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04x14 - When 6021 Met 4267

Posted: 04/23/24 08:06
by bunniefuu
Man, I can't get over how
much I love your new room, Rae.

Ohh, thanks. I love it, too.

Make yourselves at home.

Don't mind if I do.

Hey, at least take
your shoes off.


Ohh! Eww! Eww! Eww!

Put 'em back on! Make me!

Oh, oh, you want
me to make you? I'll...

Not the pits! Oh, yeah.

Not the pits! Oh, yeah!

Ok, I'll be good! Oh, yeah.

You better be glad I
put on deodorant today.

You guys have been
friends for too long.

Yeah. I know.

Hey, you know what we
need to have down here

to celebrate your new room, Rae?

A Ferris wheel.

Not a big one.

You know what I was thinking?

Oh, I think I do.

Party! Party!

Ooh, with monkey bars!

Chelsea, we're not
kids anymore, ok?

This party... It
should be mature.

It should be, uh, classy.

Everybody should be dressed up.

Most definitely.

Oh, there should
be mood lighting

and, uh, slow-dancing. Ha ha!

♪ You and me together ♪

♪ hold me through the night ♪

♪ you and me forever, babe ♪

♪ everything's
gonna be all right ♪

Rae, what did you see?

My party.

I wasn't having fun.

Man, I need a date.

Or... a water slide!

Let's go.

♪ If you could gaze
into the future ♪

♪ future, future ♪

♪ you might think life
would be a breeze ♪

♪ life is a breeze ♪

♪ seeing trouble
from a distance ♪

♪ yeah ♪ go, Rae!

♪ But it's not that easy ♪
♪ oh, no ♪

♪ I try to save the situation ♪

♪ then I end up misbehavin' ♪

♪ ohh, whoa, oh ♪

♪ hey, now, say now ♪

♪ 'bout to put it down, yeah ♪

♪ come on and
ride with Rae now ♪

♪ and the future
looks great now ♪

♪ and everything's
gonna change now ♪

♪ that's so Raven ♪

♪ it's the future I can see ♪

♪ that's so Raven ♪

♪ it's so mysterious to me ♪

♪ that's so Raven ♪

♪ it's the future I can see ♪

♪ that's so Raven ♪

♪ it's so mysterious
to me, yeah ♪

oh, snap!

Yep, that's me.

No. Please!

No! Now what?

She won't let me
come to her party!

'Cause it's a mature
party. You're too young.

Young? P-p-please!
I got a whisker.

I got one right here.

A whisker? What is a
whis... that's a whisker?

That's a whisker.
You see it? Isn't it so...


Dad, she took my whisker!

Come on, son. We'll
put some aftershave on it.

If I can remember where it was.


Oh, hey, Rae.

Remember that vision
you had of your party

where you were really
miserable and lonely,

and, like, no one
wanted to be with you?

I just said I needed
a date, Chels.

Well, I know how to get you one.

All right. Yes!

You gonna tell me what it is?

Oh! Right.

Yeah. Duh.

Well, I guess some kids at
school set up this web site

that helps you find
your perfect match,

so I thought maybe they could
help you find a date for your party.

An Internet dating service?

Yeah. I don't know, Chelsea.

Can you really meet
someone that way?

Yeah, come here.

Look, you're in.

"Welcome." all right...

"To protect your identity, you
will now be known as 6021."

Hmm. 6021.

Sounds romantic already.

Ok, it says, um...

"Fill out this questionnaire

and we will help you
meet your perfect match."

Word on the street is...

Raven's having a party.

You're not invited, Stanley.

Other word on the street is...

You ain't, either.

Man, what street do you live on?

It doesn't matter. Do you
want to go to the party or not?

Are you kidding? It's
gonna be a mature party.

Do you know what that means?


Neither do I.

And that's why we've
gotta get in there.

Hmm. Uh-huh.

But you know Raven's
not gonna let it happen.

Man, do you know
what your problem is?

You take no for an answer.

Ok, fine. You got a better idea?

If you got a cheese sandwich.

So, miss 6021,

any word on your
perfect match yet?

Actually, yes.

I'm going to meet
him in 5 minutes.

What? That's so cool,
Rae. What's his name?

Um, Mr. 4267.

Never heard of him.

Well, that's because
that's his number, Chels.

We don't use real names
until we actually meet.

Ohh, right. Yeah.

Ok, Mr. 4267, where you at?

Hey, how you doin'?


Oh, yes. It's the, um,
square root of, uh,

Yeah. Now, if you'll excuse me,

my, uh, lady is waiting for me.

All right.

Hey, Rae. Hey, Eddie.

Listen, I can't talk right
now. I got some business.

Yeah, I got some
business to handle, too.


Can't you handle your
business somewhere else?

No. Can't you handle your
business somewhere else?

Oh, no. Loca.

What's up, Eddie? Hey! Aah!

Baxter, thanks again for
inviting me to your party.

You know what? I
don't really remember

sending you an invitation.

Duh. 'Cause you was
gonna give me one personally!

Oh, oh... right?

Yes. Yes, i...
Look at that, loca.

An extra... last one,
just for you. Look at that.

See you there. Ok. Thanks.


Ok, see ya!

Ha ha. Heh heh.


That was close. I thought
it was gonna be loca.

What'd you think
was gonna be loca?

Uh... forget it, Rae.

It's a little embarrassing.

Oh, Eddie, we are best friends.

You know you can
tell me anything.

Well, I really wanted
a date for your party,

so I went ahead and registered
on that school dating web site.

Oh, my goodness. Wait, you're
here to meet your perfect match?

Yeah, so, if you don't
mind, a little privacy, please.

No, wait, this is hilarious.

I'm here to meet my
perfect match, too.

Are you serious? Yeah.

Ha ha! Yo, what are the odds

that we'd each pick the same
place to meet our perfect match?

I know, that's just weird.

I think we got stood up.

Yeah, 'cause we're the
only ones standing here.

You're my perfect match?

You and me... the perfect match?

Uh... yeah, that's
a little weird.

Yeah, that computer was way off.

Yeah, there's no way we could've
answered those questions the same, Rae.

No, of course not.

Like that one question... "what
quality is most important to you?"

Well, I put down
honesty. Me, too.

Well, anybody
would've said that. Yeah.

Yeah. So that's ok. Um, ok.

What did you put down
for your favorite hobby?

Reading the classics.

So did I.

Yeah, but I was lying.

So was I.

So, what about the
whole honesty thing?

Oh... I lied about that, too.

No wonder they put our
lyin' behinds together.

Well, we have been
friends for forever and a day.

True, true.

Maybe we are each
other's perfect match.

What do you want to do?

I guess we can give it a shot.


Well, um... Yeah.

I'll see you later.

Ok. Well, we... how
about we just go?

Right, you just do
what you do. Ok.

All right? Ok.

My class is... this way. Uh-huh.

Well, Chels,

Eddie and I decided
to give it a try.

Oh, man, I'm so
happy for you guys.

Are you kind of nervous?

Chels, it's Eddie, ok? Come on.

Yeah, you're right. It's Eddie.

Anybody home?

Oh, my goodness! It's
Eddie! Oh, it's Eddie!

Check my hair. Is it ok? Check
my outfit. How's my breath?


Hey. Hey.

Oh, look! Eddie
brought us candy.

Uh, actually, this is for Raven.

Oh, well, then I guess
the flowers are for me.

These are for
Raven... Too. Ha ha!

What? Well, how
come she gets everyth...



I'll leave you two
little lovebirds alone.

Eddie and Raven,
sittin' in a tree,

k-i-s-s-i-n-g... ♪
H-i-j-k-I-m-n-o-p ♪

Man, what are we
gonna do with her?

Ha ha! I don't know.


So, uh...

Wow. That's so sweet.



You can make
yourself comfortable.



Um... Candy?

If you'll have one.



My bad.

Sat on the remote. Heh!

That's funny how slow
songs just turn on like that.

It's really chewy.

Mm... very.

Excuse me, I got something
stuck in the back there.

No! Stop playing with
your brother that way!

That's not fair!

You need to come over here.

Thank you. All right. Watch out.

Go play with your... no, don't
hit the baby! Don't hit the baby!

Sweetie pie, get
from underneath there.

Eddie Jr., get over there.

I'm Eddie Jr.!

I can't remember what y'all
look like! I had too many of you!

You know, I could've been
a famous fashion designer,

but no, I had to stay home for
your daddy's wrapping career, right?

Hey, brown sugar, I'm home!


Get away from your daddy!

Hey. Stop it.

So, how was the
wrappin' business, daddy?

Oh, baby, I had a great day.

I wrapped 42 packages today.

Yeah, broke my own
record, yes, I did. Ha ha!

So, uh, how was your day?

Watch out. Go ahead.

Let's see, I cooked, I
cleaned, and... oh, wait, sugar.

We had another baby.

Oh! Hey, this is the life.

Yeah. Aren't you glad

that computer hooked us up?

Get your feet off my table!

Hey! What's wrong with you?

Listen, um...

Uh, I've been thinking
deep about this, um...

Couple situa...
this is not good.

Why, because I put my feet
on the table? You told me to!

No, no, it's not...
it's not that. It's, um...

It's... it's... it's
not you, it's me.

That's a break-up line.

Raven, you're
breaking up with me.

Well, um...

Technically, we
never really went out.

You're right.

Right, and I'm glad
we didn't go out,

because it would've
been one big headache.

Eddie, come on, you
do not understand.

Oh, I understand. If you
don't give this a shot, then fine.

And when you break up with me,

you're breaking up
with these babies, too.

Nah, I don't think so.

Hey. Hey.

Hey, Rae. Hi.

Cool space. Thank you.

Oh, we brought you a
little room-warming gift.

Don't tell her what it is.
Don't tell her what it is.

Open it, Rae. Open
it. Look, it's towels.


Thanks, you two.


Wait a second. His
and hers towels?

Yeah, for when you and
Eddie get married, you know?

You may want to wash your hands.

Chels, we're not
getting married, ok?

We didn't even go out.

Why, what happened?

I need to talk to her, please.

Yeah. Thanks. Listen...

I had a vision about
me and Eddie, ok?

Our future... not so bright.

We were miserable.
Well, at least I was.

Oh, man. I'm sorry,
Rae. Did you tell him?

No, I didn't tell him. I
didn't want to bum him out.

Chels, all I wanted was a date,

and I think I might've lost
my best friend over this.

I'm sorry.

Did you keep the
receipt on those towels?

Got it.

Well, I'm happy that you
came to my party, Eddie.

Yeah, well, somebody asked me,

and I really couldn't say no.

You can't get away from me!


You rascal. Meow!

Well, at least when
she punches me,

I can see it coming.

Shall we?

I'd be delighted.

All right.

Hey, baby.

Hey, dad.

Here's the crab puffs.

Thank you, dad.

So, how's the party going?

Ok, I guess.

Hey, you know, I can,
uh, liven things up a little.

Do a little conga line.

Oh, really? Hey, let's
see how that looks

going up the stairs.

Right. Yeah.

You got it.

Just like my vision.

What's happening, my brother?

It's all good, my brother.

All right.

Ok, we're in. When
do we split up?

Not so fast. I like
the view from up here.

I got my eye on a
tall drink of water!

Man, nah, forget it.

Just give me at least 2
minutes to make my move.

Fine, you got one,

so you'd better move fast.

All right, then.

Well, you better
get to steppin', bro!


Oh! My bad.

Oh, what's up, player? Yeah.

Ooh, my bad. Oh!

Eddie, could you
get us some drinks?

Oh, sure thing.

Finally, somebody
I can look up to.

Hey, handsome.

Hey, tenderoni.

You better talk fast.

What's that? Sorry.

My stomach is... A little upset.

You know what settles
my stomach down?

What? Slow dancing.

Don't mind if I do.


We're home!

Hey! Ha ha!

Hey, dad, thanks for
baby-sitting Eddie Jr.

And Ravenette.

Ohh, no problem.

We twisted grandpa's hair.

I bet you did, sweetheart.

Yeah, isn't it great that they
came up with the cure for baldness?

I love the future.

Hey, check it out, son.

Daddy won for best rap
song in a major motion picture.

And mommy won for
best costume design.

Oh, I'm so ecstatic.

I have everything.
I... I have a family,

I have a fabulous career
and a gorgeous husband.

Heh heh heh. Stop it.

It's true.

You can have it all.

Yeah, I mean,
isn't this the life?

Aren't you glad that
computer hooked us up?

Yes, darling.

Oh, snap. Eddie.

Eddie, listen, um,

I need to talk to
you about the future.

Forget about it, Rae.

If I don't get these
drinks back to loca,

then, uh, I won't have a future.

Listen, don't worry about loca.

I think she's moved on.

Who's that? Looks familiar.

I don't know. I think he's some
guy from our Spanish class.

But listen, it doesn't matter.


I lied to you. The reason
that I broke up with you

is because I had a vision.

Rae, why didn't you tell me?

Because it was awful, Eddie.

We were married and... and
miserable, and you were a wrapper.

Well, at least my
career worked out.

No, you were wrappin'
packages, homey.

Oh, no. Yeah, exactly.


But then I just
had another vision,

and we were married
and we were successful,

and everything
was... Was perfect.

So, you had a bad vision
and you dumped me,

and now you have a
good vision, and what?

I wish I knew which vision
was gonna come true.

Look, man, forget
about the visions, Rae.

Nobody knows about the
future for sure, not even you.

Well, yeah, I have
been off once or twice.

Heh. Look, the question is,

what do you want
to do right now?

Well, I kind of
want to try us out.

But I don't want it to be weird.

I do not want to
ruin our friendship.

Yeah, but... What if we
are the perfect match,

you know, like, uh...

Loca and that dude
from our Spanish class?

I mean, if we never
try, we'll never know.

You're right.

So... What do we do?

Well, we can start with a dance.

Ok, and...

What's wrong? You're
dancing like you got 2 left feet!

I'm dancing like my 2 feet left!

Aah! Where's the rest of you?!

Just look in my eyes, baby.

Just look in my eyes.

I thought you was the one!

You're not even half the one!

This is nice.

Yeah, like, natural.

Was that weird?

Well, it wasn't what
I thought it would be.

Yeah, like,

I was waiting for the magic.

I didn't feel it, either.

Yeah. Well...

At least we gave it a shot.

Yeah, and now we know

that we're not the
perfect... You know, match.


Just the perfect friends.

You got me all lipsticked up.

Sorry. Go on, give me a hug.

Give me a hug.

What your problem is?!

May I have this dance?
And it's not a question.

I wasn't asking.

Uh, hold it, you two.

Don't think I didn't see you.

We're sorry.

Yeah, we're leaving.

No, you're not. No, you're not.

You're gonna get
your party on. Let's go.

All right, everybody,
let's do the slide!

Go left! ♪ oh, oh, ohh ♪

Now back, take it!

Now bop your leg!


♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪

Great party, Rae.

Thank you.

Awesome punch.


Yo, dad, that conga line really
cleared them out. Thank you.

Yeah, it's always a
great way to end a party.


All right, Mr. B. Go
on with your bad self.

See you later, homey.

All right, I'll holler
at you. Ha ha ha!


Still nothing. Nothing at all.

I don't feel nothing. I'm
gonna holler at you at school.

I'll see you.


Wasn't bad.