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11x08 - m*rder on the High Seas

Posted: 04/21/24 12:10
by bunniefuu
You’ve got sh-- going on.

You’re your own worst
enemy right now.

You need to depart the vessel.

I’m getting the boot?

This is the first time
I’ve been seeing someone

in the same department.

Caring way.

So we all do mortgages.

Listen, it’s actually
a great time

to buy a house
if you’re looking.

Is everything okay, my love?

I’m losing my mind right now.

Good luck, love.

All I know is we’re ----ed.

That’s the way it goes.
That’s yachting, mate.

What about you?

I’m good.

-Hey, guys.
-What’s up?

So she has some family
things going on at home.

Oh, all right.

She’s got to get the hell
out of here.

No worries.
No worries.

We’re two crew down.
We’re in a tough situation.

My focus is
supporting my crew,

I’m picturing Titanic,

and the boat going down,

and the band playing.

I get we all have our
personal things going on,

but they know that.

-We need someone.
-Yeah, I know.

I feel everyone’s
running around,

and I mean, like...

I mean, even look
at Barbie, she’s...

Honestly, the way Barbie
moves gives me anxiety.

There’s a term that
I use in yachting.

It’s called spinning.

You move really quickly.

You seem busy, but you’re
not being productive

and getting more done.

It’s getting old.

Cheers, b*tches.
There you go.

Let’s get this party started.


Should I just look up
a m*rder mystery story?

Do you have to figure it out?

I need a crime.
I need clues.

We’re in deep sh--.

You know, we’re missing
someone outside,

and now someone inside,

and we’ve got to set up a sunset
drinks reception on a beach

that I’ve not been to before.

And then a m*rder mystery.

Losing a stew is one thing.

I’ve been on a boat,
and we’ve run aground,

and I’ve had to pretend that
we haven’t to the guests.

Try that as an obstacle.

I can do this now,
meaning quickly,

before I jump into cabins.

Getting on the beach
is a real challenge.

You just got to hover it there.

I mean, it’s one thing for us.

I’m just wondering whether
we should bring this as well.

What do you think?

We take a little snorkel first,
and they can swim in.

Yeah, that’s good.

We’re a crew member down.
I can ferry guests down there.

Do you want me
to take that one?

Let me take that one with you.

Okay, I need this, but
I don’t want it to get wet.

For the weaponry?

Xandi and Barbie,
you’ll both be on service.

Got this, thank you.

-Is that it?
-That’s it, mate.

Rock and roll.

See you when
I’m looking at you.

-Thank you, sir.
-Here’s a bloody mary, sir.

-Thank you so much.
-May I take that from you?

Thank you.

I think we’re doing
pretty good, man down.

Yeah, me, too.

The access isn’t great.

See how far the water’s
coming up?


It’ll have to be quick
fingers, guys, alright?

-Let’s go.

Are we able to beach at all?

No, you’re just going to
pass off to him.

I’m going to lose the boat.

Usually the most amazing place
is the most difficult to get to.

We’ve got very deep water coming
up to a shallow beach.

So every time I’m bringing
in the equipment,

the current is pushing me
to the shallow section.

But you’ve got to
make a calculation.

Is the risk worth the reward?

When it comes to this beach,
yes, it is.

That one’s a heavy one.

Thank you.

-Good job, guys.
-Thank you.

I had anxiety about, am
I going to be fed enough?

Now I’m like, oh, God,
I’m being fed too much.

So we’ll do
four chairs here.


Grab the line.

I’m sweating like a bitch.

Are you cool with me taking
a five-minute break

when they leave?

Literally five.

-Thank you.
-Bye-bye. Enjoy.

Shore party, shore party.


What do you think
of this spot?

I love it.
Good job, Captain.

So this is the area we’re going
to be snorkeling.

Carriacou’s very low-lying.

It’s different to Grenada.
There’s no mountains.

It has unspoiled beaches,
pristine reefs.

Absolutely spectacular.

Cheese and rice.

Come here, baby.

Let daddy get you.

Oh, here?

Damn, look like sh--, guys.

So much to do.

Yeah, you’re fine.
Come, come, come.

Just don’t want it to
get stranded on the shore.

You’re going to be fine
where you are.

It’s quite a deep drop.

-Oh, no.
-What’s that, Ben?

Ah, [bleep].

Okay, okay.

Push the back off.

That’s it.


It was like...

That’s why it’s so
difficult for us to pull out.

I think so.

-Welcome to the beach excursion.
-You guys are exceptional.

[engine sputtering]

It’s the sound that
you’d never want to hear.

Sand gets sucked up
into the impeller.

It’s like a grinding,
crunching sound.

It means you’re in trouble.


I think the engine’s
got too hot, mate.

I’m going to jump down
in laundry.

We’re stew down, we’re doing
the best we can, you know?

And you have to be everywhere.

Am I going to make mistakes?

I’m exhausted.

She doesn’t sometimes know what
to prioritize before others.

It is frustrating.

I mean, should just, like,
all worked together

and tried
and do what we’re told.

I’m thinking an all-on-one.

So we go in there,
we pack everything up.

Guests can just hang out
while we’re packing up.

Then they come out,
we transfer to this boat,

get the guests, come back here,

hook up the toe,
and we go in one hit.

God damn it.

All right, bro, I have no idea
what the [bleep] I’m doing.

I spend my day, my time,
my life looking for something.

Anthony, it’s your fault.

Instead of cooking, I’m, like,
going to the store every day.

It’s, like, terrible.

Anthony, use your brain, bro.

This wind, man.

That weather,
is that heading towards us?

Yeah, we’re going to...

It’s going to get too dark to
be doing this any other way.

That’s amazing.

-Well done.
-Thank you.

-Thank you.

We got a nice storm coming.

Not only do I have a weather
pattern approaching me,

I have the tide changing.

Also, if I beach the ski boat,
we’re stuck here for the night.

Time to do some captain sh--.

Alrighty, guys.

So we’ve got a little
bit of a situation

to let you know what’s going on.

-That tender is out of action.
-Oh, no.

So what we’re going to do is
we’re going to get all the gear

into this boat,
ferry it to the little one.


And once everything’s in there,
we’ll come grab you guys.


So you guys stay and
enjoy your drinks.

We’re just going to keep
packing up around you.

There’s no problem.

Let me top you up.

Anyone looking for some more?

-Give it to the ladies.
-Oh, why not?

Give it to the ladies.

Look out, look out!

Don’t turn your back
to the boat.

Nearly speared you, mate.

I mean, he’s got that boat
right up here, dude.

Are you all ready for
us to take your bags

so you don’t get them wet?

What about our phones?

Yeah, phones should probably
go in bags at this stage.

What else can we put in here?
Nothing, right? That’s it?

Are we going?

-Let’s do ladies first.

-Ladies first.

Yeah, let’s move.
Let’s move.

Just when Captain tells you.

Stand by.
I’ll tell you when.

Stand back.

No one moves towards
the boat till I say so.

-Yes, sir.

Just stand by.
I’ll tell you when.

Stand back.

No one moves towards
the boat till I say so.

-Yes, sir.

The captain’s getting
very aggro.

Nothing trumps safety.

I’ll do everything I can
to keep a guest safe.

I’ve got to read the waves
bring the boat in on a calm wave

and back it out on
the higher waves.

There’s a lot of
moving parts here.

Okay. Let’s go.

This is a very dangerous
situation I am right now.

-Me, too?
-Go ahead

-Jump, girl!

-And now it’s raining.
-It’s raining.


I’ve got two drinks here.

All right, jump on.

We got this.

-Good job.

Okay, guys.

-Welcome to the experience.

Well done, mate.


-Party’s over.
-Everybody out.

That was crazy.

Thanks, everyone.
Thank you, guys.

Hi, beautiful.
How was your trip?

My God.
It was an adventure.

I’m gonna head up to the laz.
Are you good?

Yeah, thanks, captain.

This table set? Amazing.

How are you doing?
You look so composed.

No, I’ve literally sat down

for three minutes
since this morning.

We’re k*lling it.
We’re gonna be good.

Well done.

You look good.


I knew that was coming.

Instead of some child
school playground scissors.

Do you want something
a bit more?

Oh, my God.

We are ready to go.

In character.

We are ready when you are to
welcome you up to our table

so we can get this
m*rder on the way.

-Let’s go.
-Let’s go.

-We’re very excited.

Someone will
die tonight, who will it be?

-How awesome is that?
-It’s gorgeous. I love it.

This is going to be so much

better than we thought
it was going to be.

I know.

Okay, so I am the
captain’s socialite wife.

Okay, I’m going to run.

-Thank you.

-OMG, Lesley.

We’ve got the shrimp, lobster
and king crab legs.

Oh, wow.

Anybody want extra mussels?

I’ve got plenty, mate.

Plenty of them.


-What have you got?

Two guys.
Are you guys able to do this?

Yes, we can do this.

Dou you want to do a m*rder
scene somewhere on the boat?

You’re k*lling me, as well?

I haven’t actually done
a m*rder mystery before,

but I can get the general gist.

So I’ve ordered some props.
I’ve ordered bits and bobs.

And then I’ve got all this
fun stuff you guys use.

So I’m just going
to shift the responsibility

onto someone else so
I can focus on the service.

Is that what the job
is about as a manager?


Thanks, guys.
You’re stars.

This is, like,
the day just keeps

getting crazier and crazier.

Oh, the m*rder mystery.

Oh, [bleep].

We’re writing clues,
and we’ve got, like,

a whole bag of toys.

You can be in
charge of props.

Well, listen,
we’ll just map this out

so that we know what
we’re doing, right?

All right.

And then we’ll
get a storyline.

Right, clue one.
What’s the story?

I have no idea.

That’s more like
a treasure hunt.

Oh, this ----ing m*rder
mystery, my God.

[bleep] me.

I’m not the most theatrical
person, you know what I mean?

That’s not my bag.

I grew up playing rugby.

I was running about talking sh--
biting everybody’s ears off.

But, I mean,
I’ve got good ideas.

That’s outside the door, right?

So the next one is Fraser
in the room on the floor.

-Yep, with the blood.
-Yeah, that’s good.

I’m not theatrical anyway,

but I do have moments
of brilliance sometimes.

The drinks will all be there.
The number’s on the bottom.

They’ll all drink, cheers.

And then whoever gets one is
the one that k*lled Fraser.

Can I help at all?
Got another tea towel?

I will have one in two seconds.

Do you want me
to start clearing?

Yeah, you can start.
How you doing, chef?

Oh, [bleep] a duck.

Oh, mate.

-You would--

Look at this.
Tony, Tony, Tony.

For the main course,
we have a fish papillote

with a local blue marlin,

an orange, lemon,
grapefruit sauce.

So you just put it on the top.

-It’s like a present.
-It is.

-It’s like Christmas.
-It’s a gift.

-Very, very good.
-[bleep]’s sake.

It’s just going all
over the floor.

Sorry, Fraser.

Chef, I need your tiny tongs.

A tong?

Yeah, the tiny ones.

What happened?

And we have to organize
the galley after.


Because it’s not organized.

Chef, he’s brilliant.
And we vibe.

But I’m concerned
because of cleanliness.

There is stuff everywhere.

Do you want me to put,
like, um...

Do what you’re going to do.

I’m definitely feeling
a stew down.

I can’t take on another job.

And I feel like that’s what
I’m doing at the moment.


This gives me so
much anxiety.

I know, bro.


Thank you very much.
Thank you for everything.

I got a little firm today,

but I was worried
about your safety.

Of course.

-Safety first.
-I’m going to hit the sack.

-Enjoy your night.
-Thank you.

Have a good night.

Darling, as we go
into our dessert,

we’re starting
the m*rder mystery.

All right, I’m just going
to get the crazy going.

All right, good, good.

Okay, I’m going to start going.

Who’s going to brush
my hair later?

Kyle will.

Yeah, you like the look, huh?

Yeah, I do, girl.
I ain’t going to lie.

Chocolate lava cake.

I want to watch this.
I want to watch this.

It is so good.



I have to admit,

I did quite forget
this was happening.

Wait, where’d she go?
Did she die?

Oh, my God, he’s so serene.

Everyone, silence.

Your first clue.

Read it, read it.

"On the deck closest to the sun,

you can play 21."

Let’s go.

Oh, they’re going to go.

All right, they’re going to go.

We got to go.

Let’s take a look-see
up here, shall we?

Is this the closest?

We’ve got a job to do.

"Find the bell for
a story is to tell."

What we’re doing with
two men down is crazy.


We found it!

"Spin the globe.
The world is at your feet."

Spin the globe!

"The next clue will be found
outside room one of four."

That’s the state room.


"Well done.
You found the w*apon.

"Open the door.

Someone might be on the floor."



It can’t be! Not my--

It’s Fletcher!

Who would do
such an awful thing?

"Retrace your steps.

Whoever has number
one has k*lled."

It’s back to the table.


Who’s got number one on
the bottom of their cup?


Who k*lled me?

All I did was try
to steal your ring.

Well, it’s still mine, beep!


Mission accomplished!

Guests were happy, right?

No, they’re drunk.

Or drunk, yeah.

-You guys were amazing!
-That was so much fun!

-Very good.
-Thank you!

That was great!

Coming up...

Deckhand Dylan will be
arriving in about 30 minutes.



My jaw’s on the floor.

-That was phenomenal.
-So fun.

Close it all up.
We’re going to bed.

-We’re going to bed.
-Good night, Fraser.

Well, have a great one.
I’ll see you in the morning.

-Thank you so much.
-Thank you.

Xan, Fraser,
you couldn’t go down.

Thank you.

You don’t want to touch me.

I like you coming down.

It’s been one of those...
It’s been sh--.

Everything’s after that.

It’s like literally
hot mess express.

Choo choo, mother----ers.

Hot mess express.

I’ve aged like 30 years.

-I’ll see you in the morning.
-Thanks, mate.

I think Sunny’s in there,
by the way.

Oh, yeah? So what the [bleep]
am I doing there?

No, no, no. Nothing.
It’s just to sleep.

-Good night.
-Good night.

-Good morrow.
-I loved every part of today.

I think we’re
roommates again tonight.


Cool. No problem.

Good night, cruel world.

I’m tired.

My ass hurt.
My legs hurt.

All right.

Bye, bye, bye, bye.

[alarm sounds]

Day in the life, hey.


Why are you so needy?

What’s the special today?

Do you want to do an omelette?

-Yeah, because...
-Three omelettes.

We need a special ingredient.


It just feels like
he’s winging it.

That’s not how yachting works.

I’m worried, but there’s
only so much I can do.

What about breakfast patties?

You could do fried egg
in a burger bun.

And then you get a breakfast...

It’s a great idea.

I wonder where you came
up with that one.

Two cappuccinos,
of course, coming up.

Hello, Kerry speaking.

Hey, Kerry, this is Curtis
with Yacht Services.

Great news for you,
your deckhand Dylan.

He will be arriving at the Grand
Mal dock in about 30 minutes.

That’s awesome, mate.
Fantastic. We’ll be there in 30.

Ben, Ben, Kerry.

Yeah, come up here, mate.
I’ve got some good news for us.


Thank you.

So, the new deckhand
just landed. Dylan.



So, in half an hour,
we’ll go grab him.

Okay, sweet.

Dylan’s been a
chase boat captain.

He has been on some bigger
boats, which is helpful.

-Chase boat captain.

-Are we going?

-Thanks, mate.

What time do we leave again?

I think it’s 12.

All right, let’s do it.


Can you bring me
the maple syrup?

Oh, my God, chef,
I can’t deal with him.


Whoo! I’m Dylan, nice
to meet you, dude.

Thanks, man.
I’m Ben.

I’m from Cape Town, originally.

I’m 23 years old, and
I’ve been doing yachting

for the last four years.

I started in the south
of France.

I’ve worked on boats
from 27 meters

all the way to 100 meters

and worked my way up
from a deckhand

to a chase boat captain.

So far.

-Sunny, Sunny, Ben.
-Go ahead.

-We are in Rear.

I make people feel better
by being super happy.

Like, what I love to do is
when I’m running, you know,

I’m running down the road
and I see someone.

I always go like this and
then give them a high five.

They won’t understand any of it,
but they will remember you.

How are you doing?
Welcome to St. David.

Good to be here.
My name’s Dylan.

Sunny, nice to meet you.


Who is this model-looking
man coming on board?

My jaw’s on the floor.

Cheers, man.

Do you want to have one of
the guys show me his room?

Well, I’ll take you home, bro.

You know where Cheffy’s room is?

-Yeah, yeah.
-All right, let’s do it.

All right, lad.

-He’s gorgeous, hey?

Top of the stairs
on the left.

Yeah, I’m going to take a minute
to get used to this place.

Glad to have you on board, mate.

And then eventually,
I’ll let you know who

I think is going to be the lead,

maybe in a couple of
charters’ time or so.

-Oh, for lead deckhand?
-Yeah, yeah, yeah.

But, um, dude, you’ve got
so much experience,

so, yeah,
we just need hands.

Ben tells me he’s not made a
decision on lead deckhand.

Fully understandable.

You have to have
me prove myself.

I’m ready to go. I’m ready to
show them what Dylan has got.

-Fray, have you met Dylan yet?
-No, I haven’t.

-Hey, Dylan, nice to see you.

-What? What do you mean?

Tell me what that means.

It’s like a
little flabbergast.

-Are you turned on?

Let’s get down to
the swim platform.

All right, let’s do it.

So, we’ve got the French toast,

and then we have
British breakfast bun.

Okay, we’re going
to close the stern door.

Last day, baby.
Last day.

-That looks fantastic, Cheffy.
-Thank you.

Dyl, are you happy
to flake the chain for me?

Yeah, sure.

-Are you ready, sir?
-Oh, I am ready.

Chef, I’m going to go
to French toast.


We can commence
anchoring please.

-Let her rip.

French toast. Brioche bun
with a core of maple syrup.

Oh, my God.

Now you’re talking.

-Anchors home and secure.
-Copy. Thank you.

Sunny and Dylan, I’m going
to have you guys on the bow.

Can you please prep that and
make sure that it’s ready?


Should I prep
the port side winch?

Yeah, could you please do that?
Thank you so much.

Would you like, Lesley,
a sausage?

I’m fine. Thank you.

Oh, she’s had plenty
of sausage on this trip.

So when I come in, this first
corner is my biggest concern.

-This buoy and that carrier.

Big girl, isn’t she, Cap?

Says I’ve got 60
meters to play with.

So I should have 20 a side.

That gets real small real quick.


First docking as bosun
under Captain Kerry.

There’s a sh--load
riding on this.

Sunny has to run this bow.

Dylan’s just coming in and he
doesn’t know the boat that well.

I mean, we
have to nail this.

Otherwise, might as
well pack my bags.

Sunny on the bow, you’re not
going to use the radio.

You’re going to use your voice.


I don’t need to know
under 30 meters.

That’s always the
closest point of contact.

Someone goes wrong.
What am I going to hit first?

-Cool. Happy with that?

All right, let’s go.
Thanks, Cap.

She’s tight today.

The big boat, eh?

----ing real big rig.

Okay, deck team clear
and concise.

Let’s just keep our info
coming to Cap.

Okay, what’s my
projected starboard?

Starboard, at this angle,
you’ll be clearing

by one, five meters, 15.

I’m going to go
watch the docking.

Cap, you’ve got this, mate.

I’m going to start
my swing slowly.

I need my starboard
quarter distance.

Starboard side closing,
one, two, twelve.

Okay, again, port wing
station, port wing.

This ship, it’s massive.

If I bring it too far,

I’m going to hit the buoys
on the right-hand side

and possibly the reef.

If I don’t come enough,

I’m going to wipe out the
back of the ship.

I can’t [bleep] this up.

Eight meters, captain.


You can come back a lot.

The ship’s not helping me.

Plant my swing here.

Do we have clearance for
me to do a full swing?

Clear to swing.

-You’re clear.

Cap, your starboard quarters
looking fantastic.

Cap, one meter.

All right. Lock it off there.
Lock it there.

Forward spring on the dock.

-Done, done.
-Good job.

This is my first time
doing this.


Thank you, guys.
Great work.

-Good calling, mate.
-Thanks, mate. Appreciate it.

Bye, St. David.

Do you guys want to get
changed into your whites?

-On it.

Can you believe it, love?

No, I’m very sad.

All crew, all crew.

Let’s get ourselves
in the aft deck.

I’m so tired.

Are you guys ready?

-No, I’m not ready.
-I’m so sad.

I loved all of them.

-Thank you so much.
-Thank you so much.

-Thank you so much.
-Don’t go.

You are wonderful.

Please, don’t go.

Come in here.

-We had a great time.
-Oh, my gosh.

Yeah, no, we just,
it’s actually going to make me

a little emotional because
this has been something

that has been on
a bucket list of mine

and you guys truly

all expectations
I ever had.

And so I am truly
so grateful

and I had such an
extraordinary time.

-Thank you for everything.
-Love you all.

-Thank you.

No, goodbye.
See you later.

All right.
Guys, that was really excellent.

I haven’t had a better thank you
from any guests before.

Let’s go get into our
off-charter uniforms

and give you guys a call
for a tip meeting.

-Thanks, Cap.

-Did you enjoy it so far?

-Just getting started.
-No, I’m so happy.

I’m so happy.

I’m feeling really
positive about Ben and I’s

relationship right now.

Last time, I guess
I was in love.

We weren’t in a relationship,

but I was in love with the guy,

but he was a mountaineer
and I’m a mermaid

and that’s where
roads just split.

He’s the one that got away,
but you know what?

There’s Ben.

All right.

We know we’re at Sun Deck,

Bridge Deck, and then hopefully
we can knock off by four.

Yeah, I just want all cabins
to look somewhat guest ready.


You don’t drink
that much, right?

It depends.
I’m really hard on myself.

So if you give me a
choice between McDonald’s

or like a salad with broccoli,

I’ll take the salad with

because I used to be
really fat, you know?


I was always bullied for being
not attractive, overweight.

I was very insecure
in so many ways

and I decided that it’s going
to either break me or make me.

I was bullied a lot.

So then I decided I’m going
to show these mother----ers,

I’m going to get a better body
than all of them.

My proudest accomplishment
is the double chest bump.


This is James and
this is Barry.

I’ve got stretch
marks on my ass.

I had like a proper fat ass.

Hello, Mama Xandi.

He is my brother on the boat

and he inherited the role
of putting me to bed at night.

-I always put her to bed.

Every night.

Oh my word.
Thank you.

Can you show him the goats?

Goats. Hello.

-Okay, boy.
-All right.

I have a job to do,
we have a drop to do

and he has a hull to polish.

polish the hull.

All crew, all crew.
It’s time for the tip meeting.

Let’s go.

Where’s the rosé?

Close that fly, please.

My eyes are up
here, mate.

Oh, mine aren’t.

Not when you’re around.

All right.
How’s everyone doing?

Good, Cap.
How are you?

I’d like to welcome Dylan.

-Welcome, Dylan.
-Welcome, Dylan.

Thank you.

I’m really, really
happy to be here.

We kicked off this charter,
crew member down,

and then unexpectedly,
Cat had to depart.

And I saw you guys get together
and help each other out.

Everyone worked together.

I mean, you guys did
an amazing, amazing job.

I’m down a stew.

It’s been an emotional
rollercoaster for everyone.

We’re suffering.

This is tough, but you
just got to take

what you’re being given
and roll with the punches.

So, the total tip.



Oh, my God,
we worked so hard.

That is incredible.

-Dylan, you just joined us.

So, the rest of the
crew’s share is $2,727.

Holy sh--.


And I took 50 bucks off
everyone’s to give you a $550.

Amazing. Thank you.

We’ll pass it around there.

We got the biggest tip of
the season,

and everyone did an
absolutely amazing job.

They surprise me all the time.

Extremely impressed.


-Good going, guys.

For another great charter.

Coming up...

Can I help you wash, brother?

Thanks, man.

Interior, interior,
let’s wrap up.

Well done to you.

What is everyone’s
vibe tonight?

I need to get in the shower.

How are you?
Do you enjoy that charter?

-Did you enjoy that charter?

-With two crew members down?

I think in a way it
pushed us sort of closer,

and I think...

Guests, I feel, are
harder on interior.

Guests see everything
on interior, right?

No, yeah, they do.


Quick question.
Where’s the toilet paper?

Take from a day head.

We don’t have any.

You just got to take one
from the toilets.

From a guest toilet.

All right, get in the shower.
Come on.

This guy’s so huge, bro.

I need to go back to the gym.

----ing sexy.
Let’s go, bro.

Whoa, Sunny sunshine.


Let’s go, guys.

Ready to go, baby?

Okay, let’s talk about Dylan.

Dylan is undoubtedly
very good looking.

Cheers, bro.
I’m excited, bro. I’m excited.

Welcome to the paradise.


-Keep scooching.

Cheers, everybody.



Thank you, guys!

Fraser, yay!

Dude, do it through your nose.
Do it through your nose.


Do it. Do it. Do it.

[phone speaking Turkish]

Nah, let’s do something else.


Oh, my God,
I just had deja vu.

What do you guys
think about deja vu?

You think it’s
a legitimate thing?

I think there’s
multiple timelines.

And I think that it’s a memory

you’re having from a
different timeline.

Wow, very cool.



When Dylan talks, honestly...

Like, if I was dating
him, I’d be like,

just be quiet the whole dinner.

I think so, too.

Shut the [bleep] up?

Just let me do my thing.


-The grilled fish, please.
-Filet mignon.

The fish of the day.

Guys, I have a bug in my drink.

No, Kyle.

Well, thank you so much.

Bon apetit!

-This is good.
-I’m enjoying my fish.

The rice was so good.

Yeah, sure.

Way more, man.

All right.

The ladies look good tonight.

All of the girls
are sexy, bro.

Sunny doesn’t count because
she’s with Ben already.

Maybe I should wait
for the other stew.

No, because I want
to wait for the other stew.


I hope she’s hot.

I need to speak to Chef.

-His organization.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

His galley is so
----ing disorganized.

I love him, but I feel
like I’m doing...


Too much for what
really is expected,

and I need to talk
to him personally

and say enough is enough.

How are you guys?

Yeah, rock and roll.

All right, let’s go,
let’s go, let’s go.

You’re full of energy.


Ben is pissing me the
[bleep] off.

He’s touchy-feely with Xandi.

Ben is disrespecting
what we have.

And that just makes me want
to set his bunk bed on fire.

Coming up...



We gotta go, we gotta go!

All right, let’s go, let’s go!

Yes, Fraser!
I’m coming in!




Good God!

People love making out
with me.


And straight men sometimes
like to, you know,

show me appreciation in
more than just being a bud.

With a kiss.

And I’m not mad about it.

Is Fraser a
good kiss or not?

He’s a ----ing champion, eh?

Hey, St. David!





In my cabin without
so many people.

Mr. Trump?

Yes, sir?
Yes, sir?

I don’t know, dude,
I can’t read it.

It’s like a rollercoaster
with Sunny.

One minute she’s kissing me,

the next minute she’s just
giving me the cold shoulder.

You called me off on the radio.


Yeah, I didn’t like that.


I don’t know what to do.

Like, this is why I don’t get
attached to people anymore

because it’s just too much
bullsh-- that comes with, like,

relationships sometimes.

Anyways, I’ll leave
it at that.


How you doing, Xan? Okay.



-Yeah, it was a good night.
-It was.

I enjoyed dancing
with everyone.

Is this a
cigarette up here?

No, it got wet,
so I threw it out.

Did it?
Okay, copy.

Yeah, I can’t be next
to Xan right now.

Like, I’m jealous,
obviously I’m jealous.

-Ben told me...
-I just can’t be around them

while when they’re together.

Yeah, because I made it.

-Not because he wanted it.
-He doesn’t want to end--

Not true. He did want it.


There’s some drama
stirring on the STD.


The thing is, is like,
when you drink,

Ben wants to take care of you
because he’s a good guy

because you guys have that
brother and sister relationship.

But Sunny sees it as...

Like, I probably have
more chemistry

towards her than to Ben.

But Ben and me click like...
I want him in my life.

-Like brothers.
-He’s my brother.


Like brother and sister,
but she doesn’t get that.

Honestly, this is ridiculous.

Sunny has nothing
to worry about.

I enjoy Ben as a friend.
I’m doing nothing wrong.

Like, honestly,
please just get off my tits.

If that makes sense.

And that triggers me so much.

I think it’s more of a Sunny
having a personal issue with Ben

and projecting it through you.

Like, literally, the whole
situation between them

is embarrassing for them.

Just draw a line, Ben.
Draw a line.

Why do I need to change myself

to make
some 22-year-old sh--head

feel better about herself?

I have spent enough time
changing for other people.

I’m done changing.
I’m being myself.

Just this whole thing
can [bleep] off.

I am chill.

She’s quite young
in that situation.

For [bleep]’s sake.
Like, cash me outside.

Like, I’m done with
this ----ing sh--.

We’re halfway
through the season.

We’re getting tired.

This is the opportunity
just to smash it.

The easiest sh--
is on the shore.

I’m so tired.

I’m not good enough
to be on this boat.

You want me to go?

I’d rather have no sleep

than have to look at
your face every morning.

Port quarter,
three and a half meters.

I think he overshot it.

----ing blatant disrespect.

You’re the ----ing
bosun, mate.

What did I do to
get this comment?

Leave me out of
this ----ing car!

Everyone is going to be like,

Dylan, you’re a d*ck,
so you know what?

I am not the d*ck.

I have a d*ck, but I’m
not going to be the d*ck.


...extremely successful.


Jesus Christ!

It hurts my ----ing back!

We’ve got Jill Zarin,

one of the original
housewives of New York.

This is a buffet meal.

It shouldn’t be
a three-hour meal.

-Make it better.
-This is crazy.

Tonight, the stew arrives.

Where the [bleep]
is the new stew?

Hello, are you our new stew?

-She’s an attractive girl.

Bloody hell.
I’m in trouble.

He goes straight to her.

And he’s like this,
oh hi, why don’t you come?

Oh, sorry.

I like Kyle.
I really like Kyle.

It’s just like
a fun, flirtatious...


I’ve done everything
I can for you to succeed.

The issue is you
are not thriving,

but if you’re not

adding value to the rest
of the crew,

I can’t have you here.


We’ve just lost half of our food
for our guests.

Mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm.

Insubordination is
a fireable offense.


I know you’re good
at what you do,

but you prove me
like you’re not.

What do we got...



Oh, no, no, no, no, no.

Oh, yeah.

I’ve never been this stressed
in a speedo in my life.