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03x02 - KiKi

Posted: 04/21/24 19:44
by bunniefuu
Previously on nip/tuck...

I wanted to formally accept.

I'm sorry. Accept what?

The partnership
in mcnamara/troy.

Hire quentin.

Let's go away and start
a new life together.

Let's go to paris.

Ava's a man.

I needed to be sure
you'd never leave me again.



Dr. Forsythe,

Tell us what you don't
like about yourself.


So we can better
understand how to help you.

Kiki is the one who
needs help, not me.

I'm merely her advocate.

I'm sorry. There's
really no point

In having a consultation
without the patient present.

She's a gorilla.

Well, I'm sure
you're exaggerating.

We've seen all
sorts of serious...

A mountain gorilla.

I am dr. Meredith forsythe

From the gorilla
protection agency.

This is a joke, right?

I thought you knew.

I sent information
about my work,

And your nurse made
an appointment for me.

For you, yes. Not
for some monkey.

Ape. There's a difference.

We share 98.4% of our
dna with these creatures.

I'm afraid there's been

A terrible misunderstanding,
dr. Forsythe.

We don't do animals.

Kiki is not looking to be done.

She wants to have a baby.

She told you that?

Kiki can sign over 1,000 words

And understands spoken english.

She's already
chosen a mate, koomba,

Through video dating,

But she can't meet him

Until the scar on
her face is fixed.

Are you saying that kiki has

A self-image problem?

Apes are the only other
creatures besides humans

Who can recognize
themselves in the mirror.

She knows she's different,

Imperfect in some way.

She could use some lip gloss.

I'm sorry, dr. Forsythe,

But I have a hard time believing

That self-loathing has extended

To the animal kingdom.

It's more a question
of natural selection,

Which, first and foremost,

Involves the
selection of a mate.

Any sort of
deformity in an animal

Becomes undesirable, a misfit,

Relegated to the
outer edges of the herd.

And so, she decided
on plastic surgery?

I am gravely concerned that
when koomba sees her scar,

He will attack her,

Or more realistically, k*ll her.

I'm appealing to
you as scientists.

At least look at some of my
research before you decide.

I began working with
her when she was a baby.

She'd been rescued
after her mother

Was butchered by poachers.

They cut off her
mother's hands and head.

It's illegal, but
they still sold

On the black market.

It's a popular aphrodisiac.

Kiki escaped with just a gash

From the left side of her
sagittal crest to her lips.

What began as a 4-year study

Of primates and language

Turned into a lifelong study

Of interspecies communication.

It is imperative
that kiki procreate

In order to determine

If she can pass on
her language skills

To her offspring.

Otherwise, all the
work we've done

Will disappear with
her when she dies.

Look, maybe koomba
can see past kiki's scar

To her inner beauty.

Maybe he's not a shallow
bastard like the rest of us.

Don't be so hard on yourself.

Beauty attracts to
preserve the species.

In evolutionary terms, dr. Troy,

All males are bastards.

Captioning made
possible by warner bros.

♪ Ahh ♪

♪ Make me beautiful ♪

♪ Make me ♪

♪ A perfect soul ♪

♪ A perfect mind ♪

♪ A perfect face ♪

♪ A perfect ♪

♪ Life ♪

Oh, I missed having
you inside me.

Oh, I thought I could
forget about you.

You'd be better off without me.

You're all I think about.

No one else matters.

The ticket's still good.

Take it. It's back at the house.


Come with me, matt. Ohh!

Ohh! Please, come with me.

Ohh! Ohh!




A man washing a
dish in this office?

I must be dreaming.

Elizabeth cruz, quentin costa.

They speak very highly
of you at shands medical.

They do?

Oh, yeah.

A distinguished residency,

Then you did a fellowship
in pain management...

Did you google me or what?

An attractive woman like you

Must get googled all the time.

Save it for someone
whose panties

You may have a chance
in hell of getting into.

Liz is gay.

Welcome to mcnamara/troy.

I'm honored.

You know, I've been
reading up on your cases,

And it's cutting edge
stuff. You guys are fearless.


Apparently, liz
thinks I'm a p*ssy

Because I refuse to do
a scar revision on an ape.

A gorilla who can
sign over 1,000 words.

Christian, that tattoo
removal consult's in my office.

Hey, quentin. How's
your first morning going?

Feels like home. Thank you.

You know, sean,
speaking of tattoos,

I can get us a new
med-life at cost, 79,000.

It's state of the art.

The q-switch laser? Yeah.

I've been wanting
to see how it works.

Look, but don't touch.
We can't afford it.

Maybe the publicity

From working on a
world-famous gorilla...

Drop it, liz.

Of course. Whatever you say.



Hold it, hold it, hold it.

Wait, don't wash that.

When I was working in the
southern sudan, the dinkas,

I reattached the
chief's index finger,

So they made me an honorary
member of their tribe.

They made you a dinka

Just for sewing on a
dinky dinka's finger?

See, they have
this blood ritual.

They believe that if
you share the same scar,

You're united as warriors.

What do you say,
sean? Are we a tribe?

I have this thing
about my fingers.

I need them to operate.

I know. Me, too.

I'm joking.



Oh, come on. Look,
I'm gonna go do

That tattoo consult with you.

You relax.

I'm here to lighten
your load, right?

Let's go.

Mr. Ramirez, tell us what
you don't like about yourself.

My skin.

I want to get rid of my signs.

See, there's this guy who
teaches industrial arts

At the youth authority,

And he said he'd let me
work at his electronics store

If I get myself cleaned up,

And holy spirit church
said that they'd pay.

The boys at ms-13
gonna let you quit...

Just like that?

You know, they see
I've done some time.

You know, some good time
for them I've been loyal.

They'll let you go sometimes.

But I'm through.

I'm through even if that means

I gotta get boxed out.

I'm sorry. Boxed out?

Well, see, they put you
in this refrigerator box,

They'll shut the door, and
they'll fire a dozen rounds into it.

Now if you live,
you out. You die...

Mr. Ramirez,

Just because you and I
are both of latin descent

Doesn't mean we speak
the same language.

Quentin, i... Castro
opens his prisons,

And he floods our
shores with marielitos,

And they do what
they've always done.

They steal, they sell
dr*gs, and they breed.

Hey. Hey, look at me, man.

You don't disrespect me
like I'm not even here, huh?

Oh, you want me to respect you?

Why don't you tell
dr. Mcnamara here

What those tears represent.

One tear... One
tear for every k*ll.

Look, I was 10.

I was 10, eating garbage.

You know, sh1tting my guts out,

Moaning like some
dog in an alley.

That's how they found me.

They gave me some
tequila and some weed,

We start laughing.
We start kicking back.

You know, for the
first time in my life,

I had some family.

I had some place I could go.

They asked me if I
wanted to jump in.

And then, they rushed
me, they beat me up,

Then they shook my
hand. That was it. I was in.

I was in. From that day
on, I never cried, not once.

Not until the day...
Not until the day

That primo's mom spoke in court.

See, he was a
banger just like me.

You know, I expected his mom to
come in there screaming and stuff,

But she didn't. She said
that she forgave me.

Like she forgave primo because
she couldn't do no better for him.

And then, she said that
I had goodness in me.

That god is the only one that
had the whole story on me,

And it wasn't written
in no police file.

I'm sorry to interrupt, sean,

But you've got a
call on line one.

I'm in a consult.

It's julia. She's calling
from the police station.

What the hell is going on?

Adrian's dead.

Ava's son, adrian.

Matt was over at the
house. He found him.

He'd been stabbed.

She do it? Sean...

They were having an
incestuous relationship, julia.

Maybe he tried to stop it.

That was a lie. They
never slept together.

What were you doing
there in the first place?

We had an agreement.

You promised us it was over.

Ava wouldn't hurt him or anyone.

She's not capable of it.

Sorry to keep you folks waiting.

I'm detective bowser.

Look, if my son
isn't a suspect...

My office, doctor, my questions.

The only fingerprints on
the knife were the victim's.

Right now, it
looks like a su1c1de.


Uh, no.

He was pretty screwed up.

About what?

He, um... Had a history
of mental problems,

According to his mother.

Would you happen to know
where she is at present?

We would like to notify
her, ask her some questions.

She's in paris.

At least she was.

Could you be a
little more specific?

Well, we haven't been in touch.

Why were you in her house

When you knew she
was out of the country?

All right, that's it.

My son is not a suspect here.

He's under no obligation...

There was an extra ticket.

I went there to try and find it,

So that I could
go and be with her.

I love her,

And there's nothing
you can do about it.

You're just about her son's age.

Isn't that right?

Let's go, matt. We're leaving.

When was the last time
you saw her, dr. Mcnamara?

Uh... Our interaction
was minimal.

But there was interaction?

She came into my office for a
small procedure before she left.

What kind of procedure?

Matt, it doesn't concern you.

No, I want to know.

It was a vaginal reconstruction.

The final phase of a
transsexual operation

She'd had 16 years ago.

You lying son of a bitch.

I can show you the
medical documentation

If you don't believe me.

Matty, sweetheart...

No! You know what?
You'd say anything

To make her look
sick and disgusting

Because whatever I
love, for some reason,

You have to destroy!

Matt... No! Both of you!

You can catch up
to him if you'd like.

That's a lot of
information to digest.

For everyone.

We'll be in touch.

We agreed never to tell him.

You heard what he was planning.

I had no choice.

You had a choice, sean.

You could have chosen to ask me

What I thought was
best for our child!

We're not married
anymore, julia.

You're no longer the
head of our little clan

'Cause it no longer exists.

I can parent however I want to!

If you don't like
what I'm doing,

Then complain to
somebody who cares!

Go find someone.

Sean: your cell was off.

Why own one if you
never keep it on?

I'm not gonna hold
your head if you puke.

So is she a man or a woman?

In your opinion as
a medical expert?

It's a little more
complicated than that.

Oh, really?

'Cause I thought if you
had a d*ck, you were a guy.

And, if you had a
p*ssy, you were a, uh...

I don't know.

What do I know? I know shit.

Some medical circles believe

That even if
transsexuals like ava

Modify their bodies to
physically resemble a woman's...

Oh, yeah. Right, resemble.

They still can't reproduce

Or change their sex chromosomes,

Which is technically
what distinguishes

A man from a woman.



So the best blowjobs I
ever got were from a guy.


What matters is how
she views herself, matt.

Changing public perception
may take some time.

Thanks for the clarification.


Dad, you should have told
me when you found out.

I made a deal with her, matt,

That I'd keep her secret
and do the surgery

If she agreed to leave.

I didn't want to hurt you.

You put your patient's

Before your own son!

What kind of father
would do that?

Oh... Right.

I forgot.

Not a real one.

Quentin did an awesome job.

Your scar's almost
completely gone.

Well, maybe you should
have asked quentin to do kiki.

I'm just asking you to meet her.


She has a soul.

She mimics hand gestures
and slings her poo.

What is it with you
and this animal?

She is an outcast
from her tribe,

And she is suffering
because of it.

I know what that feels like.

Ok, I just want to
point out that it was you

Who compared yourself
to a gorilla, not me.

You think you've got
nothing in common?

She's gonna be
att*cked and k*lled,

And you can't relate to that?

♪ Do do do do ♪

♪ Do do do do ♪

♪ Do do do do ♪

♪ Do do do do do do... ♪

Lucky for you those
tats are homemade, homey.

Yeah, lucky.

♪ Do do do do ♪

♪ Do do, do do, do do ♪

♪ People say I'm the
life of the party ♪

♪ 'Cause I tell a
joke or two... ♪

Quentin: yellow and
green ink's tough,

But the black absorbs
100% of the light.

It's pretty impressive, huh?

♪ Deep inside... ♪

How's our little scarface doing?

She's ready for her close-up.

♪ ...good look at my face ♪

♪ You'll see my
smile looks out of... ♪

You want a go?


♪ ...closer, it's
easy to trace ♪

♪ The tracks of my tears ♪

♪ Do do do do ♪

♪ I need you ♪

♪ Need you ♪

♪ Need you ♪

♪ Need you ♪

♪ Since you left me ♪

♪ If you see me
with another girl ♪

♪ Seeming like I'm having fun ♪

♪ Although she may be cute ♪

♪ She's just a substitute ♪

♪ 'Cause you're
the permanent one ♪

♪ Do do do do... ♪




Matt, I want to talk
to you in person.

Can I please come in?

Hello, matt.

♪ Hey ♪

♪ If you want it,
then just say so ♪

♪ Hey, if you want it... ♪

Want a hit?

That's sweet of you.

Granny has to hold on to what
few brain cells she has left.

Erica, you used the "g" word.

Sounds awful, doesn't it?

Still, I am your grandmother.

♪ Can we talk for a while? ♪


Although I'll admit

I haven't been a very good one.

Oh. Mom called you about ava.

She doesn't often ask
for my help, you know.

I figured that was
worth a 3-hour flight.

♪ Is it just my imagination? ♪

Oh, what the hell? Brains
are overrated anyway.

♪ Try to talk but
only because... ♪


You kids today, you have no idea

What great weed tastes like.

Were you a hippie, erica?

Do you mean did I
protest the w*r?

Did I dare to go outside the
bounds of accepted behavior?

Make up my own mind about whom
to share my body with and why?

You bet your sweet ass I was.

That's what's so wonderful
about being young.

There are no mistakes,
only research.

My research has led
me to conclude, doctor,

That I get hard for

Oops, transsexuals. Excuse me.

She was quite a conquest.

Breathtaking beauty.

She was so strong.

The way she held me.

So, you were attracted
to her masculine side.

Never mind.

It turned you on.
Uh... It's quite natural

For a young man your
age to experiment.

How else will you discover
how your adult body works?

That you have nerve
endings that pleasure you?

Your nipples, your
anus... Ok, stop it.

Enjoying a**l stimulation
doesn't make you a h*m*.

Are you worried you might be?

You know what? Never mind.

Listen to me. I don't care

What kind of sex you
have or with whom,

But if you're so appalled
by your own feelings

That you deny their existence,

They'll run your
tight little ass

For the rest of your
oppressed middlebrow life.

Do you want a safe
life or an authentic one?

Steroid cream,
morning and night.

So when do you start?

That guy changed his mind.

I don't know. I guess he never
thought I'd do it, you know?

When I showed up,

He said it didn't feel right.

There are other jobs, marlon.

Yeah. Yeah, like
this... This woman,

This old... This old
lady from church,

She said she needed
someone to walk her dogs,

And I even put on a
tie for the interview.

Father ortiz told her
about how I cleaned up.

She said, "oh, come on.

A leopard never
changes its spots."

She didn't even trust me
enough to pick up dog shit.

She's just narrow-minded.

Look, there are placement
counselors, want ads.

Eventually, someone
will give you a shot.

You ever been
convicted of a crime?

That's on every application.

Now you answer straight up,

You never gonna
hear from them again.

But if you lie, you're
violating parole.

I was wondering if maybe

You had some work around here?

You know, it
doesn't matter what.

I could, you know,
empty some bed pans

Or... Or... Or clean
up some toilets...

I can't.

Uh, I'm sorry, marlon.

It's against the law for
anyone in the medical profession

To employ an ex-offender.

Oh, yeah. Ok.

That's cool, man.

You've done your job.

I just figured it...

I figured it didn't hurt to ask.

Good luck, marlon.

And, uh, stay out
of trouble, ok?

♪ Hello, my love ♪

♪ I heard a kiss from you ♪

♪ Red magic satin
playing near, too ♪

♪ All through the
morning rain I gaze ♪

♪ The sun doesn't shine ♪

♪ Rainbows and waterfalls
run through my mind ♪

♪ In the garden I see ♪

♪ West purple
shower bells and tea ♪

♪ Orange birds
and river cousins ♪

♪ Dressed in green ♪

♪ Pretty music I hear ♪

♪ So happy and loud ♪

♪ Blue flowers echo
from a cherry cloud ♪

♪ Feel sunshine
sparkle pink and blue ♪

♪ Playgrounds will
laugh if you try to ask ♪

♪ "Is it cool? Is it cool?" ♪

♪ If you arrive
and don't see me ♪

♪ I'm gonna be ♪

♪ With my baby ♪

♪ I am free ♪

♪ Flying in her arms ♪

♪ Over the sea ♪

♪ Stained window
yellow candy screen ♪

♪ See speakers of kite ♪

♪ With velvet roses... ♪



Uh, can I get a, uh, absolut
martini straight up?

You know what? I should
really ask for your i.d.,

But, uh, you're just
too cute to card.

I had very delicate
hands, remember?

Fingers that knew
exactly how to touch you,

Where to touch you,
and for how long.

There you go, angel.

Straight up.


You shouldn't
compare them to me.

I was the best.

The venus di milo.

Besides, change takes time.

You don't become
a woman overnight.

It's a lifetime process...

Just like becoming a man.

Are you man enough to make up
your own mind about what pleases you?


Honey, you were too
scared to tell me the truth.

You knew I would have left you.

At least I have the
courage to be who I am.

Do you?

Another one, please.

♪ Hey hey hey hey hey ♪

♪ Hey hey hey hey hey ♪

♪ A present from you ♪

♪ Strawberry letter 22 ♪

♪ The music plays ♪

♪ I sit in for a few ♪

♪ Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ♪

Thank you.

♪ Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ♪

This seat taken?

♪ Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ♪

Buy me a drink?

♪ Ooh ooh ooh ♪

You're a good kisser.





How about a little music? Hmm?

♪ You... ♪


Isn't that better?


♪ ...leave my happy home ♪

♪ You took my love ♪

♪ And now you're gone ♪

Oh, you're soft... Hard!

♪ Since I fell for you ♪

That's nice.

Oh, that feels nice.

That's good, baby, don't stop.

Oh, yeah. Oh... Oh...
Oh! Jesus christ!

Come on, baby.
First me, then you.

You've got a g*dd*mn d*ck!

Come on. You want,
whatever you say.

You got a g*dd*mn d*ck!

Why didn't you tell
me you were pre-op?!

You should've told me!

Relax, ok?

It's the best of both.

I didn't think I was your first.

I don't want a girl
with a d*ck, ok?

I'm not gay, ok?
I'm not into that!

Oh, you should have told me
instead of trying to trick me.

I thought you were one of us.

What?! Do I look
like one of you,

You sick piece of shit?!


I don't like being
screwed with, ok?


I don't like it!

Stop! No!

No, you look at me
when I'm talking to you.


If I want to play
with someone's cock,

I got my own, you g*dd*mn freak.

Uhh! Aah!

What are you doing?

You're always
telling me to get it cut.

I'm getting it cut.

I'm not sure it's
an improvement.

It's too late now.

I just got tired of
looking at myself.

I need a change.

I'm not sure changing
how you look

Is gonna change
how you feel inside.

Is that what you say
to all your patients?

That their bigger tits
or their brand-new face

Isn't really gonna
change anything?

Shaving your head's not gonna
make you feel more like a man

If you don't feel it inside.

I think you need to
talk to someone...

A professional...

Who deals with gender issues.

I'm not gay, if that's
what you're thinking, dad.

Don't worry.

Your masculinity will not
be threatened in any way.

You're almost unrecognizable.

What happened to your knuckles?

I got drunk and punched a wall.

Guess who I was
pretending it was.

♪ You know me ♪

♪ I do, I do ♪

♪ You know me ♪

Matt called.

Did he talk about his
new neo-n*zi haircut?

You told him about ava.

Don't you think somebody
should have told me?

That it concerns me?

Don't you think I
should have been told

That the laser I bought was
sent back without my knowledge?

I warned you, sean.
We can't afford it

And the salary
we're paying quentin

For you to play tweedle
dee to his tweedle dum.

Since when did you become
so fiscally responsible?

Maybe if you came to work

Instead of wasting time
and money at the zoo

Operating on some ape...

You can't seriously
be criticizing me

For doing pro bono work.

I'm criticizing you for
acting unilaterally.

Look, either you're
gonna be a part of the team

Or stay a self-pitying victim

Who takes out his
aggression by undermining us.

Us? By us you mean
you and quentin.

It looks like you've gotta
be around other victims

To be comfortable...
Human or not.

If that animal can teach its
language skills to future generations,

Then I might have in some way

Made a scientific
contribution to the world.

Me, not you.

Isn't that what
really bugs you, sean?

I did something.
I felt effective.

And for the first time in weeks,

I forgot all about the carver.

Dr. Forsythe called.

How did the insemination go?

They promised to name
the firstborn after me.

They thought enough
time had passed,

That the scar
wouldn't be visible.

Apparently, animals have a
sixth sense about these things.

We couldn't see it,
but koomba could.

He knew that there was
something different about her.

He att*cked her.

Kiki's dead.

Matt, god damn it!

I can smell the dope all
the way from the kitchen!

I was going to pay him for it,

But more than it's worth.

You'd have to smoke
a lid of this shit

To get a decent buzz.

Ah ha ha.

Oh, oh!


Are you gonna
bogart the damn thing

Or offer me some?

Oh, here.

We should have done more of this

When I was growing up.

You disapproved of me enough

Without adding corruption

To the list of my w*r crimes.

But you were a terrible mother.

I thought I was...

But it turned out I
didn't do such a bad job.

You mean, compared to me?

No, I mean as evidenced by you.

We're all terrible mothers.

You go into the enterprise

Expecting your child to be

A better version of yourself.

And then the little
bastards turn out

To have souls all their own,

Destinies to be fulfilled,

Dreams and desires
that have nothing

To do with us or our dna.

I mean, i...

I carried him
inside of me and...

It's as if I don't
even know him.

You will again.


When you grow up.


When you stop
trying to create him

In your image and likeness...

And see him for who he is.

You're stoned.

You're right.

We should have
done this more often.

Holy shit.


Ok. Come on!

Come here!

Come on! Get him!

You like that?


♪ Make me beautiful ♪

♪ Life ♪