01x03 - Test of Friendship

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "That's So Raven". Aired: January 17, 2003 – November 10, 2007.*
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Raven Baxter is a high-school student who has a secret psychic ability that allows her to experience short visions of future events.
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01x03 - Test of Friendship

Post by bunniefuu »


have you been using
my cd player again?


Then why is there Bologna in it?

Are you mad?

You got that right.

Then it's done its
job. Look, toad...

Hey, hey!

That's enough out of you two.

Don't make me turn this
kitchen around 'cause...

I will.

Okay, uh, Corey

have you thought
about what friends

you want to bring to the movies

for your birthday tomorrow?

Just Steve and Mark.

That's all? You
sure you don't want

to do something a
little bit more special?

Why bother?

Every year Billy
Cochran has his party

the day before mine, and
everybody likes it better.

Hey, Corey, um,
did you ever consider

that maybe it's not the
party they liked better?

Well, how would you like me

to make that flower a
permanent part of your head?

Can you reach it?

Okay. Okay, okay!

That's enough, you two.

How come you always

have to get in
his face like that?

You're his big sister.

You should know better.

Dad, this is part

of the morning routine, okay?

Take a bath, brush my teeth

fight with Corey, eat a muffin.

Honey, you remember
Lucy sherman?

You two were the best
of friends until third grade.

Then for some reason

you started picking
at each other.

Mom, what does she
have to do with anything?

We don't even talk anymore.

You don't?

Oh, gee, did I
just make a point?

And you think

that's actually going to
happen with me and Corey?

Mama, please.

He is probably
upstairs right now

putting hot dogs
in my blow dryer.

You're the worst sister.

I hate you.

All we're saying is that one day

you're going to push
him a little too far.

♪ Let's go ♪

♪ if you could gaze
into the future ♪

♪ future, future ♪

♪ you might think life
would be a breeze ♪

♪ life is a breeze ♪

♪ seeing trouble
from a distance ♪

♪ yeah ♪ go, Rae.

♪ But it's not that easy ♪

♪ oh, no ♪
take it to the bridge now.

♪ I try to save the situation ♪

♪ then I end up misbehaving ♪

♪ hey, now, say, now ♪

♪ about to put it
down, yeah, come on ♪

♪ and ride with the break, now ♪

♪ in that the future
looks great now ♪

♪ and everything's
gonna change now ♪

♪ let's keep it going ♪
♪ that's so Raven ♪

♪ it's the future I can see ♪

♪ that's so Raven ♪

♪ it's so mysterious to me... ♪

Yep, that's me.

I've never had a vision
like this before, you guys.

Corey said that I
was the worst sister

and that he hated me.


my brother says he
hates me all the time.

I mean, it doesn't
mean anything.

Eddie, your brother's two.

Okay, all he can say is

"I hate you" and "I
have poopy in my pants."


maybe you're making
too big a deal out of this.

But you guys did not
see this look on his face.

Okay, I have never seen
him so angry at me before.

What if

he never talks to me again?

Oh, right, and that
would be a bad thing?

That was funny.

This is not a joke,
you guys, okay?

This is my little brother.

I just can't have him hate me.

Look who's home.

Looks like someone
needs a little pillow fluffing.

There you go.

Can't hate a
pillow-fluffer, can you?

So, um how was your day?

We all went to the
aquarium for Billy's birthday

and had a great time.

I hated it.

Oh, well, maybe a little...

Candy will make it all better.

You take the first bite.

Well, we won't be gone too long.

We're going to walk down

to that new seafood
restaurant for dinner.

Okay, you go to
bed early, honey.

You've got a big
birthday tomorrow.

Oh, and take a bath.

With soap.

And water.

And don't put that same
underwear back on.

Don't feel bad, son.

Your mama tells
me the same thing.

Wow, Corey, your tenth birthday!

And you know what you need?

You need a "my party is
better than Billy's party" party

and I'm going to give it to you.

Really? Mm-hmm.

What's in it for you?

Just to know that I am
the one who put that

beautiful smile on your face.

Well, if that's all you're after

you can just move out.

I could, but, um

I mean, then you would miss that

great party that I'm
going to throw for you.

What kind of party?

I don't know yet,
but whatever it is

I promise you, you
won't hate me... It.

You-you won't hate it.

Hey, y'all.

Welcome to Corey's
tenth birthday party.

It's going to be the b*mb.

Come on in. Come on.

I'll take that
present, thank you.


Sounds cheap, sweetie.

I'll get you something better.

Hey, all right.

Hi, Billy.

There's no way

your party's going to
be better than mine.

Oh, well

actually, my
brother's birthday party

is going to be tight,
thank you very much.

Tell them where we're going.

We're going to the
San Francisco zoo.

The zoo?

That's your great idea?

Zip it, okay?

'Cause, uh, he's not
finished, all right? Finish.

My dad got us vip
passes to the reptile house.

We get to party
with the pythons.


Rae, you're the best.

I know I am 'cause
I'm your sister

and you love me.

Now, keep that thought.

I'm going to go get mom and dad

so we can go to the zoo.

What are you guys
still doing in bed?

Get dressed. We
got to go to the zoo.

Your mom and I
got food poisoning

from the seafood
restaurant last night.

You know that leftover linguine

with clams we brought home?

Throw it out.

Oh, did I say throw...?

Honey, we're going

to have to cancel Corey's party.


Dad, we cannot cancel
Corey's party, okay?

He's going to hate me.

No, he won't.

Now, you're a
psychic, right, baby?

Tell me how long your
mama's going to be in there.

Go, Corey! Go, Corey!

Go, Corey! Go, Corey!

Go, Corey! Go,
Corey... Listen to that.

I think I'm the man.

Yeah, but I got some
bad news, sweetie.

Mom and dad have food poisoning

so we have to cancel your party.

You're canceling my party?

Hey, Corey's party's a wipe.

Who wants to go to my house?

They have a big screen TV.

Go, Billy! Go, Billy.

Go, Billy! Go, Billy...

Great. Now I'm
going to be a big joke.

I knew I should have
just gone to the movies.

No, no, no, no, no.

You know what?

We can still have
fun here, Corey.

I'll tell you what.

If we can't go to
the zoo, then, uh...

The zoo can come to us.

Really? Yes.

You can do that?

Go, Billy!

Go, Billy! Go, Billy...

Hey, guys, my sister says

the zoo's coming to us!

Go, Corey!

Go, Corey!

Go, Corey!

Go, Corey!

Go, Corey!

Go, Corey.

Okay, they ate all of
the animal crackers

and now they
want the real thing.

So, did you find an animal
guy that can come to the house?

Well, I've tried
Sammy the snakeman

pythons on parade,
and lizards of oz.

They're all booked.

Chelsea, thank you so much.

How did everything go?

Great. My mom
had lots of party stuff.

There's, like, hats
and balloons and...

Oh, oh, there's this
happy 50th birthday sign.

Oh, great. Um,
here's some scissors.

Cut off 40 years, thank you.

Okay, so, uh, did you try...

Oh, this guy named reptile Rick?

Reptile Rick's
coming to my party?

He's even more fun than the zoo.

Hey, everybody,
reptile Rick's coming!



I know.

Going through your whole life

with a first name like reptile.

Good day.

Reptile Rick here.

I'm on a bit of a walkabout

so leave me a
message at the beep.

Rae, just forget it.

He's probably booked.

Okay, you know what?

Your problem is,
you just don't know

how to handle these
people, all right? Listen to this.

Oh, good day, mate.

This is Raven from down under.

I need you to come to a party

at 419 Miranda place
lickety-splitsy, all right?

No worries. Um, I'm in a bit of

a... wobbly?

All right, good day.

What do you think?

I wouldn't bet my wobbly on it.

Okay, now, with this hair

and, uh, your complexion

I definitely say
that you're a...

Let me... yes, you're an Autumn.

So I'd stay away from the pinks

and, and... And the
peaches, all right?

Now don't crowd around.

I will do everybody.

I'm going to go
check on the zoo.

Aren't we having such fun?

So, did reptile
Rick call back yet?

No, he didn't, Rae.

He's not coming.

You're just going to have
to tell Corey the truth, Rae.

And have him hate me?

Have him think that I
am the worst sister ever?

You're giving makeup
advice to ten-year-old boys.

I think that ship has sailed.

Everyone wants to go home.

Is reptile Rick coming or not?

Can I answer that?

Reptile Rick.

That's right, mate.
I'm reptile Rick.

And you must be
the birthday boy.

Everyone, reptile Rick's here!

You must be Raven.

Yeah, I... Take that.

Oh, okay, Rick.

Well, you know

this is not exactly the lizard
that I ordered because...

I thought your name
was reptile Rick

not "big pig in
my Kitchen" Rick.

Hey, easy, Sheila.

I've got all the reptiles
you want out in the, uh

out in the truck.

Personally, I don't really think

that animals should
be kept in cages.

Oh, yeah? Neither do I.

Let's let it out, shall we?


I-I mean, uh, it
might scare the kids.


So, um, is this little guy

part of your act?

Oh, no. This is Fanny,
my potbellied pig.

Isn't she a beaut?

Couldn't leave her in the truck.

Last time I did, she
squealed on me.

Ha! Ha! Ha!

Squealed on me.

You don't get it.

Anyway, you got anything to eat?

I just did four
shows with no lunch.

You know, I'm starving.


Oh, okay, ha...

That's my mom, so you
go get whatever you need.

Just search around.

I need you to check on the kids

well, I go check on my mom

and you need to...

Whatever's in
there, don't let it out.

And you...

Okay, you need a tissue. Okay.

Okay, so are you
guys feeling okay?

What is all that
noise downstairs?

Oh, that? You know, that's
just Corey and his friends

'cause, mom, I really
didn't have the heart

to cancel his party, so
you know, I'm just doing

a little something for him
downstairs. Nothing big.

Why don't you let him watch
some videos or something?

Last thing we need
is a zoo down there.

Interesting choice of words.

Hey, Rick, no.

You're not supposed to eat that.

My parents got sick from that.

Don't worry about me, Sheila.

I've eaten snakes,
I've eaten lizards

I've eaten rats on a
stick in the noonday sun.

Old reptile Rick's
got a cast-iron...

Oh... What's in Matilda?

Where's the dunny? The what-y?

The dunny, the loo. The who?

The glu... never mind.

Hey, reptile, can't you just

like, get sick in
front of the kids?

I mean, they love that.


Are you all ready
for reptile Rick?

Well, uh, he's throwing up

so here's reptile Raven.



Do something with it.

♪ Dancing iguana,
dancing iguana ♪

♪ dancing iguana,
dancing iguana... ♪

♪ Peeing iguana, peeing iguana ♪

♪ peeing iguana ♪

♪ peeing iguana, peeing iguana ♪

♪ peeing... ♪

This party stinks.

Where are the snakes?

Snakes? You want snakes?

Well, I'll get you snakes.

But you hate snakes.

Are you kidding me?

Reptile Raven loves snakes.

Oh, I hate snakes.

Not as much as I hate frogs.

Actually, Rae, they're
south American bullfrogs.

And they hate being in cages.

They were talking to me.

Unlock it.

Unlock it.

What? I just don't
want to step on them.

They're endangered, you know?

What is all that
noise down there?

I don't know,
but I'll go find out.

Oh, my goodness.

My dad's going to
come downstairs.

We got to get
rid of these frogs.

Okay, okay, I got it covered.

Fellas, back in the cage.

Eddie, stop snapping and
start grabbing. Come on.


You down there?

Just came down to see
what all this noise is about.


Oh, dad, I'm sorry.

I'll be sure to keep it down!

How you doing?

You know, are you feeling okay?

Yeah, well, maybe a
little ginger ale will help.

I don't know.

My head's starting
to feel a little clammy.

Do I look okay?

Dad, you look good.

So, but I think I just
need to check your

your fever, so let me
see your head right...

Oh... Oh, what's that?


Nothing, nothing.

You're okay.

Is everybody okay?

We're just... Um, yeah...

Feeling the groove, Mr. Baxter.

Yeah, can you feel it?


Well, um... could you
kids not move so much

because you're
making me want to...

Oh, I got to go.

Okay, everybody's
ready for the snakes.

This is going to be so cool.

Anything to make you happy.

Raven Baxter's
modeling this year's

newest fall fashion...

Her new line of boas.

Yes, it's what every girl should

have around her neck this year.

And guys, with the
holiday seasons coming up

what better way
to say "I love you"

than a new boa?

Okay, available
in spots and solids

up to 25 feet long,
mice not included.

Thank you so much. Bye-bye.

Ah! Get it off!

I'm getting it.
I'm getting it off.

Hey, Corey.

Pretty cool snake, huh?

Can't hate me for that.

They're laughing out there.

Reptile Rick doesn't
model snakes.

He wrestles them.

He does?

And now, for the first
time in these United States

reptile Raven will
attempt to wrestle

one of the world's
deadliest reptiles.

The man-eating anaconda.

All right.

It's a big one.

He's in the box.

He might bite off my
arm or maybe a leg.

You never know.

A chance you
have to take with...


I think it's dead.

Oh, crikey, it's got me...

It's all right.

I think I've got it.

No, wait!

It's just a stupid
stuffed animal.

It is?

I guess that's why it
hasn't been eating the mice.

This party reeks.

I'm going home.

Who wants to come?

I do.

Corey, wait.

This was the worst
party, and you're the...


Okay, I know what
you're going to say.

Come here. Listen.

I know you're going to say
I was the worst sister ever

and you hate me.

And I don't blame you, okay?

I ruined your birthday,
I always argue with you

and I know I am
not the nicest sister.

But I just don't want us
to stop talking, you know?

I want us to always be friends.

And even though we fight...

I still love you.

Hey, Baxter.

You got to come see this.

Ah, see that?

See his little nose?

That's sniffing for milk, aye?

Hey, birthday boy,
take a closer look.

Fanny just had her babies.

This is so cool.

Great party, Baxter.


So you don't hate me?

Well, I kind of thought I did

but how many sisters
would do all this

for their little brother?

So we're okay?

No, we're great.

Well, I'm all packed up.

I'm glad your party worked
out for you, little fella.

Fanny's going to
remember it. That's for sure.

Now, all I need
is my snake back.

It's in the cage.

What? That?

Oh, no.

That's the baby.

I'm looking for its mama.

The mama?

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