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02x25 - No Going Back

Posted: 04/21/24 17:34
by bunniefuu
Ohh. I am so glad
that school's over.

Mrs. Thistle talked for
an hour in history.

She's ninety... should she
really be wasting that breath?

[ Screening wands beeping ]
What's all this?

Listen up, frog spawn!
Security check.

Put all metal objects
in the bucket,

then proceed to the wands
for a more thorough search.

Principal Perry,
what's going on?

Someone's been stealing laptops
from the computer lab,

so I'm gonna bust the perp.

Or perps.

Bottom line,
no one leaves this school

without going through
those metal detectors.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna
sort through your loose change

and have a little heart-to-heart
with the vending machine.

Guys, we cannot
get wanded.

Those things will go off like crazy
when they detect our bionics.

Well, what are we gonna do?
She's totally gonna bust us.

Busted ya for what?

What are you hidin',
little Bo peep?

Um... heh...

He's not hiding

Well, he does have an unusually
large birth Mark on his left hip.

You stare at it long enough and it
kinda looks like Justin bieber.

Let's go.


Empty your pockets.
Principal Perry, I...

Comply, perp!

Wand him.

[ Beeps oscillate ]

[ High-pitched beeping ]

Well, what do you know?
We got one.

Flank him, girls. The little
ones always put up a fight!

The world's first
bionic superhumans...

They're stronger than us...

Faster, smarter.

The next generation
of the human race is...

Living in my basement?!


Everyone else cleared the
checkpoint hours ago...

So why do you three fleshbags
keep settin' it off?!

You may not have
the laptops,

but you're hiding something.

Maybe another pat-down
from Carol and Deb

will make ya talk.

No, no. We're good.

The first one already
scarred me for life.

Don't move!

No one's going anywhere till
I get to the bottom of this.

Guys, we have got
to get out of here.

Relax. We just have
to wait her out.

There's no way Perry can
actually see our bionics

unless she rips our skin off.

Have you met Carol and Deb?

I'm pretty sure
it's in their wheelhouse.

Principal Perry:
Okay, bye.

Great news!
You're letting us go?

No! [Laughs]

I made a little call over to my
friend Chet over at airport security,

and he's gonna let me borrow
an X-ray machine.

You have a friend
at the airport?

Well, ask him if he'll let me pass
out peanuts on the 5:10 to Denver.

Once I get that machine,

it'll show me whatever it is
you're hiding...

Wherever it is
you're hiding it.

What are you doing here?

I live here.

I'm the one you didn't cobble
together in your basement.

I mean
why aren't you at school?

Got a little head cold.

I sneezed in class,
and I don't know what came out,

but I walked out
two pounds lighter.

Donald, I think something's
wrong with your credit card.

When I went to buy groceries
it was declined.

How could that be?

Let me spell it out
for you.

She spent all your money!

I did not spend
all his money.

Oh, saving a little
for a facelift?

I... you...

[ Tapping on keyboard ]

This card is completely
maxed out

with purchases
I didn't make.

A plane ticket,
a speedboat,

two thousand dollars' worth
of hair dye

and color contact lenses.

This time it was not me!

[ Gleeful chuckle ] I should have
thought of this X-ray machine

a long time ago...
Now I can bust you three

and find out what that
stabbing pain in my kidney is.

Just gotta
power it up.

There must be a way
for us to break this machine.

Hey, what if I use
my blast wave ability?

You know, where I concentrate really hard
and everything around me falls apart?

Oh! That's right,

I just keep forgetting that
you're not completely useless.

Principal Perry:
Okay, jumbo,

get in there!

Your day of reckoning
has come.

Uh... hey, look! There's
a little birdy in here!

I'll get it! My cats love it when
mama brings 'em home a treat!


Where is that
little flying rat?

Whoa! Earthquake!

Cover me! Cover me!

[ Rumbling,
electricity crackling

wow. That was some jolt.

Oh, that was nothin'.

I once got trapped in my car
underneath a parking garage,

had to survive by eating
three cans of cat food

and the leather
from my bucket seats.

Longest two hours
of my life!

Ohh! Puppy heads!

The earthquake
broke my machine!

Oh, no.
That is terrible.

Good luck with that.

Aah! Not so fast,

I can fix this.

You may not know it, but I
work weekends as a lumber girl

down at the tool tent.

Nobody knows their way around a
claw hammer better than I do.

I do not doubt that.

Leo, any luck
tracing those hackers?

No. Every I.P. Address you
gave me leads to a dead end.

These people really
covered their tracks.

I don't have any
fingerprints or evidence,

but I've drawn a police sketch of
what I think the suspect looks like.

I can't access anything.

All the contents of my cyberdesk
have been wiped clean.

[ Beeping ]
This is worse than I thought.

Every one of my facilities
worldwide has been hacked.

Every database... the entire infrastructure
of Davenport industries is gone!

This is not some run-of-the-mill
computer hacker, Leo.

This is obviously someone
who hates me

and wants to ruin my life.

Well, that could be anyone.
[Sarcastic] All right.

What are we gonna do?

I'm gonna have to call
my friend at the FBI.

You have a friend
at the FBI?

Wow! That is so cool.

Yeah, we're yoga buddies.

And now it's not cool.

All rightie.

Cram it in there!!!

Uhhhh! I can't fix it!

You know, as much as
we'd all love to sit here

and watch you master
the art of screwdriving,

we're gonna go.

Hold it!!!

You three got lucky, but I
know you're up to something.

[ Electrical crackling ]

You're blast wave must have
loosened the electrical box.

Eh, just a little fire hazard.

I'll fix it next week.

[ Louder crackling ]

Look out!

Huh?! Uhhhh!

We gotta stop that wire before
someone gets electrocuted!

I'll stabilize it,
you sever it!

[ Electricity crackling,
signals oscillating ]

Okay, now!

Adam: Yeah!
Chase: Yes!


That's our magic show.


[ Door slams shut ]


We're dead.

I have never seen her run.

Principal Perry, you can
come out, it's okay!

We're not gonna hurt you.

Yeah, what she means is it'll
only hurt for a second

and then you'll
probably pass out.

Stand back, freaks!

I always knew there was
something off about you three,

but now I know the truth...
You're martians!

we're martians.

You don't see a head
like that on a human.

We're not martians.

We're humans with
bionic abilities.

I have super strength, she
has super speed, and chase...

What do you do again?

You're bionic?

I've seen movies
about you people.

You act all nice,
and then an hour in,

you turn and try to
k*ll will Smith!

No. We use our abilities
for good things.

Like life-saving missions...

For instance, the way
we just saved yours.

Aaaah! Stay away from me!

I've gotta go call the cops!
Or the FBI!

Or... or the fire department!

Uhh! Think, Terry!
What would will Smith do?

Adam, what are you doing?!

Our normal lives are over.

I have to say goodbye
to my pudding.

Okay, what are we
gonna do?

We have to tell Mr. Davenport.

Let's just tell him
and get it over with.

Are you crazy?!
We can't tell Mr. Davenport!

It was your idea!

Oh, so now you're gonna
start listening to me?!

[ Doorbell ]

Wait. Don't answer it.
It could be the authorities.

Or we won a sweepstakes.

I know it's a long shot, but
I'm willing to take the risk.

[ Doorbell ]

Am I the only person

capable of answering the door?

FBI. I need to see
Donald Davenport.

Donald! You better
come downstairs!

The FBI is here!

What was that?

Ha ha ha ha.


Guys! What are we
gonna do?!

Ohh. What are you worried about?

You're so small they probably
won't even see you.

Adam, is this really the time
to be making short jokes?

Chase, there is never
not a time,

because just like you,
life is short.

Will you stop it?

The FBI is upstairs
ready to drag us away,

and who knows that they'll do
to Mr. Davenport!

We have to do something.

Do you guys remember the conversation
we had a long time ago...

When we first started living
as normal kids?

The one you told me to
forget and never bring up?


The one where we made
a "last resort" pact

if anyone ever discovered
our bionic secret.

Well, I don't know what you want me to say.
Did you not see me wink?

It's time.

We have to protect ourselves
and Mr. Davenport.

Are you in?

I'm in.


Our lives will
change forever.

I know.

But there's just gotta
be another way to...


We have no other choice.

I'm in.

Hey, big d, what happened
with your friend at the FBI?

He just left. I gave him
all the information,

but he said this hacking is beyond
anything he's ever seen before.

It's gonna be weeks before
they have any leads.

[ Knock on door ]

[ Insistent knocking ]

Principal Perry.
What are you doing here?

Does our front gate
even have a code?

You don't run a women's
correctional facility

without learning how
to scale a few walls.


I just wanted to stop by,
say hello...

And tell you that
I know your kids are bionic!

Ha ha ha ha! Bionic!

What? I don't...
What are you talking about?

I don't think so.
I mean, just because

a child says
they're bionic...

The big one shot lasers
from his eyes,

the girl ran faster
than lightning,

and the stumpy one could
move things with his mind!

Oh, yeah,
she's got you.

Is he bionic too?

Seriously? Look at him.

Leo, go downstairs and bring Adam,
chase and Bree up here now.

Oh, hello,
principal Perry.

Hello, Tasha.

Donald, what's going on?
She knows.

Knows what?


They were here
when I got here!

I've never seen you
look so nervous, Don.

I gotta say,
it's real nice.

Look, I can explain

Ha! No need.

My first instinct was to go
straight to the authorities,

but then I thought,
I've got secrets too...

A lady of mystery,
if you will.

So you're gonna
keep this between us?

Oh, thank you...

Not quite.
I'll keep your secret,

but it's gonna cost you...

A lot.

Who do you think you are,
blackmailing us?

We will never...

What?! You're just
gonna let her win?

Yes. If it allows us to
keep our family together.

[Sighs] So the leprechaun
finally got her pot of gold.

I'm gonna be rich, I'm gonna
be rich, I'm gonna be rich!

[ Knock on door ]
Oh, what now?

Donald Davenport,

we're with the first
international bank.

This house and everything in
it no longer belongs to you.

What?! That's ridiculous!

I have billions of dollars
in your bank!

Not anymore. All of your accounts
were liquidated hours ago.

I never authorized that!

Well, your signature
says otherwise.

My sig...


Look, whoever hacked my accounts
must have forged my signature.

That may well be,
Mr. Davenport,

but until we straighten
this mess out,

we are going to seize
all your assets.

What do you mean?

I mean, you're broke.

I'm bro...

You're broke?!

They're towing the cars!

Wow! Rough day!

Yeah, no kidding.

I meant for me.

Well, I guess our little
deal is off. What?

If you're broke,
you can't buy my silence.

Ohh, what to do,
what to do...

This isn't over!


Big d, we have
a problem.

Leo, where are Adam,
Bree and chase?

I found this in the lab.

Hello. Testing, testing.

Echo. Echo.

Mr. Davenport...

We really
messed up.

We didn't mean to expose
our bionics to Perry,

but... she was in danger
and we had no choice.

You always trained us
to handle any mission,

and right now,
the mission is survival...

Yours and ours.

I mean, if we're not around
there's no proof that we exist,

so we're leaving.

For good.

Thank you...

For all that
you've done for us.

You made us who we are.

We're sorry
we let you down.

I've got to find them.

I already tried. They must have
disabled their GPS signals.

There's no trace
of them anywhere.

They're gone.

Leo: The guy from the bank
says we need to leave now.

They're changing the locks
on all the doors.

I can't believe they're gone.

I should have been
at school today.

It's my job to watch out for them,
and I didn't. This is all my fault.

No, it's not.

It's not theirs, either.
I gotta find them.

I can't even use my cyberdesk.
Who is doing this to me?

It's obviously a tech whiz

who will do anything
to destroy you,

someone who has
intimate knowledge

of your life and Davenport
industries and...

Wait a minute.
I know who it is.

It's your brother.

Leo, that's impossible. We froze
Douglas in a block of ice.

He's under 24-hour security

at my most remote
offshore facility.


He's gone. But...


Rewind the footage.

Go back.
There it is.




Whoa. There's another
bionic dude?

I don't know who that is.

If Douglas escaped, that means Adam,
Bree and chase are in real danger.

We all are.

You sure are, Donnie.

Ha ha ha! I'm ba-ack!

[ Evil laughter ]

Yeah, Leo already
figured that out.

Anyway, I just thought
you should know

that it was me
who did this to ya.

Well, I had a little help.

And now that I'm free,

I think I'll spend
some quality time

with my three wonderful kids.

You anywhere near them, it'll
be the last thing you ever do!

They're mine, Donnie!

I'll find them first.

Good luck.
That's gonna be

a little hard to do
without your lab.

Ha ha ha ha!

Leo, that's a detonator!

[ Rapid beeping ]

The phone is dead.

Hopefully my sprinkler system
extinguished the fire

before it spread to
the rest of the house.

So we're trapped in here?
What are we gonna do?

I'm working on it, Leo.

Well, hurry up.

I mean, if we don't
get out of here,

Douglas and that
creepy mask guy

are gonna beat us to
Adam, Bree and chase.

I will figure something out,

How?! Your lab is gone,
your cars are gone,

Davenport industries
is ruined!

I got it, Leo!

And to top it all off,
you're completely broke.

[ Sobbing ]

I'm crying about the kids!

[ Sobbing continues ]