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03x09 - The Big Buzz

Posted: 04/23/24 07:39
by bunniefuu
All right, Eddie. Are you sure

you don't want to join
the beekeepers club?

Oh, no. I'm allergic.

Oh! To bees?

Heh heh! No, to nerds.

So, Chelsea, any luck
signing up new members?

No, señorita Rodriguez.

Surprisingly, people don't
realize how fun beekeeping can be.

Oh, that's too bad. All the
girls will be so disappointed.


Yes. Our club has only girls.

All those queens and no king.

Heh! Well, uh, well,
let me try on my crown.

Uh, Eddie, take that
off and look at me.

Whoa! That's a
pretty hot fit, Rae.

Oh, wait. Awards
week is this week.

You got it, and if this outfit
doesn't get me "best dressed,"

then the one tomorrow
will. Check it out.

Heh! Well, it could
be that you'll win, Rae.

Raven, I am glad to see
the bitter disappointment

of coming in second
place for "best dressed"

year after year after year

has not crushed your spirit.

Heh! Well, do you
think that it bothers me

that I, you know, come
in second every year?

It sure would bother me.

Ok, I said it didn't bother me!

Really. I mean, like,
who cares that every year

I come in second, right?

I mean, who cares that
ever since third grade, ok,

I have designed my own outfits

in hopes of winning
best dressed,

and every year someone
comes from right out of the blue

and snatches it
away from me... oh!

Who cares?

Um, Rae, maybe
you should go talk

to the school
counselor or something.


Let's go.

♪ If you could gaze
into the future ♪

♪ future, future ♪

♪ you might think life
would be a breeze ♪

♪ life is a breeze ♪

♪ seeing trouble
from a distance ♪

♪ yeah ♪ go, Rae!

♪ But it's not that easy ♪
♪ oh, no ♪

♪ I try to save the situation ♪

♪ then I end up misbehavin' ♪

♪ ohh, whoa, oh ♪

♪ hey, now, say now ♪

♪ 'bout to put it down, yeah ♪

♪ come on and
ride with Rae now ♪

♪ and if the future
looks great now ♪

♪ then everything's gonna
change now, let's rock ♪

♪ that's so Raven ♪

♪ it's the future I can see ♪

♪ that's so Raven ♪

♪ it's so mysterious to me ♪

♪ that's so Raven ♪

♪ it's the future I can see ♪

♪ that's so Raven ♪

♪ it's so mysterious
to me, yeah ♪

yep, that's me.

Ok, Raven...

I know it can be difficult

for a student to
speak to a counselor.

It might take months, even years

before you could feel
comfortable enough

to let out your innermost...

I... I... I'm a loser!

Every year, every year,

I go out for best dressed,

and every year someone
comes from right out of the blue

and snatches it from me!

And you know what?

I don't want to go
through it anymore.

I'm sick of it!

Well, first of all,
take a breath.

Now... about your

that's normal. Oh, let it out!

I myself have had my
share of disappointments

in work, love, vegetables.


I like to grow zucchini squash.

Aren't they beautiful?

Uh... yeah.

Mm-hmm. They're adorable.

Every year I enter
my best squash

in the county fair,

and every year the blue
ribbon goes to somebody else.

I try and try,

but my squash
always gets squished.

So... Even though
you're a loser...

You still keep trying?

I never give up.

I'm a darn good zucchini grower,

and some day I'll
have my day in the sun,

and so will you.

You know... Without your glasses

you can really see how
pretty your eyes are.

Really? Mm-hmm.

Thank you.

You know, I bet if you add

a little color to your wardrobe,

it would really make 'em pop.

Actually, I like red.

Although I never thought
that I could pull it off.

Oh, of course you can!

You just gotta own it!

Ok, Raven! I'll tell
you what. What?

I'll take your advice
if you take mine.

Uh, you'll add a little
color to your wardrobe?

If you keep your dream

to win best dressed. Deal?



Uh, not quite there.

Hey! Hey.

Where'd those flowers come from?

Our garden is
overflowing this year.

We have a garden?

Nothing gets by you, honey.

I'm gonna go put
these in the living room.

Oh! And don't forget about
our big day on Saturday.

Who me? Forget
about our big day?

Heh heh! Please! Ha ha ha!

You kidding? Heh!

You don't even know what
the big day is, do you, dad?

I have no clue.

Do you know?

Sorry, dad.

Oh! It's not our anniversary,

it's not her birthday.

Wow. You got quite a
little mystery on your hands.

You know, which I could
solve by just asking mom

what the big day is.

Oh, thanks, Cory,
that'd be a big help.

Well, help that big
doesn't come cheap.

Ok. What's the deal?

Well, you know I could
use a raise in my allowance.

Ok, ok, I'm desperate.

You ask, you get the raise.

Go. Go, go, go, go! Ok.

Mary Louise, I have
so many flowers,

you have to come over
here and pick some of them.

Um, excuse me, mom,
I was just wondering.

What is the big day Saturday?

Cory, ask your father.
He knows all about it.


So did you ask her? Yep.

Well, come on!
What's the big day?

She said to ask you.

That's all you got?

Hey, the deal was to ask.

I never guaranteed an answer.

Oh, man, what a rip-off.

Sorry you feel that way.

Well, see you on allowance day!

This is so exciting!
The beekeepers club

is finally getting
some real bees.

Yeah, those plastic bees
were kind of low energy.


Bam! Ha ha! You like it?

Heh heh! Looks to me like
somebody's feeling better.

Yep, that's me. You
know, I was really about to

give up on this whole
best-dressed situation,

but, uh, I had a really
good talk with Ms. Romano.

Oh, awesome, because you
know the word around the school is

you have no
competition this year.

Yeah, and you were worried
someone was gonna come

from right out of the blue and
snatch victory away from you yet again.

You'll never believe it.

A helicopter just landed. It
came from right out of the blue!

Say what?

Yes, and guess who was in it.

Jordache hilltopper.

Sunny hilltopper's daughter?

Yes, the world-famous
clothing designer.

Who else would send their
kid to school in a helicopter?

There she is.

That girl can dress.

Well, good luck at
the awards, Raven.

Not again.

Sorry I'm late.

Raven, I took your
advice and went shopping.

What do you think?

You look great, but
I have a problem.

The girl at the
makeup counter said

she thought this lipstick
would be really good on me.

Uh, yeah, but listen,

you know what? I
know jordache hilltopper

is gonna win the best dressed,

so why even bother
getting dressed at all?

You know what's really
amazing, Raven? Huh?

Me. Now that I've
improved my appearance,

I mean I just have more
confidence about everything.

My job, my relationships,

even my zucchini are thriving.

Yeah, that's great.
Now back to me!

Rae, they love your dress.

Oh! They're gonna love my dress!

Did you say something?

Oh, I'm sorry. Raven, what
did you want to talk about?

It is totally fine. Ha ha!

You did great, Ms. Romano.

You're welcome.

So... you got mom a
gift for the big day, huh?


So did you figure
out the little mystery?

No, but I have a plan.

You see, when she
gives me her gift,

I'll read the card,
and then I'll say,

"happy whatever the card says,"

and then I'll give her my gift.

I see where I
get my skills from.

Mm-hmm. Ha ha ha!

Ok, now I just need to
stash this some place.

Breadbox. Your mom's
on that low carb thing.

She will never think
about looking at it there.

You know what I love? Toast.

Uh, wait, wait.

What about your low carb thing?

I found some low carb bread.

Well, what's this for?

Oh, that is from dad.

He said it's for the
big day Saturday.

He got me a present because
we're polishing the floors?

That's your big day?

Yeah, we've been
planning it for weeks.

But he wouldn't
give me a gift for that.

I must be forgetting something.

Yeah, there's a lot
of that going around.

You know... ha!
I could help you.

I could ask dad
what the big day is.

Would you do that for me?

Mom... I will do
anything for you.

And a raise in my allowance.

Well, aren't you just one
big old bucket of sugar.

So what do you have there?

Oh, a little something-something

for, uh, you know.

I don't need to say it.

Ha ha ha! Yeah, but I
love to hear you say it.

Say what? Ha ha ha!

You know... oh, you
got a card. Ah, see?

I love reading a card that tells
you what you're celebrating.

Ha ha ha! Ah. "For
you on our big day.

Love always, Tonya."

Well, I guess that says it all.

I thought so.

Ok, well, you know what? Um, I have
something for you. Close your eyes.

Open your eyes.


Heh heh heh! Ahem.

Happy... You, um... Ha-happy...

Uh... Be... ok, ok!

Look, I'll tell the truth. I
don't know what today is.

What?! I don't know
what today is either.

You're the one who said
Saturday was our big day.

I was talking about
us polishing the floors.

The floors?! Then
why'd you buy me a gift?

Because I found your gift.

Oh, man! I don't believe this!

I was so desperate,

I offered Cory a
raise in his allowance

to pump you for information.

You give him a raise to pump me?

I gave him a raise to pump you,

and the pump was dry.

Oh, hey, guys.

Are you all having a
happy... Whatever?

Cory Baxter, you scammed us.

Not only are you not
getting a raise this week,

I'm not giving you
your allowance.

Wait a minute. You
give him an allowance?

I give him an allowance.

What?! You mean we have

both been giving
him an allowance?

O-ok. How much is
this gonna cost me

to make this, you
know, just disappear?


I'm just taking away the money

that you should've never
gotten in the first place.

Right? And you know what else?

I just figured out why
today is our special day.

You did? Mm-hmm.

It's the first day of
Cory punishment month.

A whole month?!

You want it to be
Cory punishment year?

Upstairs. I'll be in my room.

Welcome, everybody.

Before I announce the finalists

for this year's
bayside's best awards,

I'd like to introduce our
school counselor Ms. Romano,

who is here to
help the losers cope

with their unbearable,
spirit-crushing pain.

Oh, Charlotte! What
happened to you?

You are muy caliente!

I made some life changes.

Oh, you're telling me! Nobody
used to look twice at you.

Ok. I get it.

I mean, they used to
say, "Ms. Romano who?"

I said I get it.

Thank you, Ms. Romano. Heh!

Now for our first award.

The finalists for best hair
on a male student's head:

Kevin bird and Daryl basha.

Arthur, get in the box!

Chels, would you
please hurry up?

We're gonna miss
the award ceremony.

Rae said she made
this really cool dress.

Eddie, you were
supposed to shut the...


Bad bees! Stay!

Come! Stop? Oh!


And let's hear it for
bayside's best buddies

big Linda and little Linda.

And now the moment you
have all been waiting for,

the best dressed award.

And the finalists are...

Jordache hilltopper.

Beautiful outfit, jordache.

And let me just say
the pooch works.

Muy bonita, jordache.

And now our second finalist.

You know her, you love her,

you vote her
second every year...

Raven Baxter.


Thank you very much, everybody!

This is a Raven Baxter original,

decorated completely

with fresh handpicked flowers
from my mom's garden. Ha ha ha!

Man, the buzz
must be pretty good.

Oh! My bees!

Bees?! Flowers?!

Oh, snap! Bees!

Chelsea, do something
about these bees!

I can't! Rae, they
love your dress.

Aah! Chelsea, I knew
you were gonna say that!

Know what? Gotta go!

Get away from me! Aah!

Get away, get away!



Raven, weakly: I'm ok.

Well, at least all the bees
are back safe in their hive.

Except for poor Arthur. I
can't find him anywhere.

Oh. He'll be fine, Chels.

Ohh. I'm more worried about Rae.

Raven, are you gonna be ok

if the vote doesn't come
out the way you want it to?

Well, yeah.

It can't be any worse
than, you know,

getting chased by a
swarm of angry bees.

It took a lot of courage for
you to come back in here.

You know, while they were
fishing me out of the pool,

I, um... I was thinking
about what you told me...

Never give up.

And, sure, I'll be
disappointed, but...

I did my best, and everything
else is out of my hands.

I'm so proud of you.

All right. Now that
everything has calmed down,

let's get back to the
best dressed award.

Raven, we are all glad you
made a beeline back to us.

Ha ha.

I'm sorry. Is it too
soon for jokes?

I guess it is. Ok.

All in favor of jordache
for best dressed.

All in favor of Raven.

That's what I'm talking about!

Show 'em! You've got it!

Oh, thank you!

Raven, it looks like
your many years of trying

have finally been rewarded.

She got it! Nobody's gonna come

from out of the blue this
time. Heh heh! I know!

Pesky bee!

Oh! That's Arthur!

Shoo! Scat!

Wha... oh!

Well, this has never
happened before,

but it looks like a teacher
is our new best-dressed.

Congratulations, Ms. Romano.

What? Me?!

I'm shocked! Oh, me, too!

Thank you!

Thank you so much!

I feel like a zucchini

that's finally blossomed
into a beautiful squash.

But I never could've
done any of this

without the help and advice

of Raven Baxter.

Raven, this trophy
really belongs to you.

Oh! Ok! I'll take it...

But I'll be keeping it

as a precious reminder
of this wonderful day.

Maybe next year.

Hey. Turn on the veggie channel.

There's a veggie channel?

Yes! Rae, they're covering

the zucchini contest
at the county fair.

Oh, Ms. Romano! Uh-huh.

Thank you so
much for this honor!

She won! Oh, now
she has best dressed

and best zucchini.

Yeah. Man, she's on a roll.

I mean, she'll probably
never lose again,

year after year success...

Thanks, Chels, I get it.

Right. Sorry.

It's ok.

My zucchinis and I have
waited 19 long years for this,

and I have so many
people to thank.

Oh, no, not yet!
I'm not finished.

I want to thank Joe
my sprinkler guy

and Vance down at
the fertilizer shop and...

Don't cut me off! I've
waited too long for this!

And my sister for giving
me my first package of seeds

and all the little people...
