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03x08 - Bend It Like Baxter

Posted: 04/23/24 07:38
by bunniefuu
Aah! Don't know how to stop!

Don't know how to stop!
Don't know how to stop!

Hey, hey, hey! Whoa!

Hey, hey, Rae!

What are you
doing wearing skates

in the hallway, girl?


Trying to meet a boy.

Rae, you might
want to try high heels.

You know, they're a lot cuter.

Plus, they don't roll so much.

Thanks, Chels,

but it's all a part of
my plan to catch Eric,

that cute guy from track team.

Now, you know he
only dates athletes, Rae.

That's because he hasn't met me.

Yeah, but, Rae,
he's always running.

I mean, how are you
gonna get him to slow down?

I'm not. I'm gonna speed up.

Oh, look. Here he comes.

Give me a push.

Hey, Eric. How you doin'?


Well, that's one way to stop.

Let's go.

♪ If you could gaze
into the future ♪

♪ future, future ♪

♪ you might think life
would be a breeze ♪

♪ life is a breeze ♪

♪ seeing trouble
from a distance ♪

♪ yeah ♪ go, Rae!

♪ But it's not that easy ♪
♪ oh, no ♪

♪ I try to save the situation ♪

♪ then I end up misbehavin' ♪

♪ ohh, whoa, oh ♪

♪ hey, now, say now ♪

♪ 'bout to put it down, yeah ♪

♪ come on and
ride with Rae now ♪

♪ and the future
looks great now ♪

♪ and everything's
gonna change now ♪

♪ that's so Raven ♪

♪ it's the future I can see ♪

♪ that's so Raven ♪

♪ it's so mysterious to me ♪

♪ that's so Raven ♪

♪ it's the future I can see ♪

♪ that's so Raven ♪

♪ it's so mysterious
to me, yeah ♪

yep, that's me.

Gosh, Rae, when'd
you get so bendy?

Oh, I totally mistook
you for my friend Raven.

My name is Natasha, from Russia.

Hi. I'm Chelsea.

My great-grandfather
is from Russia.

Do you know a
Vladimir something...

no, but nice to meet you.

Rae, you're not
gonna believe this.

I totally mistook that
Russian bendy-girl for you.

She does kind of look like me.

Except for when she does that.

Hey, what's everyone looking at?

You fast on the track,

but slow on the
know, my brother.

It's the girls' gym
class. Check it out.

Whoa, who's that?

She's an amazing athlete.

Hey, that is Natasha.

She just joined the
gymnastics team.

She's from Russia.

I've got to meet her.

Oh, teacher alert.

And that is how a
bill becomes law.

You see what I'm talking about?

How that connects right there

to the features, you know?

You see what I'm saying...

Man, Natasha's
definitely my type.

Eric, that's not
Natasha. That's...


This ought to be interesting.

And that's how
chipmunks store their nuts.

All right, let's get
ready for recess.

How cool is that?

Come on, Cory.



Huh? What?

Oh, sorry, Jerry.

I couldn't take
my eyes off Cindy.

She's almost perfect.

She's got beauty, brains.

All she needs is me.

It's time to make my move.

How's the hair?

You don't have any.

Right. Ok, I'm going in.

Wow, Scott.

You look really cool
in those glasses.

So, my lady likes
the glasses, huh?

I seem to have lost my glasses.


Ok, let's see. Um...

Oh, did I lose these?

No, but your grandma might have.

Ooh, how about these?

There's a reason
someone lost those.


Man, those look really cool.

Yeah, but I can't
see... Without them.

All right.

Here you go.

Yo, Rae, you are not gonna
believe what happened today.

The funniest thing.

Ha ha ha!

Now, that is hilarious.

Chels, he hasn't even
said the funny part yet.

Or maybe you just
don't get it, Rae.

It's ok.

Please, hurry. Please.

Well, you know that
guy Eric you like?

Well, today, you know, we
were looking through the window

in gym class,

and you know that new
Russian gymnast Natasha?

Yeah, he thought that was you.

That is so funny, right?

No. I thought the
first one was funnier.

He thought that I was Natasha?

Yeah, and he really liked you.

He likes me?

Yeah, except the you
that he really likes isn't you.

But it's the me that
he thinks he likes...

look, let it go, Rae.

If Eric says anything about it

just set him straight.

Yeah, come on. Like I'm'a actually
pretend I'm a Russian gymnast.

I heard that.

Hey, Natasha.

Why, hello, Eric.

I heard you was liking me.

Oh, I think you're
an amazing athlete.

Oh, well, you know how I do.

Hey, would you want to
work out together sometime?

Just me and you?

Ooh, well, let me
think about this.

I have to cook the
Russian dressing.

I have to get the moose
and the squirrel and...

I think I can squeeze you in.

Great! Then it's a date.

Pick you up for a run at 5:00?

Right before dinner.

Even better, right
before the sun comes up.

All right. I'll see you then.

All right. Peace out... Ski.

Rae, what are you doing?!

You are never
gonna pull this off.

You cannot pretend
to be Natasha, girl.

Well, this is my only shot
to really get to know this guy,

and I'm only gonna do it

until he gets to
know the real me.

Good morning, sir.

I'm here to pick up Natasha.

Oh, I guess you don't
speak much English?

I got it from here, papa.
You can go upstairs.

Wait! No!

Why, hello, Eric.

Hey, Natasha. You ready to run?

You know, a better idea,

we make pancakes,
talk a little bit,

and look into each other's eyes.

Hey, if you're not into
training, you know, I...

Ha ha ha! I got you.

It was a joke.

I gave you pancake
test, and you passed.

Ha ha ha!

Now we run. How far we run?

I was thinking we'd do 5.



Oh, snapski.

Oh. Oh. Oh.



Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!

So I take it you didn't
talk Eric out of the run?

I didn't talk him
out of the run.

I didn't talk him
out of the sit-ups.

I didn't talk him
out of the push-ups.

So when are you gonna
tell him the truth, Rae?

When you're married
and have 10 kids?

I can't even tell
him. I'm in too deep.

It's ok.

You don't have to pretend
to be something you're not.

I like you just the way you are.

I can tell him!

Eric's gonna be
ok with everything.

Oh, Rae.

Even the 10 kids?

Natasha, hey.

Hey, Eric. I'm not... I know.

But it's ok.

You don't have to pretend
to be something you're not.

I like you just the way you are.

You do?


I mean, obviously,
you're not a runner.

You're just an
incredible gymnast.

But a few more of
those 5 A.M. jogs,

and you'll be feeling it.

Oh, I'm feeling it now.

It's what I feel in this area.

Natasha, I want to know
everything about you.

I want to know
about your culture,

your language, your
hopes, your dreams.

Why don't you just
start with her name?

Hush... Ski.

Hush... hushski.

Hushski, that is my dog.

He is siberian polar poodle.

I have a German Shepherd.

Hey, we can run with our dogs!

I'll see you at 5:00. Ok.


Now I have to find a
siberian polar poodle

who can jog.

Oh, I know one!

Oh, wait. He's not
in very good shape.

Good morning, sir.

Or should I say?

It's Russian.

It's ok, papa.

I take it from here.
I take it from here.

Hey, why are you here?

I told you I was
too sick to run.

I have something for you,

and I brought a
treat for hushski, too.

Oh, that's so sweet.

Aren't you gonna give it to him?

Why, yes.

I... I go give it
to him right now,

but you have to wait here,

because hushski's not
very good with strangers.


Come here, boy...

Oh, take this, hushski!

Now, what do you have for me?

Close your eyes.

Closing eyes.

Get your mouth
ready for a big surprise.

Open wide.

It's solyanka. Sol-a-what-a?

You know, Russian fish soup

with pickles, sour
cream, and fish heads.

I got 'cause you were
sick. Don't you like it?

Oh, yes, very delicious.

Filled with fish-heady goodness.

Then eat up.

I don't really... ohh!

Mmm, that's...

Oh, ok. Well, you know what?

Yes, I think we're
done with the soup.

It's... it's starting
to do the trick.

Great. Then you're
ready for the meet?

Oh, no meat, please!

The soup is working.
I tell you that.

No, your big
gymnastics meet today

against Jefferson.

Oh, the meet. Yes, um...

Listen, Eric, there is
something I should tell you.


You know, they beat us at
track because they cheated.

Oh, that's...

That's very,
very terrible, Eric.

Yeah. What's worse is that
they lied about it afterwards.

That's the one thing
I can't stand is a liar!

I'm sorry to go off like that.

What was it you
wanted to tell me?

It was nothing.

Ok. Well, I'll see
you at the meet.

Go, bayside!

Go, bayside!

Go to the base of the side.

Ok, I'm looking good.

Yeah, but can you see?

I can see my future,
and Cindy is in it.

Wow! Hi, Cory.

Hey... You.

Who said that?


Hey, what's up, girl?

When did you start
wearing glasses?

Well, I usually only
wear them when I drive.

Ha ha ha! You're funny,

and those glasses are cool.

Well, thanks. I
picked 'em out myself.

What was that?

I dropped my pen.
Could you get it for me?

Yeah. Where is it?

On the floor.

Where's that?

Under your feet.


Here you go, baby.

You know, now that
we've broken the ice,

I think maybe you and I should

get to know each
other a little better.

Oh, I know you very
well, Cory Baxter.

Ms. Applebaum?

I didn't know you wore glasses.

It's kind of a new thing.

Well, stop these shenanigans
and take your seat.

If I can find my seat.

Cory, my display! How could you?

It wasn't easy.

Good, you guys are here.
You ready to hear my plan?

Wait a minute.

I'm not getting entangled
in your web of lies.

Fine. I'll go find someone else.

Oh, me, me, me! Pick me!

Chels, you were just
against this whole thing.

Well, I know, but I
hate feeling left out.

Yeah. Me, too.

I guess you can
count us both in, Rae.

Great. Now, go
find Eric and tell him

that I have a bad
case of the nerves,

and I can't compete
while he's in the room,

so he has to watch
me through the window.

Right! So he'll be looking at
Natasha through the window,

but he'll really be thinking
he's looking at you.


And then when the meet is over,

I'll appear in the hallway,

and he'll tell me
what a great job I did,

and we'll live
happily ever after.

In your big web of lies.

Yeah, something like
that. Ok, go find Eric.

I'm on it.

Ow! My ankle!

Wow, Rae. I hope she's ok.

Yeah, 'cause if Natasha
can't compete, then...

Then Natasha can't
compete, and I'm off the hook.

Let's go tell Eddie
the plan is over!

Eddie! Eddie! Eddie!



Uh... eric, we were looking
for the little girls' room.

In Russia, we
call it "the Eddie."

Natasha, you're walking.

But I heard you
sprained your ankle.

You did?

But I see what's going on.

You do?

Eddie told me the truth.

Which truth?

The truth about you
having a bad case of nerves.

But you didn't have to fake an
ankle injury to get out of competing.

You know what?

I'm gonna leave you two alone,

and I'm gonna go
use "the Eddie."

Natasha, I can't
let you do this.

You have a
commitment to your team,

to your school, and to yourself.

You're a great gymnast.

You gotta get out
there and do your best.

I can't. I...

I have to tell you something.

I know.

I really like you, too.

Come on.


Attention, ladies and gentlemen,

there's been a cancellation.

Natasha bubinski
will not be competing

in the floor exercise.

I'll take care of it.


Hold up. Natasha's back.

She's fine, and
she's ready to go.

Ok. Next on the floor,
Natasha bubinski.

Go get 'em!


♪ Oh, whoa, oh ♪

♪ oh, yeah ♪

♪ the destination is a
secret place in town ♪

♪ the situation is
hangin' on the line ♪

♪ no more excuses,
we've got to find a way ♪

Natasha, come on!
What are you doing?

♪ Tick-tocking away ♪

♪ I can see the answer ♪

♪ I can see the light ♪

♪ we're gonna make it
happen, gonna make it right ♪

♪ oh, whoa, oh ♪

♪ one more chance
to find romance ♪

♪ one more try to
make you mine ♪

♪ one more chance
to find romance ♪

What is she doing out there?

I don't know, but knowing her,

she's just getting warmed up.

♪ The destination is a
secret place in town ♪

♪ the situation is
hanging on the line ♪

♪ no more excuses,
we've got to find a way ♪

♪ I hear the clock go
ticking, tick-tocking away ♪

♪ I can see the answer,
I can see the light ♪

♪ we're gonna make it
happen, gonna make it right ♪

♪ oh, whoa, oh ♪

Come on, Natasha! You can do it!

♪ One more chance
to find romance ♪

Do what?

♪ One more try
to make it right ♪

I knew this would
be interesting.

♪ One more chance
to find romance ♪

♪ one more try
to make it right ♪


So how'd I do?

Man, y'all are strict.

Hey, um... hey, Eric,

I can... I can explain.

You're not Natasha
bubinski, are you?


Well, who are you?

Raven bubaxter.

Eric, listen, um...

I'm really sorry I lied to you,

and, Natasha,

I'm sorry I pretended to be you.

Why'd you do it?

Because I really
wanted to meet you,

but you wanted to meet her.

You did?


I guess it's just
how it's meant to be.

Maybe it was.

So, do you like solyanka?

I love solyanka.

I know where they make the best.

Y'all know they got
fish heads in it, right?

So, Rae, you ok?

Yeah. Good.

'Cause you up next
on the balance beam.

Ok, here are your ice packs.

Now, this one is
for the headache

you got from wearing
someone else's glasses

and completely
destroying your classroom.

And this one is for pretending
to be a Russian gymnast

and bruising every
bone in your body.

Now, I hope you kids
learned a lesson from all this.

Be yourself. Be yourself.

It's a lot less painful.

Ahh. Ahh.
