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03x05 - I'm Ironing the Captain's Shorts

Posted: 04/21/24 11:59
by bunniefuu
- Previously on "Below Deck"...

- I just feel like Rocky's here
more for fun than for career.

- Yeah. Yes.
- Maybe if you could help her...

- We can teach this girl.

- You want to pay attention
to this corner, like--

And then this need to be, like--
This whole thing tucks in there.

So you kind of just give it
a fluff and a chop.

- It's so much work.

- You're quite
the talented chef.

Tell me how you started.

- I started
working on cruise ships.

- Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Cruise ships
are the Walmart,

and yachts
are the Neiman Marcus.

This guys is clearly
not a yachtie.

- Emile just asked me out
on a date!

- Ah!

- Who's the last girl
you dated?

- I don't date. I mate.
Wine and dine, 69.

- Whoa, whoa, whoa,
whoa, whoa, whoa.

That date was like nails
on a chalkboard,

[imitates scratching]

- Let me just give you
a kiss good-bye.

- No, no, I don't want
to be touched. I'm good.

- In the case of Eddie
and his girlfriend,

it doesn't seem like absence
makes the heart grow fonder.

- I think at this point,
I wanted to give you my notice.

- Did you just actually quit?

- Considering we're down--
What's your consensus on that?

- Great.

- I don't think
it really makes a difference.

- Sháá.

Damn it.

[horn blares]

[upbeat music]

♪♪ ♪♪

[upbeat music]

- God, is it gonna get cold?

Has anybody seen
the actual weather?

- It feels really cold.

- Yeah.
- Let's see here.

High of 64, low of 50.
- Ohh.

- Of course, the one day
we have off, it's horrible.

- Yeah.

- Mm, fresh sheets.

[playful music]

♪♪ ♪♪

Oh, I want alone time.

- Alone time with me?
- No.

- Oh, wrong answer.

I had a great time
with Rocky.

She's a girl
that you'll have to work for,

so it will be fun
to see if I can score.

- What do I want in a dude?
- Old.

- In a man?
- Age.

- Emile's just definitely
too young.

I want a man
that sweeps me off my feet,

can hold his own liquor,

and these little, like,
pickup lines

are not really doing it for me.

I need charming.

- Experienced.

I'm very experienced.


- Could there be
a second date?

No, I'm--
No. No.

Give me double high five.


- Got a new deckhand
coming in tomorrow.

- Well, before
the new deckhand comes,

if you want to move
into my room,

now would be the only time.

- I need a slight break
from Emile right now.

- I would love it.

I encourage Connie

to move into my room
for purely selfish reasons.

I know that I would get along
with Connie,

but I'm not so sure
about Don's replacement.

- It'll be good
for Emile and I,

because he's just
a little young right now.

- He's so young and dumb.

Like, he's intelligent,

but he's not,
like, world-experience smart.

- But one day he will, and he'll
be a really nice person.

- Yachting will probably do it
to him.

[upbeat music]

- Do you want this last piece?
- No, go for it, bro.

I've got to eat that
and finish this.

Where's Rocky?
- I don't know.

- She seems okay.
- Yeah.

I think I'm gonna go
to California.

- What's in California?
- [chuckles] Rocky's family.

- Emile is in way over his head.

Heart of gold
but clueless about women.

- She's interesting.
- Yeah.

- She's the most
interesting woman.

- How was your date
with Emile?

- He got super hammered.
- [laughs]

- I do have to nip it
in the bud.

Emile's so cute, and he's got
all these amazing things,

but, like, almost,
and then you open your mouth,

and I'm like...

You know what, though?
He's really nice to me.

- No, he's super nice.
Y'all were cute last night.

Like, y'all were at this
little picnic table by yourself.

- Yeah, uh-huh.
Can you stop it?

- Hey.
- Oh, Eddie-boy.

- I'd rather do Eddie
than Emile.

I want a man.
I need a man.

I wants a man.

- It's so windy.
- It's howling.

It's actually really stupid
to clean a boat in this wind.

- Okay. Well...

[upbeat music]

- Oh!

♪♪ ♪♪

- Eddie, Kate, and Chef,

I need you three
up in the wheelhouse.

- Thank you, sir.

- Thank you.

- Uh, we have Kevin Johnson.

He owns several restaurants
in Tahoe and Reno.

Tim's his good friend.

He works with him.
Butterfly-cut filet.

Why do I see
a "well-done" coming?

- Do you know
what I'm gonna do?

I'm gonna do beef cheeks.

- This is the second charter
in a row

that Leon wants
to serve beef cheeks.

Maybe he should start
thinking outside the box,

Kobe beef, filet,
anything else but beef cheeks.

- Wife's named Brittani.

You don't see too many ladies
drinking Johnnie Walker

and 1942 tequila.

That's impressive.

Water activities--
the weather may not cooperate.

- If the wind is whipping,
it's gonna be tough

pulling the Jet Skis
off the top.

- Yeah, it's gonna be iffy.

- When you have bad weather,

you've got to come up
with a lot of activities

to entertain the guests,

because deckhands
don't have to do anything

because they
can't take out the water toys.

But for the interior,
that means the guests

are inside all the time,

which only means more work
for me and Amy.

- Done.
- Thanks.

- Thanks, guys,
appreciate it.

[playful music]

- Kate, I'm gonna move stuff.
- Go for it.

- Are you taking
the top or bottom, or what--

- I'm bottom.
- Yeah.


I'm super excited
I have Kate as a roommate.

It's a girl.

I can sleep comfortably naked,

and I don't have
to wake up any longer

to Emile's little
tiny morning wood in my face.

I've got a lot of things
I need to deal with

when I get back home.

My girlfriend cheated on me
last charter season.

It's a fáááed-up relationship,

but that doesn't mean
I want to give up on her.

But right now
it's all I can think about.

Go, do what you want.

Do whatever you want, sweetie.

- You okay, roomie?

- I'm good.

- Connie left me
for another woman.

[upbeat music]

♪♪ ♪♪

- We're riding
some serious laundry waves.

When I'm
in the laundry closet,

I feel like I'm stuck
in this prison.


But I am not going
to be miserable

for the rest of the season.

I just have to keep trying.

♪♪ I'm in the laundry room
getting weird ♪♪


[playful music]

- Lelani, I'm good, baby girl.
I'm good.

Daddy's a little bit busy
at work, that's all,

but I miss you.

I miss my girls like crazy.

Hi, Kasha, how are you?

I love you.
You're gonna go to a show?

What type of show
are you gonna see?

Is your bedroom
all neat and tidy?

Getting ready to go?

I can't even put in words
how much I love them.

They're my inspiration in life
to go on and push forward.

Bye-bye, love you.
Kiss, kiss.

Ciao, bye.

They're my world,
without a doubt.

[upbeat music]

- Okay, guys.
We have less than an hour.

- Hey, Eddie, one of the carts
just blew off the dock.

- Fááá, five knots.
- It's howling.

- I need everybody on deck
in their whites in ten.

- Copy.

♪♪ ♪♪

- Okay, I'm going.

- Put on that stew face.

It's time to earn that tip.

- Five minutes, everybody.
Five minutes.

[cork pops]
- Opa!

- Oh, it's pretty windy,
and it's pretty cold.

- All right,
they're on their way.

- Look at that.
That is sick.

- As soon as they get on,
fly down there.

Get that fáááing luggage
on board.

Everything's got to move
really fast.

- I cannot wait to get on
this boat and have a good time.

- We're not cold.

- Okay.

- Good morning.
- How you doing?

- Come on on.

- Hi, nice to meet you.
- How are you? Captain Lee.

- Hi, nice to meet you.
- How you doing? Kevin.

Nice meeting you.
- Hi.

- Captain Lee.
- How you doing?

- Welcome aboard "Eros."
- Yes.

- It's a little breezy,
but we'll get through it.

Kate is your chief stew.

She'll show you
around the boat,

and we're gonna
get under way shortly.

So you guys
ready to have a good time?

- Yeah, let's do this.
[all cheering]

all: Cheers.
- Okay, go ahead, Kate.

- All right, right this way.
It's a beautiful boat.

- Emile, Connie, Eddie,
get the luggage.

- This is the main salon.
- Wow.

- If the weather
gets any more inclement,

you can always dine right here.

- Up. Fááá.

- This master is a split level.
- Wow.

- Oh, my God.
- Beautiful panoramic view.

- Wow, I'm home.
I'm home.

- Make yourself comfortable.

We'll see how they feel
after being stuck inside

for a few days.

What kind of sh*ts
do you guys want to do?

- I'll do a shot of Don Julio.

- I don't think they were able
to source that out.

- Oh, you're k*lling me.

I put it
on my preference sheet.

- Everybody put it on their
preference sheet, I think.

- I guess they didn't
take that seriously.

- Um, this is not good.

- I was having
a nice time here,

and you got
to go screw everything up.

Thanks a lot.

- We have Patrón,
lots of Patrón.

- Eh.

- Let me go check
the upstairs bar.

- Have you seen another tequila
besides Patrón and that?

- Tequila?
- Yeah.

- Herradura?

- No, I have it
down in the bar,

but he wanted 1942,
but I couldn't get it.

I've noticed guests
put a lot of things

on their preference sheets
that they never ask for.

So if something's difficult
to get,

I'm not gonna
bend over backwards

with our short amount of time.

But now that Kevin's here
and asking for it,

I realize it's important.

Yes, hello, I was wondering
if you have Don Julio 1942?

It's kind of an emergency.

- We're gonna
do both bowlines first.

As soon as they're clear,
I'm moving.

Where it's gonna get tricky is,
I'm gonna have

to angle past that sign
a little bit

before I kick it over,
because once we get broadside,

we get a 25- or 30-knot gust--

- We're gonna be in trouble.
- It could be, yeah.

- Hey, I ever show you
this trick before?

- Oh, here.
all: Oh!

- Your frickin' thumb
came off.

- Let me know when
the deck crew's in position.

- We're ready to go.

- All right, let's go.
- All right, Emile.

- Ugh.

- Emile, you got
both bowlines clear?

- I'm working on it.
- What's taking so long?

- 40, 50 feet
off the starboard,

we have a rock jetty,

and if the wind's
blowing the wrong direction,

it'll carry us onto that jetty
if we don't clear in time.

- Lee, is everything okay
up there?

Does he need a hand?

- He's fáááing k*lling me.

- Strawberry daiquiri.
- Thank you so much.

- Oh, you're so welcome.

- Sucks there's no '42,

- We're try--

[inhales] Should've rechecked
that provision order.

Sorry we couldn't
get that out here.

There are certain things
that are kind of standard.

- Right.
- And then when there's

really unique items,
it's harder to get it.

Ooh, my goodness.


- Both bowlines off.

- Let's hustle.

That wind's got us
already off the dock.

- Starboard side 45 foot
off jetty.

- 35 feet starboard.

- Stand clear, jetty.
- All right.

- Deck crew,
let's get these fenders in.

♪♪ ♪♪

- Get it out of the way.
I can't fáááing see.

I can't see.
Move it.

- Coming up...
- We have a new deckhand coming.

- I'm really excited.

- It'll be nice
to have extra hands on deck,

hopefully really big hands.

- Do you see him?

- Deck crew,
let's get these fenders in.

- Get it out of the way.
I can't fáááing see.

I can't see.
Move it.

Somebody come up
and give Emile a hand

with that fender, please.
- On my way.

- Fááá.

- Being shorthanded
on deck has really fáááed us.

Fortunately, we've got
somebody showing up today,

so some relief is on the way.

- Get it yet?
- I just started deflating it.

- What the fááá?
How did you start deflating it?

- Pulled it up like a dumbass
that was in a hurry.

- Well, you're gonna
have to do better.

- We're still getting
strong gusts of wind,

so the Jet Skis--
we can't take them down.

But we are quite close
to Hope Town.

- He wants 1942 more than
he wants to be on this yacht.

[upbeat music]

♪♪ ♪♪

- Hey, Rocky, do you mind
hitting the laundry room

for a little bit?

- Rocky's on the way.

- ♪♪ I want to be on Broadway ♪♪

♪♪ Ahh ♪♪

- Okay, Eddie.
All stop.

♪♪ ♪♪

Lock it in.

[upbeat music]

♪♪ ♪♪

- Hello, do you have

Yes, hello, I was wondering if
you have 1942 Don Julio tequila.

I have a guest
who really wants it.

Yes, hello, I was wondering
if you have 1942 tequila.


I'm gonna get Don Julio.

I don't care
if I have to charter a plane

to fly one over
from the United States.

That's what we will have to do.


- The remote
for the curtains is here.

So, close.


- Then all we need is somebody
to figure out the TV for us.

- Oh, I can show you that.

- We can get it up,
but we just can't get it on.

That sounded wrong.


- Coming in hot.
- Coming in hot.

- Are you
our ding-a-ling-a-ling?

- Boat's ready
for Hope Town.

- Okay, let's roll.

- Hop on board.
Mind your head.

- Thank you.
- My pleasure.

Here you go, big guy.
Here you go.

- Whoo, little splish-splash.
- Guests are off the boat.

- Thank goodness
the guests go to Hope Town,

because if they get bored,
then they get unhappy.

So it's our job
to just keep them busy.

- Hey, we got a new deckhand
coming in about an hour.

- Yay, have you seen
a photo of him?

- No, I have not.

- Do you know his name?

- Hans.
- Shut up.

- [laughs]

- We have
a new deckhand coming.

- I'm really excited.

Let's be honest--a hot deckhand
makes the days go by faster

and the work a little easier.

- It'll be nice

to have extra hands on deck,
hopefully really big hands.

- Did you hear his name?

- Well, Eddie said Hans,
but I don't believe him.

- [laughs]

- His name is Fabio.

He'll be on the back of the boat
coming in just like hair...

[imitates whooshing]


Hello, Connie.
- Mm-hmm.

- I need help oiling first.

- You ready, big boy?

- I know nothing
about him.

- So who should
be more nervous?

This is your new roommate.

What if he snores?
- This is your new roommate.

I hope this deckhand
comes with experience

but not so much that he thinks
that he's above everyone else.

- We're rolling one fender over.
It takes two seconds.

You put it right back.

You're just not right for this,
man, you know that, right?

- When you're working the deck,
I am your boss.

Emile, be ready to show him
around the boat and to his room.

- Yes.

- Let's try to be as hospitable
as possible.

- Exactly.

- And then we'll make
his life hell.

- Okay.

[upbeat music]

[indistinct chatter]

- We could, like, hit a bar
and then go shopping.

- Shopping? I got to get
a little buzz going,

so I don't have to worry

about all the stuff
that she's getting.

- You found your sunnies.

- Oh, jeez.
- Oh, bam.

That's what I'm talking about.
- Round of sh*ts.

- Line 'em up.
- sh*ts, sh*ts, sh*ts, sh*ts.

[all cheering]

- Sucks there's no '42 out here.

- Don't you know you're supposed
to be in the laundry room?

- I'm going now, but I just
thought of a great idea.

I'm gonna show you outside.

I'm writing a musical.

- Wow.

- Ironing clothes,
you kind of get in a zone.

It's like a tedious task, so
I've come up with this musical

to help me stay positive.

It's like, ha ha ha ha.

♪♪ His shirt's off,
he's cleaning ♪♪

♪♪ His shirt's off,
he's cleaning ♪♪

♪♪ I'm stuck in laundry ♪♪

- Rocky's bat-sháá.

I have no idea what goes
through that chick's head.

She's nuts.

- I think we're writing
a musical.

- Write your musical
in the laundry room.

- [laughs]

- One minute she's crying
and then this.

But she's
in better spirits today,

and I much prefer the "crazy,
singing Broadway" Rocky

to the "bawling
in a fetal position" Rocky.

- ♪♪ I'm writing a musical
in laundry ♪♪

- Raquel, you took my water.

- Oh, I'm sorry. Hey.
- Ho bag.

- Hey, I'm totally serious
about this.

I'm gonna make millions.

This is a great idea.

Boom. Musical.

We'll have
a diving acrobat, swings.

We're gonna have silks
on the ship, off the ship.

Oh, my God,
I look like a psycho.


Dude, I need to focus.

- Yeah, get back to
♪♪ ironing ♪♪

- I'm gonna take a closer look.

[dramatic music]

- Is that really him?
- Will you call Kate up here?

- Kate, can you please come
to the main deck aft?

- Do you see him?
- Cute.

- Oh, yeah.

- I'll get it.

I got it.
You're good. You're good.

- Oh, gosh.
Totally caught us.

- This guy is pale.

- Emile.
- Dane.

- Good to meet you.
- Good to meet you.

- But he's a very cute boy,

and in seven to ten days,
he'll be a very tan cute boy.

- I think you'll be
bunking with me.

- Nice, nice.
Are you the other deck?

- Yeah,
and we've got Connie as well.

- I think we should go
make sure he's settled.

- This is Connie.
- Hi.

- How you doing? Dane.
- Dane, nice to meet you.

I'm Connie.
- Nice to meet you.

- I just hope
he has a good personality

and he wants to have fun
and not be a little bitch

and eat raw eggs
every morning.

- Chef Leon, Dane.
- How you doing?

I'm Dane.
- Where you from?

- North Carolina.
- Right, okay.

I'm Leon.
Nice to meet you.

- Eddie, he's the bosun.
- How you doing? Dane.

- How you doing?
- Doing good.

This weather is a little--
- Little chilly, right?

- Yeah, just came
out of Puerto Rico.

- Coming off a different boat?

- Yeah, actually,
I was there on a catamaran.

- Nice, is that the first boat
you've worked on, that cat?

- Oh, no, no, no, no.

I've been working on boats for--
I grew up on boats.

I had a easy childhood.

My parents luckily, you know,
came from a little bit of money.

We grew up sailing.

I never got a degree,

so I feel yachting
is a, you know,

a kind of bypass
to get somewhere pretty quick.

Other than that,
I'm really the--

you know, the beach surfer
kind of laid-back chill guy.

- All right, I'm gonna
take him up to see the captain.

- Hello.
- Hello. Dane.

- Kate. Nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you, Kate.

- Hi, I'm Amy.
- How you doing? Dane.

- Good.
Good to meet you.

- Nice to meet you.
- Oh, my goodness.

Like, Southern accent,
nice smile.

He's a handsome man.

- Captain, Dane.
Captain Lee Rosbach.

- Hey. Dane, how you doing?
- Captain Lee.

Nice to meet you.
- My pleasure. Welcome aboard.

- Thank you, thank you.

- Thanks for coming out
on short notice.

Appreciate that.
- Yeah, yeah.

- Eddie will tell you all the
information you need to know.

So you might want to get
a little closer to that razor.

- Okay.
I'm ready to work hard.

- Take him down
and get him settled in.

- Sounds good.

- He does have dimples.

- He's got very cute eyes.
- Good smile.

- And once he gets a tan,
he's gonna be so hot.

- He's gonna be cute
with a little makeover.


- Get Cubans and some Funyuns.

- Oh, Funyuns too.

- Yeah, two Funyuns.

[upbeat music]

♪♪ ♪♪

- Hi.
- This is Rocky.

- How you doing? Dane.
both: Nice to meet you.

- Hello!

He's cute.


- Ready to go?
- Let's do it.

- Cheers, man.
- Let's go.

- Cheers, man.
Cheers, bro.

[upbeat music]

- Hey, Leon, the guests
will be back in 20 minutes.

- Too easy.

Preparing dinner is time.
Time is of the essence.


- This is basically
where the anchoring is done,

and there's the strainer pump.

- When I was young,
I did a lot of climbing.

I loved to climb trees.

To really be able to get
on a mega yacht,

I feel is almost
like a big jungle gym.

- If this is not enough,
just ask Eddie or ask Connie.

We're here to help you.
We're here to be a team.

- Get this
fáááing ponytail tight.

- You should cut
your hair off.

- Ladies love
the long hair, man.

- Yeah?
- Oh, they love it.

- ♪♪ Looks beautiful, Leon ♪♪

- Sorry.

The guests are still on land,

so I'm not really sure
why you're making dinner.

- Fáááing hell.
Everything's cooked.

- We're gonna
have to throw it in the oven.

It's gonna be dry, but I can't
really do much about that.

It's not
fáááing rocket science

to communicate
with me and say,

"Stop, don't put anything
in the oven."

- Somehow it's my fault that he
cooked without me telling him.

- It's bullsháá.

- Coming up...
- Leon is a great guy.

- He worked
on the "Queen Elizabeth 2,"

which is not actually a yacht.

- If you've got something
to say, say it to my face.

Fááá that.

- I'm not really sure
why you're making dinner.

- It's not fáááing
rocket science to communicate

with me and say, "Stop, don't
put anything in the oven."

- Leon's an idiot.

The guests aren't even on the
boat, and he's making dinner.

I'm positive
I never said to make dinner.

- Not once did she say to me,

"Oh, do you mind
waiting ten minutes?"

This is
a communication disaster.

- I just don't want
to be in there with attitude.

A yacht charter chef
would never just do that.

He's used to cruise ships
where you have a schedule.

He should know the difference.

What if they said
they ate off the boat?

- Yeah.

- What if they said
"We're not hungry"?

- I just think
he was a little too fire happy.

- Yeah, trigger happy.
- Yeah, trigger happy.

Thank you.
- You're so cute.

The hand movements help.

[cell phone bloops]

- Eddie, are you all right?

- So I saw some yoga mats
down there.

- You're a yoga boy?
- Oh, yeah.

- We got yoga mats
up on the sky deck too.

- Nice, nice.
- Dane, what's up?

- What's up?
- So you like yoga, huh?

- I like yoga, yeah.
- We'll get a little flow in.

- Yeah.

- After this,
I'm going to get

my 200-hour
teacher certification.

- Oh.
- Dane's got a good smile.

[clicks tongue]

He's taller
than everyone else.


He's got hair.

He's got three things
going for him right now.

Guess what.

Guess what.
He's winning.

Dude, you can be, like,

the yoga-instructor deckhand
on boats.

- No way
that I'd be jealous.

When other guys give females
attention, I just back off,

and the girl
always comes back to me.

- So...
- [chuckles]

- Could you get
on the regulator?

- Yeah, I'll get it right now.

- We'll talk later.
- Yeah, you're distracting me.

- Don't worry.
I'm good at that.

- All crew, all crew.

- Okay, guests are back.
- Copy.

- Back to serious life.

- Are you ready?
- I was born ready, girl.

- We made it.

- How was it in town?
- It was cool.

There was, like, little houses.
- Oh, cute.

- Let's go meet
our new deckhand.

- Hi, everybody.
- Oh, we got a new one?

- We have--
- Yeah, I'm Dane.

- High five.
- High five? Nice.

- How was your day?
- It was good.

- Good.

Did you guys eat onshore?

Okay, so you guys are hungry?

- I'm down,
for, like, cheese plates.

- Yeah.

They had food onshore,

so they are open
to, like, a cheese plate.

- There could be
a little bit more communication.

- We'll work on
our communication to each other.

- Okay, beautiful.
- That's a great idea.

[upbeat music]

- Cannonball!
Oh, snap!

- Yeah, watch the current.

It's gonna take you,
like, an hour

to get all that salt
off of you.

- If you want,
I'll rinse you off quickly.

As a deckhand,
you've got to be a team player

and help out
where it's necessary.

- We can offer this,
but I feel like--

Or do you want
to use it for crew?

- [sighs]

- Okay.

- Hey, do you think
you can catch it?

- Ready?
- Yeah.

- This is going in.
- Okay.

- There.
[all cheering]

- So it's 10:10.

You can go ahead
and go to sleep,

but be on deck at 6:30.

- Okay, sounds great.

- [yawning]
I need to go to bed.

- Kevin's done.
- He's out?

- Yeah.
- He's sleeping?

- Yeah.
- Good night, guys.

Let me get these lights
turned off for you.

- Thank you.

- As much as I love having
to do less work,

guests going to bed early
is not a good sign.

It means that they'd rather
sleep than hang out on the boat.

- We might have
a hot tub night.

- We only have so many nights to
show these guests a good time.

- I'm gonna go to bed.
- Good night.

- Join us?
- No, no, no way.

I am not allowed
to go in the hot tub.

- [shushing]

- I'm getting pretty excited
because I'm a water baby.

I'm cancer.
I'm a big fan of my baggies.

And now when I have women

wanting me to get
in the hot tub, yeah, sure.

I'd love to get in the hot tub
with y'all.

- Oh, buddy.

- [gasps]
Oh, my God.

[overlapping chatter]

- You got hors d'oeuvres coming.

- Dude...


- We're not allowed.

I'm sorry about that.
- No.

- No.
- I'm so sorry.

- I would have loved
to get in the hot tub,

but it's crossing the line
of my profession,

and how does this guy
not know that?

- I just don't know what to do.

Everyone's telling me--
I don't know.

I got to put my stuff back on.

- Probably the best move.

Yeah, buddy, get back down there
and put your uniform on.

What were you thinking?

- Yeah, I'll give you
a warning.

If the captain finds out,
you get a plane ticket home.

- Okay.
All right.

[upbeat music]

♪♪ ♪♪

- It's fáááing windy.

- Last night, man,

I kept dozing off,
and I'm like, "I can't do this.

I got to go to sleep."


- Good morning.

- Morning, Captain.
- Good morning.

- How we doing?

- Good.
- Good.

We've still got a good deal
of wind, as you can tell.

- Right.

- Unfortunately,
you guys are probably

gonna have to stay in today.

- Oh, you're k*lling me.

- But I'm gonna make sure that
Kate has an incredible evening

planned for you guys.

- Excellent.

- Thank you.
- All right.

- ♪♪ Starch and steam ♪♪

I'm digging laundry.

You get in a little zone,

and you're just, like,
hitting it, bam.

♪♪ I'm trapped inside ♪♪

And now I'm gonna
make a musical.

L.A., hit it hard.

So thank you, Kate.
I found my center.

- Did you really
do all these sheets?

- Uh-huh.
- [gasps]

I couldn't even tell
that was a fitted sheet!

- Stop it, I'm blushing.
- [gasps]

This is like...

It's amazing.

Wow, I am so proud of you.
- Aw.

- Eddie, Eddie, can you meet me
in the crew mess?

- What's good, y'all?
- Ooh.

- Hey.
- What's good?

- Dane...
- Yeah?

- Right.

This is like a wild--
- Puppy, puppy.

- Like a puppy, yes.

- Where is he now?
- He's with Connie.

- Connie's taking the dog
for a walk.

- I'll have a talk to him.

I'd rather him not talk
to the captain.

Dane, you didn't get Captain's
speech kind of in the beginning,

so I don't blame you
not for knowing, of course.

- Yeah.
- His two rules are

don't embarrass yourself
and don't embarrass the boat.

The guests
are not your friends.

It's fine to make their night
and have fun with them

and have a good time,

but just remember
when to separate yourself

and when to do why you're really
here, which is the job.

- On any boat, everybody
does stuff a little differently,

but you show me
how you want it done,

and then I will do it that way
every time consistently.

- Don't drink on charter.
- Don't drink on charter.

- Bam.

- We want a group photo
in front of this.

- Hey, get in here,


- Champagne went
all down her bra.

- Ew.

Thank you.
- My pleasure.

- Have you ever been
in love, Emile?

- Never.

But do you love Leon?

- I love, love,
capital L-O-V-E.

- Oh, wow.
- I know.

So who's a better kisser--
Rocky or Leon?

- [laughs]
I don't know.

- Hard question?

- I did not make out with Rocky,
and Leon is a great guy.

He's been
on 12 yachts before.

- He worked
on the "Queen Elizabeth 2,"

which is not actually
a yacht.

It's actually
a very small cruise ship.

- But he's worked
on 12 different yachts.

- Okay, that makes--
that makes sense.

- No, I'm getting--
I'm standing up for him.

- Oh, really?

- I think
he's good at what he does.

- I'm glad that you guys
have a friendship.

- You need to find
that friendship as well.

- Why?
- Because.

- I find it bizarre
that Kate's going around

talking sháá about me,
when at the end of the day,

if you've got something to say,
say it to my face.

[upbeat music]

♪♪ ♪♪

- I'm gonna have you
decorate the main salon.

It's the last night of charter,

and I'm pulling out
all the stops

and, hopefully,
a bottle of tequila,

but the clock is ticking.

♪♪ ♪♪

- Oh, Amy.
- Hello.

- Man, it's gonna look sick.

We could put them,
like, everywhere, right?

- There you go.
Get into it.

- Connie, I need you
to do something for me.

- Okay, what do you need?

- Use different shapes,
like brown starfish.

I put Connie in charge
of game night

because she's hilarious,

and the deckhands
don't have a lot to do.

- We got to dim the lights
and turn this area into a party.

- Ugh, how old is this guy?

- [laughing]
- I need to grab a knife.

[upbeat music]

♪♪ ♪♪

- What's the smear?

Hey, Leon.
- Give me a second.

- It's not my fault

that you messed up dinner
the night before,

so don't hold it
against me now.

- Brown apple
and truffle puree.

- So here we have
some pan-seared scallops

over golden apple
truffle puree.

- Good.
- Those are so good.

- Thank you.

- Do a little switcheroo.

- Oh, nice.

- Oh, here, I got you.

- This is beef cheeks
with roasted cinnamon pear.

It's a very popular dish of his,
and it's a cute name.

- So good.
- Thank you.

- How's everybody else doing?
All right?

- I ate, like--
I ate both plates.

- Oh.
So that means you liked it?

- Yeah.
- He'll love it.

[upbeat music]

♪♪ ♪♪

- Okay, guys.
- Okay!

- We got a little--
little celebration downstairs.

- Just follow the music.

- What, what?
- Ooh!

[noise maker blowing]

- This is awesome.

♪♪ ♪♪

- So who's ready to play?

You look very bendy.

Bender is the motor yacht "Eros"
version of an old classic game.

Left hand on brown starfish.

This game is hilarious,
a little edgy.

- We need to get him
on the big black conch.


- Thank you!
- Winner!

- I need your right hand
on a pink snapper.

Considering all
of our hard work,

these guests
really get into Bender.

The primary stayed awake
the whole time, so that's a win.

- Okay, I give up.
- Bender winner!

[upbeat music]

♪♪ ♪♪

- Hey, Kate, there's a boat

that's pulling up that has
a special delivery for you.

- Copy.
Thank you.

- Shotty time. Yeah.
- Whoo!

- Uh-oh.

[suspenseful music]

- Thank God.

- Guys.

Are you guys
not seeing this right now?

Are we night fishing or what?
Who--who does that?

- Coming up...

- Oh, you're not allowed
to stop.

- [laughs]

- Okay, so what's up?
You have a girlfriend or what?

- Uh...

- Cameron.

all: Oh!

- That's awesome!

all: Ohh!

- Money.
Money, money, money.

♪♪ Money on my mind ♪♪

Get on your knees, though.

I want you to look me
in the eyes.

- I'm getting out of here.

- [with accent] Why should I not
k*ll you right now?


I'm sick of ironing.

No more drink.
Too much Red Bull.

[imitates machine g*n firing]

- Oh, get him!
- Jam!

Jam, jam,
hurry, fix it!

- You guys--
- That got really weird.

- Are you guys
not seeing this right now?

- Thank you very much.
- My gosh.

- I mean, are you seriously--
- Yeah.

Are you ready for that shot?
- Are you serious?

You just--

- It was actually perfect.

The Don Julio
had such a dramatic entrance.

- Hey, you guys.

- A boat arrived
from a horizon of darkness,

and a mystery man
handed off this precious bottle.

- '42!

A boat just dropped it off.
- I did not know.

- That's awesome.
You guys are the best.

I got to give you guys
a group hug.

I appreciate that so much.

that's awesome.

Honestly, you guys just
blew my mind right now.

You guys are,
like, the best crew.

- There you go.
- I'm gonna go until it's empty.

- Okay.
- Hey, hey, hey.

- Hallelujah.
Finally we're getting somewhere.

all: Two, three.

[upbeat music]

♪♪ ♪♪

- I left you a note.
- You left me a note?

- I've arranged it
in textures,

'cause if it's
the same texture...

- Oh, my gosh, Rocky.

- You wouldn't be able
to pull it out.

- [gasps]
This is amazing.

It's so exciting
to see Rocky's transformation

and the steps that she's made.

I feel like a mama bear.

I'm really proud of her.

- I'm feeling good.

- I mean,
you turned over the stew leaf,

and it's a blooming flower.

- I just want to stew.
I'm gonna be a stew.

- Okay, let's get everybody
in position. Let's do this.

- All right, we're ready to go.

- Bring it up.

- Chain is leading out, 10:00.

- And we're out of here.

[upbeat music]

- Is there
any more Don Julio left?

- Um, three sh*ts
of Don Julio?

- Uh, yes, please.
- Might as well.

- Yeah, I'm so glad we still
have some left for you guys.

- I want to get that
forward-facing spring line first

and get ready
to lock her off, okay?

- Okay.
- All right, we're headed in.

I want to make one pass at this.
I don't want any mess-ups.

- I'm definitely a little
nervous in front of new crew,

with this first docking
and trying to impress everyone.

- Moving to portside station.
- Copy.

[speaks indistinctly
over radio]

[intense music]

- Slack.
- Got it.

- Got the tide
pushing us forward, so...

You have two forward
spring lines, Emile.

Something's not
happening up here,

and I need it to happen now.

Eddie, Eddie.
- Sháá.

- Get that spring line on.

Dan, can you go midship?

I need that spring line
tightened up.

- Copy that.
I'm here now.

- Fááá.

- Okay, that should be good.

- Dock it off.
We're good right here.

- You gonna miss us?
- I'm gonna miss all you guys.

- Now we're friends forever.
- Yeah, right.

- Eddie.
- Yes, sir.

- Come here.

This is the spring line
I'm talking about.

Why can't you get
the fáááing slack out of that?

- I don't know.
- [sighs]

It disappoints me that Eddie
doesn't seem to be very focused.

It's up to him to make sure
his crew is spot-on

and doing
what they're supposed to do.

- Could've been better
on that one.

- You got to pay attention.

[upbeat music]

♪♪ ♪♪

All crew
to the aft deck, please.

♪♪ ♪♪

[cell phone bloops]

♪♪ ♪♪

You keep this on you
all the time.

- Yeah, I know.
- All the time.

Sleep with it
if you need to.

- Yeah.

♪♪ ♪♪

- I feel sad.

- I know.
- Aw.

- Thank you so much.
- Thank you, thank you.

- I appreciate everything.

[overlapping chatter]

- I want to stay.
I want to stay.

- Thank you.

So nice to meet you.
- Thank you so much.

- Hey.
Hey, the cap.

- How you doing, brother?
- The cap.


- Thank you.

- How you doing, Kevin?
- It was awesome.

One thing I loved is,

I was always pushing
for the '42.

You guys just didn't have it.

All of a sudden,
I look out the back,

and there's a boat showing up...
- That shows up.

- With a bottle of '42.

And I loved it.
You guys are awesome.

So therefore,
I'm gonna give you this.

- Yeah, we had
such a wonderful trip.

- We're gonna come back.
- Yeah.

- We're gonna try to come back.
- This was great. We will.

- Thank you. Thank you, guys.
- All right.

We'll see you later.
all: Bye.

- Appreciate it. Thank you.
- Dollar, dollar bills, y'all.

- Attention, all crew.
Attention, all crew.

I need everybody
in the crew mess.

We had a couple of missteps...

but nothing
to get excited about.

You guys did a really good job.

We did really good.

- Ooh!
- Oh.

- So...25 large.

- Yeah!
- Oh!

- God.
- 25.

- Unh! Unh!

That's why I'm suffering.
So guess what.

We just made that money,
and it's my time.

It's my time to enjoy myself.
I want to dance.

- This might be the largest tip
of the season, I think.

- $2,500 each, so...
- Whoo-whee!

- Who's your daddy?

- Kevin's our daddy
of this charter.

- Kevin, yeah.

- We weren't able
to put any toys in the water.

- Yeah.

- This tip
is solely on interior crew.

- The crew may thank me and
the interior team for this tip,

but I think we all know
who's the one to thank...

good old Don Julio.

- Okay, you can have
the night off.

[all cheering]

- Thank you, capitán!
- Nicely done.

I'm headed for the hot tub.

[upbeat music]

♪♪ ♪♪

- What are you
gonna wear, Kate?

- This.
- Really cute.

- But I feel like
it might be too cold.

- I'm gonna have a whiskey
before I go.

- Cheers.

- Hello, we just got $25,000.

Time to celebrate.

Like, I'm so excited
to get off the boat,

let my hair down,
tease it up a little bit,

and have a good time.

- This is gorgeous.

You're totally bangable now.

- [laughing]

- This feels good.
- Mm-hmm.

- No stars tonight.
That front came through.

- That wind
was howling.

- Ah.
- Mommy.

[both laughing]

Ah, you're not
allowed to stop.

- [laughs]

Okay, so what's up?
You have a girlfriend or what?

- Uh...
- [laughs]

No or yes?

- Complicated.

- Well, I'm gonna take that
as a no

since you're rubbing my feet.

Everyone gives me
the "It's complicated."

It's like a yes or no.

Are you fair game?
Are you not fair game?

You want to play,
or you not want to play?

I want to play.

- Has your girlfriend
settled down yet?

- Oh, man,
we got into it last night.

- It's a perpetual thing
with you guys.

- I told her--
I'm like, "Listen, you got

to stop adding extra anxiety
in my life."

Like, I can't be
dealing with this.

- Relationships are supposed
to be happy.

- Yeah.

Dealing with the stresses
of a relationship

while out here working--
we can't communicate well,

and I can't get
that physical attention.

And it's not easy.

- My wife applies
no undue pressure of any kind.

She just deals with it

because she knows
what it's like out here.

Seriously, I need your head
in the game.

- I know.
- I don't need you worrying

about what's happening
back there.

- I know.
- You need to tighten it up.

I am very serious.

- Coming up...

- If you could give me a book,

what went on in women's minds,
please do.

I want to...

- You need to tighten it up.

- Captain Lee is a mentor
for me.

He always gives me
good advice,

so I take everything
he says very seriously.

Okay, I got to go.

- Dude, what do you want
in return?

This is amazing.
- We'll figure something out.

- [laughs]

- If you could give me a book,
what went on in women's minds,

please do, 'cause I don't know
what the fááá is going on.

- How are you?

- Good, and you?
- Great.

- Let's get some more drinks.
Let's get some sh*ts.

[upbeat music]

♪♪ ♪♪

[overlapping chatter]

- Come on, come on.

- Ah, they're, like, dancing.

We see some people dancing.

I see this man has

a saw underneath his arm
with a screwdriver,

and I'm like, "Oh, my gosh.

"Am I back in Texas
on, like, a farm?"

Like, this is amazing.

- Hey, look at Emile.
He's like a little puppy.

- Emile, that boy--

I will give you--
- Look at him, dude.

- I'll give you an hour,
and he's just gonna go...

[imitates slow creaking]

- I want to go to California.
- Okay, yeah, so sweet.

- No, oh,
don't do it like that.

You're patronizing me.
That's fáááed up.

- Hey, Emile. Emile.
- Rocky.

- You're my new buddy.

- I want to...

- Emile doesn't get
I'm not into him.

He had his chance.

He could've stolen third,
but he missed it.

Hey, buddy, I care about you.
I love you.

- Fááá you.
- No, I'm just being honest.

- At times, she does want me,
and then at times, she doesn't.

She's definitely leading me on.

- Next time on "Below Deck"...

- Rumor has it
I'm not a charter chef.

That's what you said to
my little South African friend.

I think you should just worry
about talking to your guests,

or I'll step in
and start talking to them.

- Oh, my God.
- Connie?


- I got my whipped-cream bikini.
I got my buzz on.

I think it's a good night
for Connie.

- What the fááá
happened back here?

We need to tighten things up,

and we need to start working
together as a better team,

because I'm not gonna
get fáááing fired.

Heads are gonna get
in the fáááing game,

or people are going home.

So you can start working
or pack.

I don't give a fááá.

- It fáááing stops here and now.

Pack your sháá.
We're done.