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02x12 - Julia McNamara

Posted: 04/21/24 19:31
by bunniefuu
- How long have you had a drug habit?
- I don't have a drug habit.

I was prescribed the painkillers
after the surgery.

Interesting, the doctor who gave you the
implants tell you to take half the bottle...

and wash it down
with four glasses of Pinot Grigio?

Enough, Sean. She's here to talk about
her facial reconstruction.

Just getting all the information.

I obviously don't know
everything about you.

I wanna make sure
you're not hiding anything...

that could lead you
to stroke out on the table.

Could I have a stroke?

You are not going to have a stroke.
You're going to be fine.

- Did Annie find you?
- Enough with the interrogation.

I had enough questions
at the emergency room.

I'm here for a reason.
Can you fix my face or not?

Your x-rays from the ER
came back negative for a ZMC fracture.

We'd have to explore for any
damage to the salivary ducts.

In other words, yes.

You're very lucky. You were millimeters
away from cutting your carotid artery.

You would've died
looking at the popcorn ceiling...

in your lovely Marine Gardens apartment.

Maybe you should leave
and I will handle this without you.

You're right. I can't do this.

I obviously don't feel comfortable
operating on you.

So long as Christian doesn't have
a problem doing the surgery.

No, Sean. You. I want you to do it.

Julia, may I remind you that your mother
was very happy with her face-lift.

Nobody knows my face
better than you, Sean. Nobody.

And your breasts?
You didn't come to me for them.

Why don't you make an appointment
with Dr. Copley?

No, Sean. I want you to repair me,
because you're the reason I'm here.

Here it comes. The whole g*dd*mn world
is conspiring against you.

You're the reason I got the implants.
You're the reason that I was so upset...

that I didn't see the sliding glass door.

And that's the reason we're over.

You can't take responsibility for your
failures or weaknesses. You never could.

That's why you're sitting there
with your face torn to shreds!

I'm sorry, but I can't possibly
fix your face and make you beautiful again.

The only thing I see
when I look at you anymore is ugliness.

Guess I'm runner-up in everything.

Do you always spy on people like that?

I knocked at the front door.
You didn't answer.

I was worried you'd taken
too many pills again.

Look, Ava, I am not in the mood
for your withering shit right now. Okay?

I'm just...

Trying to come up with an excuse
not to invite me in?

Don't worry. I won't stay.

- Unless you ask me to.
- Why would I ever do that?

'Cause I might have something
to offer you, something you want back.

Like, my son?

Yourself. I'm here to help you find it again.
I know you've fallen on hard times...

so I'd like to offer my services
as a life coach, free of charge.

Maybe you should try coaching someone
whose child you haven't molested.

If you want to blame your inertia
on my relationship with Matt...

that's your prerogative.

We both know it had nothing to do
with going face-first through a glass door.

Or having breast implants,
the dissolution of your marriage...

Why are you even here?

Matt's upset
at your personal disintegration.

When a person I love is in pain,
so am I.

And I know I'm the person
who can help take your pain away.

You know what you are, Ava? A vulture.

Sometimes we have to be
brought to our knees...

in order to get in touch with who
we really are and what we really want.

We can't heal until we hit rock bottom.

By the look of things, Julia, you're there.

You have nothing to offer me, Ava.

I simply don't agree, Julia.

Not when every major decision
in your life...

has been predicated
on other people's expectations.

Dropping out of medical school,
your choice of husband, motherhood.

- I love my children.
- On the one hand.

And on the other,
you deeply regret ever having them.

I know. You're not supposed to have
those feelings. Those feelings aren't nice.

But you know what they say:

"Nice girls finish last,
real ones finish first. "

Call me when you feel like getting real.

This pucker almost made me puke.
What happened to her?

Early stages of necrosis. Caused,
no doubt, by an untreated infection...

from allergic reaction
to an unknown cosmetic enhancer.

How much of our business
comes from cleaning up...

after another surgeon's incompetence?

20%/%, which is down from 30%/%
since Bobolit left town.

Do we know who did this hack job?

Lauren Copley.

The doctor who's doing
Julia's face did this?

She has such a stellar reputation.
Reputations don't mean shit.

If every girl I met decided
to sleep with me or not on mine...

they would be scared off...

and I'd be doing
the five-finger knuckle shuffle every night.

Yet we all know
that is rarely the case.

Another job repaired.

I gave you the walk-in report.

Some slime ball in Jacksonville
did this job.

I know.

Aren't you hungry?

I'm not allowed to eat
before the operation, honey.

Why? Will you throw it up or something?

No. It's just a precaution.

Are you gonna die?

She'll be fine, kiddo.

It doesn't hurt as much as it looks.

You don't look like my mom anymore.

- Could you please...
- Sure.

Hey, Matty.

- Hey, everyone.
- Hey.

Hey, baby.

Thanks for taking her to school.

Matt, maybe you can go help your sister
pack her book bag?

Sure. Come on, honey. Let's go.

I haven't handled this well.

You're angry. I understand.

I keep trying to forgive you.

I keep trying to be in love with you again.

I just can't get there.


But I do miss us.

And I miss our family.

Usually, my patients don't cry
until after the surgery...

when they see the results.

- I'm not one of your patients, Sean.
- Yes, you are.

If you want.

We have an opening in our schedule
this morning.

I don't want you operating on me
out of pity.

I'm not. I'm operating on you
because I'm the best.

How long will I be under?
Around two hours.

Liz'll send you to twilight land.
When we're finished...

you won't remember a thing.

Want us to smooth out
the lines while repaving the road?

No. I find my lines comforting.

And with the two of you, I've earned them.

You certainly have.

What's that saying?

"Wrinkles remind the soul
where it's been and where it hasn't. "

You ready?

Yeah. One last thing.

While I'm under,
can you take my implants out?

They're just not me.

Julia, count backwards for me.

Nine, eight...

seven, six, five...

four, three...


Wake up, sleepyhead.

Very nice. Like it never happened.

Which, I guess, is the point.

What are you doing here?

I'm your coach. From your other life.

The one dreamt of, but not chosen.

- This isn't real.
- Always with the cynicism.

- I'm hallucinating from the anesthetic.
- Life is a hallucination, Julia.

- Where am I? Tell me.
- No need to be afraid.

You're in your possibility.

The place where fresh starts come true.

I know this bed.

I would hope so.
It's Christian's, from college.

Where you had your only sexual encounter
with the man of your dreams.

You got off that bed that fateful night
and swung home to Sean.

The safe choice.

But even though you committed
to one man...

your heart's always been with another.
Isn't that right?

Haven't you always wondered
what it would have been like...

if you hadn't left Christian that night?
If you'd stayed with him?

Then do it. Take that chance. Explore.

Get off that bed and into your possibility.

Well, don't just stand there.
You have a patient waiting.

Tell me what you don't like
about yourself, Mrs. Epstein.

My breasts. I don't like my breasts.

Suzanne. I know her.
Not in this life.

I don't understand.

How interesting that even
in possibility you lack common sense.

Apparently, you're a bitch
in every universe you inhabit.

I'm a bitch to you, because you need
the cold, hard slap of truth.

You should've never fired me
in that other life.

I could've made that shit hole you called
an existence gleam with accomplishment.

I'm the only one who tells you straight,
without bullshit.

Then stop the harangue
and coach me through it.

Why don't I know Suzanne?

Because in this life, your daughters
never went to the same school.

So you never met.

Suzanne is just an anonymous walk-in
off the street who repeated her destiny...

and became an
unfulfilled suburban nothing...

with a gas-guzzling SUV.

You turned a different corner
and became a doctor.

That's what I wanted to be.

How many sizes would you like to go up?

- What are you?
- A low C.

God, they're beautiful.

- My husband did them.
- Sorry I'm late.

Just finishing off a surgery.

I was just admiring your handiwork.
Very nice, Doctor.

Just a little trifle
for our fifteenth wedding anniversary.

- What did you get him?
- Pec implants.

We can administer the AlloDerm
to round out the upper lip...

at the same time we do the implants.

Who'll be doing all of this?

My wife and I
do all of our surgeries together.

That way, you're in doubly good hands.

- Are you all right?
- No.

It's just seeing you two together.
So sweet and loving with each other.

Avi hasn't touched me for two years.

That's why I'm doing all of this.

I'm sure you and your husband
will work it out.

Not everyone has what you two have.

I'm successful and he loves me.

He's p*ssy-whipped.

You are the Holy Grail,
the thing he desired the most.

But because he landed you so early,
he lost that ferocious drive and daring...

that defined him in his other life
and made him so irresistible to you...

- like catnip.
- You're fired.

Because I'm not telling you
what you wanna hear?

Tough shit. I'm staying.

- I'm dying to see how it ends.
- I'll make this one work. I want it all.

And you have it all, Julia.
The house, the career...

a life without limits
that most women can only dream of.

You're your own hobby. Congrats.


We've been asked to chair
the philharmonic opener next month.

- I could give a shit.
- I know. It's so g*dd*mn boring.

- I booked Míkonos for August.
- Great.

You look fantastic in that dress,
by the way. It suits you.

I need more collagen in my lips.

I'll do it in the morning.

You have money and power
and independence.

With so much to give, why no children?

After the age of 35,
the eggs a woman produces...

are of a much poorer quality
than those she produces in her 20s.

I was starting a business in my 20s.
We've been over this. I didn't have time.

- Shit. So now I'm one of them.
- One of who?

One of those cliché barren women...

who have to pump themselves
full of hormones and do the in vitro thing.

That's one option.

As a fertilization expert...

this isn't economically advantageous
of me to say, Mrs. Troy...

- but you could always adopt.
- No. That wasn't the plan.

Christian, my husband,
he was put up for adoption...

and he wants to have a biological child.
That's important to him.

- Are those yours?
- Yes.

Jonah's 15. Samantha's 19.

She's starting Smith in the fall.

You started so young.

I made the time.

What? Get her prepped.
I'll be there in an hour.


How's she doing?

Her heart's a little rocky.
Just like yours was last night.

I told you, don't discuss
what we do in the office.

What? He's not here. Who cares?
I do. It's not professional.

we need a cooling-off period.

I'm trying to get pregnant.

Toddlers are the hot new accessory.

Fine. I need to find someone
my own age, anyway.

Nice. Concentrate on the patient.

I'm giving her ephedrine.

Shit, she's in defib. Charge to 200.

We can't give her 200 joules.
I need to get these implants out.

Give her an amp of epi. Clear!

You're late. We started without you.

I'm sorry. I forgot.

Who's this?

Hi. I'm Kimber.

I thought we were getting
a brunette tonight.

I'll go get my wig.

Bad day?

The worst.

I have to start all the in vitro shit,
as we feared.

- Good for me. No condoms.
- With her, you wear the condoms.

I wish you hadn't gone sailing today.
I lost a patient.


- Suzanne Epstein.
- Please, don't guilt me over this.

Four hands are better than two,

I've spent years building up a business
I'm now bored of.

- I just want to enjoy my life.
- I can't take on all our caseload.

Then hire another doctor.

Very china doll. I like it.

I'm going to go take a shower.

Have her stay.

I like it when you watch.


Darling, there's messages for you.

I moved Miss Russo's vaginal rejuvenation
from 1:00 tomorrow until 4:00...

so you could get your hormone sh*ts.
And here's your coffee.

Jesus, Mother, you know I like it black.
You're completely incompetent.

Get it straight
or go back to selling Herbalife.

I'm so sorry, dear. I will try harder.
One last thing.

The doctor you wanted to interview
is in your office with Dr. Troy.

Who is it?

For God's sakes, stop playing
the blushing ingénue.

You know who's in there.

You couldn't wait to check up and see
how he's doing, how he looks.

Julia, it's so great to see you again.

My God. How long's it been
since we've all been in the same room?

- Ten years.
- No, it's 15, actually.

- I can't get over it. You look...
- Great. I mean, you look really...

You look great.

I look great, too.

So, Sean, how's the practice?
Still in Fort Lauderdale?

No, I sold my client list and packed up
around three years ago.

It's pure chance
that I got your call about the job offer.

- I literally got home last night.
- From where?

New Guinea.
I've been stationed there for six months.

Aren't you a little old for the Peace Corps?

I'm in Médecins Sans Frontières.


Doctors Without Borders.

We travel around the world helping people
who've stepped on land mines...

women and children.

Oh, yeah.
I read about that in People magazine.

You fix cleft palates for free,
that kind of shit.


How noble.

How do you survive?

My wife works.
She's got a great job, actually.

I'd love to meet her.

Yes. So would I.

Jesus, I feel like I'm
in a Pottery Barn showroom.

It's nice. It's a family home.

Christian, Julia,
I'd like you to meet my wife.

Megan O'Hara McNamara,
meet Doctor and Doctor Troy.

- Julia, I've heard so much about you.
- I bet.

- Your house is lovely.
- Thank you.

And so are you.

And what do you do, Megan?

Other than being a mom,
I'm a pediatrician.

I never got to meet Megan
before she died of cancer.

They seem perfect together.

And doesn't Sean seem gloriously happy...

having a wife who's happy
to be with him...

who isn't constantly thinking
the grass is greener?

It can make such a difference
in a man's disposition.

They have a child together?

It's so great to finally meet people
who went to college with my dad.

Bet he was a real party animal.

Oh, yeah.
He went nuts with the wine coolers.

Actually, Matt,
your father was very dedicated.

He was very into academics,
like it sounds you are.

- Matt's on the Brain Bowl.
- The what?

It's the academic decathlon team.
It's for nerds.

Today's nerd
is tomorrow's Bill Gates, honey.

Matt got an early acceptance to Yale.
Full scholarship.

I hope you've got room for dessert.

Why don't you just climb under the table
and give him a blowjob?

What're you talking about?
It's college all over again.

The longing looks,
the disgusting, obvious fawning.

Admit it, Julia, you never got over him.

I am being nice to close the deal.
You should try it.

Here we go.


Dr. Christian, do you want to see
my bug collection?


Bye, guys.

So, Sean, have you thought
about our offer?

I have. Megan and I have talked it over,
long and hard.

- The money is good.
- I make good money, so...

Sean doesn't have to work
if he doesn't want to.

And Doctors Without Borders is an
organization we're both so committed to...

so any sacrifices we have to make
as a family are worth it.

But, actually, I'm going to have
to take a couple of months off.

Nine months, exactly.

- You're pregnant.
- I'm three months along. It's a girl.

We're going to call her Annie,
after my grandmother.

Congratulations. Really.

So, with a baby on the way...

I really hated the direction
the cosmetic surgery industry is going...

and I'm not convinced I want to dive back
into those murky waters.

I'll tell you what. Why don't you come in
and help for a week...

and see how it strikes you?

Mrs. Grubman, tell me what you don't like
about yourself.

My face. It has too much character.

But you had a rhytidectomy
three years ago.

- I guess it didn't take.
- Didn't take?

I think what Dr. McNamara is saying,
Mrs. Grubman...

is that a face-lift
is a very invasive operation...

and we just want to make sure
you've thought it through.

- How old do you think I am?
- It says here that you're 58.

You were probably very surprised
when you read that.

Actually, after seeing
the number of procedures...

When you've been around
as long as I have, you gain some wisdom.

One of the things I've learned is
that you can stay young, Dr. McNamara.

You can feel the way you felt
when you were 20 years old.

Those feelings don't have to go away.

Now, for some people, getting that feeling
comes from running a marathon...

or climbing a mountain.

For others, it comes
from being around children.

But there are many different things
you can do...

As for me, I know myself, Dr. McNamara.
And I know what I like:

plastic surgery.

Now I won't deny
that many people think...

that trying to look younger
is a superficial way of changing your life.

But it reinvigorates me.

And if doing something makes me happy
and feel better about myself...

who are you to stop me?

We'd be happy to schedule you for surgery
tomorrow morning, Mrs. Grubman.

Are you ready?
As I'll ever be.


This was our song in college.
You remembered.

- Good hands in there, Dr. McNamara.
- You, too.

Is that the best pickup line
you can muster?

It wasn't a pickup line. It was the truth.

It was nice finally getting to work together
after all these years.

Good work and good night.

- I need to go now.
- Why? Meatloaf's an easy reheat.

- Julia, what are you doing?
- Blocking your way.


So we can finish what we started in there.

What we started years ago.

I want you.

I can't.

What's wrong?

What's wrong? I'm married.
I'm about to have another baby.

You want me as much as I want you.
You know you do.

Stop it. You're married, too.

I chose the wrong guy. I know that now.

We can go off together.

We can go away and see
if what we once had still exists.

I said, stop it.

I don't love you, Julia. I love my wife.

- It was wrong to do this. I'm sorry.
- So am I. I'm sorry for you.

What happened to you? I don't even know
this person you've turned into.

You're nihilistic, you prey
on psychologically-damaged women...

- and turn them into monsters.
- Just leave, Sean.

You're soulless, Julia.

Well, this soulless bitch
earns $2 million a year...

and if you have trouble
supporting your precious family...

with your politically correct bullshit...

call me for a loan.

On second thought,
I'd rather watch you starve.

Goodbye, Julia.

What are you doing?

I found this old album.

We used to play it in college, remember?

I remember.

Dance with me.

Make love to me.

Are you ovulating?

My final tests came back today.

I can't have children.

We can adopt.

Kimber's pregnant.

It's mine.

Get rid of it. Then get rid of her.

She wants to have this baby.

So do I.

Get out!

You should be happy, Julia.
Now you're free to pursue Sean.

It's happening again.

But it shouldn't be. I'm living another life.

Sweetheart, it's you who has to change,
not your circumstances.

You carry your fate with you.

You didn't do the work on yourself
in this life or the one before it.

You didn't face your demons and fears
and conquer them bravely with conviction.

Patio door, a glass shower stall
in your fancy marble bathroom.

You were going to go through
a plate-glass window anyway.

Who found her?
The maid.

I appreciate you helping out
with this, Sean.

I don't know
if I can get through this alone.

It's not your fault, Christian.
She's always been unhappy.

She's always been lost.

Despite her wonderful qualities,
Julia was never satisfied.

And I don't think she ever will be.


- What are you doing?
- k*lling you softly.

That's not your decision.

Actually, it is.

You see, I've lied to you.

I'm not your life coach.

I'm the Angel of Death.

Not true.

Yes. Aren't you just a little relieved?

The end is in sight now.

No more squandered potential
or ruined possibilities.

One kiss...

all the pain you've been carrying around
for years goes away.

Haven't you always wanted
to kiss me, Julia?

- No.
- Liar.

For once, admit the truth
and embrace your possibility fearlessly.

Haven't you always wanted to see
what it would be like...

to kiss another woman?

To kiss me?

You can't deny it. We have chemistry.

I'm afraid.

But you've always been afraid,
haven't you?

End the fear.

End it now.


I'm not ready!

What the hell was that?
Are we okay?

It must have been a short. She's fine.

Let's close her up.


We're all done now. You did great.

- Am I dead?
- No, you're in recovery.

I'm going to be sick.

It's okay. This is normal.

You're just having a bad reaction
to the anesthesia.


I'll wet your lips.

You're going to be okay.


it's you.

All along, it's been you.