02x09 - Frenemies

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Royal Pains". Aired: June 4, 2009 – July 6, 2016.*
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Series follows Hank Lawson, an unfairly discredited but brilliant diagnostic surgeon who winds up moving to the Hamptons with his brother as he works as a concierge to the uber rich and ultra elite.
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02x09 - Frenemies

Post by bunniefuu »

ADMlNlSTRATOR: You let a billionaire hospital trustee die

to save some kid off the street.

l made a judgment call.

You made a mistake.

EVAN: This trip is going to get you back on your feet.

HANK: What trip? EVAN: To the Hamptons.

Would you be willing to be my faux beau? Pretend boyfriend.

You shouldn't fake date for money.

lt started out that way, but then l realized that l actually liked her.

My parents are gonna love you.

Same fee as before?

l'm raising money for a local free clinic.

lt looks like your family clinic won't be up and running

until about 2015.

l can't let the board get away with this.

You want HankMed to run your clinic?

Jill Casey... Dr. Emily Peck.

l hear that Emily Peck has decided to stay in town.

Aren't you worried about a competing concierge doctor taking your patients?

EVAN: What do you make of Emily?

HANK: I'm still feeling her out.

That spells danger to me.

HANK: ''Hamptons Heritage blasts community clinic.''

Uh-oh. Drama in HankMed.

Weren't you the one who said ''All publicity is good publicity''?

(CHUCKLES) Not when it's your doctor.

Nobody wants to see their doctor in the paper.

Oh, really? Nice full-page ad. lt's a bit vain, no?

That's different. l'm blonde.

lt's a black and white photo.

You're missing the point.

And doing so gladly.

The doctor is in.

By the way, how is that ad working out for you?

Wouldn't you like to know?

l haven't heard your phone ringing.

lt's on vibrate.

Right. That's why.

But seriously, don't sweat it about the article.

lt's okay to be polarizing.

lf everybody likes you, you're probably doing something wrong.


Besides, they only went to the court of public opinion

because they knew they'd lose in a court of law.


You are going to kiss me, aren't you?

You are so incredibly predictable.


Uh, l like where this is going,

but l must tell you, l have a very busy morning tomorrow.

l wouldn't worry. You're not staying over. No offense.

A little offense.

Oh, Hank. You don't want to stay over.

l take up the whole bed, l talk in my sleep...

Well, look at that. Dr. Emily Peck has a fear of intimacy.

l'm not afraid of intimacy. l just don't like it.

My body wasn't designed to function

at this ungodly hour. l'm sorry.

Then why is your body here?

Because your wonderful clinic

has triggered a paradigm shift for HankMed.

l'm here to safeguard the paradigm as it shifts.

Well, you should be more concerned

about this hatchet job in the paper.

Mmm. Couldn't have come at a worse time.

Look, if they have to go to the court of public opinion,

it's because they'd probably lose in a court of law.

Nice soundbyte, professor.

Maybe we should take out a full-page ad.

Maybe definitely not.

Look, the best way to handle this is to just

let the story run out of steam on its own.

No, l disagree.

l think that we need to get our side of the story out there.

l agree with her disagreement.

Thank you. Mmm-hmm.

Jill, you will only be stoking negative publicity.

No, l'll be countering negative publicity.

Because if you counter the...

lt's too early for this.

Wow. What a greeting committee.

l hope somebody has a giant prize check with my name on it.

No prize check, but you have won

another month's supply of lnterferon.

l got a striped bass for you.

Jim, l love your fish. But you don't have to do this every time l see you.

Take it. Just... Oh, no...

Okay. Which one of you lucky kids gets to draw my blood today?

(LAUGHS) The privilege will be mine.

All right, let's get to it.

So, Jim, you been keeping the diet?

Can't you tell?


Any shot you're going to let me off of it?

Not a shot. Sorry, pal.

But we are here with some good news.

We've set up a new community clinic

that'll run through HankMed.

You finally quit that red-tape factory you were working at? Good for you.

Actually, no. Uh, this is just a thing on the side.

But it's a great thing. You can call us anytime about anything.

Even if it's not my hepatitis?

Yeah. Why? What's wrong?

l banged my ankle a few days ago on the bow chock.

lt started bleeding, so l wrapped a bandage on it.

All right, you have a stasis ulcer.

lt's not uncommon among hepatitis patients.

The blood pools in the vein and stretches the skin.

When you banged your ankle,

it cut the vein and started the bleeding.

So, l'm putting on something called an Unna boot.

lt's gauze soaked in calamine and zinc oxide.

You need to leave this on for five days.


This is for the ulcer.

Uh, fish guy.

Thank you so much.

Keep the change.

This is the worst morning of my life.

Hey, thanks for the lift.


Oh, crap. There's Dr. Blair.

Just tell me when she's gone.

Uh, okay.

ls she gone? No, she's coming over here.

What? Why didn't you tell me?

You only told me to tell you when she was gone.

Well, drive away, Hank.

l can't. We've already made eye contact.

lt will look like l'm trying to avoid her.

You are. No, you are.

She's 10 feet and closing.

JlLL: What? What do l do?

(STAMMERS) l'd suggest sitting up.

Oh. Found it.

Okay. You really need to get a change purse.

Okay. Dr. Lawson.

Ms. Casey. Don't mean to interrupt.

No. But about the article.

l had hoped to speak to you before it came out.

And first of all, l have to apologize. l was completely misquoted.


The interview was intended more as a reconciliation.

l want to work this out.

l want the clinic at Hamptons Heritage

so that we can help more people.

With all due respect, Dr. Lawson is only one doctor.

You can only help one person at a time.

We're helping people now.

ls it better to help a few people now

rather than help many in a couple of years

when Hamptons Heritage opens the clinic?

You mean if you open the clinic. l read your proposal.

You could use that money for anything you want.

l want a community clinic.

So do l.

l think we can do more good together than we can separately.

Think about it, Jill.

Okay, she's gone now.

So, every time he comes home from his mother's house,

he's exhausted. Uh-huh.

His stomach hurts. And he's not hungry. And...

How often is that?

Uh... Well, a couple of times a week.

You know, we're on a new schedule.

l just moved in.

Oh, it's nice.

Thanks. Anyway, the point is,

my son's always had allergies. Right.

And now his mom's insisting that he's over them.

Uh-huh. But you're not so sure that he is.

Exactly. That's him.

He seems to be doing pretty...

Well, he's feeling better now, so...


Hey, Jake. Jake. Butterfly stroke. All right?

And push off with...

No. Push off with your feet in unison.

He's a good swimmer.

He's very good. He just...

Sir? ls that the hypoallergenic turf l specified?

l... Hold on one second. Excuse me. Let me just...

Yeah. Take care of that. No, no.

Jake, that's Dr. Lawson.

l got your towel, bud.

Hey, Jake. l'm Dr. Lawson.

But you can call me Hank.

Hi, Hank. Have a seat.

You have got a solid butterfly stroke.


So, your dad told me you weren't feeling well earlier.

My stomach hurt. But l feel good now.


How old are you?

People think l'm six, but l'm actually seven.

Oh, no. You're definitely seven.

Can you open your mouth for me?

So, you're in, what, second grade?


Uh-huh. You married?

(LAUGHS) l'm a kid.

l don't know. Kids these days. lt's possible.

All right. You got a girlfriend?

Oh. You do. You do have a girlfriend. What's her name?

Olivia. She lives behind my mom.


Would you lie down for me, please?


(GlGGLlNG) That tickles.

lt's supposed to tickle.

Okay, you can sit up, Jake.

Jake, how'd you get that scratch?

Climbing a tree at my mom's.

Your mom's, huh?

So, this Olivia chick. Talk to me. ls she nice?

Sometimes she's nice to me.

And sometimes she wants me to go away.

l don't even know why l like her.

She's not like other girls.

Maybe that's why you like her.

How is he?

He's doing great. Might have been

a touch of food poisoning or an allergic reaction.

When was his last scratch test?

Four years ago, which l think is too long ago.

But what do you think?

Couldn't hurt to get another.

We'll get one on the books.

EVAN: So, how have you been post break-up?

lf you want to talk about it, that is. Him.

Nope. And no. But thank you.

Absolutely. Here.

Oh, great.

So, why are you still going through so much trouble

to convince your parents that we're in a false relationship?

Well, l thought about telling them that l broke up with you.

But at this point, telling them a new lie

would be a lot harder than preserving the old one.

Oh, yeah.

You don't know my father.

You're right. l know nothing about retired General William Collins,

currently the CEO of a Fortune 500 defense contractor

who you, along with many others,

feel will one day run for president.

l know nothing about him.

l'm impressed.

l once crammed for an entire semester of ltalian in 36 hours, l think.

You know what? You are the best fake boyfriend l have ever had.

l'm going to take that as a strange compliment. How many have you had?

Oh, a lady never tells.


So, why is there no bio on you in here?

Well, because my father already knows me.

He wants to get to know you.

But you need to be careful.

He's going to try to trap you.

He's going to order you a second bourbon.

Take it, but don't drink it.

Bourbon? Mmm-hmm.

l'm going to have trouble with the first one. l warn you.

l have a very delicate palate.

Don't say delicate in front of my father. Or palate.

Can l say it in ltalian? (LAUGHS)

Okay. Uh...

Do you hunt?

Like, k*ll things with a g*n?

You know, it's not hunting season. lt doesn't matter.

But it is something he likes to talk about. So read this.

That should be plenty. Okay.

Okay. Pop quiz.

How did we meet?

lt's funny. You know how most couples

have, like, a sweet and tender story about how they met?

We're not one of them.

l was waiting for a parking space in town.

And my blinker was on. There was no one else around.

lt was obviously my spot. The guy pulls out.

Before l can take my foot off the brake,

Paige comes out of nowhere,

zips around my car somehow and steals it.

Just steals it right in front of me.

Survival of the fittest. Right, Daddy?

That's right, sugar.

So, l got out of my car, fuming.

l march up to her, and before l can say anything,

she looks me in the eye, and she says...

''You're too cute to get angry, aren't you?''

She actually said that.

l valeted my car, needless to say. And the rest is history.

Very romantic.

Another bourbon, Evan?

Of course. Yeah. Please.

Paige was telling us you're CFO of HankMed?

What is that?

lt's a concierge medical practice.

Oh, l've read about that.

Medicine for rich people.

We also do some pro bono work for a local free clinic.

That's wonderful, Evan.

That says a lot about you.

l'm curious.

Apart from her beauty, which she gets from her mama,

l was wondering,

what do you find most appealing about Paige?

Daddy. You're embarrassing me.

Evan, you don't have to answer that.

lt's very clear to me that your daughter will do anything for love.

Love for her boyfriend. Love for her family.

She will go to any length necessary

to protect her relationships with the people she loves.

And that's what appeals to me, General.

ln a very big way.

Evan, you were brilliant.

How did you come up with all those things?

lt wasn't hard.

You're worth every penny l'm paying you.

ELLEN: Evan, it was really nice to meet you.

l hope to see you again real soon. EVAN: Absolutely.

lf you're here in the fall,

maybe we can go hunting or something. Really?

l wouldn't have pegged you for the type.

No, l try to k*ll something every day, actually.

Even if it's just stepping on a bug or... l just love k*lling things.

Honey, don't you know someone who belongs to a private hunting club?

Tommy Danford.

That's where l dropped that six point buck back in '07.

Wow. How great would it be if it were hunting season?

No, this is a members-only club.

They hunt year-round as long as they replace what they sh**t.

That settles it. We are going hunting Wednesday at dawn.

Dawn work for you, Evan?

You know, l always say, ''The early bird gets the worm.''

And after he gets the worm, we can sh**t him.

EVAN: Divya, can l ask you a question really quick? Be completely honest.

Do these pants make my butt look huge?

l wouldn't know as l have never looked at your butt.

They do, however, make you look like a jackass.

Well, thank you.

Divya. Alien warrior.

Oh, l'm sorry. Evan. l thought you were the Predator.

Why so G.I. Joe?

l am going hunting on Wednesday with Paige.

Hunting? You should really stick to gathering.


Have you ever even held a g*n?

No, l'm not going to sh**t. We have it worked out.

l'm going to be with Paige. She'll do the sh**ting. l'll take the credit.

Sounds like the working dynamic of HankMed.

Evan, you really like this girl, don't you?

Does she like you back? And why do l feel like l'm in seventh grade?

l don't know what she feels.

All l know is that making her happy makes me feel happy.


Wow. They grow up so fast.

They really do.

Hank, you got a call about an hour ago from a Mrs. Zimmerman.

Yeah, Jake's mom. She wants to see you in the morning.

And she also wants copies of your notes

and anything else pertaining to her son.

Poor kid. Stuck right in the middle of a divorce.



Mrs. Zimmerman?

WOMAN: Come on around! We're in the back!


Hey, pooch.

Hey, big guy. How are you?

WOMAN: Keep going. Past the rabbits.



Uh, Mrs. Zimmerman?

Dr. Blair?

(LAUGHS) That's my maiden name.

And my professional name.

Well, l'm not sure which one of you

l should be handing my notes to, but, uh, there you go.


Why are you looking at me like that?

(STAMMERlNG) No, no, no. You're just very... l didn't...

Well, this is how l am the 50% of the time l'm not working.

ls that a problem for you?

No. lt is not a problem for me. Of course not.

So, you're here to document what a bad parent l am.

l'm here because you asked me to be.

l also wanted to see how Jake was doing.

How does he look?


He looks fine.

Of course he does.

He's a happy kid. He's a great kid.

With a free spirit, and a big heart.

And he has a way with the ladies.


How did he look yesterday?

He looked fine yesterday, too.

Did my husband tell you that

he's trying to get sole custody of Jake?

Apparently not.

Well, that's what this whole thing is about.

So, l take it you don't think there's anything wrong with Jake.

He had allergies when he was two, but he grew out of them.

Which, as we both know, Dr. Lawson, is very common.


Excuse me. l'm on call today.

Hey, Jake.

Hey, Hank.

So, is that the Olivia?

Yeah. That's her.

She's pretty, if you don't mind my saying so.

l don't mind.

So, how are you feeling, bud?

Did you eat anything today?

l had some waffles for breakfast. Made them myself.

Nice. Nice. Try a little syrup on those bad boys?

Yeah. Nice.

Jake, come on. l'm ready to play again.

Bye, Hank!



Yeah, this is Hank.

EMlLY: Did I wake you?

ls this who l think it is?

l don't know. Who do you think it is?

Marilyn Monroe.


She's dead.

So you can imagine my surprise.

Can you come over?

Um, is everything okay?

Yeah. Yeah, it's fine. Ijust, um...

l'm just lonely.


l'm trying vulnerable out.

How does it feel?

Worse than intimacy.


All right, here's the plan. We'll hunt in two zones, boys against the girls.

Whoever bags the most birds

gets to choose where we have lunch.

Dad, l don't want to do that.

l want to be with Evan.

Sweetheart, you're with him all the time.

Besides, you want me to get to know him, right?

This is how l'll get to know him.

Your daddy's right, honey.

You boys are going down.

WlLLlAM: Which dog do you want, sunshine?


All right. Let's go, MacArthur!


Stay 75 degrees on my flank.

Don't break formation. l'll be on point.

So, just to clarify, um, what did you mean by that?

What part of it?

All of it. Huh.

l don't joke when l hunt, son.

Let's move out.

(WHlSTLES) Come on.

Now, Jake, Dr. Lawson can't do a scratch test

until you take your shirt off.

l don't care. Jamie, please.

He's only doing this to spite me.

You know perfectly well we could have done this in my hospital.

He gets sick at her house.

l mean, can you imagine what would happen at her hospital?

Why don't l show you both to the waiting area?

Great idea. Thank you.

How come you don't want to take your shirt off? l don't know.

Jake, whatever you tell me is between you and me.

No one else will know.


Did Olivia write this?

She wrote it on my ankle, too.

l have something that'll get that out.

How come she's so mean to me?

Thank you.

Jake, l would love to be able to explain girls to you.

But l actually don't understand them myself.

Really? Aren't you old?

(LAUGHS) Yeah.

Old enough to know they're hard to figure out.

Look, there's probably something bothering Olivia

that has nothing to do with you.

Like what?

l don't know. But l'm sure she'll tell you.

And when she does, do not, l repeat, do not try to fix it.

They don't want that. Just listen.

That looks like urticaria to me.

Oh, God. You've been on the lnternet again.

Just because l'm not a doctor does not...

Okay. Guys, please. You're not helping. Okay?

Okay. You're right.

l'm sorry.

We're both sorry.

Look, these tests can be interpreted different ways.

l want to send them to an allergist for an official diagnosis.

That's fine. Right? Great.


Jake, we've got to get to math camp.

All right, sweetie. Have fun.

And l'll pick you up later tonight.

Okay, Mom. Okay. Bye, Jake.

Bye, Hank.



Don't ever do that.

What if that fell over and went off?

That's how people get shot.

lf you're going to hunt with me,

you're going to hunt properly.

(WHlSTLES) Come on, boy.


Oh, l am so sorry.

Jill, it's Emily Peck. Yes. Hi.

Oh, my God. l almost ruined your blouse.

Which l love, by the way. ls it Chlo??

Uh, no.

Well, l love it anyway.

Funny running into you, actually.

l was just reading the article on the clinic.

For what it's worth, l think Hamptons Heritage is taking the wrong position.

lf there's anything l can do to help...

That's nice of you to offer.

l'm not just saying it.

lf you need another doctor,

please just call me anytime.

Thank you. That means a lot.

Hey, you know, they only went to the court of public opinion

because they knew they'd lose in a court of law.

ls that a famous quote?

No. No, a lawyer l once dated used to say it all the time.


See you later. Bye.



Damn it. What the hell is your problem, son?

You act like you've never hunted before. l'm sorry.

You're supposed to be 75 degrees on my left flank at all times.

You want to get shot?

No. Absolutely not, sir. l do not.

(SlGHS) Uh, just stay the hell behind me.

Come on, boy.


Look, Mom, l think we got enough.

Why don't we just go find Daddy and Evan?

All right, honey.

We probably got them beat, anyway. (g*n FlRES)


Oh, my Lord. Go, boy! Go!

This is crazy. Uh, hello?

Oh, good. Welcome. Maybe you can reason with him.

l came over to pick up Jake,

and his father's afraid to let him go.

Because he's sick.

He's never sick when he's with me.

You let him eat whatever he wants, stay up late,

and then he gets sick when he comes home.

Home, Jamie, is my house.

You know that. This is the new place.

Okay, guys. Where is he?

He's upstairs. Upstairs.

Thank you.

Lovely day.

Hey. Jake?

Hey, Hank.

How you feeling, buddy?


Did you eat anything today? Any new foods? Um...

Hot dogs? Candy?

Just a turkey sandwich.

Turkey sandwich, huh?

Did you feel nauseous after you ate?

No, Hank. l feel fine. Really.


l feel better. l always do after l throw up.

Wait. You've thrown up before?

A couple of times. At night.

Why didn't you tell anyone?

Because if l told my dad, he'd blame my mom. And then they would fight.

Jake, listen. l want you to make me a promise.

lf you are ever not feeling well,

you have to tell your parents. Promise me.

Okay, Hank. l promise.

Look, l know it's hard when they're fighting.

But no matter what happens between them,

they both love you very, very much.

l know. (KNOCKlNG ON DOOR)

Come on in, Divya.

How is everything?

Good. We're good.

So, l have gotten five texts from Evan saying that you're not answering your phone,

and he needs you urgently.

Urgent urgent or Evan urgent?

Well, he said it was a 91 2 emergency,

which is apparently one worse than a 91 1 .

Okay. So it's Evan urgent. Can you handle it?

Of course.

How bad is it? Just be honest.

Relax. lt's just a flesh wound.

Sorry. Could you speak into my good ear?

Because it sounds like you said it was just a flesh wound.

The press is going to have a field day with this.

g*nsh*t wounds have to be reported.

l told you to stand behind me.

l know. l'm sorry. l know.

l didn't understand what you said, and then l was...

Why am l apologizing to you? You just shot me.

l'm going to be frank with you, son.

You are not Paige Collins material.

l'm not?

You're weak, clumsy, unfocused.

You're not someone who'd be taken seriously in her circles.

l want you to stop seeing her.

And l'm willing to make it worth your while.

Evan! Evan. Oh, my God.

You're hurt. Are you okay?

WlLLlAM: He's fine.

Yeah, l'm all right. lt's... lt's just a flesh wound.

This isn't the first time Jake has thrown up.

lt's happened a couple of times this week.

What are you talking about?

He didn't say anything to me.

Me neither.

Yeah, he didn't tell you because he was afraid it would make you fight.

He said that? Yes, he did.

Look, l get it. This is a difficult time for you.

But as stressful as it is for us,

it's even more so for Jake.

And the stress is affecting him.

HANK: That's exactly right.

He's been acting nervous lately.

He's even afraid of the dark now.

ls this happening at your house?

He won't sleep without the door open and a night light on.

l'm going to go see how he's doing.

How could l have missed the fact

that my own son was sick?

l'm either the world's worst doctor,

or the world's worst mother.

This is where you jump in and you say l'm neither one.


Does it hurt?

Huh. How about l do it to you?

And then you can tell me. How's that?

You know, admitting that it hurts doesn't make you less of a man.

lt hurts.

You're such a girl.

Where they hell have you been? l got shot.

Um... (LAUGHlNG)

Are you laughing at me?

No, no, no. No. Uh, no. l am not.

(LAUGHS) No. He is not laughing at you.

He's laughing with me.

At you. Totally.

All right. l can see that your plan went really well, Ev.

Tell Hank what happened. See if he believes you.

(GRUNTS) l had to heed the call of nature, okay?

So l leaned my g*n against a tree.

l went into the woods. lt slipped and went off.


See? lt is totally ridiculous.

And totally Evan.

lt's a perfect night for a walk on the beach.

Yeah, it is a perfect night for a walk on the beach.


Ugh. l...

Really? You're really going to answer that?

l'm expecting some test results.

You know, you can get a service to screen your calls for you.

Yeah, l know l can. This is Hank.


Uh-huh. Okay. Thanks.

Give me the facts. Maybe l can help.

A kid stuck between two divorcing parents.

Oh, been there.

lntimacy issues, fear of abandonment.


So, what about the kid? Tell me.

Dad thinks Mom's lifestyle is making him sick.

Mom thinks Dad's cuckoo.


Nausea, dizziness, headaches.

Very non-specific. Comes and goes pretty quickly.


Usually at night, after he comes home from Mom's.

Bouncing between two households,

always packing a bag, living on a schedule.

lt sucks.



l am definitely giving you the number to my service.

This is Hank.

Hank, it's Jake. Something's wrong with my parents.

Are they yelling at each other?

No, they're lying on the floor in my room and l can't wake them up.

They had the door closed, and then they didn't come out for a long time.

So I went in. What should I do?

Uh, call 91 1 . 3825 Kingswood Road.

Jake, I want you to listen to me.

Walk downstairs right now, but stay on the phone with me.

Okay, Hank.

Hey, Jake.

We'll check on your parents.

Uh, listen. Go downstairs and let me know when the ambulance is here. Okay?


He's breathing. So is she.

No visible wounds.

No signs of cyanosis.

We have to get them out of this room. Now. Yeah.

All right. l have some oxygen in my car.

l have some in my bag.

Even better.



JAKE: Hank, they're here!

MEDlC 1 : What's happening, Doc?

l think they're suffering from carbon monoxide poisoning.

They're on 100% oxygen.

Put heart monitors on both, make sure they don't have arrhythmias,

and also start lV lines. (COUGHS)

MEDlC 2: Got it. ls Jake okay?

He's fine. He's downstairs.

Listen, you need to keep your oxygen mask on.

Oh. JAMlE: What happened?

l think there's a carbon monoxide leak in Jake's bedroom.

You said the house was recently renovated?

Well, we just moved in.

Were there water heaters, furnaces, or ovens that got moved?

No. But l put in a new indoor hot tub downstairs.

That has a water heater. lt's below Jake's bedroom.

l'm guessing it's not venting properly,

and the carbon monoxide accumulated in Jake's bedroom.

lt's a good thing he's still afraid of the dark.

Sleeping with his bedroom door open probably saved his life.


Mmm, l love you. Love you.

Bye, honey. (KlSSES) Bye.

Goodbye, sugar. Bye, Dad.


EVAN: Great to meet you.

So good to meet you, darling.

WlLLlAM: Oh, l almost forgot.

Here's a check to cover your medical expenses.

Let me know if it's not enough.

You know, l was actually able to receive treatment for free.

So you're off the hook, General.

Well, that's, uh...

Bye. Bye-bye!

Awesome job. Awesome.

Thank you. Not bad, right?

Hank! Divya!

HANK: Hey, kid.

What's up, little man? How you doing?

Guess what. Poo isn't poo.

lt's not?

No. lt means Property of Olivia. Get it? P-O-O?

Oh, yeah. l get it. lt's cute.

Controlling, but cute. l know!

See you, bud. (CHUCKLlNG)

Here you go.

Oh. Thank you. Mmm-hmm.

Thank you.


Jake seems to be feeling better.

ELlZABETH: We all are.

Jamie and l are much more attuned

as to how our behavior is affecting Jake.

ln no small part, thanks to you.

Oh. ln fact,

these tomatoes from the garden are for you.

Oh. Wow. Oh, my God. They are ginormous.

They look delicious.

Yeah. They'll go great with some seafood compensation l recently received.


Did you get it?

Hey, of course l did.

Now, remember. Not on her face.

Okay. Now you're the world's worst mother.

l'm pretty sure it's washable.

Pretty sure?

Almost positive. Uh-huh.

Maybe l'd better go.

Yeah, maybe you'd better.


You know, Hank,

six months ago, l was pretty happy with my life.

And then my marriage fell apart and my life fell apart.

And l think it took its toll on me.

l'm sorry to hear that.

So, maybe work is the only place

l feel like l have some control.

Would you reconsider your position on the clinic?

Oh. No. l won't.

ln fact, l'm more convinced than ever

that my plan is a better plan for the community.

l just wanted you to know that l appreciate everything that you've done.

And that it isn't personal. But l'm going to have to take the clinic back.

Mmm. l should give you some zucchini to go with those tomatoes.

Yeah. Thanks.


How's the butt?

As long as l don't sit on it, um,

or lie down or walk at all, or clench it, or move it,

it's great. Thank you for asking.


Hey, look. Um...

l don't want to have any secrets from you.

So, if l were to admit that, hypothetically speaking, l didn't sh**t myself...

Uh, hypothetically speaking,

l'd say we should stop speaking hypothetically right now.

All or nothing, Ev.

Fair enough.

Oh. So, here's something that's not hypothetical.

Dr. Emily Peck faxed over a request for Jake's records. Authorized by his dad.


She's now the Zimmerman family's primary care physician.

How did she even know that he was our patient? (STAMMERlNG)

Look, this is w*r. She's coming after us. She's dangerous.


Said the man who shot himself in the butt.



So, that's the way it's going to be, huh?

l'm fine. How are you?

Don't get me wrong. l am up for it. Okay?

l just wasn't aware of the ground rules.

At least not the ones you play by.

Ah, Zimmerman.

Yeah. Zimmerman.

You stole my client.

He called me.

l thought l made it clear that l was competitive.

Remember? l said, ''l'm competitive.''

Well, as it turns out, so am l.

Well, it never would have worked out, anyway.

Because Zimmerman thinks that you're too tight with his soon-to-be ex-wife.

l'm worried about Jake changing doctors. Okay?

l mean, l built a trust with the kid.

Great. You can fill me in.

Can you explain why someone wrote all over him?

What are you... l can't fight when you're getting undressed.

So stop fighting.

Hi. Hi.

What's this?

Your money. For lunch, for hunting...

l put in a little extra, you know, for getting shot.

l don't want your money.

Why not? You earned it.

l just don't, okay?

Can you have dinner with me next Saturday?

No. l'm off your payroll.

Evan, l don't want to pay you.

l just...

l want to have dinner with you.


Um, who's buying?

You are.

Good. Good.

Pick me up at 8:00?

Yeah, l can do that.

Can l ask you a question?


When we were at lunch with my parents,

how much of what you said about me did you mean?

Like, percentage-wise? Yeah.

All of it.

Hank, l just wanted to say that you're right.

We should just move forward.

We're not going to sling mud in the press.

We're just going to focus on the work.

Yeah, no. l'm with you.

l know. And l appreciate it so much.

But it's not just you.

Other doctors support me, too.

ln fact, Emily Peck said

that she would volunteer her time to the clinic if l wanted.

Wow. That's impressive.

l also got the results back from your blood test.

The first time l saw them, l thought l was reading a typo.

So l had the lab run it again. Same result.

l hope this is building up to good news, Hank.

Your liver function test numbers are fantastic.

DlVYA: Way better than expected.

The lnterferon is having a very positive impact on your hepatitis.

Grandpa! Hey, buddy. Come here.

Hi, Grandpa. Hank.

This is my daughter, Mimi. Mimi, Dr. Lawson.

The Dr. Lawson? Yes.

Nice to meet you. Oh!

Thank you so much for everything. Sure.

Everything you've done for my father.

Everything you've done for our family.

l can only imagine he's not the easiest patient.

You know, he often tries to hide his charms,

but l see right through him.


Grandpa, catch!


You're looking good, Dad.

JlM: Thanks, honey. l like it.

Nice work, guys.

Hey, what's that on the back of your neck?


What? ''POE''?


What, Property of Evan?

What, Property of Evan?
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