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02x15 - Memory Wipe

Posted: 04/21/24 17:28
by bunniefuu
We're gonna be in so much
trouble with Mr. Davenport.

We're two hours past curfew,

and lights are already off.

We are bionic teenagers
who go on

top secret missions.

I'm pretty sure we can sneak
past an out-of-shape,

middle-aged man.

All right, well,
just to be safe,

I'll use my bionic vision
to scan inside.

[ Trilling sound ]

All clear.

They must be asleep.

Good, but we've got
to be super quiet.

Sneakin' in after curfew.

This'll totally boost
my bad boy cred.

Tippy toes, people,
tippy toes.

Spoken like a true
bad boy.

Davenport: Busted!

[ All scream ]

[ All scream ]


I don't get it!
I scanned the room!

Mm-hmm, and I foiled you
with my invisibility cloak!

Again I say, "ha!"

Well, you got us.

Good night.


You are all grounded.
Three weeks.

That's not fair!

Come on!
Is that all you got?

Look, you guys have
no idea what it's like

raising teenagers.

He can't ground me
if he can't see me!


I didn't grab the
invisibility cloak, did I?

The world's first bionic

They're stronger than us,
faster, smarter.

The next generation
of the human race is...

Living in my basement?


♪ lab rats ♪

♪ lab rats ♪

♪ Lab rats ♪

♪ lab rats ♪

♪ Lab rats ♪

I hate being grounded. Is
the three weeks over yet?

It hasn't even been
a day.

Guys! Guys! I did it!
I finally did it!

Graduated to big boy shoes?

No. I finally achieved

I have wanted my whole life.

I won the presidential medal
for scientific achievement!

Mm. That's great.

I think I got one of those
for doing pull-ups in gym class.

I don't think so.

Oh, yeah, you're right.
It was pushups.

This is the highest honor
a scientist can receive.

My picture's gonna be plastered
online and offline.

If there's a line,
my face is gonna be on it.

What did you win it for?

My neural scrambler.

This thing is going
to revolutionize

the field of neurology.

The brain.


How does it work?

It can erase specified
time increments

of neural associations
in the cerebral cortex.

The brain!


Basically, it helps doctors
erase bad memories.

That's cool. Does it
erase all memories,

or can it just zero in
on... that?

Congrats, Donald!

I got your text
about the presidential award!

Gosh, this is so exciting.
What a big break for us.


I was thinking I could
interview you

for my TV station.

"Local reporter lands
presidential award winner."

Tasha Davenport exclusive.

This could be
a really big break.

Well, it would be a really
big break for you.

I mean, it would really
help your faltering career.

No, I mean you'd really get to cover
something that finally matters.

You know what? You have
got yourself an interview.

And a new pair of shoes.

Just take my wallet.
Just take that.

Has it been
three weeks yet?


I hate being grounded!

I am missing Stella Jordan's
birthday party,

and I so wanted to be there
when she doesn't get a car!

Guys, I have an idea.

We can use
the neural scrambler

to erase 24 hours of
Mr. Davenport's memory.

Wait. Sneaking in past curfew,
disobeying authority...

Who are you, and what
have you done with chase?

No, I see where he's
going with this.

Mr. Davenport will forget
he brought groceries yesterday,

he'll go again today,
and we'll have double the food!


He'll totally forget
he grounded us.

We'll see which one
pans out.

Look, I think this is
really risky.

If Davenport catches us,
we will be grounded for life.

But if he doesn't, we'll
never get grounded again.

Double the groceries!

Wait, so we're just
gonna zap the guy?

Don't worry,
it's perfectly safe.

How do you know?

Bree, please. I'm the
smartest guy in the world.

You have no idea,
do you?

Nope. Just want to get
out of the house.


Calibrating to 24 hours.

Hey, there,
what you readin'?

Oh, uh, I'm almost finished
with this biography

on the guy who was born
I guess the cousin

of the queen of Spain...


That's weird. Just lost
my train of thought.

Oh, um, I... I...

Just asked you if I could go to
Stella Jordan's birthday party.

Of course you can.
Yes, it worked! Yes!

What worked?

We just zapped your brain
with your thing...

And erased your memory!

Erased my memory? Have you guys been
messing with my neural scrambler?


Set to 60 seconds.

That thing is not a toy.
You guys are grounded for...

That's weird.
Lost my train of thought.

Hey, um, can chase and I
go to the movies?

Of course you can.

Hey, I want
to try this.

Try what?
Mmm, hummus!

Adam, don't do that!
Now no one can eat...!

Ooh, hummus!

[ All chuckling ]

And just like that,
we're free.

Later big "d."
We're going to the movies.

Okay, be back by nine.

Yeah, nine. Right.

Ooh! I've always
wanted to read this!

Page one. Let's do this.

Hey, big "d," can you sign
my progress report for me?


Wait. A "c" in history?

Yeah, I like to start low
and work my way up.

Lets the teachers know
they're making an impact.

It's my way of giving back.


I've got to show this
to your mom.

Well, I've got $15.42
in my pocket

that says you don't.

Sorry, Leo.

Just yesterday,
your mother and I agreed

we were gonna start cracking
down on your schoolwork.

Yesterday, you say?

And what time
was that, exactly?

I don't know,
during breakfast.

So, what are we talking,
like 24 hours ago?

Yes, that
sounds about right.

Hey, don't play with that.


What happened?
This is weird.

You were just telling me
how thrilled you are

that I'm doing
so well in school.

Why would I care?
I don't even know you, dude.


Twenty-four years?!!

Wait. How old are you?



Uh, guys, we have a problem.

What is it?

Rocket chair!

[ Crash ]

So what's the problem?

Leo, what is going on?

You know that neural thing
that we were all playing with?


I tried to erase 24 hours

and I accidentally erased

He's 15!


This place is sick!

And now I'm gonna be sick!

I don't know why they gave him
that presidential medal.

This thing is fault-y!

The device is fine.
You're the problem.

You "Leo'ed" this up.

Hey, don't you turn
my name into a verb!


Who are you people,
and how did I get here?

Look, I know this is
a lot for you to take in,

but your brain lost

because of a device
that you created.


What's that?

That's my phone.


What are we gonna do?
Mr. Davenport is the only person

who knows how the neural
scrambler works.

Guys, relax.
Mr. Davenport can help us.


We just have
to wait 24 years.

Okay, look,
we need to figure out

how to get our father back.

[ Ringtone playing ]

I think
you got a phone call.

I'm a total tech whiz!

I took that thing apart
and rewired it

and turned it into a zapper!

That's not funny!
Turn it back!

I'm sorry. Just push "3" and it'll
turn back to a regular phone.

Double burn!

This one,
not too bright.

Man, I like him much better this way.
Can we keep him?

Adam, he's not a dog.

Ooh! Peanut butter.

He's pretty much a dog.

We still can't keep him
like this!

Yeah, when my mom finds out she's
married to an idiotic teenager...

Okay, maybe she's
prepared for that.


Hey, who's that?
Your grandma?

What's going on?

Nothing much, Nana.
What's up with you?

What did you say, Donald?

You know me?
Who are you?

[ Exaggerated chuckling ]

He's kidding.

We're playing a game,

and it's called, uh...

Who are you?

And what I would like
to know is...

Who are you?

Yeah, mom.

Who are you?

A person with no Patience
for stupid games.


Let's add that
to her list!

[ Both laughing ]
Am I right?

[ All laughing ]

Quick! Get him out of here
before we get busted!

Where do I take him?

I don't know,
just take him for a walk!

Oh, he's totally a dog!

Guys, what are you doing?

You're ruining your
million-dollar technology!

[ Scoffs ] If by "ruining,"
you mean "making awesome."

Yeah, unlike
the other Davenport,

this one invents
cool stuff.

Check this out.

I took this
useless thingy...


That's an oxygen vacuum
fire hose.

It was going to revolutionize

Well, now it's gonna
revolutionize grilled meat.

Kabob me, teen "d"!


See, I finally get science!

This is saving lives!

So is this!

Whoa! Hey!


[ Laughing ]

Why create an artificial arm

when you can create
a real-life wedgie machine?


Uh, what's in our capsules?

Capsules? You mean
gigantic smoothie makers!

I finally get to use
my gigantic straw!

Hello? Can someone please
get me down from here?


Just push that little button
on the back.

[ Laughing ]

Funny every time!


What is going on?

Donald, why aren't you
dressed for the interview?

We go live at five.

Live at five?

Live at five?

Dude, that totally rhymes!

Wait, the interview's

Yeah! I was hoping for national
coverage, but get this...

We are going worldwide!

All: What?!?!

A rep from the white house
is flying out

to present you with the
medal during the interview.

We go live
one hour from now.

[ Gasps ]
That's one hour from now!

It's gonna be
the highlight of my career.

It's definitely
gonna go viral.

I'm gonna be on TV?

Sweet! Kebab me!


This is so exciting!

You flew all the way from the white
house to present this award!


Who wants to be with the most
powerful man in the world

when I can be... here?

Okay, I know you have no
idea what's going on,

but I need you to get through this
interview as if you were an adult.

Got it.

Would you rather have
a British accent

or a fake mustache?
'Cause I can do both.

[ Fake British accent ]
Hello! This is my finger.

As a grownup who knows
about these kind of things...

Guys, guys!

I figured out how to
get his memories back!

See, if we recalibrate
the aperture...

Blah blah blah! You're smart!
Just do it!

Are you still

You did it! It worked!

I'm this many.

You're 4?

Four and a half!

Oh, cool, I have
a new little brother!

Toys! It's toys.


Fix this, nerd!
Fix it!

Man! I totally
"Leo'ed" this up.

We're live in five...

Three... two...

I have to pee.

Good evening,
I'm Tasha Davenport.

That's my name!

Welcome to
an exclusive interview

with Mr. Donald Davenport,

winner of the presidential medal
for scientific achievement.

I also won a tee-ball trophy with
a guy on it that goes like this.


We'll get to your
childhood shortly.

Now what most people
would like to know is,

how did you, uh...?



Is he all right, or am I gonna have
to scramble a couple of fighter jets?

He's fine.
He rarely does interviews.

What a surprise.

when he gets nervous,

he just needs a kick
to get going.

You're a meanie!

Stay on me. Stay on me.

Mr. Davenport began
his career

by tinkering
in a small garage...

She said "tinker"!

Okay, um...
Switching gears,

why don't you show us
some of your

earlier technological

Oh! Can I keep this?


I'm sorry. I'll pay
to have that fixed

as soon as
the tooth fairy comes,

'cause I'm about to lose
a whole tooth.

Oh, you're about
to lose several!

O-Kay. I'm calling
the president.

He may want to
withdraw the award.

We've gotta stop this.

Adam, go behind the camera and
take it out with your heat vision.

No way! Baby Davenport
is crackin' me up!

I am the evil cyborg

Fire! Eyes! Now!


Cut to commercial.

Go get another camera
out of the Van!

What is wrong with you?!

No one raises their voice
to megatractoid!

[ Imitates laser blasts ]

Oh, I'm about
to put megatractoid down!

Hey, hey, hey!

Mom, keep it together,
keep it together.

Anchor lady face,
anchor lady face.

We're gonna take
a hard five.

We'll be right back.


[ Gasps ]

Am I in a spaceship?

Are those
space bathrooms?



Hey, those are mine!
Put those down!

What is going on?

I want answers,
and do not lie to me.

I'll know. Leo!

She'll know!

Okay. The neural scrambler
erased 33 years

of Mr. Davenport's memory.

However, I think
I can get it all back.

You think?

That white house rep
is walking out of here

with that medal if we
don't get it together...

Not to mention I am blowing the
biggest interview of my career!

Fix Donald!


Fix Donald!

I got it.

I reverse the neural
scrambler by taking it apart

and repurposing it,

just the same way that Mr. Davenport
did with his inventions.

Which means you'll all
get to sit down tonight,

'cause I just
saved your butts!

Just do it!

Echo, echo, echo!

This is my new fort!
Leo: We got him!

That's weird. Just lost
my train of thought.

How old are you?

Old enough to know
that you numskulls

have "Leo'ed" up my lab!

Okay, that stops now!

Hey, we didn't make
any of this mess.

It was all you.

it was baby Davenport.

Well, technically,
it was teen Davenport.

[ Stammers ]
Baby?! Teen?!

Have you guys been messing
with my neural scrambler?

Yes. Yes, we have.

But, uh, in the end,
big "d,"

I think we learned a very,
very valuable lesson.

You were right.

It is not easy
raising teenagers.

Are we good?


You are grounded forever!

I got this!

Mr. Davenport,
would you say you got angry

about 30 seconds ago?

Oh, give me that!

Well, it was
very nice meeting you.

Yes. And I...
Met you, too.

Well, I got my medal.

You got your interview.
I think it all worked out.

It all worked out?

My entire career
was on the line!

What were you thinking?

I was on live TV interviewing
a 4-year-old man-child!

And if you ever jeopardize
my career again...

[ Gasps ]

Wow, I forgot
what I was saying.

I better go get ready
for my interview!

It is so much more fun
on this side of it!

♪ Lab rats ♪

♪ lab rats ♪

♪ Lab rats ♪

♪ lab rats ♪

Voice: Yes!