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04x04 - Bionic Dog

Posted: 04/23/24 09:06
by bunniefuu
Guys, guess what I found.

Where did you get a dog?

And please do not say from a guy

with sunglasses and a cane.


He started sniffing me
when I got on the hydraloop,

then he went crazy
and wouldn't leave me alone.

And did you by any chance
have meat in your pockets?


Wait, is salami a meat?

He can't stay.

Whoa. Did you see that?

You said stay, and he did.

He's a genius.


- [whistles]
- [whimpers]

Oh, that's my dog.

He was a stray I took in
and nursed back to health

back when Krane and I bought
our first evil lair together.

Actually, it was more
of an evil townhouse.

How were we ever afraid of you?

This guy got me through
some pretty rough times.

Well, it's nice to hear

that you had
someone to comfort you

while you were
plotting to k*ll us.

I think Otis ran away
because Krane terrified him.

He must've been
searching for me forever.

I bet he smelled
my scent on Adam,

and followed him back here.

Are you sure it's the same dog?

Watch this.

Otis, sit.

- Look left.
- Look right.

- Speak.
- [barks]

Whoa. I can't even
do all that.

I'll tell you
another little secret.

Otis has super strength.


You gave bionics to an animal?

He was injured, and I did
it to save his life.

I'm glad you saved him,
but I can't believe

you wasted bionics on a dog.

I wouldn't say wasted.

Do your thing, Otis.

Whoa! Cool.

I thought I was gonna
have to train him to do that.

The world's first
bionic superhumans...

they're stronger than us,

faster, smarter.

The next generation
of the human race is...

living on a bionic island.


Chase, could you keep it down?

Otis and I are playing cards.

All right, what do ya got?

Another ace?

You're a lot better
than the other dogs

I play with.

Adam, that fur factory
is making me sneeze.

You have got to get rid of him.

Stop right there.

Otis is the best thing
that's ever happened to me.

Oh, really?

Better than being
a bionic superhuman,

and going on
life-saving missions?

Mm-hmm. He lets me
rub his belly.

What's up, Otis?


Is he still making you sneeze?

Yes. I must be
allergic to him.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

How do you know
he's not allergic to you?

- Adam.
- Okay. Chill out.

I know just the thing
that'll make you feel better.

Hit it, Otis.

[playing up-tempo tune]

Not his best.

He's much better on guitar.

Adam, I know you love Otis,

I do, too.

But Chase can't live like this.

Fine. I have a solution.

- Chase lives in a bubble.
- I'm not living in a bubble.

You're right. It'll be much easier
if you just leave the island.

Thank you for your service,
and good luck.

No, no.

He's right.
Chase was here first,

so Otis has to go.

Oh, thank you so much for
choosing me over a dog.

Well, it wasn't easy.

How could you
just cave like that?

Relax. We're not
gettin' rid of Otis.

Oh, I get it.

So we're taking Chase
to the pound.

No, we're gonna hide Otis.

Right. Then we take
Chase to the pound.

So bottom line, sweetie pie,

I really am the glue that binds
this bionic team together.

[girl] Leo, I love it when
you talk about you.

And I love that you love
when I talk about me.

I could talk to you
all day, Leo.

So glad you're my lady.

Who you talking to, Leo?

Mr. Davenport.

That sounded like a girl.

I think we can both agree that
is one of his many faults.



It's this new girl
I've been talking to.

Wow. I never knew you
were such a ladies' man.

I've been trying to tell you.

- Hey, Leo.
- Yes, beautiful.

My battery's at four percent.

Could you put me on the charger?

Wait. The girl that
you've been talking to

is your phone?


What makes you say that?

Shelly, stop vibrating.
I'll charge you later.

Okay. Shelly's
my new smartphone assistant.

It started off as
a few meaningless reminders.

Leo, don't forget your wallet.
Leo, brush your teeth.

Leo, the bus is here
to take you to wacky town.

But she learned all my habits.

Now she knows me
better than anyone.

Shelly gets me,
and for 39.99 a month,

she's gonna continue to get me.

Look, I don't know
what's sadder...

The fact that you're
dating your phone,

or that I think
your phone can do better.

Otis, Chase is coming.

I can still see you.

Adam, are you reading a book?

No, I'm pretending
to read a book.

Oh, why am I still sneezing?

Because you refuse
to live in a bubble.

Pretty smooth, huh?

Come on, Otis.

I think it's time for you
to teach me that chess game

you're always talking about.


I knew it.

My allergies are worse
than ever.

- You kept Otis.
- What? No. That's not Otis.

Stand, Otis.

This... is
our long-lost cousin...


From the old country,
where shaving is illegal.

Adam, that's a dog in a blanket.

Look, I know she's not
the most attractive woman,

but she's family.


Oh, no. There's been
an accident

- in the expl*sives area.
- Let's go.

Come on, Bolgia.

Let's show Chase that trick
where you run like a dog.

Check it out, Shelly.

I borrowed someone else's phone

so I could get a selfie
of both of us.

Oh, that was so thoughtful.

Perfect. Now let's get one of me
whispering in your ear.

- Leo.
- This is normal; I'm not ashamed.

Okay, this has gone on
long enough.

You're inside all day,
you've stopped bathing,

and every time I try to call you,
it goes straight to voicemail.

[Shelly giggling] That's
'cause I blocked your calls.

That's naughty.

That's it. You have got
to break up with that machine.

Are you crazy?!

She can hear you.

She is right in my hand.

Am I crazy?

You're in love with a phone.

- You love me?
- We'll talk later.

This isn't healthy.

Sure, it's just a bunch of conversations
right now, but then what?

You gonna go take her out for
a big night on the town?

She does know
all the best places,

and the quickest ways
to get there.

Leo, aside from me,

when was the last time you
interacted with a real person?

For your information,

I've talked to
a lot of real people.

The lady I bought
Shelly's case from,

the guy who set up
Shelly's calling plan,

the dude from tech support
who... okay, this is bad.

I need help.


- What happened?
- I don't know.

I was in here doing inventory,

and when I turned the corner,

I tripped on something
and everything fell.

Well, we know one thing.

This was no accident.

Someone strung a trip wire.

Right. And it was stretched
from here to here, which means

it had to have been someone
with at least 12-foot arms.

Someone rigged that wire
to the expl*sives.

If it had worked, the whole
place would've blown,

with you in it.

Otis, sniff.

Okay. Go get
the bad guy.

Oh. I knew it.

It was you!

I live here.

Why would I want to
blow this place up?

Don't ask me to explain
the motives of a mad man.

Let me measure your arms.

Got a tape measure?

Bang, bang.

I checked every inch
of the expl*sives area.

I still can't figure out
who set that trap.

Oh, please, end the charade,
you demented genius.

I'm gonna go scan
the security footage

to see who's responsible.

And would somebody please
get that dog off the island.

All right, Adam.

The jig is up.

I have to take Otis
back to the mainland.

Oh, fine.


Oh, wait, he wants
to say good-bye.

I know, buddy.

I'm gonna miss you, too.

I'll think of you every time
I drag my butt across the rug.

What are you doing?

That is disgusting.

And why do I think Otis'
tongue is cleaner than yours?

Ah, great.
He's loose.

Come on, we have to go get him.

What are you doing?!

I don't know.
I can't stop.

But your pants taste
surprisingly good.

It's like you ran through
a field of bacon.

[laughing on computer]

Oh, Laughy Cat,
that is not the litter box.

[Shelly] Leo, where are you?

You off somewhere with
that cheap tablet again?

Say good-bye, Shelly.

What have you done to Leo?

I'm calling the police
and just so you know,

I'm a phone, so I can.

Do it!

Changing existing settings.

[man's voice with British accent]
Hey there, my name's Liam.

What's your name?


I must've hit the wrong button.

Or the right one.

Who am I speaking to, love?

I must know the name
that goes along with

such a heavenly voice.

You like my voice?

Of course I do.

I like everything about you.

Oh. Well,
if you must know,

my name's Bree.

Ah, Bree.

A beautiful name.

The creative warrior.

Irish origins.

A Celtic spirit running wild.

Well, I do like to run.

I've been all over the academy,

and I can't find Otis anywhere.

And this one, I can't
get rid of.

Hey, cut it out!

I'm trying, but I can't.

- Ooh, I heard a cat.
- Get down.

I found out what happened
in the expl*sives area. Look.

Yeah. Otis was the one
who tried to take you out.

That's impossible.

We've always been best friends.


Red means love, right?

I better scan his chip
to see what's going on.

He's got super strength,
heat vision,

and an override app?

Why would you give Otis
an override app?

I didn't. Why would
a dog need...

Wait a minute.

It must've been Krane.

After I turned on him, I bet
he reprogrammed Otis' chip

and gave him a mission...
Find me and take me out.

And now, he's controlling
Adam to help him do it,

which is why he's
acting like a dog.


Adam, stop.

You have to fight it.

Can't you just use
your override app on him?

No, I can't override
an override app,

guy who built me.

Okay, you are a bad dog.

Oh, come on, how could I not
get a treat for that?

Ooh, I know.
Throw harder.

Otis, please don't
make me use this.


Please don't make me use these.

I got an idea. Run!

Run? That's your idea,
smartest guy in the world?

Just go.

Who wants the stick?
Who wants the stick?

Otis. Adam.

Look what I got.

Oh, it's a ball.

You want the ball?
You want the ball?

Yes, I do, I do, I do. I want
the ball, I want the ball.

- Give me the ball, give me the ball.
- Go and get the ball.

Come on, Otis.

You know you want it.

Who's a good doggie?
Go get the ball.

Fine. Um... ahem.

You stay here,
I'll go get the ball.

[Liam laughing]

Oh, Liam, it is so nice
to finally meet a guy

who I can just shut off
and put in a drawer

when I'm done with him.

Okay, Bree,
I've learned my lesson.

I'm completely over Shelly.

And to prove it,
I'm gonna return my phone.

Now, where's my little
Shelly-belly sweetheart?

Uh, you can't have your phone,

because I don't even
know where it is.

- I lost it. - [Liam] I'm
right here, buttercup.

Who's that?

Uh, no one.

No one?
[muffled speaking]

Care to explain those sounds
coming from down below?

If I say it's gas,
will you leave me alone?

- Give me that phone.
- No! Leo, I can't.

You know I've always been a
sucker for British accents.

He calls me his lass.

What can I say?

Liam completes me.


You turned my Shelly
into a dude?

- Give it back.
- No!

Face it, Leo, Shelly's dead,

and she's never coming back.


[ferocious barking]

How did you get
this much saliva on it?

That's not saliva.

If you can find a way
to distract Otis,

I can use the chip
extractor on him.

How? I've tried

Balls, toys, bones.

You have bones?

Everything a dog likes,

but they only work on Adam.

Wait. Otis was always
crazy about peanut butter.

I'm on it.

Come on, Otis.

I saved your life.

I love you, man.

You don't wanna hurt me.

Or maybe you do.

I got it.

Hey, Otis, look what I got.

Look, Otis.

Peanut butter.
It's your favorite.

It's not working.

We have to think bigger.
Much bigger.

Oh, Otis.

I'm extra chunky.

My legs are sticking,
my legs are sticking!

Good idea with the net, Chase.

- Thanks. Mr. Davenport...
- Yeah, no one cares.

Got his chip.

Oh, yeah, Otis is back.

Hey, boy.

I'm exhausted.

What's that smell?

Ooh, peanut butter.

Adam, stop.

Don't blame me.
It's the dog.

But I removed his chip.

Okay, it's me.

So you found Otis a good home?

Yeah, big yard, kids,
nice family.

The Kranes.

No relation.

All right, Otis,
this is good-bye.

You'll always be in my heart.

After eating all that grass,
so will those worms.

Give me back that phone.

Don't worry, Shelly,
I've got you.

Don't listen to him, Liam.

- I'll save you.
- [both struggling]

You can have it.

No, I'm good.