01x13 - Escobar Gallardo

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Nip/Tuck". Aired: July 22, 2003 – March 3, 2010.*
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Drama is set in a plastic-surgery center, McNamara/Troy, centering on the two doctors who own it.
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01x13 - Escobar Gallardo

Post by bunniefuu »

Christian: skin stapler.

Sean: i need an end date.

This is the 10th girl we've done

This month. How many more people

Do you have to hurt? When will

You have enough money?

Escobar: i feel your pain, sean.

I really do. But, you know,

Islands are expensive.

Sean: liz.

Escobar: keep your evening free.

Tomorrow we have a 4 a.M. Flight

Coming in. By the way, where's

Your partner?

Kimber: sorry for the delay,

Christian. Merril's upstairs

Supervising the installation of

The new 12-Jet shower.

Arsenic or strychnine? What's

Your poison?

[Chuckles] absolute, neat.

From model to maid in less than

6 months. That's quite a tumble

Down life's slippery slope,


Kimber: i'm hardly a maid,

Christian. In fact, i tell the

Maids what to do now.

Christian: nice ring.

Kimber: merril and i are getting

Married in december.

Christian: i knew you weren't

Smart, kimber, but i didn't

Realize you were that dumb.

Kimber: dumb would be signing a

Prenup, which i refused to do.

Christian: so you're getting

Everything but love.

Kimber: i don't believe in love

Anymore. What i do believe in is

Security and getting what's

Coming to me.

Christian: jesus, kimber.

Kimber: oh, please. 9 months

Ago, you were sniffing this

Stuff off my ass.

Christian: yeah, well, i'm

Trying to change.

Kimber: yeah, right.

Christian: i'm gonna be a


Kimber: how sad for that

Innocent baby. Have you

Destroyed the mother to be yet?

Christian: i told you, i've


Kimber: bullshit, christian!

You're a serial heartbreaker.

How many more women can you

Hurt? When is enough enough?

Christian: isn't being tied to a

Bed and slashed penance enough?

Kimber: that's only the


Merril: hey, babe, shower's


You can lather up and save me a

Spot. I'll be up in a few.

[Uncaps bottle]



Don't say it. I know. I'm


Christian: she's using you,


Merril: i love her, christian.

God help me, i love her.

What can i do you for?

Christian: i think you know why

I'm here.

Merril: mm-Mmm. Doesn't she look


Christian: that she does, thanks

To me. I did her plastic

Surgery, not you. That's false

Advertising. You pull that ad


Merril: or what? You'll alert

The media? Uhh! Is your business

That bad, christian, that a

Little ad campaign is grounds

For a face-To-Face?

Christian: why are you playing

Dirty pool? 6 months ago, you

Wanted me to be your partner.

Merril: yeah, well, you're

Either my partner or my enemy.

I'm a sore loser, and so is


Christian: doesn't it bother

You, merril, that she's thinking

Of me while you're banging her?

Merril: yeah, actually, it does,

Christian, which is why i'm

Running you out of town.

Christian: i'm not going


Merril: you will if i take all

Your clients, which i intend to

Do. You think this ad is bad for

Business? Wait till you see next

Week's campaign...where i

Promise to beat any estimate in

Town. A few months from now,

You'll have no other choice but

To declare bankruptcy and move

To tampa, and then you'll be

But a distant memory for my


You were never really good at

Marketing yourself, christian.

Luckily for me, i am.

You know the way out. Sweetie?

* ahh,

Make me beautiful,

Make me a perfect soul,

A perfect mind,

A perfect face,

A perfect

Lie *

Sean: good job, honey. You're a

Full 10 centimeters dilated. All

Right, ready? Push.

Julia: i'm trying. I can't feel


Sean: that's normal. We had the

Girls numb your lumbar area.

Just bear down, squeeze, and


Julia: uhh!

Christian: sit up and pretend

You're trying to break wind,


[Julia laughs]

Sean: christian, this is

Serious. Please.

[Julia grunting]

Christian: wait, wait. There's a

Head. There's a head!

[Pauses vcr]

Gina: christ, it looks like you

Barely broke a sweat.

Julia: feel a little better now?

Gina: are you kidding? Watching

This, i want an epidural with my

Oatmeal every morning. Did you

Have any pain at all?

Julia: not until my oldest got

To be about 15. Now it doesn't


[Both laugh]

Gina: thanks for letting me

Watch this, julia.

Christian thought you might be

Able to help me get prepared for

What's coming.

Julia: you're never prepared. I

Mean, giving birth's one thing,

But raising kids and trying to

Keep a family together, that's

Something entirely different.

More coffee?

Gina: sure.

Christian never told me that he

Was with you in the delivery


Julia: well, originally, it was

Meant to just be sean. Heh, he

Was my birth coach for 8 months,

And--Until he decided he wanted

To deliver the babies. So he

Swapped places with the doctor,

He shot the video, and, um,

Christian volunteered to step in

At the last minute.

Gina: why? What was in it for


Julia: um...the 3 of us used to

Be very close.

Gina: he scares me, julia.

He's never had another

Responsibility in his life

Besides himself. He's not gonna

Be a good father.

Julia: i think you're wrong

About that. He taught annie to

Swim. When matt was a baby, he

Was so serious until christian

Walked in the room with his

Silly voices and that smile.

He's been there for them all

These years.

Gina: it sounds like he's as

Much a father to them as sean


Julia: hmm.

[Baby crying]

Christian: can i?

[Baby crying]

Christian: it's ok, little guy.

Christian: mr. Parks, tell me

What you don't like about


Parks: sir winston needs plugs.

Sean: your partner needs a hair


Parks: sir winston isn't my

Partner. Sir winston of glenn

Rock is my dog.

Oh, darling. There we are. The

Tuft on his head began to thin a

Year ago. The stress of the

Competitions, i presume.

Fullness of mane is an entire

Point in the grooming category.

That's why that pug bitch pulled

Ahead of us last year at

Westminster. Now, i want some

Hair from sir winston's tail

Transplanted to the front.

Sean: i'm sorry, mr. Parks, your

Request is out of the question.

It's inhuman, excessive--

Parks: plenty of others do it

And get away with it. Every

Year, millions of dollars of dog

Show dividends are stolen by

Surgically enhanced frauds.

Shar-Peis shot full of botox.

Poodles with nudicles.

Christian: nudicles?

Parks: artificial testicles.

Christian: oh.

Parks: dr. Troy, dr. Mcnamara,

The world of kennel clubs is a

Dog-Eat-Dog world. If sir

Winston places first in his

Scheduled dog shows, then i

Stand to make about $1 million

A year. You can see why i'm

Willing to take this chance.

Christian: that doesn't make it


Parks: yes, well, we live in a

World where physical perfection

Is not just expected, it's

Demanded, thanks in part to

Advances in your profession.

Sean: we don't do dogs.

Parks: not even for $100,000?

And 50 more to ensure

Doctor/patient confidentiality?

[Kiss kiss kiss]

Christian: i'm just saying that

We shouldn't dismiss this out of

Hand...or paw.

Sean: christian, we're doctors,

Not vets.

Christian: in case you haven't

Noticed, we're a little short on

Liquid capital. We need to take

On this client.

Sean: do i have to remind you

What happened the last time we

Took on a patient for the love

Of money?

Christian: it's not love, sean,

It's need. g*dd*mn it, we're

Tapped. Bobolit is stealing our

Client base, we're canceling on

The ones that remain to carve up

Mules at a moment's notice. How

Do you plan on keeping this

Place running without an influx

Of cash?

Sean: we need to downsize.

Christian: i agree. I'll fire

Dr. Santiago tomorrow.

Sean: you can't fire grace,

Christian, because you can't

Keep your d*ck in your pants.

You think we're hemorrhaging

Money now? Just wait till her

Lawyers slam us with a sexual

Harassment suit.

Look at us.

Look what we've become.

We're actually considering

Taking on a dog as a client.

Is this where you thought we'd

Be at 40, christian...

further behind and more confused

Than we were at 24?

Julia: i'm won't even ask

You where you were...

because i know you wouldn't tell

Me anyway.

Sean: i know it's late. I didn't

Want to wake you.

Julia: i don't even know who you

Are anymore, sean, what you're

Thinking, where you go, what you


Sean: you just have to trust me,


Julia: do i? Heh. What if i


Sean: if you're thinking it's

Another woman, it's not.

Julia: matt's check bounced.

I went to use my credit card.

It was denied. Insufficient


Sean: look, i...i can't talk

About this, julia.

Julia: neither can i.

Not anymore.

Do you need money? Use this.

Sean: i'm not selling your

Wedding ring, julia.

We'll be fine.

Julia: we're not fine, sean, and

We never will be. You know it.

We both know it.

Sean: don't you give up on me.

Julia: there's nothing wrong in

Knowing when to surrender. We

Tried our best. No one can fault

Us for finally admitting that...

we just can't do it anymore.

Sean: my grandmother thought you

Were perfect for me, exactly

What i needed.

I don't want it back.

Julia: it's a family heirloom.

It belongs to you.

Sean: it's yours.

Julia: we haven't been family

For a long time, sean. We might

As well make it official.

Merril: christian was such a

Dumb-Ass for turning this one

Down. Easiest 100 grand i'll

Ever make.

Debbie: and a new low, even for


Merril: you know, debbie, if i

Wanted to be emasculated, i'd

Stay home with my girlfriend.

Ok? I pay you for your skill,

Not your lip.

Debbie: hmm.

Merril: has he gotten all his


Debbie: yep. 2 max.

Merril: ok. Let's rock.


Merril: what's happening?

Debbie: i think this puppy just

Stroked out.

Merril: well, do something!

Debbie: like mouth-To-Mouth?

Merril: yes!

Debbie: screw you, assh*le.

Merril: shit! Come on, puppy.




Christian: this is good.

Gina: it's mahimahi with an

Asian slaw. I found the recipe


Christian: so what do you want?

You need something.

Gina: i need you to make love

To me.

Christian: you'd better have

Made a kick-Ass dessert, too,


Christian: i am serious,

Christian. I gotta get this baby

Out of me.

My back aches, my bowls are

Clogged up like a ballpark


Christian: your, uh, seduction

Technique needs work.

Gina: my o.B. Said i need to

Have sex to facilitate labor.

Something about the contraction

Of my orgasm. And apparently

Semen is gonna make the--

Christian: i--I've been


Gina: i really do need you,


Well, your d*ck started this

Mess. Now it's time for it to

Finish it.

[Heavy breathing]

Christian: you're too heavy.

You're crushing me.

Gina: oh, jesus. Christian, it's

Not--No, that's not it. You're

Missing it. It's not working! My

Back. Ohh!

Christian: did you shave your


Gina: have you ever tried

Shaving your legs when you're 9

Months pregnant? Ow!

Christian: look, i'm trying to

Help here.

Gina: it's not working, is it?

Christian: can you get a leg up


Gina: up there?

Christian: jesus, how do fat

People have sex?

[Gina laughs]

Christian: all right. All right.

Let's do something. Here.

Gina: ok.


Oh, god.


Oh, god.

Christian: is that good?

Gina: yeah.


Oh, yeah.

Oh, god.

[Breathing heavily]

Oh, christian. I want to thank

You. I want to thank you for

Everything you've done. You're

Gonna be a really good daddy.

[Breathing heavily]

Oh, god.


Christian: so i've had an

Epiphany about fatherhood.

A day ago, i was literally

Living a nightmare. But


Gina's trying. She's actually

Kind of a trooper.

Sean: are you saying you think

You two might make it?

Christian: as a couple? Shit,

No. But as parents...

the other day you asked me is

This where i thought i'd be at

40. Truth is, i didn't.

I thought i'd be retired, living

In a polynesian villa, giving

The local girls of bali hai

A hard one.

I never thought i'd be a father.

I didn't think i had it in me.

But in many ways, i'm more of a

Man now than i ever thought

I'd be.

Sean: julia and i are getting a

Divorce. I moved over to the

Franklin this morning.

Christian: sean, she'll get over

The affair. It just takes time.

Sean: it's done, christian.

It's ironic, isn't it? Just as

You're starting a family...

i'm losing one.

Sean: is she under?

Liz: yeah.

Sean: all right. Let's do this.

Escobar: that the last implant?

Liz: unless you made the poor

Girl eat one just for shits and

Giggles, yes.

Escobar: pepe, get the cooler.

Hey, don't just stand there,

Gentlemen. Stitch the girl up.

Christian: what's that for?

Escobar: that's where i'm gonna

Store the kidney.

Sean: i'm sorry?

Escobar: yeah, you heard me.

Slice her open and give me one

Of her kidneys.

Christian: why do you want her


Escobar: organ harvesting.

See, there's a lot of rich

Drunks in this country, and

They're willing to pay me top

Dollar. One kidney, i make

$50,000. So...open her up.

Sean: no. We won't do that.

Escobar: no.

Ok. No.

Sean: i said no.

Escobar: where you going, bitch?

You want me to splatter you all

Over her, man? Huh?

Liz: aah!

Escobar: give me a kidney, or i

k*ll your friend. Your choice.

Christian: scalpel's right


Sean: use the gel at least twice

A day to help prevent scarring.

Liz: did the directions say

Apply from a remote beach in


Christian: no, that's to prevent

Additional b*llet holes.

Liz: i'm not going.

Sean: come on, liz. You're

Finally getting that paid

Vacation you've been begging


Liz: i don't want a vacation. I

Want to rip the skin off of that

Tattooed piece of shit and use

It as wallpaper.

You wouldn't be sending me away

If i was a man.

Sean: you've seen how he treats

Women--Like they're subhuman.

Liz: hasn't stopped me from

Working with christian.

Sean: we'll be fine, liz. We'll

Call you when it's over.

Liz: what if it's never over,


Christian: either way, you've

Taken enough b*ll*ts for us.

P.A.: Flight 950 to bermuda now


Christian: don't take this the

Wrong way, but...you're a better

Man that i am.

Liz: damn straight.

Don't leave me out in the sun

Too long.

Christian: we're in way over our

Heads, sean. We have to go to

The police. We'll set up another

Meeting with escobar and have

The cops show up. I'm sure he

Has 100 warrants out for his


Sean: you think we get to just

Walk away from this, shake hands

With the cops and say, "thanks

For your help"? We're in this

Mess because we're guilty, too.

And putting escobar in jail

Isn't going to stop him. We're

Gonna keep looking over our

Shoulders as long as he's alive.

Christian: hey! You're not doing

Anything like that, sean.

Sean: we're completely broke,

With no anesthesiologist, which

Means no more surgeries. We're

Ruined, christian. And now julia

And i are over. I see only one

Way left to fix this.

Christian: we will find another

Way to fix it. You promise me

You'll be smart about this and

Don't do anything stupid.

All we have is each other now.

Julia: don't come over here and

Tell me sean needs me and then

Do exactly what he did and keep

Me in the dark.

Christian: he's doing the best

He can to get us out of this

Without anyone getting hurt.

Julia: does this have anything

To do with that man who came to

Our house?

Christian: jesus. He was here?

We would have never gotten

Involved with him if it weren't

For me, but...

now we're...obligated.

Julia: to do what?

Christian: surgeries.

Julia: why didn't he tell me?

Christian: because he's trying

To protect you, like he's trying

To protect me and our business.

He's ashamed, julia, that he's

Been reduced to cleaning up my

Shit...hoping that, eventually,

I will grow up and change.

Julia: he's not the only one who

Hoped that.

Christian: look...i know there

Is unresolved stuff between us

That might never work itself

Out, but...if there's even a

Part of you that's ever loved

Him...help him now.

He's not gonna make it through

This without you.

Where's your wedding ring?

Man: what do you want for this?

Sean: a g*n.

[Escobar grunting]

Escobar: that's a good one right


N[fear factory

By the cars playing]

Escobar: hey! Sean. What a


Sean: where's pepe?

Escobar: airport. It's just you

And me, doc.

* here in my car,

I feel safest of all *

Hey, you, um...you wanna give me

A spot?

* in cars,

Here in my car,

I can only receive,

I can listen to you,

It keeps me stable for days,

In cars *

Thank you.

First one's always the hardest,

Sean. I remember my first.

I was shaking...like a little


But i didn't puke after.

Most people, they puke after

Their first.

Sean: i don't know what you're

Talking about.

Escobar: you're a desperate man,

Sean. Desperate men don't come

By to talk. They come by to


You've got to get better at

Hiding your piece, man. You

Know, that's sticking out of the

Back of your shirt like a


So...here i am.

Show me what you got.

Sean: you tortured me,

Threatened me, made me do things

I never thought i'd be capable

Of doing. But i'm not you!

You can't have my soul.

Escobar: ah, souls are


[Music ends]

[Up-Tempo song plays]

Oh, shit! I love this song.

Have a seat.

Have a seat.

Hey, sean, you ever hear a song,

And bam, you're right back where

You were when you first heard


I was 23 when this song came

Out. The whole world

In front of me.

Sean: and look what you did with


Escobar: hey, you know what i

Wanted to be when i was a kid?

Really. An actor. No shit, man.

Ha ha ha. No, no, not some big

Star like, you know, banderas or

Assante, just one of those,

Like, soap actors, the ones my

Grandmother used to watch.

Sean: am i supposed to be sorry

For you?

Escobar: i'm not looking for


I'm looking to the future.

You ever think about a fresh

Start, doc?

Sean: you forced that on me.

My wife left. My practice is in


Escobar: and all of that gave

You the nuts you never had.

I gave you the balls to come

Here with a g*n.

Now you return my favor.

You do for me what you did for

That cochino sylvia perez.

Give me a new face.

Get rid of all this pain.

The snake wants to shed its


Sean: you're joking.

Escobar: you do it and you are

Free. You do it...and you can

Have your life back.

Sean: so you've been i.D.D.

Yeah. F.B.I.?

Escobar: i can't go anywhere.

I can't go home. I'm trapped!

Sean: how do i know you're not


Escobar: men like me don't need

To lie.

You make me never have to see my

Face again...

and you'll never have to see it

Again, either.

Christian: sean, i've been

Trying to reach you all day.

I'm worried. Please call me.

Gina: hey, assh*le.

Escobar: what?

Gina: my water just broke.

[Knock on door]

Cat stevens:

Now that i've lost

Everything to you,

You say you wanna

Start something new,

And it's breaking my heart

You're leaving *

Julia: i want my ring back.

Sean: i don't have it, julia.

Julia: i don't care.

Come home.

* ooh, baby, baby,

It's a wild world,

It's hard to get by

Just upon a smile *


Christian: that's it. That's it.

All right, that's good. That's

Really good. Take a deep breath.

Deep breath. All right, now, one

More time. Come on. Suck it up.

Gina: screw you, assh*le!

Christian: push one more time.

Gina: ok!

Christian: all right, good.

Good! Go. Here we go. Push.

Gina: aah!

Christian: here she comes.

It's crowning. Come on. Come on.

Yeah, here it comes.

Come on. Come on. Come on.

Come on. Come on.

Gina: aah!

Christian: here he is. He's


Gina: ohh! Ohh...

cat stevens: * just remember

There's a lot of bad,



Ooh, baby, baby,

It's a wild world,

It's hard to get by,

Just upon a smile,

Ooh, baby, baby,

It's a wild world,

And i'll always remember you,

Like a child, girl,

[Infant crying]

Baby, i love you,

Ooh, baby, baby,

It's a wild world,

And it's hard to get by,

Just upon a smile,

Ooh, baby, baby,

It's a wild world,

And i'll always remember you,

Like a child, girl *

Christian: little guy.

Hey, little guy.

Sean: congratulations, papa.

Julia: which one is he?

Christian: he's the little guy

In the middle.

Julia: i don't understand.

Christian: that's him.

She says she doesn't remember

The encounter.

You've heard of blackout

Drinking? Well, this is what

Sexaholics anonymous calls

Blackout sex.

Julia: do you believe her?

Christian: i'm workin' on it.

Like, you guys are all right?

Sean: what are you gonna do?

Christian: i'm not gonna walk

Away over dumb shit like dna.

I'm not gonna abandon him

Because he doesn't look like me.

I protected him before he was

Born. I put together his crib.

I loved him.

I can't just leave him.

He's my son.

It kinda sucks, though.

Sean: what?

Christian: for years i've

Fantasized about what it would

Be like to have a--[Sighs]

Have a real family...

a guaranteed spot at the table.

Sean: you've got that,

Christian, with us.

Julia: we're your family, and

You're ours.

P.A.: Dr. Kravitz, you have a

Visitor in the main lobby.

Dr. Kravitz, a visitor in the

Main lobby.

Christian: "area plastic surgeon

Sued by dead dog's owner."

Sean: sued for how much?

Christian: $10 million.

Even if he survives the lawsuit,

His reputation is in tatters.

Sean: no wonder our appointment

Book is filling up again.

Ready for our consult?

Christian: you think it will


Sean: hope so.

Here's your current physical

Likeness, and here's what you'll

Look like 4 months after


Escobar: i look like an armand

To you?

Christian: armand?

Escobar: yeah, that's the new

Name to go along with my new

Face: armand ortiz. Sounds like

It belongs up on the silver

Screen, right, dr. Sean?

Sean: hmm.

Escobar: i don't like this face.

I'm better-Looking than this.

Sean: don't let vanity rob you

Of your freedom, mr. Ortiz.

Escobar: pepe will be present

During the surgery. If you try

And k*ll me during the

Operation, he has orders to

sh**t to k*ll.

Christian: we are not murderers.

Plastic surgeons have a bad

Enough image problem as it is.

Escobar: all right.

Let's do this.

Sean: we're gonna sedate you



Julia: oh, tsk!


Woman: may i help you?

Julia: i'm here for my paternity


Woman: your number?

Julia: 248xt.

Woman: thank you.

Woman: oh. We've had your

Results for over 3 months. We

Called the number you gave us,

But it was disconnected.

Julia: i made up the number.

I didn't know if i was coming


Woman: hmm. Why did you?

Julia: i thought the answer

Would change my life. Now i'm

Not sure it has to or that it


Woman: just because you know,

Doesn't mean that anybody else

Has to.

Julia: thank you.

* well, you don't wanna stop,

And i don't wanna cry,

I'm not getting tired of you,

Well, are you getting over

While i'm getting by,

Leavin' all the times i've

Thought on?

What we had

Of course it makes me sad,

That is when i say to myself,

I won't be following,

You were just borrowing


just one more cup of coffee

Before you have to leave,

This room's not getting tired *

[Airplane taking off]

Man: excuse me, sir? Could you

Stop right there, please?

Escobar: is there a problem?

Man: fbi with i.N.S. On your

Knees, hands behind your head.

Mr. Barco, you have the right to

Remain silent.

Escobar: boys, a mistake has

Been made here. My name is

Armand--Armand ortiz?

Check my passport.

Man: mr. Barco, you have the

Right to an attorney.

Escobar: who's mr. Barco?

Man: mr. Barco, a word of

Advice: next time there's a

Warrant out for your arrest for

Bank robbery and m*rder of a

Federal agent, do more than

Change your name. Change your


Christian: tell me what you

Don't like about yourself?
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