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04x15 - Soup to Nuts

Posted: 04/23/24 08:07
by bunniefuu
Principal stuckerman's
at it again.

Just look at these
new rules, Chelse.

I know. "No spiky
heels, no shiny hats,

no noisy jewelry."
What is that all about?

Hey, y'all!


Well, I think it's pretty obvious
who these rules are directed at.

Yeah, so obvious.


Chelse, it's Raven.

Ok, yeesh. I thought
you said it was obvious.

Check it out.


Dr. Stuckerman is
definitely out to get me.

Oh, I don't know why
he is always trippin'.

Trippin', am I?

Um, mm, wow.

Trippin' as in...
Cool, uh, wise, smart.

Really? Well, why
don't we look it up

in my pocket dictionary
of youth slang?

You got one of those? Yeah.

Here we are.
Trippin'... "see buggin'."

Buggin', buggin'. Buggin'.

Ah, buggin'. "See
whack." Whack, whack.

Ok, ok, ok, ok. Trippin' is not
that great of a compliment, ok.

It's just that, these rules,
they're so unreasonable.

Miss Baxter, every
rule has a reason,

and every reason has a rule.

And what's the reason for those?

Your wardrobe is a danger to me
and the entire student population.

Now remove those
violations at once.

I still don't understand
what the big deal is.

Not like these beads
are gonna hurt anybody.

Miss Baxter, it's exactly
that kind of noisy... aah!

Oh, snap. Dr. Stuckerman,
I am so sorry.

Oh, my goodness,
how's your back?


Let's go.

♪ If you could gaze
into the future ♪

♪ future, future ♪

♪ you might think life
would be a breeze ♪

♪ life is a breeze ♪

♪ seeing trouble
from a distance ♪

♪ yeah ♪ go, Rae!

♪ But it's not that easy ♪
♪ oh, no ♪

♪ I try to save the situation ♪

♪ then I end up misbehavin' ♪

♪ ohh, whoa, oh ♪

♪ hey, now, say now ♪

♪ 'bout to put it down, yeah ♪

♪ come on and
ride with Rae now ♪

♪ and if the future
looks grey now ♪

♪ and everything's
gonna change now ♪

♪ that's so Raven ♪

♪ it's the future I can see ♪

♪ that's so Raven ♪

♪ it's so mysterious to me ♪

♪ that's so Raven ♪

♪ it's the future I can see ♪

♪ that's so Raven ♪

♪ it's so mysterious
to me, yeah ♪ oh, snap.

Yep, that's me.

Dr. Stuckerman, I am so sorry.

If you think... Thank you...

think you're sorry now,
wait'll I deal with you tomorrow.


Mr. Stuckerman,
we'll see ya later.

Have a good trip.
See ya next fall.

Chelsea. I'm in enough trouble.

So you think he's gonna
suspend you, Rae?

What? No, he can't suspend
me. It's the end of the school year.

We're seniors. All the
senior things are coming up,

like senior carnival,
senior prom.

Senior surprise day.

You can't miss all that.

It'll be like you went to school
all those years for nothing.

And so today, may 19th,
I am officially retiring.

This will be my final day as
principal of bayside high school.

What's today's date? May 18th.

That means that
tomorrow's may 19th.

No, I think it's a leap year.

Anyway, I had a
vision, you guys.

Dr. Stuckerman is
retiring tomorrow.

All I have to do is avoid him for one
more day, and then I am off the hook!

Rae, how are you gonna do that?

Ooh... ooh... Ooh!

Daddy... I'm sick.

Um, honey, you don't look
so good. I know. I'm sick.

That doesn't prove anything.
She never looks good.

I'm gonna make you pay for
that, but right now, I'm so sick.

You know what? There
is something going around.

Dad, come on. You're
not falling for this, are you?

She's trying to ditch
school. I did it all last we...


Um, maybe she caught what I had.

Uh-huh. Feel better.

All right, dad, well, ahem,

I'm off to school.

Um, sweetheart,
you're not even dressed.

Dad, it's not about the outfits,
dad it's about the education.

Ok, ok, now I know
you're really sick.

Look, go in the living
room and lay down.

I will fix you something that
will make you feel better, ok?

I feel better already.

I'm sorry, honey. What?

I said, dad, I feel a little
unsteady. I'm a little unsteady.

It's so cold.

Hey, Chelse. I don't
have to come in.

Yeah, dad totally bought it.
Is stuckerman back at school?

Yeah. He just made
an announcement

that he's making a bigger
announcement in 20 minutes.

Ooh, that has to be my vision.

He's gonna announce his retirement,
he's not gonna be there tomorrow,

so all I have to do today is
chill... chills, chills. Oh, daddy.

Oh, the chills.

Hey, Rae, I got
just the thing for you.

Ok, look, you just
gotta bundle up.

You gotta stay warm.
It's really important.

I'm freezin'.

Now, all you have to
do is finish this soup.

What? Soup?

Mm-hmm. This is a
secret family recipe.

This is grandma Baxter's

Mm-hmm, this'll sweat out the
cold and anything else that ails you.

I don't think I need soup.


Whoa, that's spicy!

Yeah. Ha ha ha.

And that's just the first alarm.

That's amazing... What?!

Mm-hmm. Ok, now come on.

I don't think I need
another one. Yes, yes, yes.

You gotta finish this.

You gotta finish this.

It'll heat you up
from the inside out.

Definitely workin'. You got it?

It's workin'. Ok, ok. Ok.

Come on now. Whoa!

Now, when you start sweating,

that means it's working.

Well, I'm feelin' it
working, daddy. It's hot!

Ok, come on now.

I don't want another
one, daddy. Come on.


You know what? You might be
back in school by this afternoon.

What? I think somebody opened
a window, 'cause I'm gettin' cold.

Really? Oh, no. I'm gonna
have to make another batch.

I'm gonna skip the second
alarm and go right to the third.

Look, you stay warm
and finish the soup, ok?

No, I don't think...

Finish the soup. I'm
gonna make some more.

Whoo, it's hot.

Oh, Rae, you know, I read you
lose about 80% of your body heat

through your head, so...

I'm gonna give you this hat
so you can keep warm. Ok?

That should help. Now
stay warm, finish the soup.

I'm gonna be back to check
on ya. Ok. Thank you, daddy.

That was amazing.

I'm gonna watch some television,
keep my mind off this heat.

Welcome to death valley, the
hottest place on earth. Nope.

The red-hot molten lava spewing from
a volcano can reach a temperature...


How hot was it?

Hot enough to fry an
egg on the sidewalk.

Ooh, I'm getting
oozy. Still weak.

Maybe I'll watch some videos
to keep my mind off this heat.

Next up, a hot new artist
that's burnin' up the charts.

This video's sizzlin'.
I gotta be sizzlin'.

Check out some call it
by Raven Baxter.

What? I got a video?

♪ Some call it magic ♪

♪ the things I see ♪

♪ and I don't understand it ♪

♪ why is happens to me ♪

♪ some call it magic ♪

♪ and I don't know how ♪

♪ but I know that I have it ♪

♪ and it all works out ♪

♪ I got my family and
my friends with me ♪

♪ they're the only ones
who know my secret ♪

♪ only they do ♪

♪ try to find a way,
bring it out and say ♪

♪ that you know
you're special, baby ♪

♪ stay true to you ♪

♪ some call it magic ♪

♪ the things I see ♪

♪ and I don't understand it ♪

♪ why it happens to me, oh ♪

♪ some call it magic... ♪

Ok, fun's over.

Aah! Dr. Stuckerman.

I told you I would
deal with you, Raven.

You can't get away from me.

Oh, I think I can.

Still here. Still here.

All stuckerman, all the time.

In high def, baby.


Dr. Stuckerman, will you
please get out of my television?

You'll have to deal
with me sooner or later.

I prefer later.

Oh, an old sitcom.

"Oh, that Raven"? I
don't remember that show.

Raven! Honey, I'm home!

Howdy, dear.

How was work today, darling?

Oh, terrible.

I'm a door-to-door
door salesman.

Every time I knock on a door,
I realize they don't need one.


So how was your day?

Well, I bought this
beautiful dress. Look.

Oh, no, I broke another
priceless antique.

Raven, what am I
gonna do with you?

Hiya, ed.

Hi, Rae.

We would've been here sooner,

but I couldn't wake this
old coot up from his nap.

What do you expect? I'm
pooped from all your nagging.

Oh, stop it, you two. I
got some good news.

A big-time Hollywood director
just moved into the neighborhood.

A big-time Hollywood
director? In this neighborhood?

Wait a minute. Are you
saying a big-time Hollywood

director is moving
into our neighborhood?

Yes, and I invited
him over for dinner.

Hey, maybe he'll
put me in the movie.

Only if he's making
a horror movie.

Well, if he is, he
can cast your mother.

My mother is a Saint.

You mean a St. Bernard. Ruff!

Ha ha ha ha.

Knock it off, you two.

Now, if he likes
what Raven cooks,

then maybe he'll put
us all in his movie.

Don't worry, honey. Have I
ever messed anything up?

Don't get me started.

Well, dinner's ready. When's that
big-time Hollywood director coming?

That's him. Everyone
just act natural.

Everyone, I'd like for you to meet
the biggest director in Hollywood.

Thank you for inviting me.

If this meal is good,
you'll all be stars.

That's no director. That's
principal stuckerman.

Raven, say hello to our guest.

Oh, I can't let him see me.

Serving dinner. Who's hungry?

Uh, my wife likes to wear
the dinner before she serves it.

Ha ha ha ha.

Peas and carrots?
Oh, enjoy your meal.

Stop the nonsense
and serve the Turkey!

Would you care
for a leg or a wing?

Ha ha ha ha ha.

Take our dinner off
of your head right now!

I don't want to.

Don't get me started.

You thought you could
hide from me, didn't you?

Oh, snap!

Man, that was bizarre.

Ooh, I do not know what's
making me freak out like this.

Hey, I better have
some more soup.


I better watch some more
television, get my mind off stuckerman.

Ok, we did everything he asked.

Where is that stupid wizard?

Hello. Giant head behind you.

Bow down to the mighty oz.

I'm scared. I'm so scared.

If I had a brain,
I'd run right now.

Here, you can take mine,
'cause I am out of here.

Fine. Beat it. Scram.
Get out of my sight.

Wait. We're not going anywhere

until you give us
what you promised.

How dare you question the
great and gaseous wizard!

Why are you so mean?

Because I ain't got no body.

Get it? I ain't got no body.

I'm a big floating head.

Ginormous head.

All right, get out of my sight.

But we did everything
that you asked.

Look, here's the witch's cloak.

And the witch's crystal ball.

Yeah, and the witch's underwear.

I never asked for
the witch's underwear!

Mine's, actually.

No wonder you need courage.

Now go, scram, beat it,

because the great and
powerful oz has spoken.

And has... focus. I don't
need to speak anymore.

Scram. Get out of here.

Please ignore the
man on the elliptical.

You're not even a real wizard.

Yes, I am. Wizards
need to get in shape, too.

Well, what about
us? Wait your turn.

I still got 10 more minutes.

Yo, brother, you better give us what
you promised us because I'm one bad cat.


Ok, ok. Down, Kitty.

Ok, look, you know the
way that you stood up to me?

That shows that you
had courage all along.

I did?

Well, duh.

And you... the way you recognize
the obvious... you're really smart.

I am? Mississippi.
M-i-s-s-i-p-p-i. Wow.

And I never even heard
the word "Mississippi" before.

Wow, you really are smart.

You know what, you guys?

Um, this is a
beautiful moment, ok?

It really warms my
heart. Hey, I have a heart.

Hey, guys...

Ok, so we're all happy,
right? Good. Let's go.

Everybody out.
And we're walkin'...

And we're walkin'.

But wait. What about
me? I'm not happy.

I still can't get home.

Don't you understand? You've
had the power to go home all along.

I did?

All you have to do is
click your heels together.

Is that really gonna
get me home?

No. That's gonna get the
yellow brick dust off your shoes

so it doesn't get
on my new carpet.

Really? Ok...

I was kidding, I was
kidding. I was kidding!

Kidding, kidding.
Go, click. Goodbye.

Uh-oh. That wasn't
supposed to happen.

I thought we got rid of you.

You thought wrong, my pretty.

Now I'm finally going to deal
with you and your little homies, too.

You're no witch. You're
principal stuckerman.

I know how to get rid of you.

I'm not melting.
I'm not melting.

I'm not... melting.

Water on weave. I'm melting.

I'm melting. I'm melting.

I'm melting. Rae, wake
up. You're not melting.

You're just overheating.

Oh, my goodness. It
was such a crazy dream.

Why are you talking like that?

My bad.

Oh, my goodness.
Dad, this was so real.

You were there. And, Eddie, you
and Chelse, you and, Cory, you.

Was I there? Aah!

Dr. Stuckerman,
get out of my dream.

You're not dreamin'.
You're not dreamin', Rae.

I hate to break it to you, but
today was senior surprise day.


Dr. Stuckerman took all the seniors
out to happy mountain amusement park.

What? And I missed it?

Yeah, 'cause you were
so cold, so, so very cold.

Keep going, you gonna
be out cold in a second.

I see you're feelin' better.

Dr. Stuckerman, are you here to give me
my punishment for what I did yesterday?

Um, what happened yesterday?

Well, I slipped
on Raven's beads.

I have a bad back, and I
was afraid I really hurt it.

But you're ok, right?

As it turns out, the fall
realigned my whole spine.

When I woke up this morning,
I felt like a spring chicken.

So I took everyone out to
happy mountain to celebrate.


And you're here
to rub it in my face.

No. I'm here to thank you.

Harry s. Stuckerman
has a soft side.

Oh, aren't you
gonna retire today?

Actually, I was, but
I changed my m...

How did you know that?

No, the question is, why'd
you change your mind?

Well, now that my back is cured,

I'm going to be
around making rules

for a long, long time.

You mean I...
because of what I...

Then you are... oh, snap!

How you feelin', dad?

Huh? Not so good.

I think I caught what Raven had.

I doubt that, but I heated up some
of grandma's special soup for ya.

Oh, thank you, son.

Uh-huh. Enjoy.

Oh... Spicy!

Hoo! But it's good.

Mmm. Oh... Hoo, that is hot.

Honey, I'm home.

Hi, Eddie. Notice anything
different about me?

Don't get me started.

Oh, snap!
