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02x16 - Avalanche!

Posted: 04/21/24 17:28
by bunniefuu
Mission accomplished.

Great job, guys.
You saved that island

from the biggest
tropical storm in decades.

And, lucky for you,

I brought home a whole bag
of hairy fruit.

Yeah, just be happy I made him
put the pelican back.

Guys, that mission was the
finest use of bionics to date.

I think we can all agree
that strength plus speed

equals success.

[ Chuckling ]
Chase: Uh...

Excuse me.
[ Chuckles ]

Let's not forget the mastermind
behind this entire thing.

Oh, right, let's give it up
for our fearless leader...

Mr. Davenport! Whoo!


What? No!
I was talking about me.

I supervised the whole mission.

Yeah, but I think we all know
who did the heavy lifting.

Well, I'll give you a hint.

It starts with an "a",
ends with an "m."

There's a big "da"
in the middle.

Okay, guys. It's me.

Please, the real work
happens up here.

Chase, no offense,

but your bionic brain

is not match
for our hustle...

And muscle.

Ooh, that is a great
team name:

Hustle, muscle,
and ch... uscle.

Mmm. Don't worry,
we'll find you an "uscle."

[ Sighs ]
I'm so tired of these two

getting all the attention
because they have super-speed

and super-strength.

I never get any of the credit.

That is not true, chase.

They just have
a lot of flash.

But you're the glue
that holds that flash together.


Flash glue.

I'm "flash glue?"
[ Grunts ]

Hey, I think I
figured it out.


You're right, chase.

The real work
does happen up there.

Male narrator: The world's
first bionic superhumans.

They're stronger than us,



The next generation
of the human race is...

Living in my basement?!


Okay, guys,

say hello to my
latest invention,

the cryo-blaster.

This thing can freeze anything
in a nanosecond.

Bravo, big d.

You invented ice.

No, invented a way
for astronauts

to travel to distant galaxies

while frozen
in suspended animation.

Which is a fancy way
of saying "ice."

[ Grunts ]

All right, here,
let me demonstrate.


You guys might
want to step back

because the ray
from the cryo-blaster

freezes everything it touches.

Can someone please
tell this dude he's making ice?

Look, every space program

in the world
is gonna want one of these.

I just need the element
to fuel them:


And it's only found here.

I'm sending you on a mission

to the most remote part
of Antarctica.

As opposed to bustling

downtown Antarctica?

No worries, Mr. Davenport.

We've been to way worse places
than Antarctica.

Oh, yeah.
Remember Bakersfield?

[ All groaning ]
Oh, yeah.

Look, with your bionics,

you should be
able to swoop in and...

[ Computer beeping ]

Oh, no.

There's a massive storm
headed there.

So, who cares?
We just dealt with a storm.

No, this is a category five.

It's much more dangerous.

I can't believe this. I'm gonna
have to call off the mission.

Wha... no!
There's plenty of time

before the center
of the storm hits.

It's just not worth the risk.

I just hope the storm
doesn't collapse the glacier.

But if that happens, you'll
lose the cytanium forever.

I know.

But we can do this.

[ Scoffs ]
Stand down, flash glue.

You heard the man.

No one is going,

not even hustle and muscle.

Yeah. And muscle
could use some help.


Aah, that hurt.

Great, now I need some ice.

Ah, that's so much better.

Here you go:
Two cups of hot chocolate

for your play-date
with Janelle.

Mom, it's not a play-date.

It's a study session.

I haven't had a play-date
in five years.

Three years.

What are all these gadgets
doing up here?

I can't just invite Janelle
over here for geometry.

I have to put on a show...

Pull back the curtains
on Leo dooley,

also known as l-doo.

I'm gonna
have to change that.

Leo, you know you're not supposed
to touch Donald's things.

And if Janelle doesn't
appreciate you as you are,

then she doesn't
deserve the l-doo.

Yeah, you're changing that.

[ Doorbell rings ]

She's here. Go!

Go, get out!

Exit. Get out!
[ Grunts ]

I'm going!

Hello, Janelle.

What a surprise.

You invited me
over to study.

Yes, I did.

Then it's not a surprise.

Surprised you showed up.

Sit down.
Make yourself comfortable.

I made us some hot chocolate.

But why have normal
hot chocolate

when you can have the deliciousness
of a frozen hot chocolate?

Because I want regular
hot chocolate?

[ Sing-songy ]
I don't think you do...

You know, if I run,

I can probably still
catch up with my mom's car.

No! Stay.

I just wanted to show you one of
my step-dad's cool new inventions.

Leo, I told you.

You don't have to impress me
with that stuff.

I'm here because I like
hanging out with you.

You do?

Of course you do.

I'm l-doo.

[ Shrieks ]

If I run, can I still
catch your mom's car?

Hey. Mr. Davenport,

have you seen chase?

He's not answering his phone,

and his mission suit
and gear are gone.

What? Yeah, I'm worried
he was carried away

by a small predatory bird.

Get him on the comm set now.

Got him.

Chase, where are you?

I'm at the cytanium site.

What? I told you
it was too dangerous.

What are you doing?

Chase: I'm proving

that even without super-strength
and super-speed,

I can still get the job done.

[ Alarm beeping ]

You're about to be trapped
by a major storm.

Get out of there now!

It's okay, Mr. Davenport.
I'm almost done.

I just have to get the last
of the samples.

No. Abort and seek shelter.
That's an order.

That storm...

[ Rumbling ]

What was that noise?

[ Screaming ]

Chase? Chase!

There was a major avalanche
at chase's coordinates.

He may still be alive,
but we don't have much time.

Adam, let's go!

[ Blowing ]

How about I push you
into the sun?

[ Grunts ]

How about I just
leave you right here?

Tasha: Hey, how's the
studying going, you two?

Please work,
please work, please work.

Good enough.


Look at you.

Lookin' good...

Because you can.

What's that?
Where's Janelle?

Oh, um...

We're building a fort.

You're right, mom.

It is a play-date.



Well, I was gonna
make myself a snack.

Do you two want anything?

How about a blowtorch?


Pizza! Pizza's good.

You know, from that place...

Across town.

The one that doesn't deliver.

Oh, you mean the one with
the... that's the one.

Here you go.
Your keys, purse.

All set up.

Okay, bye.
Okay, bye.

Enjoy yourself.
Buy yourself something nice.

Love you.

Love you.
Okay, bye. Get out.

I mean, good-bye.
Okay, bye, honey.

[ Sighs ]

Chase mission log,
hour three.

These could be my last
recorded words.

I'm still stuck
under a mountain of snow.

The air is getting thinner.

I am cold.
I am hungry.

And these snow pants
are giving me an extreme wedgie!

[ Digging ]

Yes! Adam! Bree!

I knew you
would come for me!

I'm in here!

[ Grunts ]

What are you doing here?

Saving my son's life.

[ Beeping ]

Any sign of him?


I can't find a heat
signature anywhere.

Well, how could he
not be here?

This was chase's
exact location.

There's only one explanation:

He met a family of eskimos
who took him in as their pet

because he's the exact
same size as a penguin.

He's not here.
Let's move south.

No, guys, that's it.

There could be another
avalanche any minute.

I'm... I'm calling off
the rescue.

What?! No way! I'm not
leaving without my brother.


That's chase's comm set.

He was here.
We have to keep looking.

Guys, I'm serious.
Get out of there!

[ Cracking, rumbling ]

Hey, there's
that sound again.

Avalanche! Move!

Would you like some soup?

I went to cooking school
in the 90s.

It's tuscan bean.

Is it poison?


I flew 10,000 miles

around the world
in a massive storm

and risked my life
in an avalanche

to rescue you...

So I could then poison you.

[ Grunts ]

Make a pretty good soup
for a diabolical maniac.

You should try my quiche.

Yeah. Maybe some other time.

I'm leaving.

Suit yourself,
but you'll freeze to death

before anyone else gets here.

I can survive in this suit.

Mr. Davenport made it.

It's built to withstand
temperatures down to 45 below.

It's 50 below.

That explains the frostbite.

I'm not worried.

They'll come for me.

They already have.


Oh, the weather must have
been too much for them.

Looks like Adam and Bree
are going home without you.

Those are their g.P.S. Signals.

That's how I found you.

You've been stalking us?

You call it "stalking."

I call it "lovingly
lurking in the shadows."



Is that Janelle?


Is she completely frozen?


You froze her with one
of Donald's gadgets

that I specifically told you
not to touch?!

You're on a roll, mom.

And now I have a question
for you.

What are we gonna do?!

I don't know!

I've never
frozen anybody before!

Give me that thing
before you freeze somebody else!

No, mom, don't!
[ Screams ]

[ Screams ]

Okay, that is all
on you, lady.

So, what's on your agenda
for the day?

Build some bombs?
Take over a tiny country?

Steal money from old ladies?


Well, not in that order.

Oh, come on.

I'm not that bad
of a guy.

You trapped us in a dungeon

and then tried to turn us
into your bionic soldiers.

Okay, okay.

So I might've overreacted

with that whole...
Abduction thing.

I was never gonna hurt anybody.

I just wanted to get back
at Donald.

When are the two of you
just gonna grow up?

I'll grow up
when he grows up!

Look, chase...

You and I have a lot more
in common

than you think.

I know what it's like
to be unappreciated,

to have a sibling
who always steals the spotlight.

I know how hard
it's been for you.

And I can help.

For the last time,
I don't need your help.

What if I told you...

You can be stronger than Adam

and faster than Bree?

I can make it so you
have all three abilities:

Speed, strength,

and intelligence.


You were the third one.

By the time I got to you,

I knew how to build in
capacity for upgrades.

But my brother took you away
before I could finish.

Join me, chase.

I can help you

be all that you
were meant to be.

Deviled egg?

But if I go with you, that means
I'm abandoning my family.

The same family
that mocks you

and never gives you
the credit you deserve

for anything?

What would I have to do?

I just need to upgrade
your bionic chip.

As you can see, I...

No longer have access

to state-of-the-art systems.

So, we'll have to use
Donald's cyberdesk.

Yeah, I guess I could
sneak you into the lab.

Mr. Davenport won't be there.

It's Wednesday, which means...

Something's getting waxed.

He is hairy.

He gets that from our mom.

It's perfect. We'll be in and out
before anyone knows we're there.

What do you say?

All right, Mr. Davenport.

I'm in.


[ Both chuckling ]

If you want,
you could call me "dad."

No, I'm good.

Melt, woman.

Why won't you melt?!

[ Phone ringing ]


Oh, yes.
Janelle's still here.

Oh, you're coming
to pick her up?

Oh, that's wonderful.

Yeah, okay.
See you soon.

All right.

[ Phone beeps ]


[ Zapping ]

The download
is almost finished.

Three more minutes, and I can give you
everything that Adam and Bree have...

[ Chuckles ]

Plus the capacity for more.
[ Chuckles ]

[ Door opens ]

Don't give up, guys. There's
still a chance we can find him.


You're alive.
[ Gasps ]

[ Gasps ]

It's evil uncle daddy!

Back away from him, chase.

It's too late, Donald.

He's with me now.


Chase, what's going on?

It's true.

I've finally taken back
what was stolen from me.

All right, big d. I know I'm not
supposed to touch your stuff,

but you know how
sometimes things happen,

and sometimes things happen when you
really don't want them to happen,

and that just happens to be
what just happened.


[ Shrieks ]

Whatever you're up to,

you're not gonna get away with it.
[ Beeping ]

I just did.

The download's finished.

I now have the power to give chase
all three bionic abilities.

And now no one
will be able to stop us.

[ Douglas laughing ]

Actually, they can.

That USB drive you're holding
is completely useless.


Well then what just took an
hour and a half to download?!

A list of everything
Adam's ever eaten.

Not my incredible edibles!

You double-crossed me.

Did you really think I would
betray my own family?

Well it's always
worked for me.

Even if you could offer me
every ability there is,

I would never
go to your side.

We're a team.

And teams never
quit on each other.

All right!

You got me.

[ Chuckles ]

What do you say we just...

Put all this behind us
and get down to the business

of healing this family?

Am I right?

Bring it in, people.
Let's hug it out.


Well you know what they say...

If you can't join 'em...

Get down!

Wow! You froze him!


Now, exactly how would someone
go about unfreezing someone?

'Cause it is not the button
located here, here, here, here,

here, or here.

Mr. Davenport,
I'm really sorry.

I know I should have
warned you about Douglas.

I just knew that if I could
get him back here,

then we could trap him
for good.

Good work, chase.
You make a great double agent.

Thank you.

Oh, and I almost forgot.

Here's your cytanium.

Oh! Money, money,
money, money, money!

Money, money, money, money.

Money, money, money, mon...

I'm sorry.

I mean, "thank you."

So, what are we gonna
do with frozen uncle Dougie?

I don't know... we could probably ship him
off to one of my offshore facilities.

Or we could get some rock salt

and make the evilest batch
of ice cream ever.


Speaking of the "unfreeze"

We weren't speaking
of the "unfreeze" button.

Well, we probably should.

Yep. They're frozen.

Ooh, ice! Mmm.

We have to fix this!

Janelle's mom
will be here any minute!

Okay, I'll just
use my heat vision.

No, then Janelle would
see you using your bionics.

Not while she's frozen
in suspended animation.

You heard the man!
Light 'em up!

Oh, wait.

On second thought, these ladies
are gonna be really upset.

I need a running start.

Wait! Me, too.

Step back, guys.



Leo happened.
