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02x14 - A Goat's Tale

Posted: 04/21/24 16:16
by bunniefuu
Okay, we know you're pumped

about tonight's boys in motion
"motion at midnight" concert,

and we're giving away all-access
wristbands to our tenth caller.

No more calls. We have a winner.

Oh, man! Come on.

What, do you have to be, like,
psychic to win these contests?

Caller number ten
in the hizz-ouse!

Boys in motion tickets are
going to be in my hands, people.

I'm going to the concert.

This is so unfair.

I wanted to go.

Chels, I won two tickets.

Sure, Rae. Rub it in.

Okay, let's... Let's
start this over again.

Hey, Chels, you want to
go to the concert with me?

Whoa! Hey, that's
kind of out of nowhere,

but sure, yeah,
that would be great.

Okay. Great. Yay!

♪ Boys! We are
the boys in motion ♪

♪ we give you our devotion ♪

♪ boys! We are
the boys in motion ♪

♪ we give you ♪

♪ our devotion! ♪

Psst! Psst! Psst!

Bring your motion over here.


You okay, Eddie?


I did the coolest thing.

Oh, Eddie, your homework?

"A" plus!


Just follow me.

Okay. You know how, every year,

before the big game
against Jefferson,

they steal our mascot...
Barry barracuda... right?


Why must you make
everything so difficult, Chelsea?

What did you do?

Okay, well, this year,
Rae, I stole their mascot.

Ladies, meet Gomez...

The Jefferson mascot.

You stole the goat?

Yeah. But it's only until
after the game, okay?

I mean, without their mascot,
they'll be totally psyched out.

We'll finally beat them, right?

We couldn't beat them if
we stole the whole team.

You know what? This stinks.

Yeah, Gomez is kind of ripe.

No, Rae. What stinks is
making an innocent animal

parade around in
this ridiculous outfit.

Yeah. Chelsea's right.

That hat is so 1776.

Okay. Okay, Rae, you
can laugh all you want,

but animals are creatures,
okay, with feelings, you know?

Who happen to be really hungry.

And how do you know?

Eddie, you kind of
lacking in the backing.

Lacking in the backing?

Oh, Gomez!

♪ If you could gaze
into the future ♪

future, future

♪ you might think life
would be a breeze ♪

life is a breeze

♪ seeing trouble
from a distance ♪

♪ yeah ♪ go, Rae.

♪ But it's not that easy ♪

oh, no
take it to the bridge now.

♪ I try to save the situation,
then I end up misbehaving ♪

♪ hey, now, say, now,
'bout to break down ♪

♪ yeah, come on and
ride with the Rae, hey ♪

♪ and if the future
looks gray now ♪

♪ then everything's
gonna change now ♪

♪ all right, keep it going ♪

that's so Raven

♪ it's the future I can see ♪

that's so Raven

♪ it's so mysterious to me... ♪

That's so Raven

♪ it's so mysterious
to me, yeah ♪

yep, that's me.

Bayside is bad!

Go, bayside!

Bayside is bad!

Go, bayside!

Bayside is bad!

Go, bayside!

Bayside is bad!

Go, bayside!

Bayside is bad!

Go, bayside!

All right! All right! All
right! All right! All right!

Now, I am sick and tired of
Jefferson stealing our mascot

every year before the big game.

Now, this year, it is
not going to happen

because we've been
keeping a very watchful eye

on Barry barracuda.

Have we not? Have we not?

Which is what

Jefferson should have been doing

with their mascot,
Gomez the goat.

That's right.

Thomas, did you steal the goat?

Well, uh... big
d, let's just say

that this school is
about to get some

very long-overdue respect.

Fellow barracudas, I give you...


Your stinking
goat ain't in here.


But here.

This is good enough, right?

The game's tonight, Thomas.

You had us all pumped.

Now we're bummed.

And we don't win
when we're bummed.

Man, ya'll

must have been bummed
every game, 'cause y'all...

Rae! Rae.

Rae. Rae. Rae.

I got this, okay?

Don't worry, big d.

Okay, now,

the goat's going to
be at the game, dawg.

It better be.

Because, if you don't find it,

I'm going to find you.

Let's go.

Why is he so mean?

Why he gotta be so mean?

Okay. All right.

We're just trying to help out.

Hey, all the pretty
ladies following big d.

Okay, big d!

Rae, what we gon' do?

I don't know about we,

but me's going to the concert.

Ooh, dad, I'm
right on your tail!

Yes! Your ship is vaporized.

Uh-uh. It's not over yet.

I still got two ships left.

Okay, one ship.

Okay, no ships.

Okay, game's over. Oh!

I need some real competition.

I'm going to play
on the Internet.

Now I can crush kids
from all over the world.

Well, keep in mind

the world's a big place.

You might lose.

Good one, dad.

Okay, bring it on.

Let's see who's out there.

Ooh! I got someone...
In Hong Kong.

"Jing yee."



Let the game begin.

Rae, a messenger brought this

for you this afternoon.

It's the boys in
motion wristband!

I can't believe you
were the tenth caller.

Mom! Mom, you were listening?

I was trying to
get in all afternoon.

That's why there's no dinner.

Mama, can you believe it?

Boys in motion!

"Motion at midnight."

It's so exciting!

I should take a nap
before the limo comes.


So I won't be tired

when the boys
start their motion.

Oh, mom!

Mom! Oh, mama!

Mama, come here.

Oh, I love you.

I want to thank you

for bringing me into this world.

Oh, honey.

How can I say this nicely?

You ain't goin'.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

I already promised Chelsea.

Oh. Oh. Well, I'm
still taking a nap.

That's too much motion for mama.

You girls have fun.

Hey, Rae, can I see
you outside a minute?

Outside? Why?

Well, because I don't think

he's really allowed
in the house.

He, who?

You stole the goat?

I didn't steal him, Rae, okay?

I liberated him.

Well, you need
to unliberate him.

Rae, I can't.

Okay, listen, I can't
send him back to a life

of shame and
humiliation, you know,

and really cheesy
halftime shows.

I can't do it.

Chels, you cannot keep him here.

Rae, it's cool, 'cause
I got it all worked out.

Look, all we have to do is
take him to a farm tonight.

We? Why is the me
always included in the we?

No, listen. The only
thing we are going to do

is go to the concert.


I knew I'd find
that goat with you.

What goat?

Nice try, Chelsea.

Give up the goat.

No, no, no. Never.

We are taking him
to a farm, okay?

Chelsea, okay,
again with the we?

But don't you get it?

If Gomez isn't at that game,

there are going to
be some very large,

very angry people
looking for me, Chels.

Eddie, listen.

Animals are living
creatures, okay?

They deserve
respect and dignity.

Absolutely. Now, what did you
do with his funny-looking hat?

Come on, Gomez.
No! No! Stop it! Stop it!

Hey, people!

People! People! People!

This is ridiculous!

It's just a goat!

It's just a goat, okay?

We need to remember
what is important right now.

Boys in motion.

"Motion at midnight."

That is what is important, okay?

So let's settle this so Chelsea

and I can put on
our wristbands and...

Where's my wristbands at?

They were in my pocket.

Where's my pocket?



Gomez, why?

Okay, okay, don't worry, dawg.

Okay, big d.,

the goat's going
to be at the game.

Or you're going
to do what to me?

Oh, come on, dawg, now you
know that is physically impossible.

You can make it work?

Well, okay, man, all right.

I'll see you at the game. Okay.

Chelsea, I hope you're happy!

Well, I'm generally a
happy person, I guess.

I think it really
comes from within.

What are you kids...?

That's a goat!

No, mama. It's not a goat.

It's jaws in a fur coat.

Hey, Rae, please, okay,
not in front of the g-o-a-t.

Why did he have to
e-a-t my wristbands?

He a-t-e your wristbands?

Yes, mom, and now we
can't go to the concert.

Well, don't give up yet.

Goats eat lots of things
that are not digestible,

and what goes in must come out.

Oh, you think he'll
cough them up?

I was thinking more
from the other end.

Ew! You nasty.

Gotcha! Gotcha!

She got me?!

Come on, you stupid goat!

You know how many
people are waiting on you?

Look, man, there's no
sense in us just sitting here

waiting for something to happen.

Now... y'all go ahead
and get some rest.

I'll be a gentleman
and take the first watch.

Come on, Gomez.

Uh, uh, no.

Actually, how about I sit
here and watch Gomez,

you know, while you guys
go some place really far

where you can't see us.

That is a shame,
both of you two.

I know what you're
going to do, I know.

Soon as I turn my head,

one of y'all gonna
snatch the goat.

Whoa, hey, are you calling
us goat snatchers here?

Well, you both snatched
the goat once already.

Yeah, that's true.
Well, this is true.

Well, if that's the case,

I am not taking my eyes

off of this goat.

Well, neither am I.

Neither am I!

Corey, you have been
playing that game for hours.

Mom, please, one more
ship and it's all over.

Okay, then wrap it up.

I got you now!

So long, sucker!

My joystick, it's not working!

I'm a sitting duck.

It's not right.

Man, the goat did it!

The goat?!

Mom! I just lost my game
because of a stupid...

Corey, it's only a game.

Yeah, but, mom...

Son, you've been
bragging and boasting

when you're winning...
Yeah, but, dad...

Listen to me.

You need to be a good sport

and accept the fact

that somebody just
might be better than you.

Okay, but I still
could have taken her

if that goat didn't
eat my joystick.

Corey, you can't
blame the goat for...

The goat?! The
goat?! In the house?!

I told y'all.

What was that?

Where's Gomez?

My wristband!

My mascot!

My baby!

Oh, dang!

Your goat is so busted.

That is not my goat.
That's Eddie's mascot.

Well, it's Chelsea's baby.

You know what,

if Gomez was just on a
farm, where he belongs,

he wouldn't have eaten
your entire living room.

Hey, if we don't find him,

he's going to eat
everything else.

The goat's not eating my house.

There he goes!

Okay, we got you now!

I thought you kids
were watching him.

Mom, do you know
how boring it is

to just sit and wait for the
goat to do it's business?

Okay, that's it! I want
this animal out of here!

Good. I can still make the
second half of the game.

Oh, uh-uh. You
ain't making nothing

until this goat makes
with the wristbands.

You guys, we have a problem.

Chelsea, you just noticed that?

No, Rae, something's
wrong with Gomez.

Oh, Chels is right. He
doesn't look so good.

What do you think's
wrong with him, girl?

Maybe it's something he ate.

He ate everything.

Well, what do we do?

Um, Mr. and Mrs. B.,
I want you to call

Dr. Carrington.

He's the best vet in town.

Tell him it's Chelsea,
and we have a goat down.

Rae, you get some blankets.

Corey, I need an ice bag.

Eddie, you get a baby
bottle with warm milk, stat.

Yeah, I know, it's me.

Now move, move, move!

Let's go! Let's go!

Hey, don't worry, Gomez.
We're going to get through this.

Hang in there, little fellow.

You know what,
you're doing okay.

You're with your friends now.

Yeah, we got your
furry little back.

Chels, am I doing this right?

Yeah, just make sure you hold
the bottle, you know, upright,

so he doesn't suck in any air.

Trust me, you do not
want to burp a goat.

Hey, guys, I just reached

the vet on his cell phone.

He was at the game.

Oh, dad, what did he say?

He said we're
down 42 to nothing.

Oh, man!

Dad, what did he
say about the goat?

Oh, yeah, right.
Well, he said Chelsea

should just keep
doing what she's doing

and to check in with him later.


Looks like it's Christmas,

'cause Gomez just
left us a little present.

Ooh. My wristband! Ew...

And something else.

Hey, he's up.


Look at that.

Look, his eyes are clear

and his nose is moist.

I think he's feeling better.

Guys, we did it!

We fixed the goat!


Guys, your limo is waiting.

Oh, and I explained

the goat situation
to the driver.

He said you'll have
brand-new wristbands

when you get to the show.

Oh, good, 'cause that was not

going to match the
color of my outfit.

Actually, Rae,

I'm going to stay
here with Gomez

and make sure
everything is okay.

Why don't you just take
your mom to the concert?

Really? Me? Rae? Boys in motion?


♪ I get to go... ♪

♪ I get to go... ♪

Hey, mom, mom, mom...

If you do that at the
concert, I don't know you.


Hey, you guys mind
dropping me off at the game?

I'm going to look the
team straight in the eye

and tell them the truth.

The goat ran away.

Go, go, go, go.

You guys are going
to be late. Go. Go.


It's going to be okay, okay?

I'm not going to leave you.

Boys in motion.

Hold on, hold on, hold on, mom.

You wouldn't mind if I
don't go to the concert

with you, right?

Why? What's wrong?

Well, I just want to
hang here with Chelsea.

You can go with dad.

All right. I just hope he
doesn't embarrass me.

Rae, what happened?

Dang goat got to me.

Yeah, he got to me, too.

Why'd it have to be so cute?

And cuddly.

Eddie, you know
what the scary part is?

You're starting to
think like Chelsea?

Maybe it's not such a bad thing.

Hey, I've got a little
secret to tell you.

You know how I was acting
all brave and everything?

Well, you had me pretty scared.

But he's okay now,
aren't you, boy?

Yeah, and we're going
to tell you all about

life on the farm.

You guys, what about
the concert and the game?

The boys will
always be in motion.

And I can lie to
the team tomorrow.

Besides, how often can
we sit next to our best friend

and our new favorite goat?

Hey, it's Christmas again.

You guys, my cell phone. Hey!

Y'all want to get that?

Hey, hey, hey, you guys, I
just got a report from the farm

and you will be
very happy to know

that Gomez had
a comfortable night

and he is liked and accepted

by all his fellow goats.

Chels, that is wonderful.

I'm going to miss
that little beardy-chin,

goaty-breath little thing.

Hey, I'm glad the little
homie Gomez is chillin'.

But I talked to the
principal, and he said,

that since I was the
one that stole the goat,

I got to come up
with a new mascot

for Jefferson.

Go, Jefferson!

B-e-e-eat bayside!

Uh, Eddie... I got
some baaad news.