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02x07 - She'd Better Not Be Staying

Posted: 04/21/24 11:53
by bunniefuu
- Previously on
below deck...

- And then you probably
recognize her.

- Yeah.

- She is
a returning charter guest.

- One thing I do remember
about beverly is

She brought out
a very different side

Of my former chief stewardess,

The lesbian side.

- Hey!

- Somebody doesn't have a drink?

- Okay, so, it's like,
the slowest service ever.

- Actually, I would like to hear
about how y'all know each other.

- Kat and I worked on
the boat together.

- Can you make that story
a little bit longer

With a little bit more detail?

I have no idea what went on,
but I hope to find out.

- Smile.

You can send it
to your boyfriend.

- I recognize that
you get angry sometimes.

- Kelley, stop!
We're leaving!

- And it scares me.

He's a good person,
but he's not my person.

- Don't do that.
You got a room to yourself.

- Kelley's moving
into your room?

- Kelley's moving in.

- Today someone did the towel
in the form of a penis.

- Apologize to him.
- Ugh.

- Should we all get drinks
so we can make a toast?

- None of us have drinks.

- You're the manager
of this boat.

You have a job.

Kate should be fired.

- Trying to see if
my friend's here.

- Oh, is your girlfriend
supposed to be here?

- Yeah, I have a friend that I
was supposed to meet.

Oh, there you are!
- Hey!

- Adrienne!

- Oh, my god.

Who's there waiting?
The devil.

- I need you to be
working right now.

Come here now.

I know you had alcohol
in your room last night.

- Okay.

- I want her out of here.

- Adrienne, kat,
on a beach, together...


[Horn blowing]

[Upbeat music]

♪ ♪

- I just wanted to ask you...

Is it a coincidence,
or did you invite her?

- I invited her.
- Oh, okay.

Are you inviting them
back to the boat?

- I was inviting just adrienne
possibly for dinner, yeah.

Not her friends.
- Oh, okay.

It's kind of
a slap in the face for me

Because it's kind of like,
why don't you go ahead

And serve your cheap stewardess
that was really mean to you?

Adrienne's coming back
to the boat because of beverly.

So now I want to s*ab
both of them.

- And I know you didn't like
working with her, but I did.

Remember, she served us,
and she was fine to us, right?

- No, of course, right.

- So--and I liked her.
I thought she was fine.

- Got something planned
for the guests later on?

- On the scavenger hunt, they're
gonna break into three teams.

I'm gonna give them--
each team--morse code.

Oh, and they're dressed like
pirates while they're doing it.

- I suspected no less.

- After last night
of the guests being so upset

I want to take this opportunity
while they're off the boat

To do something
that will wow them.

[Indistinct chatter]

- So what's the game plan?

- Get drunk.
- Got it.

[Overlapping chatter]

I'm excited
about dinner tonight.

Instead of serving it,
I get to eat it, so...

- [Sighs]
serving adrienne

Makes me want to vomit
in her face.

- I'm still trying to get
a handle on the crew.

We got kat,
we've got ben,

And eddie,
and amy.

- Have you met her brother?

- No.
- Oh, he's so hot.

he is a hot--

We were, like, watching him,
like, pick up rope

And, like, carry it,
and my sister and I were like...

[Inhales and exhales]
that's gonna be trouble.


- Hey, kat, did you say
you used to work with amy?


- Um...she met us in aruba,

And we just did the caribbean.

- Oh, awesome.

I heard something about
the two of them.

- Oh, do kat and amy
not get along?

- I--that's what I heard, yeah.

I mean,
our industry is very small...

- Are they a couple?

Is it another
lesbian chameleon thing?

- No.

- Did she hook up
with her brother?

- [Laughs]
- no.

- Oh.
- Umm...

- What?
- That's disgusting!

- But it's along those lines.

Kat and amy were
working on a boat together

And amy had
some wisdom teeth taken out,

And so she was really sick,

And she was kind of
under the weather,

And this guy that she really
liked came over to visit her,

And kat ended up blowing him
in the next room,

And the girl caught him.

- No!

- oh, my god!

- I don't know you!
I don't know you.

- mom.

- [Sighs]

- All right,
who's getting second rounds?

Because we need more--

- [Laughs]

- How's it going?

- Good.
How are you?

- Good.
What are you up to?

- I'm just
restocking/storing beverages.

- Yeah?

Well, here,
I'll help you break this down.

- [Hums]

- What's going on, j-baby?

- Not too much.

- Wow, we're gonna go there?

- Hmm?
- Are we gonna go there?

- You wanna talk about
your brother?

- If you wanna talk about it.

- I don't know what to say.

- Listen, I know
how rare his heart is,

I know how rare of a guy he is,

And I respect your decision,
whatever that is,

Whether it be x-y-z,
I don't want to know why

You're not interested
in my brother.

- But i--that's what
I was going to say--

- Just a sec.
Maybe not within

The next few month--like,
in the next few weeks, month--

I don't know when,
but I will tell you this...

You will regret this decision.

- I don't care
if people are concerned

Whether or not it was a mistake
for me to remain faithful

To my boyfriend
and tell kelley I can't do this.

I don't care.

Well, I can
appreciate your perspective,

And I'm sure that
he'll make someone very happy.

- He will.

- Yeah.

- I hope that you're a lucky
woman to meet another man

As awesome as he is.

- So, adrienne just told us how
you and amy have beef because

You sucked
one of her boyfriends' dicks.

- What the hell is this?

- Got it?
- Yep.

- All right, so, I wanted to
bring something up.

- Yes?

- Where?

- What are you looking for.

- So, supposedly you know amy,
and you decide

To share with the girls that
amy had her wisdom teeth out

One day,
we were working on a boat,

There was somebody
that she liked,

And I gave him a blowjob.
Did you tell them that?

- Oh, no.

- I told them that was
a rumor that I heard.

- Okay.
That's not very nice of you

To say behind my back.

- What I was doing was relaying
a story that I heard

When I found out the two of you
guys were on a boat together.

- You're nice to my face,

And then you say things
about me behind my back.

What's wrong with you?

- Is it true?

- I don't know if it's true.

Maybe I was blackout drunk,
and that did happen.

But you know what?

Any--if she likes somebody,
it's free game.

- That's nothing new.

- Adrienne, just stop.
- Being honest?

- Do yourself a favor
and just stop.

- I apologize.

- I said that, by the way.

- You know what?
If I hit you--if I hit someone

In the face six times,
and then said I'm sorry,

Does it make it okay?

- Seriously, kat?

I don't ever remember you
apologizing to me.

- I just think that was rude.

- I apologize for offending your
delicate sensibilities, kat.

I mean, I'm just surprised that
you guys are working together.

- I'm just surprised--i'm not
surprised at the level of class

That you're bringing
to the table.

- Seriously?

Cool, kat.

- I'm so overwhelmed.

I'm actually just completely
shutting myself down.


Please, don't make it any worse.


I don't really wanna talk.

I just needed a minute
to be by myself.



Like, all I could think about
was "breathe."

It really was
a mean thing to do.

- I told her that.
As soon as she said it, I said,

"Why are you saying that?"
- All right, let's don't

Talk about it.
Let me just figure it out.

- Okay, I'm gonna pee.
Can I pee?

Is that okay?

- Just "continue to breathe."

- Is there anything I can do?
Or say? Or...?

- Yeah, you could
not have her come on board.


- Can we just talk maybe

About what you're, like,
talking about?

- No, we can't.
Please leave us alone.

Thank you.
- This is ridiculous.

- Kate and kat are
in there talking about me.

It's, like, me against interior.

I don't want to do that.

It's, like, me against interior.

- What happened
to the galley last night?

It's not acceptable.

- We don't have enough crew
for the demands

Of all these charters.

It adds so much work to our...

- It just took me one minute
to do this countertop.

- I'm not--okay--you're right.

- It's poor management.

- Finally!
Where were you, eddie?

I needed you!
- Why?

Sorry to do this to you,
but actually, I came back--

I was about to walk up,
I saw her standing up there,

And I turned right on my heel
and walked right back

To the boat.
I was like, "[bleep] that."

- But yeah, um...amy's my least
favorite person at the moment.

- Why, what'd she do to you?

- Supposedly, [bleep] like,
four years ago,

Amy had her wisdom teeth out,
somebody she liked I gave--

What would you say?--
A sexual favor to.

- Oh, [bleep].

- You want me to tell you?
- No.

- The whole world
knows about it.

And amy hates me for that,
and she never told me.

And to be honest with you,
I didn't even know I did this.

Obviously, there was
alcohol involved.

Amy was on pain meds, so
god knows what really happened.

Maybe there was a threesome.

Maybe I had a pass at amy.

Maybe amy was hitting on me.

it was good enough

That we're all still talking
about it.

How does adrienne even know
about that?

- Forget about it!

- Thank you.
- Grab hold of this.

- How are you doing?

- Whoo-hoo!
- Ah!

- I don't know what's worse,
whether it's the kat-amy drama,

With whatever happened
in the past,

Or having to bring adrienne
back to the boat.

- Don't let it
affect your work, eddie.

- We have more seats right here.

- Actually, having to bring
adrienne back to the boat

Is a whole lot worse.

- Thank you for the alcohol!
- Yeah!

- Pass the line! Pass the line!
Pass the line!

- How was it?

- Ben?
Adrienne's here.

- Shut the [bleep] up.
- Yep.

[Indistinct chatter]

- And I'm out of here.

- [Bleep] you.
- Oh, my--

- Do you think she wants
to help?

Because we could really use it.

- Is she staying for dinner?

- Pardon?

- She better not be
staying for dinner.

- [Laughs]
- cheers!

- Say hi to captain lee.
- Hi, honey.

- Hi, kiddo.
- [Laughs]

- She's here for dinner.

- I'll tell ben
there'll be one more.

- Perfect.

- So, what the hell
are you doing here?

- So, I'm on charter down here,
and beverly, she was like,

"You know what,
I can't do this without you.

Come on down."
Like, I was like,

"You know what? Perfect.
I'll be in the same area

At the same time."

- I see you forgot
the rest of your clothes.

- Well, as per usual.
- [Chuckles]

- I knew she'd weasel
her way into this.

- Hey, guys, how was it?
- Hi!

This is how good it was!

- [Laughs]

- Hi, honey.

- I'm adrienne.
- Good to meet you. I'm amy.

- Amy. Pleasure, honey.
- Yes. Nice to meet you.

It was like
a military drill sergeant.

"Hi, I'm adrienne!
Nice to meet you!"

And I'm like, "oh. Hi.
Can I have my hand back?"

It was...bizarre.

- What happened?
- We have to hunt for treasure.

- Oh, what?
- We have to hunt for treasure!

- Yeah!
- [Laughs]

- Okay, the only important part
about this is,

Surrender the booty.

- Take a picture.
- Yeah, okay.

- All right, are we good?
- Wait, we should be scissoring.

- Oh!
- Yeah!

- All right, I'm ready.
- It's a crazy picture.

- I'm ready for it.
- It's happening.

- This is happening.
- This is my family.

- One. Two. Three!

- [Laughs]

- I know I'm not supposed to
talk about anything.

I'm not gonna talk about
one specific thing.

- Uh-huh.
- But I am going to tell you.

- Yeah.
- Not here.

Maybe down in the room.
- [Laughs]

- But I will tell you
what's going on in my mind.

- Kat, you okay?

- No.

- Okay,
you're not gonna believe this.

- Tell me.

- So, adrienne just told

Amy really needs
to tell everybody,

To the point where some
[bleep] person on an island

That I run into
knows that story?

I think amy has
some issue with me.

- Why?
- Spreading that rumor.

I want nothing to do with her.

- This is gonna be great.

- I, honestly, I'm not
going to be rude to--

- Hey, girls, can we just talk
maybe about what this rumor is

That you're, like,
talking about?

- No, we can't.
Please leave us alone.

Thank you.
- This is ridiculous.

- I instantly know what
you're talking about, kat.

She did something
you should never do to a friend.


- So, we're not gonna talk--
- no, we're not.

- Okay.
We're not gonna speak about it--

- We're not gonna
talk about it at all.

What we're gonna talk about is
the scavenger hunt...

- Okay.
- And serving these guests.

And then afterwards,
we're gonna figure it out.

- All this drama and fuss over
that, that happened years ago,

Let it go.
Where's the guy now?

Not with either of you.
Who cares?

We can do it!

We can do it!
And it's gonna be great!

And I am so excited!

- And everybody can talk about
my sex life behind my back.

- Uh-oh.
Heh-heh, what's up?

- Hi, amazing.
- How you doing?

What's going on,
you crazy [bleep]?

- [Laughs]
- I knew you would show up.

I've been bracing myself.

- Oh, and by the way, we have
one more for dinner tonight.

- That's fine.
Yeah, I figured.

That's all good.
Don't worry.

- Would you like
something to drink?

A cocktail or anything?
Or a glass of wine?

- A painkiller.
- Okay!

- I'm on a painkiller kick.
- I love that.

Let me get it for you.

I've seen
this side of kat before.

This doesn't surprise me.

What surprises me the most
is about kate.

I'm like, ready to swim ashore
and hop ship,

Do whatever I have to do to
get away from this because...

This sucks.

- It looks like a super yacht,
but really, it's a circus.

- Yeah, you know...
It's okay.

You and kat can be on
the same level together.

- Me and who?
- You and kat.

The hard part is, is I know I've
got to work with the two girls

That I overheard
talking about me.

- I have to find
some strength inside of me

To pull it together and, like,
get this done.

- Arr, matey, arr!
- Where's this booty?

- Amy forgets that
I am her boss.

This is not a soap opera.

We're working.

- [Laughs]

Here you go.

Painkillers for everyone!
- Arr!

- Here you go!
- One for you--

[Glass breaks]
- oh!

- You did not
spill my drink, bitch.

- [Laughs]

- I would rather drag my d*ck
through ten miles of

Broken whiskey bottles
than have these [bleep]holes

On my boat again.

- Do it!
Do it now!

- All right, so give me
the lowdown on everybody else.

Who's me now?

- Kate.
- How's that going?

- Nothing phases her.

- So, how's it with
you and kat now?


- Yeah, I mean we both are
pretty serious

Significant others.
You know?

- Good.
- Trying to behave ourselves.

- [Laughs]
trying? Or actually behaving?

- Yeah, we are. We are.
We're behaving.

- Uh-huh.
- Yep.

- I don't believe that
for a second.

All right, you.
- All right, babe.

I will see you.
- I'll see you later.

- I'll see you, too.

- You're my chief stew.
- Yes, I am.

- And you were
talking [bleep] about me.

- I already tried
to be nice to you,

And I don't feel like it anymore
'cause I've got lots to do.

- Are you guys ready to do
the scavenger hunt?


- I'm hooking something!

- Bend over.
This is how you really do it.


- Oh!
- Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!

- These guests,
they wouldn't know

A good pirate scavenger hunt
if it hit 'em in the face.

And I wish it would.

All I wanna do is have a normal,
pirate scavenger hunt,

And everybody keeps
effing it up.

- Let's see--
where is everyone now?

- They're all scattered.
I have to run around

And count and get them.
- Okay.

We can bring food up--

I'm kate.
- Hi. Adrienne.

- Nice to meet you.
- Pleasure.

- I wanted to be like,
"hi, nice to meet you.

"I've heard so much about you.

By the way,
this is how you really do it."

- So, sky lounge in...twenty?

- Sounds good.
- All right. We'll do it.

- You sure, amy,
that you don't need help

Giving somebody a blowjob?

Apparently, I'm better at it
than you.


- Whatever.

- So amazing, ben, right?

You do something four years ago,
and people are

Still talking about it
to this day?

Man, that's impressive.

It must have been really good,

- Okay, kat.
- Thanks for the support, love.

- How am I gonna support you
when you're talking

About [bleep] like that?

- Oh.
That guy's a pirate.

- Coming out, coming out,
coming out.

Coming out.
This is way too much stuff.

Delivery for adrienne g*ng.

- Thank you.
- You're welcome.

- Cheers.

- Basically, I had to just look
at her like she was

Some random person
off the street,

And smile and serve her...

And hope that she gets
the [bleep] off the boat

As fast as possible.

- Mmm.

Actually, the champagne's
a little warm.

But that's okay.

[Dance music]
- whoo!

- oh, my god!

- Do the clam diver.

[Glass breaks]
- make it rum!

- [Laughs]
- wait, hold on.

- Nope, this way.
- Drinks, people.



- Go, go, go.
- Move it.

- Yow!

[Indistinct chatter]

- Guys, hold on.
This is dangerous, okay?

- You're dangerous.

- That's just, like, the most
dangerous thing I've ever seen.

Bad combination...

Drunk people.
Hot surfaces.

What was it,

- Okay, so most of them are
at the table--

- Great, because dinner's ready.

- Oh, my god.
This is gonna piss me off.

- Here he comes!

- Whoo!
- He's here!

- The captain!

- Thank you.
- You're welcome.

- Compass, how you doing, baby?

- How's it feel
being on this end?

- [Laughs]

- I mean, it's--to me,
it's strange, but fun.

I mean, it's--at the same time,
it's a little bit like,

Oh, well,
I get to relax now.

- Adrienne has
the biggest erection right now.

She's sitting on the yacht,
and I'm serving her.

- Oh, my god.

There's [bleep]
crawling on your back!

- Ah! Ah! Ah!
- Oh!

- Oh, my god!
Oh, my god!

- What was that?
No, seriously, what was that?

- I don't know.
- It was a spider.

- I was like,
"god, I hope it crawls up

And bites you
on the [bleep] face."

- Ah!
No, but I don't want it

On the ship anymore.

You know
it's gonna eat compass.

She's probably right now
going, "ah!"

- I'm turning beds down.

- You need help?
- Well, yeah--

No, if you're helping him,
it's okay.

- Be right back.

- Kelley.

It's been, like,
the craziest day.

The kat-dragging came out again.

Literally, I'm walking
down the hall

To go into my room
and grab something--

Kate and kat are in there
talking about me.

I'm like, "kat, what rumor?
Let's clear this up."

Let's be--let's be adults.

I'm in my 30s.
Like, if there's something,

Let's talk it out.
- Yeah.

- And she's like, "no!"
And, like, slams--

I don't even know--
she was like, "get out!"

And, like, slams the door
and yells, and it's like...


In my head, I'm thinking,
"amy, rise above.

Rise above.
Push through this."

And that was just
such a weird moment of, like,

Having my chief stew
and my other stewardess,

And they're, like,
talking about me,

And then I try and, like...

And on the inside
I'm just thinking, like,

I just don't want to be here.

I don't want to do this.
- I don't either.

- [Sniffles]
- I'm right here with you,

But we've got each other.

I'll be here for you
no matter what, amy.

- I don't want to do this.

- It's okay.

I don't--i hardly ever see
my sister like that.

Look at me.

You're a very, very
strong woman.

And you've been here while I had
my [bleep] breakdowns.

I've got you, all right?

And you can confide in me
no matter what.

- Thank you.

- No matter what, amy.

My sister was always my--

My backboard.
And like, my pillar to lean on.

And to see her get that way,
um...was hard for me.

- Gosh,
this is a really lonely place.

Because then it's like,
okay, well...

Me against the interior, like...


- This is
a salmon and tuna tartare duet

With conch salad on top.

- Cock.

- That's what she said.

- Can't wait to try this cock.


- No rush.

They're asking for
pairing wines.

So I'm just doing that now.

- I think they know how to pair
pretentiousness with ignorance.

- Rack of lamb
with sauteed spinach

And a beetroot puree
with turmeric.

- Oh!


- Oh, man.

I'm in the kat and kate tornado.

- Kat?
What's going on with them?

- Kat and kate are in the room,
and they're talking about me,

And I could hear 'em.
- No.

- And that sucks.
- That sucks.

- Wait, what?
Like, negatively?

- Nasty, wet, turd [bleep]
with flies on it.

I kind of liked this boy,
and kathleen came over

Hung out on the boat with us,
got drunk in her kat style,

Took him down, had her way
with him, and came up.

Then I knew I didn't want to get
with that boy,

And I kinda knew more about kat.

So, it was like,
I came into this

With an open thing, and like--

- And kat's changed a lot
since then, I think.

I mean, she's still a very...
- Well...

- Aggressive and mean person,
at times.

- Hmm.

- I have a small issue.

- What's up?

- Can you think of
a good scotch?

'Cause I have to
serve them scotch, neat.

- Do we got any johnnie walker?

We got any blue?
- We may have drank it all.

I'll have to keep looking.

Amy's at it again,

And she apparently just
can't stop talking about it.

I don't know why she doesn't
just shut the [bleep] up.

- And don't worry.
Don't worry.

Everything's going to be fine.

I tell myself that a lot.
- Yeah.

- Everything's gonna be
okay, eddie.

The voices will stop
at some point.

- [Laughs]
- put on that happy face.

- Yep.
I can put on that...

- I know you can.
You're good at it.

- Texas smile,
and you know what?

Stew face!
- I know you can.

- I did it all tonight.
- With jazz fingers!

- Da-da!


- I think we're done
with the wine.

- Wait.
- No, we're not.

- Shut up!
- Yeah, done with the wine.

- Shut up!
- You shut up!

- Shut up!
Pour the wine.

Let's don't listen
to that bitch.

- You're the only man that
I've ever seen wear a tampon.

- [Laughs]
- stop it.

At least I wear it well.

- I've waited
on some [bleep]holes,

But they were classy...



- You're a whore.

- Oh, my god.
- [Laughs]

- I'm doing just fine.
- No.

- I'm mortified
at their behavior.

Somebody should be embarrassed.

- How about
those miami dolphins?

- I'm over me.

- That's the funniest [bleep]!
- No.

- We're on yachting.

Did they get confused
that the guests can just

Be wild animals.
- It's so bad.

- I'm outta here.

- I'm gonna make them
a little smaller next time.

- Thank you.


The hell is going on?

- Gotta go.
- Why?

- What an amazing cameo.

She comes in and just leaves,
in the middle of dinner.

Are you working tomorrow?

- Yep.

- Oh.
That's no fun, right?

Cheers for the visit, adrienne.

Now please piss off.

- Ship happens.
- Ship happens.

There you go.

- Ladies.

- Finally, adrienne's leaving.

Thank the lord.

- So glad you're here.


- The randomness of the universe
will always surprise us.


- Coming up...

- Come 1:00,
come hell or high water,

They will be off this boat.

- Get you, your [bleep],
and your dog,

And get out of here.

- I have a strange question
for you.

Don't judge me.
- Huh?

- Is this a cucumber
or a zucchini?

- Is it big...or small?

- Well...

I mean, what am I
comparing it to?

I say that's small.

- That's a small cucumber.

- Perfect.
- Give it here. Give it here.

[Bleep], now
you've got me going.

That's a zucchini.

- Okay, okay.
- Here.

- What about this one?
- That is a very--

- [Laughs]
- what do you need?

- I need a cucumber.

I'm gonna muddle.
It's for a martini.

- All right, listen, how about I
do the garnish for you?

- Uh-huh.

It's not working.
- Mine's working superbly.

- You've had a lot more practice
handling cucumbers than I have.

I'm sure.

- Hey, kate.

Hey, can we maybe just go
somewhere private

For five minutes?
I need to, like--

I just need to talk this out
with my chief stew, like...

- Okay, 'cause earlier
I tried to talk to you,

And you were quite, um,
aggressive, so--

- Aggressive?
- Yeah.

- When?

When did you try and talk to me?

- How when you said that
you thought I would never

Sink to that level.
It was kind of insulting.

- Oh. Yeah.
When I heard you, like--i--

Do you want
to sit down or something?

- Not really.
I have a lot to do.

- Whoa.

Like, I don't care
what you said to her.

It's that my chief stew and my
stew are talking about me,

And I felt like,
it's like mean girls

In a closed-door room
talking about me.

- I'm not gonna let you
be like this right now.

You need to understand that
we weren't talking about you.

Kat was telling me
what happened at the beach.

And it involved you.

- You're my chief stew.
- Yes, I am.

- And you were talking [bleep]
about me with the steward--

- I wasn't talking [bleep].

- And now you're being, like,
so sass to me...

- I--this is what
driving me crazy.

I don't want to play into
all this chaos.

Adrienne apparently said
the same thing that you said,

She says it's not true,
I don't care.

Amy's upset.
I get it.

But we need to shut it down

We're still on charter.

I wasn't talking [bleep]
about you, so--

- Then why are you being, like,
rude to me right now?

- Because I already tried
to be nice to you.

You shut me down.
And I don't feel like it anymore

Because I've got lots to do.

- Okay.
Here's my chief stew,

Who I thought we were
really good friends.

Where's your soul?

I'm dying here,

You're seeing me upset,
and you don't even, like...

Like, "girl,
it's gonna be okay.

Like, this is gonna pass."
Like, nothing.

- It looks like a mega yacht,
but really, it's a circus.

[Singing circus music]

- What the [bleep] is going on
around here?

- Sorry about that.

- I know, but what do you
want me to do?

We can both get ready
at the same time, you know.

I just think we need to--
- there's only room

For one person.
So, if you're in there,

I'll be out here.
If I'm in there,

You gotta get dressed out here.
- Exactly.

Sure, take this.
- That's just the nature

Of a small room.


- Did you sleep all right?

- Yes.
It was very fine.

- Good.
- Thank you.

- My pleasure.

Do you want to order any
breakfast, or wait for people

To get up?
- I'll just wait.

- I love being on
the morning service because

It's a quiet start to the day,

And the guests get up
one at a time.

- Okay, so...
I'm gonna move into this room.

- Yeah.
- But does jennice know?

- No, but I know that you two
should probably separate.

- Right.


Hey, jennice?
- Yeah?

- How do you feel
about switching rooms with kat?

- Like, me moving in with amy?
- Mm-hmm.

- Oh.
- Jennice...

Are you okay with this?

- Let's remember that I'm the
youngest, greenest crew member.

So I can be annoyed all I want,
but at the end of the day,

I have no say.


- Kat seems to be moving
her things into my room,

And they're gonna
put me in your room.

- I think it'll just be good.
Like, living and working

Together, on top of each other,
is a little much.

If I had to choose between
the two, come on over, jennice.

I'll take you.
'Cause she sure as hell

Doesn't want to stay with her
in that room.

- I don't know why kat's, like,

Randomly just putting her
[bleep] in my room right now.

She's like, "I hope it's okay,"
and I don't wanna be like,

"No, it's not okay!
Back up!"

But, like...

- But it'll work out just fine.

- We do know that some of
the guests went down about 8:30.

- Mm-hmm.
- And they've been up all night.

- Mm-hmm.
- And as far as their--

- Late checkout?
- Late checkout...

We'll do our best
to accommodate them, but...

- Mm-hmm.
- Come 1:00,

Hell or high water,
they will be off this boat.

- Mm-hmm.
- Enough is enough.

Nanny cay, nanny cay, nanny cay,

We are on final approach, making
our entrance into the harbor.

- Hi, good morning.
- Hi, good morning.

- Do you need coffee?

- That sounds great.
Coffee sounds amazing today.

- All right,
we're on our way in.

Final approach.
- We are beginning our descent.

- Now let's get them spring
lines on and tightened up.

- [Grunts]
- I got a wrap on two.

- Hey, jennice,
when this comes tight,

You gotta lock yours off, okay?

- Okay.

- [Bleep].

- How's it looking, man?

- Being shorthanded
on the deck crew has really

Started to take its toll,
and we need a new body in here

To take some
of the pressure off.

We need help.

[Radio crackle]
- all right, those are set.

- Get a couple of your girls and
bring 'em to knock on doors...

- Mm-hmm.
- And ask him if

We can get luggage, please.
- Sure.

- Firm but polite.

- Firm but friendly.

- I can't wait
till we get a new deckhand.

- [Mutters]
she does what she can.

- She does what she can, but...
- It's hurting.

- It's tough, you know.

- Hi!

- Hi.
Can I help you pack?

We're ready
to retrieve your luggage.

- Yeah.

I get it.
You're on a yacht.

You had a great time.
You have a hangover.

And maybe, if you had been
a little bit nicer

During the trip

I would do everything I could
to help you.

But you weren't.

So I'm not.

- The stuff on the floor is
dirty, so I just--

- We love helping.

- Look, beverly.
This is not the hotel,

This is not the motel,

And this is not holiday inn.

You have got to go.

Get you, your [bleep],
and your dog,

And get out of here.

- Hi, sweetie.
Getting off the bed?

- How we doing?

- Oh, we have
all of the interior

And most of the deck helping,
and we're getting through it.

- Roger that.

- Hi, is your luggage ready?
Can I start--

- Just about. Just about.
- Okay.

[Radio crackles]
- port forward is ready

For their luggage to be taken up
and I'm working on the others.

- [Grunts]

[Indistinct chatter]

- Whoo!

- You guys.

- Oh.

- Beverly, it's a pleasure
having you on board.

- Great to see you again.
- Good to see you, hon.

- It was nice getting
to know you better, too.

- Absolutely.
Thank you.

- They were just so horrific.

I wanted to literally
kick the guests off

In the ass,
right overboard.

Get off the boat.

[Indistinct good-byes]

- Keep on keeping on.

- You just keep on being
a little bitch.

- See you soon.
- Whoa.

That's a female dog, right?
- Right.

- Sorry you have to go
with them.

- That you have to spend
any time with them.

- Indeed, but
that is what it is.

- Thank you!
- Oh, thank you!

- Bye!

- Bye, y'all!

- All crew, all crew,
I need everybody

In the crew mess
in three minutes.

That was interesting.

- Yeah, it was.
- To say the least.

- I'm really glad
this charter's over.

The whole thing was just
absolute shambles.

- We did get a tip.
- Whoo!

- Could have been better.
- Oh, crap.

- You each will
take home a grand.

- We get the smallest tip
of the season,

And now I believe that
my dignity is not worth

As much as I thought it was.

I thought--adrienne didn't
pitch in on the tip--

I thought we were going to
get a little bit more.

- [Laughs]
- you guys can have

The evening off,
and thank you.

- Thank you, captain.
- Thank you!

- Coming up...
- I'm facetiming

With my boyfriend.

You come to the u.s.,
And we're not--

You don't come to
the same city that I'm in.

We'd be done.

[Indistinct bar chatter]

- Whoo!
- Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!

I don't like the drama,
and all I wanna do is get off,

Have some cocktails, let loose,
and have some fun.


- I'm gonna go sit over there.

- [Laughs]

- Enjoy your meal.

- And we're gonna be--
- let's get to the basics!

- Jennice, are you
taking a selfie?

- No, I'm facetiming
with my boyfriend.

- Oh, tell him we said hi!

- Okay!

Look at your face.

- Aww.

Oh, my god.
You're so cute.

I just wanna kiss you.

Are you gonna meet me or not?

- What do you mean?

- What?

- Why?

- If I wasn't, I wouldn't be
skyping you right now.

That's for sure.

I think about my boyfriend
every day.

I try to talk to him
as often as I can.

He's 17 hours ahead,
and what's my today

Is already tomorrow for him.

That's how far away from
each other we are right now.

If you come to the u.s. And
we're not--you don't come to

The same city that I'm in,
what's the point?

- Oh, that would be--
we'd be done.


If you're not gonna meet me,
like, what are we doing?

In six weeks,
we could be in lauderdale,

But if you don't want that,
then you need to tell me.

[Lost signal tone]

Damn it.

- Next time on below deck...

- How's it going?

- Eddie.
- Logan.

- Good to meet you, man.
- Nice to meet ya.

- You the new deckhand?
- Yeah, I reckon so.

- Aw, yes!
- Yeah!

- First impression's good.
He's tall, strong.

- One hot son of a bitch.

- Happy birthday to kelley!

- Kelley was a legend.

I love him.

- [Exhales]
that was a big moment for me.

- Oh, snap.
- [Laughs]

I just wanted
a little alone time with logan.

- ooh. Ooh. Ooh.

- What the [bleep] is going on
right now?

- Oh, god, we're gonna--
this is when we crash.

- Get out of the way.

- Oh, wow.