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04x17 - The Ice Girl Cometh

Posted: 04/23/24 08:08
by bunniefuu
You girls ready to order?

No. We're actually
waiting on Chelsea's mom.

And that would be her.

Don't worry, everybody.

Whoo! I'm in total control.

Sorry I'm late.

Got stuck behind
a baby stroller.

What can you do? Group hug!

Everybody's included.


Ok, I'm good. Yeah.

Hey, Victor... Wanna
give her a whirl?

Oh, I don't know.

I've never really driven
one of these things before.

Victor, you can do anything
if you... Truly believe.

You know what? I do believe.

Oh, yeah.

Like this? Like this, then...

No. Now throttle. I believe.

Whoa! Aah!

I believe I can't
stop this thing!

I'm ok.

He's ok.

Let's go.

♪ If you could gaze
into the future ♪

♪ future, future ♪

♪ you might think life
would be a breeze ♪

♪ life is a breeze ♪

♪ seeing trouble
from a distance ♪

♪ yeah ♪ go, Rae!

♪ But it's not that easy ♪
♪ oh, no ♪

♪ I try to save the situation ♪

♪ then I end up misbehavin' ♪

♪ ohh, whoa, oh ♪

♪ hey, now, say now ♪

♪ 'bout to put it down, yeah ♪

♪ come on and ride
with the break now ♪

♪ and the future
looks great now ♪

♪ and everything's
gonna change now ♪

♪ that's so Raven ♪

♪ it's the future I can see ♪

♪ that's so Raven ♪

♪ it's so mysterious to me ♪

♪ that's so Raven ♪

♪ it's the future I can see ♪

♪ that's so Raven ♪

♪ it's so mysterious
to me, yeah ♪

yep, that's me.

Heh ha.

Are you ok?

Yeah. I finally got the hang
of it around Chinatown.

Oh, and apparently I picked
you up some egg rolls.

Enjoy. Hee hee.

Whoo-hoo. Whoa.

So, Raven, I rented this
really cool cabin in the woods.

Oh, that's good.

Uh, yeah. My mom
and I are having this

overnight bonding retreat...

oh, that's sweet.

And we would love
for you to join us.

That's so... huh? What happened?

So, Rae, what do you think?

Bonding? The 3 of us?

Overnight... in a cabin?

Bonding? Yeah, Rae. Exactly.

Around-the-clock fun.

We thought since
your mom's in england,

maybe you'd like to spend a
little mother/daughter time with us.

Uh... that's sweet...
But you know what?

I... I mean, I'd
just be in the way.

Please, Raven. You know
you're like a daughter to me.

Me, too.

You know, we'll
have plenty of time

to get in touch with
our inner feelings.

Inner feelings? Yes! Oh, yeah!

Hi. I'm Brent.

A bunch of us are
throwin' a party at the lodge.

It's gonna be off the hook.

You wanna roll through?


So you're in?

Yeah. Yeah.

I'm always down for a
little bonded feeling stuff.

That's always... yay!

Where you goin'
with that, homey?

Wait. Come back. Come back.

Wow, mom, just what we
ordered... the deluxe cabin.

Deluxe? Um...
There's nothing in here.

Oh, I know. We
had them de-luxe it.

Take out all the luxuries.

Is that a ster...
Hey, that's a stereo!


Come on, Rae, we're gonna have

so much fun bonding

and getting in touch
with our feelings.

We won't need a stereo system

or a massage chair

or a big flat-screen TV.

There was a flat screen?

Oh, Raven, believe me,

you're not gonna miss any of it.

I have a feelin' I'm
gonna miss that.

But I am not gonna
miss that party.

♪ Can you feel it? ♪

♪ Can you feel the love? ♪

♪ Nothin' feels better
than feelin' the love ♪

♪ everybody knows that
when push comes to shove ♪

♪ nothin' feels better
than feelin' the love ♪

Hey, don't mind me, guys.

♪ It doesn't matter
who you are ♪

♪ you can be a
nobody or be a star ♪

Stop. Stop. Stop. Dad, please...

You can't pick up my keyboard
player while we're rehearsin'.

Hey, I'm sorry, but I've
gotta clean the house.

My friend Mitch is
comin' by for dinner.

You mean that hip-hop dj...

Mad money Mitch with
the mighty megamix?!

Well, I just call him Mitch,

but he got a new job at the radio
station here in San Francisco.

Oh! Dad, dad... Please, dad.

We're rehearsin'.

Fine. I'll start dinner.
You guys can vacuum.

Yo, did you guys just hear that?

Yep. We gotta vacuum.

No, man, not that.

Dj mad money Mitch with the
mighty megamix is comin' here!

Oh, cool. We'll get
him to vacuum, huh?

Yeah. Right.

No, no, no, man. Look,

we're gonna get him to
play our song on the radio.

But mad money Mitch with the
mighty megamix is a hip-hop dj.

We're just gonna have
to change our sound.

By tonight? Mm-hmm.

I wish someone who
lived and breathed hip-hop

would walk through
that door right now.

♪ Hey, 24 witches on the
ranch, 2 million on the chain... ♪

Eddie! Eddie! Eddie! My
dawg. What's up, man?

I made Raven this
mix CD for her trip.

Well, she already left.

Man, that's too bad.
I'll holler at you, then.

Eddie, Eddie, come on,
now. What's the rush?

Hey, let me drop some
good news on you.

Good news? Yeah.

You are the newest member
of Cory... And the boys.

Well, uh, are y'all still
singing feelin' the love?


Well, I'm not feelin'
it. I'll holler at you.

Look, man. Look,

we're tryin' to change our sound

to hip-hop.


'Cause my dad's friend
is mad money Mitch.

With the mighty megamix? Mm-hmm.

Oh, man, he's one of the
hottest DJs in the country!

I know. He just got a new
job here in San Francisco,

and he's comin' here
for dinner tonight!

Well, um... Now I'm
startin' to feel the love.

So can y'all lay down a beat?

Oh, yeah, yeah.

Cut the music off!
Stop! Stop! Hey!

Get down!

Oh... this is gonna
take a whole lotta work.

Mmm! Mom, this edible
tree fungus is Dee-lish!

Oh, I know.

Nothing beats
foraging for your dinner

on the forest floor.

How's the tree bark, Raven?

Oh, it's... oh, it's great.

Just like mom used to make.

Who's ready for free-form yoga?

Free-form yoga? Yes!

Oh, I'm not really
a yoga person.

Oh, no. We'll start with
somethin' easy. Come on!

Isn't this relaxing?

Wow, that was a
great meal, Victor.

Mmm. It was great
catchin' up, man.

Yeah. Yeah.


I think somebody
wants our attention.

♪ Now everybody knows that
when push comes to shove ♪

♪ nothin' feels better
than feelin' the love ♪

♪ feel that love ♪

♪ can you feel that love? ♪

♪ When push comes to shove ♪

♪ you've got to feel that love ♪

♪ it doesn't really matter,
now, who you are... ♪

Uh, sorry about
the ambush, Mitch.

Oh, that's ok.
They're pretty good.

♪ You'll all start to dance
and that will never stop ♪

♪ feel that love, can
you feel that love? ♪

♪ When push comes to shove ♪

♪ you've got to feel that love ♪

Hey! All right!

What? What?

So what did you think, Mr. Mad
money Mitch with the mighty megamix?

Y'all were pretty tight.

So, uh, you gonna put
our song on the radio?

No, guys, the thing is,
I'm no longer a hip-hop dj.

My new station
is country/western.


From now on I'm known
as mad mountain Mitch

with the good ol'
country hits. Yes!

That's... that's me.

I thought you
loved hip-hop, man.

Well, the thing is, when
you got a kid goin' to college

and one who needs braces,

you do what you gotta do.

Well,adios, amigos.

Oh, yeah, well,
I'm also known as

mad Miguel at midnight,

on the Spanish station.


Hey, you heard the man.

Sometimes you do
what you gotta do.

I dance to show my fear
of Chelsea growing up

and not needing me anymore.

And I dance to show that
even if I leave the nest,

I will always fly back home

for your organic,
gluten-free spaghetti.

Oh, honey, you're beautiful.

Ooh! Raven...

You're not dancing.

Uh... no, I was just...

Writin' down some steps.


Sounds like someone's
havin' a party.



Whoo! Whoo! Whoo!

Yes! That's the spirit.
What are you dancing to?

I dance to joy, I
dance acceptment,

and I'm dancin' all the
way to the bathroom

to freshen up. Hey! Whoo!

Wow. What got into her?

Hi. I'm Brent.

A bunch of us are
throwin' a party at the lodge.

It's gonna be off the hook.

You wanna roll through?

Oh, actually, thanks, Brent,

but we're kind of having
a party of our own.

Oh, but you're
welcome to join us.

We're just about to
scream for inner peace.

Uh, thanks, but I got a
cabin full of party people

I gotta get back to.


Who that?

Oh, some guy named Brent.

I guess he was throwin' a party.


Where'd he go?! Where'd
he go?! Where'd he go?!

Oh, I don't know.

I told him we were
having a party of our own,

so I sent him away.

Who's ready for
emotional charades?

Emotional charades? Yes!

Oh, guess Raven's first.

Now let's try to see if we can
guess what emotion she's playing.

Uhh... uhh... oh,
despair, despair.

Or... or sorrow!


Oh, yeah!

You rock, mom!

Oh... it's morning.
I can go home.

I can go home! It's morning!

I can go home! I can...


It snowed all night.
Isn't it beautiful?

Oh, yeah, it's gorgeous.
Let's hit the road.

Oh. No. You can't
even find the road.

What? Wait. Wait. What
happened? Where'd it go?

Oh. A ranger came by.
We're gonna be snowed in here

for at least 3 more days.
I'm gonna start a fire.


♪ I'd knock out
hate and bigotry ♪

♪ I'd knock out
pain and poverty ♪

♪ I'd knock out
every stinkin' bad ♪

♪ thing that there is in
this whole stinkin' world ♪

Ow! Yaahh!

Yeah! Ha!

What would you knock out, Rae?

Whoo, I could think
of a couple of things.

Ok. Who's ready
for... The quiet game?

Ohh! The quiet game! Yes!

What's the quiet game?

That's where we block out

the outside world so
we can get in touch

with our inner feelings.

Oh, them again.


Ok, you guys.

Now, I want everybody
to put their blindfolds on...

Yeah. Earplugs in.

Let the fun... Begin.

Hey... wait a second.

Oh! I think that
party's back on.

The party... Guys?

Hello... Can y'all hear me?

Ok, great.

Ha ha!

♪ You can't hear me ♪

♪ I'm goin' to the party ♪

Can you hear me? No, you can't!

Can you hear me? No, you can't!

I'm goin'... To the party!

Can you hear me?
No, you can't. Rae?


Hey. Where you goin'?

Um... Chels... I'm
goin' to the party.

What? You're gonna
leave Durin' the quiet game?

Chels, I've wanted
to leave Durin'dinner!

We're on our
mother/daughter retreat.

I thought you wanted
to come with us.

I can't take it anymore, ok,

with the goofy games
and gettin' in touch

with your inner sense master.

Well, if that's
the way you feel,

why'd you even come up here?

Truth is, I had a vision

that a cute boy named Brent

invited me to a party.

Of course.

You'd ditch us for a
cute boy at a party.

And a toilet.

Fine, Rae. You know? Go.

Go to your toilet party.

Fine. I will.

Ok! I'm not even
gonna watch you.

Don't watch! Ok!

Where do you think you're goin'?

What in the world?

That's right, I'm
your conscience.

Well, why are you here?

You know why I'm here.

How could you treat your best
friend and her mother that way?

Look at them! I gotta party.

I said look at 'em! Oh! Uh...

Figures I'd have a
bossy conscience.

They do look really sweet.

Yeah, and they've been
nothing but nice to you

this whole entire trip.

You tryin' to make me
feel guilty? Is it workin'?

Ok. I'll go back in.

Right. Well, it's time
to get my party on.

Hey! Come back here.



Mrs. Daniels!

Chelsea! Mrs. Daniels!

It's gettin' cold out here.

Chelsea! Mrs. Daniels!

Hey, Mitch, look,
I really appreciate

you comin' down to see
Cory and the boys again.

Oh, no. These guys are good.

So I thought I'd bring a few
of my friends to hear them.

Um... They're... um,

they're from the
country session?

Oh. No, no, no.
These are my friends

from the old hip-hop station.

I thought they could
help out the boys.

Oh. Yeah.



Uh, nothin'. I just have to go

backstage for one second.

Too late.

Yippee! Aaahh!

Howwww... dy do!

I'm Cory, and these
are good old boys!

Take it away, cousin Eddie!

All righty!

♪ Feel the love, do
you feel the love? ♪

♪ I feel lovin', feel the love ♪

♪ everybody knows when
you push and shove ♪

♪ nothin' feels better
than feelin' the love ♪


Now, git up those house lights.

I wanna see all that good
country lovin' out there!

Yeeeeeee! Uh-oh.

Hey, guys, guys!
What are you doin'?

I... I thought you
were a rap group.

Man, we thought
you were a country dj.

I am... And I brought along

my hip-hop friends
to listen to your sound.

Oh, wait, y'all, look,

we can change back! Don't go!

Yeah! Just give us
one more chance!

♪ Wave your hands and ow! ♪

♪ Wave like you
just don't care! ♪

They don't care.


Man, those 3 hours just flew by.


Hey. Where's Raven?


Yeah, actually, mom,
we kinda had a fight,

and she went to that party.

Why would she do that?

'Cause she thinks all
the stuff we do together

is kinda weird.

Wh... wh... where's
that comin' from?!

What was that?


Aaahh! Snow beast!

Honey... Come on.

There's no such
thing as... arrrhhh!

Snow beast! Aaahh!

You lied to me.

My mother lied
to me, too, honey.

About snow beasts?

No. About everything else.

Or... The snow beast is Raven.

And she's freezin'! Honey!

Ohh! Great!

Ok. Ok. Ok.

How do we thaw her out?

Um... we'll put
her in the fireplace.

Uhhhhh! Oh. No. No.

No. No.

She's tryin' to
tell us something.

I think she's saying "oil can"?


No, she... She wants
a hug. Uhh! Uhh!

Mom, come on. I told
you, she's not into that stuff.

She doesn't want us to hug her.

Yeah. Yes, she does.

Or... she does!



Oh, mom, look... She's crying.

No, honey, she's melting.

Keep huggin'.


Are you warmin' up
honey? Mm-hmm.

Thank you so much
for thawing me out.

Oh, yeah.

And... look, I'm...
I'm very sorry.

You guys were being
nothing but nice to me,

and... and all I could
think about was that party.

Oh, well. I'm sorry you
didn't enjoy our activities.

You know, Chelsea and I

kinda... do things
a little differently.

Yeah. Yeah, yeah.

But I never gave it a chance.

There's nothing wrong with a
little mother/daughter bonding.

And, Mrs. Daniels...

You are kinda like a mom to me.

Oh... To me, too.

You know what?

I think I need a hug.

Oh, you still cold, Rae?

No. Just feelin' the love.

♪ Can you feel it? ♪

♪ Can you feel the love? ♪

♪ Nothin' feels better
than feelin' the love ♪

♪ everybody knows that
when push comes to shove ♪

♪ nothin' feels better
than feelin' the love ♪

Yeah, that's my funky pals!

Yeah. From now
on, we keep it real.

Yeah. Ha ha ha!

Hey, Cory, boys, look at this.

Somebody's lookin'
to hire a new band.

Although it's not
really our type of music.

Oh. Nope. Then in
that case, no way,

'cause we just said we
are never sellin' out again.

Well, that's too bad 'cause it
says here they're payin' $200.

♪ Can you feel it? ♪

♪ Can you feel the love? ♪

♪ Nothin' feels better
than feelin' the love ♪

♪ everybody knows that
when push comes to shove ♪

♪ nothin' feels better
than feelin' the love ♪