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02x09 - Blue in the Face

Posted: 04/21/24 16:13
by bunniefuu
Anyways, I was thinking,

if you're not doing
anything this weekend,

I've got two tickets
to a blue rain concert.

Blue rain? That's amazing!

So, you like them?

Never heard of them.

They're this really cool band,

and everyone paints
their face blue for the show.

I got to paint this?

Don't worry, you'll look great.

I got to get to class!

Okay, bye, Devon. Don't
be late, okay, sweetie?

Bye-bye, now.

Oh, snap!

♪ If you could gaze
into the future ♪

future, future

♪ you might think life
would be a breeze ♪

life is a breeze

♪ seeing trouble
from a distance ♪

♪ yeah ♪ go, Rae.

♪ But it's not that easy ♪

oh, no
take it to the bridge now.

♪ I try to save the situation,
then I end up misbehaving ♪

♪ hey, now, say, now,
'bout to break down ♪

♪ yeah, come on and
ride with the Rae, hey ♪

♪ and if the future
looks gray now ♪

♪ then everything's
gonna change now ♪

♪ all right, keep it going ♪

that's so Raven

♪ it's the future I can see ♪

that's so Raven

♪ it's so mysterious to me... ♪

That's so Raven

♪ it's so mysterious
to me, yeah. ♪

Yep, that's me.

And remember, your science
projects are due Friday,

and please, people,
a little originality.

No papier-mâché volcanoes.

If I see one more of those
things, I'll erupt myself.

You take care of that
snake bite, Timmy.


oh, I know, I know
what you're going to say,

Mr. Halloway, but really

and truly...

I'm no hero, 'Kay?

Anyone would've
sucked out that poison.

Your bravery is an
inspiration to us all. You're late.

Now, sit.

Rae, a snake bite?

That was worse than
your quicksand excuse.

I know I got to work on those,

but you'll never believe
what happened in the hall.

I know, we are really going
to have to do something

about that snake problem. Whew!

No, Chelsea, okay?

I'm going

to the blue rain
concert with Devon!

You are not going to that
blue rain concert with Devon.

Why not, mom?

Because I got a call from your
science teacher, Mr. Halloway.

He said you've been
totally distracted lately.


Hah? Oh, I'm sorry, mom,

I was thinking about Devon.

Raven, you need to get
your priorities straight.

If you don't pass science,
there's not going to be a Devon.

Mom... m-mom, what
are you going to do to him?

Not to him. To you.

No Devon, no concert,

no nothing, unless you
pass that science project.

Okay, well, I got to call Devon.

And tell him I got to
get my priorities straight.

How cool is that?

Dad, a shredder?

Can't you just toss
your junk in the trash?

You're taking a
rather simple process

and overcomplicating it.

No, no, no.

Cory, William, look.

We shred for many reasons.

We shred for safety,
we shred for security,

but most importantly,
we shred because it's...

Really, really fun.

Hey, mon, I got my
shred-locks on, mon.

♪ You put the paper
in the shredder ♪

♪ ya, ya, ya ♪

♪ shred it, shred it ♪

♪ shred it all up, now ♪

♪ paper in the shredder ♪

♪ ya, ya, ya... ♪

William, that's
Madison from school!

She asked me to
borrow a video game.

Is that significant?

Yeah! She eats at
the cool kids' table.

Aren't we cool kids?

We're about this close,

but if we get in good with her,

she'll take us over the top.

But first, I got to
answer the door.

Hey, Madison. Come in.

What's up?

Captain brainy pants?

I prefer "William."

Interesting tidbit:

I'm named after my
great-great uncle,

a four-time chess champion...

Okay. Here's that
game you wanted.


Want to stay and play it?

Or we can go outside and hang.

That sounds cool.

If we're hanging outside,

I'll have to change
into my play clothes.

What's wrong with the clothes

you're wearing?

What's not wrong?

His pants are
totally second grade.

And... what's with the shirt?

Are-are those rubber duckies?

Don't they put a
smile on your face?

Uh, no.

You know... On second thought,

I really have to be some place.

But you just got here.

Right. And now I have to go.

Your shirt just cost
us the cool table.

Thanks for coming by, you guys.

I just wanted to run
my project by you.

It's a papier-mâché volcano!

Put your goggles on.

Put your goggles
on, y'all. Watch out.

Watch out.

It's gonna blow!

Girl, you are spacing out.

Didn't you hear Mr. Halloway
say no volcanoes?

When did he say that?

Oh, when you were saving Timmy

from that snake
bite, that's right.

Well, I spent all
of my time on this.

What am I supposed to do?

I don't know, Rae, but you
had better think of something,

because if you don't,

there is no concert, no
Devon, no love, no future.

You know, you'll end up a...

A bitter old woman
with her 27 cats.


So good luck.


Where am I going to
get another project?

I'm sorry Madison
doesn't think I dress cool.

I don't win fashion
contests... I win science fairs.

Yo, Rae, you should get
captain brainy pants over there

to help you out.

Please. Ha!

The day I go to a
little kid for help is,

uh, today.

Do your thing, Rae. Oh, yeah,

'cause remember, Rae,27 cats.

Meow. Ooh.

William, my little
scientific genius.


um, since you're needing
some help in the fashion area,

and I may possibly need some
help with the science project,

maybe you and I
could make a deal.

My client and I are listening.

Okay. Well...

Hmm, I can give your
boy a cool makeover

with an outfit
designed by...Moi...

If he whips me up a project
that'll help me pass science.

So, by mixing these chemicals

in exact proportions,
in the proper order,

we can change the
molecular structure

of this compound to produce...

your science project.

Oh... that is so cool!

That's like a-a
rainbow in a bottle!

How'd you do that?

It's all in the formula.


We had a deal.

It's time for my
man's cool-over.

His what?

Oh... The outfit.


I got you.

Come here, William. Come here.

About to hook
you up right quick.

Here you go.


Ha! All the cool
kids are wearing it.

It's a do-rag.

It's a dish rag.

Okay, look, I have a
design in my head, okay?

I sat down

at the sewing
machine, and then...

Then Devon called me, and he wanted
me to listen to this blue rain song...

So? William did his part,
and what were you doing?

Drooling over Devon.

No, I wasn't.

The deal... Is off the table.


Go ahead, William, you
know what you got to do.

William, no!

One more step, and
this formula's confetti.

You know what, William?

Go ahead and shred it.

You think that's
gonna make you tough?

You think it's going
to make you a man?

Make you cool? Please.

It's worth a shot.


Rae, what kind
of project is this?

This looks like garbage.

Eddie, come on,
don't be a project hater.

Oh, y'all don't get it,
okay? I messed up.

William helped me,
and I forgot to help him,

so Cory got mad at me,

and they shredded it.

You know, it's due tomorrow,

and I really need
you guys to help me

tape it back together.

Rae, it's impossible.

Yeah, maybe it is.

I had a vision!

My face was blue;
I heard the music.

I must've been at that
concert with Devon.

That means it must've been
taped back together! What?

Hello? That means you
passed your science project.

Yes! Yes!

Hey, congrats,
Rae. Yes, congrats.

You did it, little missy.

I did it! I did it!

Thank you, guys!

You guys are the best. Aw.

Oh, thank you.

I'll see you at school. Okay.

Yes! Whoo, yeah, I'm
going to the concert!

Oh, snap!


What do you think?
Totally duck-free.

Man, take that
shirt out your pants.

That's not cool.

My mom pinned it
to my underwear.

You're k*lling me, William.

Madison will be here any minute.

Then I'll sneak
out the side door

to save you further

What's happening, Cory?

He was tucked and pinned!

Let me get this straight.

You want to be friends with
someone who makes fun

of your best friend?



Are you trying to make me think?

Don't think too much.

You got a door to answer.

Hey, Cory.

Cool shirt.

Hey, you know how I do.

Where's captain brainy pants?

Oh, I forgot.

It must be nap time.

He's not a bad guy

once you get to know him.

What are you trying to say?

I don't know.
I'm still thinking.

Listen, Cory, you could be cool,

but if you stick up for him,

then that makes you a nerd, too.

Okay, I'm done thinking.

If being cool means
dissing my friends,

then I don't want to be cool.

You were this close
to sitting at our table.

And you are this
close to the door.

Let me show you out nerd style.

You are making a big mistake.

Buh-bye now.

William, it's Cory.

I just wanted to say I'm sorry.

Apology accepted.

♪ Hey, whoa-oa ♪

♪ yeah, oh, yeah ♪

♪ the fascination is
still worth my time ♪

♪ the situation is
hanging on the line ♪

♪ no more excuses,
I got to find a way ♪

♪ I hear the clock
a-ticking, tick-tocking away ♪

♪ I can see the answer,
I can see the light ♪

♪ going to make it happen,
going to make it right ♪

♪ whoa-oa-oa ♪

♪ one more chance
to find romance ♪

to find romance

♪ one more time
to make you mine ♪

I did it.

Time for bed.

♪ One more chance
to find romance. ♪

Time for school.

♪ Put the paper
in the shredder ♪

♪ and you shred, shred
it, shred it all up now ♪

♪ paper in the shredder. ♪

Hey, Rae, did you
fall asleep down here?

Oh, yeah.

Well, you better
get going to school.

And don't forget your lunch.


Is tuna okay?


Yeah. Hey, is this trash?

♪ Put the paper
in the shredder ♪

♪ and you shred
it, you shred it ♪

♪ you shred it all up now ♪

♪ paper in the shredder. ♪

Oh, dad, no!

No, no, no, you shredded
my science project!

You said it was trash!


No, it took me all
night to put it together!

Now it's no Devon,
there's no concert.

It's just going to
be me and 27 cats.

Okay, okay, okay,
okay, okay, okay!

Okay, look, look, look, look.

I'll fix it, okay?
Daddy'll fix it.

So you just go to school

and I'll bring it to you, okay?


Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

And then, and then,

I'm going to get help for
my shredding problem, okay?

So the amount of air
pressure in a basketball

is directly proportional

to the height of
the bounce, see?

Good, good, well
researched, Eddie.

And I can do this.

Hey, hey, don't push it.

Take a seat.

Well, we've had some very
interesting projects so far,

especially Chelsea's
attempt to convert brain waves

into electricity.

Is it on now?

Is it on now?

Wait, wait, wait, wait.

Okay, now?

We'll get back to you.

We'll get back to you, Chelsea.

All right.

And now, at last, we will
hear from Raven Baxter.

Chelsea, my dad's not
here with the formula yet.

What? You have to stall.

Ooh, it worked!

It worked! I had a thought.

I had a thought.
I had a thought.

I can stall. That's a good idea.

I've been doing that all year.

Should be easy.

Mr. Halloway,
classmates, friends.

What's up?

How you doing?

You're not running
for president.

Just get to the project.

You know what?

Before we start
with that project,

which we are getting
to, Mr. Halloway,

I got a crazy
chemistry joke for y'all.

What did the beaker
say to the test tube?

"You're getting an 'f'."

You heard this before.

Don't ruin it for the people.
Don't ruin it for the people.

That's cool.

But seriously, people,
seriously, all right

let's get a Kronk up in here.


Give me a beat, Eddie.


At what point do
you plan to alter

the chemical properties
of a given solution,

thereby producing

a complete spectrum
of primary colors?

Raven's going to do what?

Oh, Mr. Halloway!

You're talking about
rainbow in a bottle.

I'm getting to that.

This was just... a warm-up.

Maybe I'll get lucky.

Right. A dash of this.

This is what we need.

Set that up.

Ooh, Devon has
a shirt this color.

Ooh, these are pretty.

And a dash of this... bam!

We're getting something, people!

We are... clearly,
we're getting something.


Look. It looks like
science to me, people.

It looks like science.

Ooh, you guys, it
looks so scientifical.

Oh, okay, you can stop now.

UN-bam! UN-bam!

Raven, you've produced an
unstable chemical reaction!

That's got to be
worth, like, what, a "c"?

Everybody out. That
thing's going to blow.

Come on. Everybody out quickly.

Quickly, quickly.

I forgot my tuna.

Here I am, baby.

I got your formula.

Where is everybody?

Oh, cool!

Dad, maybe we
should... Oh, snap.

Girl, you are so ready
for that blue rain concert.

So am I.

You know you're not going
anywhere for a long time.

Yeah, I know.

I'm talking to Raven.

Well, Mr. Halloway said

this blue's not going to
fade for another two days.

I hope you learned your lesson.

Yeah, don't go
back for the tuna.

I know, okay.

I was so caught up
in having a boyfriend

that I forgot about
everything else.

And I'm really, really sorry.

And what about William
doing your science project?

Oh, and that was wrong, too.

Oh, and again, I
am so, so sorry.

But am I ever going
to see Devon again?

When you get off punishment

and make up your science project

and do your extra
credit for Mr. Halloway,

then we'll talk about it.

Victor, how you feeling?

Kinda blue.

Guess I better get started.

Just like in my vision.

Devon, what are you
doing down there?

Well, I figured

if you couldn't
go to the concert,

then I'll bring the
concert to you.

Devon, I love that you did that,

but if I'm ever going
to see you again,

I got to get back to work, okay?

Just one more look.

Well, everybody, I
finished my project.

Rae, I thought you turned

your science project in already.

Oh, oh, I did.

This is my other project.

William, come on down.

Come on, big William.

William, check you out.

Yes, check me out.

Pop the collar.

You look cool.


What can I say?

The man loves his ducks.

Work it out for the
people, big Willie.