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03x19 - Rise of the Secret Soldiers

Posted: 04/23/24 09:01
by bunniefuu
Good news,
my famous bionic peeps!

Your new PR guy
came through big time.

Please tell me it's not
another celebrity game show.

We always lose.

Probably because one of us
always hits the buzzer too soon,

and doesn't know the answer!

In my defense, I thought hitting
the buzzer was the right answer.

You remember that big magazine
interview I got you guys?

The article just came out,
thanks to yours truly,

Leo Dooley of Dooley Entertainment,
a subsidiary of LeoCorp.

Awesome! Cool!
Wait, I wanna see!

Wait, the... the reporter
interviewed all of us.

Why is Adam the only one
on the cover?

[ laughing ]

This whole article makes it
sound like he's in charge.

"Adam Davenport is
the bionic team's leader,

"strong man,
and all-around superstar"?

Ah, finally, someone gets how
things work around here!

Hold on, listen to this.

"Along with Adam's little brother,
the girl helps him on missions."

It's like you and I
barely even exist!

What are you talking about? You
guys are mentioned right here, see?

"Bree and Chase Davenport,
not pictured."

Hey, guys, what's going on?

This article totally misrepresents
how our team works.

People are gonna think that Adam
is the only one who does anything.

Oh, don't worry!
I'll set the record straight

and tell 'em the girl does
stuff, too.

Guys, don't worry about it.
The media distorts everything.

I mean, one time, an article
said that I was self-absorbed.

Ha ha ha ha!

Look, the important thing is
that you know the truth

about who you are
and what you do.

"We also spoke to Leo Dooley, the
bionic team's brilliant mastermind."

What? That's it,
I'm calling my lawyer.

NARRATOR: The world's first
bionic superhumans.

NARRATOR: They're stronger
than us, faster, smarter.

NARRATOR: The next generation of
the human race is...

living in my basement?

[ Theme music plays ]

Leo, look at this.

It's bad enough that magazines
are twisting the facts,

but now gossip sites

are writing all sorts
of lies about us.

Yeah, like I can't keep a boyfriend!
That I'm a nerd!

And also, a bunch of
stuff that isn't true!

Guys, look.
This is the price of fame.

Now you see why I've chosen

to live my bionic life
out of the spotlight.

And take my modest 25% cut
as your manager.

Leo, this is wrong!

The world is not seeing us
for who we really are!

Yeah, people need to know
that I am a humble,

bionic supermodel!

Look, I have a fix.

When you guys first went public,
a production company wanted

to do a live reality show about
you, but Big D turned them down.

One hint.

Guess who wasn't
going to be the star?

Davenport's going away
on a business trip,

so I'll call the company and let
them know we've reconsidered.

They'll send a camera crew
to follow you around.

Yes! Then the whole world will
see how things really are.

And it'll be live, so they won't
be able to manipulate the truth.

Great idea, Leo!

Well, as the article says,

I am the bionic team's
"brilliant mastermind."

Really? 'Cause according
to this website,

you're our "adorable eight-year-old
sidekick, Lee Clooney."

That's your blog.

Oh, shoulda known.
I spelled my own name wrong.

Great, we'll see the
camera crew here tomorrow.

Yes, I am a great negotiator
for an eight-year-old.

[ Doorbell rings ]
[ knocking ]

[ doorbell continues ]
[ knocking continues ]

What's up, Clooney?

Why are you wearing that coat?

You look more suspicious
than usual.

Just thought I'd drop in

to see how my good friends
the Davenports are doing.

Whoa, look! There's a
mountain lion in your yard!

Really, where?

I don't see anything!

Keep looking,
something'll show up.

There's nothing there.

What's in your coat?


Like I said, nothing!

You're stealing from us?

Not any more!
You caught me!

Once Adam, Bree, and Chase
became famous,

I made a fortune auctioning off
their bionic belongings online.

But then, I ran out,
and now I have to restock.

Put those back!

Ooh, you're gonna
have to catch me first.

Ooh, whoa, ah, ah, ah!

Ooh, cramp, cramp, cramp!
Ahh, my hammy!

Okay, people,
we go live in two minutes!

Oh, no, that was for them. You keep
puffing that powder, sweetheart.

Leo, why is there
a camera crew in here?

Uh, it's for a new TV
show we're filming,

called "What Happened
To Your Business Trip?"

ALL: [game show voices] What
happened to your business trip?

Leo, I don't want people
seeing our private lives!

The more people see, the more they'll
start criticizing every move

that Adam, Bree, and Chase make.

And it'll start
messing with their heads.

People are already
criticizing us!

That's why we're doing this!
So that they can see the truth.

And my new highlights.

You have nothing to prove.

And by doing this, you're
just feeding into the frenzy.

That's easy for you to say.

You aren't dragged through
the mud on a daily basis.

There are rumors online
that I'm expecting twins!

We're getting him a double stroller.
Let me know if you want in.

Look, for the record, I think going
on television is a huge mistake.

We're live! Hello! Hi.
I'm Donald Davenport,

brilliant, genius inventor who...

Was just leaving. No, I'm not.
Excuse me.

Sorry about that.

You do know
the camera adds 10 pounds?

And in that outfit,
it's more like 20.

'Scuse me, while I change into
something a little more flattering.

Wait, stay out of my closet!

Hi, everybody!
I'm Chase!

This is the lab
where we train for missions,

well, actually, they train
for missions.

I'm always mission-ready.

Hmm, uh, your shoe's untied.

Aw, man!

Uh, just to set
the record straight

I can keep a boyfriend,
I just can't get one.

Uh, uh, no, I mean,
I can get one,

I j... I just... you know what, I can run

ADAM: [ grunting ]

[ grunting ]

Adam, what are you doing?
[ grunting ]

What I do every day
at this time,

leading the bionic team
by doing strength poses.

[ Panting ]

[ fanfare plays ]

It's the President
with a mission alert!

That means there's an
emergency somewhere.

I'm guessing
it's... that way.

Mr. President,
we got the alert.

Listen, there's a power surge
at a major electrical tower.

And it's too dangerous
for anyone else to handle.

I need you to fix the broken
transformer before it blows,

and starts
a nationwide chain reaction.

We're on it.

Good luck. The country
is counting on you.

And would also like you
to put a shirt on.

Ha ha! Hear that? The President
is asking us for help.

Does the President ask
your girlfriend for help?

[ Mouthing ]
No, I don't think so.

Come on, we have to go now!

Hey, but what about the cameras?

Bring 'em with us!

That way, people can see
what really happens

when we save the world!

Good idea, little brother.

It's mission time! Whoo!

PRINCIPAL PERRY: Okay, we're here!
I'll ring the doorbell.

If no one answers,
I'll just knock 'er down!

[ Doorbell rings ]

[ flashes go off ]
Right this way, folks!

Ignore him,
he's window dressing.

[ Crowd chatters ]

What are you doing?

Since you won't
let me steal stuff,

I'm giving bionic house tours.

Gal's gotta make a buck somehow!

Who's enjoying Terry
Perry's Bionic Experience?

[ Cheering ]

You can't give tours
of our house!

This is private property!

So's the fountain at the mall,

but I still drain it
for bus money.

Uh, what? Those of you who
purchased the meal option,

the bionic fridge is over there.

It's all-you-can-eat,
but save me some salami!

Get them out of here, or I'm
calling the police! Go for it!

And your parole officer.

All right, folks,
let's take it outside!

All right, listen up,
bionic subordinates,

here's my plan.
Bree, use your super-speed

to see if the power surge
has spread to any other towers.

Oh, I get it. You just
want me off-camera.

I want you
to follow your orders.

Adam, you can stand over there, since
there's nothing to lift or hit...

Oh, oh, Chase, with you around,

there's always something to hit.

Ow! [ mouthing ] What!

You see, fixing
an electrical transformer

is a walk in the park. I'll
just use my molecular kinesis

to stabilize it. That's
right, folks, mission leader!

Now, get ready, everybody, this
is where he touches his temple!


[ Squeaking noises ]

I'm not gonna touch my temple!

Gonna hold my hand out
like this.

Okay, uh, while you do that,

I'm gonna go super-speed
up the tower

and take care of the

See ya!

Let go of me!

Step aside, children.

Daddy's got this.

No, you don't!



ADAM: Agh, get off of me!

ADAM: Yes!
[ grunting and panting ]

Keep fighting, boys!
I'm going up.

I don't think so!

[ Growling ]

Put me down! Aah! Aah!

[ Transformer explodes ]

Hey, watch out!

ALL: [ yelling ]

CHASE: Stay back! Those are live wires!
Don't touch 'em!

Wait, please don't tell me
that was the main transformer.

We were so busy arguing,
it blew up!

And the whole world just saw it!

I can't believe
we blew the mission!

Chase, relax. All we have to
do is cause a bigger disaster

somewhere else, and people
will forget all about this.

What were you thinking?

That expl*si*n took out power
grids all over the country!

You grounded flights,
caused traffic accidents,

people are freaking out!

You know what,
this is all your fault.

If you would've just let me
go up the tower,

none of this would have
ever happened!

Don't blame me! You guys are the
ones who didn't follow orders.

Yeah, 'cause they were
stupid orders,

and don't drag me into this,
it was Bree's fault.

How is this my fault?

I don't know, you were
next in the blame circle!

ALL: [ overlapping arguing ]

Knock it off!

You're all to blame.

And everybody knows it, because it's on
every news channel in the entire world.

ALL: [ yelling ]

People are furious. They're
saying you're irresponsible,

that you can't be trusted.

You have managed to turn the
whole world against you.

I know how we can fix this.

A commercial-free sitdown
with Oprah.

Which one of you cries best?

This cannot be fixed with PR.

Do you realize the gravity
of what you've done?

[ Fanfare plays ]

It's the White House.

The President wants a video
conference with us in 20 minutes.

This is bad, this is really bad.

DONALD: [ crying ]

Okay, I'm calling Oprah
I think we found our crier.

Yes, my clients
have upset some people.

How much would it cost to send some
fruit baskets to the East Coast?

No, no, the entire East Coast.

You Daven-dorks
k*lled my business!

Now that everybody hates
those bionic boneheads,

I can't sell a single
ticket or souvenir!

And I just spent ten grand
making t-shirts!

Wait, you think
Bree's the leader?

That's not Bree, that's Chase.

Oh... okay.

[ Protestors in distance ]

Thought you said you couldn't
sell any tour tickets?

I can't. I don't
know what that is.

Who cares if they're bionic?

They're kids
and they're moronic!

Who cares if they're bionic?

Great! We have an angry
mob on our lawn!

Big D's gonna freak out.
You better go talk to them.

Me? Why me?

I don't know, I just figured

you had more experience
with angry mobs.

Oh, well, yeah, but to be fair,

it's usually because
I'm starting 'em.

Obviously, you've seen the consequences
of your careless behavior.

People from all over the
country are extremely upset.

Wait, because their power's out,

or because they can't finish
watching our awesome reality show?

We understand,
Mr. President.

We'll do everything we can
to fix this.

I'm afraid "fixing this"
is beyond your control.

I'm getting calls from officials all
over telling me to lock you up.

Lock us up? We messed
up one mission.

What about the hundreds of
missions that were successful?

Unfortunately, people only care
about what they saw on TV...

but I still believe in you.

So I'm going to hold
a press conference

to try to convince the country
to stand by you.

Thank you.

In the meantime,
no more missions.

Don't leave the house,
don't talk to anyone.

Did we just get grounded
by the President?

PROTESTORS: They're kids
and they're moronic!

Hey, Leo, what's all that noise?

Angry protestors. They're demanding
that you leave Mission Creek.


Well, to be honest,
I'm surprised

they didn't ask you
to leave years ago.

Wait, hold on, why do they

want us to move?
This is our home.

Okay, the President said that he
was gonna take care of things.

Let's just stay calm,
and hope for the best.

I better check on Perry.

She went out there 20 minutes
ago to calm them down.

You three stay here.

Go away freaks!

Get out of Mission Creek!

What are you doing?!

Getting on
the right side of history.

You're supposed to be
helping us!

I know, but I still have
a ton of T-shirts and stuff.

So now, I'm selling bionic
souvenirs so people can burn them.

ADAM: Ugh!

Look, I can see you're upset,

and despite my enjoyment of it,
I'm gonna make it up to you.

Attention, unwashed masses!

Remove yourself
from the premises!

Don't make me get my crossbow!

Hey, hey, stop it!

Agh! St-oh! Aah!

Aah! Ugh! Oh!

Do something!

All right, back off!



It's another bionic freak!

Get him!

Wait, hey, what are you doing?
Get outta here!

Help me! Aah!


Adam, don't!


Don't what?


Now every news station is saying the
bionic people att*cked the public.

They think we're dangerous!

What were you thinking
using your bionic arm?

In my defense...

I wasn't thinking.

Never mind him.

How could you
attack those people?

I didn't attack them. I was
trying to get 'em away from Leo.

Well, good job. You sent ten
protestors to the hospital.

I didn't hear an ambulance.

No. You blew them
to the hospital.


I'm an idiot?

There wouldn't've been
an angry mob of protestors

if our mission leader
had done his job right!

Oh, really? I'm always
saving your butt.

If it weren't for me,
you would have

lasered your own face off
by now.

Oh, yeah? Well, how 'bout I
laser my ears off instead,

so I don't have to listen
to your stupid voice!

What are you complaining about?

I'm the one who has to go
on every single mission

with you two morons!

Then don't go!

You've quit before!
Just do it again!


You're gonna pull that one out?

You know,
if I remember correctly,

you're the one
who took off on us,

and went on a mission alone,
Mr. Avalanche.

So what if I did?

I'm better off on my own than having
to carry you worthless deadweights.


Would you listen to yourselves?

Your selfish behavior
is tearing this team apart,

and I'm tired of it.

Something has to change.

[ Sighs ]
He's right.

I told you to lay low.

Why would you use your bionics
on those people?

I can't even defend you now.

You don't have to,
Mr. President.

Of course I do.

You know, people are terrified,

and they have every right to be.

No, I mean you don't have to
defend us anymore,

because as of today...

we're dissolving the team.

Davenport, is this true?

I'm sorry, Mr. President.
I tried to talk them out of it,

but their decision is final.

They're done.

Yes! Yes!

Oh, I love
the International Spelling Bee!

That last word
had four Zs in it!

Yeah... lot of Zs
going on here, too.

Leo, tell Chase
nerd hour is over.

My home renovation show is on.

The Piscarellis are turning their
dead space into a powder room!

Chase, Adam wants to watch TV.

Apparently, the Italians
are putting in a toilet.

Well, you can tell Adam that he
should have gotten here first.

He's not changing it.

Tell Chase if he doesn't
gimme the remote,

he's gonna get punched.

Not happening.

He says... Aah!


What was that for?

I'm sorry, I got confused!

I thought you were Chase!

C-can you punch him for me?

That is it!

You guys
haven't talked for weeks!

You can break up the team, but you
are not breaking up my family.

All right, this is
when you hug it out,

and you say, "Yeah, Leo, you're right!
You're always right!"

Isn't that what you say?

Hey, uh,
Mr. Davenport,

can I have $50? I want
to buy a bathing suit

for my spring break trip
to Hawaii.

Oh, sure, yeah.
Can you get me one, too?

Ask the salesperson
for a "man-kini."

They'll tell ya
they don't exist,

but trust me, they do.

You know what, I'll get my own.

Hold on!
She's going to Hawaii?

I asked if I could go
on an astronomy cruise,

and you said no!

Yeah, but that was
before you quit the team.

Now that you've completely
gutted my greatest achievement,

I don't care what you do.

Great! Then I'm off to buy me
some Milky Way swim trunks.

When will you learn?

Here, Chase, I'll take
some Milky Way trunks, too.

I don't know how they're cut,

so lean more "Little Dipper"
than "Big."

You can keep your money,

'cause that's not happening.

Oh, finally,
it's Piscarelli time.

Oh, Adam, I almost forgot.

Chase wanted me
to tell you something.


Oh, he's dead!

Donny, get in here, quick!

Mr. President. He said
he'd only talk to you.

Apparently, I'm just the help!

Thank you, Douglas,
that'll be all.

Davenport, a high-security
military base was breached,

and communications equipment
was stolen.

I'm sorry to hear that, sir.

Do you need
some of my tracking technology?

No, I need Adam, Bree,
and Chase.

Well, with all due respect, sir,
they dissolved the team.

Look, our national safety
is far more important

than a squabble between besties.

The Vice-President and I are
going through that right now.

Drama! Phew.

Fix this, and get
them back on the job.

Yes, Mr. President.

And if Adam, Bree, and Chase
won't stop those criminals...

then I will.

[ laughing ]
Thanks, kid.

As awful as things
are right now,

it feels good to laugh.

Hey, what's with
the urgent text alert?

I was out buying sunglasses
for my astronomy cruise.

Check these out!

They double as telescopes!

All's I'm seeing is another
reason to throw you overboard.

The President called. There's
an emergency, and he needs you.

But we told him we quit.

Yeah, we don't even want
to talk to each other.

Why would we want
to work together?


And I'm not agreeing with him,

I'm just emphasizing his point.

Look, I'm getting tired

of your selfish attitudes.

It is your duty
to complete this mission.


It was our duty.

But then people started protesting
against us on our own front lawn.

Maybe the world needs to get a taste
of what it's like without us.


Still not agreeing with him,

I just feel the exact
same way he does.

Where's Donny?

Probably out
trolling the streets

for a new set
of bionic kids to control.

I heard that!

Donny, you gotta see
this news footage!

Those criminals the President
was talking about?

Busted into the Pentagon
last night!

What? The Pentagon is the most
secure facility in the world.

Yeah, with all those sides, it'd take
me all day just to find the entrance.

No one knows how they did it,

but at least they finally got
'em on surveillance cam.

Look, they're kids.

Yup, and look.

Their eyes are glowing
green, which means...

[ gasps ] It's the
Irish again, isn't it?

No. It's Krane.

He upgraded the Triton app so he
can control S-1 with his brain.

Now he must be controlling
multiple bionic kids.

Multiple kids?
How is that possible?

I don't know, but if they
busted into the Pentagon,

I'll bet they're looking
for classified information.

Why don't we just go to Krane's
cell and tell him to stop?

Good idea!

Then maybe we can tell 'im
that being evil is bad

and he'll give us all
a great big hug!

Worked for you.

Sometimes true heroes have to sacrifice
themselves for the greater good.

I'm not asking you
to come back forever.

Just one last mission.

Take out Krane's bionic thugs,
and you're done.


But just to be clear,
when we're done, we're done.

Yeah, I can do that.

[ laughing ]

I-I'm sorry,
can you repeat that?

I was thinking about
growing a mustache.

Just get suited up!

[ Hold music playing ]

What is that?

Oh, I get bored waiting for 'em
to change, so I added hold music.

Let's go get 'em!

We don't even know
where we're going yet.

Right you are.

When I created the Triton app,

I integrated a tracking element.

We can use that to locate 'em.

Ah ha!
There's eight of 'em.

They're at
an abandoned junkyard,

right near Pike's Crest.

Let's go get 'em!

Where's Pike's Crest?

[ Wolf howls in distance ]

All right, I know we haven't
been the best of friends lately,

but if we're gonna do this,
we have to work together.


Which means I'm in charge.

Oh, no, you're not! Shh!

Get down!

What are they building?

That must be the communications
equipment they stole.

They're probably just trying to
get the Sunday football package.

Ugh, I bet they're Jets fans!

Wait, there were only
eight before.

Where did they come from?

It's an entire bionic army!

What do we do?

I say we go back to hating each
other and take our vacations.

No! If we're gonna
take on that many,

we need a better plan.

Let's go tell Mr. Davenport
and restrategize.

Good idea, let's go.


Grab on!

Get ready, brothers and sisters.
The w*r is coming.

Mr. Davenport!
It's worse than we thought!

Krane isn't just controlling
a few random kids!

He has an entire bionic army.

Girls, too!

Some of 'em were hot.

A whole army?
How is that possible?

When Krane bought my
technology, he must've started

genetically engineering
those kids behind my back!

Although it does explain the hundreds of
baby pictures all over his warehouse.

So what's our next move?

[ Communicator activates ]


Aw, nice job, Mr. President,
you caught Krane.

Our work here is done.

Whatever you do, do not
negotiate with this man.

[ laughing ]
I don't negotiate.

Sit... down!

How did you escape?

It's amazing what
an army of bionic teenagers

can do when they really
put their minds together.

We're on to you, Krane.

We know you're using your
Triton app to control them.

Oh, I'm not just
controlling them.

Now that I've perfected
this technology,

I can transmit the
Triton app to anyone.

Allow me to demonstrate.

Well, will you look at that?

Now the most powerful man in the world...
is under my control.

[ laughing ]

Why are you doing this, Krane?

Ordinary humans are inferior.
My soldiers have proven that.

So together, we're gonna create

one nation-state
under bionic rule.

With liberty and justice
for all!

That's your plan?

To create a bionic dictatorship?

No one in their right mind
would ever bow down to you.

They won't have a choice.

Once my Triton signal connects
with the government's satellites,

it'll beam an electromagnetic
wave over the entire planet.

Then... I'll be the most
powerful man in the world.

Good luck. You can't access
the government's satellites

without the classified
security code.

Oh, right.

And that is?

Well, he obviously
planned this out.


Now the satellites are orbiting

right into the path
of my Triton signal.

Don't you just love technology?

Krane's army is constructing
a satellite dish.

That must be how they're
gonna transmit the signal.

Okay, we have to shut it down.

But how?
He has too many soldiers.

We don't have a choice.
If Krane succeeds,

it'll be the end of the world
as we know it. He's right,

but if you're gonna face
a whole army,

I'm gonna have to max out your bionics.
Get in your capsules.

Douglas, go and find us
our most powerful weapons.

And Leo...

I know, stay here

and monitor everything
on the com-set.

No, not this time.

You're coming with us.


Is this another
"let's use Leo as bait" plan?

No, we need
all the help we can get,

and after all the hard
training you've put in,

you've earned the right to
fight alongside this family.

Yes! Yes! Yes!

Whoo! Yes! Yes!

Yes! Yes! Ha ha!

Ya-ha! Ha!

Yeah, let's do this.

I'm proud of you.

Way to go.
Don't mess it up.

What do you think?

I think you should donate the
rest of my clothes to charity,

because I am never
taking this thing off.

One more thing.

There. I just unlocked
a new ability for you.

Energy transference.

Now your bionic hand
will be able

to absorb the energy
from any power source.

Go ahead.
Give it a shot.

[ laughter ]

No way! Oh, I could
definitely get used to this.

Nice, Leo, now you can suck
all the energy outta things.

Just like Chase!

And there's nobody here.

Maybe they left.

Where would they go?

Well, Jets are
playing Green Bay.

C'mon, let's go make sure

they're not hiding over there.

I'll calculate
the satellite trajectory

to see how much time
we have left.

Only eight minutes until Krane's
signal connects with that satellite.

This area's clear.

And not anymore.

It's a trap!
Adam, look out!

[ Martial arts yells ]

[ martial arts yells ]

Come on, Bree,
time to catch some air!

Leo, go help Adam and Bree.

We'll take care of
that satellite dish.

Copy that.

So, I hear you're the smart one.

Oh, I'm a lot more than that.

That's cute.

Too bad this isn't
a piƱata party.

But let's see what
comes outta you

when I hit you with this.

Okay, then.

[ Martial arts yells ]



You again!

Don't worry, this'll be

the last time you see me,
or anyone, for that matter.


We gotta take out
that satellite dish!

Look, we got a clear shot!

you had a clear shot.

Okay, I know he's the bad guy,
but his timing is impeccable.

[ Martial arts yells ]

Man, I like being amped up.

I've never done that one before.

Gotta admit...
I did not see that coming.


Give it up already!

Your dinky arm isn't gonna
save you this time!

I think it is.

Where did that come from?

It came with the threads.

S-1... you're S-done!

Yes! Oh, yeah!




Cover me
while I check the signal!

Guys, we only have
three minutes!

We'll never get past
all of them in time!

Every time we take out five,

Wait... we don't have to take out the
army or stop the satellite signal.

Then why are we here?

If we take out Krane,
the Triton app will be disabled

and the soldiers
will deactivate.

But how? Krane is a powerhouse,
and we're already exhausted.

There's no way we're
gonna beat him in time.

Yes, there is!

I'm not hiding.

I'm picking berries
to use as weapons.

They could be poisonous!

Look, when I created your chips,

I installed a link
that fuses all of your bionics,

so you could fight as one.

Wait, why didn't you
tell us this before?

Because it's never been tested.

The results...
could be catastrophic.

We only have two minutes left.

How do we do it?

Chase, did you not hear him?

If we fuse our abilities,
we may not make it.

We have no choice.

We're the only chance
this world has.

He's right.

What do we do?

Chase, use your Override app
on Adam and Bree.

Then stand back-to-back so that
your chips form a perfect triangle.

The energy will flow
from one person to the next

until you've built up
one massive force.

Now, if you'll excuse me,
I'm going back to my bush.

All right.
C'mon, let's go.


In case anything happens to
us, I want you guys to know

that I'm really sorry
about the way that I acted.

Me, too.

Apologies accepted.

Okay, I'm sorry, too.

All right.
Let's do this.

KRANE: Let them through.

I think it's time we
finished this, don't you?

You could have ruled
right alongside us.

But instead, you chose
to defy me.

And, for what?

To sacrifice yourselves

for a world of ungrateful humans

that won't even accept you!

They may not accept us, but it's
our mission to protect them.

[ laughing ]
Then I guess...

this is the end of you!

Stand back, soldiers!

I want this victory
all to myself.

Get into position.

KRANE: [ laughing ]

Silly children...
you're no match for me.





[ Motor whirring ]
[ beeping ]


The signal transmits
in 10 seconds!

Your day has come!

Five seconds!

Four... three...

The world is mine!



It worked!

The Triton app is deactivating!

DOUGLAS: [ laughing ]

You did it!

Wait, guys.

I don't want this
to be our final mission.

Then it looks like
we're a team again.

No, I mean, I wanna do one more,

but then that's it.

LEO: Guys,
get over here, quick!

I don't think he's breathing.

[ Phone rings ]

How's Big D?

Poor Donny.

This is all my fault.

I should've protected him.

Don't blame yourself, Douglas.

Blame Chase.

It's no one's fault.

That's what people say
when it is their fault.

How is he?

Not good.
He's out of surgery,

but it's still touch-and-go.

Then I guess all
we can do is wait.

of a grateful nation,

thank you for setting aside

your personal differences
to fight for a greater good.

You're welcome, Craig.

I'm sorry,
Mr. uh, President.

Guess we're not
there yet, are we?

Anyway, I think you'll be happy to
know that the team is back, sir.

There may be some people
who still don't accept us,

but... that doesn't matter.
We know who we are.

You're heroes. And I'm
gonna do everything I can

to make sure
the world knows that.

Better yet, why don't you just

cut to the chase
and put this on a twenty?

[ laughing ]
I like you, kid.

You always know
how to make me laugh.

[ Closing theme plays ]