01x20 - Separation Anxiety

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "That's So Raven". Aired: January 17, 2003 – November 10, 2007.*
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Raven Baxter is a high-school student who has a secret psychic ability that allows her to experience short visions of future events.
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01x20 - Separation Anxiety

Post by bunniefuu »

Oh, look.

It's the perfect Sunday morning.

Dad's making waffles.

Mom's squeezing
fresh orange juice, and...

Well, Corey's still living here.

Almost perfect.

I know, Lionel.

She's mean.


He thinks you're ugly, too.

Corey, in the cage.

You, not the rat.

What's up, folks?

Your houseguest has arrived.

Hey, Eddie.

So, Eddie what kind
of waffles do you want?

We got blueberry,
boysenberry raspberry

and strawberry.

Okay. Well, uh, how
about Halle Berry?

Don't hurt nobody.

Shake it up, shake it up.

So, uh, you're just going
to have the plain waffle?

Uh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay.

Oh, my mom told
me to tell you guys

thanks again for
letting me stay here

while she's at her
dental conference.

She takes care of our teeth.

We take care of her son.

You're family.

Did you bring the
free toothpaste?


Got it.

Why don't you take
your stuff upstairs

and when you come back
down, you can have breakfast.

You're going to be
staying in Corey's room.

Okay. What?

No way!

Corey... Fine.

But if you cut the
cheese one time...

You're sleeping on the couch.


Well, aren't you glad

you're staying with
my loving family?

That's it, Tonya.

I can't take this anymore.

We're going to have to split up.

Let's go

♪ if you could gaze
into the future ♪

future, future

♪ you might think life
would be a breeze ♪

life is a breeze

♪ seeing trouble
from a distance ♪

♪ yeah ♪ go, Rae.

♪ But it's not that easy ♪

oh, no
take it to the bridge now.

♪ I try to save the situation ♪

♪ then I end up misbehaving ♪

♪ hey, now, say, now ♪

♪ about to put it
down, yeah, come on ♪

♪ and ride with the break, now ♪

♪ in that the future
looks great now ♪

♪ and everything's
gonna change now ♪

♪ let's keep it going ♪
that's so Raven

♪ it's the future I can see ♪

that's so Raven

♪ it's so mysterious to me... ♪

Yep, that's me.

Oh, no, no.

Now let me explain the
rules of the my room.

No gels, no smells.

No sprays.

No mouth...


You should keep that.

Look, is he going

to be staying in here?

That's the same thing
Lionel just said about you.

Corey, I need to
speak to Eddie alone.

Excuse me?

This is my room.

Oh, that's right.

Boy, and there is
something so cool

about your room.

Come here. Let me show you.

You're going to love it.

Look, stand out there.

Ready? Ready, ready?

Ready? Look, ready?

It locks.

Eddie, I am freaking out.

I just had a vision

my parents are
going to split up.


Your parents?

They're the last people

I thought would
ever get a divorce.

I know.

And I mean, they hardly
every argue that much.

Hey, my parents
never argued either

so, I never saw it coming.

But you did.

So, you still have
time to do something.

And I'll help you.

I'm listening.


Well, there's
always little signs

when people are thinking
about getting a divorce.

Like, you know, how your
parents are all happy and stuff?


That's got to stop.

They're just holding
in all that anger.

Well, you think?

Eddie, I don't know.

I think I might need
a second opinion.

Well, Raven, you have
come to the right person

because both my
parents are therapists

and I can tell you, like

anything you want to
know about relationships.

Okay, so what does it mean...?

Time's up. See you next week.

I totally...

Here's what I've been thinking.

Maybe Rae's parents
are going to break up

because they haven't been
spending enough time together.

I mean, that's what
happened to my parents.

Yes. That's a good point, Eddie.

A successful marriage is one

that coexists with equality
and mutual respect.

A couple should
unselfishly put aside the "I"

and make for time for the "we."

'Cause you can't
spell "we" with an "I."

You spell "insane" with an "I."

So, maybe I just need

to get my parents to
spend more time together.

Exactly. Yes, yes, yes.

They call that
"creating a safe place

for the we to grow."

And to blossom.

We call that the
"us" shutting up

the "you."

Hey, mom, what are
you doing down here

all alone in the quiet?

Being all alone in the quiet.

But that's all
over now, isn't it?

You know what else
is good reading, mom?

A cookbook

which is in the Kitchen with dad

and I'm sure he'd love for you

to spend some
more time with him.

Really? Yup.

He never told me that.

Did-did he tell you that?

Well, um, kind of sort of.

Not really.

Okay, buh-bye.

Hey, hon.

Need some help
cutting those veggies?

Sure. Love some.

There you go.

Thank you.

Look at us.

Cutting together.

Reminds me of when I was little

and I used to help

great grandma
izzetta in the Kitchen.

She'd always say

"I don't believe in all that

"fancy weighing and measuring.

"Just throw it all in.

It'll chew."

How would she know?

She didn't have no teeth.

"I came in this
world with no teeth

and I'm going out the same way."

What's going on?

Take a look.

They are spending time together.

No way are they
going to get a divorce.

Oh, okay.

And I say, "grandma izzetta

you don't wear your teeth,
you don't wear your bra."

And she said "child, I'm 92.

Trust me, nobody lookin'."

Where's your wedding ring?

Oh, um, you know I don't
like to wear it when I cook

'cause it always gets
junked up with food and stuff.

Victor, it's not just
when you cook.

You don't wear it
when you shower

when you take out the garbage.

Baby, I'm sure it'll
show up some place.

How do you know

you didn't just bake it into
that cake or something?

Tonya, I'm a professional chef.
I don't make mistakes like that.

Just forget it.

The ring is a symbol
of our marriage

and you treat it
like it's nothing.

Man, it's too bad

your parents had
that fight last night.

That cake was looking good.

How can they get divorced
over a missing ring?

It hasn't happened yet.

You still have time
to change the future.

You just got to
stay positive, Rae.


I don't know if I can, you know.

I just can't fake
something like that.

♪ Morning, sunshines. ♪

Who's going to have
a good day today?

We are.

I said positive,
Rae... not psycho.

Hey, has anybody seen Lionel?

He got out again.

Ask your father.

He knows all about
things getting lost.

Is this coffee bitter?


Must be you.

Hey, now. Hey.

Now, why don't I
make us all a loving

family breakfast?

I'm not hungry.

Neither am I.

I am. Two eggs over easy.


Dig in.

Kids, I'm going to
take you to school.

I'll be waiting in my car.

No. No, no, no, no, no, no.

I'm taking the kids to school.

I'll be waiting in my car.

Eddie, what do I do?


There's only one
thing you can do.

Little thing.

How fast can you break your leg?

Okay, this is never
going to work.

I'm telling you, Rae,
when I broke my leg

my parents forgot all
about their problems

and focused their
attention on me.

It really brought them together.

Okay, well, Chelsea, you
really have to make it look

like it's in a cast.

Hey, Rae?


Why doesn't your
leg just audition

for the school play?

'Cause then it'll be in a cast.

Get it?

A cast, like a cast.

Isn't that funny?


You know what?

My parents are really angry.

Maybe I just need to
break one more thing.

Okay, there's the wall.

This should keep
them together for years.

Sorry, Mr. Simpson.

Hey, girl.


Oh, girl. Oh, I'm so sorry...

Oh, I'm so sorry.

Look. Oh, can't help you.

Eddie, there's a banner.

Eddie, there's a ban...

Eddie, there's a banner!

I'm telling you, Rae

when your parents
see you like this

they're going to freak.

Yeah, Rae, I mean
they're going to be

up all night worrying about you.

They won't be able
to, like, sleep or eat.

I mean, their lives
are going to be

this bottomless pit of
misery until you get better.



They're going to
come back together.

We'll be upstairs.

Hi, dad. Hi...

Hey, Lionel. What
are you doing here?

Lionel, you need to get
back in your cage, sweetie.

What are you doing, Lionel?

Li... li... Lionel?

Lionel, get out of there.

Lionel, no.

Lionel, stop it! Get out!

No! Lionel!

Lionel, stop it.

No, no. No!

Get out of...

Oh, man.

No, I said I was
going to pick him up.

Hi, mom. Hi, dad.

Bye, mom. Bye, dad.

I'm fine.

What happened to you?

Oh, well at least
somebody cares.

I was trying to help people
out and see, and then...

Did the bad lady hurt you?

I love this picture
of me and my folks.

Don't we look happy?

Where's Corey?

Oh, he wasn't born yet.

That's why we were so happy.

You guys

I'm never going to stop
this vision from happening.

Oh, look, Rae.

If it makes you feel
better, divorce isn't so bad.

Check this out.

I got two homes, two
bedrooms and two tvs.

Of course, a brother's
got to make two beds

but that's cool.

Eddie, you're okay
with your parents

not being together?

No, but I deal with it.

And I still think I
could have stopped it.

Oh, you guys, look at this one.

Mom and dad at
country-western bar.

It was their first date.

Oh, gosh, they were so happy.

And still are.

Yes, and will be, uh-huh.

And, and, and... Please stop me.

Oh, no, Chelsea,
that's a great idea.

All we have to do is
remind these two people

how much they
still love each other.


What are you doing
home so early?

I got a message from Rae.
She said to get home right away.

She left me the same
message on my cell.

Do you have your key?

Why? Did you lose yours?

Huh? That's okay.

Happens to all of us.

Uh, what's going on in here?

Howdy do, folks. Come on in.

Eddie, what is...

No, no, no time
for chitchat, missy.

You come and take
a seat right here.

Just like you did

on the night of June 23, 1983.

When you were
young... And in love.

Whee, doggy!

June 23rd... That
was our first date.

It was?

It was.

Hey, how 'bout
a little something

to wet your whistle, huh?

Hey, Jimmy ray, get on out here.

Howdy, partner. Evening, ma'am.

Fine night for
falling in love, ain't it?

Okay, where's your sister?

Chelsea Mae, hit the lights.

And now, without further ado

introducing the little
lady with the big voice

and even bigger hair.

Put your hands together for
the queen of country music

Mrs. Rodeo Raven, whoo!

Ow! Whoo!

Hello, folks, and welcome
to rusty's bar and grill

located on i-94, right next
to Leanna's hair emporium

where the bigger the
hair, the more we care.

Are the memories of
love just flooding back?

Flooding back.

Anyway, here's a song for
all you first-daters out there.

Remember when love was new
and you loved him and he loved you?

♪ Stay together ♪

stay together

♪ you two were meant to be ♪

♪ like white leather ♪

like white leather

♪ on Elvis Presley ♪

♪ 'cause love is rare ♪

time will prove it

♪ and like my hair ♪

you can't move it

♪ no, you can't ♪

♪ stay together ♪

stay together

♪ like chili and corn bread ♪

♪ love's forever ♪

love's forever

♪ absorb what I've said ♪


♪ remember this night ♪


♪ try not to fight ♪


♪ and we'll be all right ♪

♪ stay together ♪

stay together

♪ for the sake of the kids ♪

♪ stay together, please. ♪

Thank you.

You know what they're
trying to do, don't you?

They want us to stop fighting.


And they want you
to apologize to me.

Excuse me?

Oh... One more time.

♪ Stay together... ♪

Rae, please.

Now, look, baby

we appreciate what
you're trying to do

but you got to let
your mother and I

work this out amongst ourselves.

There'd be nothing to work out

if you hadn't lost the
ring in the first place.

That's it, Tonya. I
can't take this anymore.

We're going to have to split up.

Eddie, that was my vision.

You look upstairs,
I'll look downstairs.

One of us has got to find it.


Um, uh, excuse me.

I'm sorry.

Um, you're not
getting a divorce?

A divorce? A divorce?

See, I had a vision of
dad saying "split up."

So that's what I thought

and I've been trying to
keep it from happening.

Oh, honey, come here.


Honey, your dad and I
are not getting a divorce.

Not even close.

Just because we have an argument

doesn't mean we're not
going to work things out.

Yeah, baby, you
got to understand

just because we disagree,
it's not your job to fix it.

And that goes for you, too.


Okay. Okay.

I'm glad that's over.

This hat's messing
up a brother's 'fro.

Oh, bizzle.

Funny, I never really thought

you guys would be
into country western.

Actually, we're not.

I thought I was taking
Rae's mom to motown night

and it turned out to
be hoe-down night.

That was the
worst first date ever.

And I loved every minute of it.


Whee, doggy.

Come on, partner.

I'll go rustle up some
vittles in the saloon.

You, too, Johnny ray.

It's Jimmy ray.

Don't you recognize me, daddy?

Well, I'm glad everything
worked out for you, Rae.

Thanks. Oh, and Eddie

you know you couldn't
have done anything.

About what, Rae?

About your parents splitting up.

I mean, didn't you
hear what they said?

It's your mom and
dad's problem, not yours.

I guess so.

I just never really
thought of it that way.

Thanks, Rae.

Hey, guys.

I'm going to wear my
outfit to school tomorrow

because then if I forget my
homework I could just say

"my wee doggy ate it."

Get it?

My wee doggy, my doggy...

Isn't that funny?


Hey, look what I found.

My ring.

Where did you find it?

I didn't. Lionel did.

It was in his cage, sitting
in a big pile of rat poop.

Honey, do you mind walking
Corey to school today?

Yes, but I need the leash.

And can you please
make him promise

not to lift his leg up every
time he sees a bush?

Hello. I'm the one
walking with a dog.

You know, your dad and I
thought you might feel this way

but we still think
that you should...

♪ Walk together ♪
walk together

♪ you two were meant to
be, like brother and sister ♪

brother and sister

♪ why, you're a family ♪


♪ don't fight ♪


♪ it ain't right ♪


♪ you ought to be tight ♪

♪ walk together... ♪

Okay! Okay! All right!

Let's go. Hurry up.

Don't let her touch
you. Come on.

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