focused on me.

Look, I have to get back
to the infirmary.

I'll let you guys know
if there's any other news.

You should've stopped
when I told you to.

This just proves you're
not ready to lead your own team.

I am more than ready.

And maybe I wouldn't feel like I
need to prove that to you guys

if you weren't always
looking down on me.

Leo, we don't look down on you.

Yeah, we have total respect
for all of your shortcomings.

When are you guys gonna stop
treating me like I'm an idiot?

Maybe when you stop
acting like one.

You know what? Maybe quitting
your team wasn't enough.

Maybe I need to quit
being your brother, too.

Don't worry, Chase.
He can't legally do that.

Trust me.
I've looked into it.

Look, Logan, I know this
is a stressful time,

but the best thing
we can do is keep training.

- Taylor would have wanted that.
- She's dead?!

No. I mean, if she were here,
she would've wanted that.

Oh, okay.
I'm just really worried.

The doctors won't even
let us see her.

- That can't be good.
- It's okay to be concerned.

I am, too.

But we need to be
a team now more than ever.

- For Taylor.
- She's in heaven?!


In the infirmary.

Just trust me.

She's gonna be back
before you know it.

- Are you sure?
- Absolutely.

Big D. has the best doctors
in the world taking care of her.

Not to mention every piece
of bionic technology

at his disposal.

I mean, look at my leg.

After I was crushed
by the space elevator,

not only did he fix it,
but now it's better than ever.

I thought you said
it locks up when it rains.

I'm waiting on a part.

Donnie's gonna be wrapped
up with Taylor for a while,

so let's use this time
to finally perfect this thing.

So what do you think?

You sure there's
enough dynamite?

Oh, Adam.

There's never enough dynamite.

Let's light this candle.

Ooh. Good idea.

A little lavender will
help cover up

the stench of burning car.

Just push the button.

Okay. Here we go.

- You okay?
- No. You?


But the limo is.

We did it.

We made it indestructible.

What's wrong?

Now that it works,

we don't get to
blow stuff up anymore.


we could always try to make
Donnie's yacht indestructible.

It's already rigged to blow.

Chase, what's going on?

Mr. Davenport has
another update on Taylor.


Excuse me, sir.

Now that we aren't brothers,
what should I call you?

- Hi, Logan.
- Hey, guys. Good to see you.

- Ahem!
- Oh, right. We're still mad at them.

Hey, guys, it is not
good to see you.

How is she?

Awake. She's gonna make it.

See? Told ya.

So what kind of bionic
upgrades did you throw in?

Rocket feet or rocket elbows?

Rocket hips?

Just sayin' the girl
could use some rockets.

No, Leo.

Taylor made it,

but the laser spheres
damaged her retinas.

She's lost her eyesight.

She's blind.


We tried everything,

but no amount of bionics
will fix this.

It's permanent.

Permanent for how long?

You can't just give up.

There's gotta be
something you can do.

You have to keep trying.

I'm sorry, Leo.

I can't believe it.

She's never gonna see again.

It's all because of me.

But you said she was
gonna be okay.

Donnie, I think you're
gonna be really happy

with the work we did
on the limo.

It is now officially

And all of your other forms
of high-end transportation

are officially not.

You guys seen Leo? He wasn't at
breakfast this morning.

That's because I was packing.

Leo, what are you doing?
You're supposed to be training.

I'm going back to Mission Creek.

I don't belong here anymore.

I'm quitting the academy.


- Wait, we can do that?
- Adam!

Look, Leo, I know
you're upset about Taylor,

but it was an accident.

No. Chase was right.

I'm not cut out to be a leader.

I never meant for you to leave.

Part of being a leader
is making mistakes.

You learn from them,
and you move on.

Look at Chase. Think of
all the mistakes he's made

as mission leader.

Yeah. Remember when
the particle collider

collapsed on us because of him?

Or when he told Sebastian
about Krane,

- and started the rebellion.
- Or the other time...

Mistakes were made.
We get it!

But his never hurt anyone.

Taylor has to live with
my mistake

for the rest of her life.

So you're just gonna
give up and leave?

What about our team?

Logan, you deserve
a better team.

Or at least a better leader.

I'm not gonna put you
or anyone else here

in danger ever again.


Give it to someone
more deserving.

Leo, I'm not gonna let you...

Yes, you are,

because it's not your choice.

It's mine.

Bye, guys.

Sorry I let you down.

It's really weird
not having you here, Leo.

Everybody really misses you.

It's been two weeks.

When are you coming back?

I'm sorry, guys.

When I said I was done,
I meant it.

I've hung up my mission suit

Then can I have it?

I found a guy in Japan
who's willing to pay top dollar.

I appreciate the call,

but things are actually
great back here.

School is much better
without Perry,

and I get to spend
a ton of time with my mom.

Every 16-year-old boy's dream.

Are you sure
we can't change your mind?

Sorry, guys.
I'm staying here.

I gotta go.

Mom's hosting her book club

and I'm in charge of dessert.

Turns out my laser sphere has
caramelized the perfect crème brulée.

Whoo, that sounds good.

Do I, uh, have to read a book

to get in on that?

Later, guys.

I feel bad.

We should've given him
more credit.

I know.

He deserves to be up there with us
at the award ceremony tomorrow.

Couldn't agree with you more.

And that's why he's gonna be.

Say hello to the newest member

of the bionic team.

Cardboard Leo.

What is that?

Uh, it's a life-size
cardboard cutout of Leo,

hence the name Cardboard Leo.

Pay attention, Chase.
This stuff isn't that hard.

I think what he means
is, are you crazy?!

We can't bring that
to the ceremony.

Of course we can,

and if things get boring, I'm
gonna fold him into an airplane

and fly him around.

[ Makes flying sounds ]


So 9:00 a.m. tomorrow,

we'll take the hydra loop
to the mainland

and we will travel to
the president's award ceremony

in my self-driving limo.

I call shotgun.

Adam, it's a limo.

Everyone rides in the back.

You sit where you want.

I will still be
holding the shotgun.

Once the president is dazzled,

I will undoubtedly
be showered with

a big, fat contract
and piles of cash,

which I just might
share with you three.

- Really?
- No.

Wait, wait, wait.

So even though it's
our award ceremony,

now it's become all about you?

For the smartest
man in the world,

it really took you a long time
to figure that out.

- BREE: Taylor.
- CHASE: Taylor.

[ Loudly ] Hey! Good to
see you up and around.

Just so you know, this is Adam.

I lost my vision,
not my hearing.

She obviously didn't lose
that nasty attitude either.

What are those glasses?

My latest piece of technology

that I customized for her.

High-tech lenses that use
a series of laser-guided sensors

to enhance
her spatial awareness.

They don't allow me to see
in the traditional sense,

but they vibrate
to let me know...

when there's an obstacle
in my path.

That's so cool.
I wanna try.

Ow. So sorry, so sorry.
Please don't hurt me.

Hey, I'm impressed, Taylor.

You've made a lot of
progress in a few weeks.

Thanks. I have been
working really hard.

Have any of you guys
spoken to Leo?

I was hoping someone
convinced him

to come back to
the academy by now.

We talked to him earlier today,

but no luck.

He won't change his mind.

[ Loudly ] Oh, yeah,
it's really annoying

when people don't understand
what you're going through.

You see, there's
that attitude again.

Hey, which dress do you like
better for the ceremony?

Red or black?

What do I know?

Come on, I don't have
any sisters.

I need someone to help me
with this stuff.

Well, I'm sorry,
but it's not gonna be me.

Even though red is
the obvious match

for your skin tone.

Hey, Chase, which one of
these outfits

looks better on Cardboard Leo,

blue... or black?

Why are you dressing up
Cardboard Leo?

Hey, if I have to wear
a suit to the award ceremony,

so does he.

The joke's on you, because
we're both goin' commando.

Adam, get rid of that thing.

No. When Real Leo
watches from home,

I want him to feel like
he's still a part of our team.

Have you lost your mind?

This is not our brother,
it's a piece of cardboard.

No, it's four pieces
of cardboard,

and I spent an extra

so you will respect him.

I give up.

Me, too.

But go with the blue.

It's all the rage this season.

So how'd you guys get this
thing to the mainland?

We had to helicopter it in
from the island.

It was hung from
incredibly strong cables.

The same ones they used
to pour Mr. Davenport

into his tux pants.

For your information,
I got into these pants

without any help
from technology.

It's true.
He used a girdle.

And I had to tie it.

And that thing did not
want to be tied.

I have rope burns.

Make some room for Leo.

Hey, watch the face.

That's my money.

I thought your brains
were your money.

No, I mean actual money.

I just had $50,000 worth of
work done to this thing.

This thing could not
be more in the way.

Just like the real Leo.

Seatbelts, everyone.

Drive to presidential
award ceremony.

Whoa. This thing does
whatever you tell it to?


- Pop a wheelie.
- ALL: No!

It's okay.
It's okay.

The first thing I taught
the computer

was to tune out Adam's voice.

Pop a wheelie!

I gotta hand it to you,
Mr. Davenport.

This is the smoothest ride
I've ever been in.

Yeah, you would never know this
thing doesn't have a driver.

The only thing that
gives it away

is the look of sheer terror
on other people's faces

as we pass by.

Driver error is the number-one
cause of car accidents.

This little baby will make
automobile transportation

a hundred times safer.

Hey, what's it doing?

Oh, the limo's computer's
plotting the location

of the neighboring vehicles
and predicting their movement

at 20 times a second.

Blah, blah, blah.
Where's the butt warmers?

In case of an emergency,

the entire vehicle
goes into lock-down.

You are safer here than
anywhere in the world.

Oh, cool. We're going over
the Hurst Memorial bridge.

Interesting fact.

It's one of the largest
suspension bridges

in the world.

Erected in 1951
by a small group...

Here's another interesting fact.

No one cares.

- [ Brakes screeching ]
- What was that?

I don't know.
Partition down.

What's happening?

The bridge cables are snapping.

- Put it up, put it up!
- Partition up.

Everybody hold on.

Is everybody okay?

- Yeah.
- I'm a little hungry, but...

Why are we rocking?

The limo must be
wedged over something.

What do you think it is?

Partition down.

Ooh, look.

I didn't know
this thing could fly.

Can I get a ginger ale
and a bag of peanuts?

We're not flying.

We're dangling off the bridge!

Okay, according to this,

a transport ship
slammed into the bridge.

If those cables keep snapping,
we're done for.

Thanks for saying
what we're all seeing.

I'm scared.

That wasn't me.
That was Leo.

Keep it together, Leo.

We have to get out of here.

Why won't the doors open?

The limo's computer
sensed the emergency

and put the car into
immediate lock-down mode.

Technology that makes it
impossible to get inside the limo

also makes it impossible
to get out.

Even with our bionics?

Yes, thanks to Douglas.

Me? The limo was
your idea.

Yeah, until you ruined it.

"I can break into your limo.
I'm a bad boy.

I have spiked hair
and wear too many bracelets."

Ask any guy who wears
bracelets and he'll tell you.

Five is the perfect amount.

Two is too few,
four needs one more. Ha!

Guys, stop fighting.

We have to get out of here.

I'm not just gonna sit here all day.
I'm busting us out.

Everyone stop moving.

Stay calm, Donnie.

We'll figure a way out of this.

It's not that. I gotta figure
a way out of this girdle.

Oh, no. If that thing

it'll take us out
before the bridge does.

It's bad.

There are still tons of
civilians on that bridge.

We've got to rescue them.

Wait. That's
Mr. Davenport's limo.

Adam, Bree and Chase
must be trapped inside,

or they would've started
the rescue by now.

Listen up, guys.

I know you've never
been on a mission,

but you can do this.

Get moving.
I'll send the coordinates.

What are we gonna do?

We're gonna call Leo.

Can't talk, Big D.

The crème brulée was such
a big hit last night,

the book club gals
came back for lunch.

Omelet up, Betty.

Wait. He can cook?

Is there anything
this guy can't do?


It's good to see you.

I heard you've been training.

Forget about me.

There's been a horrible accident
with your family's limo.

What? Where?

The Hurst Memorial bridge.

The limo's barely hanging on.

I know you quit the team,
but your family needs you.

Okay, I'll meet you both there.

Wait. I'm not going.

Why not?

I can't see.

I'd just be in the way.

Do you have any idea
how many times

I've been in the way
on a mission?

Yeah. Chase told me.

Look, you're not gonna
be in the way.

You've still got a lot to offer,

- and I need your help.
- I don't know.

Don't worry. We're gonna
make it through this together.

All three of us.

All right.
Let's do it.

If I can find a way
to shut down the computer,

the limo will
terminate lock-down mode.

Have you tried overriding
the security architecture?

What about jailbreaking
the cryptographic interface?

What about the off button?

I don't think he's
taking us very seriously, Leo.

Stop talking to cardboard!

Don't move.

Every time you do,
we're one step closer

to plummeting to our death

Just stay still.

- I have to sneeze.
- Can you hold it?


Pinch her nose!

Sorry I'm late.

I was in such a rush,
I went to the wrong bridge.

You'll be happy to know all is
well on the Norcal connector.

That's the last
of the civilians.

Get them off the bridge
and set up the triage area.

Where's the limo?

Over there.

Oh. Good idea,
Mr. Davenport.

Turn on a good movie to
take our minds off

this tragic situation.

Looks like an action flick.

That's not a movie;
that's us.

No, it's not.

If this were real life, the car
would move when I do this.

Okay, it's real.
It's real!

That's Leo.
He came to save us.

Leo, can you hear me?

- Leo.
- Yes, Big D., I can hear you.

- We're coming to get you.
- No.

It's too unstable. I don't
want you to get hurt.

Listen to me very carefully.

We're locked in.

See that silver shark fin
on the rear windshield?

I see it.

That's the housing unit
for the computer system.

I need you to find a way
to disable it.

Then it will release the
locks, and we can climb out.

Got it.

They can do this.


What do you think?

Our lives are in the hands
of a newbie, a quitter,

and a blind girl.

We can still hear you!

Then, boy, aren't we lucky?

We gotta figure out a way

to disable that computer system.

Wait. Our EMP ability.

It disables any
electrical charge.

If we generate a sphere,
then Logan can guide it

to take out the limo's computer.

- Yes.
- Let's do it.

Keep going.

What's the matter?
Why'd you stop?

I can't do this.

What if I hurt you again?

What if I hurt them?

I don't wanna ruin
anyone else's life.

Leo, you didn't ruin my life.

It was an accident.

And if I'm not gonna let it stop
me from being a bionic hero,

why should you?

This is it, Leo.

This is your chance to prove

you're the leader
I know you are.

So... are you in?

Yeah. I'm in.

What's wrong?


How'd you know
that was gonna happen?

I heard the sound wave
of the cable when it snapped.

Ever since I lost my sight,

all of my other senses
have increased.

- Really?
- Hello.

Sliding off a bridge over here!

Hang on.
We have a plan.

Based on the last 40 times
that he said that,

I'd say we have, oh, a ten
percent chance of making it.

Hey, hey, he came
all the way out here

to save us.
Give the kid some credit.

Twelve percent.

We can still hear you.

Taylor, give me your hand.

Little more.

Okay, Logan, on my cue,

aim the sphere at
that silver fin.

Got it.

Trust me.
We got this.

All right, Logan.

They did it.
Let's get outta here.

- Yes!
- Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Single file, people.

Me first.

Wait, wait, wait.
Open the sun roof.

Bree can super-speed
us out one by one.

Let's go.


We have to go now.

The whole bridge
is about to go down.

I'll get Chase. You guys get
everyone else out of here.

- Leo, we can...
- There's no time! Go!

Grab on.

Leo, you have to let go,
or it's gonna take you with it.

I'm not letting go.

Give me your hand.

Wow! Leo, you did it.

You saved my life.

Sorry I ever doubted you.

I'm just glad you're okay.

Wait, there's someone
floating in the water.

Is that me?

Don't worry.
That's just cardboard you.

Trust me,
he wasn't worth saving.

These individuals before you

are the epitome
of what a hero should be.

Itchy, itchy, itchy, itchy.

Why didn't I wear underwear?

They are the most selfless,

humble people that I know.

My face is on every channel.

Melissa Finnegan
is so jealous right now.

Because of their
courageous actions,

the world is a better place.

I'm gonna take your job.

I'm gonna be president someday.

This place will be mine.
All mine.

Heroes come in
all shapes and sizes,

but the real way
to measure a true hero

is by their determination
to never give up.

[ Applause ]

If I didn't have to go
to the bathroom so badly,

I might actually
be enjoying this.

People of our nation,

and our planet,

are beyond grateful
for the contributions

that you four have made
to our safety and well-being.

There is no way we can repay you
for all that you've done.

Well, don't let that stop you
from writing a big, fat check.

Did I just say that out loud?

Oh, good, I didn't.

Listen up, everybody.

Someone very special
is rejoining the team.


I was expecting
someone completely different.

Not only is Leo
back at the island,

but because of his
bravery and leadership

on the bridge mission,

I have officially
made him a mentor.

Couldn't be prouder
of you, buddy.

Congrats, Mr. Mentor.

And thanks.

For what?

I didn't think I'd ever
go on a mission again, Leo.

But you changed all that.

I'm the one who should
be thanking you.

You showed me
I really am a leader.

I love you guys.

[ Crying ]

Are you crying?


I'm just allergic to happiness.

Come on, you old softie.
Now that everybody's safe,

you can help me
out of this girdle.

ALL: Leo, Leo, Leo, Leo,
Leo, Leo, Leo, Leo!