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01x18 - Concert in a Can

Posted: 04/21/24 16:45
by bunniefuu
♪ [ Rock and roll
power chords ] ♪

Oh, sweet!

Look at your fingers go!

It's like each one has
a little brain of its own.

Thanks. You know,
you guys are the only people

who have talked to me
at this school.

I hate being the new kid.

Yeah, we used to be the new
kids that no one talked to.

Now we're just the vaguely familiar
kids that no one talks to.

Hey, peeps.
What's the deal-io?

Hi. I'm Marcus.

I know. We have gym together.

And study hall.
And also chemistry.

We're lab partners.

Oh. I... did not know that.

Chase, you ever
play guitar?

No, but I've always
wanted to.

Well, I'm a jammer as well.

My rocking is only eclipsed
by my rolling.

Leo, your mom said you played
the clarinet for three weeks

until you swallowed the Reed.

I passed it.

Here, chase.
You want to give it a go?

Well, yeah.
Sure. Why not?

♪ [ Expert lead guitar lines ] ♪

♪ [ Lead guitar continues ] ♪


What do you know?

Beginner's luck.

The world's first
bionic superhumans.

They're stronger than us,
faster, smarter.

The next generation
of the human race is...

Living in my basement?!



[ All screaming ]

So me and my dad
moved around a lot.

I was homeschooled
for most of my life.

No way! So were we!

We are so similar!
Do you have a third nipple too?


That's a pretty sweet guitar,

Yeah, and you're
a natural, bro!

Guys! We should
start a band!

Oh, that's a great idea!

[ Beating sticks rhythmically ]
But what would I play?

Oh, I got it!

No, I don't got it.

I think you're gonna be
our drummer, Adam.

Hmm. Interesting choice.

I had been pondering
the French horn.

Hey, Leo, guess what?

Marcus and Adam and I
are forming a band.

Well, you guys just met. Don't
you think it's a little soon?

A little soon for what?

Taking the deeply committed step
of jamming together?

Now if we could just find
someplace to practice.

I live in a pretty
small place, so...

I know a place.
The lab.

[ Coughs ]

Oh. L-labrador retriever park.

Yeah, the dog park.

Nice acoustics.
Plus, they have dogs.

[Sing-song] Saved it.

Well, you know, Marcus,
we have a pretty big place.

We can all just jam there.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Hold your horses, cowboy.

Come on.

Chase, what are you doing?

Do you really think
it's a good idea

to let a total stranger
into our very private home?

That's okay, guys.

We don't have to jam.

Not everyone needs a bright spot
in their otherwise horrible life.

Oh, look, Leo,
you're making him feel bad.

Don't worry, Marcus. We'll practice
at our place later. Come on over.

See you guys after school.

You guys are making
a big mistake.

I mean, you've only been in the
real world for a little while.

There's still a lot of stuff
you don't know.

Look, Leo, I'm not gonna
run my playdates past you.

Hel-lo! Genius!

What you have is book smarts.
I have street smarts.

And I've gotta watch
what's happening on the street.

Oh, Leo! Relax!

We are not going to be
playing in the street.

We're going to be
playing in the house.

This guy.

♪ [ Rock and roll ♪

[ Music continues ]

[ Song ends ]

Well, it's only our first day,

but you guys sound great!

I think you both have
real raw talent.

Oh, well, if our talent is raw,
then we better get cooking!

[ Rim shot ]

Leo, what are you doing?

Just asking Marcus
a few questions.

Where were you born?
What is your birthday?

Who is the president
of Venezuela?!

I don't know.

So he's not from Venezuela.

Okay, that's it.

This practice just became
band members only.

Well, then, I guess
I'm in the band.

Leo, you don't even know
how to play an instrument.

That's where you're wrong.

♪ [ Atonal ] ♪

Like I said, you don't even
know how to play an instrument.

You know what, guys?
Let him in. He can play this.

Thank you.

I've never played
the cow bell before,

but let's see
what I got.

Wow! I'm a natural!

Hey, Mr. Davenport.

Hi, Bree.
So, guess what?

I signed you up for
career day at school.

I was thinking since you always
do fun things with the boys,

you'd like to do
something fun with me.

I'm sorry, did you say "fun"?
Or "mind-numbingly torturous"?

Does he have a plug?

Because I would
really like to yank it.

Look, Bree,
I'm... I'm more of a...

Fun uncle than
a school activity dad.

It's just, I can't stand around
with a bunch of dads talking "dad."

"Hey, there, Pete!
How's the station wagon?"

"Real good, Joe.
How's your lawn comin' along?"

"Is that a poly-cotton blend?"
"Oh, my!"

[ Yawning ]

Come on, it'll be fun.

You and I could do a
presentation about your career.

It's the perfect place to talk
about all of your inventions.

My inventions?

Ah. Which invention
are you talking about?

I mean, there are so many.

Ooh! What about
your holo-pet?

Yes! The holographic
family pet.

It if barks too much,
you can use the mute button.

Arf! Arf! Arf! Arf...

[ Silence ]

That's great.
We'll do that.

A virtual friend
to keep you company?

What kind of desperate loser
would want something like that?

Oh, right. Awk-ward.


♪ [ Heavy rock music ] ♪

Hey! Hey-hey!

You know, it's not enough
to just play notes,

you want to get them in the right order.
[ Rim shot ]

O-m-g, you're...
Donald Davenport!

Guilty as charged.

The genius billionaire
scientific entrepreneur!

Don't forget
multi-lingual mega-star.

Oh, gracias.

De nada.

Wow, Mr. Davenport,

I'd love to hear your theory
on plasma gasification.

Who wouldn't?

Hey, you know, Bree and I were gonna
demo the holo-pet for career day.

But since you guys
have a band,

maybe we can demo
my concert-in-a-can instead!

That'll be such
a great surprise for her!

That is good!

That is good!

What is it?

It's a can that creates a virtual
holographic concert experience.

It's something I designed for those
of us who would be rock stars

if we weren't busy
being brilliant inventors.

Well, you're a rock star to me.

[ Laughs ]
I know.

Bree is gonna love this.

Well, I'm gonna go get
Mr. Davenport's gigantic mega-amp,

because everybody knows
louder is better.

Whoa, whoa, whoa,
whoa, whoa, whoa.

That amp is pretty heavy.

Don't you think I should
help you carry it?

'Cause, you know, you don't have
the strength of ten men.

[ Laughs ]
Yes, I do... not.

[Falsetto] I'm frail.

Wow, Marcus.

You on guitar
and me on cow bell,

it's... magic.

Don't get used to it.

The only reason
I let you in the band

is so you'd stop
sniffing around my business.

[ Giggles weakly ]

That's a good one.

Oh, wait,
you're serious.

Hey, what are you...

What is wrong with you?! Why
would you break your own guitar?

What is wrong with you?!

Why would he
break my guitar?!

No! He...


Uh... ohhh.

Leo, why would you
break his guitar?

No. No, no, no. That's what
he wants you to think.

He broke it and gave it to me.

He's the breaker
and I'm the breakee.

That is crazy!

Why would I break
my own guitar?

Look, Leo, I would
like to believe you,

I really would, but you do
break things all the time.

That is not true!

Yes, it's true,
but it's not true this time.

Leo, this reminds me of a story
of a boy named "wolf"...

Who cried a lot.

And after that, his friends
never believed him.

And then...
His grandmother ate him.


But this goes deeper
than a broken guitar.

I will prove my innocence and
show you that he's up to no good.

I'm gonna go all c.S.I.
On this one!

I have a dad!

He's coming.

Just busy...
With his career.

Ohh! Where have you been?

First I said
you were in the bathroom,

and then I said
you were in the car,

and then I said you were going
to the bathroom in the car.

People are starting
to think you're weird.

Look, I'm here now
and I have a big surprise.

I made a small change. We're doing
something completely different!

What is it?

Well, if I told you,
it wouldn't be a surprise.

Just applaud
when the lights come up.

But we planned this together!

[ Sighs ]

He'll be back.

He's new at this.

Suzy, your mom delivers cat
food in an 18-Wheeler.

Are you really gonna
judge me?

I'm telling you, Marcus is playing some
kind of twisted psychological game,

and I can prove it.

Exhibit a: I lifted
a fingerprint from his guitar.

Oh, that is fantastic, Leo.

You proved that
without a shadow of a doubt

Marcus's guitar is...
[Gasps]... his.

True, but he then removed said
guitar and deliberately...

Deliberately, mind you!
Smashed it.

Exhibit b:
Paint chips and a hair.

Ooh. Which just happened
to be my mom's.

Nonetheless... we know
she did not do this.

Leo, are you afraid that
by us befriending Marcus

there won't be any room
left for you?

What? No, are you kidding?

I'm awesome.
That guy is bad news.

Don't worry, Leo.
You're still our best friend.

But you can't have a best friend unless you
have a friend who's a not best friend.

Okay? So he does fill a void.

That's not what
this is all about.

Look, Leo, we'll talk
about this later, okay?

Adam and I have to
go meet Marcus.

We're gonna be late
for the concert.

[ Recorded rim shot ]

I made it my ringtone.

Why won't anyone believe me?

Maybe it's because Marcus
is such a fantastic liar.

And I respect that.

Wait. How do you know
he's lying?

I saw him do it.

Home security system!

So you have the whole thing
on video?

Why didn't you
say anything, Eddie?!

Because the dim one's right...
He does fill a void.

Wait'll they
get a load of this.

My virtual concert in a can
is gonna knock their socks off.

Now, it will activate itself,
so don't forget to stand back.

Couple of guys in research and
development found that out the hard way.

[ Laughing ]

Thanks for loaning me this
awesome guitar, Mr. Davenport.

It's almost as good as the one
Leo so viciously destroyed.

Well, hey, if I had a nickel for
everything of mine that Leo destroyed,

I'd still be down
about two million and change.

Yeah, and that's just
the stuff you know about.

We don't know anything.

Ohh! Where have you been?

Have you been over here
with the boys this entire time?

I should have known.
You always do things with them.

Bree, that is so not true.

Announcer: And now, for
your career day entertainment,

concert in a can... can... can...

Featuring Adam, Marcus,
and chase... chase... chase...

Okay, I had nothing
to do with that whatsoever.

Brought to you by

Donald Davenport...
Port... port..Port...

Hmm. It kinda-sorta sounds like
you did... did... did...

[ Virtual crowd cheering ]

♪ [ Heavy rock music ] ♪

I thought you would like this!

It was a surprise! Look!
Everybody thinks it's cool.

I don't care what
all these people think.

I just wanted to
do something with you.

Like that girl
and her dad...

And them.

We get it!
Your mom's a foot doctor!

Get your feet off there,
that's where we eat!

But that all
looks so boring.

Yeah. It is really boring.

But they're doing it together...

Which is all I really
wanted out of today.


I think I know a way,

if you'll please
let me make it up to you.

♪ [ Discordant rock ] ♪


This is a good surprise!

You know what would be
even better?

If you knew how to play!

One, two, three, four!


Well, well, well.

If it isn't
my old friend Marcus.

Sorry, Leo,
you're too late.

We've safely packed away
all the guitars.

Maybe now you can find
something else to break.

Ha ha ha!
'Cause you broke the guitar.

Excuse me, I would like
everyone's attention right here.

I have proof from
our home security system.


Now watch, as I...

I have a confession to make.
Oh, no, you don't.

I did it.
I broke the guitar.

That's not fair!

I was gonna crack
this case wide open!

Ha! He got you again!

What's going on here?

I broke my guitar
and blamed it on Leo.

I owe everyone
an apology.

You broke the guitar?

Why didn't you just say so?

Yeah, why didn't you
just say so?

Because I had already
cracked the guitar,

but if my dad
knew that I broke it

I'd be I so much trouble
because my family is so poor

and I just want everyone to like
me because I'm always the new kid,

so I made everyone think
that Leo did it

because I'm so scared
and it's so hard to make friends

and I'm just a dumb kid
compared to all of you

and my grandma just died!

[ Marcus sobbing ]

Are you crying?
Is he crying?

It's okay, Marcus.

Yeah, it's no big deal.

We don't think you're dumb.

Yeah, and your grandma
didn't die.

[ Mouths words ]

Marcus, why don't you come out
and have dinner with us?


You guys go ahead.
I want to apologize to Leo.


You didn't actually think
I was gonna apologize, did you?

They totally believed me.
My grandma's not dead...

She's in Miami
playing shuffleboard.

What is wrong with you?
Why are you doing this?

It's a long story.

But let's just say...
You're in my way.

Oh... and if you ever
try and rat me out again...

You're toast... for real.

Hey, guys, wait up!

I don't want to miss
any of the fun.

Whoa! That guy is awesome!


Puuut meee doooown!!!

What you doin', Leo? I'm just trying
to pick up another instrument.

Some say I'm overexposed
on the cow bell.

Well, do I have
the perfect thing for you.

It is the world's smallest,
yet most powerful, amplifier.

This cord goes
in here like so...

I see.

Voila. Now, be gentle.

♪ [ Power chord feeds back ] ♪

[ Rumbling, glass breaking ]

I think I'm gonna stick
to the cow bell.