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03x24 - The Grill Next Door

Posted: 04/23/24 07:48
by bunniefuu
Hey, dad.

Hey, kids, check it out.

I've added something new
to the menu... jerk chicken.

You're gonna eat the
chicken and call it names?

Chelsea, it's ja-mai-can.

Well, I don't care
what ya makin',

it's still rude.

Sorry, chicken.

We got some news for ya.

Yeah, Mr. B. There's
a new restaurant

openin' up right next door.

No problem. Heard about it.

The chill grill can
handle a little competition.

Hello, Victor.

Leonard Stevenson.

Don't tell me that's your
new restaurant next door.

Ok. I won't tell you...

But it is. Heh heh heh.

What happened to
your cooking show?

Captain cookoff?

I decided to take a break

and spend some quality
time with the family.

Oh, really? I bet you did.

♪ Canceled ♪

Leonard, what is
your problem? Hmm?

Ever since cooking school,
you've been trying to outdo me.

Oh, not just trying,
succeeding. Heh heh heh.

What's the name
of your restaurant?

Oh. It's something catchy,

yet brilliantly original.

The hill grill?

Yeah, that is catchy.

Chels, it's just the
chill grill without the "c."

And original.

It's just a big ripoff.

Anyhoo, my grand
opening's tomorrow,

and I just came by to...
Aww, let's be honest.

I came by to rub it in
your face! Ha ha ha!

Good times, good times.

Jerk chicken!

Dad, you ok?

Yeah, yeah. Yeah, I'm fine.

Hey, come on now.
We got good food.

We got loyal customers.

We've got nothing
to worry about.

Well... Chill grill's
out of business.


Now we got something
to worry about.

Let's go.

♪ If you could gaze
into the future ♪

♪ future, future ♪

♪ you might think life
would be a breeze ♪

♪ life is a breeze ♪

♪ seeing trouble
from a distance ♪

♪ yeah ♪ go, Rae!

♪ But it's not that easy ♪
♪ oh, no ♪

♪ I try to save the situation ♪

♪ then I end up misbehavin' ♪

♪ ohh, whoa, oh ♪

♪ hey, now, what you say
now, 'bout to put it down ♪

♪ yeah, come on and
ride with Rae now ♪

♪ and the future
looks great now ♪

♪ and everything's
gonna change now ♪

♪ all right ♪
♪ let's keep it goin' ♪

♪ that's so Raven ♪

♪ it's the future I can see ♪

♪ that's so Raven ♪

♪ it's so mysterious to me ♪

♪ I like that ♪

♪ that's so Raven ♪

♪ it's the future I can see ♪

♪ that's so Raven ♪

♪ it's so mysterious
to me, yeah ♪

yep, that's me.

Rae, are you gonna tell
your dad about your vision?


Because I don't
want to worry him,

and it's not gonna
come true, Chels.

You know why? Because
Leonard Stevenson

is not gonna put my
daddy out of business.

That's right, ok?

And we're there for you, Rae.

Ok? Anything to
save the chill grill.

Yeah. All right, um,

let's brainstorm. Ok.


Got anything? No. Nothing.

Well, he's going
out of business.

At least we tried.

Is that Cory's band?

♪ Can you feel it? ♪

♪ Can you feel the love? ♪

♪ Nothing feels better
than feelin' the love ♪

♪ everybody knows that when ♪

♪ push comes to shove ♪

♪ nothing feels better
than feelin' the love ♪

♪ yeah ♪
♪ ye-a-ah ♪


That actually sounded good.

Oh, thank you, thank
you. You've gotta admit,

Cory and the boys have
reached a whole new level

since I took over the vocals

and, uh, William
lost his clarinet.

Wait a second.

Are you guys thinking
what I'm thinking?

I'm thinking that Cory and
the boys can be that gimmick

we're looking for
to help the chill grill.

Exactly. What better
way to bring up business

than a house band
who can bring in kids

and their paying parents?

All right! Our first gig!

Oh, yeah, man! Oh, yeah!

Y'all better practice
up. Your gig's tomorrow.

Open up. This is the po-lice.

Ok! O-ok, I was never here!

You didn't see me, you guys!

Chels! Chels.

They're probably just
here about the noise.

Chels? Who's... who's Chels?

I am so sorry, offi... Cer.

You're under
arrest for being fine.


Santa gave me a
bullhorn for Christmas.

It was on my list.

Oh, really? Well,
Santa is now on my list.

You can have it, baby,

from my lips to yours.


Chels,now we can leave.

Got a nice sound there,

but you're missin' one thing.

Yeah? And what's that?

Me. I should be your
band's lead singer.

Ha. I'm our lead singer.

What's the matter?

Afraid I'm gonna show you up?

Yeah, right, like you gonna
sucker me into letting you sing.

Ba-gawk, ba-gawk!

Bawk, bawk, bawk,
ba-gawk, ba-gawk!

Bawk, bawk, bawk... ok! Ok!

One verse.

Give me some nasty energy, boys.

♪ This is Stanley's world ♪

♪ he's got all the girls ♪

♪ you gotta understand ♪

♪ he's a maniac ♪

♪ he belongs in your band ♪

♪ hit me now, whoo ♪

♪ owwh ♪

♪ Owwh ♪

Owh, owh, owh...
That was awesome!

Dude! You rock, man!

He was all right.

Now, if you'll
excuse us, Stanley.

We have to rehearse for our gig.

What are you doing?
Stanley's bigger than 2 clarinets!

He could bring this
band to a whole new level!

We're already at
a whole new level.

That level was
like the old level

compared to this level.

Man, we got enough levels!

Come on, Stanley.
You're not joining our band.

I'm sorry.

I tried my best.


You'll be sorry.

Hey, Mr. B.

We were just
over at the hill grill.

So, what was it like over there?

Well, it's pretty much like here

except there's people.

Yeah, yeah.

Oh, and the food's good.

Oh, hey, neighbor.

You know the only problem
with an overcrowded restaurant?

There's no room to gloat.

Oh, boy, lots of
gloatin' room in here.

Ha ha ha!

Dad, don't listen to him.

The crowd'll be here any minute

because Cory and the boys
have a very loyal following.

Yeah, they're all
over at the hill grill now

listening to my band.

You copied that idea, too?!

Yeah, what do you call them,

ory and the oys?

That's good, but no.

Stanley and the guys?

Yeah, that Stanley's amazing.

I've never seen a kid
with so much talent,

like, "wowh!"

Heh heh heh.

You guys should
come see the show.

Oh, wait, it's sold out.

Enjoy the quiet.

Ha ha ha ha!

I can't believe he's
doing this to me.

Cory, I told you to let
Stanley in our band.

What? What? Stanley wanted
to join the what? The band?

Yeah, but he wasn't good.

No. He was better than good.

He was off the shizzle.

A moment?

Come here. Now, listen,

I didn't wanna have
to tell you this, ok?

But I had a vision that the chill
grill was gonna go out of business.

No! This is dad's dream!
He loves this place.

Exactly. That's why we
have to do whatever it takes

to keep it from happening.

And you know what, we might be
able to get those customers back

if you had Stanley in your band.

But it's my band, and
he just wants to take over.

Cory, ok, you know what?

I know this is gonna
be a big sacrifice,

but you have to put
your feelings aside

and do this for dad.

All right, I'll do it for dad.


Ok, that's him.

Cory, stay strong.

Hey, Stanley.

Hey, Stanley!

I was just telling Raven here
how much I admire your...

let's cut the jibber-jabber.

What's shakin', pretty lady?

Wish I could
rearrange the alphabet

so I could put "u" and "I"...

Together. Eww.

So, um, Cory has
something to tell you.

Ye... Stanley?

I made a mistake,

and I want you to be in my band.

You had your chance,
but you blew it, fool.

M-man, come on!

All right, I... I'll
tell you what.

Whatever Leonard's
paying you, I'll top it.

Forget it. Man, every
man has his price.

Name yours.


But you will have to change
the name of your band

from Cory and the boys
to Stanley! Heh heh heh.

Stanley and the boys?

Nah, just Stanley.

Listen here, you
little band-stealin',


Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!

Do it for daddy.

Daddy. For daddy.


Stanley... The
band's new name...

Is Stanley.

See? Look how easy that was.

Deal done.

I'll holler.

Uh, yeah, no, you don't. Ok?

Now, look, I got
one more stipulation.

What else could
you possibly want?

Hey, mama, what do you say we
take this steam we got between us

out for a ride?

You wanna go on a date with me?

Ha! Ha ha ha!

That's funny. It ain't
gonna happen, though.

Deal's off. I'm
stayin' at the hill grill.

Come on. Do it for dad.

For dad.

I can't believe I
have to go on a date

with that Stanley,

that little pint-sized,


Aww, come on, Rae.

It's cool because you're helping
your dad save the chill grill.

Yeah, yeah. And...

We're gonna be
doing our part, too,

because Eddie and I are
gonna perform a little magic trick,

you know, to warm up the
crowd before Stanley goes on.

We are?

Eddie, is that an
egg under your nose?

What kind of question is that?

Put this over your face!


I'll be right back.

Rae, you're all out of eggs!

Oh, Chels!

Look, you keep right
on trying, all right?

And I'm gonna make
myself disappear.


Eddie? Eddie?

Eddie... oh, my
gosh, he's really good!

Hey, sweet thing.

Don't you knock? Knock-knock.

Ok, baby, here's the plan.

A moonlit boat
ride around the bay,

a romantic dinner on the pier,

then a little slow
dancin' for dessert.

Ok, ya little nasty,
here's my plan.

We're gonna take a bus
ride down to the chill grill,

you gonna order a burger
from the kiddie menu,

and there is
definitely no dessert.

That doesn't sound
like much of a date.

You know, Rae, his plan
was much more romantic.

Know what, baby? Deal's off.

Wait, wait, wait! No, no!

No, it's not, no, it's not.

Um... I was just
playin' with you.

You can have some dessert.

Hey, how about a cookie?

Thanks... Cookie.

May I say

you look beautiful
in that candlelight?

Mmm. Mmm-mmm-mmm.

Hurry up and eat.

Hey, guys, how about
this turnout, huh?

Huh? We get all our regular
customers back, plus more.

Yeah, Stanley
really has a following.

I didn't know he was so
talented. He sings, he dances.

And he does great impressions.

You should hear him
do Mary-Kate and Ashley.

It's like they're
both in the room.

Heh. We get it, Larry.

Um... Cory, are you ok?

I mean, I know
Stanley took your spot.

Hey, if it's good
for the chill grill,

it's good for me.

Ok. Here we go. Ahem.

Hello, and welcome, everybody,

to the fabulous,
original chill grill.

That's chill grill with a
"c." Thank you. Ha ha ha!

Before I bring up Stanley,

I just wanna...

Hear that, mama? They love me.

And some day you will, too.

Whatever. Eat your vegetables.

Please welcome the magical
stylings of Chelsea the magnificent

and her assistant
Eduardo the reluctant.

Thank you, thank you.

Prepare to be amazed

as I attempt to divide
my assistant Eduardo

in half!


Now you know why I'm reluctant.


This night is speeding by! Ok!

Look, I know you
don't wanna be here,

but I just wanna let you know

it's one of the greatest
nights of my life.

Ohh. Stanley, thank you.

That was so sweet.


Anyway, I just wanted to give
you a little something to show...

How much I enjoyed
being with you.


Hold out your wrist.

You got me a bracelet?

Close your eyes.

It's a charm bracelet,
and I'm your charm.

Oh. No, no!

You've gotta get me
out of this right now!

What's the rush, baby?
This date is just gettin' started.

Give me the key, Stanley!

Don't make me
shake it out of you!

Shake me, but, baby,
just don't break me.

Yuck and yuck!

And now our second panel!

Ohh! Ohh!

And now, the moment of truth.

Yeah, well, the
truth better not hurt.

Hey, Chelsea, you did it!

Thank you, thank you!

I am Chelsea the magnificent!

Ok, all right, miss magnificent,

you can put me
back together now.



Good night, ladies
and gentlemen!


Chelsea and Eddie,
everybody! Chelsea and Eddie!

Chelsea and Eddie!

Ha ha! Ok, guys, here you go,

the person you've
been waiting for,

let's give a big chill
grill welcome to...


Hear that, mama?
They're playin' our song.

Hey... aah!

Everybody, hop
it up with my lady,


Um, I'm not his lady, ok?

♪ You are my lad-y ♪

♪ I'm never your lad-y ♪

♪ never say never, my lad-y ♪

♪ never, never,
never, never, never ♪

♪ you my lady, lady,
lady, lady, lady, lady ♪

Ok, you know what,
stop! Stop playing.

Stop playing.

Stop! Now, listen, everybody,

I'm sorry, but I am
not his lady, ok?

Ok. Well, if that's
how you feel,

I'll let you go.

Thank you.

Listen up, everybody.

The party's movin'
to the hill grill.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no!

Look, he was just playin'!

Stop! No, no! He was
just playin' with y'all!

Party ain't goin' nowhere.

The party's right here.

Raise the roof. Um, um, um...

Hit it! Hit it!

Give me a beat!

♪ I'm his lady ♪

♪ yes, you are my lad-y ♪

♪ whoo! Make it funky ♪

♪ break it down ♪

♪ break it up ♪

♪ come on, owwh ♪

♪ lover, lover ♪

♪ this is solid love ♪

♪ and you're exactly
what I'm dreamin' of ♪

♪ all through the day ♪

♪ and all through the night ♪

♪ I give you all
the love I can ♪

♪ with all my might ♪

♪ hey, hey ♪

♪ reunited and
it feels so good ♪

♪ reunited 'cause
we understood ♪

♪ there's one perfect fit ♪

♪ and, sugar, this one is it ♪

♪ we both are so
excited 'cause we're ♪

♪ reunited, hey, hey ♪

All right, that was great.

Now, um, UN-unite us, please.

Sorry, baby.

I seem to have
misplaced the key.

Well, I'm gonna misplace
my foot upside your head.

Take a bow!


Well, thank you!

Thank you so much!
Thank you very much.

My dad owns the
place, so I will be back.

However, I ain't
playin' with you.

Hey, now, that was off the hook.

What a performance!

Reunited and it felt so good.

Yeah. Chels, can you get me
one of them sharp magic thingies

that you did during
your show? Sure!


You can't cut through
these handcuffs, baby.

They're solid steel.

Oh, really? But
who said anything

about cuttin' through
the handcuffs?

Heh heh heh. Look,
I found the key.

Hey, good evening,
guys. Come again.

What can I do for you, Leonard?

I gotta hand it to you, Victor,

nice crowd tonight.

They came for Stanley,

but they obviously
stayed for the food.

Mmm. I give up.

Excuse me?

You win. I'm going
out of business.


You're taking this well.

Yeah, well, it kind of helps
that I was closing anyway.

I got offered a
new reality show,

cooking for the world's
most beautiful models.

Oh, man, you got...
You know what?

I wish you the best.


Did I mention it
sh**t in ha-va-ii?

Hawaii?! You...

It... it's all good.
It's all good.

Aloha, Victor.

Don't you wish you were me?

Heh heh heh.

Not really.

I got everything I could
ever need right here.

Great night, huh, dad?

Yeah. Couldn't have
done it without you guys.

Hey, we're family.

Yeah. That's what we do.

Yeah, I gotta confess, though,

I thought the hill grill was
gonna put me out of business.

Well, um,

it doesn't look like that's
gonna happen, does it?


Great night.

All right, Stanley, you
got about 10 seconds

to say what you have to say.


I'm sorry I handcuffed
you on our date.

Apology accepted.


Can a sister shake on it?

Yeah, I guess.

Ha ha ha!

Sorry, baby,

but sometimes love can make
a man do some crazy things.

I'm takin' you out on the town.

Oh, ok, well, not
all of me, really.

