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02x08 - Ponderosa

Posted: 04/21/24 15:40
by bunniefuu
What's going on with you two?

She's a part of things now.

- Congratulations!

[HARRIS] Aren't you scared?
'Cause I'm scared shitless.

I think I'd feel better if
you weren't alone tonight.

[WALKER] Please don't do this.
You don't have to do this.

You're as lovely as they come.

When Russell tells me someone's
special, I do my homework.

[GRACE] I went into business with
Landwill and so far, so good.

I don't want chickens with three heads.

It's not gonna happen.

It's not just the water they
poison, it's every person they touch.

Remember the water test you
insisted my clients were fabricating?

[RINNA] It proves their water
was clean before Landwill drilled.

And now I get to call Dale Evans

and tell him Landwill's
gonna have to settle.


Hi, Billy.

It's really good to see you.

- Is it okay that I came?

Come here!

So, how's it going with him?

Billy, uh... he's not himself lately.

- I'm joining the Army. Hooah!


[BILLY] Be all you can be.

What about you, Dad?

You never signed up for
a f*cking thing, did you?!


I present to you one Aaron Daniel Fuchs.

["k*lling YOU, k*lling

♪ Ain't it kinda funny
how you can feel alone ♪

♪ Even when I'm there ♪
♪ Even when I'm home ♪

♪ Handfuls of worry at our fingertips ♪

♪ Running from your lips... ♪

- [BILLY] Dad?

f*ck! Billy, what the f*ck, man?!

- You were supposed to pick me up.
- Who's that midget?

It's not a midget, it's my kid.

I had to walk.

You don't say "midget" nowadays,
all right. Don't be offensive.

Billy, come on, man, you gotta go.

What? What? You got something to say?

I got the MVP.

♪ Living that way only brings us pain ♪

♪ Only brings us pain. ♪


Finish him off, you'll feel better.


[AARON] Mm-mm!

Listen to me son, I know I failed you.

But I made a lot of mistakes in
my life, from the day I was born.

Especially since the day you were born.

But I found this son of a bitch.

And I want you to think
about what he did to you.

That man right there,
does not deserve your pity.

He deserves action.

It's your moment, son. Take it.



[MUFFLED] Help me! Help me!


Help me! Help me!



[HARRIS] How'd you sleep?

Hm, well, your bed sorta sucks.

Sorry it's not up to your standards.

My mattress standards
are actually pretty low.

It's not like I have one of
those beds made of horse hair

that costs almost ten grand.
Imagine spending ten grand on a bed?!

That's how you know you've made it.
Or you know you're batshit insane.

Well, if it makes you feel
better, I slept like shit too.

I had a nightmare I don't remember.

I used to keep a dream journal.

Then my first boyfriend read
it and dumped me. So, I stopped.

He dumped you 'cause of a journal?

Guess I'm a bad writer.

[CHUCKLES] I'll drop you by
your place so you can change.

What are you trying to say,
you don't like what I'm wearing?



[HARRIS] It just doesn't feel right.

Why confess and then k*ll
yourself? What changed?

It's a fair question, Chief.

Maybe it wasn't su1c1de, maybe
it's something we should look into.

I'm not wasting taxpayer
dollars on this. It's done.

That's it? We're both telling
you something feels off...

Sorry, let me rephrase: It's done.

What do you think happened?

Not sure. Maybe somebody
got to her inside.

- Her confession was so...
- Weird.

Staged. And now this.

I'm gonna go get a coffee. Want one?

Nah. Hey. Ask Cynthia to
check the CCTV footage again.

For what?

[HARRIS] Anything. Something we missed.



Hey. Got a minute?


Sit down. Close the door.

It's happening tomorrow night.

[LUCY] We have a problem.

Drew and I appreciate
everything you've done for us.

But I was talking to our
friends Kerry and Paul

and they're having trouble, so...

I thought it would be good for
us to get together and chat.

Sure. Chat away.

We've got nothing against you, Grace.

[GRACE] But...

[PAUL] The construction
from Landwill is nuts.

They start at six in the
morning and go 'til it's dark.

Thirteen, fourteen hours...

Well, that's not forever. It's
just until they finish the well.

[KERRY] And the trucks. Tell
her about the trucks, Paul.

The trucks are big. Real
big, and they keep coming.

Truck after truck.
Some park on our lawn.

Tell her about our dog, Paul.

[PAUL] We have a dog...

[KERRY] Had a dog.

[PAUL] Murray. Sweet old guy. Gentle.

Gentle like an angel.

Two days ago he got out of the yard...

Our dog is dead, Grace. Dead!
A Landwill truck ran him over.

I'm so sorry.

Our friend Ryah, who signed up with you,

she's getting nosebleeds, a lot.

Never got 'em in her whole life.
We think it's from the water.


Drew and I are pro this stuff, you
know that, but... hearing this...

Look, Landwill is a good company

and I'm sure we can figure something out

about the construction hours.

And our dog?

- Like I said, I'm really sorry...
- You're sorry? Get a life!

My friend has blood
gushing out of her nose!

Why didn't you tell us it would
be so loud and take so long?

It's all part of a process.

You didn't live on your
property once you leased it.

You cashed out and you moved here.
But we don't have that luxury.

I understand.

Do you? You've got it pretty
nice here. I see an exercise bike.

- Kerry, calm down.
- I'd love an exercise bike.

Know what I have to do? Walk.
Past my dead f*ckin' dog.

Look, you are in this set up phase.
Once that's done, they can drill

and move on, and you
will get paid real money.

And I'll call Landwill and
see if we can figure this out.


Uhn! Let's go!




Good job, nice job.

Told you.

S'up, bro.



message and I'll call you back.

- Russell, it's Grace Poe.

Can you give me a call?
It, it's, uh, important.

Okay, here's what I've got.
Round nine, tomorrow night.

Calls are gonna come in over police
radio that sh*ts have been fired

at a downtown warehouse. 1601 Liberty.

Fisher wants us nearby so
we can be first on scene.

Then what?

I'll get the rest on site.

Which means we have no idea
what we're walking into.

Also means, they don't fully
trust me. Anything can happen.

We'll have the area secured.
Agents around the perimeter,

ready to bust in before
anything goes down.

Not sure that's good enough.


Safe bet? At least one
other Brother will be there.

Based on what Fisher told
me, I'm guessing it'll be Orr.

We can flip him. But if
there's something else,

something I'm not expecting...

I hate to say this...

Del, don't.

- I signed up for this...
- Del...

I'm willing to gamble my life on it,

but I'm not willing to gamble yours.

Don't say my name, Del.

Look, I know you want
to help, I get it, but...

we're gonna find another way.

Are you f*cking kidding me right now?!

I tailed you, found
you with Walker's body.

You are only here because
of my f*cking benevolence.

Because I didn't blow
up this whole operation.

I don't need your protection.

And I sure as f*ck don't
need your permission.

Got it?

- [NATE] Gentle, gentle...
- [ISAAC] Shut up.


Whoa! What'd you do with my roommate?

Lee, let's go.

Billy, you look hot.
I mean, I'd f*ck you.

Not like against your will,
but if you wanted to...

Much appreciated.

- [ISAAC] Ooh, okay!

Lee... wow...

Where you goin'?

I actually don't know.

It's a surprise. We're celebrating.

- Yes you are!

What's that? What are you doing?

It's like gay snapping.
It's a drag thing.

You do drag?

Not on purpose.

How do you accidentally do drag?

- I don't know, sometimes, it just happens.

Shall we?

This place is... nice, right?

Don't even need A.1. sauce.
That's how you know it's good.

You ever wonder what other
couples talk about at dinner?

I'm sure the same stuff we do.

Like them?


They're arguing, right?

[LEE] I guess.

He's like, I can't believe
you made me order salmon.

And she's like, well, you
have high cholesterol, Arnold.


You need fish for your omega threes.
And he's like, f*ck omega threes.

All right, stop acting like my mother.

And she's like, well, someone has to.

And he's like, this is why
I never want to f*ck you.


I know things have
been, um, off with us.

The other night you
said that I was erratic

and that I don't know who I am. And...

Billy, it's okay...

No, let me finish. I
shouldn't have gotten wasted.

And I understand why you said that.

But I do know who I am.

Finally. I didn't for a long time.

Some of that had to do with
you, but a lot had to do with me

and what I thought I deserved.
And then, everything in prison...

it got to me.

But... I'm on the other side now.

I passed my physical.

I'm going to basic training.

You did? When do you...

[BILLY] Right away, pretty much.

It'll be like college for me,
you know. I never had that.

I'm gonna train and learn a skill.

An actual skill to help me
land a job once I'm done.

I'll be a mechanic, or
a welder, or whatever.

And make some money for us.

You seem different.

I'm purged.

My demons are gone.

What demons?

I couldn't let it go,
what happened to me.

But now I can.

I don't think it's that easy.

When you take charge and stop
playing the victim, it is.

[LEE] What does that mean?

You don't have to worry about
me anymore, okay? That's all.

It's up to you whether
you'll be there when I'm done.

We can have a fresh
start. Totally fresh.

Whatever you did in the
past, whatever I did...

we can forget it,
like it never happened.

Billy, I don't...

We don't have to stay in Buell, either.

Okay, I'll go wherever you want to be.

We can really do it.

[WAITRESS] How is everything?

Good. Very good.

You spend all your time
preaching about waiting for love.

Well, here it is, right in front of you.

Yet, you're gonna turn your back on it.

So, I guess we're just f*cked.

I'll move on. But you...

I remember watching this
when I was 12. I was obsessed.

I wanted to f*ck Ryan Phillippe
and be Sarah Michelle Gellar.

And then I thought, oh, wow...

- I'm gay!

I think I was 14 the
first time I saw it.

Get it together, you p*ssy.


Get it together, you p*ssy.


- Don't move.

Uh, you need to adjust yourself.
I suggest utilizing the waistband.

Yeah. [GRUNTS]


Now, it's your turn.

Uh... what are you doing here?

[RUSSELL] I'm back for work.

But also, um...

I don't like how things ended with us.

Can I come in?

[SIGHS] Yeah.

So, how have you, uh, how've you been?


Gonna introduce me to your friend?

Nate, this is, uh, Russell.
Russell, this is Isaac... Nate.

This is Nate and Russell and...

me. Uh, we're all here.

I'm interrupting.

I'll be in town the next few
days if you wanna grab coffee?

Nice to meet you, Nate.

Yeah. [SNIFFS]


[NATE] Who was that?

A guy. He's, uh...

A guy?

He's a friend, but like... not really.

Does that make sense?

No, it doesn't.

[WALKER] This plan of
yours, you think it'll work?

It better.

[WALKER] Then you have no problem
f*cking over your brothers.

They're not my brothers.

I knew something wasn't
right about you coming back.

I could smell it.

But I trusted you.

We all want the same thing.


No, we don't.

You see what I wanted to do and
it's the same thing you want.

Stop the bad guys, fix the system.

I hate to break it to you, Vic,
but you're one of the bad guys.

Bullshit! I devoted
my life to the force!

Put dealers behind bars,
murderers behind bars!

Cleaned up the street
as much as I could,

but there was more I could do.

More I wanted to do! I
thought you were on my side.

I thought you were my friend.

My friend.

You had me out there to hunt.

Dinner with Grace.

Hell, you gave me the f*cking venison.

I did do that, but I
was never your friend.

You're violent toward
people don't deserve it.

People you love.

I was using you.

You think I deserved to die?

[HARRIS] Yeah. I do.

Well, f*ck.

You have no idea what
you're walking into! None!

You think you're so much smarter
than Fisher. I thought that too.

And look at me.


There fluid in this?







[OFFICER] Okay. What time?

[OFFICER #2] I will
ask. I will certain...

'Morning, Steve. Close the door.


Thanks for coming in.

Agent Garn here, is from the FBI.

Tells me they're looking to account for

a decommissioned flak
jacket from your department.

Is this about Del Harris?

What happened to the jacket?

Harris took it.

I'm confused. Did Del Harris come
to you, tell you I took the jacket?

What makes you say that?

I just...

He took it, Del. You
should be talking to him.

Based on what evidence?

Well, you want me to stay
out of West Virginia...

When I said "based on what
evidence," my tone meant to imply

that you don't have any evidence
linking Del to West Virginia.

You have theories.
Anybody can have a theory.

Here's one: Steve Park took a flak
jacket from his own department,

and an unregistered g*n, and
drove out to a cabin in the woods

where he shot up a
church-going old lady...

I had nothing to do with that. Nothing.

And this is so clearly
obviously Del Harris who took...

There's a m*rder*r on the streets.
And you still haven't found him.

And now the FBI is
investigating your department.

How bad at this job are you?

- How do you even know about the jacket?
- Excuse me?

Are you investigating the West
Virginia case? I have info...

[GOSSAGE] We're done here,
Steve. Step off the Herlitz case.

Pass it on to someone competent

so people in this town
can sleep at night.

You can go.

message and I'll call you back.

Russell, it's Grace Poe. I
really, really need to talk to you.

So, can you please give me a call.

Is he your boyfriend?

Definitely not. Well,
we did have a thing.

Is that thing still happening?


Do you want it to be?

He has a wife.

You deserve better than that.

I know.

Do you?

I like you. A lot.

I want you to stay.
Let's figure this out.

[RECEPTIONIST] Hi, how can I help you?

Hi. I need to speak with Russell Wolff.

- Um...
- He works directly with Dale Evans.

Okay, Russell Wolff doesn't operate

out of this building.
I can take a message.

I've already left him
half a dozen messages.

I'm up to my tits in messages
today, so, I need to speak with him.

My name is Grace Poe. It's P-O-E. Poe.

How can I help you?

Um, can you connect me with Dale Evans?

Just give him a call. My name
is Grace Poe, he knows me.

If there's a problem on your
property, I'm happy to help.

It's not... Um, I work
here. With Russell Wolff.

You work at Landwill?

In Buell. Yeah, and I'm
trying to solve a problem.

Trying to solve a bunch of problems,
and I can't get a hold of Russell.

So, if you could just, please,
put me in touch with Dale Evans...

Sorry, but I've never heard of you.

Are you new?



[KEVIN SIGHS] Make sure
she finds her way out.

Thirty-two water tests mailed
out like f*cking report cards!

Where'd they come from? And
don't tell me Nell McKenna.

She did the tests. Turned
herself in and now she's dead.

Seems like her parting gift.

Some of the tests. Nell
McKenna did some of the tests.

Some of these came for other
labs, different counties.

Which means, either
Nell found these people

that I pay you to make unfindable,

or someone with access to our
files is responsible for the leak.

Someone like you.

Me?! You can't be serious!

Or one of your partners! I don't know.

Dale, look, I am on
your team, you know that.

Thirty-two water tests
means 32 settlements.

Major fuckup. And that's if
we can get them to settle.

And if we can do it fast
enough to keep this quiet.

But my bigger concern is there's
still somebody out there, or in here,

with more information,
planning more damage.

And you need to make
sure that doesn't happen.

Get to work.

They acted like I was important.

You are important.

Like they needed me.

And then, I come to Pittsburgh
and they don't even know my name.

f*cking corporations, m*therf*ckers.

Could I get a cup of coffee, black?

What's on your mind?

It's all happening tonight.


- You sure?
- Yeah.

I'm worried about Angela.
She could get hurt.

It's one thing if I die...

No-no-no, if there's a choice
between her and you, you choose you.

That's the end of the story.

Harris, what the f*ck?!

What are you doing here?

Are you getting the FBI on my ass?

How'd you know I was here?

Answer my question. Did
you go to the FBI about me?

I have no idea what you're
f*cking talking about.

You drove all the way to
Pittsburgh to ask me that?

I was ambushed by an
FBI agent and the new DA.

- Want to know what they asked about?
- Not really.

The missing flak jacket from our
station. If there's one thing I know,

you never ask questions you
don't already know the answers to,

which means, they know about the
jacket. And my guess, they have it.

Which also means you're trying
to pin West Virginia on me.

- Steve...
- I will not go down

for what you did. What both of you did.

Looks like you made your bed.

You put Steve Park out of
your mind for now. Okay?

Call me as soon as it's over.


Unexpected visit from Steve followed
by an unexpected visit from you.

Consider it a warning.

Hey, I came to you!

No cold feet, Harris. Otherwise,
that duffle we promised you

could easily make it into
Steve Park's hands instead.

And we think we know
what he'll do with it.


Lee, hi.

I'm heading out. Just wanted to
remind you I'll be away tomorrow.

Right, New York.

The next time you see me I'll
be an officially divorced woman.

About that...

Open it.

I have the same ones, they're amazing.

I thought you could use a
bit of comfort right now.

Thank you. How thoughtful.

Try them on. Make sure they're
the right size before you go.

- I'll do it at home.
- I insist.

This way, if they don't fit, I'll
take them back while you're away.

Um, sure. Okay.

- So?
- They're perfect.

Thank you.

I need your help.

Russell? Wait, Russell, hi.

What's with the tool belt?

Are... are you following me?

No. I've been trying to reach you.

I've been calling,
I've left you messages.

I even went to Pittsburgh,
which was really f*cking weird

because they don't know
who I am. Why is that?

Are you staying here?

Can we just... Can we do this tomorrow?

I just got back in town, I'm exhausted.

No, really, look, a bunch of people

came to my house upset about Landwill.

There's issues, stuff that
shouldn't be happening.

- I think we can fix it but...
- We?

Yes, I need your help. If you
had just picked up the phone...

Do you know how lucky
you are? Don't follow me.

Don't come at me in the
f*cking street, Grace Poe,

unless you want to go back to
being absolutely f*cking nobody.

Leave a message, wait for an
answer, like a normal person.


f*ck you.

Uh, Mr. Cleveland?

You left these in the desk. Room #22.

Mr. Cleveland?


♪ Walkin' down a ridge one night ♪

♪ Cured grass and Ponderosa pine ♪

♪ The light, it nearly
faded from the sky ♪

♪ I heard a noise come from behind ♪

♪ I turned around just in time to
find three glowing sets of... ♪

Okay, y'all, time for our
favorite new tradition!

This one's for my special guy.

[WOMAN] There we go.

[MAN] Let's go!


♪ Children behave ♪

♪ That's what they say
when we're together ♪

♪ And watch how you play ♪

♪ They don't understand and so we're ♪

- ♪ Running just as fast as we can ♪
- Yeah, sing it!

- Have my baby!
- ♪ Holding on to one another's hand ♪

♪ Trying to get away into the night ♪

♪ And then you put your arms around me ♪

♪ And we tumble to the
ground and then you say ♪

- ♪ I think we're alone now ♪

♪ There doesn't seem
to be anyone around ♪

♪ I think we're alone now ♪

♪ The beating of my
heart is the only sound ♪

Eat your heart out, Tiffany!


You are in a seriously wild mood.

I just love this f*ckin' song, baby.

Woo-hoo! sh*ts on Virgil!

Greedy f*ck! sh*ts on
that guy, right there!


Ooh! Ooh! Ooh!

All right, well, I'm gonna head back.


Honestly, watching your dad
twerk gives me a headache.

It happens to the best of us.

[VIRGIL] All right, wait a minute.

I want to sing a song
with my kid, Billy.

Come on, come on up here.

- Yeah!

We're gonna rock out.

You mind if I stay? Hearing Billy
sing is a very rare occurrence.

Of course. I'll see
you when you get back.

[VIRGIL] I want to sing
"Enter the Sandman."

- [BILLY] No, no, no. Eminem.
- [VIRGIL] Yeah, Metallica.

The dynamic duo.

Billy Poe, and Virgil Poe.

- [BILLY] I'm gonna start it off.
- [VIRGIL] Okay.

You good?



Are you scared?


Me neither.


What I said about you in
front of the FBI, I'm sorry.

I know you're capable. Hell,
you're more capable than me.

It's just...

I like you... is all.

And I don't like a lot of people.


Why is Bolt calling your cell?

No idea. Answer it. Put it on speaker.

Chief, it's Burgos. Del's driving.

[BOLT] Where are you?

[ANGELA] Near the creek.

Get over to 45 Windgap immediately.
Doxman Tire Yard in The Rocks.

- Chief...
- [BOLT] There's an officer down

and you're the closest
ones there by 20 minutes.

Why isn't it being
called in over the radio?

[BOLT] Burgos, it's
not just one cop down.

We think it's an
altercation between two.

Don't have I.D.s yet and I don't
want to broadcast it widely.

Our whole night just got blown up.

[OVER RADIO] sh*ts
fired at 1601 Liberty.

I repeat, sh*ts fired at 1601
Liberty. Requesting units nearby.

the Brotherhood call.

We're almost there, stick with the plan.


I cannot believe this.
I seriously cannot.




Think he's bailing?

Call Burgos.

No bars. I just had service. f*ck.

["k*lling YOU, k*lling

♪ Monday evening ♪
♪ Lying down for bed ♪

♪ I got the days news ♪
♪ Hanging in my head ♪

♪ I got too much stuff to do ♪

♪ And so do you ♪

♪ Went down to Houston ♪
♪ To see if I could find ♪

♪ That piece of something ♪
♪ That could ease my mind ♪

♪ Couldn't find the answer ♪
♪ Only found more pain ♪

♪ When it pours it rains ♪

♪ Honey can't you see ♪

♪ It's k*lling you it's k*lling me ♪

♪ Got to leave that ball and chain ♪

♪ Living that way only brings us pain ♪

♪ Only brings us pain ♪

To my son, Billy.

To younger women, older
whiskey, and more money!

[LEE] Next on American
Rust: Broken Justice...

What are you doing here?

Tell me about your necklace.

Today is the end of our marriage,

but it's also the
beginning of a friendship.

Have dinner with me tonight?

Angela, you were right,
something is going on.

If there's cops in there,
where are their cruisers?