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03x03 - Opportunity Shocks

Posted: 04/23/24 07:32
by bunniefuu
♪ Wake up, Raven ♪

♪ wake up, Raven ♪

♪ wake up, Raven ♪

♪ wake up... ♪



Oh! Oh! Oh!


Sierra, how did you get in here?

Your mommy gave
my mommy... A key.

That is only for emergencies!

This is an emergency!

I'm bored!

Come here! Give me
that key! I am not playing!

Oh... snap!

Want to play house? Want to
play dolls? Want to play Jacks?

No, but I do have a
game that we could play!

Are you ready?

It's called hide and go sleep.

Ok, how do you play?

Ok. You go downstairs and hide.

Ok? Go. Go hide!

Go hide! Go hide!

I'm going back to sleep.

♪ If you could gaze
into the future ♪

♪ future, future ♪

♪ you might think life
would be a breeze ♪

♪ life is a breeze ♪

♪ seeing trouble
from a distance ♪

♪ yeah ♪ go, Rae!

♪ But it's not that easy ♪
♪ oh, no ♪

♪ I try to save the situation ♪

♪ then I end up misbehavin' ♪

♪ ohh, whoa, oh ♪

♪ hey, now, say now
'bout to put it down ♪

♪ yeah come on and
ride with Rae now ♪

♪ and the future
looks great now ♪

♪ and everything's
gonna change now ♪

♪ all right ♪
♪ let's keep it goin' ♪

♪ that's so Raven ♪

♪ it's the future I can see ♪

♪ that's so Raven ♪

♪ it's so mysterious to me ♪

♪ I like that ♪

♪ that's so Raven ♪

♪ it's the future I can see ♪

♪ that's so Raven ♪

♪ it's so mysterious
to me, yeah ♪

yep, that's me.

Dad? No!

Please? No.

But... you... no! No!

I know what you're gonna say.

No, you don't.

You want to meet Presto Jones

when he comes
to the Chill Grill.

Dang, he's good. Real good.

But you can't.

Oh, come on, dad!
Presto Jones is my hero!

He is the world's
greatest business man.

Everything he
touches turns to gold.

It's all right here in his book

the Presto touch.

Dad, look at my designs.

I'm made for his
new hip-hop line.

This could be my
once-in-a-lifetime chance

to make my dreams come true!

I have dreams, too.

Aren't you too old
to have dreams?

No. As a matter of fact,

I have something I've
been working on for a year...

the Victor Baxter
chillin' grillin' machine.

That's what you've been
doing in the basement?

You told mama you
were working out.

Shame on you.


Presto is gonna snap this up.

Wait a second, dad.

You can live out your dreams,
but we can't live out ours?


My dream is gonna...

It's gonna change our lives.

Look, check it out.

This side chills while
the other side grills.

And you can eject the
grease directly into the trash.

Did that just change your life?

No, but he might want
to change that shirt.

Well, maybe you guys are right.

If you've got some
great ideas for Presto,

then I say go for it.

Yes! Thank you, daddy!
Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Thank you, thank you,
thank you, thank you.

Keep in mind, the
party is Saturday,

so I would work on those ideas.

Oh, I gotta get
back to my designs!

I gotta get back
to the basement.

And I gotta
get... I got nothin'.

Now, which fabric
should I choose

for the outfit for Presto Jones?

This one says,
work it, girl! Right?

But this one says,
whoo, check you out!

Which one?

They're both amazing, Rae.

I mean, they're talking fabrics.

They're not talking, Chels.

I know, but Raven
thinks they are,

so play along.


Oh, my gosh!

Now I hear them!

Chels, that is
not the fabric, ok?

Sierra, what are you
doing underneath there?

Playing hide and go sleep.

And you're not very good at it.

Ok, I've got another
idea. Are you ready?

Ok, it's a game
called go, go, go.

You count to a million.

Rae! Look at you!

That little girl is running
you out of your own house!

You know what? You're right.

This has to stop right now.

What? The game's over?

Come on! I didn't even
get a chance to be it!

You know what? Sierra and
you are getting on my last nerve.

She needs to play with
someone her own age.


I'm not playing with Stanley!

I don't even know him.

Stanley's 7 years old.
He lives next door to me.

He is like my Sierra.
He bugs me all the time.

So if we hook up my
pain with your pain

then we'll both be pain-free?

And I'll be able to
work on my outfit!

Let's do it!

A million! Ready
or not, here I come!

Go! Go! Go!

Dad, what am I gonna do?

I have a chance to
meet Presto Jones,

and I can't come up
with one idea for him.

Well, son, it took a long time

to come up with a moneymaker

like my chillin'
grillin' machine.

Dad, the only thing that
machine makes is a mess.

You'll never get that
stain out your shirt.

Really? Yeah.

Watch and learn.

How did you do that?


That's grandma Baxter's
stain remover formula.

It's a family secret,
so keep it to yourself.

Oh, no, don't worry,
dad. I won't tell anyone.

Heh heh... Except the world.

Thanks for doing my hair, Raven.

Oh, any time, Sierra,

'cause you never know
when you might meet someone

that you want to spend
more time with than me.

Don't worry, Raven.
That will never happen.

Oh! Well, who could that be?

I was not expecting anyone.

Hello, Raven. We was
just in the neighborhood

and decided to stop
by unexpectedly.

Look who it is, Sierra.

It's Eddie. And wait a second!

Oh! Who is this cute,
unexpected friend?

This is Stanley.

And I'm not cute.

I'm fine.

I'm sure you are. All right.

Now, Sierra, I want
you to meet Stanley,

and Stanley, meet my
cute little adorable friend


It's very nice to
meet you, Stanley.

Good thing you did my hair.

It's funny how
that works, isn't it?

And look what I have here!

This is a picnic basket.

I want you to take it, Sierra.

Take Stanley over to your
house onto a picnic blanket

that I have set up at your house

please get over there right now.



She's gone!

Oh, Eddie, you're a genius.

Well, I'm just glad I
could help. Holla, Rae.

Ha ha. I'm free!

I'm free!

I'm free! I'm free! I'm free!

I'm free! Bye,
Sierra, bye, Sierra...


I'm free, too... Free
to be your man.

To us, baby.

Drink up, foxy lady.

Let's get this party started.

There is no party.

However, there is a
picnic at Sierra's house,

and why aren't you there?

Let me explain something.

Sierra's a girl,
but I like a woman.

I am not now, nor will
ever be, your woman.

Oh, playing hard to get, huh?

Well, I'm playing
hard to get rid of.

I'm not even playing,
you little player.

She loves me.


Stanley disappeared.

I can't find him anywhere.

Hey, mama! Now, you know

you not supposed to
leave your man hanging!

Stanley, what are
you doing here?

It's over, baby. I'm
with Raven now.

You stole my boyfriend?

Sierra, you don't
understand, ok?

I thought you were
my friend, Raven.

I'm never gonna
speak to you again.

Sierra! Sierra, wait! Wait!

Wait a second. She's gone.

That's what I wanted! Yes!

You're exactly what I wanted.

Gotta go. Let's go.

All right, then.
I'm out of here.

But don't worry, baby.

I will... Be back.

Heh. I'm not worried, all right?

'Cause you won't. Good-bye.

♪ Little boy ♪

♪ I hear you knock on my door ♪

♪ don't want to see you,
don't come no more ♪

♪ I know you're
sneaking all over town ♪

♪ you're not bringing me down ♪

♪ yeah ♪

♪ bad boy, you better
stay away from me ♪

♪ bad boy, I don't want
you coming round here ♪

♪ bad boy, bad boy ♪

Check it out, Rae.
Your dad had us pick up

this life-sized cutout of Presto
Jones for the party tonight.

Wow. I can't
believe he's that tall.

I know!

I can't believe he's this thin.

Oh, boy.

So, Rae, what's all
of this on the table for?

Well, I am making
my outfit for Presto.

However, I keep getting
all these little interruptions.

I am so stressed.

So your home girl Sierra's
still in the way, huh?

No. Your home boy Stanley.

Don't worry about
that little kid, ok?

Tonight's your big
shot with Presto Jones.

You know what? You're right.

And this outfit has to be something
that he's never seen before.


You trying to push
up on my woman?

You gotta deal with me first.


Oh! Ah!


Rae, is he coming
back or something?

Yeah. He's coming
to the Chill Grill

to mess up my
chances with Presto.

Don't worry. Chels
and I will guard the door.

There is no way that that little
slugger is gonna get through us.

That's right! I happen
to have a black belt.

Since when?

Since I bought that
black purse. I gotta match.

Hey, welcome to the
Chill Grill, Mr. Jones.

And happy birthday to you.

It's an honor to meet you.

Yes, it is.

I gotta find my woman.

Uh, welcome, Mr. Jones.

Victor Baxter,
owner of the Chill Grill.


This is your table right here.

Well, thank you. And, uh...

Speaking of great ideas...

Who was speaking of great ideas?

Now that you mention it...

How many times have you tried

to grill and chill something
at the same time?

Never. That's because

you've never had
the right equipment.

Let's say that you have
shrimp that needs chilling...

And a steak that needs grilling.

Just a few short
moments, and... Presto.

Pres... ahem... to.

And... heh... Oh.


Uh, I got a few little
adjustments to make.

Oh, yeah, you certainly do.

Now... let's get this
party started, huh?

And nothing says party
more than guacamole!

No, you did not just guac me.

Yeah, I did. I see
you're upset, Mr. Jones.

And I would be, too...

If I didn't have this,

Cory's amazing stain remover.

Yeah, well, something's
going to get removed, all right.



Before you do
something I may regret,

you might want to take
another look at that suit.


The stain is gone.

Back off.

Back off me.

Cory Baxter, your biggest fan

and future business partner.

What do you have in this stuff?

That's for me to know
and for you to pay for.

Ha ha ha ha!

I like your style, kid. Maybe
we should be business partners.

You know, I'll have my
lawyer draw up a contract.

No need, 'cause it's
already been drawn.

Whoa. Bam! Look at that.


I will peruse this later,
if I have a eye left.

Let's get this party start...

I'm sorry. Hello, Mr. Jones.

I'm Raven Baxter.

Ah. Another Baxter.

Why doesn't that surprise me?

Uh, wait, Mr. Jones.

I know everyone
is coming up to you,

but listen. This is your
once-in-a-lifetime chance

to make my dreams come true.

You're not going away, are you?

Nope. All right.

Well, here is an outfit

that I designed for
your hip-hop line.

Are you ready?

What do you think?

Well, actually, it's not bad.

You haven't even
seen the best part.


You trying to push
up on my woman?

You gotta deal with me first.


My vision. Stanley, no!

Hey, hey! Not on my watch!

Vision averted, Rae.

Put me down!

Nobody comes between
me and my woman.

Well, I just did.

All right, there's only
one way to settle this.

I'm not about to fight you!

I'm not a fighter.

I'm a dancer, and
I'm calling you out.


Pshht. Man!

Man, you can't be serious.

I'm 52 pounds of serious.

Ok, lover boy.

Bring it on.

But if you lose, you leave.

And you leave me alone.

Ooh, I love a good dance-off.

Now, this is a
party, huh? All right!

I told you I was 52
pounds of serious!

Wow, Eddie, you got served.

Man, I'm sorry, Rae.

I tired my best.

This little kid's got skills.

Stanley, she's all yours.

What? I don't make the rules.

Ha ha! Come on, baby.

Hey, hey! Ok, get off!

This has gone way
too far, all right?

You and me on the
dance floor right now.

You win, I'm yours.
I win, I'm mine,

and you leave me alone.

What? Rae, are
you sure about this?

Eddie just got served.

Don't worry, Chels, ok?

I got something up my sleeve.

Hit it!

♪ Can you feel the groove? ♪

♪ Can you shake it right? ♪

♪ I can make you move ♪

♪ and shake it down tonight ♪


Dang, baby! You
light up my world!

♪ Y'all gonna boogie down ♪

♪ boogie down tonight ♪

♪ I'm a shining star ♪

♪ see me shining so bright ♪

Raven! Sierra!

This isn't what it looks like.

It looks like you and
Stanley are dancing.

Now get away from my man!

No, don't pull on that!

Oh... oh, snap...

This is not good!

Wow, Raven's smoking.

Yeah, I didn't know
she was that good.

No, seriously, dad.
Raven's smoking.

Oh! Oh! Oh, no!

This isn't good!

Uh-oh. It looks like Rae
got her wires crossed.

♪ Can you feel the groove? ♪

♪ Can you shake it right? ♪

♪ I can make you move ♪

♪ shake it down tonight ♪

♪ I'm a shining star ♪

♪ see me shining bright ♪

♪ falling from the sky ♪

♪ gonna boogie down tonight ♪

Well... um...

The circuitry could
use a few adjustments.

Well, no, sweetheart,
that's not a dance suit.

That's a law suit
waiting to happen.

Oh. Um...

No, but... but Mr. Jones, look!

All I have to do is
just put these 2 wires...

Wrong wires. I should... aah!

Maybe this one.

Oh! Ah!

All right, enough
of these amateurs.

Come on, Mr. Jones.
Let's close our deal

and we're in business.

Well, yours was the best
idea I had heard all evening.

Now you're talking!

Give me 5... Million.

Ha ha!

Just kidding up top.
Ok. You know what?

Forget about the high-5.

Let's just keep it on
the down-low, you know.

You know what? That contract...

My suit! It's falling apart!

What do you have in
that cleaning mixture?

Cory, did you
spray Mr. Jones' suit

with grandma's secret
stain remover formula?


I just made it super strong

so it will work super good.

Yeah, and now my
suit is super ruined.

Mr. Jones, the formula just
needs a few adjustments.

No, no, no. Your whole
family needs a few adjustments.

Now, let's get out of here...

Before I'm standing here
in my natural drawers.

I'm sorry your outfit
didn't work out, Rae.

Yeah, but look on the plus side.

Looks like Stanley and
Sierra finally hit it off.

Stop it!

No, you stop it.

No, you stop it.

Ok, let's start again!

Oh, looks like love to me.

I wonder how they got together.

Guess they found
something in common.

Yeah. Maybe it
was laughing at you.

Well, now that they
found each other,

hopefully they will
leave me alone.

I heard that.
We'll see you later.


Stanley and I
worked everything out.

Oh, good! I'm so
glad to hear that.

I get you Monday through Friday.


And on the weekend,
you belong to me.

So what do you
want to do tomorrow?

Don't touch the suit, ok?

Don't touch it!

Hi, Mr. Jones.

Well, your jacket
is all sewn up.

I am so sorry about
the inconvenience.


But I'm sure you will be
happy with the results.

Thank you, Raven.
This is really very nice.

Thank you.

Mr. Jones, if I could just have

one more minute of your time...

Uh, Mr. Jones, I
finally figured out

what was wrong with
my... people, people.

Mr. Jones is a
very busy man, ok?

We should just let
him be on his way.

Oh, thank you, Raven.

Ok, I'll see y'all later.

That was just an expression.

Ok, now, don't forget me.

Oh... ha ha ha ha.

I'm sure he won't.