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04x07 - Forbidden Hero

Posted: 04/23/24 09:08
by bunniefuu
[ Music playing ]

Easy, easy, easy.

You know, this would
be a lot easier

without you saying "easy"

every two seconds.

Sorry. Careful,

careful, careful.

Uh-oh. Did Leo blow chunks

on the hydra-loop again?

No. We were on a mission

and I hurt my ankle.

And then he blew chunks

on the hydra-loop again.

You know the drill, Bob.

Puke patrol.
I'll grab the mop.

I've taught him well.

We were evacuating a steel mill

when the roof collapsed.

We were pinned down
and Leo had to jump over

an industrial grinder
to save us.

Come on, buddy.

Let's get you to the infirmary

and get that leg checked out.

Would you quit fussing?

I'm a grown man.

I don't need you to baby me.


Oh, I came as soon
as you texted me.

I'm not gonna lie.

This is a grade-A booboo.

We better get you to your room.

Where is your room?

Oh, the other side
of the island.

Still can't believe you guys
got your own island.

For Valentine's Day,

all I got was a lousy t-shirt

that said,
"I Married Donald."

Wait, you guys are married?

I just thought
you came over a lot.

MAN: The world's first
bionic super humans.

They're stronger than us,

faster, smarter.

The next generation
of the human race is...

Living on a bionic island.

[ Theme song playing ]

[ theme song playing ]

Thanks, Mom.
You always make

the best smoothies.

But something's missing.

Here you go.

Perfect. You know, the umbrella
shouldn't affect the taste,

but it just does.

I'm gonna go check
on the pool temperature.

I warmed it up so you
could soak your ankle.

You know, if you wanna throw
a few bubbles in there,

I would not be opposed.


you forgot my tuck-tuck.

There you go...


Now, I will be right there

if you need me.


Kind of milking it, aren't you?

Oh, not yet. The milk comes

with the cookies at 3:00.

I'm just glad you're
doing better, Leo.

Yeah. You're lucky you
didn't get hurt worse.

You were this close
to being chewed up

by that industrial grinder.

Industrial grinder?

Leo, you told me
you twisted your ankle

jumping for joy.

He was jumping for joy

because he wasn't k*lled
by an industrial grinder.

Leo almost got ripped apart
by that thing.

What? Ripped apart?

Oh, that's right.

He almost got decapitated too.

Excuse me?

Leo, why didn't you
stay in the van?

What van?

The one you take
on all your missions

when you're out solving
all your mysteries.

Yeah. Why super speed

when I can just throw
on a trucker hat

and be a van-driving mama.

I just always thought
that you guys

did the dangerous stuff

while Leo was in the van,

saying stuff like,

"check" and "all clear."

Check that, Mom.

No, no. Leo does all
the dangerous stuff with us.

This one time, he was
dangling from a helicopter

on top of a skyscraper.

It was super dangerous.

Oh, that's right.

He almost got decapitated
that time too.

It's only a matter of time

before this thing
just pops right off.

[ Music playing ]

Ahoy, matey!

Check out all this cool stuff

that washed up on shore.

Let's see. A tire,

and a broken toilet seat.

Bob, that's just a bunch
of useless junk.

I'm gonna give
this stuff to Bree

as a token of my undying love.

Oh. Well, in that case,

it's perfect.

Whoa, slow down.

Where's the fire?

Oh, it's right here.

Because you're the hottest
thing I've ever seen.

What's up, Bob?

Oh, this is for you.

It's a seaweed necklace.


I'm gonna pass.

I wrestled a manatee for this.

Hi, everyone. I'm here.

This place is beautiful.

Thanks for inviting me.

We didn't invite you.

It was implied, Bree.

I had no idea
where you guys went

after you left Mission Creek.

That was the plan.

So I've been secretly
trailing Leo's mom for weeks,

hoping she would
lead me to you guys.

Wait. You've been
stalking Tasha?

Oh, don't be so dramatic.

Is it stalking
to follow someone around,

day and night?


Fine. I've been
stalking Tasha.

Wait a minute.
How did you get past

our hydra-loop security guard?

Let's just say

you're gonna need a new one.

Oh, Caitlin,

I'm afraid I have to cut
this reunion short.

No outside visitors
allowed on the island.

Ugh, still that guy,

huh, Chase?

Your sister wants me to stay,


You know what, sure.


Good answer, Bree.

What are you doing?

You can't stand her.

That was back in high school.

I have matured.

I am a mentor now.
I have changed.

Yeah, but she hasn't.

I know we've had

our petty squabbles in the past,

but we're beyond that.

Plus, it'll be nice
to have a girlfriend

to hang out with
for a couple of days.

Couple weeks, Bree.

Hmm. Good to see you too,

old friend.

[ Music playing ]

How are you feeling today,

Oh, I'm good. Thanks.

I'm okay but just to be sure,

you should probably whip up

some more of your
oatmeal cookies.

And don't be shy
with the raisins.

Coming right up.

Uh, I'll take a ham sandwich.

Are you injured?

Ugh, my knee.

I'll take mustard on that.

[ Music playing ]

[ indistinct chatter ]

What's up, Caitlin?

Still wearin' your hair
like that, huh?

What's wrong with my hair?

Nothing. Looks great,

as long as you're not
leaving the island.

Knock, knock.
Who's there?

Stud muffin.

Ugh, here comes Bob.

Who's Bob?
He's just this little kid

who's crushing on me.
Just to warn you, it can get

super awkward.

Hey, pretty lady.

Hey, Bob.

Hi. I'm Caitlin,

the girl Bree models
her entire life after.

[ Romantic music playing ]


Why are you levitating?

It's like I'm looking
at an angel.




[ Thuds ]

Oh, he's cute.

You think I'm cute?

She thinks I'm cute!
She thinks I'm cute!

She thinks I'm cute!

Yeah, Bree.

He's real into you.

[ Music playing ]

Here you go, Leo.

Any ETA on that sandwich

I ordered half an hour ago?

Trust me. You don't
want me making something

for you right now.

[ Alarm beeping ]

It's a mission alert.

Come on, guys.
We gotta go.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

You can walk?

It must have been that smoothie.

Okay. You got me.
It's been fun,

but our little charade is over.

Although I will be
home soon, so you might

wanna get cracking on dinner.

Where do you think you're going?

There's a mission.
Uh-uh. No way.

Just because you're up
walking around

doesn't mean that
your ankle is 100%.

Leo, are you coming?

Mom, can we talk about
this later? I need to change.

No. You are not

going anywhere.

But they need me.

I said no.

Now, I'm gonna go layout
your outfit for tomorrow.

Blue or green undies?



Come on, Adam, we have to go.


I'm coming with you.


[ Music playing ]

Wow, Leo.

What are the chances
you would get hurt

twice in a week?

Actually, I could
calculate them for you

if you'd like.

You okay? You hit
your head pretty hard.

Yeah, I'm all right.
I just wanna get upstairs

before my mom finds out.

I'll just tell her
that I have a nasty pimple.

Good idea.
Thanks, Mom.


You deliberately disobeyed me

and went on that mission.

Mom, I had to go
on this mission.

Look, I'm sorry I disobeyed you.

It won't happen again.
Oh, I know it won't,

because you're off the team.


You might have to talk
a little slower.

He's lost a lot of blood.

[ Music playing ]

[ music playing ]

What do you mean
I'm off the team?

These guys depend on me
to have their backs,

right, guys?

That's why we send you in first.

That's not why
we send him in first.

What am I supposed to do
with my bionic arm

if I can't go on missions?

Tons of stuff.
You could change

light bulbs superfast

or pull weeds out of the yard.

Ooh, you could crack walnuts.

The world needs more people
who can do that.

Mom, please.
I'm begging you.

I'm sorry, Leo.
I specifically told you

not to go on that mission
and you went anyway.

You got hurt again,
which just proves my point.

It's too dangerous for you.

You know,
she may be onto something.

You did get hurt
twice in a week.

According to my calculations,

you're on borrowed time.

Uh, I mean, he'll be fine.

We'll get him a helmet.

Now that I actually know

what you do on these missions,

I'm telling Donald you're done.

No. But... all right,

fine. I won't go.

Let's just enjoy these last
few precious moments together

before you go home
and I don't see you again


who knows when.

Nice try.

You actually think
I'm gonna leave you here,

so you can just sneak off again?

You're moving home with me.


You can't do that.

Who's gonna crack our walnuts?

[ Music playing ]

Oh, man.
I mean, isn't that the greatest

when she's just like that?

What's so funny?

Caitlin was telling me
this funny story

about what a weirdo you were

in high school.

I was not a weirdo

in high school.

Calm down.
We're just joking, Bree.

Yeah, Bree.

Did he just "Yeah, Bree" me?

He totally did.

Caitlin, I've been meaning

to give you something.

It's from the depths of my soul

and the ocean.

Oh, that smells like dead fish,

my favorite.

Pretty. Come on, Bob,

let's go talk about Bree

in the other room.

Caitlin, why are you doing this?

Face it. Bob likes me
better than you.

He's not the first guy

and he won't be the last.

And FYI, your jealousy

only adds to your

Can you believe her,

trying to take Bob away
from me like that?

That was my seaweed necklace.

What happened to mature
responsible Bree

who doesn't get roped
into petty squabbles?

This isn't petty.

I just can't let her get the boy

I don't really want. Hmm.

[ Music playing ]

Hey, Leo, what are you doing?

Oh, nothing.
Just hanging out,

setting a lethal trap
for my mom.


Wait, you're gonna
crush your mom

with a giant metal ball?

Of course not.
I'm gonna impress her

by saving her before
she gets crushed.


I'm gonna tell her
it's a training exercise.

Then I'm gonna hit this button,

say the ball is swinging
out of control,

and before it hits her,

I'm gonna destroy it
with my laser sphere.

Sounds like a solid plan to me.

What's the worst
that can happen?

I'm a split second too late,

my mom gets crushed to death.

Rock solid.

Hey, Leo,
you should start packing.

We leave first thing
in the morning.

Okay. But can I at least
show you a few things

I learned here at the academy?

Leo, I don't have time.
I still have to get everything

ready for tomorrow.
Oh, come on.

It's just a simple
training exercise.


Fine. But I'm not

changing my mind.


Stand right...


Leo, where's
the best place to stand

to see your mom get hit?


I mean not get hit.

Don't worry,
he's gonna rescue you.

He's only doing it to prove
that he's capable enough

to go on missions.

What is with you
and the decapitate...

Oh. You mean cut it out.

Now I get it.

Never mind.

So, you were gonna
try to hit me?

Let me see that thing.

Mom, wait!

Oh, that was supposed to be you.

[ Music playing ]

Hey, Bob. Look,

last night's storm washed up
a bunch of cool things.

Hmm. This is for you.


Cool! A sea turtle shell.

I'm gonna tape it to my back

and wear it forever.


I knew you'd love it.

You two have a lot in common.

Yeah. We do.

I was talking about you
and the turtle.

You're both endangered species!

Take it back!
Oh, stop it!

You stop it!

Cool. Two girls fighting over me

with a turtle shell?

It's every guy's dream!

I will turn you
into turtle soup!

Hey! Hey! Break it up!

Break it up! Break it up!

Okay. Who's giving me a wedgie?


I'm done dealing with you
crazy people.

And to think I stalked
someone for you.

What a waste!

Ha! I win.

You sure do.
You fought for me.

The only reason I was
hanging out with Caitlin

was because you never
give me the time of day.

And now that I know
how you really feel,

I'm all yours.

Wait, what?

Caitlin, come back.

[ Music playing ]

Thanks for dinner, Tasha.
That was delicious.

So nice to have
a home-cooked meal again.


I thought the chicken
was a little dry.

I can't believe this is
my last night here.

Tasha, is there any way
we can convince you

to change your mind?

Sorry, guys.
My decision is final.

[ Electricity cracking ]

What's going on?

[ Thuds ]

[ alarm blaring ]

A storm is descending
on the island

with 80-mile-an-hour wind.

It's about to hit us dead-on.

All right. Bree and I will
evacuate the students

to the training area.

You guys batten down
the hatches in here

then meet us downstairs.

Got it.

Very clever, Leo.

I can't believe you created

another ridiculous set-up.

Eighty-mile-an-hour winds, huh?

What do you got out there,
some kind of giant fan?

No, Mom. This is real.

Oh, please.
If this was a real

tropical storm,

I wouldn't be able
to stand here.

Mom! Hang on.

TASHA: Help!

I'm not one to believe in karma,

but this might have
something to do

with that horrible chicken.

[ Screaming ]

I'll go get her.

No. I'll do it.

Right. You should be
the last face she sees

before she blows away.

No. She's my mom.
I need to do this.

Okay. But be careful.
I know I say this a lot

but if there's one mission
you might be decapitated on,

this is it.

Hurry! [ screaming ]

I can't hold on much longer.

Adam, wait. Anchor me.

Okay. Here it goes.

[ Screaming ]

Mom! On the count of three,

I need you to reach out
and grab my arm.

I don't think I can.

It's okay. I got you.

What if you don't?

I'll blow out to sea.

Trust me. I'll catch you.

But if you don't.

Would you just do it?!

I'm scared, Leo.

I am not going to let anything

happen to you.

Are you ready?



Oh, hang on. I got an itch.

Oh, got it.


[ Screaming ]

I got you.

[ Grunting ]

Whoa. Nice work.

You did it.

And no one got hurt,
right, Tasha?

[ Screaming ]


Anchor me.

[ Music playing ]

Hey, you guys okay?

Yeah. Everyone's accounted for.

Good news, just checked all
the structures on the island,

only minimal damage.

And Caitlin survived too.

That was amazing, Leo.

The way you took charge
and stayed calm

in the face of danger,

I am very impressed.

Oh, Leo does stuff like that
on missions all the time.

Yeah. He's always there for us.

Well, whatever part
of him isn't severed

is always there for us.

You know, I'm still upset
that you lied to me

about the missions.

But it's clear, you are
a big part of this team.

I don't wanna stand
in the way of that.

Thanks, Mom.

And, Tasha, you are always

welcome back to the island.

Just stay out of the kitchen.

[ Music playing ]

Ugly. Ugly.


Hey, Bob, can you
give us a second?

Oh, sure.



I promised myself
I was gonna act mature

and not fight over
pretty things with you,

but I did,

and I'm sorry.

You're welcome to stay
as long as you want.

Ugh, stop!

You're smothering me
with your neediness.

Call me when you grow up.

Hey, I'd never leave you, Bree.

You're the only one for me.

Hey, guys.

[ Romantic music playing ]

[ music playing ]

[ theme music playing ]