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03x01 - Psychic Eye for the Sloppy Guy

Posted: 04/23/24 07:31
by bunniefuu
Ha ha ha ha!

It was so great!

Hey, Chelsea, let me
talk to you for a sec.

Come here.


Rae, Rae, Rae,
what are you doing?

Hey! It's just that makeover
show I've been watching.

I am so inspired!


Hey, Marcus. Hee hee.

How ya doin'?

Hat to the front says jock.

Hat to the back... Says playah!

Rae, you cannot go
around the whole school

tryin' to make over everybody,

if not me, then who?

I mean, have you looked
around this place lately?

Honestly, look at
these peop... oh!

Hey, Ms. Ryan.

You know what? I think
you should lose the glasses

so the guys can see the eyes.

See? Everyone
can use a little help.


Oh! Especially that guy.


Man, that guy is so
talented, ok? He can draw.

Ah, cool.

Yeah, man. He's gonna
design my new CD cover,

you know what I'm talkin' about?

Eddie, you don't have a new CD.

Actually, you don't
even have an old CD.

Well, uh...

If I had a copy, it
might motivate me.

Art boy is definitely
a candidate

for a complete Raven
extreme makeover.

Yeah, but, Rae, you can't just,

you know, walk up
to a guy and say,

"hi. Can I give you a complete
Raven extreme makeover?"

Hey, Tyler. Hee hee!

Can I give you a complete
Raven extreme makeover?


Apparently, you can.

♪ If you could gaze
into the future ♪

♪ future, future ♪

♪ you might think life
would be a breeze ♪

♪ life is a breeze ♪

♪ seeing trouble
from a distance ♪

♪ yeah ♪ go, Rae!

♪ But it's not that easy ♪
♪ oh, no ♪

♪ I try to save the situation ♪

♪ then I end up misbehavin' ♪

♪ ohh, whoa, oh ♪

♪ hey, now, say now
'bout to put it down ♪

♪ yeah come on and
ride with Rae now ♪

♪ and if the future
looks great now ♪

♪ then everything's gonna
change now, let's rock ♪

♪ that's so Raven ♪

♪ it's the future I can see ♪

♪ that's so Raven ♪

♪ it's so mysterious to me ♪

♪ I like that ♪

♪ that's so Raven ♪

♪ it's the future I can see ♪

♪ that's so Raven ♪

♪ it's so mysterious
to me, yeah ♪

yep, that's me.

Ooh, hoo hoo! Your
first day of law school.

Whoo! So, how did it go?

I am so pumped.

From learning
all this new stuff?

No, from carrying
those heavy books.

Check out the pyths.

Hey, you guys! I'm so excited.

I'm doing my first Raven
extreme makeover. Ah!

Uh, Rae, it's your mom's
first day of law school.

Oh, mom, that's right...

you know what? Um, hmm...

a lot of stuff has changed
since you were last at school,

like style.

Don't you like what I'm wearing?

You know what? Here.
Just, maybe, lose the jacket.

I think the jacket would be...

It would be cute
if you lost the j...

And the shirt's just not
workin' for your skin type.

You know what?
The pants could...

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!

You know, I'm...

Next time you get dressed, mama,

come and see me. I got ya.

I gotta go.

Hey, guys.

Corey, Corey, Corey...

I signed us up for father
and son juggling class!

Am I being punished?


No, of course not!

Come on. It's a
father and son activity

like we used to do.

You remember how
much fun we used to have.

Yeah. Heh. Good times.

Is it me, or was
he just not excited?

Well, Victor, you
know how you are.

You put so much pressure on him.

When have I ever put
pressure on Corey?

Well, let's see.

There was father
and son bowling,

father and son glassblowing.

Let's not forget
father and son golf.

Come on, Corey. Buckle
down and concentrate.

Now, show me that swing again.

I hate golf.

I stink at it.

You don't stink.

Your aim stinks.

Now, how are you gonna
get better unless you practice?

Now, come on.


Now, show me the swing again.

No, see, your grip is too tight.

I told you, loosen
up. Loosen up!

Ok, now grip it tighter.

Now looser.

Now swing.

No, not my new big-screen TV!

Yeah, golf did not go well.

Ok, I promise, no pressure.



It still stings.

Hey, Eddie,

you don't think Tyler's
gonna flake on us, do you?

Nah. Matter of fact,

I know a little secret.

Ooh, I love secrets! I love s...

Oh, wait. Don't tell
me. That'll ruin it.

First of all, huh?

And second...

Tyler's got his eye on
a little cutie at school,

and he's hoping that
this whole makeover thing

will get her attention.

Ooh! Who's the little cutie?

He wouldn't tell me.


Can I show you something?

Oh, my goodness,
we have a problem.

Ok, Tyler just showed me

this little cartoon,
flippy book thing,

and the cutie that
he's crushing on is me!

Oh, that's Tyler.

Oh, my goodness, I
don't know what to do!

He is so not my type. I don't...

Well, Rae, since
he's doin' this whole,

you know, makeover
thing for you,

it's best that you just
set him straight right now.

You know what?
You're right. You're right.


Tyler... Heh heh.

Tyler, Tyler, Tyler... Yeah?

Hey, you know how
makeovers work, right?

Not really.

Ok. Well, um, a
makeover is something

that friends do to
help their friends.

And only their friends.
See what I'm sayin'?

So, you're saying you
just want to be friends?


Now that we all
understand each other,

it's go time!

♪ Such a beautiful sight ♪

♪ see the stars
shining so bright ♪

♪ such a beautiful sight ♪

♪ everything's
gonna be all right ♪

♪ feeling so high ♪

♪ lookin' so low ♪

Old school.

Old school.


Bad for your skin.

Bad for the environment.

Ew, and just plain bad.

Got to go.

Got to go.

Got to go.

♪ Such a beautiful sight ♪

♪ beautiful sight ♪

♪ see the sun
shinin' so bright ♪

♪ shinin' so bright ♪

♪ beautiful sight ♪

♪ beautiful sight ♪

♪ everything's
gonna be all right ♪

♪ all I really want ♪

♪ is for the world to see ♪

♪ turn me inside out,
what it's all about ♪

♪ gotta be real if
you wanna be free ♪

♪ such a beautiful sight ♪

♪ beautiful sight ♪

♪ see the sun
shinin' so bright ♪

♪ shinin' so bright ♪

♪ such a beautiful sight ♪

♪ beautiful sight ♪

♪ it's gonna be all right ♪


The new and
improved Tyler Bailey.

Amazing! He
looks just like Eddie.

It is Eddie, Chelsea.

Oh. Awkward.


My boy. What's up with you, man?

Well, he's no Eddie,

but we sure did do a
pretty good job, huh?

He... he's perfect!

So what do you
think of the new you?

I love it. Raven, thank you.

Oh, oh, yes.


And don't worry. I
know we're just friends.

Oh, we're just friends.

Tyler, I've been meanin'
to talk to you about that...

Yo, man,

the ladies are
gonna love you, man!

What do you say we got to
the mall for a little test drive?

Cool. Let's go.

Cool. Ha ha!


Thanks again. I'll
see you guys later.

Good-bye. Bye.

Bye-bye, my little butterfly.

Rae, he totally gets
that whole friend thing.

You know? You definitely
don't have to worry

about him having a crush on you.


Lucky me.

Chels, I blew it.

I blew it with Tyler.

Who knew underneath
all that hair and paint

was a really cute, sweet guy?

Yeah, who happens
to be really hot.

Yeah, smokin'!


I did such a great
job with Tyler,

even picky Vicky is after him.

And she never goes
out with anyone.

I know. Well, she's
goin' out with him.

How do you know?

'Cause we're double-datin' at
that new Moroccan restaurant.

Hey, Eddie.

Ooh, hey, Chantel.

See you tonight?

Bring your appetite.

Bring your wallet.

Ha ha ha ha!

Holla! Ha ha ha ha ha.

Man, if I hadn't had that vision
and tried to change the future,

that could've been
me instead of Vicky.

Yeah, Rae. It looks like you
missed your boat, you know?

The train has left the station.

The cow's out of the barn.

Elvis has left the building.

Wait a second.

Elvis is still in the building?

Will ya just listen, please?

Just listen for a second.

Do you remember the vision?

If he shows me the flippy book,

that means he still likes me!

And, yet, he's
going out with Vicky.


You're right.

We have to watch this
situation very carefully.

Hey, honey.

How's the father-son
juggling coming?


Nothing but
frustration and crying.

Victor, you promised you wouldn't
put so much pressure on Corey.

Not Corey. Me!

I can't do it.

Hey, check me out!

The man with the
magic hands. Ha ha.

That is fantastic!

Isn't that fantastic, Victor?

Oh, yeah, fantastic,
you little show-off.


I am so proud of you, honey.

Thank you.

Make me proud of you, too.

Ok, look,

I didn't want to embarrass
you in front of your wife,

but you have got
to get it together.

Hey, I'm... I'm trying.

Dad, please.

The juggling class is
meeting at our house tonight.

You want the other parents
laughing at you again?

I just can't do it.

That's because
you never practice.

Come on, dad! You need to
buckle down and concentrate!

And I better not
hear that TV on.

Yeah, so, uh, you see
anything you like, Chantel?

Yeah, the whole
right side of the menu.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Heh, let's see. Let's see.

They're clinking.

Aw, that's so sweet!

And disgusting.

She's juzshing his hair.

They're clinkin' and juzshin'

and juzshin' and clinking.

This ain't supposed
to be happening!

Wow, the harringtons
are really good!

We're up next.

You practiced, right?

Uh, yeah.


Thank you, harringtons.

Now my dad and
I will demonstrate

some 3-ball juggling.



Jump in anytime, now. Anytime.

Hey, I'm right behind you.

A little nervous.

Get it together, dad.

Sorry. Ok...

Uhh! Oh!

Ooh, I'm sorry.

Ok, wait a minute. Wait, sorry.

Oh, no. Not my
new big-screen TV!

Uh, ok!

I guess that's it for tonight.

Uh, uh, everybody...

Thanks for coming,
and drive safely

and keep this to yourselves.

Sorry about hitting you.

I just couldn't get it,

and I'm sorry I embarrassed you.

Dad, wait.

You didn't embarrass me.

Well, I mean, you kind
of did, but that's my fault.

I put too much pressure on you.

No, you didn't.

Well, you kind of did.

Look, it's exactly the
same type of pressure

I used to put on you.

Maybe we both need to chill out.

You know what I'm thinking?

From now on, no matter how bad

we both stink at something,

let's have fun stinking at it.


Ok. Ha ha!


You better get that
hand off my plate

unless you want
me to eat that, too.

Man, lucky for us those

are our exact same size!

Yeah, yeah, it's funny
how that works, isn't it?

I'm so glad we came here.

Me, too.

No, no, no, no.

No, you sitting wrong.
You sitting wrong.

Girl with girl. Boy with boy.

Better for the
digestive in the tummy.

- For the food, for the...
- Better for that.

So we move this way.
Hey, what are you doing?

There you go. Better
for the tummy over there.

No, wait, no.

I liked it the way it was.

Oh, well, you have to forget
the way it was, sweetie.

This is how it is.

What's up with those guys?


Are you gonna finish that?

That's it. I've had enough.

Vicky, wait!

No. I don't ever want
to talk to you again.


Man, do we know how
to ruin a date, or what?

Yeah, we're good.

Hey, Rae, that was
so much fun last night!

I feel horrible about
the whole thing.

Yeah, me, too. I'm
riddled with shame.

Look, we went there to
just keep an eye on him,

and my jealousy got to me,

and we ruined the whole date.

I guess.

Well, there he is.

Come on. You know
what you gotta do.

Come clean and apologize.

Actually, I was just gonna say

run the other way,
but that's good, too.

Hey, Tyler. Um... I... I'm sorry

about what happened
on your date last night.

Eddie told you, huh?

Uh, not exactly. See...

Doesn't even matter.

Everything worked
out for the best.

It did? Yeah.

Can I show you something?

Yeah, sure.

Oh, it's a flippy book!

Oh! I bet... I bet you
drew a cute, adorable girl.

Hee hee!

Yeah. How did you know?

It's like you have X-Rae vision.

Well, you know, it's a
little somethin' like that.

Let's just flip it. Flip it.

That's so...


Yeah, I called her up
last night and apologized.

We ended up laughing
about the whole thing,

so I made this for her.

You think she'll like it?

Yeah, I...

I think she'll... I think
she'll really love it.

You're an amazing artist.



So, anyway, I'm
glad we're friends.

Yeah, me, too.

Hey, Rae, how'd it go?

I blew it, Chels.

I guess Tyler and I
just weren't meant to be.

I guess we just
weren't meant to be.

Let me just fix this
collar for you, man.

Mom, she's juzshing me again.

Raven, I thought you were
out of the makeover business.

I am. I'm just doing this
to annoy Corey. Hee hee.


Dang, I almost got it.

Dad, we talked about this.

It's ok that you can't juggle.

Yeah, but I'm getting close.

You're getting close to
breaking every dish in the house.

Come on, guys. You're
gonna be late for school.

I'm gonna be late for school!

Heh heh heh.

Bye, dad. Bye, dad.

Have fun in school, guys.

All right.

Hey. Heh heh.

Hey, I'm juggling!

Ha ha ha!

Hey, guys, come
back. I'm juggling!

This is great!

Oh, my... I never
learned how to stop!

Oh, my... hey, a little help?