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04x18 - Rae of Sunshine

Posted: 04/23/24 08:09
by bunniefuu
Ok, girls, let's
start our meeting

with a big sunshine
girls salute.


Is everybody ready for our
camping trip this weekend?


Mrs. Valentine.

Will there be
bears in the woods?

Don't worry, Taylor.

The bears won't
notice you in that outfit.

We don't get it.

Come on, you guys. It's a joke.

I mean, look at us.

Yellow, bright, can't miss us.

Oh, boy.

Knock knock knock.


Hey, how's my
little sunshine girl?

Not great.

It was getting ugly over there.


Sidney, could you
give us a moment.

I have to talk to Raven.

Uh-oh. Must be about me.

Mrs. Valentine,

is this official
sunshine girl business,

or are you two just
having a hen party?

No she didn't.


That's Buffy.
Muffy's little sister.

She's a sunshine girl?

Yes. Aren't we lucky?

Uh, could you just
give us a minute, Buffy.

Why don't you show the girls

how to roll up the sleeping bag

the bayside sunshine way.

Is there any other way?

Raven, about Sidney.

You know she's
been doing very well

since you've been
spending time with her.

Oh, well, thank you.

As a role model, you know,

that's how I, that's how I roll.

But she's still having
trouble making friends.

Oh, well, that's why I had
her join the sunshine girls.

Yeah. Not working out so great.

She refuses to go
on the camping trip.

And I thought it would be
a really good opportunity

for her to bond with the girls,

so I was hoping you
could convince her to go.

Don't worry about it.

I'll handle this
very delicately.

No worries.


Come here.

You going on that camping trip.

No, I'm not.

Don't you want to make friends?

I do.

But they don't like me.

That's because they
don't really know you yet.

Trust me. A real old
fashioned camping trip

will make you
guys friends forever.

I'll go if you go.

Huh? Why I gotta
go? I know you already.

Oh, that's a great idea.

We could use another volunteer.

No, no. It's ok. I
got things to do.

Yes! ♪ Raven's coming
on the camping trip ♪

I'm allergic to the...

But she's not an official

bayside sunshine girl.

Well, she is now.

Welcome to the
sunshine girls, Raven.



Let's go.

♪ If you could gaze
into the future ♪

♪ future, future ♪

♪ you might think life
would be a breeze ♪

♪ life is a breeze ♪

♪ seeing trouble
from a distance ♪

♪ yeah ♪ go, Rae!

♪ But it's not that easy ♪
♪ oh, no ♪

♪ I try to save the situation ♪

♪ then I end up misbehavin' ♪

♪ ohh, whoa, oh ♪

♪ hey, now, say now ♪

♪ 'bout to put it down, yeah ♪

♪ come on and ride
with the break now ♪

♪ and the future
looks great now ♪

♪ and everything's
gonna change now ♪

♪ that's so Raven ♪

♪ it's the future I can see ♪

♪ that's so Raven ♪

♪ it's so mysterious to me ♪

♪ that's so Raven ♪

♪ it's the future I can see ♪

♪ that's so Raven ♪

♪ it's so mysterious
to me, yeah ♪

yep, that's me.

You got 'em?

Bam! I got 'em right here.

Yes! Man, I cannot believe

we're gonna see a sneak preview

of night of the living darned.

Hey, Corey, how come you're
not taking Larry and William?

Because they are way too
noisy when they get together.

I want to sit down
and enjoy a movie

without them jibber
jabbering the whole time.

I feel you.

What was that? Is that my phone?

Oh... he's waiting
for a girl to call.

His mom?


For your information,

her name is Nicole, all right?

I met her at the mall.
We exchanged numbers.

I bought her a gourmet meal.

Corn... dog.

With curly fries.

Oh, I forgot.

The point is, she
promised to call me back

so we could hang out later.

Don't say it.

What, that you look
like a big banana?

You know what?

I would make you
pay for that comment,

but I don't want to
disgrace the uniform.

Too late.

Hey, I think it's a wonderful
thing Raven's doing.

Making a sacrifice for Sidney.

Thank you, Chels.

Yeah, you know, missing
a hot sneak preview

to go camping in the
woods with 7 little girls

and not even caring how
you look in that uniform.

You know what,
forget it, Chelsea.

It was a sacrifice.

Ok, but it's worth it

because I'm gonna help
Sidney make some new friends.


Well, that's the sunshine girls.

Off to camp.

All right, don't let
a gorilla peel you.

You know what,
I will k*ll you all.

You better go visit...

Sunshine girl salute.


Sunshine! Right back at you.

What y'all doing in my house?

Just a quick bathroom break

before we hit the road.

Ok, y'all better hurry up.

I guess the sunshine
girls got tiny tanks.

I know. Tiny tanks...

Yeah, it's not gonna be so funny

if we don't find the bathroom.

Ok, well, it's second
door on your left.

I hope you have
anti bacterial soap.

I'm a germ magnet.

You know, she is a bit germy.

Let me go help her.

Rae, I thought you said camping

was gonna make them like me.

Well, we haven't even
gone camping yet, Sidney.

And trust me, when you
get around a campfire,

roasting marshmallows,
singing camp songs,

you guys will be
friends forever.

You promise?


All right, now, let's get
the show on the road.

Nothing can stop us now.

Shh, shh, shh!

Hush, little rays of
sunshine. Don't worry.

It's just a little shower
coming through.

Ok, ok, ok.

Ok, ok, ok! Ok, ok, shh! Shh!

According to my weather tracker,

the entire area's
under storm watch.

The bayside
sunshine girls manual

strictly forbids camping

under severe weather conditions.

That's true.

I'm afraid the camping
trip is cancelled, girls.


So much for making
friends this weekend.

Oh, ok, ok. Don't
worry about it. I got this.

Um, hey, you guys.

We can still go camping.

But the manual...

The manual, the manual says...

Ok, here's the deal.

Whatever you can do
outside while you're camping,

you can do right
here in the house.

Let's make a campfire!

Except for that.

What do you say, girls?

Camping at Raven's?


Excellent! Well,
good luck, Raven.

Wait a second
now, miss Valentine.

Where do you think you're going?

Oh, well, I have to
call all the parents

and let them know
the change of plans.

Oh, of course you do.

Yes, yes. Then you
are coming back, right?

Well... Actually...

Since the Van is
rented for the weekend,


I thought I'd swing by
and pick up Mr. Valentine,

and head off to viva Las Vegas.

Did you know it was gonna rain?

Of course not.


Good bye.

So, what do you
have planned for us

for the next 18 hours, hmm?



Man, how cool is it?

We're gonna see this
movie before anybody else.

Yeah. Definitely.

Hey, maybe I
missed Nicole's call.

You know you have to
turn that off in here, right?

Don't worry, I'm
gonna put it on vibrate.

Oh, man. Look at those two.

I hope they don't do
that the whole movie.

That can be so annoying.



Ooh, that's Nicole!
That's Nicole!

That's Nicole!

Hello, baby, how you doing?


Don't worry about it.

I'm gonna clean it
when I get home.

I got to keep this
line open, ok?

All right. Bye.


Could y'all both just be quiet.


Got it.

Ok, this is my room.

But for tonight,
it's our campsite.



Did you have a
paintball fight in here?

Come here, you deserve
a hug for that one.

Why are you
squeezing me so hard?

Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

It's just that just
because we're rained in

doesn't mean we can't have fun,

you know, and make new friends.

Now, everybody,
set down your gear.

It's time to set up camp.


Is this carpet hypo-allergenic?

Cause I didn't bring
my rash ointment.

Ok, we're gonna need you
to watch out for that, ok?


So, what's our first
camping activity?

Well, um, we're gonna do

what most people do
when they first go camping.

What do most people do
when they go camping?

Set up our tents, of course.

Yeah. I knew that. Duh.

That's a tent. Right there.

Get your tent up over here.

Need some help?

No, no, no, girl. Go help
your friends over there.

They're done.

Besides... They're
not my friends.

They don't even
laugh at my jokes.

Listen, Sidney,
all you have to do

is find something
that they think is funny,

and roll with it.

Well, there is one
thing I've noticed.

Oh, good girl, then
go ahead and do it.

I got to put together
some sticks.

Hey, guys. Check it out.

Looks like Raven's
fighting the tent,

and the tent's winning.

What are you guys laughing at?

Ow! Ow! Ow!

Maybe girlfriend
should check into a hotel.

Come on, you guys.
What's so funny?


I think they're
starting to like me.

Go ahead, girl. Ok, see?

You keep doing your thing.

Ok. If you're sure
you won't be mad.


Now why would I be mad?

Everybody, enjoying their hike?


How many times are we gonna go

up and down these stairs?

Well, remember, we're
hiking up a mountain

in the wilderness.
Use your imagination.

Oh, no. I just
imagined I saw big foot.

Uh-uh, girl. That's just Raven.

All right, everybody.

Follow me to the jungle.

It's just your living room.

I said, use your imagination.


All right.

Let's see what we
can find in this jungle.

I see an elephant.

I see fruit.

Oh, my goodness.

It's so rare. It's a turtle.

Look at that.

The cool thing
is is that it snaps.

Be careful. Snap snap!

The only one who snapped
around here is Raven.

All right, I'm gonna
need you guys

to go back to base camp, ok?

All right. Except for you.

Excuse me. Why do
you keep clowning me?

You said to find something
that works and run with it.

I didn't mean me.

You're the funniest thing here.

Thanks, Raven.

I got to get back to my friends.


I'm hungry.

Wouldn't this be
faster over a real fire?


Just be glad it's not a chicken.

We'd be here all week.

That's not funny.

Oh, you don't get it?

See, if you cook a
chicken with a blow dryer...

I get it!

I just don't think it's funny.

Yelling brings my rash on.

I want to go home.

This camping trip stinks on ice.


Raven, I don't
want them to leave.

I do.

You can't let them go.

I'm just starting
to make friends.

Ok. I'll try to
get through this.

You know what, I'll call Chels.

She's into this
whole camping thing.

I'm sure she'll find
something for us to do.

Thanks, Raven.
You're the greatest.


So, everybody...
Big foot's on the case.

Big foot?

Hey, I think Raven's really
starting to get annoyed.

Yeah. Maybe I better back off.

Are you kidding?

We're just about to have

some real fun with Raven.


Here's how we're
gonna mess her up.

By the dawn. Dawn for all time.

Sounds so real, you know,

like their bones are
actually crunching.

Man, that's Chelsea.

Want a nut?

Oh, that's Nicole! That's...

Hello, baby. I was
expecting your call.

Ew, Eddie. Stop
talking like that.

Put Chelsea on the phone.

It's for you.


You are not gonna believe it.

It rained, so all
the sunshine girls

had to camp out at
my house. I know.

Raven. Sidney, not now, ok?

But you should know...

I know you're
making friends, ok,

with all your big foot jokes.

Whoo-hoo. Now go.

Chels, I'd rather be
chillin' with you guys,

trust me, instead of sitting
in the house with these brats.

You know what, Sidney is
the biggest brat of them all.

Ok, Rae, there's a
very simple solution

that's gonna solve
all your problems.

Shh. Gotta go.

No. Chels! Chelsea!

Oh, man.

How am I gonna get through this?

Hope these little
brats like games.


Hey, you guys. I
want to have fun, too.

They locked the door.

Hey, you guys. Let me in.

Let me in! I want to come in!

What are they doing in there?

Oh, my goodness!

What are you little
monsters doing?

No! This is horrifying!

Those shoes do not
go with that jacket!

Here's Raven!

What in the world...

I don't know what
you little monsters

are trying to pull,
but I am one step...

No, no, no, not my make-up!

You little monsters,
let me down from here.

Let's poke her with a stick.


Man, Taylor, when
you let go, you let go.

I never felt so alive!

You know what,
if I get out of here,

y'all little nasties better run.

Don't do it, don't do it,

don't go in that closet!

I told him. I told
him. You heard me.

Yes, Chelsea.
Everybody heard you.

Ok, now can we
just, just be quiet?

You was better
when you were eating.

Ok, yeesh.

I cannot take this anymore.

I've got to call Nicole.

Nicole here.


Must be a wrong number.

Now, where were we?

I guess now you know
why she didn't call.

I'm calling her back.

No. You know what?

I can't take this anymore.

You with all your
calling and whining!

And you with all your
crunching and munching!

And you two, don't y'all
ever come up for air?

Doesn't anybody just sit down

and watch a movie anymore?

Excuse me.

Young man, people are
trying to watch a movie.

You are gonna have to leave.


Let's go.

But, but... I
didn't do anything.

Yeah. That's what they all say.

Maybe you should be more like

one of your quiet friends.

Now, move it, buster.

Quiet? They're not quiet!

I'm the quiet one.

I'm the quiet one!
I'm the quiet one!!!

I'm the quiet one!
I'm the quiet...

Ok, ok, you know
what? Ha ha ha ha.

Whoo whoo whoo whoo.

The joke is over. Let me down.

Then why are we still laughing?

Oh! Don't you get
tired of doing that?

Nah. It just never gets old.

If you don't stop poking me,

you will never get old.

Sidney, I cannot believe
you are a part of this.

I was trying to warn you, Raven.

But you didn't want to listen.

Then you called me
the biggest brat of all.

I'm sorry you heard that.

I don't think you're a brat,

but, but, you were exhibiting
some brat-like behavior.

No, I was just frustrated

that, you know, the
only fun you were having

was making fun of me.

Well, it worked.

Now we're all friends, right?


I'm glad you're
making new friends,

but you don't have to
turn on your old ones.

Are you mad at me, Raven?

No. Because I know
what you're going through.

And I was an easy target.

Like fish in a barrel.

Stop it!

And listen, Sidney,

your friends will still
be friends with you

if you're friends with me.

Oh, no, we won't.

I will.

How about you guys?


Uh... I'm just playing.

Of course we can all be friends.

Raven, too?

Yeah. Raven's cool.

Oh, that's so sweet.

Hey, now you guys
can let me down,

and we can party Raven style.

Wait... I'm ok. I'm ok.

Ok, you know what?

I'm about to give you something

out of the Raven
Baxter handbook, ok?

If you're gonna
wear those outfits,

you gotta wear them smart.

You gotta wear them right.

You gotta wear them like moi!

Well, not today.
Let's see, um...

You, in those shoes,

and you in that jacket,

I need y'all to swap then
you won't be as tacky, ok?

Do you like my earrings?

Everybody, ready!


Yeah, Larry.

Yeah, it was a great movie.

I just never got to
see how it ended.


I got kicked out.

Man, no, it took
like 10 buffed dudes

to get me out of that room.

Yeah, you know me.

No. Do not tell me

anything you read
on the Internet, ok?

I'm going to see
it next weekend.

Whatever you do,
do not tell me the end.

Cory, you missed the ending man.

No, no... Trevor
was really trina.

And the sheriff was in on it.

Yep, yep. Turns out
he was one the darned

the whole time.

Mama, no!