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03x20 - Mismatch Maker

Posted: 04/23/24 07:46
by bunniefuu
So, Eddie, you're
going to take Chantel

to that little basketball
dinner thingy?

Yeah, it's the perfect date.

I get a trophy, Chantel
can eat whatever she wants,

and I don't have to pay for it.

Hey, snookey puss!


I was just talking about you.

I missed you, cookie lips.

I missed you, too. It's
been a whole 7 minutes.

So do you have
something to ask me?

Uh, I don't think so.

Aren't you going to ask
me to the basketball dinner?

Why? You know you're
gonna go. You're my girl.

I know, but still,
it's nice to be asked.

That's stupid.

No, he didn't!

Oh, now I'm stupid?

Yes, he did.

Wh... wh... no, no, no.

See, I didn't mean
that you were stupid.

I just meant the way
you think was stupid.


Uh, that didn't come out right.

You know what? You
can forget about me

going to that basketball
dinner with you

because we are over.

Well, it ain't over
till I say it's over.

Now it's over!

No, no, no. Eddie,
Eddie, go get her.

You don't mean that.

No, I've had it with Chantel.

I mean, being with her is
like being with a roller coaster.

I'm up. I'm down.
I'm happy. I'm sad.

I mean, I just can't
take it anymore, guys.

I've got to get
off of this ride.

I've got emotion sickness.

Poor Eddie. I've never
seen him so miserable.

Eddie, we need to talk.

I want to get back with you.

Oh, thank you, Chantel!

I'm so happy! Ahh!

Chels, I just had a vision.

Chantel wants to
get back with Eddie.

He was so happy.

Oh, that's great.

No, it isn't! No!

You remember what
comes after happy...

Sad! Up and down! Remember?

Yeah. Yes.

So it is up to us to keep
him off that roller coaster.

We cannot let Eddie
get back with Chantel.

Right, right, right.

We have to protect
him from that kind of joy.


♪ If you could gaze
into the future ♪

♪ future, future ♪

♪ you might think life
would be a breeze ♪

♪ life is a breeze ♪

♪ seeing trouble
from a distance ♪

♪ yeah ♪
go, ra!

♪ But it's not that easy ♪
♪ oh, no ♪

♪ I try to save the situation ♪

♪ then I end up misbehavin' ♪

♪ ohh, whoa, oh ♪

♪ hey, now, say now
'bout to put it down ♪

♪ yeah come on and
ride with Rae now ♪

♪ and the future
looks great now ♪

♪ and everything's
gonna change now ♪

♪ all right ♪
♪ let's keep it goin' ♪

♪ that's so Raven ♪

♪ it's the future I can see ♪

♪ that's so Raven ♪

♪ it's so mysterious to me ♪

♪ I like that ♪

♪ that's so Raven ♪

♪ it's the future I can see ♪

♪ that's so Raven ♪

♪ it's so mysterious
to me, yeah ♪

Yep, that's me.

Hey, how are you holding up
with the whole Chantel thing?

Well, I have my good days,
and I have my bad days.

You broke up an hour ago, dude.

Yeah, I guess I'm still
not off of that roller coaster.

Oh, hey, there's Laurie.

I gotta go ask when the
history assignment's due.

I'll holla' at y'all. Bye.

Hey, guys, have you seen Eddie?

I really need to talk to him.

Aw, that'll make him so happy.

Haven't seen him.

Oh, there he is
talking to Laurie.

Ooh, what do you think
they're talking about?

I don't know,

but you know,
um, they do have...

History together.

History? With my cookie lips?

I know.

All I know is he better not

be asking her out to
that basketball dinner.

Well, girl, they could be
talking about anything,

'cause, you know,
you two are over.

Oh, if he thought
we were over before,

wait until he sees
how over we are now.

Get him, girl. Go
get him. Show him!

Rae, Rae, I think
you gave Chantel

the wrong idea about
Eddie and Laurie.

Ok, Chels, listen. I
am not proud of myself.

And you and I both know

that I hate to meddle,

but I did it for Eddie.

Wait a minute.

You love to meddle!

I mean, if there was a
gold medal for meddling,

you'd win the blue ribbon.

Wait a minute. No,
that doesn't make sense.

No, you wouldn't win
a ribbon for meddling.

You'd win a ribbon
for ribboning. Duh.




Ok, look.

This is my house, not yours.

So go home and get a life.

Cory, that's no way
to talk to people.

Trust me, dad. He's no people.

Aw, that's no way to
talk to a dog, either.

Hey, little fella.

Who do you belong to?

I don't know.

He followed me home from school.

Hiya, Lionel! How
was your day today?

Ok, look. No offense,

but I'm more of
a rat person, ok?

So it's been fun,

but don't let the door hit
your tail on the way out.


You just can't turn
him out on the streets.

Besides, he's got a collar,

so obviously he
belongs to someone.

We need to start putting up
signs that say "dog found."

Or we could wait till
someone puts up a sign

that says "big reward."

Cory, start making the signs.

I'm gonna give the
fella a little treat.

Here you go, boy.

Here you go!

My special fresh roast beef.

You got a beef with my beef?

Ok, dog found.


Black and white.


Hey, look, you're scruffy.

Face it.

Look, I'm just trying
to describe you

so I can get rid of you.

Aw, come on. Don't
give me that look.

There's nothing you can do

that's going to make
me change my mind.

Nice try.

That was pretty cute.

Hey, you're pretty smart, too!

But, look, we have
to do this, all right?

Let's take a picture to
put on the flyers. Ready?

Ok, smile.

That was awesome.

All righty.

When your owner sees that,

they're gonna
run right over here

and take you... Take
you away from me.

Come on. No, no.

I don't... stop.
You're going home.

You're not breaking me down.

I don't care how
cute and... and sweet

and adorable you are.
Yes, you are so cute!

Uh-oh, Rae, there's
Chantel and Eddie.

Hello, Eddie.

Hi, Chantel.

Eddie, we need to talk.

That's what she
said in my vision!

They're gonna get
back together, Chels.

Man, I was trying to keep
him off that roller coaster.

Ah, hey, I've been
waiting on this, baby.

You're cutting it a
little close this time.

The dinner's tomorrow.

I know,

and I'm going with Tyrone sands.


You don't need to
ride with Tyrone sands

'cause, you know, my
mama can drive all 3 of us.


Tyrone is my date.

He asked you?

No, I asked him.


Well, then you both are
out of the carpool then.

You ok, Eddie?

No, Rae! She's going to
the dinner with Tyrone sands.

Yes, yes!

You're finally off
that roller coaster.

What are you talking
about? This is bad.

No, it isn't! Tyrone sands...

Let me tell you.
Now, he is fine.

Now there is no chance
of her coming back!

There you go! Ah!

Why you guys doing this to me?

Because it's what you wanted.

Yeah, you said you
couldn't take it anymore.

You guys believed me?

Yeah. Yeah.

Ah, Chantel and I

break up at least once a week,

and twice on a good week.

It's part of our relationship,
guys. We never break up for good.

But, Eddie, what
about all of this?


I live for all of this!

I just can't believe we're
not getting back together.

I just wish I knew what
went wrong this time.

Hey, hey, Eddie. How you doing?

How do you think I'm doing?


Eddie, stop torturing yourself.

I'm just trying to
get my math book.


I forgot my pen!

Uh-uh. No. Uh-uh. No!

Take mine, please.


Chels, this is
worse than I thought.

We have to keep
his mind off Chantel.

I'm on it. Ok.

Hey, Eddie. Hi.

Don't think about Chantel.

Don't think about Chantel.

Don't think about...
Oh, hey, Chantel.

Oh, man, she is with Tyrone!

I can't show my face
at that dinner, guys.

Eddie, you are on the team.

You're gonna get an
award. You have to go.

No, it's gonna be humiliating.

All my boys are gonna see
my girl with some other guy.

Then get another girl.

I can't find another date
at the last minute, Rae.

Chantel did.

Ah ah ah!


Um, hey!

Why don't you take
one of us? Yeah.

Everyone knows you
guys are my best friends.

That's pathetic.

I guess they can just
mail me my award.

Chels, Eddie has
to go to that dinner.

We have to find him a date.

I don't know, Rae. It sounds
like we're meddling agian.

Ah! We meddled him into this.

We've gotta meddle him on out.

Cory, what are you doing?

Oh, check this out.

I taught him a new trick.

Ok, boy, show me the $1.00 bill.

Good boy.

Ok, he got lucky.

Ok, boy, show me the $10 bill.

Ok, he's good.

Yeah. I named him Gary.

Gary? Why Gary?

That's my accountant's name.

You have a... oh, forget it.

Look, can you explain to me

how these flyers ended
up in the garbage?


Did you hear that, Gary?

People are tearing
your flyers down

and throwing them away!

Son, I found these
in our garbage.

All right, I admit it.

I don't want Gary to be found.

I love him.

He's the greatest dog ever.

Cory, Gary's not your dog.

But he's loyal, he's loving,

and he has a great
nose for business.

And he belongs to someone else.

Look, how would you feel
if someone found Lionel

and then didn't want
to give him back to you?

Yeah, ok.

I'll go hang these up.

Thank you.

Where does Cory
get all this cash?

Um, excuse me, sir.

I came to retrieve my
pooch Shakespeare.

He lost his tags. Hee hee hee!

And I lost him.

Nice try, Cory,

but you can't keep the dog.

Actually, my name is chauncey.

And I must insist that you
relinquish Shakespeare

at once.

Cory, stop the nonsense.

I mean, except for the bad wig,

it's a good disguise.

But come on, where'd
you get this wig, huh?

Did you, like, glue
it on or something?

Ow! Unhand me, sir!

Dad, what are you
doing to that kid?

Nothing, Cory.


Um... Uh, uh, I'm so sorry.

I thought you were my son.

Is this the way
you treat your son?

No, no!

Um, um, Cory...

Chauncey is here to get his dog.

How do I even know it's his?

Shakespeare, come.

Gary, come... Gary, come back.



I guess he does belong to you.

Well, this certainly explains

why he followed you home.

You two look exactly alike.

I don't look
nothing like that kid.

I share the same
sentiments almost exactly.

At any rate, I thank you

and bid you both good day.


Cory, you did the right thing.

Yeah, I know.

Gonna be ok?


Hey, think I could teach
Lionel how to count money?

Heh! I don't see why not.

You taught him
how to play poker.


Well, Julie, you'll be going
to the basketball dinner

with suddenly available
Edward Thomas.

You can't go?

Why not?

How swollen is it?




Well, that's it for
girls "a" through "z."

Let's try the Greek alphabet.

Chels, no!

I feel awful.

I know. Eddie's gonna
miss his entire dinner,

and it was all our fault.

N... no, maybe not.

Let's call Eddie and
tell him he can go

with my distant cousin,

who just happens to be flying in

from the deep south.

Raven, why didn't
you tell me that

before we made all
these phone calls?

Because I just thought of it.

Chels, Eddie's
gonna go to the dinner

with little ol' me.


What are you doing here?

Oh, I got a job as a waitress.

You know, to keep
an eye on things.

What things?

Uh, cheese puff?

Chels, I'm... mmm!

So, uh, where's my date?

Oh, she's in the bathroom
putting on her face.

That's just an expression.

I know, Chels.


Well, my date
better get here soon.

I mean, I don't want Chantel to come,
you know, walking through the door

and catch me standing here
with my hands in my pockets.

Ok, well, then
you can hold this,

and I'll go check on your date.



Hey, Chels!

Hey, girl! So? So
what do you think?

The eyes, the skin tone,

the fake nose. Look.

You think Eddie will buy it?

I... I don't know.

Which are you selling?

Just go tell Eddie that
his date is here, ok?

Ok. Thanks.

Ok, I'll trade you
the cheese puffs

for your date.

Oh, well!

Is anybody lookin'
for little ol'me?

Eddie, uh, this
is... Uh, sayonce.

Pleased to make
your acquaintance.

Hey! Well, uh, I'm Edward.

Charmed, I'm sure.

Oh, yeah, for sure. Heh heh heh!

So, uh, you're
Raven's cousin, huh?

Hmm. I don't see
the resemblance.


So, um, Edward...

It looks like supper
is bein' served.

Would you escort
a lady to the table?

I will not only escort you,

but I will walk you there.

Heh! Come on now.

Hey, Chantel.

I would like for you
to meet my date.

This is sayonce.

So when did you and Eddie meet?

Well, it wasn't 5 minutes ago,

if that's what
you were thinking.

Well, I wasn't,

but now I'm
thinking that it was.

All right, everyone!

Soup's on. Chicken noodle.

And it smells delicious.

Why! Mmm!

May I offer you some
fresh ground pepper?

Why, thank you kindly. Ok.



Yoo-hoo, waitress.


Chels! Rae, your nose.

Yeah, I know.

It's in Chantel's soup.

Ok, I'm on it. Thank you.


Can I help you?

Um, yeah.

See, we're running
a little low on soup,

so I'm gonna have to
take some of yours back.

There you go.

Uh, is everything ok, sayonce?

Ah, everything is right as rain.

Well, uh... You
got a little... huh?

Darling, you... you just...

A little bit of... uh...

Well, don't be shy, Eddie.

I love to dance.

Tyrone, we're dancing.

Now, remember why we're here.

We're trying to
make Eddie jealous,

so act like you like me, ok?

Oh, Eddie, I'm havin'
a delightful time.

Yeah, uh, me, too.

Hey, if I tell you something,

you promise you
won't get insulted?

Oh, I know, Edward.

You still have feelings
for your ex-girlfriend.

No, you got a big, nasty noodle

hanging from your nose.

What? Oh! Uh... Whoo, Tyrone!

You're even smoother
on the dance floor

than you are on the court!

Let me show you how we do it

down here in San Francisco.

Look, I... I can't
do this anymore.

No, Edward. Go ahead.

You are a fine dancer
in your own way.

No, look... Can I
be honest again?

Another noodle? But... no.

You were right the first time.

I just...

Can't stop thinking
about Chantel.

It's not you.

You were great.

Ok, this is not working.

I'm gonna have to
get my man back

the old fashioned way.

Oh, pardon me. My bad.

Oh, she trippin'.

On the contrary, darlin'.

Heh heh!

My bad.

No, I said it was my bad.


Oh, I guess it was her bad.




Eddie, what's going on?

Well, I didn't put her up to this,
if that's what you were thinking.

Well, I wasn't,

but now I'm thinking you did.

Listen, this is all my fault.

Rae, what were you thinking?

I was thinking I wanted you
to have a special night tonight.

Well, I'm especially
gonna remember it

now that it's the most
embarrassing night of my life.

Eddie! That is so selfish.

Technically, it's Raven's
most embarrassing night.

Look, we all know that
we're embarrassed, ok?

And I shouldn't have meddled.

But even though
I did, Chantel...

Even though Eddie
was out with me tonight,

all he could think
about was you.


Yeah, I really miss
my snookey puss.

I missed you, too, cookie lips.

Let's never break up again, ok?

Yeah, and if you
do, don't tell nobody.

Give me a minute, a'ight?


Rae, Chels,

I really want to thank you guys.

I mean, I know you
went through a lot

just so I could have
a good time tonight.

Hey, you would've
done it for us.

Yeah, you know, 'cause
that's what friends do.

They put on a fake
nose, a fake wig,

you know, and meddle
into each other's lives.

Well, at least
that's what we do.

Uh, cookie lips...

Coming, snookey puss. Heh heh!

Hey, I love you guys.

Well, Eddie's back with Chantel.

Yeah, you know what that means.


Hey, dad.

Hey, son.

How was chauncey's
birthday party?

It was really good,

and he had a really
cool petting zoo.

Well, I'm glad you two
are becoming friends.


You're never gonna guess
who followed me home.

Oh, no. Not Gary... Shakespeare.

Nope, nope.
Shakespeare's friend.

Come here.

Dad, may I introduce to you

Lorenzo llama!

A llama?

A llama followed you
home? Get him out.

Yeah, but I taught him a trick!

Get him out!

He can count to 100.

Out! Out! Out! Out! Out!

Aw, he gave you a kiss!