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03x30 - Mr. Perfect

Posted: 04/23/24 07:54
by bunniefuu
Thanks for walking
me home today, Andre.

And yesterday and,
um, the day before that.

That's a lot of walking. Yeah.

You know what that means?

Yeah, yeah, I really think
we need to start taking the bus

because my feet are getting
swollen, crusty, and bumpy.

Heh heh heh!

I'm talking about you
being my girlfriend.

Oh! Ok, please forget
everything I said about my feet.

Um, I'd love to be
your girlfriend, Andre.

Cool. Great. So...

I'll see you later. Ok.

Bye, boyfriend!


Ow! Man!

What are you guys doing here?!


How much did you hear?

Nothing. Except that
you got a boyfriend!

I know! I have a boyfriend,
I have a boyfriend!

Hey, hey, he might be a
winner. Don't mess this up, Rae.

Ok, I know he is perfect.

He's cute and kind and perfect

and sweet and funny and perfect!

Did I mention he was perfect?

You guys are gonna
be together forever.

I can't go out with
someone like you.

We have to break up.


Oh! Oh, no! What's wrong?

Andre and I are gonna break up,

and it's gonna
hurt him really bad.

Oh. I guess forever's

not as long as it used to be.

Let's go.

♪ If you could gaze
into the future ♪

♪ future, future ♪

♪ you might think life
would be a breeze ♪

♪ life is a breeze ♪

♪ seeing trouble
from a distance ♪

♪ yeah ♪ go, Rae!

♪ But it's not that easy ♪
♪ oh, no ♪

♪ I try to save the situation ♪

♪ then I end up misbehavin' ♪

♪ ohh, whoa, oh ♪

♪ hey, now, say now ♪

♪ 'bout to put it down, yeah ♪

♪ come on and
ride with Rae now ♪

♪ and if the future
looks great now ♪

♪ then everything's
gonna change now ♪

♪ that's so Raven ♪

♪ it's the future I can see ♪

♪ that's so Raven ♪

♪ it's so mysterious to me ♪

♪ that's so Raven ♪

♪ it's the future I can see ♪

♪ that's so Raven ♪

♪ it's so mysterious
to me, yeah ♪

yep, that's me.

Oh! Why can't I
keep a boyfriend?

Well, you are kind
of high maintenance.

And you tend to be bossy.

Oh, don't forget nosey.

Excuse me! Ok?

It just so happens
that in my vision

I broke up with Andre.

So there's something
wrong with him.

Hey! But maybe I
can find the problem,

fix it, and then
we won't break up.

Oh, yes. The old find
and fix. Good plan, Rae.

Why do girls always
think they can fix a guy?

You don't have to fix me, baby.

I come with a
lifetime guarantee.

Uh, Stanley, how'd
you get in my house?

Hey, doors can't keep
my love out, baby.

Especially since I got this new
lock picking Kit for Christmas.

Mm-hmm. Out!

Ok, baby.

But my love is like a boomerang.

It keeps on coming back.

Well, my foot is like a
pendulum. It will keep on swinging!

Ok, I'm going. Thank you.

Boomerang, baby.

Cory, you're late.

Sorry, dad. I was on my way home

when I passed by
a construction site,

and bam! Something hit me.

What? You got hit?

Are you ok? What hit
you? A brick, a loose board?

We will sue them for
every penny they're worth.

Dad... I got hit by an idea.

Oh, we can't sue for that!

Was it rusty?

Dad, listen to me.

All the construction workers
were eating from brown paper bags

and lunchboxes,
so I was thinking,

what if a truck pulled up
that served quality food

like you do at the chill grill?

Those workers would
pay good money for that.

You mean like a catering truck?

Not just a catering truck, dad.

More like a chill
grill on wheels.

Oh, yeah! Yeah, people
like to eat good food,

and they don't always
want to go to a restaurant.

Yeah, this city is filled
with hungry, lazy people.

That's a really good idea.

Heh! So are we in business?

Let's do it, partner.

Ok, I saw Andre go
into this classroom.

I'm gonna keep an eye on
him and see what his problem is.

Give me a 7.

I'm talking about!

So that's it.

Andre's got a gambling problem.

Nothing I can't cure.

Ok! Break it up, you sickos!

Raven? Andre.

You have a gambling problem.

No, I don't. Yes, you do.

And you know what? We
are going to get you help. Ok?

And I just want you to know

I will stand by you
no matter what.

Raven, I'm not
gambling. I'm a tutor.

I'm doing a math
lesson on probability.


Probability. You know, the odds
of different numbers coming up

when you roll the dice.

Right! So, um,

what are the odds that
you could, you know,

forget this ever happened?

Hey, Raven,
you're my girlfriend.

You care about me. It's ok.

It is? Oh, you are so perfect.

Ok, everybody, continue on.

Oh! Snake eyes!

You know what? I feel
so bad about this morning,

thinking that Andre
has a gambling problem.

But, Rae, you had your vision.

You're gonna break up
with him for something.

Yeah, maybe you
ought to cut the guy

a little bit more
slack next time, Rae.

Yeah, you're right.
I can't really jump...

Oh! Vandalism!

Rae, your boyfriend's
spray-painting the wall!

So that's it. He's a tagger!

Ok, calm down. All right?

This is nothing that we
can't work through together.

Andre, you could get in
serious trouble for graffiti.

Let me fix this...
Hey, Raven, stop!

You'll ruin my mural!


The principal asked me to
create an inspirational mural

to promote learning
and good values.

And, um, I support that 100%.

So take that. Ok! Brrring!

Oh, hey, was that
bell? I think it was.

I'm late for something.
Anything. Bye!

Rae, Andre is not a tagger,

and he's not a gambler.
You're just trippin'.

I hope so. This
is the one vision

that I don't want to come true.

Then, Rae, stop
looking for trouble.

I guess you're right...
he's cheating on me!

You see if? Do you see
it? Who is trippin' now?!

You two-timin' cheater! I stood by
you when you had a tagging problem,

a gambling problem. You're gonna
cheat on me with some hussy?!

With a bad weave?

Girl, let me talk
to you... oh, snap!

She ain't even real.

Raven, I'm teaching
cardiopulmonary resuscitation.


I'm a cpr instructor.

Heh! My bad.

That's it, Raven. This
boyfriend-girlfriend thing,

I don't think it's working out.

I'm breaking up with you.

What? Why? Oh!

Why would Andre
break up with me?

Well, let's see, Rae.
You spied on him,

embarrassed him, and
accused him of being a gambler,

a tagger, and a two-timer.

But other than that, we're
perfect for each other.

You know, it's kind of funny.

In your vision, you
broke up with him,

but in real life, he
broke up with you!

Heh heh heh!

How is that funny, Chels?

Well, it's not funny "ha ha."

Andre was such a nice guy.

He was a teacher,

an artist, and a healer.

Wasn't much there
to fix was there, Rae?

Ok, ok, I admit it! I messed up,

but, you know, it's not
too late to get him back.

I mean, all I have
to do is just show him

that I'm worthy of
being his girlfriend.

I think you showed
him enough for one day.

Ok, son, what do you think?

Whoa! Dad, it's awesome!

We are gonna make a fortune!

And check out the
best part. Ha ha!

The best part?
Here it comes! Wow!

"Baxter and son." Dad, I thought

we were gonna call it
the chill grill on wheels.

I know, but every
father dreams of the day

when his son wants to
follow in his father's footsteps.

When you say "follow,"
what exactly do you mean?

The whole restaurant
business from the bottom up.

You're gonna learn dicing
and chopping and frying

and scraping the
grease off the grill.

That's a lot to follow.

And the best part is,
when you turn 16... Uh-huh?

This is your car! Ha ha!

Ok, Andre, now, I'm sure
you got a good reason

for breaking into
that locker, right?

See? There you go again.

I'm just fixing it.

The janitor's out sick today.

Oh. You are so good.

And then I get this crazy idea
that there must be something wrong,

but there's not.

You're wonderful.

Um, I just wish that you'd
give me a second chance

so I can show you I
can be wonderful, too.

Well, we did have a
pretty good thing going...

Until you went bananas.

Oh. Ok, ok. Let's
not speak of the past,

or fruit, really.

Let's only talk
about the future,

like, um, this afternoon.

You can walk me home.

We could take the long route.

I really would like to
walk you home again.

You would?

But I can't do it today.

I'm volunteering at
the children's center.

Ok! Ok, hey! I
will volunteer, too!

'Cause, you know, a
sister need the money.

Kidding. Just kidding.

Well, that would be cool,
but today's not a good day.

The board members are
coming to check out the program.

Ok, but I want to help, too.

Well, we do need
someone to run story hour.

Great! Perfect!

Hey, that's really cool,
Raven. That's really cool.

I'll see you there.

Bye, boyfriend.

Now, how do I k*ll the hour
with them little nose-drippers?

Ok, son, this is it.

The dream is about to come true.

Baxter and son.

Dad, maybe we should
talk about that dream.

Son, we'll have plenty of time

after we finish servicing
our happy customers.

Come on.

What took you so long?

I was about to eat your tire.

That won't be
necessary, my good man,

because you are the first
customer at Baxter and son.

That's right.

I'm Baxter, and that's son.

An I'm hungry.

Give me 6 cheeseburgers,
pastrami on rye,

rings, 3 large fries, and...

A diet cola.

I'm watchin' the old waistline.

Ok, son, this is it.

Let's get those burgers goin'.

It's showtime.

Yeah. He said cheeseburgers.

You want that to go, right? Ok.

Come on, son, you gotta
move faster than that.

Ok, we need pickles.

Pickles? I will get
the pickles for you.

I need cheese!

One thing at a time, dad.

Come on, get those buns movin'!

Dad, I'm movin'
as fast as I can!

Hamburger buns.

Right. Got it.

Ok, you wanted
mayonnaise, right?


No pickles, I got you.

Andre, the board and I are
going to have a look around.

If we like what we see,

we're going to keep
the program going.

Thank you, Ms. Kingston.

I'll catch up with
you in a minute.

Ok, boys and girls, we have
a special treat for story hour.

You're going to be
hearing little red riding hood.

Yay! Yay!

Actually, it's little red
Raven from the 'hood.

Yay! Yay!

Ha ha ha!

Wow, you put on a costume.

Oh, well, you know,
it's all for the children.

Plus, I know I messed up,

and I... I really wanted
to make it up to you.

And, yes, I do look good in red.

Yes, you do.

Hey, I'll catch you later.

Ok, bye. Bye.

Hey, everybody, are
you ready for story time?

Yeah! Yeah!

Ok, here we go.

Once upon a time, little
red Raven from the 'hood...

That's me...

Was gonna take
a basket of goodies

to her grandma's house.

That's me.

Yay! Yay!

I hope my little red
Raven gets here safely

with my basket of goodies,

which will all be vegetarian,

'cause meat comes
from animals...

Animals who are sent
to a cruel and bru...

Ok, thank you, grandma.

Anyway, little red Raven
couldn't ride the bus

because it was broken,

so she had to walk all the way
through the woods by herself,

which was very dangerous

because that's where the
mean and scary wolf lived.

That's right!

I'm mean, I'm nasty!

I'm the wolf!

Boo! Boo!

Now, where them

Wrong story.

Uh, right, uh...

Where is my basket of goodies?


Thank you guys for helping out.

It's really going well.

You started story
hour without me?


Is that my woman?

I love my ladies in red.

Hey, hey! What
are you doing here?

My mama dropped me off.

We both decided we
needed some space.

Listen, all right, you're
just gonna sit here.

You're gonna
listen to the story.

Can you do that for me?

Anything for my lady.

Story on, baby.

Thank you.

All right, so
little red Raven...

Move over, freckles.

That's all mine.

Ok, one number

chips, extra pickles.

And 4 number 2s, hold
the chips, hold the pickles,

no olive.

Dad, slow down!
I cannot keep up!

Hang in there, son. I
know it's tough at first,

but you gotta be able
to handle the pressure

if you want to
learn the business.

I don't want to
learn the business.


Sorry, dad. I was
trying to tell you.

I don't get it. I thought
this is what you wanted.

No. It's what you wanted.

You don't want to
follow in my footsteps

and become a chef?


You know, I just want
to think of great ideas

and make a lot of money.

Yeah, well, you do
have a knack for that.

I hope I didn't ruin
your dream, dad.

No, son.

My dream has always been
for you to follow your dream.

And my dream is to
have lunch before dinner!

Um... sorry.

Son, you think you can
make it through lunch?

It's showtime.

Ha ha!

Ok, I need 2 number 3s,

extra chips, extra
pickles, extra olives.

Here we go.

Open up!

Djj! Djj! Djj! Djj!

The wolf was at grandma's door.

Is that... Is that
little red Raven

here to bring me my
basket of vegetarian...


Yes, it is I, little red.

That doesn't sound
like you, little red.

I'm not opening the door.

Then I'll huff, and I'll puff...

Wrong story!

Fee, fie, fo, fum!

Wrong story!


Somebody get this fool a script.

The board members
are happy so far.

Everything cool here?

Everything's great.

Ah, great. Thanks, Raven.


Hey, boyfriend.


Sit down, Stanley.

Think I'm gonna sit down when
somebody's movin' in on my woman?

I'm gonna mess him up.

You are not messin' up anyone,

ya li'I nasty.

Rae, calm down.
He's just a little kid.

Shut up, old lady.

Oh, that is it!

You're goin' down!

Catch him, Eddie!

Gotta catch me
first, dog breath!



What you catch, you get to keep.


I'm gonna keep you, all right.

Get him, Chelsea.

I got him. Come on.

You know what?

You know what? This
is what we have to do

if you can't stay still.

Ooh! I like this game.

That ought to hold ya.


What's going on here?

How could you tape
a child to a chair?

Oh. It's not as
easy as it looks.

First, you got to catch him...

Andre, how could
you let this happen?

No, no, no, no, no.

I'm sorry, but this
is not Andre's fault.

He's doing a great job here.

This, um... This
is all my fault.

You better not have
damaged my kissin' lips.


What's up, Shirley?

I know Stanley from
our downtown center.

And he certainly
can be a handful.

So I'm not in trouble?

No, but you will be if you
don't use stronger tape.


Keep up the good work.

The program will continue.



Keep an eye on
him for me, please.

Andre, I'm so sorry
this didn't work out.

It's just that being
your girlfriend

is too much pressure.

You're so perfect,

and I don't know if I can
live up to something like that.

What do you mean?

I can't believe I'm
really gonna say this,

but, um...

I can't go out with
someone like you.

We have to break up.


That's what you get for
pushin' up on my woman.

Sorry, my brother.
He's slippery.

Are you ok?

Yeah, I'm fine.

Listen, Raven, I don't
want you to be perfect.

You don't?

No. I'm not perfect.

Nobody is.

I just want you to be Raven.

Ok. So, um, does that mean

we're still boyfriend
and girlfriend?

It's cool with me
if it's cool with you.

Oh, it is ok with me.

Hey, you better back up off her.

Story hour ain't over!

That's right.

I'm sorry.

And so, the handsome prince

and little red lived
happily ever after.


She broke my heart, freckles.

You don't know me like that.

We're closed!

Hey! Down here!

I'll have a cheese sandwich.

As it turns out,

my son and I are not gonna
be in business together.

Oh! That's a sad story.

Why don't you make
that cheese sandwich

in the shape of a teardrop?

Good-bye, Stanley.

Ah, so that's how it's gonna be.

What's this block of
wood under the wheel?

Stanley, don't mess with that.

That keeps the truck
from rolling down the hill.

I'll tell you what keeps
the truck from rolling.

You making me a cheese sandwich.

Uh... uh, one cheese
sandwich coming up,

and make it quick.

One cheese sandwich.

♪ Yeah! ♪