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04x14 - Willy Ward

Posted: 04/22/24 20:54
by bunniefuu
Previously on Nip / Tuck...


- What kind of a joke is this?
- This isn't a joke, Christian.

That's right. We're pregnant.

What kind of monster are you?

This was a human being!

Imagine trying to explain this
to your future husband.

It could ruin everything you've worked for.

Christian Troy, James Sutherland.

Wilber's father. His real one.

My father named you legal guardian
in his will.

What about his mother?

My father was very adamant that she have
as little to do with Wilber as possible.

My son is back.

Look at how high he's going!

You wanna go higher, Wilber?

- Hold on tight.
- You're a natural mom.

It's easy with him.

You're irresistible, aren't you,
you little cutie?

It's impossible to be
in a bad mood with him, you know?

So, I start proceedings tomorrow
to adopt him legally.

I was just wondering, how would you feel
about being his mommy?


What about the birth mother?

Courts ruled against her.
She's out of the picture.

I'm sorry, Christian,
I need to think about it.

I need to be sure.

I want you to be sure.

Right, buddy? Huh?

Yes, it's James.

What's the market for children's kidneys?

I have two.

Think I can get them for you
within a week.

Tell me what you don't like
about yourself, Miss Hudson.

Well, I just came to see
what all the fuss is about.

And do you like what you see?

Is there a particular procedure
you're interested in?

Well, actually, I'm in town for a
hunting trip. The Everglades.

And I just thought, well, sh**t,
since I'm in the area,

I might as well
get my breasts augmented, right?

I think you could go up to a C-cup
with your figure.

Anything larger may strain...

You know, I just can't seem to picture you
in camouflage and orange.

Well, after I zero in on my prey,
I usually wear nothing at all.

Now, that I can picture.

You're bad.

Since I'm gonna be
your surgeon, Miss Hudson,

perhaps we should go into my office
and talk about the operation,

just the two of us.

I'm sorry. I don't...
I don't mean to, you know...

But I'm really interested
in Dr. Troy handling me.

You know, I read about you

in Ocean Drive magazine's list
of Miami's most eligible bachelors.

I just cannot believe
you're only number seven.

Well, I hate to burst
your bubble, sweetheart,

but that article is a little out of date.

I'm happily engaged
and looking forward to family life.

What a pity.


I mean, you still do boob jobs, don't you?

I wouldn't be the doctor I am if I didn't.

Scoot over, Christian.

You don't get to have all the fun.
Gown and gloves?

What are you doing here?

Thought you'd cop a feel
while she was under?

I just think that we should give
Miss Hudson the best treatment we can.

And since I'm available, I figured

I'd just make sure the operation
goes as smoothly as possible.

Oh, Jesus, you gotta be kidding me.

You pull this crap every time
your fragile little ego gets bruised.

Boys, boys, boys.

This is why God gave women two breasts.

Now, each of you take one and go play
in your corner of the sandbox.

Dr. McNamara? Your 2:00 is here.

And you should bring some milk
and a bowl with you.

He's cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs.

See? There are plenty of boobs
to go around.

Tell me what you don't like about yourself.

Do you have to ask?

Father Time whacked him in the face
with a baseball bat.

Very impressive, but I think we'd move
more quickly through the consult

if you'd just put the dummy away.

No problem. Go wait in the car, dummy.

- Enough, Ralphy. Let me talk.
- Jeez, okay, fine.

He wasn't so sensitive
when his jowls didn't look like a walrus.

Ralphy and I have been together 30...

- Thirty. Thirty years.
- Thirty years. Yeah.

I designed him to look exactly like me.

He's perfect.

He's like another me, only better,
more confident, out there.

He could say the things
that I was afraid to say.

We had a long-term contract
with Princess Cruises.

- Yeah.
- We saw the world. People ate us up.

- Mike Douglas, Donahue.
- I felt Dinah Shore's tits.

Ralphy, would you please shut up?

And now?

This past year we booked two nights
at a dinner theater and a retirement home.

Sounds like you need a good agent
more than a plastic surgeon.

No. No, no, I need to look like Ralphy.

That's why the show's not working.

When he was an extension of me,
my other self, our schtick was charming.

Now it's just tragic.

I can't compete with him.

Doctor, I need a face lift,
some lipo under the chin, plugs.

You can use Ralphy as a template.

I don't mean to sound insensitive,
Mr. Ward, but why not get a new puppet?

No, no! No!

Hey! Shut up!

This isn't about Ralphy.

We used to be a team.

When I was the Abbott to his Costello,
we were on equal ground,

but now when we go out on stage,
I feel like I just disappear.

I need this to restore my confidence,
get my mojo back.

And while you're at it,
why don't you throw in a d*ck and balls?

Have you ever heard a man
sound like such a p*ssy?

God damn it, Ralphy, would you please
let me be just for a minute?

Face it, jerkface,
it doesn't matter what you do,

I'll always be sexier than you,
better looking and more charming.

- Now, get your hand out of my ass.
- Shut up, Christian!

Shut up, Ralphy!

So, Doc, you gonna help Granddad out
or not?

I have an opening tomorrow at 11:00.

- He's gonna do me.
- That's great.

I know.

Thank you. Thank you so much. Thank you.

It's not that anything's wrong, really,
it's just...


You can talk to me, Kimber.

Sex with Matt is kind of boring.

Kimber, you know as well as I do,
it's all about the tech.

The tech. I know. The tech works.

Have you two made a list
of your overts and withholds?

Overts and withholds?

Can I reach those with my vibrator?

When was the last time
this poor girl had an orgasm?

Am I boring you, Kimber?

No. No, of course not.

Jesus, girlfriend, what happened to you?

The highest grossing sex goddess of 2004
is trolling for sex tips?

Good com is at the core of a marriage.

And better communication
might not only help your sex life,

but also give you more energy.

Oh, my God, wake me when this is over!

Maybe I should come back
when you're more awake.

That's the guy from 75 trillion years ago
who drugged mankind

and nuked them in volcanoes.

What was his name? What's your name?

Xenu? Xenu.

I can't believe
you're falling for this bull, Kimmy.

There was nothing wrong
with who you were or who you used to be.

At least then, the only myth you
embraced was the one you created.

He kind of looks like that guy
we screwed in our first video, doesn't he?

Parker, wait a second, don't go yet.
I have a question.

Tell me about Xenu.

Like, what does he look like?
He's not the same as a Thetan, is he?

We don't talk about Xenu.

That's for OT Vll and higher.
People who are light enough to handle it.

Why don't you go lie down?
I'll call you later.

You'll never escape me, Kimmy.
Trying only makes you more tired.

- There's the fianc?e I was looking for.
- Can you find me later, baby?

I'm late for a conference call
with Burt's lawyers.

- Some loose ends with the estate.
- I just wanted to give you this first.

Wilber drew it this morning.
He said it's of his new family.

I think he captured you quite well,
don't you think?

Oh, my goodness.

I'm gonna have this framed.

Hello, Christian.

Don't you mean, "Hello, assh*le"?

There's no need
for demoralizing pet names anymore.

I'm here on business.

And how business-like of you

to sneak into my office
and take me by surprise.

I'm sorry.

It's the only way that I knew you'd see me.

I went by your apartment earlier,

but your doorman wouldn't tell me
where you'd moved.

Yeah, I always liked that guy.

How is he?

He's a little confused, not sleeping,
but good,

under the circumstances.


I figured you would've called by now
if you planned to get in touch.

Mr. Sutherland forbidding me to see
Wilber is one thing, but this is different.

I am his only living relative now.

You can't possibly think
of denying me my son.

It's in his will, Gina.

You lost any legal rights to Wilber
two years ago.

And with good reason.
But I am not that person anymore.

Look, I...

I made a nice nest egg
when I sold the spa.

And I renewed my real estate license
and I made quite a k*lling last year.

I am back at my S.A. meetings.
I'm even sponsoring newcomers.

How's your health?

Well, AIDS is the new diabetes, Christian.

And this cocktail I'm on,
I don't even get a cold during flu season.

Getting a new suit
and getting some money in the bank

doesn't really change who you are.

I tried to stay in his life.

I sent letters, I sent gifts every week.
They always got sent back.

Wilber's the only reason
I got my shit together.

I deserve to be his mother again.

He's as much my son, too.

- And I'm not handing him over again.
- I'm not asking for that.

No, no, all I'm asking for
is shared custody.

You're a great dad and...

Babies deserve
to have a mom in their life, too.

Legally, yes, I know I have no rights.

But I am here to ask you...

Will you please let me have
a relationship with my son again?

You all right?

Look how much paler my right hand is
than my left hand.

I don't think I've spent more than
20 minutes at a time

for the past 30 years without Ralphy on it.

You don't sleep with that thing do you?

No. I'm not nuts.

But his bed is right next to mine.

You're sure he's gonna be safe
in your office? Nobody's gonna take him?

Who would want him?

Fifteen minutes alone with him
and they'd pay you a ransom

to take him back.

Look, Doctor,
I know how crazy all this sounds.

Me competing
with a handsome block of Styrofoam

when I'm the one with the talent.

It's pure projection, I realize that,

but thank you.

You know, for letting me.


You need to call me back, Liz.
We need to talk.

We have talked, Poppy.

We talked, then we cried,
then we made love,

then we talked and cried some more

and none of it has made me feel any better
about the way you treat me.

- I'm sorry, we're in the middle of...
- I'm not in the sterile zone, Sean.

I know. I'm sorry, baby.

But don't let the fact
that I can't love myself

get in the way of letting me love you.

You are the most beautiful woman
that I have ever kissed

who didn't steal
one of my organs afterward,

but I cannot let you
keep me down anymore.

- But I love you.
- You love controlling me.

- Liz...
- Now you're not sterile, Poppy.


- Take my hand.
- Why?

To keep me from running out after her.

I didn't know you two had broken up.
How's it going?

Good days, bad days.

I miss her in bed with me.

That girl could miss a shower for a week
and still smell like lilacs.

Still, it feels right.

I just never felt good enough
when I was with her, you know?

Because no matter how many times
she told me she loved me, I never felt like

I could shine when she was around.

I know exactly how you feel.

Fifteen thousand shares. Yes.

- You know what this is? This is a kidney.
- I have to call you back.

How did you get in here?

Well, the maid let me in
without a struggle,

once I told her
I was Wilber's Auntie James.

You really should fire the fat slug.

I asked for an iced tea 20 minutes ago.

Put the child down, Michelle.

I've just bought Wilber a board game.
You're ruining all our fun.

I want you off my property
and out of my life.

Well, you are my life,
the sweetest part of it.

Don't deny me
the chance to share in your joy.

I've had so little of it.

- Just let me hold him.
- Stay away from him, James!

If you so much as breathe in his direction,
I swear to God, I will k*ll you.

Congratulations, Michelle.
Well, he's a fine-looking boy.

Adopted children often come
with all sorts of health issues.

But he looks positively robust.
Plump and juicy.


- What's going on? Everything all right?
- Everything's fine, Dad, yeah.

Well, let me grab my jacket.
I'm free until 2:30. I'll take you to lunch.

Well, actually, I'm here to talk to Christian.

I thought you weren't speaking to him.

Yeah, I'm not,
but it's kind of an emergency.

Try me.

I'm your father, too, you know.

Kimber and I are...

We're having problems in the bedroom.


Christian's not the only sexpert
around here, Matt.

What sort of problems you having?

Premature ejaculation?

- Can we go into your office, please?
- Yeah.

You're not having E.D.
at your age, are you?

- E.D.?
- Erectile dysfunction.

Oh, Jesus, no.

I think we have the original mold
of the Kimber doll's vag*na in storage.

Now, I can get it
and show you the sensitive areas.

No, I know where her clitoris is, Dad.

Sometimes straight vaginal intercourse

won't be enough for her
to reach full arousal.

Have you tried digital or oral stimulation?

See, that's why I wanted to talk to
Christian instead of you.

He can't tell you anything that I can't.

Well, he can tell me how to make her hot.

You make me feel like I'm talking
to Dr. Ruth. It's totally embarrassing.

Okay, fine.

You wanna make Kimber hot? I get it.

She's a former porn star.
You have to be assertive, be a man.

When she says she wants you to give it
to her in the rear, and believe me,

Kimber will say that,
you tease her first with your tongue.

She'll beg you to stick it in, but hold off.

Wait until she writhes and screams
until she can't take it anymore.

Only then do you give her what she wants.

You pound her so hard
she'll beg for mercy.

The neighbors will either move out
or send you flowers.

That's what I did with her.

What I'd do.

Well, if that's what you did with her...

I can't imagine
what Christian and Kimber did together.

- And you're sure this is what you want?
- More than sure.

Spending time with him,
holding him these past few days,

I just suddenly realized that I'd do
anything to protect him, keep him safe.

He stole my heart, Christian.

Making him legally mine feels like
the most natural thing in the world.

And you know that what I want most
in the world is for you to be his mommy.

And how about you, little man?

He's tired, but I think that's a yes.

Thank you.

I guess I'm a mom now.

- To family.
- To family.

To our family.

Our family. Let's toast.

- Cheers.
- Oh, my God! Oh, my God!

- Oh, shit.
- Oh, my God, Wilber. Wilber, hi.

What the hell are you doing here?
Did you follow us?

My lawyer informed me this afternoon
that you denied my request for visitation.

What the hell else am I supposed to do?

Wilber, sweetie, hi.
Can Mommy get a hug?

- Stop it, you're scaring him.
- Who the hell are you?

This is Michelle. Michelle, this is Gina.
Michelle is my fianc?e.

- And Wilber's adoptive mother.
- His what?

We're getting married.
I asked her to legally adopt him.

- Is that what this celebration is about?
- Yes, it is, actually.

She's signing the paperwork?

- What are you doing?
- What are you doing, bitch?

All right, let's take this outside.
Come on. Come on.

This is so like you.
You're all about appearances.

What, you think that Wilber's
gonna be more comfortable

with her just because she's black?

Jesus Christ! If you don't take control
of yourself I won't speak to you at all.

Oh, no, I am done talking.

I tried that when I came by your office.
I wanted to play nice.

But if you want to play
"keep away from me,"

things are just gonna get ugly.

Come with me, Wilber.
Come with Mommy.


Gina, Jesus!

Yeah, try to touch me again,
you'll wear your dessert!

What are you crazy, you bitch?
What the hell are you doing?

What, because I wanna see my son
after losing him for three years?

That makes me crazy?
You're the one who's lost your mind!

He is my son!
I am never gonna stop fighting for him!

- Never!
- Excuse me.

- Do I need to call the police?
- Yes, call the police.

I just wanted a hug, God damn it.


Mommy's gonna come back.

You can count on it.


I could use a touch assist.

I'm miserable and I'm bloated.

Yeah, just focus them all right
here on the bed,

- that's where the star is, yeah?
- Matt?

Hey, baby.

- Got a little surprise for you.
- What's going on?

You and I are gonna make a porno.

You said how you always had
real orgasms on the set,

that's why you were such a big seller.

So we're gonna do one right here.

What are you thinking?
Those days for me are completely over.

- It's just for us, babe. It's just for us.
- No.

Look, and chances are
we're gonna be watching it repeatedly,

so I just wanted the quality
to be fantastic.

And look who I got to direct us.

- Hey, you.
- Lena?

How did you... Hi.

Oh, my God.

How are you?


- This woman was my mentor.
- Yeah, I know, that's why she's here.

But, you guys, I can't do this.

Well, why not, lovey? Oh, it'll be fun.
You and me together again.

You remember our first film?
Starsky and Snatch?

- Oh, God, you were so insanely hot.
- Yeah, I bet you were.

It's all gone to shit now, though.
Nobody wants artistic porn anymore.

All they want is niche crap:
bondage, bukkake, bestiality.

Well, I got out just in time.

Well, your young man here
has gone way out on a limb.

He even brought in Marty.
Do you remember Marty?

- Hey, sweetheart.
- Marty.

You are a bad, bad boy.

- Hi, Marty.
- Isn't that what you want?

And wait till you hear
the story we've dreamed up.

You guys, I'm four months pregnant
and I'm huge.

Sweetheart, you are beyond luscious.

And action!

Oh, Doctor.

I'm burning up and you're the only
gynecologist who'll make house calls.

Oh, my. Well, then,
we must take your temperature.


Don't block the money shot, Matt!

Your fever's so high it's making me hot.

Is your husband home?

No, Doctor, he's away doing boys' things.

I need a real man who can take care of me.

Well, he's right here.

Oh, Doctor!

Yeah. Doctor.

Oh, Doctor! Oh, yeah!

Oh, that's right, baby, do it for Mama.

Yeah, harder!


There won't be any scarring
after the sutures come out.

So, is it what you expected?

It's better.

Doc, I didn't know how thirsty I was
till you gave me a drink.

It hurts like hell, but I feel so liberated.

Hey! Hey! How about
letting me out of here right now?

Let me out!

I didn't wanna show Ralphy yet.

He's been waiting there all day.
Could you get Ralphy out please?

Could you go get him for me, Doc?

All right, hey, what are you doing?
Let me out. I wanna take a look.

Hey, let me out of here right now.
What are you doing?

Okay, could you cover his eyes, Doc?
I wanna show him myself.

Ralphy, wait'll you see this.

- I wanna see.
- Hang on, hang on. Hang on, hang on.

- Okay, you ready?
- Yeah. Ready.

Okay, look.


Jesus, Mary, son of Joseph, did you use
a scalpel or a sledgehammer, Doc?

Oh, come on, Ralphy.

I'm serious. He should lose his license
after this hack-job.

Why can't you be there for me?

Can't you just let me be happy
for five minutes, just once?

You want me to lie? Okay.
You look like Monty Clift.

Not when he was alive, mind you.

Mr. Ward, it's a puppet. Just put it down.

He can't, Doc.

Without me he's 176 pounds of nothing.

- Hey, babe.
- Hey.

- How much longer you wanna stay?
- I don't know, an hour or so.

It's good for him. Gets all his energy out.

He's not the only one.

Why don't you go home?
We'll catch up with you.

You can get yourself some rest.

What about the 7:30 reservation?
Do you not want to go to dinner now?

Should we order in?

Can you watch him for a sec?
I'll be back in a minute, buddy.

What in the hell are you doing here,
God damn it?

I'm sorry.
I thought you were somebody else.

Can I push the baby?

- Sure, honey. But not too high, okay?
- I promise.

Guess I'm a little paranoid.

And I know what you're thinking,

but everything's gonna be different
once the adoption is formal.

We're gonna be... We're gonna be fine.

We need to hire a security firm
to watch the house.

And I want to put a restraining order
against her.

No, no, no, I don't wanna do that.
Not to Gina. Not yet.

Why are you always giving this woman
the benefit of the doubt?

Because she's had a hard life.

And, I don't know, I just... I guess I feel
like she's gonna change at some point.

You know what? If he were my son,
I'd be stalking him everywhere, too.

She's not gonna go away.

That's just something
that we're gonna have to deal with.

- Christian?
- Where's Wilber?


Hey, the little boy you were pushing,
where is he?

- He went with the lady.
- What lady? Where did she take him?

I don't know.
Was he not supposed to leave with her?

- Wilber?
- Wilber!




Oh, Dr. Schwartz.

You know just where to touch me.

I think we need to use my schwartz
to examine you more closely.

I shall now remove it from my trousers.

Lock the door. Go lock the door.

- Take off the loupes, son.
- Yes, sir.

Hi, Dr. Schwartz.

- How we feeling today, Kimber?
- Fine.

I gained four pounds,
which I don't like, but good...

You could afford to gain
a few more, actually.

The baby needs nourishment.

Well, I'll make sure to give her
a second helping at every meal.

Now, before we start,
I'd like to talk about the Second Dynamic.

The Second Dynamic?

- The part about creativity.
- Oh, right.

Actually, it's about sex and family,

and surviving through future generations

by making sure engrams
aren't implanted on the fetus.

But I would never do anything
to hurt the baby, Dr. Schwartz.

- We're very, very careful.
- Are you?

Do you know that aggressive sex
during pregnancy

can be interpreted by the fetus as abuse,

possibly even an attempted abortion?

Don't you think that's an engram?

Wait a minute.
What are you talking about?

I'm talking about your obscene little
"playing doctor," pregnancy-fetish movie

on someone named
Lena Werkman's website.

It was discovered
by a Church member this morning.

That must be a mistake.

'Cause she is a friend of ours
and she would never do that.

- Oh, shit.
- Your ethics are out.

Even after you do the work to fix this,
the damage might already be done.

I fear for your child's future
and for your future in the Church.

Now, let's get started, shall we?
Why don't you lie back?


The police are sending a car
over to Gina's apartment.

- Everything's gonna be fine.
- She's desperate, Christian.

She'll do anything to hurt us.
You don't understand.

You need to stay calm, sweetheart.
One of us has to.

They'll find him.

This is my fault, Christian.
I brought this on him.

- This is my fault.
- This is nobody's fault.

We're gonna get through this.
They're gonna find Wilber. Okay?

I love you.

I love you, too.

Looking for this, Michelle?

I don't think
you'll find one of Burt's g*ns in the desk.

You did such a magnificent job
baby-proofing the place.

Where is he, James?
What have you done with Wilber?

Children that age are so extraordinary,
aren't they?

- So pure, so full of light.
- Give him back, God damn you!

He's innocent.
He doesn't deserve to suffer.

Do any of us?

I had a little boy.

Did I tell you that? I don't think I did.


He had the same bright sparkle
in his eyes.

He inherited a defective gene,

and his kidneys developed sacs of fluid
that consumed the healthy tissue.

He was 18 months when he died
in my arms waiting for a young donor.

That tragedy has led me
to my current business.

It's ironic, isn't it?

So, you think your child's death
justifies taking another child's life?

Children's organs are in high demand.
It seemed all right somehow

to deprive you of the happiness
I can't have,

to make you just taste
the misery that has become my life.

Misery so powerful
it can make you do things,

things you never believed yourself
capable of.

Oh, my God... Wilber. Oh, my God.

Shocking to me,
when it first occurred to me.

A drunk is one thing, but a helpless child?

You were right when you said,
"There is nothing human left in me! "

Can you imagine to take revenge
on something that you've never had,

that you could never have,
on a defenseless child?

James, don't! Please! Please, don't!

When you reach that point,

there's just nothing left to lose,
is there, darling?

- I loved you!
- Please stop, James!


I have Wilber. He's fine.

We'll be home in a half an hour.

He didn't even know me.
He was afraid of me.

Imagine your own child rejecting you.

He cried the whole time.

I've worked too hard to get where I am.

Turning him from a whiny brat
into a decent little boy

would take all my time
and an entire team of experts.

That is not how I plan
to spend my time or money.

Undoing the Sutherlands' mess? No.
Be my guest.

- Are you done?
- He's got quite the potty mouth.

- Good luck with that.
- Must be in the genes.

Well, time's up,
which means it's time for you to leave.

And I'll be pressing charges.

I thought I wanted him.
That's all I thought about for three years.

My mother wasn't a bad person.

She loved me, she took care of me.

I don't know why I turned out like this.

Yeah, I guess it's random.

Some people get the parenting instinct,
some people don't.

You've got that instinct.

You. The assh*le.

Go figure.


Don't forget your fire truck.

Well, I had to buy it for him.

He screamed so loud
the whole store was staring at me

like I was Attila the Hun.

- Bye, kiddo.
- Bye.

Be a good boy.

You, too.

Hey, there, buddy. Come on up here.

Come on, give... Give your daddy a hug.

We had to get a Hazmat crew in
to clean up all the blood.

It was disgusting. It was everywhere.
You should've seen.

It was on the walls, on the furniture...

Can we not talk about this, please?

No, I think we do need to talk about this.

You knew she was Michelle's madam?

She was in our recovery suite, Christian.

- How could you not tell me?
- 'Cause I asked him not to.

James was my shame, Sean.

I'm sorry if I didn't want it
whispered through the halls.

Then explain to me
why you're planning your shame's funeral?

Because I'm all she had.

And how do you explain
not telling me about Wilber?

It feels like
you're cutting me out of everything.

Because we didn't want you to worry.

I'm sorry I didn't tell you about
everything, but Wilber's fine. He's safe.

And James is dead.

And, as far as I'm concerned,
Michelle's past went with her.

So now we all just have to move on.



Everything is falling into place
for me, partner.

The business, Michelle, Wilber.

It's funny, every day of my life I wake
up with this thing in my throat.

But this morning,
when little Wilber snuck in

and wedged himself
between Michelle and me,

I just laid there listening
to the two of them breathing.

And that thing in my throat,
whatever it is, disappeared.

I want you and Michelle to buy me out.

What? I was just telling you
how good everything's going.

For you.

That thing in your throat that went
away when you got a family?

I swallowed it
when mine left for New York.

You've been through this before.

How many times
have you tried to leave this place?

You just need a vacation.

Why don't you go to Sardinia,

screw some hot Italian bitch
with hairy armpits, and you'll be fine.

I put the house on the market yesterday.

Julia's on board.

She said
there's nothing left for her there either.

I've been blaming you
for my unhappiness for years.

First with Julia,
then the business, then Matt.

You know how I'm always
being critical of your lifestyle?

I've realized
it's just been a cover for my jealousy.

I'm in awe of you.

I always have been.

Well, I feel the same way about you,
so why break up the team?

Because you and I have been friends
and partners for so long,

I don't know who I am without you.

I need to find that out.

- Where you gonna go?
- I don't know.

Just out of Miami.

There are plenty of cities
that need a good plastic surgeon.

You know I'll sue you first?

I couldn't be happier for you.

But I am going. It's done.

Relax, Ms. Landau,
I'm not going to hurt you.

- How do you know my name?
- What? You don't know who I am?

I never get the credit I deserve.

I'm Escobar Gallardo.

I'm the reason you met your new fianc?.

Your boss James worked for me.

And now that she's gone,
you're gonna take her place.

Please drive.