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04x05 - Adventures in Boss-Sitting

Posted: 04/23/24 08:00
by bunniefuu
Donna cabonna
designs. Tiffany speaking.

Please hold.

Yes, Donna.

Oh, I see her.

Yes, girl. You are
not going to church.

You know you're
going to a club. Hey!

Open this up a little bit...

Raven, what are you doing
with Donna's new church line?

Uh... church!

Well, I guess you are
going to church, sister.

Let me just tie it
around. Now that's cute.

I hate to crush your little
dream of becoming a designer,

but right now you're an intern,

and my dream for you is to
mix up Donna's fruit and yogurt,

sharpen these pencils.

Oh, and coco had
another accident.

Coco, I'm beginning to
think these aren't accidents.

Tiffany, pack up your
stuff. You're out of here.

Raven, I want you to
move over to Tiffany's desk.


You see what happens when
you crush a sister's dream?

Who the big dog now?
Woof! Woof! Woof!

Raven, I'm sending Tiffany

on a business trip for me.

And you're only filling in

as my assistant
until she gets back.

She gotta come back?

You were saying?

I was saying that you're
my dawg, skillet biscuit.

Ha ha! Woof! Woof!
See? Bark with me.

Bark... ok.

Let's go.

♪ If you could gaze
into the future ♪

♪ future, future ♪

♪ you might think life
would be a breeze ♪

♪ life is a breeze ♪

♪ seeing trouble
from a distance ♪

♪ yeah ♪ go, Rae!

♪ But it's not that easy ♪
♪ oh, no ♪

♪ I try to save the situation ♪

♪ then I end up misbehavin' ♪

♪ ohh, whoa, oh ♪

♪ hey, now, say now ♪

♪ 'bout to put it down, yeah ♪

♪ come on and ride
with the break now ♪

♪ and the future
looks great now ♪

♪ and everything's
gonna change now ♪

♪ that's so Raven ♪

♪ it's the future I can see ♪

♪ that's so Raven ♪

♪ it's so mysterious to me ♪

♪ that's so Raven ♪

♪ it's the future I can see ♪

♪ that's so Raven ♪

♪ it's so mysterious
to me, yeah ♪

yep, that's me.

I'm Donna's assistant.

Donna cabonna designs.

Donna's temporary assistant
Raven Baxter speaking.

Hey, Rae, what's up?

Hey, Devon.

Listen, Rae, I'm
coming into town

with my dad on a business trip,

but we're only gonna
be in town for tonight.

Oh. Am I gonna
be able to see you?

Only if you'll have dinner
with me at the purple lobster.

The purple lobster?!

They got the best bread.

I know. It's the perfect
place for us to be alone.


You are so devonderful.

Mr. Devonderful, uh...

ahem! Yes, yes. You
are great and fabulous,

and we will get those
designs, right, miss Donna?

She's right here. She says hi.


Mr. Devonderful?

Raven, was that a
personal phone call?


Because this is a
place of business

where we conduct
ourselves professionally,

with dignity.


It's my boyfriend.


Oh, yes, honey. Oh,
yes, we're set for tonight.

A beautiful moonlit
picnic on the beach.

Yes, ok. I'll see
you then, honey.


Now, where was I?

Uh... dignity.

Yes, and don't you forget it.

Don't worry about
it, miss cabonna, ok?

I will be the best temporary
assistant you've ever had.

And you're committed
to that, 24-7?

Absolutely. I am your girl.

That's what I want to hear.

Now, take this pager
in case I need you.

All right. Well,
how does it work?


Ok. Well, I'm gonna get
somebody's attention.

That's the idea.

Now, if you'll please excuse me.

I need to get ready for one of
the most beautiful nights of my life.

So do I.

We had one night together,
and you messed it up.

We're through, all right?


Yo, yo, yo! What's
up, little bro?

Not much. I'm
trying to find a movie.

I got a date tonight
with Brittany.

Brittany? Hey, what
happened to Cindy?

She was my sixth
grade girlfriend.

But now that we're
going to different schools,

we thought it would be a
good idea to see other people.


Oh! Here's a good one!

The explosionator.

"A nonstop thrill ride of
action and stuff blowing up."

No, no, no, no, no.

Look, with your first
date with Brittany,

you wanna show her
your sensitive side.

You know, take her to
see one of those, uh...

Sweet and sappy
flicks that chicks like.

Let me teach you something.

Oh! Here we go. Right there.

Take her to see that.

My miserable life.

My miserable life?

Ok. All right.

"Emotional..." right.

"Heart wrenching..." My brother.

"You may never laugh again."

I don't know about this, man.

Hey, trust me, ok?

She's gonna need
a hand to hold...

And a shoulder to cry on.

I see where you're
going with this.

You know what I'm
saying? Ha ha ha!


Now, that's what
I'm talking about.

So, is Chels upstairs?
We're gonna grab some pizza.

Yeah, Raven's got
a date with Devon.

She's helping to
pick out her outfit.

Pick out her outfit?

I'm gonna starve before
I get out of here, man!

Chels, what do you think?


You said that about
the last 23 outfits.

I'd say anything to
get out of here, Rae.

I'm so hungry!


Eddie, Eddie. From
a man's point of view.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. You look good.

Hey! You didn't even look at me.

You said from a
man's point of view.

You guys, I'm sorry, ok?

I'm just nervous.

I had a vision that Devon

is gonna break
up with me tonight.

What? Why?

I don't even know.

I'm gonna mess something up.

Hey, that's Devon. He's early.

See? He couldn't
wait to see you, Rae.

Or he couldn't wait
to break up with you.

I'm so hungry, I don't
know what I'm saying.

Devon! Uh...

What... what are you doing here?

Teddy broke up with me!

I don't want to be alone!

Are you doing anything
important tonight?

Uh, well, actually... good!

I need you.

It's gonna be a
long, long night!

Oh, a long night?!

It all happened while we
were driving to the beach

for our moonlit picnic.

And suddenly, Teddy turned to me

and he said he didn't
love me anymore.

I mean, where am I gonna find another
hunk of man candy like my Teddy?!

Um, you know what you
need to do, miss Donna?

You need to get back in there.

Do you know why? 'Cause
this world is full of man candy.

sugar-homies. Hook it up!

No, no, no. You're not trying
to get rid of me, are you?

Because you made a
commitment to me, young lady. 24/7!

Yes! 24/7!


Now, I need to throw
myself into my work.

Where's your sewing machine?

From my pain will come creation.

Ok. Upstairs. Upstairs.

You know what? Upstairs.
First door on your right.

Go up there and create,
miss Donna. Create!

Go get 'em.

You guys, I really
need your help.

What's wrong? Where's Devon?
And why is your boss here?

Well, her boyfriend
just dumped her,

and now she's an emotional wreck

and she doesn't
want to be alone.


Ok, that's Devon.

You guys, I don't want to
mess this up like in my vision.

He wants to have a romantic
night, just the two of us.

Oh, well, then we'll
go out the back door.


No, no, no! Wait!

Can you guys just stay with
Donna maybe for a couple of hours?

A couple of hours?
Rae, we are starving!

Seriously, Rae, my stomach
is so hungry it's talking.

What's that, little guy? Huh?

You want some pizza?


Listen, you can order in, ok?

Please? Just go
handle her. Please?

I really wanna... oh, thank you!

All right.

Oh, Devon!

Ok. You're here. Now we can go.

Hold on, Rae. What's the rush?

I really miss you.

Oh, I miss you, too.

Whoa! Whoa! Ok!

What was that?

That was, uh...

The alarm to my oven upstairs.

You have an oven upstairs?

Yes, I do. It's one
of those toy ovens.

You know, the one
with the light bulb?

I got it when I was, like 6.

I guess that cake
is finally ready.

Good coco. Protect mommy.

Raven, who are these
people? They claim to know you.

Ok, this is Eddie and Chelsea.

They're here to
help me help you.

Cease, coco.

Ok, now that you're
in good hands...

Wait. Wait! Where
are you going? Uh...

Because you made a
commitment to be there for me, 24/7.


And please, take this with you.

I can't even think
of food right now.

I can.

Just get it out of my sight.

Out of sight, out of
mind... Out of here.

Hey, what's going on?
We're gonna be late.

Ok. You know what?

Why should we go
to the purple lobster?

It's so crowded and... Loud.

No, it's not. It's
quiet and romantic.

Oh. Well, um...

Not as quiet and romantic as...

A nice picnic
right here at home.

You made all that
with your toy oven?

I put in a new light bulb.

So what did you make?

Oh. Um...

I made it so long ago,
I forgot what I made.

Ok. Let's see.

Ok. Um...

Oh! And look, it even
wrapped it for us. Ha ha!

Let's dig in.

Now, Brittany,

if you need to cry, I
got a spot right here.


Um, excuse me. Are
those 2 seats taken?

One of them is.


Oh, uh... Hi, Cindy.

Aren't you gonna
introduce me to your friend?

Oh, my bad.

Cindy, Brittany.
Brittany, Cindy.

Hi. What up?

I'm gonna grab those 2
seats before they're taken.

All right.

Uh, Cindy, uh...

I know this probably
is a little weird, but...

We did agree to
see other people.

It's fine, Cory.
Enjoy the movie.


You know, you're a good kid.

Friend of yours?

Oh. Hi, Tyler.

This is Cory.

Oh! So this is Cory.

What's so funny?

I wanna laugh, too.

Nothing. Nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you, man.

Oh, sorry, man.

No, no. It's cool, man.

My... my ring...
Pinched my finger.

You're not wearing a ring.

Coming, Brittany!

I didn't call you.

I'm coming anyway.

Sorry about that. Sorry.

You know, Rae,
I got to admit it.

This is pretty nice.

It is.

I really miss you, Devon.

I really miss you, too, Rae.

Whoa! Whoa!

Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!

Is that your oven again, Rae?

Um, yeah. I need to go
see what it made this time.

Oh! Raven. What do you
think of my new creations?


They look a lot
like my bedspread.

Oh! I feel so much better.

I've worked Teddy
completely out of my system.

You know what? That's great.

Now you can go home.

Oh, no, no, no. Now I can eat.

Oh! Fresh out of food. Sorry.

Oh. What about
that picnic basket?

Wait a minute... hmmph!

Excellent idea. I
think I'll go get it.


Allow me.

Devon! Devon! No, don't
eat it! Don't eat that chicken!

I heard that they
had a chicken recall.

For what?

Um... chickenosis.

Chickenosis? Yep.


What now?!

Delivery for Eddie Thomas.

Is Eddie here?

Uh, no, no. He just, uh...

He just ordered
the pizza for us.

Why would he do that?

He heard about the chickenosis.

Montgomery, don't
you understand?

I knew one day this
moment would come.

It's over between us.

Just accept it.

Oh. My bad.

I missed my mouth.

Oh, Corey.

If you hadn't suggested
that we see other people,

I never would have met Tyler.


I was a fool to let you go.

A wretched fool, I tell you.

Too late.

What could have
been will never be.

Farwell, Corey.


Uh-uh. Corey.

Cory, I know you ain't crying.

No, no. Ahem!

I got a popcorn
kernel in my eye.

Yeah, right.

I wanted to see stuff blow up.

Well, maybe next
week if you're up to it...

Next week?!

Please. There ain't
gonna be a next week.

A fool.

A wretched fool, I tell you.

Don't be like me.

Don't be like me!

All right, my little
coco, one more bite.



That chicken weighed
more than the dog,

and he ate the whole thing.

Seriously, where's
the pizza you ordered.

Uh-uh. Forget about the pizza.

If I don't get downstairs soon,

Devon is gonna break up
with me like in my vision.

Oh, you're right. Rae,
just go downstairs.

Everything up here
is under control.

Maybe not.

I'm just lying to myself.

I still miss my Teddy-weddy.

Oh! Here.

You can have this Teddy-weddy.

No! No! That's my
blinky bear, Chels!

Devon won that for me!

It only makes it worse!

No! Coco! No!

That's blinky bear!

Come back here, you nasty!

Coco's not a nasty!

Hey, little poochy.

Come here. Let me
see what you have.

Oh. Blinky bear.

Oh, no. Blinky bear is fine!

Here's the body. Look.
Perfect. Right there.

Raven, what's going on?

Who are you? I'm Devon.

I'm supposed to be
on a date with Raven.

Oh, impossible.
Raven is working.

She told me she had absolutely
nothing important to do.

I never said...

Rae, our date's not important?

Of course it's important...

More important than
working with me?

Well, miss...

Rae, I thought we were gonna
have a special night... Alone.

I bet you don't even
have a toy oven upstairs.

Devon, look,

my boss came barging in
here before you showed up,

and I didn't want her
to know about you,

and I didn't want you
to know about her,

and everything
got out of control.

And I really didn't
know what to do.

How about telling me the truth?

I guess I could of did that.

I'm outta here.

Oh, come on, Devon.

We had one night together,
and you messed it up.

We're through, all right?

Hey, Rae. I'm sorry
it went down like that.

Yeah, Rae.

Gosh, if there's anything
we can do, you know, just...

Oh, my gosh! There's pizza!

Come on, man. Let's
go to the purple lobster.

We can't afford
the purple lobster.

I know. That's why we're gonna
leave after they serve the bread.

Raven, you should really
keep your professional

and personal life separate.

You know what? That is it!

Just because you are my boss

does not mean you
can come in my house,

take over my entire life!

You don't own me!

You don't even pay me.

Excuse me,

but I've never had an
employee speak to me like this.

Well, I'm sorry, ok?

But I lost my boyfriend
'cause I had to take care of you.

You made a commitment
to be there for me 24/7.

I didn't know it meant
all day, all week.

Oh... oh... oh...
Oh. Miss Donna.

Oh, man!

What I meant was...

Was I didn't know you were
gonna come to my house,

tear up my bedspread,

and make me lose my boyfriend.

Well, I... I suppose I did
take advantage of you.

I should probably apologize.

Apology accepted.

I said "should".


I apologize.

I... I know I can be a handful.

It's ok. People have
said that about me, too.

It's just that...
We're creative.

We have a different vision
of the world than most people.

I have visions of my own.

Oh. Cory, this is my
boss, Donna cabonna.


So how did your date go?


My love life is a mess.

Hmm. Join the club.


Cory, seeing you
cry at the movie

made me realize
how sensitive you are,

and... I don't want
to see other people.

Me, neither.

Well, I'm glad someone's happy.

Don't worry. I am
still here for you.


Hey, Rae. Hey.

Listen, Rae, I'm
really sorry for losing it.

I mean, I realized it's the
crazy things that you do

that make me crazy about you.

Cabonna. Party of one.

Teddy! You found me!

Oh! Come here, you
big hunk of man candy!

Hello, baby! Yeah!

Now get down here and kiss me.


Whoa! Whoa!

Ok! Yes, miss Donna.

I'm stirring the
yogurt right now.

I'm back!

Oh, yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!

Oh! Yes!

Have a fun weekend with Donna?

No. No. We did not.

You know what? She
broke up with her boyfriend,

came over to my house
and took over my entire life.

Oh, that. They do
that every weekend.

They're into this whole
break up, make up scene.

Say what?

Oops. Did I forget
to tell you that?

Yes, you did.

I'll take my desk back now.

Tiffany, wait!

What do you want now?

Oh. Oh. Ok. Nothing.

Eww! What is this?!

Oh. I left Donna's
yogurt in your seat.

Did I forget to tell you that?

Yeah, you did!

I'm sorry.