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02x07 - Close Encounters of the Nerd Kind

Posted: 04/21/24 16:12
by bunniefuu
Check out Horace, y'all.

Looks like he was
just beamed down

from planet dweeb.

It's official, there's no
mirrors in outer space.

Excuse me, but
I think it is wrong

to judge a man based on
the color of his space suit.

Hey, Rae.

Hi, Devon.

Hi, Devon.

Come on, let's go.

Hey, did you check
out Horace's outfit?

Isn't that just wrong?

Tell me about it!

He has his transporter
belt on backwards.

His transporter...

And, uh... You know this why?

I mean, come on, he's wearing
a star commander uniform,

from Astro Force 5.

The TV show?

Hey, Devon,

you psyched about the aff
convention this weekend? You know it.

Wait a second, wait.

Devon, you're...
You're one of these?


I'm a forcie, I mean,
it's my favorite show.

Are you into it?

Into it?

Boy, please, I am into it,
around it, and all up in it.

Cool. What's your
favorite episode?

Oh... Horace, okay.

Um, it would have
to be the one where...

They, they went to some planet,

right, right?

And, uh... They
had some problems.

Right, episode 65.

"Planet of the problems!"

Yeah, yeah. Impressive.

Look, I got an extra ticket

to the convention,
if you want to go?

Oh, I don't know
what to say, Devon.

How about "astro blasto?"



Let's go

♪ if you could gaze
into the future ♪

future, future

♪ you might think life
would be a breeze ♪

life is a breeze

♪ seeing trouble
from a distance ♪

♪ yeah ♪ go, Rae.

♪ But it's not that easy ♪

oh, no
take it to the bridge now.

♪ I try to save the situation,
then I end up misbehaving ♪

♪ hey, now, say, now,
'bout to break down ♪

♪ yeah, come on and
ride with the Rae, hey ♪

♪ and if the future
looks gray now ♪

♪ then everything's
gonna change now ♪

♪ all right, keep it going ♪

that's so Raven

♪ it's the future I can see ♪

that's so Raven

♪ it's so mysterious to me... ♪

[font color="yellow"]Captioning sponsored by
[font color="yellow"]abc cable networks group

that's so Raven

♪ it's so mysterious
to me, yeah ♪

yep, that's me.

All right, Rae, are you ready

for your Astro Force 5 quiz?

Bring it on, my solar sister.

What is the clawezean
word for space destroyer?

Girl, I know this one.

Ready? Yes.


Close, but, uh, no,

that's langolian for ketchup,
as in please pass the edic!

This is ridiculous,

I don't even watch
the stupid show.

Why did I lie to Devon?

He's never lied to me.

Y'all still checking
out this nerd site?

Oh, now that is astro
force fine right there.

That's curvacia,
she's the space nurse.

What planet is she from?

'Cause I'm moving there.

She's going to be at the convention
tomorrow, signing pictures.

I have got to get into
that convention, Chels.

I got to get out of it.

Good luck, Rae.
You keep your... Up.

I hope that means chin.

Cory, I'm freaking out.

William, just calm down.

We'll find him.

William's rabbit is missing?

Yeah, Einstein got out again.

It'll be okay.

I mean, he probably just
went out for a bunch of carrots.

I found him.

Um, hey, Cory,

tell William to look
under his pillow.

He lost a rabbit... Not a tooth.

No, Cory, I had a vision.

That's where Einstein is hiding.

Check under your pillow.

I found him!

He was right where you said.

How'd you know?

He wants to know how I knew.

You better not tell
him I'm psychic.

Got it.

William... I'm psychic.

Cory, you have a gift.

It's not my
birthday, but thanks.

I'm talking about

your psychic
connection to animals.

So, I don't get to
keep the turtle?

It's Larry's turtle.

I'm so worried about him,

he hardly comes out
of his shell anymore.

Listen, William, about
finding your rabbit,

it was just kind of a hunch.

I'll give you five dollars.

Well, step into my office, then.

So, Larry, what's
your turtle's name?


I'm getting something.

Larry's upset because...

He doesn't have
his own identity.

He'd like a new name.

Okay, uh... How about Steve?

He likes Steve.

Steve is good.

My brother Steve is
going to be so excited.

Thanks, Cory.

Come on, Steve.

William, I'm thinking

there's a lot of kids

out there with animal problems.

Who just got their allowance.

Oh, hey, Rae.

Oh, hey, Devon.

This is for you.

Oh, a silver Rose.

Remember, episode 317?

Oh, um... "Planet
of the silver roses."

No, "asteroid of love."

You know, when captain stone

met the most beautiful
girl in the universe?

Oh, Devon.

I have to be honest with you.

I'm not into Astro Force 5.

Then why'd you say you were?

Because, you loved it so
much I wanted to love it, too.

Rae, Rae, you know what I love?

I love for us

to be honest with each other.

Me, too.

So is it okay if I don't go

to the convention with you?


Is it okay if I give
your ticket away?

As long as it puts a smile
on my little forcie's face.

Hey, uh, Phoebe!

Got your ticket for you.


All the little forcies over here

and you had to pick her?

Rae, you're not
jealous, are you?

Of course not.

So you trust me, right?


Cool. You're the best, Rae.

Thank you.

Hey, Rae, you work
things out with Devon yet?

Yeah, actually I told him
he could give away my ticket.

Oh, cool, now you
don't have to go

to that stupid space convention.

Rae, what's wrong, are you okay?

Yeah, but, Chels, we've got
to go to that stupid convention.

No little space nasty is
going to steal my man.

Uh-huh. There's
Devon and Phoebe.

It really doesn't
look like anything

is going on between them, Rae.

Not yet, Chels, but trust me,

she's got nuzzling on her mind.

We have to get in there.

Aw, man.

Every nerd in town is here!

Tickets? Tickets!

I need them tickets,
I need them quick.

Eddie, what are you doing here?

I have got to get in
there and see curvacia.

I mean, look at her, Chels.

She's perfect.

Anyway, never mind me,

what are you two doing here?

Oh, Raven is here
spying on Devon,

but don't tell anyone because
it would really ruin our plans.

Oh, those are really cute.

Rae, why are you
spying on Devon?

I thought everything
was solid, girl.

Yeah, yes it is. You
know, I trust him.

It's just that, Eddie,
I had this vision

that he was with Phoebe
and Phoebe was looking cute.

She was nuzzling all up on him.

Tickets, people, I need tickets!

She about to nuzzle him!

Please, people, I need tickets!

Please, sir, please.

Hey, look at my
glasses, cool, huh?

Chels will you focus please?

We are trying to
get a ticket here.

Okay, Rae, listen,

unless one of us is
actually on Astro Force 5,

it's not going to happen.

Chels, don't move.

What, what, what is it a bug?

Get it off. Get it off, Rae.

Oh, but don't k*ll it, okay?

No, Chels, it's not a bug.

You look exactly
like Princess Juliana.

That's right, Rae,
they'd let her in.

We're with her.

Okay, so my hair
is like totally different

and I have two eyebrows.

Not when I get done with you.

Rae, which one are
you going to take?

You're doing a wonderful thing

using your psychic
powers to help people

with their pet problems.

Yeah, yeah.

Just don't forget to
collect that money.


Jenny's snake

won't come out
from under the rock.

Move the rock.


Why does it smell
like a zoo in here?

Hi, Mr. and Mrs. Baxter.

Would you happen to have
a very large pooper-scooper?

William, what is
going on in here?

You may not be aware of this,

but you have a
psychic in the family.

We do?

Cory is amazingly gifted.


Yes. He knows what
animals are thinking.

Wait. Don't tell me.

I bet he's charging
money for his services.

Are you psychic, too?

No. I'm just his dad.

Look, William, why
don't you go home?

We'll take care of this.

Actually, don't leave just yet.

I have an idea,

and I'm going to
need some brainpower.

Make way!

Princess posse's coming through.

I know we fooled the guards,
but these people are huge fans.

They're not going to actually
believe I'm Princess Juliana.

All hail the Princess!

All hail to the Princess!

Oh! Well, what do you know?

Well, look,

I'm going to go ahead
and find curvacia.

See if my little
space honey landed.

I'm going to go follow Devon,

make sure nothing's going on

with him and Phoebe.

Okay, that should be easy
because here he comes.

Oh, Chels, if he sees me,
he's going to know I'm spying.

All hail the Princess!
All hail the Princess!

All hail the Princess!

All hail thank you.

The Princess!

Mm-hmm? Princess Juliana?

This is an honor.

You never graced
us with your presence

at any other convention.

Yes, I know.

I have been a
very busy Princess,

uh... doing the
business of, um...

Of princessing and such.

And now, my droid
and I must leave you.

Thank you. Okay.


Where are you?

Aren't there any more suckers?

I mean "customers."

Lionel, where is everybody?

They all chillin'.

That's true.


Lionel, did you just talk to me?

You see anybody else
in the room, homey?

Wait a second.

You can't talk.

Sure, I can.

I just never had
anything to say.

Now that you're cheating kids

out of their money,

and pretending to be psychic,

I'm speaking up.

Okay, I promise I'll give all
those kids their money back.

And promise not
to ever do it again?

Okay, I promise.

And, besides, I don't
need to cheat anymore.

I'm going to be rich.

I've got a talking rat!

Okay, he knows.

Well, told you we should
have just nailed him,

but, no, you had to get
all high-tech about it.

Okay, you got me, and I got you,

so now we're even.

Not even close.

You're grounded.

For how long?

Two weeks.

Or until rats talk.


Now you got nothing to say.

I can't believe I'm finally
going to get to meet curvacia.

Enter, space traveler.

I'm going in.

Hi, honey.

What can I sign for you?

Oh, no, that's okay, ma'am.

I'll just go ahead
and wait for curvacia.

Well, you're looking at her.

Astro blasto. Shhh!

You're curvacia?

I'm guessing you're
not a fan of the show,

because that picture

was taken from the first season,

Oh! So that was you
then, and this is you now?

You were expecting
your dream girl, right?

Yeah. Right.

I know, honey.

I used to be
everybody's dream girl.

But I am sure a
handsome boy like you

has no problem with the ladies.

Well, you know,
me and the ladies...

I probably could
do a little better.

Well, you hang in there, honey,

because you're going to
find that dream girl someday.

Well, thank you.

Oh, oh, oh, oh.

Will you still sign this for me?

"To Eddie, my newest fan."

Welcome aboard, Eddie.


Astro, blasto.

Shhh! Shhh!

See ya.

Attention, forcies.

It is astro date 2838.

You all know what that means.

It's time to give one another
the official wissian welcome.

Ooh! There's Devon.

That nasty... get him.

Everyone's doing it.

I know. Apparently,
this is just how forcies

say hello.

You better back up
off me, spaceboy.

I feel so bad for spying on him.

There's nothing even going on.

Forcies, it is time for
the day's main event...

A reenactment of the battle
scene from episode 424,

"the wrath of krebo."

And, playing our fearless hero,

captain James Quincy stone,

is Devon Turner!

No, Chels. We've
got to get out of here.

If Devon thinks
I don't trust him,

we're going to be so over.

And, presiding
over the day's battle

is today's unexpected
guest, Princess Juliana!

Uh... hey, Devon.

You know my name?



What are you doing here?

Well... I'm not spying
on you or something,

if that's what
you're getting at.

Are you here with Rae?


Bring on the evil krebo!

Now stone and krebo
will fight to the finish.

Testing, one, two.


Fe, fi, fo, fum.

I am the defender
of the universe!

And I will not fail.

Hey, watch it!

What are you doing?

You're not supposed to run.

If you'd stop chasing
me, I wouldn't run.

I wouldn't run.

Now for the wrap...
My antigravity zap!

Oh! Hey! I'm not
supposed to be flying today!

Oh, I'm not liking this.

Krebo's going to
be sicko. Oh! Oh!

I'm kind of flipping
out of control!

I am not liking it at all!

Help! Help! Which way is up?

Oh, okay, uh...

How did you get on the
ceiling? How did that happen?

Okay, okay, I'm
getting the hang of this.

Hey, people gonna bring you...

Stay still so I can unmask you!

Oh, you ain't going
to do that, homeboy.

This is not how the scene goes.

This is all wrong.

This battle is over!

Raven, is that you?

What are you doing?

You said you
didn't want to come.

I didn't, okay? And then I did.

Can someone get
me down from here?


Devon, I have to
be honest with you.

I came here to spy on you.

I knew that you and
Phoebe were going to nuzzle.

I thought it was
a cheating nuzzle.

It turned out to be
a greeting nuzzle.

Wait a minute.

I didn't even know I was
going to nuzzle Phoebe,

I mean, so how did you know?

Lucky guess?

Rae, I thought we said
we were always going

to be honest with each other.

Devon, wait, wait.

Devon, wait.

Okay, I'm here.


I can't.


Okay, you know how we talked

about honesty and trust?

Yeah. I thought we had that.

We do. That's why you
have to trust me when I say...

I honestly can't tell you.

At least not right now.

All right.

I trust you, Rae.

Thank you, Devon.

The captain's kissing krebo!


I got you a space smoothie.

Oh, no.You're a space smoothie.

How did you know what I wanted?

Lucky guess.

Oh, man!

What's up, Eddie?
Did you see Chels?

Oh, you mean the Princess?

She says she's copping a ride.

All right...

You make a left on Van ness,

a right on mission.

If you hit the ocean,
you've gone too far.