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02x21 - My Big Fat Pizza Party

Posted: 04/21/24 16:20
by bunniefuu
Hey, Chel, let's show my
dad how we can set a table.

Great idea, Raven.

See how gracefully
I use this tray

to carry various cups,
plates and silverware.

And look how I
can take this napkin.

Oh. A napkin.

And magically
turn it into a swan...

And still have time
to do my schoolwork.

Let me guess.

You two want to be
waitresses at the Chill Grill.

That never entered our minds,

but if you want
us to, we accept.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Waitressing is a
big responsibility.

It's hard work and you two
don't have any experience.

Dad, please. We're
smart, ambitious.

Yeah, a-and

we kinda need the
money for a ski trip.

So you'd rather

earn the money than ask for it.

Exactly, dad.

Unless asking for it would
work, 'cause we'd go either way.

I'd go with the earning.

Okay, so, dad... are we hired?

You start tomorrow.

Yes. What?!

Oh, this is so exciting.

I've always, always
wanted to be a waitress.

Well... No. That's not true.

Actually, I always
wanted to be a Princess.

But, like, I guess,
unless your dad's,

like, hakim or something,

those jobs are
really hard to get.

I know.

Let's go

♪ if you could gaze
into the future ♪

future, future

♪ you might think life
would be a breeze ♪

life is a breeze

♪ seeing trouble
from a distance ♪

♪ yeah ♪ go, Rae.

♪ But it's not that easy ♪

oh, no
take it to the bridge now.

♪ I try to save the situation,
then I end up misbehaving ♪

♪ hey, now, say, now,
'bout to break down ♪

♪ yeah, come on and
ride with the Rae, hey ♪

♪ and if the future
looks gray now ♪

♪ then everything's
gonna change now ♪

♪ all right, keep it going ♪

that's so Raven

♪ it's the future I can see ♪

that's so Raven

♪ it's so mysterious to me... ♪

That's so Raven

♪ it's so mysterious
to me, yeah. ♪

Yep, that's me.

Hello, welcome
to the Chill Grill.

My name is Raven, and
this is my winning smile.

I should hope so.

Those braces cost a fortune.


Hello. Welcome
to the Chill Grill.

My name is flo.

I'll be your server.


Yeah, you know, "Chelsea"

doesn't really
sound very waitressy.

Plus I'm kinda

saving that for
my Princess name.

Okay, Rae...


Show time.

Hi. Hello.

Welcome to the Chill Grill.

My name is Raven,
and I'll be your server.

What can I get you today?

Rae, I got to talk to you.

I'm working.

I'm having love problems.

It's my first day on the job.

Look, it's about me and Andrea.

I think it's over, Rae.

You know what?
It's time for my break.

I don't get it.

You two are a perfect couple.

I thought so, too.

You know what?

I gotta get you
guys back together.

Her dad is our
ride to the ski trip.

Hey. Hello.

I'm sorry.

I am so sorry.

You guys know what you want?


Okay. Great. You know what?

You're the captain of the table.

I need you to write it all down.

All right, so that's
one chicken sandwich.

Guess you're not a vegetarian.

All right, so that's one
cute, cocky, feathery,

formerly living
chicken sandwich.

Would you like a side
of shame with that?

Thank you so much.

Come again.

Andrea, girl, just
come on down here

and we'll talk it out, okay?

Good. Good.

So, um...

How's your dad?

Car's working good?

Oh. Okay.

Thanks. That's good.

So, what's she say?

Car's just got a tune-up.

About me, Rae.

Oh, you in trouble.

You get one birthday
party a year, William.

You want to make it cool.


I invited all the
cool people I know.

The math club?

The chess team?

The g*ng from Abdul's
computer shack?

Those guys can
download some serious fun.

I'll make some calls.

Now, what about entertainment?

Mom hired a clown.

A clown?

Like with an ugly
red nose, freaky hair

and a painted-on smile
that never goes away?

That's what we're paying for.

Is it too late to get
your money back?

Somebody pick up.

I'm starving.

Rae. Chelsea.

So what's up, Andrea?

"D" to the "r" to the "aea"?

See, Eddie.

That is exactly what
I'm talking about.

You're always joking around.

Yeah, he's so funny.

It's always like

joke after joke
after joke... Chelsea.

Well, look, baby, I...

If it'll make things right
between us, then, look.

My clowning days are over.

You would do that for me?

Of course.

Now, you see what happens

when you become aware
of other people's needs?

Oh, come on.

What is that annoying bell?


I don't know, but
it's getting closer.

Rae, what are you two doing?

Just bringing people together.

How about bringing
people some sandwiches?

Do you realize how many
complaints I've been getting?

Okay, who's complaining?

Oh. You tattle-tales.

Oh, no.

Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no!

People, please.

Please, come back.

Look, free desserts
for everyone.

What? Free desserts?

Man, this is the
coolest job ever.

Chels, I don't think
we're getting any.

Oh... What have you done?

Dad, we're really sorry.

We promise we'll
be better tomorrow.

Tomorrow? You two
aren't coming in tomorrow.

I gave you a chance
and you let me down.

I am so disappointed in you.

But dad... No.

There is nothing you can say.

You both are fired.

Dad, Chelsea and I
are really sorry, okay?

We know we messed
up business pretty bad.

You had every right to fire us.

Yes, I did.

Okay, you didn't
have to agree so fast.

But if you just give
us a second chance,

I promise, we
won't let you down.

Now where have I
heard that before?

Oh, right when I gave
you the first chance.

Forget it, Rae.


Rae, thanks.

I've never seen the
place so crowded.

Dad, I just had the
best vision ever.

The Chill Grill was
packed with people.

Rae, if you think

I'm going to change
my mind, just because...

How many people we talking?

Mobbed. And you were thanking
me for getting them all there.

I'm just saying.

And how do you plan on
getting all these customers?

I don't know.

But I will, somehow, if you
just give us another chance.

We won't disappoint you.

Okay. One chance.

One! One!

Oh, thank you,
dad. Thank you, dad.

Thank you. Oh,
Chels, we're rehired.

I know, I heard.
I can't believe it

'cause if I were your dad,
I would never in a million...

Chels, I got great news.

I've got great news.

I booked a private party.

I booked a private party.

Mine's for tonight.

Mine's for tonight.

Why are you repeating
what I'm saying?

I'm not repeating what
you're saying. It's true.

It's true? Okay,
now, you're doing it.

Okay, let me get
this straight. Okay.

We both booked a
private party for tonight?

I think so, 'cause I booked
the San Francisco bike club.

I booked the bayview
knitting society.

Oh, well, at least we didn't
book the same club, right?

That would've been bad.

Chels. Yeah?

My dad is going to have to
deal with two angry groups

who both think that they
have the place to themselves.

Make that three angry groups.

Oh, man, we are so re-fired.

No, no, no, Cory,

William cannot have
his birthday here, okay?

We have two other parties
going on here tonight.


Dad said I could.

I'm helping him out...

Bringing in some business.

Okay, where's dad?

I got to talk to him.

He went to pick
up banto the clown.


You'll love him, Cory.

He gets right up in your face.

Where's William?!

Oh, miss Mildred
and the knitting crew.


"Benjamin, Zachary, Abdul?"

None of these names are right.

Ladies, please, please,

don't get too comfortable.

We're still working
out the seating, okay?

Happy birthday!

It's not my birthday.

Is it?

Ooh, Chelsea, I think
your bike club is here.

Oh, it's these kind of bikes.

I was picturing like, ding-ding,

not like vroom-vroom!

All right, everybody clear out!

This is a private party!

This is our party.

Stand your ground, ladies.

This is our party.

Oh, I beg your pardon.

We called. There's no way.

Hold it, hold it,
hold it, hold it! Cut it!

Hold up!

Now why don't you
take this outside?

And if you see a
clown, don't let him in.

People, people,

I'm going to be
answering the phone,

in case anyone cares.

Do you care?

I guess not.

Hello. Oh, hi, dad.

Yes, everything is going great.


Look, baby, my car broke down

and I'm going
to be a little late.

Okay, that's enough!

What? How late?

I don't know.

It's going to be a while.

Look, it's just a
kid's birthday party.

I'm sure you can handle it.

Okay. Oh, oh, and tell Maurice

the assistant chef

to start cooking the
pizza without me.

Oh, okay, dad, yes.

Everything is under control.

I have faith in you.

Chels, my dad
is going to be late.

I have to go tell Maurice

to make three times
as many pizzas.

Maurice, no, don't
quit on me, man!

Why do you go
got to be like that?

Come on!

What, no grub?

Let's roll, boys.

Let's roll, girls.

Let's roll, mommy.

No, no, rolling.

No rolling allowed, no.

Now everyone is
going to get fed,

and I promise
you it's going to be

the most amazing dining
experience of your lives.

Cool plan, Rae. How
we going to do that?

No idea.

But my vision has
to come true, okay?

I cannot disappoint
my dad again.

This place has to be
packed with happy people

as soon as he gets here.

Meeting, back room, now.

Happiness, happiness.

Oh, Rae, come here.

"For my two favorite
new waitresses.

Ski you later, dad."

Oh, man, my dad
probably bought these skis

for us on our first day.

Oh, but he fired us instead.

That's so sweet.

Chels, okay, just
forget about the skis.

We have to figure out how
to feed that angry mob, okay?

Hey, do you think they'd
eat these big balls of dough?

Maybe if we turned
them into pizzas.

Even better! I know, I know.

Okay, I see my
dad do this a lot.

You kind of put it
in the flour like that

just kind of
knead it a little bit,

knead it around, I
think, make it a circle.

Oh, look, Chels, I can do it.

Kind of just turn it, turn it.

We're making dough,
we're making dough.

You see that? I'm fly.

Kneading dough.
Oh! Knead, knead.


We just got to wait
for it to come down.

Uh, I don't know what
kind of party y'all throwing,

but there's a biker

an old lady out there.

Eddie, thank
goodness you're here.

We so need your help right now.

Cool. I owe you anyway.

Thanks to you,

me and Andrea are back together.

Just got to keep my
promise, and, you know,

stay more serious about things.

So what can I do?

Well... Where's the clown?

He's going to be late.

If you want to
avoid legal action,

I suggest you
find a replacement.

Uh, why y'all looking at me?

We want the clown!

No, we don't.

We want the clown! No, we don't.

We want the clown!

No, we don't!

Cory, I'm sensing
some clown issues.

Me? No stupid
clown can scare me.

Hey, everybody, look who's here!

Hey, it's me,
foodface the clown.

What are you...?

What is this!

Well, you see,

it'd probably take too long

to make a bunch
of little pizzas,

so why not just
make one giant pizza?

You know what, Chels?

That's a good idea.

Thank you.

Except for one thing.

We don't have a a giant oven!

I just thought I'd let you know

foodface the clown
is very disturbing.

William, please, we
have bigger problems.

We are trying to
figure out how to cook

a ten-foot pizza with no oven.

My second-grade science project.

Don't play with me, William.

Can you really cook this thing?

I just need a power
source and a conductor.

I'm sure I can
scrape something up.

Okay, then, hook that up.

Let's get this puppy ready.

Let's... ooh, let's
dump the sauce.

Dump the sauce, boss.

Uh, boss, how do
we spread the sauce?

I'm at a loss.

Unless, of course...

All right, Chels, ski mt. Sauce.

Chels, I'm not
used to this, Chels!

I know. That looks painful.

It is! Get over here!

Go, go, go!

All right, I got
it. I got it. I got it.

I'm ready. I'm ready.
I'm ready. Watch out.

Stay away from me!

Will you stop running
from me, Cory?

How do you know my name?!

I've known you all my life!

What's your problem, clown dude?

You like scaring little kids?

Uh, no, your largeness.

Actually, I was just
helping out a friend.

Unhand that clown.

Back off, granny!

Who are you calling
granny, dirtball?

I'm sorry.

I'm sometimes get
cranky when I'm hungry.

Now, why don't you
do a funny dance

for the children?

Well, actually, you know,
I don't do the dance...

She said dance, clown!

All right!

This is for you, kid.

Laugh it up.

Spread it around evenly.

I'm spreading! I'm spreading!

I'm going to put some
more sauce on, Rae.

Over here.

I like this.

I think I got it. I like this.

Give me some cheese.

On the pizza.

Oh, yeah, I'm James brown.

There's some cheese,
Raven. Cheese over there.

All right, okay.

Where's the pepperoni?

Pepperoni? Good idea.

I'm putting it in the middle

so you can put it around.

Spread it evenly now, Rae.

I'm trying to.

They should put this
pizza skiing in the Olympics.

Yeah, you could win a medal.

Ooh, Rae, are you okay?

Chels, look, sauce angels!

Oh, Rae, they're beautiful.

Bring it up. Bring it up.

I'm foodface the clown.
I'm foodface the clown.

Oh, hey, Andrea. How you doing?


I thought you said you
were going to be serious.

It's over.

No, Andrea, no,
I wasn't clowning.

I was just clowning.

Now that's funny!


Eddie, you're foodface?

Yeah, man, I just didn't
want to blow my cover

in front of the kids.

I never told anybody this,
but I'm afraid of clowns.

Really? I mean,

'cause the way you ran
away from me in terror,

I would have never
guessed, Cory.

Come here. It's cool.

Okay, William, let
me get this straight.

The energy from the motorcycles

is going to heat up
the knitting needles

and cook the pizza?

It worked in second grade.

Gentlemen, start your engines!

It's working!

It's working!

Hey, everybody, who
wants a slice of pizza?

We only get one slice?

Trust me, that's all
you're going to need.


Come on, guys.
Let's give 'em a hand.

I meant with the pizza!

Hot, hot, hot, hot!

Dig in, everybody.

Yo, dude, it's not just big...

It's good.

This certainly is a
unique dining experience.

Hey, sorry, I'm late.

Oh, dad, I'm so
glad you're here.

Wow, William's got
some interesting friends.

Yeah, well, Chelsea and I
thought that why have one party

when you can have three?


Is this your daughter?

She throws quite a shindig.

Oh, thank you.

But I'm just doing my
job. This is the man

that made it all happen.

You know what?
Ladies and gentlemen,

please listen up.

I want to introduce you to
the owner of the Chill Grill,

my dad.

Great job! Great job!


I never seen the
place so crowded.

Great job!

Just like you saw it, Rae.

Dad, I want to thank you

for believing in my vision.

Let me let you in
on a little secret.

I didn't believe in your vision.

I believed in you.

Thank you.

Hey, how did Maurice
cook that big pizza?

Oh, hey, dad, let's
enjoy the party first

and ask questions later. Okay.

Cory, come on, man.

You can do this.

You have got to
face your fears, man.

Go on.


I just want you to know...

I'm not afraid of you.

Thanks. That was pretty cool.

Thanks for the clowning.

So how you doing, man?

I'm good.

You know, clowns aren't scary.

But they are annoying.