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04x02 - Left Behind

Posted: 04/23/24 09:05
by bunniefuu
Here you go, guys.

Protein recovery bars.

Ugh! Again?

Yes, again.

Would you like to complain
more about the free food, Bob?

Mr. Davenport made them
to maximize our workouts.

They have everything
the body needs.

Yeah, and they make you puke.

I'm gonna hold out
until the 3:00 peanuts.

Luckily for me, I'm bionic,

so I don't have a gag reflex.

We're all bionic,
and yes, you do.

No, I don't.

Oh! Yes, I do.

What's that?

Oh, this? It's just
a little CARE package

my mom sent down for all of us.

Oh, wait. Nope,
it's just for me.

[loud squirting sound]

Oh, it's easier for me
to swallow

if I pretend it's a hamburger.

Which is tough,
because I don't even know

what a hamburger is.

Wait, you've never
had a hamburger?

That's so sad.

You wanna cheer me up
by giving me a hug?

That's so sad.


These kids have no social skills

because they've been completely
isolated from the real world.

They have no idea
what it's like to be normal.

Ah, yes.

I remember your first
days out of the lab.

So young, so naive.

You needed a strong
hand to guide you.

Yeah. All we got
was you.

These kids deserve
a taste of the real world.

Well, I just got some
food from the real world.

You guys are welcome to...

No, it's just for me.

What was that?

No idea.

Mm. Better.

The world's first
bionic superhumans.

They're stronger than us.



The next generation
of the human race is...

living on a bionic island.

Hey, Mr. Davenport.
We've been talking,

and we wanna take
the students on a field trip.

Great. Where you wanna
take 'em?

Uh, living quarters?
The kitchen?

That rock on the other
side of the island?

Come on, you know what we mean.

Forget it.
They're not ready

to socialize with
the general population yet.

Well, yeah, but neither is Adam,

but we still let him
out of his cage.

Stop talking about me
like I'm an animal.

Hey, I'm hungry.
Is it almost feeding time?

What is the big deal?

It's not like
these kids are a secret.

The whole world
knows they exist.

I told the president
we would turn them into

the next generation
of bionic heroes.

We can't take any chances until
their training is complete.

But shouldn't
their training include

real-world experiences?

If you hadn't let us
go to Mission Creek High,

we'd still be clueless shut-ins.

Look at us now, living isolated

on a remote island;
we've come so far.

Look, I built this academy

to be a protected environment.

They make mistakes here,

there's no serious consequences.

What are you so worried
is gonna happen?

I seem to remember
a few incidents

when you three
hit the real world.

You set a dingo on fire,

you got in a wrestling
match with your principal,

and you showed up in the
yearbook as the bearded lady.

Exactly. And they should
be able to do those things, too.

Mr. Davenport,
I know these kids.

They can handle it,
they're ready.

Are you sure this is safe?

- Absolutely.
- [yelling]

Live and learn.

I rest my case.

Guys, this isn't fair.

They've been working hard.
They deserve a night out.

So let's sneak 'em
off the island.

Adam, Mr. Davenport
said no.

But think about it.

When Leo took us to school,

it was the best thing
that ever happened to us.

You're right, I'm in.

Aw, come on, Chase.

Break the rules
for once in your life.

I just said I'm in.


Sorry. I just assumed
you'd say no.

- Why?
- No offense,

- but you're kind of a...
- Fun k*ller.

You talking about Chase?

Leo, can you cover for
us with Mr. Davenport?

We wanna sneak some of the kids

out to the mainland
for the night.


But what can I expect
in return for this arrangement?

Well, I could always
tell Mr. Davenport

about that time you snuck
out in his speedboat.

You kids have
a wonderful evening, okay?


Where are Adam, Bree and Chase?

They're, uh...

Believe it or not,
there's a little coral reef

you didn't destroy when
you built this monstrosity.

Leo, why are you
wearing that suit?

You know you're only supposed
to wear that on missions.

I can't help it.

It makes me feel like the most
important person in the world.

I know how you feel.

I have a three-piece suit
made out of money.

Yes. We've all seen it.

Look, Big D.,

you may have all the
money in the world,

and the suit made
out of some of it,

but you'll never know what it's
like to wear one of these.

Leo, when exactly did the
guys say they'd be back?

I don't know.

- Why?
- No reason.

Hey, how would you
like to take my speedboat

for a spin?

I'd love to.

Because I've never
done that before.

Oh, wow, that's slimming.

Not that I needed it.

This is awesome.

First we go to the mall
for new clothes,

and now, we get to eat
real food and play video games.

Hey, Adam, who paid
for all that anyway?

We were supposed to pay for it?

Be right back.

Bree, this has been
the best night of my life.

Wanna make it better with a hug?

Uh, no, that's not
one of the games.


Gotta be healthy.

Isn't this great?

I don't know what Mr. Davenport
was so worried about.

The kids are having
a great time,

and everybody loves 'em.

Yeah, no one can ever accuse me
of being a fun k*ller again.


Okay, you've had enough
sugar for today.

Ha, take that!

[imitating laser fire]

- Ahem!
- [shrieks]

How long have you
been standing there?

Long enough to be horrified.

The suit feels good, doesn't it?


You were right.
I feel amazing.

Makes me love me even more.

You realize Chase spent weeks
customizing his suit, right?

He's gonna freak when he
finds out you wore it.

Oh, Chase is never
gonna find out.

I don't know.

I do like to talk.

And I do like to
disable bionics.

Don't just stand there.

Work it, Don.
Show me what you got.

You're probably right.

I should change out of it
before they come back.

[alarm sounding]

Oh, no. It's stuck.

I'm obviously
too muscular for the suit.

Yes, that must be the problem.

Just help me
get it off. Here, pull.

Just... yeah.

[both muttering]

This is a fun
father-son activity.

You broke the zipper.

Now you're gonna have to
pull it with your teeth.

You know what,
just disable my bionics.

Can you stop that?

Oh, I can, but, uh,

Lester the Unicorn can't.

Right, Bob?


Hey, Spin, have you seen Bob?

Don't worry.

Bob, have you seen Spin?

They're not here.

I thought you did a head count.

- I did. There were 18.
- We brought 20.

Hey, you told me to count.
You didn't tell me to how many.

Well, where are they?

Man, that game was fun.

I like the big light
that flashes in your eyes.

Oh, no.

Everybody's gone.

We don't know how to get home.

Relax. Adam would
never leave us.

Right, Adam?

Chase, have you seen Adam?

- Adam, have you...
- They're not here, Bob!

How could you forget
Spin and Bob?

How could you forget
Bob and Spin?

Guys, stop.

It doesn't matter that
you both messed up,

and I am completely innocent.

We need to find them
before Mr. Davenport figures out

that they're gone.

She's right.

We better tell Leo
to keep covering for us.

And how are you innocent?


Mr. Davenport,
I'm so sorry.

I tried to stop them.

Girl tears.

More powerful than
any bionic ability.

That's not fair.

I thought only Chase
had that ability.

Whatever you call that dance,
I am not doing it.

I'm not doing a dance.

I poured olive oil
down the suit,

and I'm trying to slide
my way out of it.

Could you watch the floor?
You're leaking.

You got any better ideas?


How is this gonna help me
get out of the suit?

Oh, it's not. I just
really enjoy doing it.




That's Chase.


He can't see me in this thing.

- Good point.
- [shrieks]

Hey, what's up?

We left Spin and Bob
on the mainland.

Can you keep covering for us?

Yeah, no problem.
Get out!


Are you wearing olive oil?

What a man does
with his imported oils

is his own business.


Whatever you're doing,
man, it's working.

Bob, what are you doing?

I'm loading up. They ran
out of the little cups.

Knock it off and help me
figure out how to get home.

Why don't you just call Chase?

Because my phone's dead.

Well, let's just walk back.

We live in the middle
of the ocean, Bob.

Oh, you've got
an answer for everything.

- [crashing sound]
- What was that?

Sh! Someone's
breaking in.

Quick, hide!

[siren blaring]

We were this close
to getting away with

a bank vault of cash,

and now, we're stuck
in here, surrounded by cops.

Go check the back doors.

Are you thinkin'
what I'm thinkin'?

Yeah. Let's see if they have
a charger for the phone.

The GPS locators on their chips
say they're 20 feet away.

They're still inside
the burger joint.

But look at all those
police cars.

What did Bob do now?

Why do you always
assume it's Bob?

Uh, because he is
a mini version of you.

You're just jealous because
nobody wants to be like you.

That's the police radio.

I'll use my bionic hearing
to listen in.

Attention, all units.

Bank robbers are barricaded
in the Game and Grub Arcade.

Oh, no. Spin and Bob
must be stuck in there

with the four ex-convicts
that just robbed the bank.

Man! I hope they didn't
rob Federal Financial.

That's where I keep
my retirement fund.

[both straining]

Suck in your gut.

I'm sucking, I'm sucking.

Suck harder!

It's not working.

I know.

I'll get your new laser cutters.

That'll rip you open.

[ringtone plays]

Leo, your phone.


Hey, it's Adam.
Adam Davenport.

Adam, you don't have
to say your last name.

Uh, you do if you believe
in proper phone etiquette.

Listen, Leo, you gotta
cover for us a little longer.

Spin and Bob are trapped
with a g*ng of bank robbers.


You do realize this is
Mr. Davenport, right?

Uh, I do now.

All right, Big D.

Assume the position.

You have been covering for
Adam, Bree and Chase.

And you have been letting
a kid play with

very dangerous tools.

Are we good here?

We gotta get outta here.

Okay, here's the plan.

You distract them by
tossing this near them.

- Then I'll spin us outta here.
- Great idea.

[toy squeaks]

Wait. Did you say near them
or at them?

Looks like we just found
our ticket outta here, fellas.

Sorry, kids, but you're
not goin' anywhere.

Oh. Well, in that case,
I'll go fire up the grill.

What's going on?

The police are trying to
negotiate with the bank robbers.

They have Spin and Bob, and they're
using them as leverage to escape.

Oh, good. At least they're
being supervised by adults.

Don't worry. I'm sure
Adam, Bree and Chase

will be here any minute
to rescue us.

No. You know what?

It's up to us.
We have to save the day.

We're bionic heroes.

Uh-uh-uh. In training.

Okay, freeze.

You have exactly five seconds

to hand yourselves over
to the police,

or face the wrath
of two bionic heroes.

In training.

Would you stop that?

Enough. I told you two
to stay outta the way.

Now go play your little
superhero game over there.

Ready, Bob?


You said you were ready.

Oh, I'm ready.

Then do something.

If you want me to do something,

then say do something,

and stop asking me if I'm ready.

Spin, watch out!

Game over.


Don't worry.
We're here to save you.

Too late.
We already took care of it.

Criminals have been apprehended

by two bionic heroes.

In training.

You're killin' me, man.

Guys, what were you thinking?

You can't just stay behind because
you're having a good time.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Back up.

We didn't stay here.

You left us behind.

That is not true...

We'll talk about this later.

Right now, we need
to get back home

before Mr. Davenport
realizes we're gone.

Too late.

Hey, everybody.

I specifically told you

not to take the students
off the island,

and what did you do?


He doesn't even know.
We're in the clear.

They were stuck here
with no idea how to get home.

Not to mention, someone
could've gotten seriously hurt.

So maybe tonight
didn't go great,

but we had the best time.

We played cool games,
hung out like real kids,

and we learned a ton.

Yeah, I learned that chipotle
mayo is my favorite flavor,

and hand sanitizer
is not a flavor.

Plus we finally got to
put our bionics to use,

and not just for some
lame academy training exercise.

Which I love as much
as your protein bars.

Okay. I get it.

Just next time,
don't sneak out to do it.

All right? Now go
fill the police in

on what happened,
and we'll be out in a second.

Well, all's well
that ends well, so...

Oh, no.

You are still in trouble.

I'm sorry.
I tried to stop them.

I did, too.

Okay, okay, not working.

Hey, why are you wearing
your snowsuit?


it... well...

It, um...
It's funny.

I don't have to justify
myself to you.

Wait a second.

Is that...

My mission suit?!

[imitates laser fire]

Force field.
Super speed.

Okay, guys,
I'm off to the mainland.

Wait. So everything's
okay with my suit?

Yep. See ya soon.

And you cleaned it?

Good as new.

[alarm sounds]

- We got a mission alert.
- Let's go.

Oh, boy.
Good luck with that.


Something's different.

Did you get a haircut?