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03x22 - When in Dome

Posted: 04/23/24 07:47
by bunniefuu
And here's me and Jennifer

on day 36 of vegetarian camp.

We were in the potato sack race.

Jennifer said we
totally could've won

if I had taken the potatoes out.

Were you and Jennifer
the only ones at this camp?

Because I only see
pictures of you and her.

Oh, that's because we were like

Which brings me to day 37,

"pea in a pod" day.

Oh, here's me and Jennifer
decorating each other's pods.


Oh! That's Jennifer.

Oh, Rae, I'm so excited.

You're finally
gonna meet Jennifer!

I know. After 37 days,

I feel like I really know her.

Jennifer! Chelsea!

Oh, my gosh! Ha ha ha!

We should... ok! Do it? Ok!

♪ Onion! ♪
♪ Turnip! ♪

♪ Tomato! ♪
♪ Squash! ♪

♪ We're the human beans
of camp wakkamosh ♪

Oh, that was great.
Hey, how you doing?

♪ Wakka, wakka, wakka,
wakka, wakkamosh ♪

Ok. My name is...
♪ Go wakkamosh! ♪

Ha ha ha! Ok... ♪ moshy, moshy ♪

♪ moshy, moshy,
moshy moshy, moshy ♪

♪ wakka, wakka,
wakka, wakka, wakka ♪

♪ wakkamosh! ♪

♪ Wakkamosh! ♪

Captioning made possible
by abc cable networks group

let's go.

♪ If you could gaze
into the future ♪

♪ future, future ♪

♪ you might think life
would be a breeze ♪

♪ life is a breeze ♪

♪ seeing trouble
from a distance ♪

♪ yeah ♪ go, Rae!

♪ But it's not that easy ♪
♪ oh, no ♪

♪ I try to save the situation ♪

♪ then I end up misbehavin' ♪

♪ ohh, whoa, oh ♪

♪ hey, now, say now ♪

♪ 'bout to put it down, yeah ♪

♪ come on and
ride with Rae now ♪

♪ and the future
looks great now ♪

♪ then everything's
gonna change now ♪

♪ that's so Raven ♪

♪ it's the future I can see ♪

♪ that's so Raven ♪

♪ it's so mysterious to me ♪

♪ that's so Raven ♪

♪ it's the future I can see ♪

♪ that's so Raven ♪

♪ it's so mysterious
to me, yeah ♪

yep, that's me.

Ok, the macaroni
and cheese is served!

Yes! Rae makes the
best Mac and cheese.

Why thank you!

And the mung
bean salad is ready.

Yes! Jen makes the
best mung bean salad.

Thank you. Yeah,
if there's anything

she loves more
than Mac and cheese,

it's my mung bean salad.

Oh, really? Wow, that's funny.

What is a mung bean?

Well, I guess it's
among the beans

you don't know about!

Ha ha ha!

Ha ha!

Rae, what kind of
beans do you like?

Oh, um... Pork and.

Ha ha ha!

You know, like pork and beans.

Oh! Ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha!

You get it, Jen? Pork and beans.

Yeah, I get it, I just...
I find it hard to laugh

when I think about someone
eating a poor little pig.

Oh, right.

Wow. I'm sorry I laughed, Jen.

Well, that's ok, that's ok.

Well, here. Have
some salad, chelly.


Oh, yeah. That's what she
calls me. Chelly. Isn't it cute?

Oh, too! Ha ha ha!

But you know? Why
don't you just have

some macaroni and cheese,Chels?

More mung,chelly?

Thank you.

More Mac, Chels?

Yeah. Wow. My 2 favorite foods

served by my 2 favorite people.

Heh heh heh!

And medieval knights
were brave and daring

and chivalrous.

Oh! They knew how to
sweep a woman off her feet.

Unlike Mr. Applebaum,

who's idea of sweeping
a woman off her feet

is raising his feet while
I sweep under them.

Oh! Anyway, copy your
homework for tomorrow.


Pass this to Cindy.

Mind your business!

Yeah, right.

"Are we still on for
the movies tomorrow?"

Cindy! Cindy!

From your boyfriend.

Pass this to Cory.

"Cory, we need to
talk." Well, so did you?

No, she had to
leave after class.

Ooh! This is bad.

Bad? Yeah.

Yeah, I got a whole
drawer full of notes like that.

A drawerful?

Look, the point is

the note means she
wants to break up with you.

Br... why?! Why?!
Everything's going great!

Well, not according to this.

I mean, you think everything's
going along great, then bam!

You just got a whole
drawer full of notes.

Which I really
need to get rid of.

I can't believe this.

She's dumping me.

Oh, well, face it, Cory.

I mean it's over. The
only thing you can do now

is come out on top
with a little bit of dignity.

How do I do that?

You got to beat
her to the punch.

Break up with her first and
make sure that there are witnesses

so everyone knows
who dumped who.

There's no other way? No!

Now you be strong,
and whatever you do,

don't go soft and start
grabbing and begging

and pleading to her
saying, "baby, please!

Give me one more
chance! I can change!"

You did that?

This isn't about me.

Oh, you guys, that was the
most fun shopping spree ever.

Uh, could you
really call it a spree,

'cause... heh heh!
You bought vegetables.

Heh! Oh, Raven!

A tomato's not a
vegetable. It's a fruit!

Ha ha ha! Ohh!

You know, it's
really not that funny.

Sorry, Rae.

Yeah. When we get going,
there's not stopping us.

Oh, ok, well, when
you do stop, thanks.

I have the whole rest of
the day planned out for us.

We're going to the mall.

Ooh, fun. Uh, the mall?

Yes, the mall, girl.

And you know what?
It's gonna be so much fun

because we'll get free makeovers

at the Renee lebeau cosmetic
counter. You know you like 'em.

Oh. Oh, well, you
probably didn't know this,

but Renee lebeau tests
their products on rabbits.

Really? Girl, well, I bet
those rabbits are gorgeous

'cause she be hooking a face up.

I don't know, Rae.
Maybe makeovers

aren't such a good idea. Yeah.

Ok, ok, then we'll
go to plan "b."

We'll go to the food court,

amd they just opened a
brand-new orange smoothius.

You guys, totally vegetarian!

Ok? And they come with
those little crazy straws, yeah.

Oh, but do you know where
those crazy straws end up?

No. In a whale's blowhole.

And how do you know this?

Because people drop
their straws in the street,

then they get washed
into the storm drains,

and then the storm drains
empty into the oceans...

Ok, ok, I get it.

I'm sorry, but we can't do
anything that harms, disrespects,

or embarrassed an animal,
hurts the ozone layer,

or contributes to
global warming.

Ok, so what do you want to do?

I'm up for anything.

Oh, I know. We could go
to that new science museum

and see the biodome exhibit.

Oh, the biodome! Now
that sounds super fun!

Ok, ok, ok. I'm ready. What's
a biodome, what's a biodome?

It's like this totally

living environment.

Ok. Not hearing the
super fun part. Keep going.

Ok, well, Raven, I mean if
it's really not your thing then...

Then we can go to the mall.

I heard you, Jen, let's go.

No. Huh?

You can go to the mall,

and chelly and I
will go the biodome.

Oh, yeah, ok. Um, yeah,

Rae, you'd be
cool with that, right?

Um, yeah, girl, go
on, have super fun!

Ok, ok. Super. Super!

I'll just like call
you... see you later!

Yeah, because I mean

I'd rather go to the mall
by myself anyway really.

Oh, I'm having so
much fun. Me, too.

Oh, chelly, I'm so
glad we're best friends.

Me, too.

Oh! Best friends?

I thought I was her best friend.

And finally, one of the most
exciting features of the biodome.

The carnivorous plants.

Now these babies
can actually eat insects.

Oh, there goes one now.

Oh! Aw!

Poor little fly.

It's the balance of nature
and the circle of life.

And the end of my shift.

The biodome will be
closing in 5 minutes.

Please exit through the gift
shop, as if you had a choice.

Oh, oh, chelly, wait. I
want to get a picture of us.

Ok. Yeah. Ok.

Cool! Oh, I'm
having so much fun.

Oh, me, too.
Chelly, I'm so glad...

Hey, y'all!

What? Rae, I thought you
were supposed to be at the mall.

Mall? Why would I be in a mall

when I can be in a
beautiful, natural, nature,

circular, habitual
habitational situation.

All right, let's do the dome!

UN-uh. Dome's been done.

Oh, yeah, well, we could
give her a quick tour.


Um, yeah. Yeah, I guess.

I mean if she's
really interested.

Interested? Please,
girl. I am totally interested

in this whole
economy situation, ok?

You mean ecology.

Yeah, that, too.
Oh, you know what?

This is actually pretty cool.

I know, isn't it? I
know, it even has

it's own weather system, you
know to keep everything in balance.

Wow. What a great place
for friends to hang out.

Yeah. Yeah, I think so.

Oh, you know what? We
should take a picture of all 3 of us.

Ok, ok, but let
me do my hair, ok?

Ahem. Excuse me.

Oh, Rae! Oh, Raven!

Raven, do you realize how
harmful that hairspray is?

To my hair? No, I got
conditioner in it. It's ok.


Contamination! Contamination!

What's going on?

The chemicals from your hairspray
just upset the balance of nature!

Yeah, but your hair
looks really good.

It does? Really.

People, I think we
need to get out of here.

- System lockdown!
- System lockdown!


You guys, we're locked in!

What are we gonna do? The
exhibit's closed and everyone's gone!

Attempting to restore
natural balance.

Hey. H-h-hey, is it
getting cold in here?

Oh, it's snowing.

The biodome is trying to adjust
itself by changing the weather.

Thanks to Raven, we
could all freeze in here!

Oh, ok! Let's not panic, homie!

All right? 'Cause it's
not like it's a blizzard.


Hello, Cindy.

Hey, Cory. Did you get my note?

Yes, I did.

What I wanted to talk about...

Uh, uh, uh, let me go first,

and I want to make sure
everybody's listening!

We are over.


You heard me! Yeah,
you all heard me!

Yeah, I said it first.

I broke up with her.

Cory, why are you doing this?

Because you were gonna
break up with me first,

but, uh, I beat
you to the punch.

Not really.

I thought you were my
knight in shining armor.

Ow! Why is everybody hitting me?

Because you're a big dummy.

Hey, I'm no dummy.
I just wasn't gonna

let her break up with me.

Break up with you?

Yeah. You know that's
why she gave me that note.

"We need to talk."

She wanted to tell you that she
couldn't hang out with you tonight

because she's coming
to my slumber party.


And then she was
gonna break up with me?

You really are a
big dummy. Cindy!


What's the big emergency?

Ow! What was that for?!

'Cause you're a big dummy!

And I'm a bigger dummy
for listening to you.

What are you talking about?

I took your advice and
broke up with Cindy

in front of everybody.

Ok. So what's the problem?

She wasn't gonna
break up with me!


Her, Mr. B. If you
get a note from girl

saying, "we need to talk,"

what exactly does that mean?

I guess it means
that she needs to talk.

Oh, well, maybe it's just me.

My bad.

Dad, what am I gonna do? I
messed up with Cindy in a big way,

and I want to get her back.

Well, I guess if you
messed up in a big way,

then you need to make
up in an even bigger way.

Let me give you, some advice.

Never take my advice.

Right. Uh-huh.

Ok, now this is just weird.

First it's snowing, and
now it's blazing hot.

Way to go, Raven.

You threw the whole
biodome out of whack.

Newsflash! Ding ding! It
doesn't snow at the mall!

That's not true, Rae. Remember
that one time we went to see Santa?

I mean there was
snow like everywhere.

I wonder how long we're
gonna be stuck in here.

I don't know, but
we were in line

for like 3 hours to see Santa.

Well, at least the elves
were handing out chestnuts.

Oh, well, Rae, if
you're hungry, um...

Oh! There's some edible
leaves right over here.

You just have to
grab 'em by the root.

Yeah, I don't eat tree.

You wouldn't last 10
minutes at veggie camp.

Oh, Jennifer! That's
where you're wrong.

I wouldn't last 5!

You know what your problem is?

I'm sure you're gonna tell me.

Oh, what's that
supposed to mean?

It means you've been on my case

since the minute you got here.

Well, that's because I
could tell you don't like me.

That's because
you don't like me.

Well, you didn't like me first.

True, true, because
I didn't like you

when you came through the door.

♪ Wakka, wakka, wakka, wakka ♪

Ok, ok, ok! Stop,
stop, stop, stop!

Ok, obviously it's
starting to cool off,

and I think you two
should do the same.

Jennifer, Raven.

Fine. Fine.


Oh, man, I am starving.

There's gotta be
something to eat in here.


Pistachio shells.

Oh! Turkey jerky! Ok, ok!

Now if I find some crackers,

I can make a sandwich.

Oh, man! No crackers.


Someone jacked my jerky!

Come on, Cindy,
you're missing the party.

I'm not really in a party mood.

But it'll take you
mind off Cory.

Come on. Bonnie just fell asleep

and we're about
to draw on her face.

Sounds fun, but no thanks.

Well, you're my best friend,

and if you're not
coming into the party,

well, girl, the party's
coming out to you.


Presenting sir
Cory of I'm-sorry.

Cory, what are you doing?

I want to be your knight
in shining armor again.

Oh! He is so cute.

Oh, thank you.

I was talking about the pony.

Right. Ahem. Cindy...

I've come to beg your
forgiveness in front of everyone.

I'm listening.

Hit it, knave.

Oh, pretty maiden, listen well,

for I have story here to tell.

A knight named
Cory loved a lass.

They met in
Mrs. Applebaum's class.

She handed him an innocent note.

The knight mistook
what she had wrote.

He rode for blocks
to her back door

to ask for forgiveness.

Please don't be sore.



So, Cindy, do you forgive me?

I've seen bigger dummies.

Yes, Cory, I forgive you.

Thank you, Cindy.

Fair maiden?

Once around the yard, knave.

All right, but we
got to make it quick.

I've got to get stinky here
back to my uncle's petting zoo.

Come on. Don't you hit me.

Man, if I ever find the jerk

that jacked my jerky,
I'm gonna get him.



Oh, it's just a vine.

A vine that moves!

Aah! Chelsea, Chels!

Aah! Ok, wait! Ok,
let's make a deal, plant.

Let's make a deal!
Aah! Somebody help!

Help! He... gosh, Rae!

Rae, what are you
doing? Ok, ok, ok!

I'm not doing anything!

This salad with arms
is doing all the doing!

Get off of me!

Admit it, Raven.
You just came here

to ruin my
friendship with chelly.

No! I came here to save
my friendship with Chels.

What? What are
you talking about?

Well, I don't want to
lose my best friend.

Why would you think
you would lose me?

Because you and Jennifer
have so much in common.

I mean you're both vegetarians,

you both love animals.

Wait a minute.
You're jealous of me?

Yeah, I guess I am.

Really? Because...

Because I'm jealous of you.

You are?

Well, yeah. I mean all Chelsea
talks about at veggie camp

is Raven. Raven, Raven, Raven!

You do?

Well, yeah. I mean, come on.

I gotta tell my camp best
friend about my home best friend.

I love both of you guys.

It's really hard for me to
see you fighting like this.

Chels, I'm sorry.

Jennifer... I'm sorry, too.

Me, too.


Hey, it let go!

I guess when you and Jen
made up, the plant felt the love.

Natural balance
has been restored.

The door's open!

Oh! We can go home!

Hey, wait, wait, wait. Let's
take a picture with the plant.


Heh heh heh!

Ow! Ok, we're leaving you nasty!

Ha ha ha!


Hey, honey. You're home late.

Yeah. Oh, my goodness.

Jennifer and Chels and
I got stuck in a biodome,

and we almost got
eaten by a giant plant.

Yeah, right!

Go upstairs and
get ready for dinner.

But it really... ok.

Ok. Let's get these
burgers started.

How many times
have I told her...

Raven, you left your
bag on the counter again!

Oh. What a cute little plant.

Oh! Raven!

Heh heh heh!