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04x19 - The Dress is Always Greener

Posted: 04/23/24 08:09
by bunniefuu
I'm gonna put you here,

and I'm gonna put you there.

Yes, I am. Yes, I am.

You're beautiful.

Donna's gonna
love you. Yes, she is.

Do it again.

Huh? What? Miss Donna!

I just did it 3 times.

Don't you wanna
see something new

like one of my new designs?

First things first, Raven.

I need this flower arrangement
to be done properly.

I'm looking for color,
balance, and Harmony.

Now, do it again.

Man, I wanna be
a fashion designer,

not a flower re-arranger!


I've got some bad news!

Well, can you make it
sound like good news?

I'll try.

Your rival and arch
enemy lora stelladora

just moved in upstairs!

Lora stelladora!

I can't believe she's
doing it to me again.

Yeah, but didn't you
two start out together?

Yes! We used to be
the best of friends.

But then she became obsessed

with getting everything I have.

I have my own firm,
she has her own firm.

I dated a rock star,

she dated that rock star.

I moved to San
Francisco, here she is.

Man, that's terrible.
Yeah, which rock star?

That is not the point.

Mick Jagger.

Ooh, snap!

I just can't believe
that underhanded,

manipulative, conniving w...


Darling! Welcome!

Donna, sweetie, pussycat!

♪ If you could gaze
into the future ♪

♪ future, future ♪

♪ you might think life
would be a breeze ♪

♪ life is a breeze ♪

♪ seeing trouble
from a distance ♪

♪ yeah ♪ go, Rae!

♪ But it's not that easy ♪
♪ oh, no ♪

♪ I try to save the situation ♪

♪ then I end up misbehavin' ♪

♪ ohh, whoa, oh ♪

♪ hey, now, say now ♪

♪ 'bout to put it down, yeah ♪

♪ come on and ride
with the break now ♪

♪ and the future
looks great now ♪

♪ and everything's
gonna change now ♪

♪ that's so Raven ♪

♪ it's the future I can see ♪

♪ that's so Raven ♪

♪ it's so mysterious to me ♪

♪ that's so Raven ♪

♪ it's the future I can see ♪

♪ that's so Raven ♪

♪ it's so mysterious
to me, yeah ♪

yep, that's me.

Oh, lora! Here you
are! In San Francisco.

Just like me.

Yes. Together again, huh?

Oh, I love what you've
done with your office, huh?

So... drab.

Donna, show lora around, huh?

Ah, well, here's the
office, there's the door.

Don't let it hit you.

Oh! There is a bright spot,

thank goodness, huh?

This flower arrangement...

So whimsical, huh?

It fills me with
whim. Oh, ho ho!

Oh, you think my
flowers have whim?

Oh, thank you!

Whim's good, right?

Come, come to lora.

Come here. Don't be shy.

Come here, oh, Bella!

What's your name?

Oh-oh-oh! Her name is Raven,

she's my intern, and she
has to get back to work.

Ok, everybody! Back to work!

Oh? Well, I have to get
back to my office, too!

Which is actually above yours!


Raven, I thought I
told you to do it again!

Ok, but you're about
to mess up the whim.

Check it out, check it out!

You guys, you guys!

I grew the most amazing potato

in the community garden.

Who does it look like?

Who does it look like?

Abraham Lincoln, right?!

Right? Right?

Oh, that is amazing!

It looks exactly like
Abraham Lincoln.

I know!

Right. The dude on the penny.

Uh, Cory, he's
known for other things.

You're exactly right.
He's also on the $5 bill.

This is really amazing.

I know. I can't wait to
show the vegetarian club.

They're gonna freak!

That was amazing.

You thinking what I'm thinking?

Yeah, your daddy
is easily amazed.

No, man.

We're gonna make a lot
of money off that potato.

Oh, come on, I wanna go home.

Can't believe I
arranged flowers all day.

Oh! Flower girl!

Hi! Nice to see you again.

Yes, it is nice to see me, huh?

Ah! Come! Take a
ride with lora stelladora.

Come on. Ah!

So, Raven, huh?

What exactly you do for Donna?

Oh, well. I go to the mailroom,

I sharpen the pencils,

I arrange the flowers
again and again,

and aga... well, you can
stop me when you get bored.

And again... Oh, but...

You want to be designer, no?

No! No. Wait, wait, wait!

No means yes. Yes! Yes, I do!

That's yes.

So, life with Donna not exactly

big bucket of fun, huh?

Well... I mean,

it used to be, but
lately, I don't know...

Oh! Raven! Huh?

How you like to go to
happiest place on earth?

Oh! You mean...
Yes! My office! Come!

I think you will
like what you see,

and see what you like, huh?

I know. It's stelladora-ble.

Everyone! Say ciao to Raven!

Ciao, Raven!

Ciao, peeps! What it is!

Raven! Huh?

I just had coo-coo
nutty idea, huh?


What if you, Raven,

come work for
me, lora stelladora?

Oh, wow!

Thank you, miss lora!

But wait, I already
intern for miss Donna.

Oh, intern! No.

I was thinking more...

Designer position.

Oh! Wait a second, a designer?

Really? Really?

I always wanted
to be a designer!

Cool beans! Cool beans!

Wait! But wait, wait, wait.

What about miss Donna?

Oh! Raven,

this is your cool
beans moment, huh?

It is cool beans. It is.

Say yes, huh? Yes!

Yes before...
Poof! There it goes.

Where's it going?
No! No! Come back!

Designer! I want to
be! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!

Oh, I don't know, you guys.

I don't really wanna let
potato Abe out of my sight.

Chelsea, come on.
A natural wonder,

such as this one,

comes around once in a lifetime.

You... you... you
can't be selfish.

Well, you'll treat him
with respect, right?


With the dignity a
potato deserves, all right?


Ok, you guys.

Just give me a few
more minutes with him.

Oh, Chelsea, I'm
so glad you're here!

I have the most unbelievable,
life-changing news!

Lora stelladora...

Offered me a job as a designer!


Well, I hate to one up you,

but I just grew a potato

that looks like Abe Lincoln!



Oh, I know! Yeah!

Anyway, it all happened so fast.

I-I took the job without
talking to Donna first.

Do you think I
did the right thing?

I don't know, Rae.

What do you think,
potato Abe? Huh?

Well, Raven, 4 score
and 7 years ago...

Raven, you're fired.

And the home of
the brave... Play ball.

Chelsea, I just had a vision.

Donna is gonna fire me.

Hey! Then I guess
you did the right thing,

you know, by
taking the other job.

Yeah! That's right! Yeah.

And you know what? I'm not
gonna let my vision come true.

Because before she can fire me,

I'm going in there tomorrow.

I'm gonna quit. That's
what I'm gonna do.

Miss Donna, I
need to talk to you.

Well, actually, I have
something to say to you first.

Yeah, I know, and before
you say what you have to say,

I'm gonna say
what I have to say.

Well, yeah, since I'm the boss,

I'll say what I
have to say first.

True, but I need to go
first, because I think that I...

Enough! Ok.

What I wanted to
say to you was...

Raven, I'm sorry.

You know what?
I know you... huh?

D-did you say sorry?

I know I've been a
little tough on you lately.

It's only because I believe
you have so much potential.

Wait a second.

Y-you're not gonna fire me?

Why would you think that?

'Cause I had a...

I had a-a feeling that you were.

The flowers.

Arranging them over
and over and over again.

What was up with that?

Raven, that was an exercise

to train your fashion eye.

Color, Harmony...

And balance! Oh!

Now I get it!

Exactly! Those are
skills you're gonna need

when you become a designer.

So you really think
I can be a designer?


Raven, I believe in you.

I know it can be
a little frustrating.

I mean, you wouldn't believe

how many interns
don't have the dedication

or loyalty to stick it out.

Right. Loyalty.

Oh... thank
goodness I didn't do it!

Aah! Oh, no!

It's miss lora!

Ok. Ok. Calm down.

All right.



Where are you? It is first day,

and here you are not.

Yeah, um... I'm
sorry, miss lora,

I was just, uh, I was really...

Just talking to miss Donna!

Ok, come by, Bella,

your career is waiting.

Yeah, but listen,
um, I just wanna...

Oh! Going somewhere?

I was going to take my break.

You don't get a break.

Just give me a break.
I need 5 minutes.

Ok, but I'm timing you.


there is our superstar!

Ok, you... No,
no, but wait, wait,

I've really been
thinking about this job,

and I wanted to say...
And you are wondering,

where am I going to
make my magic, huh?

No. I... ta-da! Ok, that's nice.

But listen. I really
was... ta-da to me?

This is my desk?!
For you, Bella!

Oh! No, you didn't
tell me this is my desk!

You should have seen
my other desk. It was...

Sit! Sit! Sit!
This is your seat.


And this, my Bella,
your first assignment.


An assignment
already?! Yes. Yes.

Yo, this chair is comfortable!

Sit back. Breathe... ahh!

And you would design
for me party dress, huh?

All right, anything you want.
Blow me away. Go crazy!

Wait, no, wait, I... i...
Just need 5 minutes.

Everyone, Raven going to
design party dress in 5 minutes.

Yeah, that's great. No, I'm
just going to go to the elevator.

'Cause you know that's where
a sister can do her best work.

Oh, you wacky,
crazy genius girl!

Hey, you got me. That's
right. Get out of here!


Beautiful... Ok, ok.

All right.

Don't panic, Raven, don't panic.

Miss Donna and miss
lora in the same building.

But you know what you
can work for both of them

and no one will ever know.

No, girl, no one'll know.

I said no one!

Raven, where were you?

Doesn't matter, doesn't matter.

Now that lora is moved in, I
need to step things up around here.

I need fresh ideas. So...

I want to take a
look at your designs.

No! Raven, you've
been begging me

to take a look at your designs.

Well, I'm not finished...

Ooh! A party dress!

Yeah. I love it!


Thank you. What you need
to do is lower the neckline,

you see, and then taper it
in right... here, here, here.

You sit down,
and you flesh it out.

Wait, you know what, how
about I flesh it out in the elevator?

Elevator? Yeah, that's
where I do my best fleshin'.

Go, go, go flesh!

Step right up!

Step right up, ladies
and gentlemen.

The show's about to start.

Fill in the empty seats.
Hurry, hurry, hurry!

Sorry about that, bro.

We'll all sold out.

Aww, please, don't go anywhere.

The next show'll
be starting real soon.

So stick around for that. Ok.

Hit it, Eddie.

Ladies and gentlemen,
prepare to be amazed.

Looks like Lincoln, huh?

It sure does.

Well, I hope you've
enjoyed the show.

Ladies and gentlemen,
please exit through the gift shop,

where you can purchase
your souvenir t-shirts,

key chains, and potato peelers.

I hope y'all had a great time...

A great time.

'Cause I know I did.

Ooh, I love america.

Break you off a little piece
for your pain and suffering.

All right now, let's
bring in the next group.

Oh, look.


Hey, Chelsea, how you doing?

You're charging people
money to see my potato?

Yeah, and they
actually paying it. Ha ha.

Hey, where did all
my customers go?

I sent them away!

You guys, this is
a work of nature

from our community garden.
Everyone should enjoy it...

For free!

Ahh! Free?


I'm taking potato head back.

No, Chelsea, we'll
split the money with you.

I don't want your
dirty spud money.


Chelsea, just a few more shows!

No way! Now, give it!

It's going to rot soon anyway.

Well, I don't care!

His last days should be happy.

Not spent in some... Freak show.



Ok, time's up.

No upsy-downsy. Lay it on me.

No, I'm not done
yet. I'm still tweaking.

I just need 5 more minutes.

Ok, Raven, what do you got?

I... I'm still tweaking.

I thought you were fleshing.

Right, right. I'm fleshing
and I'm tweaking.

I'm fleaking.

And I'm still timing.

What am I doing?

Aah! Ok, kiddo, time's
up. No more upsy-downsy!

Lay it on me.

Ooh, I like it.

I especially like what
you've done with the neckline.

Well, that's Donna's... I mean,

it's not Donna, Donna, done yet.

No, of course not.

It's got... yeah. Aah!

Raven, what's going on in here?

I'm innocent. I'm innocent.

Innocent of what?

Uh, I'm innocent of whatever
you think that I'm doing.

Look how nervous you make the
poor girl on her very first day. Shame.

First day of what?


Wow, it really
came early this year.

Wait. No.


are you showing our
party dress design to lora?

Your party dress? Silly Donna.

Raven and I are
designing this together.

Oh, no, no, Raven
and I are designing this.

You know what, is it me or is this
elevator getting smaller and smaller?

Raven... Huh?

Have you been working
for Laura behind my back?

Ahh! Have you been working
for Donna in front of my behind?

Well, this is my stop.

Get back here!

How long have you been
stabbing me in the back?

Not long... I mean, I'm not.

I mean, I was trying
to tell you, miss Donna.

But I couldn't. This
is all so typical of you.

Mmm? Trying to
steal my best intern.

Well, if she were happy, she
would have never come to lora.

Like Mick Jagger.


All right, if that's
how it's going to be...

Hold up, now, she done
turned off the elevator.

We got a problem.

You have been jealous of me

ever since we were young
interns for Yvonne St. labue.

Oh, it's getting cramped, y'all.

Because Yvonne told me,

you said I was a no talent hack!

What?! Yvonne said that you said

that I was a no talent hack.

See, you're both no talent...

I mean, we really need
to press the alarm button.

Listen, listen, people,
ok. 3 people, small area,

not enough oxygen up in here.

Let me get this straight.

You never said,
lora... No talent hack.

Of course not. In fact, I
thought you were very talented.

No! Yes. Really?

Yes. I thought the
same about you.

Oh! I did.

I think Yvonne turned
you against each other.

I think you're right.

It makes sense, right?

Yvonne fill us with the lies
and the hate and the poison.

Oh, well, at least it made
us work harder, huh?

Yes, but it made us enemies.

Yes, well, a bit of fun
bugging you all those years.

You were very good at it.

Thank you. I do my best.

Kiss, kiss. Make up?

Kiss, kiss, make up.

Donna! Lora!

Can we get out of here!

I can't breathe!

I can't breathe!

All right, all right.

Let's everyone get back to work.

So, in gesture of
our new friendship,

I give you your intern back.

Thank you, Ms. Lora.

Welcome back, Raven.
Thank you, Ms. Donna.

And now that you're
working for me again, Raven,

you're fired.

Ooh, that's harsh.

Oh, now let me
show you my office.


Going down?

Way down.

What are you doing here?

Just came out to
clean up my stuff.


Sorry about the confetti.

I threw myself a little
going away party for you.

Yeah, thank you.

I just wanted to
apologize to Ms. Donna.

Oh, I'll give her the message.

Yeah, I bet you will.

Ms. Donna, do you have a minute?

No. Second? Fine.

Raven, what is
it? I'm very busy.

Ms. Donna, I know
you were right to fire me.

And I just wanted to say
I'm sorry for taking that job

without talking to you first.

Raven, you know, I never
had children of my own.

And I was like a
daughter to you?

No, you convinced me
I made the right choice.

I gave and gave and gave,

and you just
didn't appreciate it.

You're right.

And I really wish I would
have realized that sooner... But,

I appreciate the opportunity.

Raven, you're
headstrong, impatient,

but you're also
creative, talented,

and one day you're going
to make a fabulous designer.


You think so?

If I didn't think so,

would I be offering
you your job back?



Well, I got your
message, tater haters.

Chels, Cory and I wanted
to tell you how sorry we are

about what happened to Abe.

And in his honor we took
the money that we made

and donated it to the
community garden. Look.

What? That's the receipt.

You guys.

Aww, Abe would have been proud.

Thank you.

Aww, no problem, Chelsea.

You know, we just
wanted to make it up to you

and show you that
potato Abe meant a lot...


Is it me or does
this oatmeal cookie

look exactly like vin diesel?

It's amazing!


People would line up
for blocks to see this.

Ahh, yeah.

We could make a fortune.

Hey, it didn't come
from my garden.

Check it out, Mr. B.

Look what we got.

Ha ha ha.


You know what, not too
crazy about the raisins.

But not bad. Mmm.
