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03x15 - Reunion 2

Posted: 04/21/24 12:05
by bunniefuu
- Stormy seas ahead
as the crew reunites.

- It's the dumbest thing you
possibly could have done.

- It's part two
of the "Below Deck" reunion.

Is there any chance
that tonight,

the two of you will wind up

- What are you doing later,

- Ugh. Most insane day
I've ever had in yachting.

- You screwed up.
That's the point

I'm trying to make,
is you don't own it.

- What do you want me to own?

- As soon as a camera
would come around,

she would literally turn into,
like, a theatrical lunatic.

- But I really did think
we were friends.

You said, "I hate her."

- No, no, no,
I didn't hate you.

I can't stand you.

- You took your clothes off
while we were on charter.

- Are you gonna hold on to this
for the rest of your life?

- I think it's a bit
of a cop-out, to be honest.

- Do you accept her apology?

- When you're in a place where
your phone doesn't work,

and all you get
is a text message?

Oh, that k*lled me.

- If the health department

had gone in there,

they would have shut it down.

- You and Eddie kind of gave
new meaning

to the term "dirty laundry."

- I wouldn't call it
a "relationship."

- Usually friends with benefits
act like friends.

- You should have been fired.
You should never

have been back there.
I had enough of it.

- Why would you come to me?

- Was there a part of you
that was jealous?

So did you cut things off then?

- I definitely didn't
have any kind

of sexual interaction
with her anymore.

- What about two times
after the show?

- Oh!

- We're not in
the laundry room anymore.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

- Were you drinking on charter?

- Um, I was in the galley
making popcorn for the guests.

You didn't know how to work
the DVD player,

which you should've.
"The guests want popcorn

to watch their movie,
but I don't know how to do it."

So I said,
"I'll leave you in the galley

"where you're comfortable,
where you're trained,

and I'll go do
what I'm good at."

And I came back down
and everything was on fire.

- But then it wasn't aired.
- And I specifically asked Leon,

"Leon, did you see
Kate drinking?"

"No, I didn't."

So either he was telling me
a lie when you said,

"I didn't see it,"
or he was telling me a lie

when he said she was drinking.

One of those two is an untruth.

- Amy, have you seen
Kate drink on charter?

- No, I think
the pointing the fingers

about the drinking
and this and that,

it's--it's petty.

It really is.
Like, it's ridiculous.

- Okay, let's talk
about something else.

Captain Lee, we got so many
viewer questions for you.

Everyone wants to know a lot
about you.

You're such a man of mystery.

Is it important for you

to keep a certain distance
from the crew?

- I think it's important
for the crew

for me to keep my distance.

That's why rarely
do you see me

eating with the crew
or hanging out with the crew.

Because they need to have
their area where they can say,

"God, that guy is such a d*ck,"

without any fear of retribution
or anything else.

And that's why I eat alone.

- You were featured
in my favorite Bravo promo

in my over-ten years
at the network.

- Really? Well, thank you.
- Yes.

Look, we have it.
Let's take a look at it.

It's so good.
- Yes.

- ♪ Ooh baby ♪

♪ He's the stud of the sea ♪

♪ Captain Lee ♪

♪ He's Captain Lee ♪

- Captain Lee, Captain Lee.

- ♪ When you crew for him ♪

♪ You're working hard
as can be ♪

♪ Fool around and you'll
scrub the decks till 3:00 ♪

♪ He's rough
he's tough ♪

♪ He's alpha to the T ♪

♪ Captain Lee ♪

♪ He's the stud of the sea ♪

- [laughs]
- What'd your wife think of it?

- Ah, she's gotten a lot
of mileage out of that.

- She has? Yeah.
- A lot mileage, yeah.

And, and, and it's still
working for her.

both: Yeah.
- Oh!

- You must a big celebrity
in the yachting community.

- Yes, he is, yes.
- I don't know.

- People in traffic...
- Yes.

- Like, risk their lives.
They're, like, taking photos

of him driving his convertible.
- Yes.

- I see it on Twitter
all the time.

- Yes.
- People will ask me,

"Where's Captain Lee?"
whenever I'm around.

- Mm-hmm.
- "Where's Captain Lee?"

- It's like,
"What's he like?

Is he really like that?
What do you think about him?"

Like, everyone wants to know
about Captain Lee.

- I feel like his first name
is Captain.

I'm like, "Hi, Captain!"
I'm like,

"Is that weird that
I'm calling you that?"

- You know what,
what is your first name?

- Harold, yes.
- I just realized

I haven't known your first name
for the entirety of this show.

- You know, high school was
tough with a name like Harold.

- [laughs]

- Wendy from Anaheim says,
"Captain Lee,

"where do you come up
with all your funny sayings?

"Is there a book of
salty sea captain quotes

they give you when you graduate
from the captain academy?"

- It's just probably
lack of filter.

I mean, we have
gone through deckhands

like a condom salesman
at a whorehouse.

We screwed the pooch
so many times,

we should have a fáááing
litter of puppies

running around here somewhere.

I would rather drag my d*ck
through 10 miles

of broken whiskey bottles

than have these assáááás
on my boat again.

- Anyone have
a favorite Lee-ism?

- "Screwed the pooch."
That's so good.

I like that one.

- He dropped a good one
here though.

Tit wringer?
- Put your...

both: Tit through the wringer.

- When you get caught
with your tit in the wringer,

guess what, it's because
you put it there.

- Rocky, I have to think
that you're not

President of the Captain Lee
fan club.

What do you think
of him as a captain?

- You know,
I think that Captain Lee

really supports his team

and I think that Eddie and Kate
are right below him.

That's his chief stew
and that's his head boatswain,

and so he's gonna support them,
and so I get it.

- It's not an alliance.

It's called rank
and it's called a job.

And yes, you were at
the bottom of the totem pole.

- I was in your position last
season and I have to disagree.

Like, I felt like he totally
supported the whole team.

- I don't support anything
that I'm not behind

or I don't believe in 100%,
and it's got to be honest.

Eddie, Kate, everybody that has
ever worked with me

knows that if they
need to be called out,

I'm gonna do it,
and if your feelings get hurt,

I'm sorry.
Not really...

- Yeah.
- Because you screwed up.

Deal with it, suck it up,
get on with your job.

If you can't, then you really
don't need to be in yachting.

I don't single out Kate
and Eddie and go,

"Well, they're my team,
and I'm just gonna support them

no matter what,"
'cause that's bullsháá

'cause I'm not that way.

- Well, in the midst
of all of the drama,

there was a bright spot
named Connie.

Connie, you weren't big
on wearing clothes,

but your work ethic
and your positive attitude

helped you win the respect
of everybody on the boat.

- This boat's headed off
to the Med.

We were wondering if you would
consider hanging out with us

a while after this present
Carribean season

comes to an end.

- That would be amazing.

- Connie, so did you end up

going to work in the Med?

- I did.
- How was it?

- It was the best experience
of my life.

- Do you aspire
to be a captain one day?

What's your goal?

- Um, I don't know so much
a captain.

I mean, we've joked about
having a boat only girls working

called "Tutu Fun" and all
the girls have to wear tutus.

We don't need--
sorry, no offense.

We don't need any men onboard.

And I think it's more
of a cute dream than anything,

but to continue working on boats

is something I would
definitely enjoy.

- How many people here
have seen Connie topless?

- I felt them.

Wait a minute.
Tell me, babe. Oh, sháá!

There's whipped cream

[both laughing]

- Any other foods
you can use as a bikini?

- Oh, please. I can go all day.
- Give me some.

- Peanut butter stays on best.
- Okay.

- Um, Nutella.
- Nutella.

- It tastes good too, mm-hmm.
- Yeah, oh.

This season, you got off
to a rough start.

I mean, you--
you joined the boat and--

and right then found out that
your father had passed away.

[phone chimes]

[keypad clicking]

[text message tones]

- Last night, I wake up to a
text from my little brother,

"Dad had a heart attack
and passed away."

Anytime that you
get news like that,

and when you're in a place
where your phone doesn't work,

and all you get
is a text message?

You read a text mes--
it happened to my grandma,

months later, while I
was still on the boat.

In the middle of the ocean,
read my phone, "Your dad died."

Six months later, "Your grandma
died," and I'm, like--

I'm finding all this out
in text mesages,

so it's like I'll sit there
and I'll be fine,

and then I get home
and it's, like, reality.

I can't pick up the phone
and call them.

I have to see my brother

So it's like
you're not living in a re--

in a realistic world
when you're on a yacht.

- But you were very close
to your grandma, no?

- Oh, my grandma?
Oh, that k*lled me.

It's hard because you--
there's nothing you can do.

And I knew my whole family
was so upset at home,

and I'm just like,
"I just need to keep working.

"And when I can get on
a damn plane,

I'm getting on
the first plane I see."

- We all met
Connie's grandmother.

She was the b*mb.
- She's crazy.

- Connie, how did it feel
when Rocky cock-blocked you,

or should I say
clam-jammed you, from Emile...

- Ugh!
- When you were out at the bar?

- I've got a really sore--
- Are you gonna get me

after I get you?
- Yeah, definitely.

- Rocky's being a complete
tease with Emile.

- [giggles]

- You get enough attention.

Do you really need
more attention?

Please, that was
not cock-blocking.

I said the same thing
about Emile the whole time.

Maybe when he's 30, he's gonna
be the most perfect guy.

I think he's so handsome,
but it just is--

when that stays shut,
I like it.

- It seemed like your
relationship started

a little flirty to me.
- No.

- No?
- No!

I thought he
was very good-looking.

I admitted that.
I think--I still think

he is very good-looking.

- Eddie,
who's the better deckie?

- Well, I mean,
they both had strengths

that they were equally good at,
um, and together,

I think they made
the perfect deckhand.

- Jill from Wichita, Kansas,

"I thought Connie and Rocky
were gonna be BFFs.

"They're both surfer chicks,
and Rocky helped

"make Connie's
whipped cream bikini.

"But by the end of the season,

Connie couldn't stand Rocky.
What happened?"

- Besides that, she is
so fáááing annoying to me.

She drives me g*dd*mn nuts.

- I want to get
really weird tonight.

- She's like...
[mimics laugh]

"What can I do
to call more attention?"

- How many blow jobs
do you want?

- Like, I just can't
fáááing deal

with her loud-ass mouth.

To be honest, when Rocky and I
would be talking,

like, alone in the crew mess,
I was like,

"Wow, this chick's
actually pretty cool.

I feel like
we can get along."

And as soon as a camera
would come around,

she would literally turn into,
like, a theatrical lunatic.

- I think I am a theatrical
lunatic all the time,

and I don't think it matters
if a camera is on or not.

- No, we had plenty
of normal conversations.

- But, uh, I honestly thought
we were friends the whole time,

so it kind of hurt me to watch

and see you say
those things on TV.

- You heard me
in the crew mess numerous times.

I would not hide that from you.

- I just--I--I--
- And I wasn't hiding it.

- I really did think
we we're friends, so...

- I'm not saying--
- That was a shocker.

- I'm not saying
we're not friends.

You can have friends
that are annoying.

There's just sometimes
you just need some space.

- You said, "I hate her,"
or something like that.

- I--no, no, no.
I didn't hate you.

"I can't stand you"
is a lot different than hating.

Hate's a strong word.

It's just "can't stand
being in the presence."

Maybe off-camera, if we went
on a week vacation somewhere,

we might have, like,
an awesome time together

because you have
no one to impress.

- She's the one that put
peanut butter on her nipples.

- Off-work!
You took your clothes off

while we were on charter.
- Well, I actually took

my clothes off
because the microphone,

you guys said it cost $6,000,

so I couldn't jump off
the boat with my clothes on.

I had to get it off.
So that was why--

- Did you have to take
your clothes off?

- That's what happened.

- Rocky.
- Rock.

Have a little more respect
for your job

and for you than this.

She's gonna jump.

- Yeah, she's jumping.

[water splashes]

- To be honest with you,
I haven't seen any real remorse

out of anything that you pulled
so far this season...

- Okay.
- To be honest.

- Well, then okay, Captain Lee.
I don't know what to say.

- What I wanted to see from you
is I wanted to see you own--

- What?
What do you want me to own?

- Do you want me to finish
or do you want to interrupt me?

I don't care.
Either one's fine with me.

- Okay, go ahead.
- I want you to own

that diving off the boat
in the middle of a charter

was the dumbest thing
you possibly could have done.

You didn't own it
and you still don't.

I see somebody
that wasn't doing their job

that I expected
them to do, period.

I'm the only person
on that boat you have to please

because I control
your future on that boat.

- Well said.

When I jumped off the boat,
I really thought

I wasn't coming back,
and I thought

I was gonna go with Chef Leon.

And then I came back,

and I went and talked
to the captain

and I thoroughly apologized.
I mean, I don't know--

- I didn't--I didn't feel
you were sincere.

I still don't.
- I'm just saying, there was

a lot of things going on.
The fire happened--

- It didn't just happen to you.
It happened to everybody

on the boat.
- I understand that.

- But the only one
making excuses here is you.

And that's the point
I'm trying to make,

is you don't own it.

- I'm sorry.
- You made a mistake.

"I did it, I screwed up.
It's on me."

But no, you're making excuses.

"I had a lot on my mind,
I had this, I had that."

I don't care.

[dramatic music]

- Okay, are you gonna hold on
to this

for the rest of your life?

♪ ♪

- So, Ben and Kate, is there
any chance that tonight,

the two of you
will wind up together?

- What are you doing later,

The fire happened,
Leon left--

- It didn't just happen to you.
It happened to everybody

on the boat.
- I understand that.

I'm sorry.
- You made a mistake.

Okay, "I did it, I screwed up.

It's on me."
But no, you're making excuses.

"I had a lot on my mind,
I had this, I had that."

I don't care.

- You know, looking back now,

I've learned so much.

And, Kate, you and Amy,
I wish--

you guys should have gotten
a stew that had more experience.

It would have made
your job a lot easier.

But, um, you guys got me,

and I just want to apologize.

I'm sorry.
Like, I think I was just, like,

overwhelmed with
this whole job really.

Like, what? It was crazy.
- Here's the thing, Rocky.

Like, you brought
a lot to the table

that wasn't easily shown

because it's your personality.

You brought a lot of excitement
and postivity to it.

Yes, sometimes it was
frustrating trying to teach her,

like, I mean, you saw,
but you brought a lot.

And so I loved the energy you
brought and I appreciate that.

- Yeah, I don't want to not
get along with you.

I think you're a very cool,
talented girl.

And I think
that was most frustrating

because you made me laugh
when you were singing,

and I can tell you're
really funny and vivacious.

And I didn't want you
to not be on my side.

It doesn't help me
to have you not on my side.

- Do you accept her apology?
- Absolutely. And--

- I'm gonna give you a hug.
- Yay!

- Oh.
- And she's not gonna hug her.

- And if you wanted
these stewardess sheets,

I'll email them to you.
- Oh, a stewardess--

- For a checklist,
and it'll just help you.

- So you're saying
she's ready for the list?

- [laughs]
- Is this official?

I mean, I'll give you
the list, yeah.

- I would--I would love a list!

- That's cute.
- 'Cause then I know what to do.

- That is cute.
- Yeah.

- Eddie, are you buying this?

- Oh, yeah, absolutely.

- Okay, let's switch gears
for a second.

The day that Leon was let go
was by far the craziest day.

You have a 2:00 a.m. fire.

[fire alarm ringing]
- What is going on?

- Then you lose your chef.

- I don't see the situation
getting any better.

- Your third stew strips
and jumps ship.

And then you still have
to pull off

the most important event
of the charter,

the 50th birthday party.

- Happy Birthday, Mr. Miller.

all: Cheers.

- The man had never gotten
a birthday cake.

It was a big night.

- And it was a late checkout.
- Ugh!

- Had you ever had
a tougher day?

- Never in my--
- The most insane day

I've ever had in yachting.
- It's like a blur.

- The silver lining to that
charter day from hell

is that Chef Ben
was able to fly in

like a yacht-y superhero
and save the day.

- Hello, love.

- Well, it took you
long enough.

- I know.
It's a long swim.

- You come to save us?

- I don't know
what I'm here for.

- It's beautiful.

- Chef Leon's got fááá-all
on that.


- Great to see you.
- Captain.


- How are you?
- Andy.

Very well, thank you.
- How did it feel to get the--

how did it feel to get
the call from Captain Lee to--

- It was great.

It was amazing.
Thank you.

- [laughs]
- Thank you.

- An unexpected surprise.

- Now that you've seen
the episodes,

what did you think of Chef Leon?

- I do think that,
as a yacht chef,

it's our duty to follow
a preference sheet--

all of the guests'
preferred food types.

As the yacht chef,
we create that.

Um, I think it's a bit
of a cop-out, to be honest,

to do beef cheeks
for every guest.

I mean, I don't--
I doubt that there was one guest

that had that
on their preference sheet.

And also the galley
was a disgrace as well.

I got to say that.
I'm sorry, but it was.

If the health department
had gone in there,

they would have shut it down.

- Um, Rocky, I'm wondering
if you were predisposed

to dislike Ben because he was
replacing your friend.

- I--well, actually,
Kate had told me earlier

that season that her and Ben
had a relationship.

And I was like, "Oh, perfect.

This is great. Kate hates me."

Chef Leon's left and then,
Ben, her boyfriend's coming,

and that was, like,
my first instinct like,

"This is great.
This is gonna be great."

But then I met him
and he's great, he's awesome.

- You know, Rocky literally
became your left hand

when you cut yours.
- I know.

A crispy quail.


Fááá you!
- You okay?

- No, I'm not okay.
I think that you're

really gonna need
to be my left arm.

Go slowly, baby.
Take your time.

Make really nice thin cuts,

- You think Rocky
has what it takes?

- I do actually.

She's got really strong hands.

She was just very coordinated.

I don't know exactly how
creative or skillful you are,

but I think you can get there.

- Thank you.

- Kim from Charleston,
South Carolina, said,

"You'd think Kate would be happy
to have Ben back on the boat,

"but she starts fighting
with him almost immediately.

Does Kate get along
with anybody?"

- Uh-uh.

You were picking fights.

Should I tell the guests
to chew faster?

- It's all part
of the same buffet, love.

We're not doing
a coursed buffet.

- I'm taking it.
- Fáááing hell.

She's being really
fáááing difficult tonight.

- Like can you two just

go downstairs and take care
of this, please.

Because you can cut the tension
with a butter knife.

And I mean, we're talking
about the sexual tension here.

- Oh, God!

I think you may have been
a little tired, honey bunny.

[all laughing]

- You know--
- [chuckles]

- Even when Ben and I fight,

it's more for fun
and--witty banter, yeah.

It's not an actual
not getting along.

- And it's the position,
you know,

the chief stew and chef are
always gonna butt heads.

- Yeah.
- But hopefully at the end

of the day we can
put it behind us

and start a brand
new day tomorrow.

And, you know,
that's kind of how we roll.

- Breakfast.
- Yeah.

- So Ben and Kate...
- I love breakfast.

- Your fave.

- By your own admission,

you two did have a fling

after you left "Ohana"
in season two.

How long did that last?
- Well...

- Nothing.
It was like--

- Yeah.

- Over a year ago.
- 30 seconds?

[all laughing]

- He's such a bragger.

[all laughing]

- I mean, was it like a week?

Was it a few times?

Was it friends with benefits?

- I'm not impressed with that.
- I'm kidding.

- It was like,
you have some cocktails,

you make a bad decision.
That's all it ever was.

- So it wasn't a relationship?

both: No.
- It was a fling?

- Well, we were just really--
we were just great friends.

- It was convenient at the time,
and we checked that box.

- Yeah, done, tick.


- Were you hoping
to rekindle things with Ben?

- No, but it was
just such a relief to have

somebody in the galley
that wasn't dark and miserable.

- I think we're much better off
as friends, I mean--

Even as friends we get into it.
- Yeah.

We're not even--yeah, we're not
even that good of friends.

- That's what's good sometimes.
- Even as friends

and colleagues, we get into it.
- That doesn't work really.

- Kate, do you have a--do you
have a boyfriend right now?

- I mean, my dance
card stays full,

but nothing I'm committing too.

- All right, there you go.
- It's a sin.

- I like that.

- Um, Ben, do you have
a girlfriend?

- Nope.
- No?

- You're both kind of
single and available.

- Kind of, yeah.

- Is there any chance
that tonight

the two of you will
wind up together?

- Wow.

- Depends on how much
they drink.

- I would still say no--
- I'm just kidding, okay.

- 'Cause--
- Where are you going?

- I'm staying in Miami,
you're going to Lauderdale.

- What are you doing?
- It's geographical.

- What are you doing later,


- Coming up...

So did you cut
things off then?

- I definitely didn't have

any sexual interaction
with her anymore.

- What about two times
after the show?


during the charter season,

Captain Lee called
on the hardworking

and drama-free Dave Bradberry
to complete his crew.

Dave's here too.

[applause and cheers]

- Hey, guys.
- Hey, Dave.

- Oh, hey.
- Thank you for having me.

Permission to come aboard?

- [laughing]

- What's going on, brother?

Ah, look at you.
- How's it going, brother?

- It's good to see you.

- I really appreciate you
coming back

and bailing my ass out.
- Any time, Captain.

- Dave, how did it feel to get
the call from Captain Lee?

- I felt that
it was long overdue.

I was happy to be back.

It was a little bit of surprise,

but I'm always ready to

head back out on the ocean.

- Dave, what were your first
impressions of the crew?

- I was kind of
ready for anything.

You know, the--
it seemed like there was

a motley crew of
big personalities.

So I was really excited
to get to know everybody.

- Emile, you and Dave
bunked together.

- Oh, yeah.
- Was this the first time you

shared a room with
a gay crew member?

- h*m*.

- Uh, it was really pleasant.

Very neat guy,
very nice guy, is--

all-around, yeah, good guy.

- Connie, what was your
first impression of Dave?

- I was excited to have
any type of break

that I could from
Emile at this point,

towards the end of the season.


- Okay, let's switch gears
for a second.

Rocky, when you were
hired as third stew,

you were told that
you would spend

a lot of time
in the laundry room.

But I don't know that

anyone expected you
to be spending your time

with anyone else
in the laundry room.

You and Eddie kind of gave
new meaning to the term

"dirty laundry."
- [chuckles]

- "Pay attention, girl!

"Stop going to sleep
so early on slow days

and you might
get some stress relieved."

- Eduardo says yes.
- [giggles]

- Eduardo loves the ladies.
- Ow.

[both laughing]

- You fought over who
started your affair.

Once and for all,

I mean, who flirted first?

- Do you want to take
the lead on this?

- I mean, I--

I would never have said anything
or started anything

if Rocky hadn't started
flirting with me first.

- Who sent the first text?

- That was probably me
that sent the first text.

But things happened before that.

- What happened before that?

- Rocky put herself
out there pretty obviously.

- How does that manifest itself?

- Well, I don't think
I would've sent

a text message saying,
"You know,

if you want
some stress relieved."

Obviously she'd should come
to me prior and was like,

"I need some stress relieved."

And then I, you know,
followed suit.

- Okay.


Eddie was really cute

and he was
the only guy that was--

just caught my eye.

And he's handsome and funny
and charming and great.

And then--I asked him,
I was like,

"Oh, he had a girlfriend,
okay, cool."

But, in the back of my mind,
we're on a yacht.

We're stuck with each other.

After a while,
you get to know people,

and Eddie, you know,
we'd start kind of

like eyeballing
each other up and down.

- Wow, I was like who the fááá

is this girl in here
for a second.

- Why?
- You got straight hair.

- Well?

- Well, what?

- [laughing]

- That's really good.

I like that.
- Oh, thanks, bud.

You so sexy, baby.

Oh, my God!

Then it kind of got into
sneaky little butt grabs

and then kind of, like,
short, little kisses

here and there
when no one's looking,

and then, yeah, that's
kind of what happened.

That's how it started.

- That's exciting.
- Yeah, it was.

- I-I mean, I don't know.

Like I don't think it really
happened exactly like that.

I definitely think there
was a lot of flirting

going on between us,
which, you know,

led to some trips
to the laundry room.

I'm trying to sleep.
- That's why it's a quickie.

It's an in-out kind of thing.
- [laughing]

I wouldn't call it
a "relationship,"

but yeah, of course, I mean,
I-I don't deny what happened.

I-I take full responsibility
for it.

- What would you call it, Eddie?

- I would call it doing
some dirty laundry.

I'd call it a fling.

I would call it
friends with benefits.

- Would you characterize
it the same way?

Was there emotion for you?

- I would just say that,

you know it's hard to...

Be friends with benefits.

Usually friends with benefits
act like friends.

- Did you really think that
you were gonna be able to

keep this thing a secret?

- Yeah.
- Eddie, yeah?

- Yeah.
- Did anyone here suspect

that this was happening
between these two?

No one suspected.

So, Amy, why were you so upset
that Rocky confided in Emile?

- Eddie and I,
we had like

a little thing going on
the whole time.

- Oh, really?
- Yeah, is that crazy or what?

- That is hilarious.

- Yeah.
- That is so funny.

- [giggles]

That's the only thing.

- Oh, not upset, but it's like,

what did you want
to gain from that?

It didn't make sense to me.

If you've kept it
a secret this entire time,

then what did you want
to get from telling Emile?

- I really honestly felt
that, after our date,

Emile and I were friends

and I felt like I could
count on him for everything

and I think him and I
also do have, like,

a fun, flirty relationship,
but he's not into me.

And I'm not into him,
but we're like hey, hey, hey.

- Well, that being said,
Emile kind of freaked

when he heard the news.

- He was funny.
- It seemed like

your reaction to finding out

about the Eddie-Rocky fling
was so intense

because maybe you still had
a little bit of a crush on her.

- It was just--
it was just like, oh, wow.

I never knew that happened.

Like it was--
it was more like,

it was ironic.
It was like--

- Was there a part of you
that was jealous?

- No, I was--I would just say--
I'd say disappointed.

- Disappointed why?
- I don't know.

It's just basically--

It's not a very
truthful situation,

using me to tell it to.

Like, why would you come to me?
Like, why?

- 'Cause you were my only friend

on the boat that
I actually got along with.

- But you like kept pushing.
It was like a knife

and you kept like twisting.

And then, it was here
and you're laughing.

"Can I get a high five?"
That was like--

- Yeah, that's just--
that's not cool, that--

- That was like
the last person to tell it to

'cause you knew that
he was gonna like--

they worked so closely together.

And it was tension.

- Well, I felt
the conversation--

I had to tell somebody,
and so I felt like

he was the one person
that I could've gone to.

- Ben, what was
your reaction to him?

- Well,
you know, I just kind

of got on the boat and--

I don't know, I think
that everyone was kind of

skeptical of the story
to begin with.

- Yes.
- We thought that maybe

Rocky was making it up.

So I kind of wanted to get
to the bottom of it,

but, I mean,
my loyalty is with--

was with Eddie, you know,

'cause I've known him
for many years.

I'm kind of proud of you
actually to be honest.

- [chuckles]
- You know?

- Why are you proud of him?

For pulling it off?

- He was sneaky.

- You were quite sneaky

about hooking up with Kat...

- Yes.
- Uh, season one.

- Yes.
- So maybe you were glad

that someone else was
pulling it off.

- You know what, yeah.

We're just guys, you know,
and we're gonna screw up.

Girls screw up as well and,
you know, it's all part of it.

And yachting is
a very concentrated environment.

And you know,
there's gonna be sex.

In this case,
it was these two.

- Was it more to you?

- Um, I would just definitely
say that I really did like Eddie

and I thought he was
a really good guy and--

- Did you think that when
the charter season was over

you would continue with him?

- Um, not after the way
that I saw how he...

was talking poorly about me
to the other cast members.

It just really hurt my feelings.

- Connie, when Emile told you

that Rocky and Eddie
had been hooking up,

you didn't believe it at all.

- Apparently, Eddie and Rocky
have been hooking up.

- No, they haven't been.

- They've been fáááing.
That's what she says.

- Eddie would not do that.
Eddie cannot stand her.

Eddie has a girlfriend
that he's extremely into.

I don't believe it at all.

- Why were you so sure that

nothing was happening
between them?

- Well, of course when
we're on deck,

we talk a little bit.
And I don't know

that I heard too many
positive things

come out of any of the decks'
mouth about Rocky,

besides she's
a freaking cuckoo bird.

So why would I think
that my boss

would want
to bang a cuckoo bird?

No offense,

but I don't know
how else to put it.

Like if you're gonna bang

it's usually like,
"Oh, man, did you see Rocky?

Did you see her do that dive?
That was hot,"

but there was nothing of that.

- Mona from New Haven,
Connecticut, said,

"Eddie, once might be a slip up,

"but you had sex
with Rocky four times.

How could you ghost her
on the boat after that?"

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

- Need some strips.

- Are you okay?

- Am I okay?

- Yeah.

- I'm fine.

I don't think
I was ignoring her.

I just was not really open to
any more sexual advances.

You can't ignore anybody
on a boat that size.

- I think he was worried that
everyone was going to find out,

so he tried to make it seem

that there was no way
that we had a relationship.

So he was trying to
further himself from me.

That's how I--
that's how I looked at it.

- Well, I think it was that,
but it was also, you know,

like I was starting to try to

work things out with my
girlfriend again at the time.

And there's that,

along with Rocky's
professionalism, and everything.

And I just kind of felt
like distancing myself

would be the best--
the best--

- The professionalism thing
is a big thing for you, right?

- Yeah, and, I mean, that--
and that's also a part of

why I tried distancing myself.
It's because I realized

how unprofessional I was being

and how I was going against
my rules and my morals.

And--and I was
ashamed of myself for,

for breaking those rules and--

and you know,
being so unprofessional.

- I didn't know that he didn't
like me like that.

- What's your reaction to that?

- I'm sorry that
you felt that way.

I thought--I thought
that was pretty obvious.

- That you hated my guts?

- I don't think
I hated your guts,

but after when Leon
got let go,

you just went off the deep end
and ripped all your clothes off

and dove off the boat.

It was just kind of, like,
holy sááá, this girl is nuts.

Like what is she doing?
You should have been fired.

You should have
never been back there.

And I had--I--you know,
I had enough of it.

- That was when it
all changed for you?

- Yeah.

- So did you cut
things off then?

- I wouldn't say cut things off,
but I definitely didn't

go in the laundry room.
I didn't, like have any kind of

sexual interaction
with her anymore.

- You didn't?
- No.

- So that was the last time
that we hooked up?

- Yeah.

- What about two times
after the show?

- Ooh!

- Whoa.

- Okay.

♪ ♪

- Coming up...

- He came to my hotel room.
"Bomp, bom, bom."

We're not in the laundry room

And then how about
at pickup interview?


you might be
a woman after my heart.

You wrote "Housewives" taglines

for each of the crew
from "Below Deck."

Ben--"A flash in
the pan isn't my style.

I prefer to stir the pot."

Give Amy hers.

- "You know what they say.

'The grass is always greener

'on the bright side."

Hey, y'all."
- Rocky?

- "I was a champion diver,

"so I'm always
looking for reasons

to go off the deep end."

- "I may not know everything,

"but I know I'm good-looking,

and that's what really matters."

- "I've got a pocketful
of plane tickets

and I'm not afraid
to use them."

- "I may have
a bitchy resting face,

"but that's the only part of me

that's ever resting."

- "It's what's on
the inside that counts,

"so on the outside,

why wear anything at all?"

- "Work in the water can
get hard at times,

"so when my vessel gets Rocky,

any port in a storm will do."

A little play on words.
- That's a pun.

- Dave.
"I'm here for a good time,

not a long time."

I'm serving beef cheeks."

[all chuckling]

- I wouldn't say cut things off,

but I definitely didn't go
in the laundry room.

I didn't, like, have
any kind of

sexual interaction
with her anymore.

- You didn't?
- No.

- So that was the last time
that we hooked up?

- Yeah.

- What about two times
after the show?

- Oh!

- Whoa.

- Okay.

- What about the night
after filming?

And he came to my--

he came to my hotel room,
"Bum, bum, bum."

We're not in
the laundry room anymore.

And then, how about
at pickup interview?

- [gasps]
- Ha!

- You could say what you want.

- Airing that dirty laundry.

- Why, oh, are you denying that?
- Yes.

- You're denying that?
- Yes.

- I mean, why would I lie?
What would I have to lie about?

- Well, let me ask you this.

You may have something
to lie about.

You're back with
your girlfriend.

- Mm-hmm.
- Yes, we've got back together.

- So what will her reaction be

when she sees
this accusation?

- I don't know.

- Was the sex great?

- Well, it didn't happen once.

- [laughing]

- Too quick to really tell.

- Not the time after the show
or not the two times after.

That was pretty good.

- [scoffs]

Why you keep saying that?

- You're denying that
it happened after the show.

- Yes, I absolutely am denying
that's happened, yeah.

- You weren't together
with your girlfriend.

- No, I wasn't together
with my girlfriend.

- No, you weren't together
with your girlfriend.

You guys broke up.
- Yeah.

- So the show was over.
We were done filming.

And it's like, "Hey, finally,

you know, we don't have to do it
in the laundry room."

- When did you get back together
with your girlfriend?

- Uh, I guess it was like

almost a month after I got
back from the show.

- Eddie, how did you feel

watching the scenes
where you're--

- Lying.
- Lying to the crew?

- So, how's Amy?

- It's really hard.

- She's just lonely?

- And she knows, like,
I would never, never ever

hook up with anybody on the boat
that I work on ever.

Here's to a long,
happy relationship.

- Rocky is kind of like
talking about some things.

- Like what?
- Like y'all hooking up.

- Why the fááá would
she say that sááá?

You're saying that
something happened between us?

- I mean, nothing ever happened,

so I don't know
why you would say it.

- Yeah, really.

Dude, nothing ever happened.

I mean, I consider,

you know, almost everyone
here a good friend.

And I'm so ashamed for lying

and I wish I could apologize,

but really
the only thing I could do

is just try to move forward.

- Dave, I wonder what
was your reaction when

your buddy Eddie
looked you in the eye,

and said he didn't have
an affair with Rocky.

- I was surprised.
I wouldn't say that Eddie lied.

I-I don't think that

he actually told me
anything that was

other than the truth,
but I was shocked.

- Captain Lee is kind of
rolling his eyes a little bit.

- Yeah.
No offense, David.

But not telling
the truth is a lie.

- Were you disappointed
in Eddie?

- Extremely disappointed
in Eddie.

And Eddie and I have
had the discussion.

Don't mind telling you
I'm disappointed.

It was just a colossal fááá up.

- Yeah, colossal.
- And I'm not gonna

sugarcoat it for your ass.
I expected more.

You only have
one shot at integrity.

There's not a lot of
gray area there, period.

- Were you disappointed
that he fooled around with Rocky

or that he lied about it?
- Both.

No, I don't understand
why he would it.

And I understand even less
the attempt at the cover-up.

- Kate, what was your reaction
to Eddie denying it?

Did your heart go out to Rocky?

- Actually,
watching the final episode,

I felt very bad for you,

because I could see
how it was misleading.

And I can see
your position as well.

And we've all been there.
It's just not easy.

- Dan from New York City said,
"Why is Rocky being blamed

"for Emile following her around
like a puppy dog,

"Don following her
into the water,

"or Eddie cheating on
his girlfriend with her?

"Those guys made their choices.

She can't help it
if she's attractive."

Is she being unfairly blamed?

- Takes two to tango.

- Amy, do you think
she's being unfairly blamed?

- I can imagine like
the place that--that would--

like, I can't imagine
being in your position.

'Cause, you know, we didn't
even realize this was going on.

- You know what it was?

You're on a boat with
each other for six weeks.

And he wasn't just some guy
I was hooking up with--

- Right.
- It was my neighbor,

roommate, coworker.

And so, I think
I fell in love with Eddie

as a friend
and as a person.

So to see him say
all those mean things,

like, ow, I didn't know
he hated me so much

or I didn't know
he thought this little of me.

And like, I'm grossed out
that he's so ashamed

that he was with me.

And I get where
you're coming from,

and I understand that,

you know, you're back
with your girlfriend.

And--and I wish
you guys the best,

but your girlfriend wasn't
the only one that got hurt.

- Seems like this group is
kind of piling on Rocky

when you might be giving Eddie
kind of a harder time.

- I didn't know that
he didn't like me like that.

I didn't.

- If you could go back in time,

is there anything about
this thing you would change?

- Yeah.
- What?

- All of it.

- Would you--would you have not
done it in the first place?

- Yeah, absolutely.

- What about you?

- Knowing what I know now,

and knowing who this person is,

and the other side of him,

I don't think I would
have done it either.

- I'm interested to know
how your girlfriend

found out about
the fling with Rocky.

- I told her.
- You did?

- Uh, almost right away.

- Almost right away
when you got back?

- I-I called her when
I was still in the Bahamas,

right before I flew home.

- You did?
- Mm-hmm.

- How'd that go?
- [chuckles]

- She waiting at the airport?
- What?

- Was she waiting
at the airport?

- She was not waiting
at the airport.

Let's just say that.

- If you had not been caught,

do you think you would
have told your girlfriend?

- Yeah, I think so.

- You're still with your--
- I don't think you would have

told your girlfriend.

I think you would've
gotten away, scotch clean.

- Anything else you
have to say to her?

- Nope.

I moved forward from all this.

You know, it's--
I'm just trying to get to

a stronger and happier
place in my life

and in my career
and in my relationships.

- What?

- [groans and laughs]

No, I mean,
yeah, I forgive you.

- Okay, thank you.

- I want to wrap
this discussion up

and look towards the future.

Captain Lee, do you have
an upcoming charter?

- I hope so.

- Kate, do you see yourself
as a lifelong yachty?

- No.

I'll see ocean and see sky.

- Huh.
- And then when Virgin Galactic

goes to space,
first space stewardess.

- Oh, I like that.
- Really?

- Got to have goals.
- There you go.

- That's too easy.
- Hello, rocketship.

- Dave, what's next for you?
Have you set a wedding date yet?

- Well, I'll be graduating
from college

with my Bachelor's in January.

So now that
school's almost done,

Trevor and I can start
planning a wedding.

- That's great.

Rocky, will you continue
working on yachts?

- Yeah.
- As a stew or a chef?

- Um, I am doing both.

- Emile, what are
your plans for the future?

- Travel the world.
Work on yachts.

Open up businesses
and see where it goes.

- Nice.
Amy, you have a new boyfriend?

- Whoo.

- Go ahead, come on.
- I got my own somebody.

Hey, hey, hey.
- Really? Nice.

- Hey, hot stuff.
Well, you know.

- Connie, what's the next step
for you?

When do we get to call you

- Uh, when Emile works under me.



- I think we'd all like Emile
to work under us.


- Not all.
- Below deck.

- Coming up...

Do you all see yourselves

working on yachts
three years from now?

- No, this was my last season
working on a yacht.

- Really?

What if Captain Lee made you
a first officer?

- Uh...

three years from now?

- No, this was my last season
working on a yacht.

- Really?
- Yeah.

- What are you gonna do?

- I'm gonna focus on my career
working commercial maritime.

- Tug boat, tug boat.
- Tug boat, tug boats.

- Wow.
- You said that last year.

- What if Captain Lee made
you a first officer?

- Uh, on a tug boat,
yeah, I'm down.

- [laughing]

- Ben, you just got
back from charter in the Med.

How was it?
- Mm-hmm.

I mean, it was a tough season,

not gonna lie,
but it was a lot of fun.

- Well, Ben and the rest
of the crew

of the "Ionian Princess,"

they're gonna be featured
in the brand new Bravo series,

"Below Deck: Mediterranean."

- Welcome to Greece!

- You got to take
pictures of this.

- This blows away
that Carribean.

- The Mediterranean is the most
serious circuit there is.

- Everyone in position.

- One's in position.
- Standing by at three.

- Okay, go ahead
and drop and let's go.

[upbeat music]

- The Med is the playground
for the rich

and the place where
the it people want to be seen.

- The guys are...
- Oh, yes!

- Pretty cute.
- [groans]

- I love girls on the boat.

Bit of eye candy
walking around, you know.

- I must admit,
when I was a stewardess

getting bossed around, I was
not a happy little camper.

I just wanted to be
the chief steward.

That was that.

- More martini, less espresso.

- Living on the super yacht,

the guests get exactly what
they want when they want it.


- 10 more seconds
of whatever you got.

- I'll do anything that
seems stupid to others people,

but really fun to me.

- Oh, no...
- Whoa, whoa, whoa.

- Aah!
- Lifestyle treatment is...

holding someone's
hair extensions

and wrapping them up
in a napkin

with a smile.

- Look, she's waiting for you.

Go win your hundred.

- He has got way
more game than you do.

- I could kiss you right now.
- Is that inappropriate?

- Absolutely.

- We're here to serve them,
entertain them.

We're not here
to connect with them.

Crossing the line
of professionalism.

- You're fáááing up at work,

and then you're walking
down the street,

skulling out of
a bottle of wine.

- Can't fáááing please her.

- What was the "entrée" tonight?

- I got confused when
a piece of fáááing bread

with salmon went out
as the fáááing starter.

- You're the chief steward.

Don't throw me under the bus.

- His line is ripping.
- Oh, my God.

- Fááá that.
- Bobby, what's going on?

Lock that line off!

- So you think he'll be fired?
- Yeah, I think so.

- Danny's unconscious
on the aft deck.

Got EMTs coming
to examine him.

- Okay, copy that.
I'll be here at the scene.

- You've lost my trust.

- Quit holding that sháá
against me.

- Shut your face!

- You've lost the respect of
your crew members.

- I can't believe
I'm fáááing crying.

- Pack your bags.
You can collect your tip money

and your plane tickets
and go home.

[bullhorn blaring]

- I would like to leave
this charter season

with no "major" regrets.

Yeah, baby.

- Well, it's been
an intense time together.

I think we should cap it off

with a good stiff round
of sh*ts.

If it's good enough for
your charter guests,

it's certainly good for us.

- Get it done.
- I got this.

- Yeah, go on, Kate,
make yourself useful.


- I've been training
for this my whole life.

[laughter and chatter]

- Woo-whee!
- This is great.

- This is really 1944.

- Come on over, have a seat.
- I've never had this.

- Captain Lee, I think you
should lead us in a toast.

- Fair winds, following seas,

and good luck.

- Hear, hear.
all: Cheers!

[indistinct chatter]

- Thanks, guys.
- Salud.

- Cheers.

- Outstanding.