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03x15 - Quentin Costa

Posted: 04/22/24 20:43
by bunniefuu
What are you doing here?

SEAN: We were called
by the girl's mother.

She's a very
important client of ours.

She's asked us to
transfer her daughter

to our office.

We have a private
ambulance out front.

Which girl?

What do you mean, which girl?

The one who was
att*cked by the Carver.

You're going to have to be

a little bit more specific.

I have 9 victims.

He att*cked all
these girls tonight?

Picked them off one by one.

Believe it or not,
this is a good thing.

I think you're becoming
desensitized, Kit.

Serial criminals like the
Carver are creatures of habit.

They're obsessive-compulsive.

When they break
protocol like this,

it means they're
getting desperate.

That's when we catch them.

It's always darkest
before the dawn.

Where's Chelsey Myers?

Why don't you go
talk to Chelsey?

I'm going to see if I can
help any of these other girls.


Chelsey, my name
is Dr. Christian Troy.

I'm a plastic surgeon.

Your mom called me

and asked me to come down
here and take care of you.

She's gonna meet
us at my office.

She's not allowed
in here right now.

My mom is here?

I'm gonna take good care
of you, sweetheart, OK?

She's in shock.

I'd like to take a
couple of these girls

back to the office for surgery.

It'll be a late night,

but maybe we can
do them back to back.


Chelsey, can you tell me
anything you remember

about the man who att*cked you?

Kit, now's not the time.

It's the best time, Christian.

We have to catch this
man as soon as possible.

This is going to look
like a Disney movie

compared to what
he's gonna do next.

He must've climbed
in from the fire escape.

He made his way down
the hall, from room to room.

I walked in on him when
he was raping Ellen.

I don't know what came over me.

I just ran towards him
and jumped on him.

You're a very
brave girl, Chelsey.

Well, it didn't do any good.

He just tossed me
aside like I was a doll.

And that's when I saw it.

Saw what?

His pants were down when he
turned towards me and I saw it.

His penis?

No... it wasn't a penis.

It was one of those
fake strap-on things.

Miami Police! We are armed!

Surrender yourself immediately!


♪ Ahh ♪

♪ Make me ♪

♪ Beautiful ♪

♪ Make me ♪

♪ A perfect soul ♪

♪ A perfect mind ♪

♪ A perfect face ♪

♪ A perfect ♪

♪ Lie ♪

I'm afraid doing any
work on your scars

would be less
than prudent for us

at this point, Quentin,

but we can refer
you to Dr. Sachs.

A referral?

Who else besides the two of you

understands on a deeper level

what it would take to
make me whole again?

That's why I'm here.

Obviously, we understand
what you're going through

and we sympathize, but...

It's not that we don't
want to help you, Quentin.

It's just too dangerous
for us to do the work.

What do you mean, dangerous?

The Carver only came after us

because we fixed his victims.

And then he went
after my fiancee.

Repairing your face would
be too dangerous for us.

We're not willing to
take that risk anymore.

Oh. You mean in the same way

I put myself in danger

when I fixed your face, Sean?

What about the half
dozen sorority girls

both of you fixed last night?

That takes care of your
danger theory, doesn't it?

Why don't you two
just please admit

what this is really about?

You just don't like me.

You never have.

You never gave me the chance.

We did give you a chance.

You blew it by consistently
being deceptive.

What are you talking about?

The drug use.

Dating my ex-wife.

Screwing a male
patient in recovery.

The dr*gs were a one-time thing.

Dating Julia, that
just happened.

And as far as
Brandt is concerned,

it was a mistake.

Pretending to be a gigolo

when you haven't
even got a d*ck...

So if I told you that I
was born without a penis,

that would've made
everything OK, right?

You mean some
twink didn't bite it off

during a lover's spat?

[SIGHS] I was born

with what is called a
5-alpha reductase deficiency.

It's a genetic disorder

that happens in utero.

I spent my entire childhood

in and out of hospitals,

undergoing hormone therapies
and reconstructive surgeries

in order to correct the problem.

In fact, it was that experience

that made me want
to become a surgeon.

What about that
college party we went to?

I saw you get a blow job.

She was drunk, Sean.

I offered her 100 bucks

to pretend I had one.

She didn't care.

Why would you do that?

Because I wanted to feel

like one of the boys for once!

Because I wanted to be accepted.

Is that why you grabbed
my ass in bed with Kit?

Because you wanted
to be accepted?

I knew that if she
took it any further,

that if I took it any further,

she would discover
that I didn't have a d*ck

and that would ruin everything.

At least by grabbing your ass...

I got to keep my secret.

I admire you both.

That's why I took the job.

But more than that, I just...

I wanted to be like you.

You know, for the first time,

it's funny, all 3 of us have
something in common.

We've all been carved.

Yet you still can't
treat me like an equal.


How's Thursday for you?

I'm really sorry
about the mall, Matt.

You know, I was
jealous. I'm human.

Yeah, I know. I hear you.

But it's still over between us.

Listen, I just want to know.

What does Cherry
have that I don't have?


You see, this is why I
didn't want to get in the car.

You're irrational and
you don't listen, Ariel.

There's nothing
between me and Cherry.

I just want to know.

I mean, does
Cherry have a penis?

Jesus, Ariel! This is insane.

No, just tell me.

I just want to know. I
mean, it doesn't scare me.

Just tell me.

You know, if weird
sex is what you want,

I... I'm totally for that.

You just... you just
didn't give me a chance.

Please, Matt.


No, Matt, please!

Listen, Ariel. Settle down.

You heard the man, Ariel.

Get off him.

Slide over, Matt.

Um, what's going on?

A little outing. Just us.

I did what you said, Daddy.

I kept him here.

Seat belts, everyone.


Lasagna. Wow.

Reserve judgment
till you've tried it.

I've had a lot of time

to cultivate my culinary skills

living on my own.

I think that's been
about the only advantage.

I thought you wanted to go over
some changes in the mortgage.

After dinner. Eat.

It feels like years
since we've sat here

and had a meal together.

This is really sweet of you.

What's this?

Open it.

It's the deed to our house.

Yeah. I want you to have it.

I made the last mortgage
payment on it yesterday.

It's officially ours.

But it's always been yours.

I don't know what to say.

You made this house, Julia.

You picked the paint, the
moldings, every piece of furniture.

You did all the
work. I just lived here.

That's very... wonderful of you,

but I can't just kick you
out and move back in.

I want you to have it, Jules.

The thought of you living here

and having our baby here

just really would make me happy.

I can't. I... I wouldn't
be comfortable here.

I want to bring this baby into a
place that isn't complicated by the past.

You know, I want a fresh start.

I'm sorry.


Everything's come full circle.

Here I am looking
up at the two of you

when I was originally
brought down

to operate on both of you.

You're going to be
fine, Quentin, I promise.

Count back from 10 for me, OK?

[SIGHS] 10... 9... 8...

This is the work of an amateur.

Are you saying it's not
the work of the Carver?

It's his work.

I'm just saying it's not as
pristine and meticulous.

He's getting sloppy.


What the hell's going on?

You can't come in here.

You're contaminating
the operation.

Elizabeth Cruz,
you are under arrest

for 18 counts of
as*ault and battery,

kidnapping, and the
m*rder of Rhea Reynolds.

You seem really nervous.

I've never been arrested before.

A little advice: Don't
start off by lying.

We both know that isn't true.

I think being hauled in

during an ACT-UP
march in college

doesn't count the same as
being arrested for m*rder.

I must say, I always
admire a woman

who's willing to fight
for social change

and stand up for what
she believes like that.

Is that you, Liz?

A woman of conviction?

How come when you say
it, it sounds like a disease?

I just want to know what
it's like for someone like you.

An out lesbian working
in a male-dominated field,

helping women stuff
their bodies with silicon.

Holding strong to
those feminist beliefs

must be awfully
frustrating at times.

Let me save you the trouble, OK?

I am not some bitter femi-n*zi

trying to get back at the world,

and I certainly didn't
carve my bosses

as payback for who they are.

And beauty is not a
curse, it's a commodity,

and I've never had any
illusions about what I do.


Make sure you share that
philosophy with your kids.

My kids?

Are you sure that you
have the right person?

I don't even have cats.

Yeah, but you're planning on
having children, though, right?

We do have records
of your numerous visits

to area sperm banks
in the last 6 months.

This was for something else.

I'm sure. All that
semen you took

must have been for more
than just making little Lizs,

like planting evidence
at crime scenes.

Look, I know this sounds weird,

but we were using all of this

as an ingredient
in a face cream.

That's so stupefyingly bizarre,

it's almost worth
entertaining the thought.

Was this in the face cream, too?

60 vials of melaphosphate.

The same kind of tranquilizer

the Carver uses to
paralyze his victims.

I don't know about
this order form.

It has your signature on it.

No, somebody forged that.

That's not me.

Just like it wasn't you

who helped keep Rhea Reynolds
awake during her surgery.

Motive and opportunity, Liz.

Judges look for that when
they're signing arrest warrants.

But what really
gets them excited...

is when you show them the means.

We found this in your apartment.

Having a sex toy makes
me a m*rder suspect now?

My point is is that
you strap this on.

That tells me that you're not
wearing it for your own enjoyment,

you're wearing it
for someone else,

and since you don't have
a relationship right now,

I'm just wondering when
you get a chance to use it.

I don't.

Not since Wendy, and
that was 2 years ago.

Oh, yes. Wendy.

We spoke to her this afternoon.

Cute girl.

A bit young for you, though.

Went back to her husband
in case you hadn't heard.

Turns out she was straight.

Nobody's perfect.

That's not the real reason
she left you, though, is it, Liz?

She told us you used to get a bit
carried away in your lovemaking.

What was the word she used?


Have a bit of a
power issue, do we?

Yeah, well, someone in
this room has a power issue,

that's for sure.

Psychologically speaking,

you're no different
from the carver.

I didn't do anything!

You have a history of
standing up to social norms.

You have a clear need to exercise
power over those around you,

and you had an access
to the medical tools needed

to carry out your plan.

Tell me, now that I've
had my face repaired,

don't you just wish you
could carve it again?



Sorry to keep
you waiting, Julia.

Sean isn't joining you?

No, not this time.

I told him since we
weren't married anymore,

he's not obligated to come to
every single gyno appointment.

I see.

What's the matter?

Is something wrong?

We got the results of your CVS.

Stop it.

Stay still or I swear to
God you'll regret this.

Why are you doing this?

I'm going to make
you even prettier

than your little girlfriend.

You know, even my mom
said you'd make a pretty girl.

At first, I got mad at her,

but now I can kind of
see what she means.

Ariel, this whole
thing's gone too far.

It's gotten way out of hand.

Your dad seems
mental, you seem...

This is appletini green.

It's what Cherry wears.

Do you recognize it?

There was real love
between us, Ariel.

I saw the real you
and you blew me away.

It's your dad.

He got inside your head.

He's an evil person, Ariel,

but you are not
evil, you're amazing.

You're more amazing than
anyone I've ever known.

Hey, you crazy kids down here?

You're a good person, Ariel.

You are not evil.

Do not do this.

Oh, Matt, I brought your friend.

Jesus Christ! You crazy assh*le!

Cherry, what did he do to you?

Fool's got a g*n.

You know, Cherry and I
had a nice little conversation

about hurting innocent people.

Give me that chair.
Come on, move it.

Move it over here
by your boyfriend.

Give me some
rope, will you, honey?

Dad, this isn't
what we agreed on.

We said we were just
going to scare them.

We were not gonna hurt them.

Tell me something.

Do you like the fact
that this infectious f*gg*t

has been sticking its tongue
in your boyfriend's mouth?

Is that OK with you, Ariel?

No. Is it OK with you
that when people find out

that my daughter has
been screwing a h*m*

that your reputation and mine are
gonna be damaged beyond repair?

Dad, this isn't
what we agreed on!

No, and we also didn't agree

that you'd fall in love
with this little pervert!

Ariel, you call the cops.

You call the cops!

Go on! I'll take care of it.


Shut up.

What are you going to do?

Oh, don't you
worry, pretty girl.

I'm gonna make all
your dreams come true.

Blood panel looks
good, Dr. Costa.

All right, let's...

Oh, God!

You stop your sniveling.

I'm not going to
use these on you.

That would be barbaric.

I just wanted to see if
they had any rust on them

before I trim the
privet tomorrow.

No, I'm going to
use... Yeah, this.

Do you know what
this is, Matt? Hmm?


It's a box-cutter,
which makes sense

because I'm going to use
it to give one of you the box

that you so desperately crave.

See, I just can't figure out

which one of you is the
girl in this relationship

and which one's the man.

Or do you take turns?

Well, gentlemen,
this is your lucky day

because I'm here to help.

One of you gets to be a woman.

The only question is
which one of you is prettier?

Hmm? Hmm? Hmm?

Hmm? Oh, my.

Matt... You win.

That shadow really
brings out your eyes.

Stand up. Come on,
come on, come on.


Tell me what you
don't like about yourself.

You two are the most irritating,

stubborn couple of
assholes I've ever met.

A year ago, I jet down to Miami,

the Sodom of the South,

to make a little statement
with the Naomi Gaines girl,

and you two have
to pull a John Wayne

and destroy my beautiful work.

How can you do this
to people, Quentin?

You're a physician.


And I came to this
city of flesh to heal it,

to free it from the
tyranny of beauty.

To save it, body and soul,

from grotesque,
unnecessary face lifts

and ridiculous calf implants.

But you two wouldn't let me be.

I have to admit, I
took it very personally.

You should've taken it
personally, you sack of shit!

You think we're gonna
let people walk around

scarred for the
rest of their lives?

They weren't scarred,
they were liberated.


I think we need
some surgery music.


Ah, I tried warning you.

Hell, I'd say I was downright
magnanimous with you, Sean,

in your bathroom.

And if you had
just listened to me,

I might not have had the need

to escalate things and
pop Christian's cherry.

Bullshit. You're just
a freaking eunuch

who needs to r*pe
people with a strap-on

to make yourself
feel like a man!

How manly did you
feel when I was owning

your tight white ass,
pretty boy? Hmm? Ha ha!

If you want to release someone

from the prison
of their reflection,

you need to destroy them
physically and sexually.

I am not Dahmer or Bundy.

I don't r*pe to possess,

I r*pe to enlighten.

Like you enlightened Kimber?

Kimber moved me.

I had to save her.

You turned her into a monster.

I fixed her, released her
from your gilded cage.

You think some
other plastic surgeons

aren't just gonna
take our places?

Oh, Sean, please.
Give me some credit.

I'm not a k*ller.

Tell that to Rhea Reynolds.

Hey! That's different.

Rhea offended me.

No, k*lling you won't
stop other surgeons

from fixing my patients.

We've become
desensitized to m*rder.

Brutality, t*rture, barbarism...

Now those are headline grabbers.


Why, that blade's kinda dull.

I'm afraid this is gonna
hurt more than I thought.

You won't get away
with it, Quentin.

Now we know who you are.


But revealing my identity to you

was the only way
that I could assure

that my message
would be taken seriously.

Who's gonna listen to the
ramblings of some psychotic?

But the well
thought-out philosophy

of a highly trained, highly
skilled plastic surgeon?

Now, those quotes end up
on the front page of the Times.

My greatest fear is being
relegated to the lunatic fringe.

That's why I couldn't let you

take all the credit
for this, Christian.

I am neither a psychotic

nor a shallow, mediocre surgeon.

I'm an artist.

What are you afraid of, hmm?



You know something?

I can't do this.

What are you doing?

The question is:
What are you doing?

And the answer is...

You're doing it to yourself.

Take it.

Now... You've insulted me.


To a surgeon, what
would be most precious?

What would a surgeon be

the most afraid
of being without?


A surgeon without his fingers.

That's kinda like a man
without a penis, no? No?


Cut it off, Matt.

I can't.

Ariel! I know you're up
there! Please help me!

That really
doesn't do it for me.

Kind of a let down.

Do you know what separates
us from beasts, huh?

What allowed us
to evolve, use tools,

create this pisshole
of a world we live in?

Opposable thumbs.

We can do this...
And abracadabra...

We have light beer and TiVO.

Without our thumbs,
we're nothing.

Do you know what they call
a surgeon without his thumbs?

Homeless. Please!


Wait! Wait!

Take mine off instead.

Christian, don't!

Shut up, Sean! Come on, Quentin!

One lame surgeon should
be enough to prove your point!

Now this is starting to
get really fascinating.

Well, now that
sounds like a fair trade.

But the only thing is...

Matt's got to do it.

I don't know, Christian.

I mean, Sean's a
talent, you know?

Just leave him alone.

Wow. This is really beautiful.

You two really love each other.

It's touching.

But it's still not a fair trade.

I want the whole hand.


Uh... Right or left?

Whichever one you want.

I'll k*ll you with
whatever I have left.


I'm strong, Matt. It's OK.

It's what I always
wanted anyway.




I can't do it.

I can't do it, Christian.

I like you too much.

I mean, we've made love, hmm?

You're gonna have to do it.


Whoa! Hey! That
is really hostile.

You know, I would really be
careful with that if I were you.

I would hate for you to slip

and slit your
friend's throat with it.

Do it, Christian.




Cut your other hand
free, Matt, and do it.


Ahh! There you go.

Now cut it off
on the count of 3.

Cut it off or I will k*ll you.

[SOFTLY] I'm so sorry.


1... 2... Aah!

Do it, Christian.

Do it!


Make sure you don't start
the autopsy without me.


Look, we can save her.

It's not m*rder yet.

Matt! You've taken your licks.

You've learned your lesson.


Put that filthy tr*nny
out of its misery.

Where do you think you're going?

sh**t me. I don't care anymore.

Get back here!

You shovel that g*dd*mn
dirt into that grave

or I swear your dead
weight is gonna finish her off.

Did you not hear me?

I don't care!

You want two dead bodies?

sh**t me.

[COCKS g*n]

You haven't got the guts.

You didn't have the
guts to cut Cherry,

and you don't have the
guts to pull that trigger now,

do you, Eugene?


Is he dead?

CHERRY: I don't
know, but he will be.



Do it.

I see no reason to prolong
my stay here in the states

now that my work is finished.

You must feel a
sense of satisfaction,

having closed the case,

knowing you stopped someone

from destroying more lives.

k*lling a human being never
feels good, Dr. McNamara.

He was a deranged
psychopath, a m*rder*r.

Yeah, but no one's
born that way, are they?

No child who's experienced
what Quentin experienced

can be expected to grow up sane.

The physical
deformities he endured,

abandoned by his
parents, placed in a convent.

How do you know?

We uncovered a
crude journal of sorts,

begun in childhood.

It provided us with
clues to a secret past

that he was determined
to remember,

but never to be revealed.

He had a sister,
a younger sister,

even more hideously
deformed than he was.

The results of incest.

Frontonasal dysplasia
is the technical term.

Median cleft face syndrome.

Their parents sent them to an
isolated convent in northern Maine.

The fruits of their
carnal pleasure

were too much to bear.

Quentin's deformities
could be cloaked,

Violet's could not.

Prospective parents
would come...

Violet, you have visitors.

But Quentin refused to
let them be separated.

And what happened?

How did he go from being
the boy you're describing...

To the serial r*pist he became?

He was 15 when
they left the convent.

But Quentin was
driven and bright.

He put himself
through med school

and became a plastic surgeon,

determined to help
his sister conform

to our culture's demand
for physical beauty...

So that, finally, they
could both be loved.

Beauty is a curse.

Violet underwent 8
surgeries at her brother's hand

to repair the
division in her face,

to close the bones in her skull.

3 more attempts to repair
the skin abnormalities

so that finally others
would look at her

without gasping in horror.

During the final surgery,
before he could finish,

she had an averse
reaction to the anesthesia.

She suffered a stroke and died.

She was 29.

So he blamed us?

As plastic surgeons,

you exploit the social pressures

that caused her such agony.

But he could have gone
anywhere, some other practice.

It's the Sunshine State.

The requirements for
beauty are greatest here.

He could make a
statement and be heard.

He could vent his rage here.

We, uh, appreciate
your diligence

and your impeccable timing, Kit.

You saved our lives.

I'm just glad that Gina
called 911 when she did.

How is she?

Don't screw this up, assh*le.

I'm planning to get a
book deal out of this,

and I don't want to look like
the joker on my dust jacket.

What's the title gonna be?

Even the Carver Wouldn't
Stick His d*ck in Me?

Oh, that's nice, Christian.

LIZ: Well, what were
you doing here, Gina?

I mean, talk about being at the
wrong place at the wrong time.

I was dropping off a
Christmas gift for him.

I was invited to this big
New Year's Eve party

and with everything that
happened with Kimber,

I thought you might actually be
vulnerable enough to be my date.

Maybe just be open
to a petty screw.

I would never be
vulnerable enough

to screw you again, Gina.

I wouldn't want to
ruin our friendship.

SEAN: I'm just grateful
that you were here, Gina.

If it wasn't for your 911 call,

Kit would never have
made it here in time.

What 911 call?

Whatever he drugged
me with knocked me out

until after the
police showed up.

What took you so long?

CHRISTIAN: You know what?

This reeks of
obsessive-compulsive to me.

Traveling all the
way to northern Maine

so that we can visit some
Godforsaken orphanage.

I don't see why
this is our problem.

Because it's nobody else's.

The cops don't
want to hear about it.

It's a high-profile
case that's solved.

That's it.

No more questions. Case closed.

Well, it's not closed for me.

Kit lied about Gina calling 911.

What else did she lie about?

What's coming here in
person gonna solve, huh?

Find out that the Sisters of
the Most Holy Thorny Crown

are involved in the cover-up?

I expect to find the truth,

what Kit said about
Quentin really happened.

So we can put this
nightmare behind us.

WOMAN: Excuse me?

May I help you?

Yes. An associate of ours
who grew up here recently died.

His name was Quentin Costa.

We were hoping... Dr. Costa?

Will you wait here a moment?

I'll go get Mother Mary Claire.

How did he die? Quentin.

He was shot.

Wrong place at the wrong time.

It's under investigation.

We understand he grew up here.

Yes. I'd only been
here a short while

when he came to us
with his poor sister.

They were very
devoted to each other.

He must have been
heartbroken when she died.

Dear Lord.

She died as well? I had no idea.

In her twenties. That's
what we were told.

Well, that's not possible.

Many of our children,
they send us photographs

around this time of
year to keep in touch.

I believe we received a
picture from them 2-3 years ago.

According to the police,

Violet died during a
surgical procedure.


Her name's Katherine.

We called her Kit.

She relocated to a suburb
outside London years ago.

I don't have an address
on her, I'm afraid.


Careful, sis.

You remember what
I had to do to you

the last time you got
too involved with a man.

I spent too much
time creating your face

to have to carve it up again.

Jealousy is so unattractive.

You know Christian
was just a passing fancy.

Hmm. Is that why you
managed to show up at his office

right before I got him
to take his own hand off?

I arrived at the exact
time we arranged.

Don't you dare
lecture me about that.

You think I like having to carve
you up and then sh**t you?

Well, I'd have been more
comfortable with the plan

if you didn't decide
to go off book

and tell those two
my entire life story.

I needed them to understand you.

You're not a deranged lunatic.

You're a good man who
struggled his whole life

against odds that they
can't even imagine.

Now stop being such a whiny
bitch and drink your sangria.

What was the harm anyway?

They think you're dead.

Did you see her?

Her only birth defect
was being born rich,

and she still had her
tits, nose, and lips done.

And lipo.

Perhaps I should
pay her a house call.

Can't we just relax a few days?


A doctor's work is never done.

Are you coming or what?

Do we have to wait
for the water to boil?

God, that smells so good.

Don't encourage him, Julia.

She already tasted my one dish.

She's not that
impressed, believe me.

Honey, you want
to set the table?

You're really getting into
this cooking now, aren't you?

Well, if this doesn't heal,

I'm gonna have to learn to
do something with my time.

Hey, you had the best
microsurgeon in Florida

operate on your pinky.

I think you're
gonna be just fine.

Well... Hello there.

Hey. Um... You mind
if I crash your party?

It's just a boring
family dinner.

I could use a little
boring right now.

Well, in that case,
why don't you help me

watch the water boil, huh?

Um, can I talk to you for
a minute before dinner?


What's up?

The deed.

I guess you're not gonna
take me up on my offer.

You didn't read it yet.

I got the county clerk

to put both our names on it.

That way, we own
the house together.

I want the house, Sean...

but only if you're still in it.

Please stay so that...

We can have the
baby here together.




♪ LIE ♪