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11x05 - Come on Eileen

Posted: 04/21/24 12:09
by bunniefuu
So you said you got
a little three year old?

When's the last time
you saw her?

I've never met her.

You never met the little one?

She didn't particularly want
me to be a part of things.

I think my heart just
skipped a beat.

Not being able to talk because
of the lack of cellular service

here putting me
in a difficult way.

[glass shatters]

Oh, no.

Can I get a shot of tequila?

- A shot of tequila?
- Yeah.

No, hold on, wait.

ing good for you.

But listen, listen.

Barbie's a spoiled brat.

But in yachting, work ethic
and attitude is everything.

She loves to say
that she's honest

and she just says it how it is,

but that's just
not how life works.

You need to filter.


You okay, mate?

No, no, I appreciate you.

Yeah, yeah.


We broke 20,000
two charters in a row

and the first ones
right off the rip.

I really do appreciate
what you do, man.

Honestly, in an artistry sense.

Lot of stress, pressure.

When I'm cooking, I just
cook with all my feeling.

Thinking about
my dad up there.

My dad's death anniversary
is coming in four days.

He passed like a
couple of years ago

and that's tough every day.

Those emotions,

I want to use this as
a power, as a force.

I need to show him
I can be the best.

It's not easy every day,
but guess what?

I just love it.

Let's go!


Uno, dos, tres, quatro.



I thought I was into Jared,

but something really turned me
off about him tonight.

- What?
- I'm like, I don't know.

It's just like the way he talks.

Hey, I wish we knew
the whole story already.

We're back at home, b*tches.

Get your gear on, girl.

Oh, my.
We've done well.

We're drinking and hot-tubbing.


What's going on, guys?

More blokes in the hot tub.


- Really?
- Yeah.

I'm on a boat full of
people that I don't,

like, fully relate with.

You look----ing great.

Everyone----ing loves you.

- Really?
- I'm not even kidding. Yeah.

I'm telling the truth.

Oh, yeah!

I'm just here
to have a good time.

I don't want to be mad at him.

Ben is looking hot.

I see that he's got a little
bit of a fuzz on his chest,

and I love a little fuzz,
especially some shaved fuzz.

It just shows that you're hairy.

For some reason, I like that.

- Bye, y'all.
- Bye, y'all.

- Hi.
- Hi.


I only get but two times a
week to talk to my daughter.

I'm in jeopardy of losing
all communication

if I do not adhere and stick
to the schedule that I have.


Trying to build trust again.

Super important to me that
I maintain consistency.

Do you want half a burger?

- No. Hell, no.
- I'm gonna have a burger.


You speak Argentinian,
English, Spanish.

I was in an
International school,

so I learned in English
and spoke in English.

Sang a lot of Hebrew songs.

Not yet, but I'm going to be
one day, God Willing.

I love Jewish people.

My soul is Jewish.

You're supposed to give
your wife three things

in Judaism.

A house, clothes, and sex.

I've never been drawn
to religion

until I started
getting into Judaism.

The second time I went to Israel

and I stood in front
of the wall,

I bawled my eyes
out for two hours.

That was when
I really was connected

to something way bigger than me.

And the closer I got to Judaism,
the more I found my soul.

And now I'm just really
trying to get onto that piece.

Jewish people are
the----ing best.

And I want to be a part of them,

but I'm just not ready right
now to make that change.

But I really want it
and I feel it.

Do you want to go to bed soon?



[alarm sounds]

- [groans]
- I think I need more caffeine.

If you'd like to make a call,
please try again.

I wanted to say g'day
to my daughter.


This is what I'm wearing today.

If you'd like to make a call,
please hang up and try again.

- Love you, too.
- Bye.

Jared, Jared, Kerry.

Oh, sh--.

Yeah, you want to
come up here, mate?


We are at a good point,

but we're fine detailing.

And what we're doing
is prepping

for the next charter.


Yeah. It was...

No, in terms of...

You looked like
you had a big night.

Last night was particularly
difficult for me.

I was very emotional.

Because Tuesdays and
Fridays were the times

that I'm supposed
to speak with my daughter.

And not having phone service,

and I wasn't able to
speak with my daughter.

- That sucks, man.
- And...

- Sorry, man. It's real.
- Don't be sorry, man.

It's real, man.

Don't be sorry for
having an emotion, dude.

- Yeah.
- I, uh... dude, I...

I learned a few years ago, man,

that you need to
get this stuff out.

You're stronger at showing
emotion than hiding it.

I really care about
where Jared's at,

and I can see that
he's not in a great place.

When I was going
through a divorce,

I couldn't do my job.

And I tried many
different methods

of trying to get my
sh-- together.

I got rid of the drinking,
started exercising.

I started listening
to self-help books,

so I can relate to him.

Any point, if you need
to call someone

and you're having issues with
you, just come and see me.

When we're going
through hard stuff,

hitting the piss is
not going to help you.

I'll stop.

And we've all got
stuff going on.

Work through it.

You know, you're
the bosun of the boat.

You've got to hold yourself
to a higher level.

He's going
through a tough spot,

but you're a
head of department.

You can't have your head in
the clouds or somewhere else.

It affects your safety and
the safety of the guests.

You've got to be
focused on the job.

- Doing great.
- Thank you.

Coming up...


We're going to do
the same folds for everyone.

We're going to do that triangle.
It's so ugly.

I just want something uniform.

It's so easy.

You just get two and
you crisscross them.

- It looks like a flower.
- Okay.

That, I agree,
that's good.

And then you put your finger
in the center.

I want you to all focus
on beds and guest areas.

We're going to have to go
white ones.

We don't have enough blue.

I just need to
get a whole 'nother----ing

bunch of towels, mate.

Cabins, cabins, cabins.

It's important for her
that guests know her name.

The first charter,
I hardly saw the guests

and I felt like just
so behind the scenes.

Do you have like a favorite
product or something?

Good choice.


It's wet polish.

Very beautiful.

[phone speaks Turkish]

Captain, Fraser, can I meet
you in the bridge, please?

Yes, mate.

I like that we have
a favorite product. That's good.

Hey, matey.

Okay, a couple of things
for you, sir.

Cat, I think she may be going
through things outside of work,

- which I sympathize with.
- Gotcha.

She's been fragile since
the beginning of the season.

- Tears most days.
- Wow.

Just so you know, that's
where we're running with.

There is those rough days.
It's having that moment.

It's like, look, I see
you've got head space.

So how about you go to your
cabin and take half an hour?

- If it's possible.
- Yeah.

On that note, yesterday
and the day before,

I had a fantastic response
from Barbie.

She changed her perspective.

It's the right direction, right?


Barbie's brilliant with
guests and on it and quick,

but she hasn't always got the
best attitude towards people.

However, Barbie said
she's going

to turn things around
and be better.

Let's have hope that she will.

On that note, I'm going
to allocate stripes today.


And I'm hoping that that
doesn't rattle anyone.

They need to be good
with dealing with others.

If I'm not around,
need them to ask for me.


I can see that you're going
to be freer to be more creative.

So when you're away
from the boat,

you have someone
who can do things.

They're a good manager,
they're good at work with,

they know the strengths.
That's what it's about.

I think I've crossed
all my Ts.

I really appreciate being
able to come to you, honestly.

Anytime, mate.

Match it a little bit more
because the other pillow

is going to have to come...

- See all the creases now?
- Yeah.

Pull it like that,
see how it goes out.


And then it's easier than
to just do this at the bottom.

I see.

And instead of folding it up,
fold it down.


I'm more than happy to teach.

Do the blinds in that cabin.

The blinds.

Slide in your fingers.

Because you want to move
all the creases the same way.

Rich people have no idea
what we do for them.

This captain is brilliant.

I know. He's a great captain.

- He's doing a amazing job.
- He's cool.

He's like our daddy.


And guess who's your mummy?

- You're my mummy.
- That's correct.

I could be sad.
I could be mad.

But every time I see you,
I just end up being glad.

Dude, you're getting
so cheesy with it.

I know.

- But that's what I am.
- It's getting so bad.

I'm sorry, but I'm not sorry.

I think we have...

Oh, I was ready to walk
right through that.


[phone rings]

- Hello.
- Hi. How are you?

I'm doing quite well.

What are the state of
the towels that I ordered?

I just need towels.

There has to be towels
on this island.

White or blue.

All right.

ing dickhead.

All right.
I very much do apologize.

He's frazzled.

No, I don't need bath towels.

I just want to nap so bad.

Heads of department,
can you guys please

meet me down the crew mess

for our preference
sheet meeting.

- Roger.
- Copy, cap.

All right.
Heading down.

All right.
Let's knock this out.

All right.

So Tina Smuthers
is a luxury property manager

from Waukee, Iowa.

Her husband Rich,
Tina's business partner Mike

and his wife Eileen

are owners of a residential
real estate firm from Illinois.

Please don't hand
Tina a champagne glass.

She prefers to drink
out of a plastic cup.

It's stupid and psychotic
to be asking for plastic

for every single drink.

Dislikes beef, pork,
poultry, eggs, tofu.

She's got a lot
of problems, this woman.

Like, come on, babe.
Enjoy life.

Have an egg.

She's got a screw loose.

- Okay.
- Guests would like to snorkel.

Grenada, like most Caribbean
islands, is known for its reefs.

Seeing all the fish come in

and the different corals
is absolutely epic.

These guests want
to go snorkeling?

We've got an
amazing trip for them.

The theme for night
one should be

the Roaring 20s
in Monte Carlo.

After breakfast,
guests would like

to compete in a friendly game
of beach volleyball

and drinking games.

Lunch should follow the games.

So, charter three, guys.

Expectations coming
in this charter:

We're not going
to miss anything.

You can't be distracted.

- Thank you, everybody.
- Thank you, Captain.


You're----ing great.

You're doing a phenomenal job.

You are very dangerous, boy.

Kerry, Kerry, Jared.

Hey, mate.

I just wanted to check
in with you.

Any time, mate.
I'm free now.

How do you feel?

You're going to make
me cry again.

Oh, my God. I just realized
how many I've eaten.

That was a lot.

All right, mate.
What do we got?

How are you doing, man?
How are you doing?

On top of it?

I'm just trying
to work on it, man.

This morning, I heard you.

- Yeah.
- And I felt it.

I'm leaving behind what
needs to be left behind

so that I could be present
in the moment.

Yeah, I care about
your physical health

- and your mental health.
- Yeah.

All right?

And if your head's
not in the game,

you need to really
work out where you're at,

and if you can do this job.

We all make mistakes.

But this morning,
you're either still drunk

or you're hungover,

and I don't want a person in
a leadership role doing that.

You know what I mean?

All right, so...

because I understand
what it's like.

I've been where you've been

as a captain,
and I left my job.

So let's do this try-out
and just check in.

Check in with yourself.

I'm going to try to keep
my head in the game

because I want to be here.

I hate to start something
and not finish it,

but it's going to be difficult.

- Thank you.
- Any time, man.

The door's open, okay?

Interior, interior.

Oh, look at the moon.

Holy sh--, yeah.


Okay, charter tomorrow,

Barbie, I'm going
to have you on service.

Cat, I want you to
work between departments.

Xan, you're phenomenal
at housekeeping,

but more importantly,
I trust you,

and I would be totally honored

to have you as my second...

Honestly, I don't need a
stripe to prove my worth,

and now this is going to
cause more attention to me.

- Good job, Xandi, Xand.
- Well done.

I love you all dearly.

- Get some rest.
- All right.

We're up at seven tomorrow,
so get an early one.

- All right.
- All righty.

Of course he picks
her to be second.

Xandi's so far up Fraser's ass,

and I'm not going up there.


Second stew in Fraser's mind,
in her mind, and in Cat's mind.

In my mind, I'm second stew.

Coming up...

Got the profiteroles.

Wait, did you taste it already?

I didn't.

- Tina.
- I'm done.

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

The primary said
"I'm done."

[alarm sounds]

Ooh, nice!


Lot to take in.

Interior, interior.

On the dock, we have provisions.


I hope these people
like salad.

Stairmaster, mate.


Got the barbie.

- That's bar.
- Yeah.


Games and stuff.

Ooh, nice.



We got towels.

I mean, at least we don't
have to wash the stains out.


Oh, okay.

I don't think I've wanted
to sleep more in my life.

I guess you can't teach
a Cat a new trick?

I don't know what to do anymore.

It's a big----ing boat.
I can't do it by myself.

I'm getting----ing annoyed.
I'm going to snap.

- This is not supposed to show.
- Okay.

Do whatever you need
to do without it.

- To make it not shine?
- Yeah.

All crew, all crew, 30 minutes
for guests arrival.

I'm so good at my job.

Not bad. Clean that
cord up a little better.

The zipper is showing.

- Yeah, that's it.
- Check the rest of them.


All right.

Things are coming together.

I'm finding less and less things
to point out.

- Good, mate.
- Great.

I like it.

The directory
is going like this.

Let's get to the aft deck.
Let's look sharp.

I'm a happy guy.

Barbie. Barbie...

Thanks, boss.

So, so, so, so, so cute.
Well done.

Good job, Barbie.

All right, guests
are walking on.


Should I go at the end?

- Yes.
- Take your shoes off.

Let's go.

- G'day, Rich, I'm Kerry.
- How you doing?

- Fraser, nice to meet you.
- Hi, Anthony.

- Nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you.

- Kerry, nice to meet you.
- And this is mine.

- Yes.
- Yay, thank you.


Nice to meet you.

On behalf of the crew of
St. David and myself,

I'd like to welcome you
to Grenada.

This is Fraser, our Chief Stew.

- He'll show you around.
- Awesome.

Perfect. Thank you.

Luggage, my crew.

We're just going
to head up here.

This is our Sun deck.

Fantastic for tanning.

Eileen will be up ready to go.

- This is the master?
- Yes.

- Gorgeous.
- The master bath.

- That is all the luggage.
- Nice one, guys.

Good job.

All crew, we'll be getting out
of here in 15 minutes.

Typically, you do at the bar?

I prefer any beverage
in a plastic cup.

- Okay.
- Yes.

And was it any other
particular things

that you were specific about?

So, it's pescatarian,
no meat at all.

Now, Chef just wanted to know,

because he will do a
French toast, for example.

He wanted to do some crepes,
but he just didn't know.

I won't eat that,
but I'm good with any...

I mean, I'm not picky as long
as it doesn't have meat.

Yes, of course.

- So, we're good.
- No, that's great.

I'll let him know that.

It doesn't look like Tina
likes anything at all.

She doesn't like smiling.
She just doesn't like much.

But I will do my best
to deal with it.

- Good.
- Awesome.

Can I get you
something to drink?

I'll do the Tito's in soda water
in a plastic cup.


Is the deck team ready to go?

Ready on the stern.

We are ready on the bow.

- Yeah.
- Start releasing. Bow to stern.

Aft leading spring on board.

All lines clear.

Five meters and closing.

Five meters.

Four meters and holding.

I think I was clear a while ago.

I think we're going
to move upstairs.

All right.
Let's go.

Well, this is a good life.


[bleep] these.

I feel like everything
on housekeeping

and laundry comes down on me.

But at what point is it
not training camp anymore?


I literally had to redo
every single thing.

- From yesterday.
- Every single thing.

When you're doing turn downs,

make sure she's, like,
doing it correctly.

We'll continue
with that for now.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Holy [bleep].

"Gre"-nada, granada,
potato, po-"tah"-ta.

All right, Kyle, you're going
to stay up here with me.

Yeah, show me, show me,
show me.

I'm going to get you just
to watch it first.

Okay, let it run
to two sh*ts, please.

Bridge, bridge, that is
two sh*ts at the waterline.

Band break is on.

So it's up and down right now.


Which means the anchor's
right on the bottom,

and the chain's just
piled on itself.


Okay, deck team,
you happy with that?

I'm happy here.

It's gorgeous.
Life does not suck.

I'm the king of the world.

Stop it.

Okay, so what I'm going to do
is have Cat on service.


I'm just helping Chef
with their lunch.

Get all this stuff blown up.

Oh, it looks so good, babe.

- Yay.
- Up top.

Sick, bitch.

Oops, I missed, I missed,
I missed.

I'm taking the guests
to the table.


Good job.

- Ooh, nope, again.
- Again.


- Sparkling or still?
- Still.

No faucet water, though.
No faucet water.


We're going to get
the order as well.

So it's chicken teriyaki
and sushi.


And you would like the selection
of sushi, right?


Like, voilà.

This is a tuna ceviche.

Oh, this looks good.

Bon appetit.

So good.

A little different take.

It's going to be five sushis
and three chicken teriyakis.

Thank you.


You're going to,
you, you're...

You know what,
you better start behaving.

I, well...

Day by day?

No comment.

You guys are like
twins, actually.

Yeah, I know.

Brother and sister.

That looks fun.

Barbara, what'd you get?

I got the chicken teriyaki
with the pineapple.

We have pretty food.
I love it.

Are you ready for this
to go, chef?

- Yeah.
- Rich mixed up the wasabi.

I like to eat in 15 minutes.

I'm a mom of three,
so we don't eat lunch

over the course of 40 minutes.

Oh, that looks delicious.

This is a lot of food.

- Just love it.
- My mom used to like it.

- Oops.
- Mm-hmm.

Eileen, do you have
enough to drink?

Just make sure.

Our primary for
this trip is Tina,

and she is in the real estate
industry, very successful,

and she's brought her business
partner, Mike, with her.

And his wonderful wife,
Eileen, loves drink.

I can't wait to wrestle
you on the----ing beach.

It's going to be good.

Good for her.

I'm going to the beach with
you tomorrow.

Ben's going to snorkel.

- Okay.
- With Sunny today.

Let's do it.
Where's Sunny?

- Hi.
- Where's my gal?

Hi. How are you doing?

Are you not?

Well, we got everything
for you to float.

- All right.
- In the water.

So, guys, where are
you all from?

Chicago. Illinois?

- Iowa.
- Iowa?

The kids are at home today
because it's snowing.

We'll get the front of
house cleaned first,

So how do you guys
all know each other,

if you don't mind me asking?

That's right. You guys are
business partners, yes?



Guests are departing,
heading, snorkeling.

Have fun.

We're going snorkeling
right now.

Yeah. Yeah.

They're quite calm.
They're not crazy.

So when we speak to them,

like, I'm going to keep
it all quite tame.


Because they're
just a bit weird.

Everyone, we're ready
to jump in when you are.

Safety first.

That's the way.

I wish I was you right now.

It's always good
getting off the boat.

I mean, that's what you
join yachting for.

You want to drive the tenders.

You want to go on
snorkeling trips.

You want to do stuff
with the guests.

That's what it's about.

You don't want to be interior,
scrubbing on your knees,

cleaning sh--.

No, thank you.

My hair is a problem today.

I'm going to go freshen up.

I'm going to look
like a whack-a-doodle.

Look at this.

Oh, if they said I'm going
to go do a whack-a-doodle,

- I'm like...
- What is, no...

I don't even know
what that means.

Me either, but it sounds weird.

I'm trying to be nice.

But he's just turning
me off so much.

Like, everything about him.
Like, every...

Like, I can't stand a sentence.

I cringe.

I have to backpedal.

Like, it's backpedal time.

Really awkward.

Coming up.

Oh, bottom down there.


St. David, St. David.
We're heading back now...

Copy that.

- Oh, yeah.
- Hey, guys.


Thank you.

We are back on board.
Where all the drinks are.

No, you're good.
We got you.

Peach lemon shot.
You guys will love it.

If you could just be on service,

until we start
setting up for dinner.

Tonight for dinner is...

- 1920s.
- Okay.

- Yes!
- Monte Carlo.

- Okay.
- Casino.


- Dinner's at eight.
- Yes.

And you don't have
to spoil the surprise,

but I can't wait to see what
they're making me with no meat.

Of course, of course,
of course.

She said, I'm really excited
to see what chef has for me

that has no meat.

- And I said, yes.
- Lobster?

The drinks are never ending
here on St. David.

Lobster needs to be
cold only for me.

Cold lobster.

What's cold lobster?

- I have no idea.
- Does she mean raw?

No, she's going to be sick.

Well, that might be
quite good, actually.

It's Monte Carlo night.

This is for you, my love.

Is it going to fit me?

Oh, that's so cute.
You have to wear it.


- It's great.
- I didn't know what to do.

It's great.

Oh, no. What's wrong?

What did you say?

Oh, no.

Oh, my goodness.


Oh, no, what's wrong?

Oh, my goodness.

Call engineering?

Engineering, can we get you to
the guest rooms, please?

That thing fell as
I was trying to, like...

Yeah, the glass panel.

- It was a total disaster.
- Just fell.

This guy's broken a door.

I've----ing broke hundreds of
doors when I've been drunk.

We broke a leg...


There's nothing better
than breaking a guitar,

whether you're drunk or not.

Oh, dude.
That's fine.

Engineering is on their way.

Three deck crew?

Yeah, basically, last season,

Ben did the Beach Olympics
with us and tennis,

and he got so into it.

- Yes!
- Oi!

Yes, they did.

Unless you've got another
member of crew,

who can bring that amount
of energy...


Yeah, well, I mean,
I'm talking, like...

Let's do this, boys!

You know, like,
proper get into it.

- Um, okay, yeah.
- But three would be ideal.

This is fantastic.

g*dd*mn nightmare.

I'm sure you will.

- Let's do this!
- Perfect.

Yours is so cute.
You look like a peacock.

What's up, Ben?
I haven't seen Ben all day.

Hey, is that Xandi?

I'm in my...
Whatever it is.

- Okay, you smell good.
- Thank you.

- You look fantastic.
- Everyone smells good.

I'm not sure what it is.

I don't know what it is either.

Let's go!

Aw, look how cute!

Who doesn't love giant cards?

I'm sorry, what do they
call giant cards?

Chef, chef, just going to do it
water service and drink service.

Ladies and gentlemen,
welcome to your evening

in the French Riviera.

Thank you very much.

Quite a long sentence,
that one.

Alrighty, we'll get
started shortly.

Captain, Jared, you got a minute

just to go over
tomorrow quickly?

So this evening we're going
to stick with a French menu.

We're going to start with
the French onion soup.

If they took the shampoos
out of the bag,

should I put them
back in the bag?

No, you put the bag in one
of the drawers.


That's what I would do.

So Fraser wants three
people on the beach.

And he's like, he wanted
Ben to go for sure

because he wants to make sure
that there's somebody

on the beach he can do it.
And I was like, hi.

It's important that
we make sure

he sees that you
don't always need him.


You know, I'm a good card
to pull as well.

Well, you'll be there too, so.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, exactly.

Two great cards.

Look, Jared, this is not
the mature approach to this job.

- Alrighty then.
- Thanks, man.

It's very important not to
get your personal feelings

involved with the professional
part of your job.

Come on, mate.

- Thanks, mate.
- Thanks, have a good sleep.

- See you in the morning, mate.
- Yep.

Honestly, who likes to gamble?

I love gambling.

But I like slot machines.

Yeah, so you like
pushing buttons?

I like pushing people's buttons,
so they're like,

are you just being a
bitch to be a bitch?

I wish people didn't have
as much hair as they do.

Can you set my
plate more quietly?

- Oh, my God.
- Set your plate more quietly?

Well, yeah, man.
It's so loud.

Can you set down
my plate more quietly?

Can you feed your
wife more water?

I woke up from my nap and
I was like, where am I?

I'd be setting
plates down like this.


It looks perfect.

All right, I put the sauce

and you can go when we
have the sauce.

Yeah, yeah.

So that can go to Tina.


These people----ing suck.

Here you are.

Thank you so much.

You're lucky
you're good looking.

That's all you got going on.

Dear Jesus.

What an assh*le.

- Care for a glass of wine?
- Red wine.


Surf and turf so it's going to
be steak with peppercorn sauce,

potato gratin and lobster.

Take your own advice.

God, she's so drunk.

This is a lot of food.

Like, a lot.

[glass crashes]



Seriously, again?

I'll be right back
to clean that up, okay?

This is happening to me again.

Please be careful. I don't
want you to cut yourself.



Interior, how are you
doing with cabins?

Okay, fantastic.

Piss off.


Such fun.

All right.
Perfect. Thank you.

We've got the profiteroles
with some vanilla ice cream

and some fresh cream.

No ripped money.
No ripped money.

Thank you very much.

You're welcome.

Wait, did you
taste it already?

I did.


Dude, wait.

It's a----ing ice cream,
it's gonna melt.

I can hardly wait
to have a bite.


I was waiting for
everybody else though.

It's kind of how I roll.

But I'm not going to when
it's like, it's gonna melt.


There you go, there you go.

Thank you, Frasier.

- Are we allowed to eat now?
- Yeah.

If you're a polite person, you
wait till everyone has your...

No, Jesus Christ.

Do we have to----ing
have this?

Well, this is how we do
it in the real world.

Everything okay, sir?

- Yeah?
- Yeah.


Nighty night, girl.

Such a weird exchange.

Primary was like, I'm done.

- Just now?
- Stunning.


Thank you.

We got you.

- Her exit was a...
- And here I am.


She could have made it
better with a hug.

Or a...
Or a...


They're all bitching about her.

There's quite a bit of
animosity going on in the air,

but I'm quite pleased to hear
that I'm not the only one

that thinks Tina's
a bit of a raging...


Is Tina gone for the night?

Oh, sh-- is hitting the fan.

Are you okay?

Yeah, I'm fine.

She was drunk and I told her
to----ing settle down.

Can I get you anything?

No, I'm good.

There's been times that
I had to cope

in the foster care system
fully alone,

so I genuinely can relate
to how she's feeling.


Let's go.

Let's go get our stuff on.

Yeah, hey, Ben,
you can knock off, man.

Thanks, dude.

Good night.

Thank you so much
for everything.

You're both amazing.

- Come on, Eileen.
- Come on.

How many times do I
have to say this on this trip?

Come on, Eileen.

Here we go.
Let's just power through this.

This is gonna be
exciting looking at this.

They're just straight up
rude people.

She just looks at me like
straight in the face and says,

it's a good thing
you're good looking

because you've got
nothing else going for you.

Eileen's comment brings
me back to the way

that I felt as a
child of being told,

like I'd [bleep] something up,
back to not being good enough.

These people suck.

Yeah, whatever.

Well, good luck.

I tend to put myself down a lot.

It affects the way I feel
about my self-worth.

Can I offer anybody a
round of waters?

Hey, don't make the trip
without bringing a drink

for everyone and
a water for everyone.

My pleasure.
Oh, the bubbles turned off.

Let me turn them back
on for you.

You're fine?

All right, no problem.

I'll be right back
with those drinks.


These guests are so rude.

They're lucky I can't say what
I would normally say.

I'm so sick of these people.

[imitating Eileen]

Oh my God, I thought you
were one of the guests.

I was like...


Is she still there?

What day is it?

I want to die.

You're welcome.
Thank you for your service.

Here you are, beautiful.

And the vodka Sprite
is on the way.


Welcome to hell.

Hi, Eileen.

- Okay, I'm going.
- You ready to go to bed?

Let me help you out.

I'm going to take you.

Hold on to the railing for me.

Just want to make sure
you don't fall, okay?

No, right.

That's okay, love.
Happens to the best.

You're perfect.
I'm just making sure.

No, I know.

Can't believe I have to
wake up and do all this

all over again with
these same people.

But tomorrow, I'm keeping
my eye out.

Like, if they get
way too drunk,

then I'm just going to start
watering down, you know.

And I need to be checking on
these guests all the time.

Good night.

Barbie, Barbie, Cat.
I'm heading down.

Thank you for everything.

- Good night.
- Good night.

My feet hurt.

ing pissed me off.

Seriously, pissed me off.

You're lucky
you're good looking.

That's all you got going on.

Every time I see you,
I just end up being glad.

Dude, you're getting
so cheesy with it.

I know, but that's what I am.

It's getting so bad.

This morning, you're either
still drunk or you're hungover.

If your head's
not in the game,

you need to really
work out where you're at

and if you can do this job.


God damn it.

Next, on "Below Deck"...

Do I have to switch out
silverware tonight?

I'm just used to having a
chief stew who tells me.

Do you want me to tell you, is
that what you're trying to say?

Here we go again.

She, like, fell off of
the jacuzzi last night.

Kyle, your----ing tobacco
is still open.

It's flying all over
the----ing place.

I have a job to maintain.

You've got to remember that
there's also six--

What's going on here?